Arsenal’s failings continue

The title’s within reach, but the belief has gone

Arsenal’s failings continue

Saturday: Three down, now one to go for

A season that had, until now, presented the possibility of silverware on four fronts has, in two weeks, been reduced to one fading shot at the Premier League. Arsenal FC is in crisis. With an ever growing list of first choice players on the treatment table, the probability of the season ending trophy-less, again, is all too real. Add to this a squad that is devoid of confidence and in desperate need of a Herculean morale boost from their manager and you have a club in crisis.

The picture across the road at White Hart Lane is one that will halt the blood flow of any Arsenal supporter looking on. Tottenham’s Champions league run is no longer an ‘adventure’ but has now materialised to a credible European challenge. Spirits are high for Spurs and the rivalry that has been dominated by Arsenal looks to be slowly shifting in power. Disgruntled fans have endured enough disappointments over the years and the reality of Tottenham becoming the dominating team in North London would be too disheartening for even the most loyal of fans. Tottenham are in the ascendancy and Arsenal are, well, same old Arsenal.

During the time that Arsenal have endured their silverware drought, both teams have reached the final of the Carling Cup twice. The difference is, Spurs have won it once, a feat Arsenal failed to achieve. After years and years of loitering around the top four teams in England, Tottenham is the team that has shown real progression and development. Wenger’s Arsenal side have on occasion threatened to dominate the Premier League but faltered at every opportunity.

So what has Wenger done wrong? As a manager the Frenchman’s steadfast belief in his philosophy is a signal of his commitment to developing young talent. Development is a process and this process is one that has taken six years and counting to come to fruition. In modern football big spending does get you results. Manchester City has spent an unprecedented amount on players which in turn has catapulted them to within seven points of the Premier League leaders. Wenger’s refusal of buying any big name players has left his team consistently underperforming on the big stage. Add a fragile, injury prone squad with no outstanding leaders then you have a talented squad that threatens but never performs.

The Premiership is now the only real means of achieving any kind of glory this season. After a horrific last minute mistake in a cup final. A disappointing performance against ‘the best club side in the world’ and an equally disappointing performance against a depleted Manchester United side. Arsenal will have their fair share of doubters about their ability to win anything at all.

(Ed’s note – We get no enjoyment here at The Gooner by running articles that are not positive, but we run what is submitted to us, and we also will not bury our heads in the sand. I think it should be remembered by those that still believe in Arsene Wenger as the best man to take the club forward that those who point out areas where they think he has got it wrong do so because they want the best for the club. I think the vast majority of those who have criticised the manager and the players hope that they prove us wrong by winning the title. However, it is not only Arsenal fans that can see the faults. There have been excellent pieces since Saturday by The Telegraph’s Jim White and The Guardian’s Kevin McCarra that are well worth reading.)

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  1. GoonerRon

    Mar 15, 2011, 20:30 #3581

    Whinger_OUT_NOW. 'Barca beat us, but did we have to play them? Why weren't Whinger's team good enough to beat mighty Braga and Shakhtar and top the group and avoid Barca? Even if we topped the group (and we should have done, see comment about rotation below) and avoided Barca in the 2nd round, there's a strong chance we would have faced them in the QF, or SF or final. And chances are they would have beaten us at that time and we wouldn't have won the trophy. The reason? Well they are probably the best team to ever walk the earth and we aren't. Which of the following statements are not true: We were ahead in the tie when RVP got sent off. Barca had to score twice in the last 35 minutes to go through without extra time. Being down to 10 men meant our players had to cover more ground per man than with 11. The likelihood of us scoring the last minute chance with RVP in Bendtner's position was higher. right? RIGHT? Barca were the better team and deserved to go through and despite not registering a single shot the above statements are all true and COULD have impacted the result. And for the record injuries and refeering decisions have had an impact in the past but they are not the core reason behind us winning trophies. We have lacked leadership at certain times, have lacked defensive balance at times, have been beaten by better teams at times, have rotated too much at times, have made poor substitutions at times, have lacked energy, a plan b and quality in certain performances at times. Wenger is not without fault - far from it - but unlike you I choose to focus on the positives (and there are plenty despite what you might choose to believe) and not get immersed in ranting at people who disagree with me.

  2. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 15, 2011, 16:19 #3568

    "Once again we go in the run in with our crap back up players having to play a part.Squillaci will now be the CB just like Silvestre was last season" Well I have my doubts about Squillaci too but the one game he has been called upon to play in recently was the Stoke game in which we won, kept a clean sheet, and Squillaci himself scored the winner. Let's have a bit more faith. Jesus wept, the doom mongering on here beggars belief.

  3. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 15, 2011, 14:48 #3563

    GoonerRon, well done. I didn't think the AKB would still be around blaming freak this, chance that, luck that. Funny how all sorts of "freak accidents" keep happening to us, eh? Like between Sol and Flappianski last season? Maybe, just maybe, these are not freak accidents but happen because our players are not good enough? WHO would have thought of that, eh? What happened in 2007? Funny how "freaks" made us blow the title then too, eh?And since then, it's always been "freak" accidents, or injuries or referees or pitch or something else. Always and always something else. Barca beat us, but did we have to play them? Why weren't Whinger's team good enough to beat mighty Braga and Shakhtar and top the group and avoid Barca? I'l tell you why...not good enough. The bench is horse shit. We were THE ONLY English club this time to not have topped our group. And I suppose us not registering a single shot on goal against Barca was also freak? Let's blame the ref for that one. After all, we were tearing them a new one when we had 11 players, right? RIGHT? No point in talking to deluded idiots like you. You have your head buried so far up Whinger's ass that daylight will forever elude you

  4. Grantbarking

    Mar 15, 2011, 14:04 #3557

    GoonerRon is absolutely right. To lose to Barcelona and Man U away is not a disaster. With a little bit of luck we could have won either game - or both! What amazes me about the whingers in these pages is when they criticize Wenger for boosting his team and talking about positive mental strength. What's he supposed to say: "we're just a bunch of tippy-tappy bottlers?"

  5. GoonerRon

    Mar 15, 2011, 12:43 #3544

    Whinger_OUT_NOW I was commenting on the fact that everyone has said Wilshere is the only player to give 100%, which I personally think is wrong. On the two games in question the facts are that both GK's were MOTM and I stand by the fact that it wouldn't be the case if we weren't probing, passing, creating openings and scoring chances. One game was lost by a one in thousand defensive error which Ches or Kos won't make again and on another day aganst United we win the game with the chances we created. I'm not saying Wenger or the team are perfect, far from it in many ways. In a moment I'll do what you ask and 'force open my eyes and see the picture that is ahead of me', but first I'll take a quick look back: I see us losing in the CC final to a freak goal, but before that I see us dicking on Spuds and Newcastle away to get to that point. I see us going out of the CL to arguably the best team ever to walk this earth by a single goal. I see losing away to Man U in the FA Cup whose home record is incredibly good and when on another day we win the game based on the chances we created. Fortunately, I am able to understand that in top level sport the line between winning and losing can be incredibly fine. Yes, we probably need to tweak the squad to help our mentality of getting across the line, to quickly apply what we've learnt in the pain of defeat to spur us on to improve. I'll force open my eyes once more to see what is in front of me - I see us in second place, 3 points behind the leaders with a game in hand and a home fixture against the leaders to come. What board in their right mind would sack a manager in that position with 10 games to go? Even if we don't win it, Wenger still has credit in the bank for me.

  6. johnnyh

    Mar 14, 2011, 23:30 #3517

    i read the jim white article on the man utd game and i have to say he is spot on .as crap as denilson,rosicky,diaby and co are we still created plenty of opportunities to win the match. our defence and keeper come in for a hell of a lot of stick but in my opinion its the lack of a top quality striker that hurts us. wenger is tactically clueless and therefore his gameplan is to outscore the opposition but to do this we require a 30 goal a season forward. last saturdays match was a perfect example,plenty of chances created but none taken. someone like a fit torres,anelka or david villa would have a field day playing for arsenal,any one of them would win the golden boot every season because they would take the majority of the chances that we create. if wenger is going to keep playing the same way then a top quality proven goalscorer has to be priority number 1 in the summer.

  7. In Wenger We Trust

    Mar 14, 2011, 20:47 #3510

    i just wish we sign lemman, its just on the news todays, i bet he can teach the whole squad a thing or two about spirit and the arsenal shirt, offcourse along with wilshire and ramsey

  8. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 14, 2011, 20:25 #3509

    GoonerRon, stop being naive. VdV had a good game, 2 solid saves but the rest were regulation. Arsenal made it easier for him by shooting straight at him. Which season is this now that 1) either all goalkeepers everywhere have outstanding games against us, or b) We pick up injuries or c) All refs everywhere conspire against us? It is ALWAYS one or the other thing, but never Whinger. Oh no sir, not him. Ever. Never his tactics, or his shitty French signings or his complete and utter lack of knowledge about the defensive side of games. Had we had 7 defenders out there and Manure had their near full strength team, could you say that we would have managed to win like they did? Bull-fucking-shit. They would have given us a hiding we would not have forgotten in a hurry. FACE IT - this is Whinger's team. His men, his babies, his purchases, his so-called mentally strong team, his "best ever" team. Yet, for the 6th season we are blaming opposition goalkeepers or refs. What horseshit. Whinger has to go. If he doesn't go at the end of the season, he will damage the team even more. As it is, anyone new who comes in will demand boat loads of money to replace the shit that Whinger has painstakingly corrected. If he's given more time, he will sell Cesc and RVP and bring i two more loud mouthed, soft bellied, cocky only in words French frogs. AKB's really need to stop licking Whinger ass, force open their eyes and see the picture that is ahead of us

  9. Lucy Van Pelt

    Mar 14, 2011, 19:21 #3506

    Since the manager is in the unique position of being under no pressure from the board is up to us, the fans, to generate that pressure, and keep it up. Wenger notoriously dislikes and actively avoids conflict (which goes a long way in explaining the spineless players we are stuck with). So let's organise a protest, demonstrate, chant (banners get confiscated). As the editor mentioned on another thread, alert the media - let's wear the Arsenal equivalent of anti Glazer scarves! Various sites are reporting we have just re-signed Lehmann, a 41 one year old keeper who has not touched a ball in a year. A taste of the transfers to come in the summer, no doubt.

  10. GoonerRon

    Mar 14, 2011, 18:40 #3504

    I've seen a lot of articles about the Brum and Man U games saying the players lacked effort. This drives me nuts because it just wasn't the case. The opposition GK's were MOTM in both games, doesn't that tell us something about us creating good goalscoring opportunities, which surely aren't possible without effort, creativity, skill, desire? Wilshere is a top player and clearly gives his all in every minute of every match but I can't agree that he was the ONLY player to give 100%.

  11. Gunner forever.

    Mar 14, 2011, 18:06 #3503

    Not once has AW apologised to his teams hardworking fans who pay a lot of money each week to watch Arsenal home and away. His charges have let us down time and again over the past 6 years but does he really care what we think..........or does he just care what the board and the people who pay his wages think? The day you have an AGM where the questions posed to the manager are checked to see if they meet with his approval is the day that we fans have lost control of the club that we built and paid for!

  12. Andy

    Mar 14, 2011, 17:22 #3500

    "There is a certain form of cowardice - when I speak with them, nothing happens, as usual," he said. "I feel like I'm responsible for this but the players are lacking courage. Some of the players maybe wore the France jersey for the last time." France coach Marc Lievremont talking after saturdays defeat to Italy. Ring any bells.

  13. danalovAFCXI

    Mar 14, 2011, 14:32 #3495

    "Manchester City has spent an unprecedented amount on players which in turn has catapulted them to within seven points of the Premier League leaders". yeah and? with that sort of money they should be miles ahead of the pack by now! I was all doom and gloom this week but its not over yet this title is ours if this team can find some bottle.

  14. ppp

    Mar 14, 2011, 13:15 #3491

    Another spurs fan banging on about tottenham "credibility" in an arsenal publication. And on the editors note at the end of the article - bear in mind that your favourite writers Kevin Mcarra and Jim White are a Chelsea fan and Manc respectively. All real gooners will get behind the team for the rest of the season.

  15. Nick

    Mar 14, 2011, 12:13 #3487

    Weve arguably the best away support in the country the encouragement they gave the team on saturday was outstanding,but,the teams response was a slap in the face to the travelling 9,000, with the exception of jack Wilshire the lack of ideas and fighting spirit was appalling, if that was mental strengh then id hate to see this team without any,we used to have a seige mentality when things conspired against us this current bunch just seem to sulk.

  16. Glynn

    Mar 14, 2011, 11:47 #3486

    How on earth can you seriously write that Spuds have a credible European challenge, yes they are in the quarter finals but we have more chance of winning the league then they have of bettering the remaining teams in the Champs League and the reality of the situation is that their next game will probably be their last in this competition 'for ever' !!! We've had a crappy couple of weeks but try and put it in perspective, Birmingham aside we have lost to good teams away from home (that may be harsh on Brum as well). If we can beat WBA on Sat then it's a matter of regrouping for a big April. All is not lost and why give up now. COME ON YOU REDS !!

  17. Mark

    Mar 14, 2011, 11:11 #3481

    Once again we go in the run in with our crap back up players having to play a part.Squillaci will now be the CB just like Silvestre was last season.Denilshit and Diaby Arsenals answer to the Chuckle Brother will get starts.How can Wenger not see players who were not good enough 3years ago are not good now.The thing that drives me mad about Wenger is he never learns lessons from previous seasons.We are not going to win the league not with a defence which includes Squillaci and mistake waiting to happen in average Al.Once again we go back to Wengers failure to sign quality last summer.Wenger will not change because he is not under pressure.Pep and Mourinho are under pressure but our manager isnt.Strange very strange

  18. chris dee

    Mar 14, 2011, 10:03 #3473

    Yep spot on.The critisism, loud and agressive at the moment, is not because we hate our club it's because we love the club so much it literally hurts inside when we have to endure the events of the last two weeks. The Birmingham result was unforgivable and will remain unforgivable.If we had won at Wembley I believe we would now have a 50/50 chance of the Premiership.But now,not a chance,despite the league table saying otherwise. The supporters are confused and upset that some players who have been cosseted and pampered by the club continue to underperform both,endeavor wise and more noticable cojones wise,and it is not just this season.We are angry that Bendtner,Denilson,Diaby,Eboue,Clichy,( we saw yesterday Gibbs is a Clichy clone) and Arshavin are put to shame by Jack Wilshere who has more commitment to the team in his little toe than that shower put together. But but but..........the buck stops with Arsene,he know these players,he has put together this squad,he knows what it takes to win trophies but if he put his hand on his heart I don't believe he thinks we can win the league despite his sad 'mental strength' mantra.Stop taking the piss out of us Arsene,we are not blind,unlike yourself when it comes to the teams shortcomings.

  19. Gunnertime

    Mar 14, 2011, 10:03 #3472

    The league is always the true indicator of all the most prized elements in football: consistency, adaptability to different teams and styles, mental and physical stamina. We cannot hold the league up yet as an example of us lacking these things. For all intents and purposes if we win the game in hand (yes I know that's not a given) we are joint top of league. We must not forget that. I think what has to be debated and honestly appraised is our preparation for big knockout matches, regardless of the opposition. We must develop different gears and tactics to counter those of our opponents. Our fast pass and move style is only really effective with our 1st XI fit, in form and with confidence. We can't just get rid of players who cannot play in that way, no squad has 22 outstanding players. What we have to accept is that there are different ways to set up our formation and play according to the strengths of those on the pitch. Man Utd's effort on Saturday was a classic example. The new formation and players played to the very best of their capabilities and energies. Could we have still won? Yes of course, but therein lies the problem. We look at the match and go we had x amount of possession and shots and were unlucky. Football has never worked like that. When we beat Barcelona at home, we won purely by virtue of sticking the ball in the net twice to their once. As for Spurs, they are doing well for a club at their stage of development. They still haven't won anything, they are still outside the top 4 and are on a good cup run in Europe. Shifts in power will come when they have beaten us in the league over a few years and won cups. They still have a long way to go.

  20. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 14, 2011, 9:51 #3470

    Is that really an 'excellent piece' by Kevin McCarra?? It's essentially a match report that presents the facts.

  21. Louis IV

    Mar 14, 2011, 9:51 #3469

    let them eat cake. Wenger is an emperor, has too much power, not enough pressure to get results like other managers so is able to fiddle around with his project. what shocks me is some fans still dont get it, still dont understand the structure of todays arsenal. well let me tell you. theres no one around wenger anymore who he respects enough to dialogue with over team selection, etc. contrast that with Team Tottenham where Rednapp has Tim Sherwood, Led Ferdinand, Joe Jordan, Kevin Bond all sitting with him managing tottenham. whos made most progress over last 2.5 years ?

  22. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 14, 2011, 9:39 #3466

    "The Premiership is now the only real means of achieving any kind of glory this season." And there you have it. 'The Premiership is now the only real means of achieving any kind of glory this season'. The league is still the barometer of how good the team is, the true mark of consistency and excellency. If we win the league we are the best team in England. Right now, people would have you believe we're the worst. Let's reserve judgement until the end of the season. As for this: "Spirits are high for Spurs and the rivalry that has been dominated by Arsenal looks to be slowly shifting in power." It's like reading The Sun or something sometimes this place.