Time to end this ourselves

Former AKB has seen enough

Time to end this ourselves

Wenger: Dictator that needs toppling

We only have ourselves to blame for our never ending Groundhog Day implosion/capitulation act, come business end of season time. The reason is simple, we do not make known our deep displeasure and utter frustrations at the way our club is currently being run to our board or Wenger. Because we do not boycott and more importantly do not sing and shout for Wenger and the board that it’s time for them to go! Six years is an experiment long enough, and any of you AKB supporters still out there who say ‘Wait as we might win the league this season’, I say wake up it simply won’t happen. I would give anything to have to eat those words, as I am as desperate as any other Gooners for that to happen, but am confident I won’t, as all I can see is more misery on the horizon, supplied by our squad players.

The utter despair and frustration I feel, when even today I hear our supporters singing Wenger’s name, just because at a given moment we happen to be winning a particular game is indescribable, as I know it means that Wenger and the board genuinely still believe we are all 100% behind Project Wenger. Nothing could be further from the truth. You only have to read the vast majority of articles on this website and the comments below these articles to realize that there is a deep swell of resentment, frustration, anger, despair etc at how our beloved club is being run, purely for profit and not for winning anything other than a top four finish (which according to our illustrious leader is a trophy in itself).

We all know the situation will never change until Wenger has gone, and any AKB supporters left who still have the faith are in my view simply deluded. I myself was once an AKB supporter and defended Wenger to the hilt, but not anymore, as the man has become a sick joke, with his “the best squad ever” and “mental strength” bollocks. We watch the same mistakes being made season after season with blind faith invested in all the usual suspects, whom have consistently let Wenger and us down, and yet the man continues to stand by them and allow them to be the cause of perpetual failure at this time of year. This is before we even go into his woeful tactical acumen, which is practically zero, and yet he is under little if any pressure from us, the very people who could do something about it.

We all know Wenger is as stubborn as a mule, and any written criticism of him he will ignore and always has done. However we also know he is a very proud man, who is use to getting his own way 100%. What he probably would not be able to handle and would shock him to the core, is if we were to start heckling him. I suspect his pride would be hurt too much for him to remain, and that is my point. If as you all comment you want this nightmare to end, then do something to make it happen, by consistently venting your spleen at home games directly directed to Wenger and the board, and not the players, to let them know enough is enough as we simply can’t take any more. From the ‘Invincible’ team when his stock was rightly at an all time high, to today where he has destroyed all the goodwill and love we had for him, as we have watched him morph, into a ridiculously stubborn dreamer whose vision is fatally flawed.

Arsene Wenger is a dictator in all but name, which is why I found it incredibly ironic when he accused UEFA of this. The definition of a dictator is someone who seizes total and utter control for himself, and then surrounds himself with yes man whose only job is to worship at the altar of the chosen messiah, just as Pat Rice and all the board members do. Don’t forget Wenger is the only manager at a football club in the history of the world game, who was allowed to chose his supposed boss, as he vetoed other candidates who presumably would not have toed the Wenger line, and started asking pertinent questions like why do we always capitulate at this time of year, and why do we pay certain players such huge amounts, despite them never ever winning us anything? As has been shown recently in various middle eastern countries, dictators can easily be toppled by the people i.e. us!!!!!

In summary if you truly feel like I do please please, please stop singing Wenger’s name, and instead start letting the board and Wenger know that this time we really have had enough, and want a complete change of direction. I did suggest this in an earlier article but nothing transpired as you all seemed content and fooled that once again this would be the season it would all come good! Remember if you don’t start this now, you will have a minimum of 3 more years of this nightmare to endure, and who knows probably beyond that! I sincerely wish that what I am now proposing would never have been on mine or anyone else’s agenda, but I simply see no other way out. In an ideal world Wenger would have retired a couple of seasons ago, with his head held high and forever be revered for his undoubted achievements, but he didn’t and has now outstayed his welcome and tarnished his reputation.

P.S. Any AKB fans remaining, feel free to castigate me for my opinion and suggestion as I have broad shoulders.

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  1. arsenal71

    Mar 18, 2011, 9:40 #3763

    a great article. the genuine fans are all fed up with wengers bleatings. if he had only listened and done smething about the teams weaknesses over the past 4 years we would have won the premiereship by now. 4th place is nothing! in the game we all love winning should be our aim.

  2. Conrad Drykoningen

    Mar 16, 2011, 15:25 #3648

    I certainly have put the cat amongst the pigeons with this article, judging from the various reactions. But please just because you don't agree with my opinion or anyone else's don't resort to using childish foul language, as believe it or not we do live in a democracy where different opinions should be aired. Instead of expressing your hatred and disgust that I could even have such an opinion submit your own articles to defend Wenger and his ways, as very few of you ever do, and are simply content to slag off others who are prepared to submit one! I reached my conclusions because of Wenger's never ending faith in his squad players not his first eleven who I believe are capable of winning big trophies but are handicapped by our boss's faith in Denilson & co which ensures perpetual failure. Were he to ditch the deadwood which he should have done 2/3 years ago of course I would not want Wenger out, but his refusal to do so means we forever fail. The reason I suggested protesting now, which I acknowledge is not the right time to do being second in the league, is because you wont get another oppurtunity until August by which time the cycle simply repeats itself, with our first eleven getting us into a very strong position only for injuries to come along which brings the deadwood back in, which means we fail again and then the cycle starts all over again!! Maybe i did not articulate that well in the article, but that is where my deep frustrations eminate from, because the potential solutions are easily rectifyable but the one man who can, simply wont and hence I feel we need someone else who will!

  3. Oliver Chessis

    Mar 16, 2011, 12:47 #3635

    I think its ironic that had we been knocked out of the first rounds of the cup and the group stage of the Champs League that we wouldn't be getting such stupid reactions. The only reason we are the only team to collapse because we were the only team still competing at this stage. if you think that we should concentrate on winning the league at the expense of the cups, then it shouldn't matter that we haven't won anything for 6 years, as there is only won possible thing to win.

  4. Wombledin

    Mar 16, 2011, 9:28 #3594

    It is stupid to call for Wenger's sacking when we are 2nd in the league, come on, but I absolutely agree it's equally stupid to be singing Wenger's name when he has won nothing for 6 seasons and this season the team choked badly against Brum, etc. This is Arsenal not Arseneal. Stop singing his name you muppets but don't call for his sacking (yet) either. Call for his sacking when we finish out of the top four cuz nothing's gonna change until that happens.


    Mar 16, 2011, 9:22 #3593

    I am astounded by the hostility of some of the responses to your article, Conrad. I seem to remember that like me you have supported Arsenal since 1970 so you are not making your comments lightly as a fair-weather fan. For what it is worth I totally agree with you and I wonder how many humiliating failures, defeats and capitulations it will take to make some of our fans take their heads out of the sand and realise that Wenger's time should be up if he does not change his ways. Yes, I know we are second in the league, will more than likely finish top four, but just think where we could be if Wenger would address the obvious failings in the squad and that is where the frustrations with him lie. Wenger pre 2006 is undoubtedly the best manager I have known at the club, but the post 2005 version has forgotten what it takes to get a team 'over the line' at the business end of the season. The squad is not good enough and the mix of players is wrong in my humble opinion. Too many of them stroll around the pitch as if they could not care less. There would appear to be no leaders and Wenger has turned us in to a bit of a joke defensively - name me another Premiership team that would throw away a 4 - 0 lead with a little over 20 minutes left, even if they were down to ten men. I am sorry Wenger but the experiment has failed to deliver and hits the buffers at this time of the season every year because you refuse to admit to any mistakes and continually back players like Denilson instead of shipping them out and buying the in the two or three quality, experienced players the team is crying out for.

  6. Rob Bullen

    Mar 16, 2011, 2:32 #3591

    Pete, you are the only prick here son, the point people are making is that this current team, do not have the heart or the passion for a fight when the chips are down, just because people dont like certain players dosent make them bad supporters, this kind of thing has been happening since the game started and happens at every club, the point you miss is this, we love Arsenal Football Club, always will, but certain employees we feel do not belong at our Football Club! Arsenal will always be, players and Managers have a tenure, whether it be a long or short one! so its not a mordern football supporter trait or rant, by the way dont choke on your prawn sandwiches ya mug!

  7. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 16, 2011, 1:25 #3590

    I think I'd wait until all 38 matches have been played before deciding on a protest or some such action...imagine how truly fucking weird it would be if we won it, watching as Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky, Billy B and Eboue proudly display their "hard earned" Premiership winner's medals around their 50 grand a week necks? Jack Wilshere could show his to Mario Balotelli!!! The mere thought makes me laugh my Titi Henrys off...

  8. mark

    Mar 15, 2011, 23:41 #3588

    JJB then basis your logic why can birmingham beat us when we were meant to be so much more desperate for a trophy than they were ? what happened at newcastle away, orient away, wigan away, wba home, newcastle, spurs home, man u away fa cup ? can you really not see any pattern here ? spirit, fight, determination, belief were precisely the things which were missing, time and again, not ability. dont you get it ? AW has it all except the deep emotional ability to send a group out to excel ? Mcleash the Birmingham manager surely proved that ??

  9. Lucy Van Pelt

    Mar 15, 2011, 22:30 #3586

    jammy dodger - I hate to break it to you, but it is not 'your' ground. You are just a guest there, and so am I. And if I and other people are unhappy with the way the football club we support is being run, we have a right to make our feelings known and protest in a civilised way. Last time I looked, the stadium was in North London and not in North Korea.

  10. GoonerRon

    Mar 15, 2011, 20:53 #3583

    Two quotes from you Conrad - ‘I say wake up it simply won’t happen. I would give anything to have to eat those words, as I am as desperate as any other Gooners for that to happen' followed by 'then do something to make it happen, by consistently venting your spleen at home games directly directed to Wenger and the board, and not the players.' You say you 'would give anything' but clearly supporting the team and the manager through the run in isn't 'anything.' I almost choked on the irony.

  11. Arse&Nose

    Mar 15, 2011, 19:40 #3580

    Yes, well over the top BUT something has to change. As others have said, we can win the league but deep down we all know it just aint gonna happen... A good start would be a proactive No. 2 - Steve Bould or Tony Adams?

  12. johnnyh

    Mar 15, 2011, 19:35 #3579

    i share your frustration pal but just calm down a bit. wenger is a stubborn man but lets be fair to the guy,he has kept us in the top 4 on a relative shoestring budget whilst we built a brand spanking new stadium that is the envy of the majority of the premier league. the problem with getting rid of wenger is who the hell replaces him. do we really want mourinho? i know i certainly wouldnt want that arrogant twat.with pat rice going in the summer we have the chance to replace him with someone younger who has some fresh ideas and some idea of tactics.

  13. Pooks

    Mar 15, 2011, 19:20 #3578

    Im disgusted, truly disgusted.

  14. Ando

    Mar 15, 2011, 19:16 #3577

    Conrad, It will not be necessary to give any of the paid staff negative chants or songs, it is also not the thing that supporters should really contemplate or encourage. Our dilema is, if we do win the league, Wenger will make you eat your words and the crap players will still be around next season, getting even more overpaid. His MO is actually close to bringing us affordable success, it is his obstinate perseverance with some of the dross (diaby,denilson etc) and his patronising ways that make things so frustrating for us fans. I would like to think that he is fully aware of the clearout required in playing staff, only time will tell.

  15. Redwith Whitesleeves

    Mar 15, 2011, 17:59 #3576

    Conrad, your article seems to have polarised opinion like no other. Well done. The boil needs lancing. I'm 100% with you buddy.

  16. Peter

    Mar 15, 2011, 17:47 #3575

    1952/3 17 years to next trophy. 1970/1 only 1 trophy in next 15 years. I have been attending since 1967 and there have been many frustrating days/seasons along the way. Arsene Wenger is the best thing to happen to the club since Herbert Chapman in the 30's. Be careful what you wish for,as being a big club does not entitle you to win trophys or even challenge for them. Remember how many years Newcastle have had to wait with a support on par with us to win a trophy or even challenge for one on a regular basis. Have a look at the league positions during Wenger's years then look all the way back over the previous 30 or more. I get as frustrated as anyone and am a very bad loser but get things into perspective. Remember if Chelsea had not bought 2 titles we would almost certainly have won more.You cannot compete on a level playing field with a team that posts a 70m loss than spends over 50m the next day.Man U generate far more money but have a far larger world fan base. Everyone is entitled to an opinion especially if you spend your hard cash supporting the team but look at the facts. My feeling is that Wenger will build a legacy that long outlives him.Trouble is it does not satisfy the 'I want it now' mentality that is pr****ant throughout football.Patience is not a word football fans want to hear and 5/6 years seems a lifetime to many.

  17. jammy dodger

    Mar 15, 2011, 17:36 #3574

    Go away and support the spuds Lucy Van P, keep your crappy protests away from our ground......

  18. Shropshire Lad

    Mar 15, 2011, 16:38 #3569

    Oh dear! New dummy for Conrad. There is nobody good enough to replace Wenger and take our football to the Barca level. Rice does need replacing but he is probably going to retire at the end of the season. Support the team and win the league. Oh and enjoy Jens antics even on the bench!

  19. Jon

    Mar 15, 2011, 14:43 #3561

    Let's put this into perspective, yes we have become rather stale and predictable, but then we are on the brink of another league trophy? Personally after years of optimisom the demons have finally got the better of me and I don't think we will win the league. We are as so many have previously said capable of beating or getting beaten by anyone. In truth though we tend to beat those we should and struggle at the business end. Man Ure or Chelski could have taken a 0-4 lead at Newcastle but probably not with the same flair, the flip side of course is even if it was 1 or 2 the game would have effectively been over. Arsenal can't defend(vs the spuds 4-4, wigan 3-2, liverpool 4-4 - the list is endless) And more importantly lessons are never learned, the 'mental strength' tag was getting boring last season, its laughable now, at Barcelona (ok they're not a bad side) the ball was like a hot potato, there was zero self belief in the entire team, even when they equalized for us and we had something to hold onto we couldn't keep the ball for 5 seconds... It is what it is, Mr Wenger has done an amazing job but he has been rumbled, his style of play is predictable, there is no 'plan b' and he can no longer pick up top quality players for peanuts as managers have got wise to his scouting ability. I doubt there is any other manager in world football that could have achieved so much with so little money but that ship has sailed now and money is king. We have money which I believe Arsene chooses not to spend and that is the main issue, despite how tight he may be personally as an Arsenal employee he's job is to win trophies and just beacause he dosen't think a player is worth a certain amount if the club can afford them he has to/ be told to make the signings. He runs the team yes, the club no.

  20. Bobolancs

    Mar 15, 2011, 14:08 #3558

    "You only have to read the vast majority of articles on this website and the comments below these articles to realize that there is a deep swell" I don't know exactly how many Arsenal fans there are in the world (there are over 4 million on Facebook alone). Articles written on this website and the comments underneath DO NOT CONSTITUTE A "DEEP SWELL", so don't tar us all with the same brush as yourself.

  21. danalovAFCXI

    Mar 15, 2011, 14:02 #3556

    Bloody hell!! calm down mate seasons not over yet we still are in with a shot of the league. Wenger has his faults but getting rid now would just see our best players leave with him. I fear the transition period after Wenger as he is the only one that is consistently keeping us above the Spuds at the lane. If Wenger left now Spuds would be very much in with a chance of overtaking us totally. For a club of our size to keep up with the best in Europe and the Prem we have done very well and thats all down to Wenger. Though i do think Wenger needs to splash the cash.

  22. David

    Mar 15, 2011, 13:26 #3551

    Yep, Arsenal has a divine right to win every tournament, every season. We should definately get rid of the manager who kept the club competing in all four competitions longer than any other club did. And achieved this with key players being injured at various stages. Yes, we should of cause sack Wenger whilst only 3pts off the lead with a game in hand. That we be so sensible. What factual knowledge do you possess that the board & Pat Rice worship and would never challenge Wenger? You have none, you're just repeating what you've read on this website. You probably believe that George Graham played boring football too just because some other dunderhead told you so. Wenger has never let us down - yes he has got things wrong - but never let us down. It is true that some of the current squad are not good enough to be at Arsenal but we still have a genuine chance at winning the League this year and you should be supporting the team during this period not adding to the hysteria and encouraging fans to jeer the team and our manager. We are all dejected at the recent run of important result but we have also incurred some woeful bad luck/bad refereeing during these games, much of which you accurately state yourself. When Arsenal are no longer genuinely competing for trophies then we may have to re-access, until that day, do not turn on our excellent manager.

  23. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 15, 2011, 13:24 #3550

    More or less agree with what Jack H said.

  24. Jack H

    Mar 15, 2011, 13:10 #3549

    Piss off you twat! Whilst we still have any chance of winning the league then we support this team and this manager unequivocally! We will have plenty of time in May to debate the manager’s future and the future of some of our squad, but all of this pointless negativity is futile! This is our team and this is our manager until the end of the season so stop trying to derail our chances in the only competition! I actually think many fans would like us to screw up the title and are happy to help in that so it somehow justifies all of the negative crap coming out of their mouths! I’m ashamed to support the same club as the likes of you! I am happy to re-open the debate at the end of May - I am a realist as-well but there is no value in it now!!!

  25. Nelson McConnell

    Mar 15, 2011, 13:03 #3548

    'the utter despair and frustration I feel when I hear our supporters sing Wenger's name'. Get a grip.

  26. the goon

    Mar 15, 2011, 12:59 #3547

    you know what is sad is when someone like you talks sense,he rest of us want to carry on fantasizing, maybe thats what "Fan" should imply. its ridiculous cause the man lost the plot long time ago and its just beginning to eat us now. he doesnt like winning trophies not only cause morinho said it but he himself acknowledged he lacked the desire this season and by fielding his strongest teams in FA and Carling cup and still couldnt get one.can u imagine what would be the situation if he carried on experimenting. the fact that arsenal couldnt scoop the carling cup from birmingham tells us how much winning material we possess. am sorry but if you jumped off a 30 story building with no parachute or back-up , i dont care how much of a fan of safety you are and how much you believe you can make it, there is a law and its called gravity and it always kicks in when you jump off like that. in short it would be stupid to make no other assumptions. let me bring it home. we have all been stupid enough to actually believe that Arsenal was going to win simply because we ignored the law of humility. it states "Pride comes before the fall and Humility before Honor" ,we all know Wenger wants to prove a point with "project youth" to the point that his pride and arrogance and ego has done the following obviously stupid mistakes 1. He let martin keown go, the best defense coach we had after invincibles but for what?? 2.He let Gilberto go simply cause flamini was at his peak, take a look at old trafford and tell me why is giggs,scholes and formerly(gary) running the show?? 3.He let Flamini go and fortunately song stepped up but we dont know what wouldve gone down 4.He bought Silvestre an obvious worn out CB and stuck with him till he brought in .... 5.Sol campbell, the only reason arsenal became galvanized half of the remaining season, the true captain material after Vermalean and let him go!!! for whatttt and whyyyyyy!!????????????????????? 6.Oh yes he has brought in to replace silvestre and experience CB in the form of Squilaccii...dont even get me started..for those of you going on about Wengers selection of toure, campell etc please note it was george grahams initial foundations here 7. He sold adebayor only to replace him a season later with a potential but unproven striker in the form of chamakh 8.He had an opportunity to buy a striker last season for the tough games lined up for jan and with rvp injured he was going to show us he is the mighty wenger and he doesnt need to splash out in jan cause thats what desperate managers do 9.He failed to get a goalkeeper when we needed one- forget the fact that fabianski and scenzy have stepped up - he seems to get away with this cause some one steps up but look at no.10 10. He defiantly failed to acquire a good CB as back up for djourou cos we have vermalean and squilacci to do the job.....how stupid can one be ,its 13 games to go that will decide the uefa, fa,carling cup and epl all together , how can you honestly in your right mind not have backup????? 11. He has failed to aqcuire a reliable 4 out of 5 striker as a back up to rvp becuase we have potent in theo, bendnter and chamakh????? the suarezz opportunity went begging, so will the eden hazard, benzema and so forth...this is too childish 12. The most irritating - He is so arrogant He fails to pick players from his own reserves who are capable of doing a better job on the night. why has JET, lansbury, Carlos not been utilized when clearly bendtner,chamakh,diaby,rosicky,denilson and cesc at times not been replaced for some games 13.My favourite- Why CANT this man talk to his players, change formation,tactics when clearly he has gotten it wrong? why cant this man acknowledge the obvious and humble himself by doing what the ordinary manager will do i.e talk to his team or at least change tactics at half time, why wait till 75th min, why did arsenal play all guns vs man u only after being 2-0 down, the problem is not in this team The problem is with the manager and his consistent arrogance and some of his philosophies. He is destroying the kids cause the man cant do the OBVIOUS BASICS. if he did we would not be making school boy errors in uefa, carling cup etc. The man does not even get his team to study opposition. Iniesta and em, as great as they are,confessed they had to watch jack wilshere's footage. what level of arrogance are we dealing with here I for one have not given up on the team but the manager cause Pep Guerdiola, morinho and even ferguson would have deliverd trophies with the current crop on players we have. you can tell the team lacks confidence, it was showing thru out the FA game at O.tafford, it does not take a genius to know you have deeper issues when man beat us fare and square with team filled only with a bunch of reserves and youngsters, we on the other hand had the FIRST TEAM!!! please arsene sort out your ego its destroying the game and the foundations youve laid

  27. Loyal Gooner

    Mar 15, 2011, 12:57 #3546

    Spoilt Brat! I was there in Avenell road demanding Terry Neill be sacked in 83, 16th in league,5 pts above releg., knocked out of LC by Walsall & crowds of 17k. Legitimate time for protest - we weren't 2nd in the league you muppet!!! Irony here is that it was Wenger's invincibles who spoilt you. I suggest this advice is ignored by anyone within 10 seats of me else we'll have an AFC civil war played out at the emirates.

  28. Matt

    Mar 15, 2011, 12:39 #3543

    Pathetic, disgusting, ignorant.

  29. George

    Mar 15, 2011, 12:38 #3542

    your scrutinising the wrong man who's putting ticket prices up? who's keeping transfer budget low? who's turned our club into a business where the only concern is making money? who doesn't care about our dust filled trophy cabinet? who sold the naming of the stadium to sponsors in a way that totally betrayed us and made us a laughing stock? who is ruining our club? THE BOARD!!!! why do you think David Dein (a life-long friend of Wenger buggered off) we should bring him back and people who represent us at the top and care about trophies rather than prophets Wengers not perfect and i'm in no way an AKB but the problems and experiments are with te board and not Wenger.

  30. Lucy Van P

    Mar 15, 2011, 12:00 #3540

    Couldn't have put it better, word by word 100% my sentiment. As I have already suggested on another thread, may I add that a high **** item of protest clothing like the anti-Glazer scarves at Old Trafford could go a long way in capturing the imagination and getting media attention.

  31. mkherd89

    Mar 15, 2011, 11:47 #3539

    shut up you muppet

  32. Goonerdad

    Mar 15, 2011, 11:28 #3537


  33. James Woodfine

    Mar 15, 2011, 11:28 #3536

    I totally agree with every word said. I only wish I could afford to go to vent my spleen! Mind you I wouldn't want to go right now. I can honestly say on Saturday I deliberately avoided tuning into the game as I knew we would lose.

  34. P-McG

    Mar 15, 2011, 11:28 #3535

    You are an embarrassment to the club! You don't think fans of every other club are laughing at reaction like this? Sack the manager in second place with a game in hand, get on his back when the team needs a push over the line. How the hell are you a fan of the club? Moan and whinge on the radio, in the pub, and your rubbish website, but unless you are going to get behind the team for the run in, like any other set of fans would, don't turn up. Don't renew your ticket and don't spread your vile into the atmosphere for the players to feed off.

  35. Graham

    Mar 15, 2011, 11:18 #3534

    AKB's aren't Arsenal fans that is a fact. I will support this team regardless who is manager. However there are disturbing parallels between Strollers final days as manager and Wengers current malaise. Once external issues have arisen (Bung allegations) for GG & Wengers Wengernomics it seems they become half the manager they used to be. Even if we win the Title, you also have to ask yourself in the medium to long term, is this actually a good thing? The problem is that AW is so powerful that his legacy will be felt long after he has left. For that to be a fond memory he needs to change his policy and stick to coaching the squad, not managing the Boardroom. Only then whoever takes over (And Wenger will be party to that decision too!) won't have to start from scratch if we carry on this current path. Good luck Dragan!

  36. ThatsAmaazin

    Mar 15, 2011, 11:17 #3533

    Good read Conrad and some strong arguments against the current regime (players included). It pains me to say that the best thing that could happen for us would be NOT to win the league this year. For me, there are players in the squad (no need to name them, we know who they are) who are simply not good enough to play for a top 6 EPL team (nevermind the Arsenal). But winning the league would result in Wenger thinking his trust in certain players was justified, which would be utterly deluded seeing as the league this year will probably be won by 80 points (or less). Surely ending potless again will force him into change? At what point does he stop adding an extra year onto his already lagging 5 year plan? I actually want the man to remain at the helm. There is no ready made replacement with top flight experience at the highest level of football (i.e. winning leagues, competing in the champions league) that is available presently. So were stuck with the great man, like it or lump it! Just get rid of the deadwood (denilson, rosicky, bendtner diaby), get the cheque book out and replace these muppets with some god damn experience!

  37. Dgob

    Mar 15, 2011, 10:56 #3529

    Have you anything original or thought through to say? I fail to see why you would regurgitate very old and worn cliches as an article. Your knowledge and memory are (as the self labelling as a former AKB suggests) shall we say, easily influenced!?

  38. steve

    Mar 15, 2011, 10:32 #3526

    it's the run in to the end of the season, we are in second place with a game in hand, are you seriously suggesting heckling wenger now. if you don't want to sing his name then dont but try using a bit of common sense.

  39. Grant

    Mar 15, 2011, 10:26 #3525

    Yeah you were once an AKB when we were winning trophies and stopped being one we didn't. Not hard to know what you are now is it or what you'll be as and when we start winning trophies again.

  40. JJB

    Mar 15, 2011, 10:21 #3524

    "Arsenal fans should look up the definition of "support", remember three Premier League titles and prostrate themselves at the feet of the man who enabled them to have such high expectations. Then there is the current Premier League, in which Arsenal are three points off the lead with a game in hand. There are 18 clubs in the division who would swap places. And what a calamity it will be for football if Arsenal fritter away their Premier League opportunity and leave Wenger potless for a sixth season. You see, if Wenger is wrong and everyone else is right, it will be a disaster for the game. If I am right in saying that it is not enough to coach and cajole, to hone and help, then most clubs in the country might as well give up. Few clubs have the mega-buck backers. Most hope to succeed by investing in youth academies and encouraging home-grown talent. But if the only way to win is to buy, buy, buy, then most clubs will have to say goodbye to their dreams"

  41. Pete

    Mar 15, 2011, 10:21 #3523

    You sir are a discgrace, or worse... a spud to even suggest the idea of heckling wenger after what he has done for our club. It is arseholes like you that make the atmosphere at the Grove so poor. Online Gooner is the worst arsenal blog I have ever come across due to the level of negativity and hatred aimed at our team. I will not be coming back here unless people start getting behind what could well be a LEAGUE WINNING team. No that is not delusion, it is based on teh fact that with 10 games to go, we are joint top with what ON PAPER, appears to be a friendly run-in. GO AWAY PRICK - your no fan and what I hate most about modern football. Bye.

  42. Gus

    Mar 15, 2011, 10:16 #3522

    I'm certainly not an AKB but one question always does come to my mind, if AW leaves who would realistically take over? Hiddink insists he would honour his contract over in Turkey when he was recently liked with a Chelsea return. Mourinho seems to be holding out for a spot at either Man U or Chelsea again. Guardiola is constantly linked with the PL and more importantly the Arsenal. That said I think Man U or Chelsea will poach him if neither get Mourinho. I like Owen Coyle and his work at Bolton. He's turned them all respectable like, unlike the last mug there. Oh and Van Gaal is leaving Bayern. Change is needed in many departments at the club but is there really a viable alternative in terms of a manager?