I Hate Arsenal Fans

But you can redeem yourself by backing the boys like Barca supporters do

I Hate Arsenal Fans

Gooners – Give us a cheer

It saddens me to say it but I really do hate the majority of Arsenal fans. I can't believe how much they seem to have changed over the last decade or so. I have heard so much drivel over the last couple of weeks it beggars belief. Here we are sat in the second week of March and if we win our game in hand convincingly enough we would be top of the table. All fans around the country would be relishing that. Yet instead I've heard so many fans on rubbish radio phone-ins stating that Wenger should go.
It's time he went.......
He hasn't replaced the main spine of the side
He should have bought a goalkeeper
The defence is rubbish
We lost the Carling Cup Final
We lost to the best side in world football
He won't spend money

Let's get this right, Wenger has his faults. Sometimes his selections can be baffling. Sometimes his rotation may lead to dropped points. He also happens to be the manager who has completely transformed our football club. We have got completely spoilt by the success that this man has created for us. FA Cups, Two doubles and another Premier League title by going the whole season unbeaten. Say that out loud. A whole season unbeaten. Think how special that actually is.

Don't get me wrong I'm gutted that we lost to Birmingham in the fashion that we did. We lost to a freak goal. It's happened to us before (I was in Paris in 95) and it will happen to us again. We created loads of chances against Birmingham, they scored that goal and all of a sudden a team that had been outplayed and had little of the ball won the match. How great Birmingham were apparently because they defended so well.

Barca was devasting as well. But hardly any of us fancied our chances so why are we so down about it? We lost over two legs by one goal. I know that only tells half the story but lets look at the game more closely. How many chances did Barca create in the 1st half, not many clear cut ones to my recollection. We defended brilliantly. Djourou and Koscielny were incredible. We were completely penned in by the way Barca pressed us and couldn't get out but how many sides have we dominated games against but still not won, only to be told how the opposition deserved their point as they had defended so well, never mind that they didn't have the ball, or that they didnt create chances.

I have seen Arsenal, let alone other sides have appalling halves only to turn it around again. Look at Liverpool in the CL Final in 2005. I'm not saying we had that kind of performance in us on Tuesday but once we were given a lifeline by Busquets, who knows what the Barca team and crowd would have felt. The problem was two minutes later that chance was taken away from us, Barca smelt blood and knew that with 35 minutes left they were easily going to score the goals required.

This leads me to my main point. The referee on Tuesday night was completely swayed by a noisy passionate crowd that screamed for every innocuous decision. He pandered to their every request. He gave free kick after free kick, yellow after yellow. He failed to send Abidal off for grabbing RVP by the throat and then gave the most ridiculous red anyone has ever seen. In my opinion this was all based on the influence of the crowd, Barca's fans, their supporters.

Arsenal have a great chance of winning the league. We have the points at the moment. It is in our hands. Win our games and we win the league, it's as simple as that. They'll be some twists still, more points dropped, more poor performances but WE CAN WIN THE LEAGUE. However, this will only happen if we get behind the team for the rest of the season.

Disappointingly I don't think we will because our fans would rather immerse themselves in self pity, moan, see all the negatives instead of dusting ourselves down and creating a great atmosphere at our stadium. The kind of atmosphere that intimidates and drives the team on when they need it the most. I'm pretty sure our next home game against Blackburn will be played out in silence and all you'll hear is groans every time a mistake is made or an opportunity missed.

And that is why I hate Arsenal fans. It is this more than anything else in my mind that has meant we have gone six years without winning anything, as our home support is dreadful. We can't help the team over the finishing line. We as fans choke before our team does.

Please prove me wrong, let's get some positivity. Surely we want to win the league again more than any other trophy and we have a great chance. Let's just believe and get behind the boys so we can become that 12th man.

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  1. rob

    Mar 13, 2011, 20:44 #3450

    silly me for thinking bendnter and others are shit and dont relly care as they still get picked and not dropped by wenger. no its my fault for not cheering for him loud enough. do me a fucking favour!! the simple fact is for the last 6 years wenger has presided over a team that has got worse season by season. and what does he do to address the blindingly obviously faults? say we dont need any players, that we are strong mentally etc. can he not see where our faults are as we all can. so all you who say you are only a true fan if you back wenger, fuck off! just like when any arsenal player leaves i carry on supporting arsenal, as i support the club not an indvidual. same goes for wenger. he goes i still support the club regardless.

  2. gunerman

    Mar 13, 2011, 17:05 #3444

    6 years of nothing and you find useless blind articles like this one. Wenger is not performing and six years of hope and promise in football is enough. We are a big and financially successful team for Christ sake. Supporting a team does not mean blind support where by when things are so wrong you just sit there and hope, simply because you call yourself supporter.

  3. Greg Mesitis

    Mar 13, 2011, 15:23 #3438

    About time someone said something about this. Our fans are the worst in top tier premier league. Credit to the away fans. They are amazing at times but the home crowd is pathetic the worst we could have. Not worthy of a club like ARSENAL.

  4. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 13, 2011, 13:57 #3433

    I went to both Barce games: the atmosphere at Emirates far better than that at the Nou Camp. Who went through? 9 000 away fans at OT yesterday outsung Utd from start to finish. Who won? Plenty of noise at Wembley against Birmingam. Who took the cup? To blame the fans is a total cop out. And if you hate the plastic fans at Emirates, focus on the board (and maybe even on Wenger) for the way they designed the stadium and for their pricing policies. They ve had a deliberate strategy since the early 1990 s of destroying the old fanbase.

  5. Gordon

    Mar 13, 2011, 13:55 #3432

    The reason why Arsenal fans myself included are in this manner simply because it's plain for a simpleton to see that it's extremely difficult to believe in the Arsenal players. The current bunch does not possess any belief in themselves and does not omit any thing positive for the fans to believe in. Look at them: Arshavin, Bendtner, Diaby, Rosicky, Denilson. Does any of them tells you they play with their heart 100% of the time? They are no Rooney, Scott Parker or Lee Bowyer/ Joey Barton for that matter. No fight no guts and happily strolling when they lost the ball.

  6. Saudigoooner

    Mar 13, 2011, 12:26 #3420

    U R full pf it my friend only looser keep talking about the past yes we were4 GR8 a few years back but we chocke and loos every big game we play because of a lot of issues i dont want to get into now i just want you tp be fair to us FANS we fill the seats scream our asssses off and cheer for our boys all the time!!!! we have been behind AW for the last six years and taking his rubbish about this beeing a greate team and we are bulding for the future so dont come to us with the hate the fans shit and we are not good supporters one more thing is that AW is a good correction GR8 manager but he is not doing the right things at the moment because we are not WINNING !!!!! you need to stop being stobern and buy quality to win trophies other wise open Aresenal as a realstate business that makes good money as a BUSSINESS and not play FOOTBAL because guess what in football if you dont win trophies and you make a shit load of money you are still a LOOOOOOSER !

  7. Angelo

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:51 #3412

    The support in OT did not help you fool. No leader in the pitch, no will, no game plan,no ideas and no tactics. Bring Leyton Orient to the Emirates and expect them to win the PL you deluded AKB man. Wenger has to change. He does not use any tactics, keeps shite players, doesn't know how to motivate players, does not care about the defense, does not care why we have injuries in abundance (it has to be down to poor training methods or he bought the crappiest players ever - I think it's the first option) and gives more and more embarrassing excuses for the failures. More and more humiliation, negative records. He looks like the Don Quijote of modern football. What the hell is the medical team doing. Why can't they tell us what the problem is with Vermaelen? Is he terminally ill that he can't be fixed up. Amateurish staff and idiots like you call this very good based on history and blame the fans. I don't know any club where this lack of will/ambition is tolerated. I would support a team even against relegation, but I cannot suffer the lack of ambition to better the team when possible (and it is for us - I also support my local team, who are crap, but there's no money there, so they cannot be blamed), heartless players and a manager, who does not use tactics. When I go to the Emirates I support the team hard and I never booed anyone, but you are the enemy inside. There's no word for how much I hate your kind. You call everyone names, even those people who do not want Wenger's head (only slightly criticize Wenger) and want some positive changes and development. When this poor United scored the first I knew we had lost. I forced myself to watch the match until the end hoping to win it somehow. If a once successful heart surgeon keeps fucking up, he's removed from his post (and put to prison). Start working for your salary Wenger or you will leave in disgrace. Thanks to Wenger the unimaginable happened. The fans started hating each other. Believe me I hate your kind much more than you mine. People who blindly followed people and did not ask questions existed once before .... in the Nazi Germany. That's about your blind faith.

  8. Griffdaz

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:01 #3403

    What a load of nonsense. "don't let them down"? It's them lazy, gutless, overpaid, mediocre players. I am one of those fans who you hear "moaning" and feel I have the right to do so given the amount of hard earned cash (as we all do) for myself and two sons. You pro wengers are living in the past. Yes his record is good but look at this team, two centre halves who are not up to the job. 3 dodgy keepers. A sulky can't be bothered "it's cold in uk, taxes too high winger". Several useless midfielders. This man brought these in. This man has never replaced the world class players that left. This man is too stubborn and his success lies in the accounts at the end of the year. I admire his youth policy and if only all clubs had this mentality and we need a balance. We have to bring in quality players if only for these players to improve, learn from experience and fight for their places. We need a spine, a backbone, a Tony Adams. Regardless of comments to follow I love this club and have for 40 years. How long are you sir prepared to go on with no silverware? Seriously how long. If you were commenting on another club I doubt your views would be thus. Any other club and this man would be gone. I am not a fan of sacking managers at "the 1st sign of trouble" but this is not "1st sign of trouble". I recall a comment of give me 5 years! Well I have and I am afraid for me it's time up. As for "who could replace him" I have people in mind and if you seriously take 1/2 hour out and think I'm sure you could too. You may not like them but as players from other clubs join this club are taken under the arsenal wing and accepted I am sure a manager would be. Remember the time of "arsene wenger. Who is he?" I do.

  9. Tomas

    Mar 13, 2011, 10:01 #3395

    Good point and i agree but we can not put the head in the sand and forget we have many problems such as to many passengers on our team. Diaby,rosicky,eboue,denilson, and more.clichy is a poor crosser and a mideocre defender. Sagna is a terrible crosser but a great defender. But it is hard to find arsenal players with crosses because we usually have only one player in the box against 4 defenders. Then once againwe have the most injured players of any top team in the league for the tenth year in a row. Eiter our strength coaces are not good enough or wengers method are out of tune. Now fabregas has had the same injury problem for 4 years is that normal ?.wenger needs to look in the mirror and tackle his own fear so he can fix these issues so we can win

  10. ppp

    Mar 13, 2011, 5:02 #3361

    Excellent article. I'm amazed that some fans can't see the logic. Support the team like crazy and they WILL PLAY BETTER. If you feel negative then take it out on the opposition and the ref WILL GIVE US MORE DECISIONS. The Emirates crowd is lazy and smug - so that's what the team are like.

  11. The BearMan

    Mar 13, 2011, 4:20 #3360

    Friend, being a supporter of a club does not mean, one is blinker, narrow-minded, absent of personal thoughts or absent of a speaking voice. We are not all cloned or brain dead. Any business that continue making the same mistakes will sink in an ever changing world. Arsenal made the necessary move {correct and timely changes} from Highbury to the Emirates that must be applauded. Arsenal and Arsene, needs to be equally ambitious in making the correct changes to the squad to be equally successful in an ever demanding football season. Where has Arsenal and Mr. Wenger gone wrong over the past five seasons. By making the same errors repeatidly, and failing to add a few quality players to the squad. Friend I say this, if he fails to take action at the end of this season, we will reap the same results at the end of the next. What can Arsene do right now to put a smile on our faces. Bring back the loanees: K Bartley, Lansbury, the JeT, Afobe, Aneke even Coquelin get them training with the first team and use the opportunity to play one or two. Arsenal will know by the end of the season who to sell and who to buy as some of his current squad of players are already in the holiday mood. Arsenal also need to be very brutal with his team of coaches and trainers. As a business we cannot afford to be paying all this money for such poor results. Mr. Wenger needs an assistant coach that will step on his toes a little. One who will see the wider picture and not through tinted glasses. Failure in doing so will mean failure to grow. The system he has introduces is wonderful to behold, but it only works when the players are faster, fitter, more agile and stronger mentally than the opponents. Tell me now, by me sharing my views, does it make me among the list of "Hated Arsenal Fans"? Does it show I have no loyality to the club? Have I suddenly become a lesser Gooner? Must we all speak with the same tongue and walk reght? Ought we not act the role of the absent assistant manager and show both side of the coin? We want a club that is more balanced. A forum that excludes freedom of expression must be feared as much as the North Korean regime as it contributes little and after a while resembles those nudding toy puppies that graces the back of peoples' vehicles a few years ago.

  12. Rod McGookin

    Mar 13, 2011, 4:12 #3359

    Us Arsenal fans over the years are used to defeats. i've supported Arsenal for over 36 years. we had ups and downs, but the team always tried. the players who couldn't cut were sold and better players replaced them. We had the shit from the Marinellos right up to the Nelson Vivases and the Gus Caesers. we got rid of them. Arsene Wenger would have kept them playing week after week if they were still around. We hve been screaming for years that we need a top class defence and a strong midfielder. We won the doubles from George Graham's legacy. He got Vieira and petit which was a good guess that paid off. He cannot see that is what is needed. yes, he got Thierry Henry for 10M but during the Anelka saga, Juventus offered 18m plus Henry and Wenger turned it down. Every Summer Wenger states the team needs strenghthening, he waits until all the season tickets have been renewed, and when they have, he says he's happy with the team he's got but thank you for the dosh. A protest which I hear is being organised April 17th will hopefully get the wallet out and spend a good part of that 50M that they brag about and buy some quality. like i say, we had alot of ups and downs in the past but atleast they gave it all and managers chopped and changed until progress was being made. Wenger being stubborn will not do this. He plays one dimensional football that even the smaller clubs can read. hold out for 15 minutes and Arsenal are stumped and have no plan B. Excuse after excuse, it was the pitch, it was the ref, we played too many games, we have too many injuries. enough is enough. Either buy some quality or quit.

  13. larry dartford gooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 23:04 #3346

    The 9000 got behind the team at the mancs it did not make any difference did it! Take away jack and how many of the rest broke sweat.

  14. Buzz3210(Gooner4Life)

    Mar 12, 2011, 22:57 #3345

    Great article yep we are now down to one trophy yep 3 weeks ago we had high hopes but cmon guys stop getting carried away by listening to radio shows like talkshite and the tv pundits who seem to hate everything arsenal the season is not over so put your dummies away until it is and support the boys, One more thing are half these idiots real Gooners i doubt it.

  15. Wanadoo

    Mar 12, 2011, 22:23 #3338

    Wenger used to be a good manager..... Now he is totally clueless.... If you can't see it....then you must be pretty thick. Every year, we get a bit worse....and he does nothing about it. He buys 2nd rate French players that just aren't upto it. And if you think this team can win the league then you need psychiatric help. Wenger is a has been, just look how he behaves on the touchline. The guy was doing a Basil Fawlty impression against Spurs just after the 3rd goal went in. We should have easily won our CL group....but no, he wants to tinker....net reult...we're out!

  16. Stevesam

    Mar 12, 2011, 21:44 #3321

    It all started to go pear shaped when David Dein was ousted from the Board by Fitzmans puppet Peter Hill Wood our Chairman who sold all his shares for personal profit yet still attends home games in the Directors Box. The article blames the fans, yet whether you are a AKB or not you need to ask yourself who is running the club and what is their ambition for the future. DD was pushed out because he suggested that we should seek a financial backer and spend money to keep up with the biggest clubs in Europe. DD had real power within football. He also did all the contract negotiations and was popular with players and AW. DD also went to all away games and watched the youth teams, etc whenever possible. I agree our away support is second to none, I know from attending many away games. My point is the current Board do not attend away games and are only interested in keeping the Club as an 'Old Boys Club'. How many games does Kroneke, Fitzman and P-HW attend ? The Board lacks ambition and are comfortably numb. They are not true supporters, these are the people you should be attacking not the fans. DD was a true Arsenal fan who wanted to make The Arsenal the biggest club in the world.Is singing that important ? It has already been stated that OT and the Bridge are quiet but that has not stopped them winning trophies. Managers come and go but we shall always support The Arsenal !

  17. Matt D

    Mar 12, 2011, 21:15 #3316

    What short memories some people have. I've folloowed the Gooners since 1950 - remember when all we won in 18 years was Quiz Ball on T.V.and played rubbish football? And after the Double in'71 won the Cup in '79 - then what? Some trophies under GG playing such attractive,open football(really?). And The Invincibles - did we never moan at them?Did they never give away silly goals? I seem to remember that after winning the League at WHL they drew the next 4 matches and were a goal down at halt-time in the last game of the season against the mighty Leicester. And this with a team packed with World -class players! The point I'm trying to make is that things aren't as bad as many make out ,and for Wenger to replace those players with others on a par would cost as much as Chelsea and Man Cy have spent combined. Where is our next Vieira, our next Bergkamp, our next Henry? I've no doubt if anyone could tell AW he would be prepared to buy them. It's not that this present crop of players is that bad - it's just that they are not as good as their immediate predecessors. Stick with them!

  18. serious gooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 18:07 #3312

    man u 1 arsenal 0, plastic fans seem to know more than the real ones?

  19. Bergy

    Mar 12, 2011, 16:56 #3310

    Gosh aren't there extremes on both counts! On one hand, the AKBs who will support Wenger even if he gets us relegated (OK unlikely) just because he transformed Arsenal (great achievement no doubt) and the other end people who might well have come from the Real Madrid board...sack, sack, sack. The truth is somewhere in between. Guys, we support Arsenal FC (most of us will still support Arsenal no matter what happens) NOT Wenger FC. By virtue of Being ARSENAL fans, we are obliged to support ARSENAL through thick and thin. BUT we are not obliged to support WENGER through everything, no matter what he does just because of his past. His job is to ensure that the standards that admittedly he has set, are upheld. Yes, we've had worse days in the 80s or whatever, but that's the way football and in fact anything in life is. Once upon a time, all football clubs were small and lost matches BUT once you are big, you have to remain big. Failure to do that is in fact failure. Wenger has been allowed such leeway up to now and one suspects years to come, it is because of his past and our debt to him. But this indulgence has got to stop sometime, and I think the time is very close. No I don't want Wenger sacked, not yet anyway, but like most fans, I want him to change (fat chance eh?). The fear the board have and I suspect most fans have is that what will happen when he leaves and who will take over? I don't we'll be as bad as some may think but the person who takes over must be of similar personlity and track record. I can only think of Hiddink or Guardiola, the former more likley to come. So though fans may have differing expectations, are all ARSENAL fans, no WENGER fans...lets not forget that.

  20. Dom G Block Season Ticket

    Mar 12, 2011, 15:55 #3309

    I love Arsenal and always will and try my hardest to get behind the team at every game and am well aware that we have new breed of fans at the emirates who are spoilt and dont appreciate what this club has become since the grim days of early 80's and even mid 90's. However, the team now needs to give the fans something to feel positive about. For the past 6 years they have faltered at the final hurdle and this cannot always be blamed on injuries, fatigue, poor decisions. This squad has the 3rd highest wage bill in the premiership and some of them quite frankly dont deserve thier pay. This is a two way street, win something and you will get the support, keep bottling it and you wont even from the loyal die hards as patience can only be stretched so far, I am talking about you Diaby, Denilson, Squillachi et all. Come on you gunners now is the time to deliver!!

  21. andrew

    Mar 12, 2011, 14:25 #3304

    Agree with most of it. Still feel Wenger has to take most of the blame for the drought. But nothing could sap the players morale than a 60,000 strong groan at every misplaced pass or unsuccessful dribble. Support the team or go home.

  22. Sam

    Mar 12, 2011, 13:46 #3303

    Yes, it is the FANS' fault we won't win anything! Are you joking? Why are fans moaning? Because this team has shown time and time again over the last 5 1/2 years that it doesn't have the bottle, ability or guts to actually WIN a trophy. You don't get prizes for coming second or getting to a second round or quarter final? Let's all live in 1998 and never go on! Hang on, let's go back to pre-war Britain when everything was so much better! Let's all just cling on to history and close our eyes to what is actually going on! Silverware brings in more money, more sponsorship, and better players. I'm sorry, but money is needed in this world to create things and improve things. Wake up and smell the coffee.

  23. Emeka Doughman Nwobu

    Mar 12, 2011, 13:10 #3300

    Best article on fans i've seen 4ever,fans 4get in a flash,we're human beings wit human mistakes but quote me anywhere... we have the greatest team and manager.As far as i know,arsenal's done better than the "billioniarre clubs" wit all their xpensive buys. Fellow gunners,lets get behind our team,thats all they need now.

  24. ay98182

    Mar 12, 2011, 13:10 #3299

    Great article - anyone who criticises Wenger's tactics in the second leg is an idiot. Barca are always going to out-pass and out-possess you (especially at home) and push you back, so you sit back and hope to catch them on counters. This Barca team has lost what 3-5 games in the last 3 years? Arsenal did as well as anyone in the last 3 years over the two legs (including United and Inter) until RVP was (disgracefully) sent off. Defensively we were very good overall (for all their possession, until Cesc's mistake, how close did they really come to scoring in the first half?) - and if RVP had been on the pitch or (that arrogant tw**) Bendtner had finished that chance, we'd be going through. The current Barcelona team is one of the greatest in history, there is no shame to losing the way we did. It was nothing like last year's capitulation (despite what the stats might superficially show).  We're 3 points behind with a game in hand in the title race ffs - let's get behind Wenger and our team!

  25. Ayo ogunsanya

    Mar 12, 2011, 13:01 #3298

    Honestly speaking we as arsenal fans cant just take it anymore isnt it time wenger change his tactical plan and get strong and physical players if we must win any trophy again then he jst needs to get a team as that of 2004(invicible gunnerz)

  26. EAC3

    Mar 12, 2011, 12:50 #3296

    Would you be kind enough to come and sit next to me at the Emirates.....I have to listen to negative comments and carping at every game...even that fantastic night versus Barcelona there were still moaners and groaners that said we should have scored more goals etc etc....as an old git gooner (first game 1955) I despair if we ever had a bad run and were not challenging for honours how many of the "nouveau" supporters would remain loyal....hey guys there is always the other end of the Seven Sisters Road!!

  27. Paul N

    Mar 12, 2011, 12:46 #3295

    I am thinking the moaninh supporters must have been born since Wenger took over and they dont know what Arsene has done for this team? only the most successful Manager in Arsenal history and has been rated as the best Manager of this era. For all of you crying and wanting him out, United supporters wanted fergie out a few years ago, not sure if you know but they have won the two past PL titles. Arsene has embarked on something that most managers wouldnt do, sell a team (aging) that went a whole season undefeated and start from scratch with youth, for the preservation ot the club. He knew he couldnt spend like most so he was very clever going forward. Mind you in this period we havent failed to be in the top 4 one single time. Spurs, City, Chelsea, Pool were all gonna be in front of us this season too! Now we find ourselves neck to neck with United for the title and here we have many claiming Arsene needs to go?! how does that make sense and bring in who mind you? People can get all crazy over Barca but do you know how old the spine of the team is and how long they have been playing together? This Arsenal team will be better than them if they stick together in the near future. Try being a Liverpool supporter and what about teams that all that never ever win anything but yet their supporters are class? It would seem that the people expecting perfection and trophies yearly are deluded. Look at the last few years and tell me that we are not progressing rather nicely. One more thing stop being molded by the popular media!

  28. Harry

    Mar 12, 2011, 12:05 #3293

    Spot on Dave, I too get frustrated and so angry with Supporters of our fantastic who do not understand the difference they bring to the game.... Moans, groans and cries of shoot (invariably when the player has about 10 people in front and is looking away from the goal)..... Anybody who knows me, understands all I want is for Arsenal fans to get behind the team and be the 12th man, especially when things are not going well.... Arsenal as a club need to get the fans who want to get behind the team together,....Our Away fans are awesome......

  29. Sid

    Mar 12, 2011, 12:01 #3292

    Good article mate but I will go onbe firther - I despise some of our so called support. You only have to read some of the enbarrassing excuses for Gooners on here to see why I do. They are a sad petty childish vindictive bunch of plastics. Some of the blogs and a lot of the output of the Gooner I am afraid to say only confirms this to be true. No passion at home games, all too quick to get on the players backs (no wonder we have had some ropey performances with crap support) and all the twits ringing into the radio phone ins are so cringe worthy in aint true. U get upset, angry at a loss of bad result/performance. BUT it subsides, some of these jerks are angry all the effin time it seems! What way is tat to be? It certainly aint healthy! They really mis the point of being a supporter - they don't sing/chant at games, they moan all game and cannot wait to bitch about how crap we are. That Oldham fan puts thinbgs into perspective really well. I support Arsenal and always will, but I definitely do not support some of our fans.

  30. Arsenal Malaysia

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:59 #3291

    I'm Arsenal fan from Malaysia and totally agree with this article..hopefully, all arsenal's fans around the world will stand together to support our beloved football club..cheers!!

  31. Zizou

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:50 #3290

    Great Post, I understand your pain, many time I have tried to cheer the team on by singing and cheering but no one follows! I really feels that we need to create an atmosphere and its really embarrassing when people make fun of our lack of atmosphere. AS much as I hate it spurs always insult our atmosphere, and well I have no right to fight back!

  32. 1979gooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:46 #3288

    Agree. Barca was unlucky. Wenger has his faults but we should appreciate what we have got, not constantly whinge because we don't have it all.

  33. John

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:38 #3287

    Good article - some of the stuff you hear walking away from the Emirates is unbelievable (well, actually, it is as it is repeated in a different guise after each poor performance). Apparently, the 'Dog and Duck' could beat Birmingham and Sunderland - suggest AW get's down to the pub's next home fixture and makes some signings! The point Random Poster makes about mental strength is also valid - the team is technically excellent but lacks the the strong characters who pull the team through when things are not going well.

  34. the rock executioner

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:37 #3286

    Yeah. I agree that our home support can be a bit shit. You'd think that 55,00 Gooners in the stadium would make a bit more noise than they do. (Definately not the case with our away support though) The thing is, the majority of "fans" at the Emirates are either johnny-come-lately's or comfortably off, norf london trendies that have no idea what it was like to be a Gooner before Wenger transformed the club into what it is now. Yeah, he makes mistakes. Yeah, he's a bit of a dictator. Yeah, he seems to have an almost "being blackmailed or something" loyalty to some of the players that he's tried to bring through. (We know who they are, don't we?), and yeah, to be honest, I have recently wondered what another, more tactically astute manager and backroom staff would achieve with this setup, as I can't help but think that there are perhaps a few too many people at the club now who have been treading water in the comfort zone. Not to dis' Wenger in any way, as he has without any doubt totally transformed the club in almost every aspect, but everything comes in cycles and I do wonder if he may be coming to the end of his usefull term. Harsh, maybe, but should there be room for sentiment here? I love the guy, but if he can't see the failings out there on the pitch that appear all too obvious to the rest of us, then something isn't right. Yeah. Of course. He's Arsene Wenger. His little finger knows more about football than the bunch of us put together, but sometimes you can be so close to something, you can't see it properly, and if you're surrounded by people that pretty much idolise you, you ain't gonna get very much ****ive reasoning from them either. I've been going to the Arsenal since I was 14. I'm 48 now and despite watching some pretty shite sides in that time, find myself more frustrated with the present side than any of the rest. Mainly because as a team, we have some amazing players, as a club, we have an infastructure second to none, but somehow, somewhere along the line, the sum of the parts seems to be a frustrating kind of underachievement. It's been said.... "It's the hope that kills you", and I think this is what's ringing true for a lot of supporters right now. We're pretty damn close to being an amazing team, but the things that are seemingly preventing us from being that, are the same things that have existed for a number of years now and that is where the frustration lays. I desperately want this present team to succeed. For Wenger, the majority of the players, all of us out here, and most of all to shut the f**king mouths of all the wankers in the British madia who have grown to hate us coz we ain't English enough or something. Yeah. As supporters,we can often be a miserable bunch of c***s, but there are reasons for it. Still... "Support!"... The clue's in the name innit?

  35. Bathgooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:19 #3284

    Excellent article. Completely agree with you. Getting the Emirates crowd to sing is like getting blood out of a stone. I was at the Camp Nou and it was deafening throughout. When we had the ball the whistling was intense. Compare that with the atmosphere at home: no wonder no-one comes to the Emirates with fear. Those calling for Arsene's head should realise how close we have come to success in these 'barren' years when the outlay on the team has perforce been a fraction of that spent by Sp*rz let alone Manure, Chavski and the Mugsmashers. Get real, the guy has failed to deliver silverware in recet seasons but no-one else could have delivered consistent Champions League qualification and a new stadium with the resources available. Of course we have some players who are not top drawer, they are squad players and do a job (usually) when called on. Of course we need more winners. They will come. You'll miss Arsene when he's gone and the success and quality football he has brought.

  36. micheal hanah perth,,w.a.au

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:06 #3283

    my friend i wouldnt agree with you more, i watched the match against barca again and again, i could see a team was so commited and organized with a plan in hand to tyre them and forstrate them, then hit them in the second half,but this bad luck we had in the last three games were unbelieveble,birmin,sunder,barca.this team needs our support not self pity and moan.

  37. Mike

    Mar 12, 2011, 11:04 #3281

    The Song (3628) - Guess you're a newcomer to the Arsenal scene then as presumably you don't remember Nayim's goal "from the halfway line" in the Cup Winners Cup Final in Paris in 1995. By the way, the Champions League Final in Paris was 2006 so your maths is awry as well.

  38. Pat the Gooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 10:49 #3280

    I have been supporting Arsenal since 1971, our first double year for you new breed Wengerites!!! I have seen many ups and downs over the years, but we have always been a big club. I get sick and tired of people who bang on about how Wenger is Arsenal, how Wenger has made Arsenal what it is. What a load of bollocks, we were a huge clube before Wenger and we will be after him. Has everybody forgotten about Herbert Chapman, Bertie Mee and George Grahman and the huge contributions they made to our great club?? Now, don't get me wrong, I recognise what Wenger has done for us, the early successes, the marvellous brand of football and the new stadium, but that doesn't mean we can go on ignoring his recent failures, if we don't win the league this year, which if this team had any character we should and would have done with ease, then I am afraid his 'project' has failed it has had enough time and if this turns out to be the case time for some major changes!!!

  39. mannix

    Mar 12, 2011, 10:31 #3278

    i also hate those unrealistic fun and i urge them to quit supporting Arsenal, maybe they shuld join the spuds since they reached the quarter of Uefa champs.

  40. Leon

    Mar 12, 2011, 10:27 #3277

    Do I agree or disagree - the answer is yes - yes he has spoilt us but we are a huge club so success is more guaranteed than say at Barnet and he has developed a wonderful style of football and made some world class players BUT he has made some glaring mistakes as well - he has needed to strengthen and has failed to and shown faith in those who perhaps do not deserve it. We lost to Barcelona but this is the team that whacked Real Madrid 5-0 so no disgrace there - the CC Cup was disappointing as was the home defeats to Newcastle, West Bromwich and Tottenham but there are lots more positives to Arsenal than negatives - we are not hundreds of millions in debt so we can be three points clear at the top and we have the money if Wenger feels he needs to strengthen - Personally i feel he needs an English Centre Back - A left Winger and a Striker and that will be it.

  41. Bob

    Mar 12, 2011, 10:26 #3276

    Not looking to pick a fight with all of you, but come on, be serious. Wenger has been an absolute joke for the last 2 seasons. He cant change a game, has no plan b and soldiers on with what he's got. Could of got Given? No we have 3 world class keepers he said, oh look, we are down to Almunia. Could of got Cahill? No, we have Vermaelan coming back he said, oh look he's not back. You cant keep banging the invincibles drum that was 7 years ago. Wenger has built our club in the modern day, and for that I would always be grateful, but their comes a right time for everyone to move on. I remember Terry Neil was my idol when I was younger and we were reaching finals, then he lost it, I thought we'd sink, then after DH held the reigns for a while, look who we got...GG, and look what happened...then he got greedy and we ended up with Arsene Who? and we all shit ourselves..All I'm saying is, the guy has been brilliant, and if you want to keep losing big games, finals, and finish 4th then great, lets keep him. But if you want to add the finishing touches, then he either has to ditch the two bob players, and we all know who, or he has to go. Not anti Arsene, just an Arsenal supporter who thinks we should be winning things...

  42. rody

    Mar 12, 2011, 10:03 #3273

    I'm an arsenal fan 4ever no matter what happen to the club I'm always backing them support them b with them in the good situation and bad situation normaly as any arsenal fan but folks pls listen very carefuly arsene wenger did a record in arsenal bfore and it was awesome but that was then now in any club any club in the world big clubs guys were talking about arsenal here not any club how many premier leaque manchester united have 18 I mean total leaques how many we have 13 leaques how many years we didn't win trophies going to the sixth year now if we one 2 premier leaque we could have been behind united in the last 10 years arsene wenger lost 4 finals 2 carling cup final 1 champions l final to barcelona and 1 fa cup against liverpool so why arsenal fans r attracted to a coach who is always giving exuse about loosing he's a uselless coach we have the quality players who can win but we don't have a winning mentality coach wenger should go to hell another coach should come I'm sick of people everyday arsenal r called the trophyless club wenger pls its time to leave we need a new coach who make us strong against big clubs not when we play fucking barcelona or united or chelsea we will fear them they have to fear us but that can't work with wenger why every arsenal fan is still backing wenger a player like denilson eboue rosiscky and bentner all should go where did we ever see a team were leading 4-0 against newcastle and came back to 4-4 what coach is that wenger ur a disgrace get ou of our club and be a financial manager our aim is not to b in champions leaque every year or final in the carling cup our aim is to rise and b champions again pls guys sorry for all this long paragraph but wenger should go gunner for life

  43. scott

    Mar 12, 2011, 9:33 #3272

    Completly agree. If it wasnt for wenger we would not have all these chances of wining things. No other manager in the world could have kept a team challanging for titles while spending next to nothing. Lets remember we got a new stadium so it would have been a risk to go and splash out on big players at that time. What wenger had done is simply genius and anyone that wants to argue that point dosent have a clue. And remember he is manager of the decade as voted by other managers.

  44. Serious Gooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 9:18 #3271

    This article is way off the mark. fans of any persuasion respond to the players, our players except Wilshire are journey men and show no passion or effort that the fans can get behind. when the last time you saw an arsenal player gee up the fans properly when things are down. Wenger is his own worst enemy as he refuses to address the frailties of the side. winning and losing is what football is about, what arsenal fans want is to see passion, desire and effort, none of which they see when the chips are down. this current side will NOT win one thing this season, i hope i am wrong but unlikely. Arsenal Board, no ambition, no signings = no trophies and we arsenal fans know deep down the board and us are not on the same page.

  45. @ Tony C

    Mar 12, 2011, 7:05 #3269

    Henry cost arsenal the CL title Eboue was immerse in that game. Last Season Denilson was the main player who spark revival against barca. Was Henry world class yes. Sometimes I think you may be spurs funs who pretend to be Arse. Just Look how poor manu have been without Vidic

  46. Sagooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 7:02 #3268

    Finally! The truth! Everyone wants Arsene to go. But almost every team in the world would be waiting to employ his services. We're doing great and all we hear is doom and gloom. Aside from the CC final, we're more than exceeding expectations if you go by pre-season predictions. Where's the faith?

  47. Busy Buzz

    Mar 12, 2011, 6:43 #3267

    Excuse me but Fabregas wasn't fit but wanted so badly to play so stop having a go at him when he's doing his best under the circumstances. Yes, you are spot on. Arsenal fans are a spoilt lot. Having such a good thing, such a good manager, they can't keep keep faith. Excuse me but do you know how much debt Barcelona is in, all u moaners n grumblers n groaners. Give Wenger n the team a break!

  48. Kevin Davis

    Mar 12, 2011, 6:39 #3266

    2 PART ANSWER I'm not an Arsenal fan i support my home town but i am a fan of good football. Arsenal week in week out play amazing football, no question no doubt. If there was a league for the greatest fans in the country Arsenal would not be near the top. To clarify my point all you have to do is watch a game and listen to the crowd....silence. Go and watch Newcastle, liverpool, Manchester and you will see the positives of having a vocal fan base. Even re-watch the Barcelona game and here how loud they were, the Barca team were buzzing and i'm pretty sure it rattled the players that was clear to see PART 2: You can't question the Arsenal fans stating the obvious Every footy fan in the league even players alike know that Arsenal have a soft centre, its not a coincidence. If my life can be improved then i will work hard and buy something that would make my life easier and things would get better. Arsenal never strengthen there squad. In the seasons he sold top players and never replaced them. He should have signed Xavi Alonso, to partner Cesc and yet he plays DEnilson and Diaby week in week out (terrible players, not Arsenal standard), he should have signed a top defender when Sol left and he sure as hell should have brought a striker rather than rely on Nik Bendtner, the worst striker Arsenal have had in years So i yeah Arsenal fans need to be more vocal BUT they have every right to complain

  49. Gooner

    Mar 12, 2011, 6:20 #3265

    Brilliant article mate, take a bow! Too many fake whinging fans out there, they seem to never show up when we're going good

  50. rory

    Mar 12, 2011, 6:20 #3264

    the way i see if you are a gooner then you support this team through thick and thin. if you not a gooner then fck off and support the spuds. great article.

  51. The Song

    Mar 12, 2011, 5:28 #3263

    I was in Paris in 95 too. Was sort of boring cause I was 10 years early.

  52. zuccaba

    Mar 12, 2011, 5:24 #3262

    Fantastic post. Someone has finally said it. For those commented below, still finding faults with the players, manager and what not, think of Anfield. Liverpool has fantastic support from their fans despite adversity. We have ignored the 12th man too many a time and underestimated it too long.

  53. Gunner4u

    Mar 12, 2011, 2:14 #3261

    Almost Biblical. Amen!

  54. Charlie farlie

    Mar 12, 2011, 0:49 #3260

    The reason there are more plastic and tourist fans at the emirates nowadays has a lot to do with ticket prices

  55. Onist

    Mar 12, 2011, 0:30 #3259

    All the support in the world will not turn Denilson, Diaby, Eboue, Bendtner and Rosicky into decent footballers.

  56. Dan B

    Mar 12, 2011, 0:10 #3258

    Totally agree with your article. I too am disgusted by the number of so-called fans who think that it is time for Arsene to go. They have very short memories and I am astounded that they cannot appreciate the standard and style of football that he has brought to the club. Let's get behind the team for the remaining games of the season - it's still up for grabs!

  57. charles davies

    Mar 11, 2011, 23:59 #3257

    just returned from barcelona and usually i am a great beliver in arsene knows but we where beaten by a far better team not the very quiet crowd it was like milton keynes! i must admit the referee was like a pakistan cricketer but arsene must take some blame if he will persist in starting the second rate rosicky but it was obvious to all who was watching that the game was going away from us even before van persie got sent off and the introduction of arshavin may well of kept the champions league dream alive

  58. Rachid The Gooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 23:45 #3256

    Well said. I am disgusted at some of the things said about the team after the Barca game. I was even speaking with an Arsenal fan who said Cesc is a sell out because of his mistake and that he sold us out for Barca. WTF?!!! Cesc wasn't even fit to play and the main reason he played was because he forced himself back to fitness because it was important to him that he leads this team out in a game of this magnitute. Let's not forget that a year ago Cesc played with a broken leg and scored a goal against...who? Barcelona. This constant negativity from Arsenal fans is really getting to me. Fans of other clubs love finding reason to make fun of us and these idiots who continue to moan and whinge about everything happening in the club are only fueling them.

  59. Tony G

    Mar 11, 2011, 23:41 #3255

    Wenger is a tactical vacum and the AKB brigade believe anyone having the cheek to question him are disloyal which is nonsense. Absolute power always results in poor decisions and that's what Wenger has. Give me GG any day

  60. Arsenal England

    Mar 11, 2011, 23:16 #3254

    Many people are Saying Wenger Should be sacked, But the Simple Fact is, Who Else Could Manage Arsenal? The Answer is No one. Wenger has brought Tons of Success to the Club and Made Arsenal who they are, If it wasn't for Wenger we Could well have been some middle table Sitting team, WENGER IS ARSENAL!!

  61. True Gooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 23:05 #3253

    The club love supporters like you who bend over and take it up the arse.We play the highest ticket prices in world football.We grossly overpay shite like Eboue Denilson Diaby Rosicky and Bendtner.Fans who are happy to see us play tippy tap football.How dare we have a go at a manager who has taken us from the invincbles to 6 trophyless seasons.The club dont care about you the fans they would only care if you didnt turn up.The fans are complaining because with just 3 quality signings in the summer WE WOULD have won the title easily because it has been a shit league this season.So take the position and get ready to be shafted by Hill-Wood and Fizman

  62. Derek

    Mar 11, 2011, 23:00 #3252

    I am an arsenal 'admirer' but am a lifelong Oldham athletic fan. Please try supporting a club like mine and then going back to moaning how awful it is to be second in the premier league, knocked out of Europe by the best team ever to play the game by one goal, lose a cup final to a freakish goal and still be in the fa cup. The moaners on here are not true fans. Good luck to arsenal. Glory will come your way soon I'm sure and then the miserable tits on here will kiss wengers shoes.

  63. Mar 11, 2011, 22:50 #3251

    Ive said the exact same thing after we lost against Barca. We played exactly how teams play against us and it nearly payed off. I still think that if RVP didnt get sent off we would have gone through.

  64. goognerjay

    Mar 11, 2011, 22:43 #3250

    Can you tell the difference between wanting the team to win and believing the evidence of your own eyes? What you are withessing is the annual Arsenal meltdown- when our 2 or 3 really good players get injured and the squad players cave in in big games because they are not good enough. Its the ref, its the fans its everyone else except those who are genuinely responsible for this annual event- the Board and Wenger for consistently failing to invest in top quality experienced players. The performance against Barcelona was pitiful- not a single shot the whole game- only twice did we step foot in their area- the performance against Birmingham was also rubbish. Next you will be telling us how wonderfully well Wenger has done to keep us in the Champions League- a competition we enter just to make up the numbers.

  65. Tookland

    Mar 11, 2011, 22:28 #3249

    Bunch of deluded idiots. I was turfed out of my beloved Highbury because the new stadium was going to enable us to compete with the biggest clubs in Europe. We've won f**k all and have a soulless stadium. All that excess cash now keeps Denilson and Bentner in Bentleys. We've been conned and the AKB are part of the fraud. Mugs

  66. Ishman

    Mar 11, 2011, 22:16 #3248

    Yep - excellent article. People seem to forget the financial burden that we have faced moving to a brand new stadium and the fact we are still competing with the purse strings tightened so severely is an achievement in itself. A passion, supportive crowd can only gee the team on and as you say may put pressure on the ref to give us some van Persie-esque dodgy decisions in our favour.

  67. Rob

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:59 #3247

    Quality article. How "fans" can call for wengers head is beyond me. I wonder if thy have and historical knowledge of the club at all. He revolutionised and regerated the club, he deserves are support in return. The present team are on the verge of something big. I do however belive we need to sign at least one world class CB

  68. goonergal

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:49 #3246

    excellent post, don't forget the so called fans who continually keep talk shite on air by calling up with their 'I knew this would happen blah blah' rants giving them more fuel for their anti arsenal xenophobic crap.

  69. steve jones

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:40 #3245

    spot on,the slagging is out of hand,the anti arsenal officials should be the target for abuse, not our own players, our so called supporters would never help get us out of a relegation fight, as we say to chelsea where were you when we were shit

  70. Chris

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:37 #3244

    Brilliant article. So true at the moment, a clear divide between real arsenal fans and the other section of media copperate driven twats

  71. Jay the Gooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:14 #3243

    Would Wenger have bought Adams, Winterbourn, Keown, Dixon and Seamon, I don't think so. Further, what does Mr Wenger see in Diaby, Denilson and that donkey Bentner? Why play Rosicky in the middle of the pitch and keep Nasri out on the right against Birmingham in the Carling Cup. Further, Wenger vetoed the appointment of Paul Donavan as Arsenal CEO. So we have the rather peculiar position of a manager choosing his own boss, which is not healthy for Arsenal FC. His job title is "manager" however Wenger regards his job title as "accountant" and has simply not spent money that has been available to him. I am not saying he is a bad manager, but there comes a time when you have to look at the cold facts and say being "barcelona lite" is nice to watch but doesn't win anything, meanwhile Spurs continue to invest in their team and are rapidly closing the gap that has existed between us. Yes, our fans are quiet, but I'm surprised you think that's the reason for our lack of success. Erm, I don't think so! It's to do with the fact that the internal structure at Arsenal is unhealthy and has led to Wenger having no-one to answer too since the departure of David Dein. Yes, our fans can be irritating, like any bunch of fans, but to say you hate our own fans is a great shame, we are a diverse group, some are OK, some are not, just like any other club, although historically, we have always been fairly quiet compared to other teams (highbury library), though if you want quiet, go to Stamford Bridge! We have the right to examine Wenger's policies and offer contructive criticism.

  72. Bolsinho

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:05 #3242

    Let's judge Arsene (and his 'yes man' Pat Rice) in May. If we end up trophyless (again) then it really will be time for the board to seriously start thinking of a replacement. And that should be especially true if we fall short in the title race due to a shortage of quality central defenders, or lack of cover for Song. By the way, doe's anyboard know if Vermaelen's three week injury has cleared up yet??? Now is the time for the team to show it's amazing 'mental strength' that we apparently have in abundance....

  73. Fall River Gooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 21:05 #3241

    Bravo article. Been a Gooner for about 10 years but relatively new to Arsenal blogs websites etc. What gets me is the EXTREME negativity of Gunner fans. OMG! People demanding not just a player or two but almost EVERY position as well as play the same 11-13 forgetting that we annually play nearly 50-60 games in all competitions. We beat a team 2-0 and they bitch it shudda been 7-0. I just don't get it. Up The Arsenal

  74. Limpars Wand

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:51 #3240

    You're just hanging around with the wrong ones! Don't read the comments/blogs on the internet, most of them aren't even arsenal supporters, and the ones who are are just venting their frustrations because they have no mates to banter with. Barca fans are the worst type of fans, they only sing when they're winning. A few bad results and it'll be the white handkerchiefs you can bet on that.

  75. Rob

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:50 #3239

    Ha ! Ha ! More delusional rubbish from Arsene fans. Try supporting Arsenal - the football club. I have since 1967 not 1997 and this Manager is just that. A Manager. No more no less. They come and they go. So he went the whole season unbeaten in 2004. A FANTASTIC achievement. But Herbert Chapman won what was in effect a hat trick of titles in the 1930s and I am not aware of any move to bring him back. You get no points in 2011 for what you did in 2004 or 1934. Wenger's fan club need to ask themselves are they Wenger fans or Arsenal fans. It is pretty clear the writer is in the former camp. He won't be missed by the latter, when the time comes

  76. eve

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:46 #3238

    love arsene, love the team, will be at manure tomorrow with my arsenal hat and scarf and i dont care if i lose my voice i am gunner shout, sing, as loud as i can to help the best team in the world(ARSENAL)to victory!

  77. eve

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:31 #3237

    thankyou, i have been very peed off with arsenal fans picking on every little thing, love them when they win, sell players and sack arsene when we lose. instead of all this negativity why doesnt the fans help our team to win, we have manure tomorow, make banners, wave scarves and let manure hear the voices of THE ARSENAL, lets be as loud as we can, drown out the opposition, and give our guys the support they richly deserve. show them we are with them winning or losing our voices they will hear, show them we are proud to be ARSENAL.

  78. Steve

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:28 #3236

    It doesn't matter, we always flop at his time of the season anyway. 2 weeks ago we were fighting for all 4 competitions and 2 weeks later we are out of 2 cups, about to be knocked out by man u in the fa cup and will get all the wrong decisions against us in the league to stop us from winning that! we are the fail team in the league because our key players always get injured at this stage in the season because they are pussies and that means for the rest of our important matches this season we will be playing denilson, diaby and squillaci. wenger needs to buy some good reserve players so we have less chance of screwing up, for example we had a great chance to win the carling cup after beating birmingham twice in the league, but we got key injuries, fabregas and walcott weren't there, so we lost it. the players have just done this too many times over the past 6 years, so i understand completely why the fans are giving up, because even when we try our hardest, the players do not produce results!!!!!

  79. B&HA Pre-'79.

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:24 #3235

    Are you saying it's the fans fault rather than the players that we are trophyless? Happy to earn 65 grand a week a la Denilson/Diaby to bring victory (oh they haven't yet ... my fault silly me). I'm a glory hunter since '78 and the current lot are simply not winners. Believe it or not in 24 hours we won't be in the FA Cup and you can dream of the league title heading (hideously Chelsea's way).

  80. 6ooner Pete

    Mar 11, 2011, 20:15 #3234

    The gooner website is here for supporters to give their opinions whether negative or positive. If a fan gives a negative view on this site,it doesn't mean they are not going to cheer the team on on a match day.It's two separate issues.Having said that,it's easier to cheer when you have quality players on the pitch. The famous back 5,Vieira,Bergkamp,Wrighty Henry etc etc.You also don't mind cheering players that aren't superstars as long as you know they are giving it their all for the Team.It's difficult to keep your enthusiasm going at a match when the likes of Eboue,Denilson,Diaby,Bendtner,Almunia,Rosicky,Squillaci and Vela are brought on. Especially when RAMSEY doesn't get a game!!!!The fans who criticise Wenger,and I'm one of them,are not having a knee jerk reaction to the last result. It's been going downhill for years.

  81. GoonerRon

    Mar 11, 2011, 19:47 #3233

    AFC - you say Wenger is lucky that Djourou has become a player? So Wenger is criticised for not buying the right players yet when he brings in someone young, coaches them, stays loyal when a lot of fans would have sold him ages ago he suddenly becomes lucky? You can't have it both ways. I think there are a lot of merits to this article (the general positive vibes being a welcome change from the overly critical threads). Tony C says 'All the support in the world will not turn Denilson, Diaby, Eboue, Bendtner and Rosicky into decent footballers' - you may be true but one thing is for sure - a fiercely critical crowd that moan and boo will not help the players increase their confidence in any way. It a quandry about whether the crowd should take responsibility for not supporting players - I think the players should also take responsibility for 'getting the crowd' going. I'd guess in an ideal world both happens and irrespective of whether the players or crowd are performing to their best we create an atmosphere that at least intimidates our opponents. I won't sit here and criticise those who want Wenger out, we all articulate our pain of defeat and the frustration of 6 trophyless years in different ways. For what it's worth I still think Wenger has credit in the bank with us. He delivered trophies so prolifically so early in his tenure that we've all been a bit spoilt. We scraped into the top 6 the season before he came and two years before that were 12th in the league, yet now we almost take a top 4 place for granted. He's made a rod for his own back to a certain extent and is paying for it at the moment. Yet, we shouldn't forget his loyalty to us when Real Madrid, the French Federation etc came knocking when his stock was highest after the invincibles (oh I forgot to mention the unbeaten league season didn't I?) Loyalty should be reciprocal and for what he has delivered to our club both on and off the football pitch. Am I frustrated at the lack of trophies in the last 6 years? Of course I am. Do I think Wenger is perfect? Absolutely not. His 'I didn't see it' can be annoying, his rotation policy can infuriate, his subs sometimes lack imagination or often logic, his tactics can be one dimensional and his stubbornness may hinder outlay on established players that we arguably need. But do you know what, I genuinely feel he hurts as much as we do (if not more) when we don't play well and / or lose games and he honestly has the best interests of the club at heart. I have faith that he will deliver trophies yet, and hopefully starting with the double this season.

  82. dan

    Mar 11, 2011, 19:45 #3232

    As this appears to be an AKB love in I think I'll get my coat...

  83. Mike Walsh

    Mar 11, 2011, 19:41 #3231

    Exactly my thoughts! I would love to have seen some of the so called supporters sitting near me standing on the North Bank watching the team in the 60's struggling to stay in the top flight. We seem to have inherited a new breed of spoilt fanbase who think we have the right to win every game, 2nd in the Premiership, a stadium to be proud of, a young team playing exciting football and a minority of fans who love moaning. Can anyone beat this? I sit one row in front of a miserable git whose record is to start slagging off the team within 2 minutes of kick-off.

  84. gooner187

    Mar 11, 2011, 19:37 #3230

    Birmingham game was just a bad day, we only really had a 20% chance of beating barca so we shouldn't really think our whole season is going to crumble.I go to a lot of away games and it makes me sick at the emirates when people whinge and moan at every lost challenge. You dare not stand up and sing or everyone looks at you like your a mug. Come on you gunners lets do them manc's i love it when fergie goes purple!!!!

  85. Aran

    Mar 11, 2011, 19:30 #3229

    Sneak a crafty "I hate the majority" in there. Nevertheless, the tv and radio specfically choose those people for the ratings, or they are they the kind of people that phone those things. As for the stadium, it seems as if people with the money, the glory hunters with that money, are the ones who get in most. At the end of the day something has got to be done about who gets into the stadium - and noise levels. So with that in mind, and everything else you have said, I wouldn't call those people "fans". They're posers. Success grabbers, not actual football fans. So a rephrase of the article wouldn't go amiss, but then this article wouldn't get the attention.

  86. Westie

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:58 #3228

    The issue is, and all football fans suffer from this, a lack of perspective. After every loss there is an overreaction and after every win there is the same. The challenge I personally have for Wenger is that there are clear areas in the team that we could and should have strengthened with a greater calibre of player, and clearly this is in the defensive area of our game. There appears to be a stubborn refusal to right this, but the perspective is that we are still absolutely in the title race and the FA Cup. Its also perspective to understand that these weaker areas could potentially see us fall just short in the run in. Those of us who remember Arsenal teams from the early to mid 80's will always despair at the more recent Arsenal supporters who think Wenger is doing an unacceptable job, but I also despair at the Arsene knows best brigade. Regardless, it is surely futile to expect passionate, emotional football fans to engage in constructive debate? What is an absolute pre-requisite is that in the 90 minutes of a match that our supporters should give their full and vocal support and this is an area where Arsenal fans have let ourselves down on many many occasions.

  87. Sam

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:58 #3227

    Totally agree with everything you said - it is worrying the short memories of some people. We all need to come together and support the team when it needs us the most as the title is now there for the taking

  88. Hans

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:53 #3226

    Atlast an article every arsenal fan should read .. If newcastle can come back from 4 goals down just coz they have the largest cheer in the crowd .. I am sure we can do one better by winning the league back

  89. Norn Iron Gooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:48 #3225

    I was a regular on The North Bank for years (mostly GG reign) before moving back home. At a recent visit to The Emirates I couldn't believe the number of plastic fans or just TOURISTS watching, not supporting, what is for most of us our one true love. 100% blog. Having read some of the drivel from 'regulars' before the Carling Cup Final, what you say doesn't surprize me one bit. It's not a working man's game anymore, in the main it's a day out for corperate idiots and cling ons.

  90. colin the gunner fan

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:48 #3224

    excellant.in agree 100 per cent

  91. John

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:40 #3223

    100% agree, sadly. Some fans should really stop reading the gutter press and stop listening to Alan-has-been-Hanson.

  92. RJN93

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:37 #3222

    you should support a team if you truly believe that they are your team not on if they win trophies or not

  93. yozza

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:31 #3221

    you are as deluded as our manager...clueless...we are not bothered that we have nothing for 6 years,we love AFC,but sick to death of hearing what we are going to win,who we are going to sign,how bright the future is....blah blah blah and guess what?we win nowt,sign nobody of any relevance and blame everybody but AW for defeat!

  94. David C

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:21 #3220

    Well done Dave. The majority of Arsenal fans are with you. Unfortunately those few that call for the club to spend millions or sack Wenger in my opinion aren't really supporters, and I have been with the club through thick and thin for fifty years. They just have big mouths and rubbish comes out of them. I have watched them come and go...

  95. Ylber Burgija

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:11 #3219

    Thank you for this article. I wouldn't call the people making these ridiculous suggestions true Arsenal fans. It's ok to like a club but it's different when you love a club and live and breathe every second of every game they play. I love Arsenal with a passion. And I personally feel that Arsene Wenger is the most important manager our club has had since Herbert Chapman. His legacy will be felt for a long time to come. First he came and restored Arsenal to its rightful place in England. He created several exceptional Arsenal squads including the immortalized Invincibles! And after winning several trophies for us he has now invested several years in modernizing our club. We have a new magnificent stadium. An Academy that is the envy of England and Europe. A club that is profitable amidst clubs that are riddled in debt. And he has built what I feel is one of the best sides we've ever had. Most importantly he has raised the level of our game and modernized our football to a wonderful level. We play beautiful football that is simply a joy to watch. So what if we haven't won trophies in the last few years. It's a small sacrifice to make for a brilliant future. For those so called Arsenal fans that can't see the value in Arsene Wengers invaluable contribution to this club all I have to say is wait and see. Arsenal will be an unstoppable force in the EPL and Europe for decades to come. Not least the current squad that I am convinced will win the double this year and most certainly will win the UCL in the next 3 years. I hope that Wenger does not leave the club for a long time and extends his current contract way beyond it’s current term so we can enjoy his football and leadership as long as possible. In Arsene We Trust! Arsenal For Life!! him to leave. In Arsene we trust. Gunner for life!!!

  96. A True Gooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 18:01 #3217

    What a great article, its true. I have never seen a chelsea fan moan alot about losing a match unlike us gooners. I Really loved the way u expressed how us gooner fans should step up and go behind the team. I mean that drives your club that you support forward and degrading them will just make the team go down the ranks. Forget the past for arsenal help them regain a future by us supporters cheering for them.

  97. Will Norrington

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:54 #3216

    The most absolute best fucking article ive read this season. I salute you sir. I will be at the Blackburn game singing my heart out. In Arsene we trust and in Arsenal we SUPPORT! Through the good and the bad. Thats a true supporter. COME ON YOU GUNNERS!!!!

  98. tasos

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:51 #3215

    i am from cyprus but i support this club much much more from the many of englich fans. what the hell. we r 3 points behind with game in hand,we r still in fa cup, we lost from the best side with refere against us.and if wenger live this club whos they come?????? come on arsenal

  99. Martin Warne

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:41 #3214

    Whilst I somewhat agree with the article, there does come a time when Wenger has to become accountable. The first 11 is an excellent first 11 and will give teams a run for their money. We can tinker 1, maybe 2 changes but after that the strength is not there. The likes of Diaby, Rosicky, Denilson, Bendtner, Eboue, etc. are only at a mid-low table standard. The standard of "reserves" is not good enough and this is Wengers fault. Tactically and team selections are baffling at times. So many strange choices. What does Wenger see that we do not? There is no-one to challenge him from above or below his status. This is wrong. I believe that as long as he is in charge we will win nothing. Blind faith is not positive. I will go and cheer they 11 in red each week but that 11 if not the first 11 and not going to win us trophies. Our standards are high, let's keep them high. UTA!

  100. dan

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:39 #3213

    I hate bloggers who try to create contraversial headlines to get people to read their article, it does work though.

  101. Jenkinson

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:19 #3212

    I too hate the moaning Arsenal fans. Two seasons we finished fourth, last season we finished third. This seson we will finish first or second. In the Premiership only Chelsea and ManCity have conceded less goals than us. And this is a club which has been ostracised for not buying better centre backs and a goalkeeper. The quality of our squad players(yes - Denilson, Diaby, Squillaci, Bendtner, Eboue) is extraordinarily good. Together they are probably worth around £35m in the transfer market.

  102. David

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:08 #3211

    Great article and I very much agree. I spent a lot of time at highbury in the 80s and there was a lot of moaning too, think that is part of things. But it has got too much, and there is a blindness to how good things are at the arse. I think a lot of fans are from the last 15 years and dont have the same perspective. If we win the league, boy will that shut everyone up!

  103. goodkindagoon

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:08 #3210

    Excellent article! Couldn´t agree more. We criticize the team but rarely look at ourselves as fans. Our away fans our mint but the home support has to be among the worst in the league. We create an atmosphere of tension that makes it difficult for our own players. We have even booed our own players! As fans, we want more from the team. Hence, I think it is only fair the team asks more from us as fans. I think success has brought a lot of plastic fans who instead of making it easier for our team through support, make it more difficult by playing unecessary pressure. Again, great write up man!

  104. Radgoon

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:07 #3209

    Some comments on here that I just can't agree with. Why does the article and these commenters blame the crowd for us not winning trophies for 6 years? does the article and these commenters blame the crowd for the team not being up for certain games? That is a plainly ridiculous attitude. Why should a player earning £60,000 a week to play football need a crowd to cheer him on to give it his all? Yes the atmosphere is rubbish bu the atmosphere amongst home supporters is just as rubbish at Old Trafford and Stamford Bridge and that doesn't seem to have affected their title challenges in recent seasons. Get your head out of the sand mate and start looking at the real reasons like lack of squad depth and tactical naievity. Don't blame our recent drought on Janine from Block 32.

  105. bunch

    Mar 11, 2011, 17:03 #3208

    The problem is the failures of each year compund themselves such that even though we are in a good position, becasue we have come up short time and time again, a lot of Gooners, me included, are nervous, fatalistic, almost accepting that we will fail again. We've all got to admit this team has an almost uncanny ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Until something fundamental changes that nervousness will translate to the players and we have a downward spiral of failure. By fundamental change it has to be along the lines of a player clearout, a change of approach to the way we play the game, and , yes, a change of manager. Can you really blame the fans for blow the 4-2 lead against Spurs in 2008, for throwing a 2-nil lead at Wigan last season, for throwing a 2-nil lead against Spurs, for the debacle at ST James's Park and the Wembley horror? So even though we are in commond of our destiny, win all our remaining games and the League title is our, I just cannot see this team doing it because they have let us down so many times in the past.

  106. AFC

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:51 #3206

    you idiot! Take your stupid views elsewhere and your head out of the sand. Wenger has been lucky this season. Lucky that Djourou has somehow managed to recover as a player, lucky that all other top PL sides are is massive decline. Lucky that the ref gave us an excuse on Tuesday. We are the only club not to have ever had a single shot on goal in a CL game. That says it all. For all our 'great football & style' we can't even get a shoot on goal. This team is built on losers and prima donnas. WAKE UP. As always (in other half a decade), our season is over by the start of Apr. We are in decline, yet the board are sitting on millions and share and bonds and bonuses. But Wenger won't buy established players. Go away.

  107. arsenal canada

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:46 #3205

    look at liverpool..they have one of the greatest fanbases even though they never won the league for wat 20 years..plus the team is stil struggling while our team has been in the top four for like 10 years..which fans critize their captain in the middle of a tight title race..get behind the players in the games..talk all you want on the message boards..

  108. El the Gooner,,,

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:39 #3204

    Fantastic message that all Gooners should hear!!!

  109. Essex

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:36 #3203

    Nou Camp ref swayed by a noisy passionate crowd?? Do me a favour!! The Barca crowd is full of tourists and apart from some clapping and a few ole's they make no noise. However shit the Emirates atmosphere is it's still better than the Nou Camp. Arsenal fans are pissed off because the last few years the money HAS been there but because of Wengers obsession with youth and doing things on the cheap he hasn't addressed obvious problems like defensive midfield and goalkeeper and we get left with sub-standard players like Diaby and Denilson. We're only still in with a chance of winning the league because Utd and Chelsea have dropped to our level and we were embarrassed by Barcelona on Tues, yes they're good but they don't win the Champions League every year and to not have a shot or more than two touches inside their penalty area was a disgrace. Add to that Birmingham, Tottenham, Newcastle (twice) and god knows how many more matches in recent years when we've collapsed when we've been up against it there's something wrong with thev mentality of the team. I sing and shout for the team at games but it doesn't mean I'm blind to the problems that we have especially when they could easily be addressed.

  110. Nathan

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:31 #3202

    Good article, wenger is a legend FACT and wenger is arsenal.

  111. Albert Butorano

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:30 #3201

    Amen brother! I often can't believe how poor our fans can be at home. I watch away matches and can hear the fans singing their hearts out and it is no wonder that our away form is so much better this season, our away fans rule! But this new breed of arsenal fan that the emirates attracts, they groan for every mis placed pass (seriously, how is this supposed to make somenone play better), and there is just no feeling that they love their team. Used to be that Higbury wasn't the noisiest place around but u could feel that the crowd loved their team and they san songs for every player. We have a young team, they need encouragement and if they get I am convinved that a trophy will be had this season.

  112. Philip

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:28 #3200

    Blame the fans who pay Wenger and his bottlers their wages.But dont dare blame the real culprit,Wenger.I was at Newcastle the other week and the support was great but it didnt stop our team of gutless bottlers throwing away a four goal lead did it.Yes the crowd are shit at the Emirates but the same could be said of Old Trafford.it hasnt stopped Man Utd winning trophies has it? Was it the fans fault that Big Head Bendtner hasnt got a first touch.No.

  113. Dan

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:26 #3199

    Wenger should be worshiped for how he's tranforemd Arsenal football club! yet we have a large number of fickle fans who seam determined to see the back of him... these are the same fans who create such a bad and negative atmopshere at the Emirates. Lets look a little closer to home and make those players on the pitch want to play for the badge and for the fans and then we may see the glory days return!

  114. James

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:24 #3198

    We can win the league, but what if we don't? Goodbye Wenger I'd say. If he can't win it when all our competitors are so unusually shite he'll never win it. The amount of luck he's had this season is astonishing and we're still fucking it all up.

  115. HollowayHarry

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:24 #3197

    Rob Guppy absolute spot on, Random poster and Tony C again I am totally in agreement. We all want The Arsenal to do it, but should we bow down to our failing deity just because other fans say so? Just because some fans think that as we are playing nice football (even that is debatable) and we are making money, that he shouldnt be made accountable for the consistent failings, capitulations and for the utter bottlejobs we have in our squad? The fact that the man says this is our best ever squad is a sign that all is not well in his head. He keeps feeding us rhetorical bullshit about how we are turning the corner, how we will do this, do that... Its nonsense to think it will get better. His ego is getting in the way of success and it isnt his club to do so. He said 2 years ago if things failed he would change his policy, and that was simply a lie as 2 years on we are still in the same position. We are only second because of Chelsea and Utd being as poor as they have been for years. You hate Arsenal fans, and we hate you!

  116. Colin

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:17 #3196

    Wenger attacks the referee in the Barca game but somehow he lost his voice when Birmingham were denied a penalty in the first minute and Szczesny should have been sent off at Wembley.Maybe he didnt see it.The truth is Wenger blames everyone but himself.Yet in the last month he has achieved something that seemed impossible his team lost a 4 goal lead with 20 mins to go and did not have a single shot(not even a Diaby special 20 yards wide) in the CL.In 14 years as our manager have we every lost a game in which Wenger hasnt blamed the referee, the opposition kicking us,the pitch,the weather the soap in the dressing room.If only once he came out and looked straight into the camera and said yes we were shit and its down to me.Then he would get a bit more respect from the fans

  117. Nick

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:15 #3195

    Wenger is on a very fine line, he has been making the same mistakes every season. I mean, everyones talking about how we were hard done by the sending off, but we wouldn't be in that spot if we topped our group.

  118. mikeyb772001

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:11 #3194

    Shit post yawn Sack the old deluded has been How long will we talk about what he did and start talking about what he is doing. That my friends is making money for the board while they have hot tubs together whilst drying them selves off with wads of cash. He is a has been that rewards failure, plays pretty football, talks bollocks and lies to us on a regular basis. Remember it depends what you call winning a title you bunch of sheep. Didn’t you know that getting in top 4 for 13 years is just like winning the league ?

  119. T-Mac

    Mar 11, 2011, 16:09 #3193

    Completely agree with Dave, I cant stand the majority of gooners who I meet and the drivel written on twitter is somewhat embarrassing. I've stopped going to the emirates because the atmosphere is dreadful, the Arsenal away fans are where its at.

  120. JJBergkamp

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:59 #3191

    Best article on here mate! Our own fans piss me off more than spurs and chelsea combined. We should be allowed a fans transfer window so we can get rid of the moaning bastards! Many fans have forgotten that you support your team through thick and thin, if we fail to qualify for the champs league and his position becomes untenable then of course he goes! Liverpool havnt won their league for 20 years and when I speak to away fans at Anfield they wold bite our hand off for a Wenger! Lets try and uspport our boys instead of castigate them because you get a hard time off your plastic manure mate in the pub!

  121. Simon

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:41 #3190

    Couldn't agree more. Some so called Arsenal fans make me sick.

  122. John

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:40 #3189

    I have heard it all now.Lets blame the fans.Its all the fans fault that Squllaci is as slow as a cart horse,that Denilson is the worst midfielder since David Hillier,that Diaby was born without a brain,That Rosicky is a player well passed his best and that Bendtner cannot control a bag of cement.Nothing to do with the fool who picks these clowns.He sells Silvestre and buys Squillaci like for like.You couldnt make it up.The fans at Highbury never used to make a lot of noise but it didnt stop us winning trophies.Dont blame the fans blame Wenger the players and the board.Arsenal football club is now about making profits and not winning trophies.At any other top club in Europe if any manager had had Wengers record in the last 6 years they would have been sacked.Even after Wigan away. Newcastle losing a 4 goal lead,the Birmingham final and the no shot game in Barcelona the Wenger followers still follow blindly.There is none so blind than they that cannot see

  123. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:34 #3187

    The two most common sense and realistic positive changes I could suggest right now, without dragging in the "who should leave" argument regarding squad players and / or AW's status are: 1. Steve Bould to replace Pat Rice as assistant manager, or failing that at least give Bould licence to take over all aspects of defensive coaching. This might sound like a crazy idea but we could even suggest that some bloke called "Tony Adams" help out too, I've heard a thing or two about his defensive work...then Arsene can spend even more time planning crochet pattern passing on the way to goal, and not have to worry about the bit of the job he doesn't like. This would carry the added bonus of Bould / Adams being able to point out straight who's good, who's crap and who should be brought in, or at least what type of defender should be acquired. I believe that TV5's mate Vertonghen would suit us nicely. He can play centre back or defensive mid equally as well, is an established international, has the required CL experience, and plays for Ajax who rarely pick duffers. Plus he's already playing for a club whose coaching & playing philosophy somewhat resembles our own. 2. Give Jack Wilshere the captaincy until the end of the season. We can all see that he's a born leader, and the logical next choice after Cesc is fitted out for his red & blue shirt (although a fully fit & focused Vermaelen or rapidly improving Djorou could also stake a claim). Cesc is in our best three players, no question, but there's a difference between being a captain that spends a lot of the time in the ref's ear instead of motivating and focusing this team, and one who leads by example, gives the cliched 110%, grows an extra big pair of bollocks for the crunch matches and refuses to accept defeat even after it's happened. It might also cut out the current embarrassing trend of the captain's armband being passed around like Liz Hurley at a D - list celebrity orgy...

  124. crsazy gunner

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:28 #3186

    You are so right when you say our fans choke before our players do...its rather uncanny you don't often see that anywhere else in the league...arsenal fans read my lips...ARE USELESS!!

  125. Joshua Pinchas Morris

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:25 #3185

    Hello to you all. I like Arsenal very much and support them i must continue to do. PS have you ever been to white hart lane. it smells there and i dont like it. but i like arsenal and mr wenger who is a very smart and sexy man

  126. Matt

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:19 #3184

    I tottally agree with you. I became a Season ticke holder when moved into the new stadium having been a fan since I was 5 years old. I went to highbury a few time and it was always an amazing experience. The new staudium has its moment but I have been told to be quiet on a number f occasions by fans sitting near me when i want and need to support my team, like we should all be doing. I must admit that the abuse aimed at our players from some of the so called fans near me isnt closey replicated towards the opposition (although Cashley stands out from the rest) and has led me to consider giving my tickets bck a the end of teh season.

  127. Mar 11, 2011, 15:17 #3183

    Excellent article ! I empathise fully. There has been a definite invasion of morons since the move to Ashburton Grove. At Highbury you had a real family feel on matchday and you were surrounded by friends, family and like minded people. Now I am surrounded by either Japanese photo taking tourists or middle class teenagers/early 20's Danny Dyer wannabees singing 'stand up if you hate Tottnumb' on repeat and berating anyone who doesnt join in. The Wenger years have provided so many wonderful wonderful memories, but, at the same time its created an insatiable 'expecting' of glory amongst the 'new breed'. We were here in the 80's baron years and we'll be here long after these idiots have found their new 'craze'. I've said it before and i'll say it again - GIVE US OUR CLUB BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  128. BG

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:17 #3182

    I should have a had a bet in 2006 when I proclaimed Wenger would not win anything with us anymore (did not include the Carling Cup but even that we couldn't bloody win) I would be rich by 2014 when Wenger's contrat expires...

  129. mark

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:13 #3181

    Well said pal. Stuff happens. Things don't always go our way. Seems to me the pundits and administrators go hard pn us, less so on others. Bottom line, we're having a pretty good season, we're bringing through some good talent, we not going bust or in hock to some oligarchic criminal. 45 years a gooner.............

  130. Verminator

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:02 #3180

    Totally agree on everything, great post!

  131. Andrew

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:01 #3179

    I'm glad I'm not alone... I keep telling myself it's the noisy few that don't realise how lucky we are to have such a well managed club that plays some of the best football and home to some of the best players in the game today at one of the best grounds in the world. Sure we have our problems and I struggle to understand Wengers faith in certain players at times (Denilson and more recently Rosicky I don't feel are quite good enough for us) but I would rather be in our position than in the position of any other club in the world.

  132. karim

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:01 #3178

    The worst article I have ever read.We will never win anything with this moron in charge.Nothing at all.I have been thinking that way since 2006 and nothing happening to make me change my mind.Even if all the supporters cry themselves hoarse this bunch of losers will win nothing

  133. P-MG

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:00 #3177

    Correct. The Sunderland game was a great example. The first 60 minutes of the game, a clearly under strenght and maybe nervous side needed the crowd to show that they actually gave a toss. Not a bloody peep, no doubt some of the muppets around me rang up 606 and moaned the team had choked and didn't want it enough. Wrong, the fans don't want it enough. Can you imagine any other club who hadn't won the league a hell of a lot longer than 6 years, creating no atmosphere to put the shits up the opposition and inspire their club. No, they'd rather bitch and moan, get on the back of Diaby and Bendtner and wallow in their own silent outrage that the players weren't good enough. Here's the truth, the fans don't deserve it.

  134. Mad Dog

    Mar 11, 2011, 15:00 #3176

    Carling Cup in the bag would have meant a lot, alas one seconds misunderstaning cost us that trophy. Champions league we were superb at hone missed Song dearly away I thought and had it not been for one of the most peverse refereeing ever we might just have held on. The title is there for the taking so lets take it! ps I think we should have still bought one world class defender though, but lets get behind the team folks next year I fear maybe harder still. Man C & Liverpool will spend and more than likely Spurs will strengthen, Man U will be tempted to cash in on King Chav Roon, its now or whenever!

  135. Jack Morris

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:58 #3175

    Totally agree. Next home game I will be there with my hat, scarf and badges, screaming my head off helping to spur the boys on!

  136. Rob Guppy

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:57 #3174

    I'm so sick of these holier than thou articles by Arsenal fans. Yes I agree, that a lot of Arsenal fans are ridiculous, but it pisses me off when people like you put yourself on a pedestal as if you're the only person who has noticed this and that you're the only reasonable fan. These blogs come around after every big Arsenal disappointment and are carbon copies of each other, and they always drop in references to the games they have been to as if to prove how good a fan they are. Well done. `Don't pay attention to our abysmal home support (its not going to change any time soon) and stop moaning about how people are moaning. These articles always end with the same final paragraph attempting to gee up the arsenal home fans, do you really think its going to make a difference? And Barca home fans an example to us? Do me a favour. Our away fans (a constant credit to the club) outsang 90,000 Catalans.

  137. Ezeokafor Chibueze

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:52 #3173

    funny enough,even with our shaky defense,we've conceded lesser goals compared to Manchester united in the premier league.Though ManU are considered to have a very strong defense

  138. Huge loaf

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:52 #3172

    Absolutely spot on. We will win the league. Stand on me we will not lose another league game this season. I predicted this 5 games ago. Lets support the boys. We do choke before the team. I have been at Wembley and Nou Camp and it is not the away fans that are the problem. Lets all man up !

  139. Shaz

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:52 #3171

    You are missing the point, since 03/04 no trophy and no passion to win either. Cesc let us down, we played 60% of the Barca game with 10 men due to our captain. Selfish B**tard, ship him out. Wenger's time is up just like a footballer in his 30's, his best years are behind him so lets do the right thing for the club. No one is bigger than the club and certainly not Wenger. Wenger has blinded everyone by saying we are financially sound but for how long...? we need trophies which only world class players would bring to us. World class players sell shirts hence the reason why Man City have doubled their annual revenue!!! You have to spend to accumulate and the over reliance on Wenger's dillusional methods will only leave Arsenal FCbehind mediocre clubs like Tottenham, Chelsea & man City!!

  140. Terry

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:52 #3170

    Wenger said we wouldnt sit back in Barcelona.We did even with 11 men on the pitch.We became the first team EVER in CL history to not have one shot in a CL game.Barcelona had 18.The fans of Arsenal are not stupid we have had to put up with Wenger's bull for the last 6 years.He thinks a top 4 finish is the same as winning a trophy he thinks this squad is our greatest ever.He fails to sign quality in the transfer window.Wenger doesnt care about the fans all he cares about is his project.He is a dictator who wont listen to anyone.He is always right and if we lose its not his fault its the fault of the officials.My mind goes back to 1990 when we got deducted 2 pts Did GG cry about it like a little girl?no he didnt he used it to our advantage.The truth is Wenger has lost the plot.You can stupidly blame the fans but we dont pick Denilson Diaby Eboue Rosicky Bendtner and Squillaci.The buck stops with our £6m a year manager.Without Wenger the club will carry on without the fans the club dies

  141. TrickyDicky

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:49 #3169

    Dave, I couldn't agree with you more, I have spent all week screaming at the radio and TV at those "pundits" saying we should get over it, the best team won, you are right, how many times have we been the best team and its the opposition that get the plaudits, I to am sick of listening to the constant moans of so called fans around me at home matches. Keep up the good work, one of the best reads for a long time.

  142. m'code

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:46 #3168

    i sometimes wonder if the fan calling for wenger head knows what they are doing,i wonder who on earth they think wil change the fortune of this great club the truth is the day arsene wenger leaves arsenal that's the day arsenal begins from the scratch.

  143. Tony C

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:45 #3167

    All the support in the world will not turn Denilson, Diaby, Eboue, Bendtner and Rosicky into decent footballers. Blame the crowd all you like (and the atmosphere at the Emirates is awful), but the bottom line is, Wenger has failed miserably in his project. He has no idea about tactics whatsoever, fails year on year to address the glaring weaknesses in our squad and makes embarrasing excuse after excuse for our defeats and poor performances. Perhaps if the manager took some blame sometimes, and passed it on to his pampered babies, we may see more fight from our team. Unfortunately, nothing will change until Wenger goes so look forward to a lot more disappointing performances, particularly in big games for the next few seasons. Arsenal will win nothing else under Wenger, he has taken this team as far as it can go.

  144. Brian Dam-Jensen (Denmark)

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:44 #3166

    Spot on! Great article! All these whining Arsenal "fans" make me sick!

  145. Fanagooner

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:42 #3165

    I totally agree bro! It's not fair to let them down. There is something we Gunners have to understand: - No one likes us, our manager or our players - Not the British media is defending arsenal. All this because we are the most frenchy teamin England! So if we do not back our players, who will! PLease guys, let's stay behind the team and walk alongside them in victory and defeat!

  146. Christos11

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:39 #3164

    Nice article..totally agree..you should support the team when winning and even more so when losing..those who want Wenger gone..don't understand our club.morons.In Wenger we trust.Arsenal for life.

  147. Cameron

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:38 #3163

    Some fans just expect it all without realising what we have got personally i think club wise we are on the right track

  148. Random Poster

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:38 #3162

    It's a very fine line between positivity and ignoring the blatantly obvious. Let's forget about the drivel we fans spout, just look at the facts and results. This team are serial bottlers and don't look like changing anytime soon. Sing when you're winning isn't particularly admirable but sing when we're at least trying is fine by me. The real concern is whetehr or not the manager and players are trying as hard as they should be. Keep the faith is different to blind faith.

  149. Arsenal Norway

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:37 #3161

    Best article i have written in years! Completely agree with you!

  150. Paul Russell

    Mar 11, 2011, 14:34 #3160

    Brilliant Article!! Its time for the fans to step up and help the team!!