Not good enough in so many ways

Thoughts after the FA Cup Exit

Not good enough in so many ways

Gibbs: Rabbit in the headlights

I don’t mind losing. I do mind the manner in which this current Arsenal team manages to lose however. I know Van der Sar made some excellent saves, but when I saw the ManU line-up I said to myself, if Arsenal can’t beat this ManU team there really is no hope.

I thought the performance at Old Trafford was slow, ponderous, predictable and utterly naïve. Were it not for Almunia (never thought I would have to praise the Spanish waiter), Djourou and Wilshere, it could have been 5 or 6. Gibbs was like a rabbit in the headlights (very Clichy-esque I thought, good to be able to replace like for like); Nasri, Arshavin and RvP went round in circles most of the time (come back Wiltord all is forgiven), and what Denilson and Diaby actually did in a positive sense was lost on me.

Our squad, which was too thin at the start of the season, is now falling apart. Failing to ensure we have adequate playing resources is totally the responsibility of the manager and someone needs to hold him to account, not that our supine board will do that.

Having three keepers injured and being reliant on someone who you were going to get rid of anyway may be unlucky, but the fact that we will have to rely on Koscielny and Squillaci for the final ten games of the season will not only almost certainly mean kissing goodbye to the title, but if they play in the way have done so far when paired together, we can expect at least 3 or 4 defeats in our remaining games. If that happens, not only will Man City and Chelsea overtake us, but we will be fighting it out with Spurs for 4th spot. You think I am being negative? Judge me in May. Or wait until we lose at the Lane on April 20.

Now, however, is a perfectly fair time to judge the manager’s squad building strategy. I’ll grant him bad luck on the goalkeeping front, but the failure to bring in any cover at centre back is shockingly inept; the midfield is devoid of fight – take Wilshere out and can you tell me anyone in there knows how to tackle? Take Wilshere and Fabregas (when fit out) out, and do any of the regular centre midfield players have a goal, let alone a game changing performance in them? We have no wingers, and Van Persie apart, we have no strikers who can score. In the absence of Theo, we have no pace.

Maybe, just maybe, Arsene Wenger will manage to get his pampered, lazy and overpaid bunch of primadonnas to fight and win the title. I’d be delighted, but so frustrated if they do – why frustrated? Because they have shown no fight so far this year when it matters, so if they somehow produce some fight I will simply ask why has it taken so long to come out? However, I don’t believe this squad has the fight, nor any of the famous “mental strength” the manager talks about.

My friend Ash, a Baggies fan and a holder of a couple of season tickets at Craven Cottage, has offered to take me to the last game of the season, on the grounds that it could be a title decider. Well Ash, unless Arsenal stuff your beloved Baggies (1-0 will do), there will be no title decider down by the Thames. Not this year anyway. Not with the Chuckle Brothers at the centre of our defence and the Denilson-Diaby axis patrolling the centre of the midfield.

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  1. dom14T...

    Mar 14, 2011, 10:12 #3474

    hello lads, first time on this site, but time to have my say... enough is enough now! season ticket holder for 24 years, with a DNA that bleeds red and white!!!! where do i start? i know, diaby,denilson,bendtna,sqalucchi,vela ect... would any of them be in chelsea or utd squads? no no no!!! we all know that every club has players of that type, but the diffrence is, there average players know how to tackle, fight, win the 50-50s and the most inpotant thing WIN! write 2nd point... the reason we get so many injuries, is because we are weak, weak in the tackles, weak in the fight, weak in the minds. Also we put ourselfs in stupid defencive postions, from are weak midfield, straight through to are weak defence, that in the end causes panic, which results to injuries!! 3rd point... henry asked for the club to streghten the squad and push on with what we had acheived and won? so what did wenger do? gave him the captains armband to keep him happy for a couple more years. Then cesc, who like henry loves are club with a passion asked wenger to stregthen the squad in the areas that every tom dick and harry, knows we need? so wot did wenger do when barca came knocking? i know lets give cesc the armband and that will keep him quiet for a couple more years. Can you see the pattern lads? Jack wilshere will be next mark my words... Arsene you stubbon stubbon man you have forgotten what it takes to win? you had adams,keown,you bought vieira,petit and sol... so wots changed?? yes we built a brand new stadium, but boreoff, them excuses have gone, we have nearly paid that dept off and we have millions to spend fact! all it comes down to is you wenger? admit your wrong, admit your stubbon, admit your bk up players are cheap and shit or do 1 !!!!????

  2. emperor

    Mar 14, 2011, 7:33 #3465

    Quality. Even if right now arsenal are leading by 3 points, i'd have zero hopes. Now that dj and no. 53 are gone, kiss the title goodbye. And i almost forgot diaby denilson, enough said

  3. ed enough

    Mar 14, 2011, 6:22 #3462

    Enough is enough is enough....We simply can't go on being second best to Man Utd, Chelsea, Barca, and dare I say it at the moment Spuds....Wenger must be forced to change his thinking and start spending big or be shown the door..

  4. Bergy

    Mar 14, 2011, 4:20 #3461

    The truth is since 2006, it has been 100% Wenger's team and look at where we are. The 1998 team was at least half GG and Rioch's team and from then on Bergkamp was still around until 2006.

  5. Aran

    Mar 13, 2011, 23:47 #3457

    Admitting defeat to a n london derby. Pathetic waster.

  6. Rob Bullen

    Mar 13, 2011, 23:03 #3456

    We can say all thease things untill we are blue in the face, been a Gooner since 1972, i dont think we have a right to trophys all the time, i also couldnt care if we waited a decade or two, as we have done in my lifetime! i just want a squad of players who give 100% every game, and a coach/manager who can motivate and be more tatically aware! truth is Wenger inherited George Grahams back line, a young Ray Parlour, Paul Merson, Ian Wright & Dennis Bergkamp, quite a leg up dont you think!

  7. muzzlejuice

    Mar 13, 2011, 21:55 #3452

    Arsene you need to realise that the money so are refusing to spend it dosn't actually belong to you ,you are allowed to spend it to make your team better.And remember it is the measure of a big person if they can actually admit to their mistakes and make the necessary changes to put things right, we are in danger of forgetting all the great things that wenger has done for our club through his own blindness/stubboness/myopia shame

  8. Sam G

    Mar 13, 2011, 21:42 #3451

    I think it comes down to a few things. Firstly, we don't have quality defenders who know how to work as a unit. We've had several chances in the past 5 or 6 years to create a new and exciting defensive back line, but it hasn't happened. If you look at the two best teams of the past 6 or 7 years, Man Utd and Chelsea, they both have much stronger and more disciplined back lines.The next problem is the goalkeeper situation, Almunia is poor and often makes mistakes in critical games, Flapianski is one of the worst keepers we have had in years and szczesny is too young. I liked the look of Vito Mannone last year when he played for a few games, but he's on loan. We need an experienced, quality goalkeeper, and unfortunately MR Wenger that means spending some money. The next problem is the midfield, we have a load of very similar players, small, quick, talented players who lack power. If you look at the other top teams in the league they have power running through their midfields, like Man City with Yaya, De Jong, Barry, milner, vieira,: makes our midfield look positively feeble. Chelsea and Man U are the same. You need more than passing ability, speed and skill to make it in the Premier League, you need to have a powerful midfield. We don't have strikers who can score apart from Van Persie and the occasional goal from Chamakh and Bendtner (who should be sold as soon as poss). I think in order to win the League, which is after all what we really want, then we need to get rid of a lot of players: Almunia, Fabianski, squillaci (absolutely useless), clichy, Arshavin (too unpredictable), Denilson (worst outfield player in the team, one of the few Brazilian players without skill or much talent), Bendtner (he thinks he could be the best one day, but not until you start scoring goals son). Maybe more, but that would do for now. Then you would need to replace them with quality, but in order to do that we would need to invest serious money like all the other big teams in the world. But our stubborn board won't do that and for all of their stewardship of the club what has it got us recently, nothing, nada, zip. Fans of a great club like Arsenal want to win trophies, we've become a laughing stock and now the hated Chelsea mock us and look down on us, soon, spurs will be better than us and we'll be the third worst team in London. The final problem, and I fear the most important is the manager, Wenger needs to go. He has been a great servant for the club over the years, but his ideas are out of date, he's been left behind by football. You need to spend big to win big and he along with the board don't want to do that. He's become a laughing stock and brings the game into disrepute often with his behaviour off and on the pitch, especially when he talks to officials, that makes my blood boil. He can never except when he's wrong and he's dragging this proud club down with him and his repuatation, and I've had enough.

  9. paul cox

    Mar 13, 2011, 19:48 #3449

    wenger must stay coys

  10. irisheyes

    Mar 13, 2011, 19:01 #3448

    Arsenal fan since 1972 through thick and thin but it is now painful to take disappointment after disappointment. The saddest bit is the inevitability of it all - I went out rather than watch the match against Utd - and just knew what would happen. Pretty passing, no pentration, no drive, no fight in the belly, inevitably loss to a more ruthless opposition. I would love to think that they can put all of this behind them and push on for the league but I think we all know the likely outcome. In the unlikely event that we are still in it on 1 May when Utd come to the Emirates am I the only one who thinks that they will want it more than us. Having said all of that I still think Wenger is the answer - but recognition that some of these players are just not good enough. Bendtner - please god sell him if anyone is prepared to pay money and a few others. Rosicky has never fulfilled early promise, Denilson is not good enough - the list goes on. There are positives - never out of the top 4 despite the stadium change, knock out stages of the champions league every year etc etc. Nearly there is not enough if we never get the prize, even if our worst year is what other team's strive for but will never reach. I don't know the answer but it must involve Wenger, money, a greedy ba****d of a striker who shoots on sight and hopefully some light at the end of a very long tunnel. Time for a drink!

  11. mark

    Mar 13, 2011, 16:27 #3443

    i think weve got a real problem coming. Man city, spurs, liverpool are likely to be slightlt better next year, chelsea and man u will be chelsea and man u and i think we are going to be under real pressure for our CL spot which we now all clearly know is the sum total of the clubs ambitions plus wengers ability to make money on the coach-em-up-sell-em-expensive business model. as fans i dont think we will see a trohpy at arsenal for as long as current management, owners, business model applies. when all of this squad is fit and fresh they can pull off some great one off games like Barca at home but as soon as it gets to Feb where words like resiliance, mental strength, fight come into it, characteristics previous squads of ours had in spades, wengers current squad are woeful. if my life depended on the outcome of 1 match there are so many other premiership teams i would look to before our own. wenger has got it so wrong in term of characters, squad members, attitudes that we are now really in trouble next couple of years in my view

  12. Sean

    Mar 13, 2011, 16:25 #3442

    At the present moment in time i am ashamed to be a gunner. Out of 2 competitions in two weeks ,a cup final loss to a team fighting for relegation in the premier league. And what more the way arsenal went about the match on Tuesday as if they could just turn up in Barca"s back yard and not attempt any shots at all in the game never mind shots on target! Nevermind when i tuned in to watch the game yesterday and saw the man united line up i was filled wit optimism expecting maybe only a draw at the very least. But no not even a team with Van persie,Arshavin,Nasri could break down talent-less out of position players such as John O shea Rafael and even that twat Gibson, irest my case. Our season is well and truly falling to pieces, Come May, i can only see one team capable of grabbing the league by the scruff of the neck and bringing it home.

  13. Shropshire Lad

    Mar 13, 2011, 15:45 #3440

    Spot on and when we only get a point on Saturday we can stop clinging to the last thread of belief that we can win something this season. Josh is correct - Wenger needs a class act who can motivate and build some resilience into this squad. How do you like your Rice, boiled or fried?!

  14. Sheriff

    Mar 13, 2011, 15:14 #3437

    If anyone wants to sum up the difference btw Arsenal and Man Utd last when Sagna had the ball in our own half aand he wasnt going anywhere, did you see Rooney's challenge on him?? Now you consider our DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER Denilson's half hearted tackle during the build up to Man United first goal...And my fellow gooners that is the difference btw a team of winners (MAN U nited) and a team of losers (Arsenal)

  15. Maybe in 5 years

    Mar 13, 2011, 15:07 #3436

    right you gunners, whatever your persuasion AKB or Arsene Knows Nothing, but you care about the club and the state of denial it is in then do something so easy but yet so effective that it will have to get the boards attention. Email [email protected] with the simple subject header WE WANT AMBITION AND SIGNINGS, WE WONT BUY SHIRTS OR SEATS FOREVER, CONCERNED ARSENAL FINE. i have done mine, you can all moan but lets do something, lets try to at least get the boards attention. Concerned Gunner

  16. Paul

    Mar 13, 2011, 14:07 #3435

    I actually can't take much more!

  17. gary

    Mar 13, 2011, 13:44 #3431

    totally agree. wilshere apart nobody shows any winning mentality

  18. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 13, 2011, 13:35 #3429

    The real problem is that Wenger can t motivate the team to go the extra yards any more - they re just not responding to him. All the greats, Mee, Graham etc got to that point eventually. He s overstayed his welcome: good for him, good for the club, if he calls it a day and stands aside now before it turns any more sour and we forget what he s achieved (one hell of a lot).

  19. chrisy boy

    Mar 13, 2011, 13:30 #3428

    if we were to get rid of wenger and bring in a top manager ie the speical one at madrid, do u think he would want to keep the likes of denilson, diaby, rosicky, bentdner, vela, almunia, and so on, no not a chance he would want at least £50 million from the clubs bank account plus all the money from the sales of the donkeys mentioned above. This is where the trouble starts,The current board would just not allow this, sadly danny fizzmans health is not good ( our thoughts are with you danny at this time ) so new ownership of our great club seems ages away if thats what we want. Our current board are stuck in the old tradditions of the club which in some respects is good to see, but football has moved on sadly the board has not, i cant see anyone brave enough to call time on wenger so it looks like we are stuck unless a change is made from the very top !

  20. serious gooner

    Mar 13, 2011, 13:19 #3427

    this is to all the AKB brigade who always misunderstand the so called plastic fans. the so called plastic fans want to see spirit, desire and passion which wilshere has. I respect any fan that buys a shirt becuase they are contributing and no one has the high ground on who is a fan and not a fan. the fact is wenger is destroying the very success he has created becuase he refuses to change and invest being a coach is about being adaptive and ruthless which SAF is his credentials speak for themselves. I personally blame the board for not applying pressure to wenger to invest and win, I mean ivan (dont know shit) gazdis said winning is the not important thing? you what sorry mate I just spent hard cash on buying a shirt and the odd ticket and the least you can do is say you want to win! guys unless the board get the message there will be know changes. wenger doesn't need to go he needs pressure to deliver. I suggest and sad to say so that if the players don't start showing passion and we loose second place, then faithful need to show thier discontent buy either walking out home games early, using posters etc. if the Board don't feel the fans frustration then we only have ourselves to blame. I for one am not renewing my red membership. fed up of feeding the boards coffers an getting no fight from the players.

  21. rm3

    Mar 13, 2011, 12:52 #3424

    couldn't agree more.Perhaps wenger should join rice in early retirement

  22. Brigham

    Mar 13, 2011, 12:49 #3422

    Should we really be surprised by the latest defeat? Of course not, we are gutless when the chips are down and fight is required. Having served in the Forces, I would not want one of our players alongside me (Wilshire excepted), they are gutless. I think you will be getting 'judged' in May Mr Wenger!

  23. EborGooner

    Mar 13, 2011, 12:24 #3419

    As a lifelong Arsenal fan I will, of course, continue to give all the support possible and, until it's mathematically impossible, hope we can win the league. Sadly, and despite the brilliance of our football at times, there is an inevitability about a lot of the games. Loads of possession but little in the way of goal threat. Many sides have now worked out that if you are disciplined and focused in defence we aren't likely to create enough chances and we are ALWAYS vulnerable in our own defence. Naive defending, no positional awareness, and basic mistakes from set pieces etc means we are never in a secure position. Much as I admire Wenger he must take the blame for much of this. I still hope for the Premiership title, but fear the season will come to nothing.

  24. bottlers at it again

    Mar 13, 2011, 12:14 #3416

    wenger or no wenger, if the state of affairs doesn't change I think the team is going to break up. The players, whose sense of self worth has been inflated by wenger's indulgence do not put in the effort required at this level...they don't have faith in their teammates' abilities and it is amazing how just going through the motions is not punished by the management. There are shades of flamini in nasri's talk about contract renewal...same with clichy...and you can bet cesc is going to go...project wenger has failed miserably.

  25. simon

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:56 #3414

    questions questions, if Fergie or Murinho manged our current squad of players could they instill a winning mentality and manage to achieve what Wenger can't - wining the match when you don't dominate the game?

  26. johnnyh

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:52 #3413

    couldnt agree more about the manner of losing. it was all depressingly predictable,plenty of the ball,not clinical enough with our own chances. i wouldnt let rosicky denilson,clichy or bendtner kick a ball again for our great club.

  27. Josh

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:49 #3411

    I think we need sone fresh management blood with regardsvto the assistant manager. Were there not rumors the Pat Rice would be departing at the end of the season? Bring in a Keown or Adams to argue against Le Boss and maybe something will begin to change. Don't get me wrong Pat Rice has been a very loyal servant to this club but hopefully someone with some more balls will be able to argue with Le Boss on tactics, players etc and let the boys know what the Arsenal fighting spirit really is.

  28. Dom.

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:34 #3408

    Our club has lost its identity. Where is the passion? Is it any coincidence that the only player on that pitch who looked like he gave a shit was a young arsenal supporting local kid in Jack Wilshere. What do you expect from a team of French bottlers!!! We are a joke!!! But we do have lots of money which is the main thing......isn't it??????????

  29. truthhurts

    Mar 13, 2011, 11:21 #3406

    oh dear!!! what can you say? Diaby, denilson, rosiscky, bendtner, are simply not arsenal class. they just have to go in the summer. AW needs to swallow his pride, cut his loss and ofload these guys. i cring to say i agree with denilson for once- we don't have a leader on/off the pitch. hence we are not only looking for quality players in the summer, but also self-motivated leaders in our team. I can only start thinking of winning the league if we get maximum points up to our home match with ManU remember we still have to go to stokes, fulham & bolton, if you ask me now its a tough call.but i'm a supporter, i still dream, hope and the way can't we recall lansbury, and i'll like to see jens lehman keeping for rest of the season, i can't imagine my blood presure with a back 5 including almunia,squilacci and koscielny. believe me we are really strugling. wenger pls save us and save yourself!!!!!

  30. putupwithWengertolong

    Mar 13, 2011, 10:59 #3402

    RIP Arsenals season died before its time at Old Trafford without any last words.

  31. mark

    Mar 13, 2011, 10:30 #3400

    Time to bring Kyle Bartley back from Glasgow

  32. AJ

    Mar 13, 2011, 10:16 #3398

    Coundn`t agree more. How can we be positive at the moment. When I can predict an outcome of a game before it starts shows how bad things have become. A defensive United side sit back and hit us on the break, works every time !! Our best 11 would have won this game no problem. Add Denilson, Diaby and or Rosicky and we average at best. Also Gibbs defending is shocking. The next time I see Denilson`s name on the team sheet I wont bother watching, he`s that bad. By the way, if we had our best players fit all season we would have walked the premier league.

  33. Forever Clock End

    Mar 13, 2011, 10:15 #3397

    Questions have obviously been there about his lack of buying and squad building, which is now literally being shoved in his face with the GK and CB positions being a total farce. What I can't believe he gets away with even more so is the failure to have any tactics or gameplan for any game whatsoever. I like you, looked at the teams on paper and thought we had a great chance, but unlike Wenger, Fergie wasn't naming a team on paper, he was naming a side that were once again well drilled and informed tactically on stopping us and ensuring they could nick their usual 2 or 3 goals on the counter. At this level, it is becoming embarrassing - to the point I thought they were actually laughing at the possession they allowed us. I'm not a AW hater but as fans we're stuck in this nightmare circle of being called all sorts when we moan ('you play great football blah blah blah) and then gutless if we just sit here and accept the inevitable year after year. I know this post could look ridiculous if we go on to win the league and the 20,000+ of red spectacled happy-go-lucky muppets that we have picked up at that souless hole (a separate moan [wink]) in the last few years will take delight in saying I told you so, but I am genuinely not sure where we're heading as a club at the moment.

  34. Mark

    Mar 13, 2011, 10:02 #3396

    We need a new manager and board of directors.

  35. Alan

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:59 #3394

    There's just something really amateurish and pathetic about this Arsenal team. They're great when it's going their way, but when it's not they're pure cowards. Wenger is to blame. He has had more patience than any manager would get at a club the size of Arsenal. He has failed. And whether he gets another chance should be up to the fans.

  36. Angelo

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:54 #3393

    Realistic and depressing article, but that's the truth. I can't see these idiots win the league. More and more humiliation, negative records. What can we expect from the bunch of players, who don't deserve to be called a team?

  37. herbzoverrum

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:48 #3392

    all i can say is if i was as incompetent as wenger i would be sacked.......

  38. The Happening

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:47 #3390

    I just hope we qualify for the champions league! "The beast squad I've ever had!" Arsene Wenger "There is a special quality, a mental strength.." Arsene Wenger.. The manager has until May, then he must buy or ?

  39. aj

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:42 #3387

    It's the fact that so many of our players seem to go through the motions that annoys me.As soon as we loose a goal they stop believing in themselves.Look at the Newcastle game.Paul Merson showed more commitment in his little toe than most of this lot and he was pissed most of the time.

  40. Jammy

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:38 #3386

    Where is that fella who wrote an article on here the other day about hating Arsenal fans because they dare criticise his deity Lord Wenger? I wonder what he will say now? Ian you are spot on mate yet another collapse and there is only one person to blame for this.

  41. Leon

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:36 #3385

    Wenger is utterly incompetent and this is borderline gross misconduct - he placed saving money and the clubs ever burgeoning bank account ahead of success in the field. He will ABSOLUTELY NOT change his philosophy in the summer and will NOT buy in the class and experience we so desperately need - I see no reason to hope for anything different in the summer. I see the only way forward is to force this idiot out and offload the donkeys he has placed so much faith in - it is the Arsenal way for our best players to get injured and for us to rely on donkeys like Diaby, Denilson, Rosicky and Arshavin - this is down to the idiot that makes the decisions - Mourinho was right there is no pressure on him to achieve anything - Arsenal need a new direction with a new board and more importantly a new manager - we need to attract and buy the best players and not 15 year olds with "potential" - i am sick of seeing that word - Wenger has GOT to go....

  42. yozza

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:21 #3383

    top post.....absolutely spot on....nice to hear the truth for a change instead of the usual delusional AW said...."judge me in May"......we will!

  43. Martyn

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:15 #3382

    Spot-on assessment. I have decided not to take any notice of what Wenger says before and after a match. It's becoming embarrassing. We must, however, still believe that we can somehow muster a good run-in to the end of the season. If we can get Fabregas and Walcott fit who knows? Defeat against the Baggies next Saturday followed by victories for our nearest rivals will be the final nail in the coffin - but a good win against them might just be the tonic we need. As the old saying goes, we can now 'concentrate on the league'!

  44. ando

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:14 #3381

    you forgot to mention the cowardly Rosicky, who completely bottled one pass to him for fear of a crunching challenge from a manc defender. Had Tony Adams been in the side i think he would have made more of an effort as he would have felt Tony's boot up his arse otherwise, and he would have feared his wrath more than the challenge from the opponent.

  45. HowardL

    Mar 13, 2011, 9:10 #3379

    Lacklustre, uninspired, never looked really like scoring - a truly depressing performance.

  46. fred omach

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:59 #3377

    yes we know wenger can nature young talents but this is now irelevant.what is the point of compeeting knowing you cant win?wenger should just retire and we look for someone more forcused

  47. Sid

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:56 #3376

    You are an idiot, yet another in a long line o them peddling pathetic whiny crap on here. Go do something else, you are useless as a supporter.

  48. stevus

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:48 #3374

    I've supported AFC since 1975 when Bertie Mee was boss. We have now become so much like Spurs of the 80s and early 90s - mediocrity not just tolerated by the fans but even eulogised by many, taking some sort of "beautiful-football" moral high ground. I support my team, not a bloody philosophy. Nothing in life is forever - and yet some seem to expect Wenger will be cryogenically frozen to deliver intricate passing around the D until hell freezes over. His successor is indeed on a hiding to nothing, but the sooner that process starts the better in the long run. He has been great for the club BUT Arsenal (and the very concept of supporting ARSENAL, whether winning or losing) is far more significant than any club employee. May 2011 has to be time for a change. If 4th place had offered CL riches back in the 80s, Terry Neill and Keith Burkinshaw would probably still manage the respective North London clubs to this very day.

  49. Ron

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:39 #3373

    John O'Shea Rafael and Fabio in midfield.Wes Brown at RB.United had 7 defenders on the pitch.Fergie had his eye on the CL on tuesday.But he stll got his tactics spot on.Unlike one dimensional Wenger who sent his team out once again to play pitty patty football.And United just picked us off for fun.Clichy is not a good enough LB for us but Gibbs is worse.Sagna bombs forward but just cant cross a ball to save his life.Diaby and Denilson should not be at the club end of.I feel sorry for Jack playing alongside these two clowns.I have stuck up for Arshavin in the past but there is only so far you can defend him.RVP is not a team player.We need a wholesale clearout at the club and that includes the manager who has clearly lost the plot.Every man and his dog said we needed a CB in january but the stubborn old fool wouldnt listen.Thanks for the memories Arsene but your time is up.We need a Hiddink or Mourinho at the club

  50. Paras

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:36 #3372

    I am totally with you on this article. After the CC Final, I told all my Gooner mates we will end up with nothing - how I hoped to be wrong!!! There is a real lack of hunger, passion and desire to win which I find shocking for a team that has won nothing in past 5 years and now probably 6. Either Wenger needs to change his philosphy (i.e. not working with youth project) and spend some decent money on experience and quality or he needs someone else to step in and do it for him.I would actually get rid of 7 players at end of season as long as they are replaced! ... Almunia/Squillaci/Eboue/Rosicky/Denilson/Diaby/Bendtner and possibly add to that Clichy looking to move and the on-going Cesc dilemma and Barca.

  51. BennyGooner

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:34 #3371

    Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky are DEAD WOOD rotting away at our club. About time we had a clear out and bring in some quality players. Im so P*SSED off with how poorly they perform ... consistantly !!

  52. DB10

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:30 #3369

    I never wanted us to leave highbury but was told we would be able to compete with the top clubs for the top players! Well they fucking lied to us. We're fucked now with the chuckle brothers holding are defence together. It's simply not fucking good enough for The Arsenal. And I'm sick and tired of wengers excuses.

  53. Merson10

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:30 #3368

    I do believe this is about holding Wenger to account and applying pressure to him in some way. I agree with what you say above regarding a squad lacking numbers/quality, some players not pulling their weight. The thing is though I heard some guy on 606 last night calling for Wenger's head and having it replaced with Owen Coyle or David Moyes - I mean come on lets be careful what we wish for here. I do not want to see Wenger leave. I would like to see someone to see sense and do his job better. I have watched Arsenal at Old Trafford under George Graham / Stewart Houston and we never got anywhere near the opposition goal. Yesterday we took the game to them. Wenger needs to see sense and add steel and a competitive bite to this side - if he can do that he might be able to realise his and all of our dreams for this team.

  54. DeeTees

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:26 #3366

    I think if it were not for Almunia we would not have conceeded the two goals. The first one he palmed into Fabio's path and the second goal had him running off the pitch next to the goal !! Never has been good enough to wear the shirt, never will be. I would also like to add Diaby & Denilson to that list. The experiment is over Wenger, get rid of these people and buy some quality. I still think Wenger is the right man for the job but if we do not win the premiership and sign some quality during the summer I will not stay up into the small hours watching them (I live in the middle east, currently 4 hours behind). At the end of the season I would like to see the following go and replaced with better options : Almunia, Diaby, Denilson, Rosicky, Bendtner, Vela and Arshavin. Ramsay came on and showed immediatly what an Arsenal player should be like....

  55. Westie

    Mar 13, 2011, 8:25 #3365

    Usual stats, lots of possession blah blah blah. 19 year old Wilshire was once again the only player trying to grab the game by the scruff of the neck. The problem is that's it's all just so predictable. I'm sure some supporters will look for positives in that we can go all out for the league, but unfortunately I cant see how we can seriously entertain that as an idea with the CB pairing we now have forced on us. I feel desperately sorry for Djourou as he has been one of our players of the season. His replacement is simply not good enough. Choking at pivotal moments Injuries to the same key players 'mental strength' Lack of defensive investment Seem familiar anyone?