The multi ownership/trousering model

Porkies were told ahead of the move to the new stadium

The multi ownership/trousering model

Hill-Wood: Spending on the team will not be affected…

As I trudged away from the last home game of the 2008/9 season a 4-1 defeat by Chelsea my fellow Gooners were shocked when I stated 'with this strategy we will never win another trophy under Wenger'. What I meant was that we were clearly not prepared/willing to make the required investment to win the Prem or CL and the manager gave away the Carling and FA cups. Now I had no crystal ball but felt that the combination of scrooge Wenger backed by the old fart/Etonian and his dough trousering chronies was the perfect team not for providing the much longed for glint of silverware come May but for making a bulging bank balance even fatter.

As probably the only regular viewer of the ATVO/propaganda Friday night phone in my fears had been further fuelled by the cringeworthy shareholders meetings where anyone who dared question the transfer policy in a polite manner was basically told to F off by Mr Wenger and the old fart. That summer the sickening dough trousering reached unseen heights when the £40 million fees for Ade and Kolo were once again banked with less than £9 million used for Tommy V. Things have drifted since both in the transfer market and on the pitch until the day after catastrophic cup final defeat to relegation threatened Birmingham when that puppet Gazidis conceded we have a cash reserve of £110 million but called for further extraordinary patience from the long suffering faithful.

As Benitez would say – Fact: we were told firstly the price increases and then the move from Highbury were to enable us to compete with Chelsea and Manure in the transfer market on a regular basis.
Fact: We were then told that due to the repayments we could not compete.
Fact: Now we are told we refuse to compete and must show extraordinary patience.

Our board could be accused along stock market lines of making misleading statements to fans and small shareholders. The board say they don't take dividends but having such a cash reserve can only serve to massively boost the share price for those who like to call themselves the custodians of our great club.

All this mob do is worship at Arsene’s office door as more dough rolls into the coffers following another trophyless but top four finishing season. What the one eyed genius needs is a board to challenge him to regain his former greatness and take us to the summit, not this dough trousering spineless bunch. We all still desperately want to believe once again that 'Arsene knows' and of course winning while making a transfer profit year on year is the ultimate. But after six trophyless seasons and the club in such a fantastic financial position it is now time to invest some of the aforementioned trousered dough.

If Arsene will not do this under his own steam he needs a strong nudge from those who after all are his bosses. Yes, in Arsene we do still trust but we all need some help along the way and this bunch of faceless suits led by the old fart are too busy trousering to look back at their catastrophic decision to boot out David Dein, who was a huge part of our success.

Personally I hope I am proved wrong as we parade the Premiership trophy around our stadium in May. I am sick of losing any game that really matters and feeling Arsene’s pain as he trots out another speech about mental strength that simply does not exist.

My overriding wish is that as I drift away from this season’s final home again I am not once again asking that same question, "Will we ever win another trophy under Wenger?"

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  1. jason

    Mar 17, 2011, 23:35 #3748

    Would we be satisfied with finishing as champs? of course.But what happens if we finish second? the usual clap trap of 'we've improved since last year'.Not satisfied,wenger survives.Third,fourth or Fifth should be a sackable offence.

  2. fozzys mate

    Mar 17, 2011, 8:34 #3667

    All - thanks for the feedback - I tried to let my seething temper cool after the manure game where we lost a midfield containing 3 fullbacks and a rookie. The feelings and fear have been building for a long time, I too was schooled in the early 80s and saw how hard it was to climb from the doldrums back to the summit. This exercise has been repeated several times in 89-91 then 98 and then 2002-4. Each time rather than invest and become dominant our board have taken the cowards option and rested on their laurels/wallets and allowed us to drop back behind manure. The best examples are as mentioned in my article the trousering of the ade and toure fees but also decided not to pay for chamakh a year earlier and having to play half last season with no strikers and this years gk and cb debacle. To end up in the position we have when we knew tv was crocked and johanne v injury prone for the sake of dough is unreal. I have never been to worried about players moving on if the money is used to refresh the squad and in fact I felt wenger did not refresh the pre 2005 squad quickly enough. However under the current board the transfer funds disappear into a black trouser pocket as Weng says that phrase we all dread "internal solutions" which has been hear almost as much as the now infamous 'mental strength'. I agree in the main the article is based on conjecture and inference but the instances in which the current squad have shown mental strength are few and far between.

  3. Paul

    Mar 17, 2011, 8:04 #3666

    Wengers statement of 'finishing in the top four is like winning a trophy' was the day this season was always going to end in misery. this statement means we dont want trophies, we want big champions league games where thousands of prawn sandwich eaters can pay stupid amounts of cash to watch them and let the board fill their pockets. What a tragedy it will be if wenger leaves and never wins another trophy after everything else he has won and done for our club.

  4. Drew

    Mar 17, 2011, 6:01 #3665

    Good article. Stupid thing is we all know it won't take 'major investment', just a good CB and DM. Was this article written before AFC hiked the season ticket prices? - I'm guessing so - now I predict 6.5% more pissed off supporters.

  5. QuartzGooner

    Mar 17, 2011, 2:15 #3664

    We do not know the extent to which Wenger refuses to spend the cash in the bank. This article is conjecture, andoffers opinion, rather than evidence. BUT - if you want to help pressure the club to spend on new improved players please join us: and follow us on Twitter @arsenalfcnotplc

  6. Mark rice

    Mar 16, 2011, 22:49 #3662

    Totally agree! Would love to Know the real reason why Dein was sacked and Wenger got to help choose the hapless American CO? Who at the club can make Wenger feel like his job is on the line after ANOTHER disaster of a season? ... There is even talk of Wenger wanting to choose his own successor .....God help us!

  7. The Happening

    Mar 16, 2011, 20:40 #3659

    It's up to us now! It's our club too! Some of us were reared in a different footballing era, of course we love watching this team of Arsenal knock the ball about, but what about the fight Arsenal use to have? Old Trafford, pitch battle, Adams done for drink driving and we won the league 90 '91? This team would shit themselves in the dressing room if they came up against those guys in a match, I just don't see any kind of strength barely resembling this in the team at the moment, these are the things that made me love this club, the whole character has changed! Pat Rice? Hanging up his boots? What does that tell you? Perhaps it's all a good thing, the next phase will be a re-examination and a progression I hope? But then you have AW and his AKB's who daren't admit an intellectual defeat? Through forums like this and meetings and supporters trusts we need to make ourselves heard now more than ever, and of course support this club, FOR THE RIGHT REASONS! This is a football club FFS! Not a science project!

  8. Fed Up Season Ticket Holder!

    Mar 16, 2011, 19:42 #3657

    Great article, sums up how most fans feel i think. I for one am sick of hearing the same drivil from Arsene and the board. Hers one for them both - how about we season ticket holders pay half of the ticket up front and "potentially" dependant on success on the pitch we pay the other half, third etc? Lets see if the board would make Arsene spend some of that huge cash reserve that we hear Gazidis talking about? Just a thought!!

  9. Mark

    Mar 16, 2011, 19:24 #3655

    Good article, Wenger is stubborn but how much do we truly know about the availability of his so called warchest? I am caught between the middle: AKB & AMG. The squad is not strong enough our first 11 is strong but as soon as we get injuries the squad players are not up to it. This has been proved time & time again. The board must be held accoutable for the failings of this team, they should make Wenger accoutable which i feel they are not doing in any way what so ever. If the board are not making Wenger accoutable then it is their failing not Wengers. I struggle to see who could replace Wenger should he go as any new manager would spend, spend, spend on getting the team he wanted & (A) I dont think that a massive spending spree is needed just a few quality, experienced players (B) Would not be beneficial to the long term health of the club. One final note to think upon how many clubs have moved stadium and remained in their respective division??

  10. in my heart

    Mar 16, 2011, 18:05 #3653

    We all agree with the article but what are we going to do about it???? As loyal fans we can either just stand by and let it continue or we can challenge the current board about the the constant deceiving they have been doing for the past 7 years. We ARE the most expensive club in the world for ticket prices and we ARE being lied to. Last summer was a march in support of Wenger, may I suggest a March to demonstrate against the's been done before! Unity is a very powerful weapon

  11. Gus

    Mar 16, 2011, 14:48 #3646

    Dave- Agree AW wasn't the saviour of the club, we were near the top end of the spectrum of English football. BUT AW was the one who broke Man Utd's hold over the league and has kept us at the top (albeit only top 4 more recently) ever since. People have a right to rue the current trophyless streak despite consistently finishing high in the PL. It is not always down to being merely spoilt - the club has the feeling of falling into further decline and this article summarises why rather well.

  12. dan

    Mar 16, 2011, 13:30 #3640

    "Will we ever win another trophy under Wenger?" NO

  13. Dave

    Mar 16, 2011, 12:08 #3628

    Theo in the 5 years before Wenger we won a Title and 3 cups.Wenger was not the saviour of our club

  14. NBN

    Mar 16, 2011, 11:37 #3624

    Spot on with everything said here. The problem is that the new breed of Arsenal supporter is so spineless and clueless to realise what is going on and will continue to blindly follow Arsene FC. As long as they are no high profile protests and they keep filling the ground with the replica shirt brigade nothing will change.

  15. Stevesam

    Mar 16, 2011, 11:37 #3623

    AW once said we do not have a billionaire backer like some clubs therefore we are not able to compete with them. I understand that Kroneke and Usmanov are multi - billionaires, probably two of the richest men in the world. How has their investment helped the Team. Usmanov did offer to invest money in the Footbal Club for the purchase of new world class players, this was turned down by the Board. As long as Fitszman and his puppets on the Board have control they shall remain comfortably numb. Our only hope is Usmanov taking a majority control and Dein being installed as Chairman. We are at present not even running to stand still ! CL qualification is the minimum requirement at the start of every season. AW also said Manure have chosen one route we have chosen another. I believe that Manure's record over the last 10 seasons is there for all to see ( I am talking football not debt ) Which route do you prefer as a supporter paying your money via the most expensive season tickets ? The frustration that all Arsenal supporters feel is that we are so close, but with major investment in the team we could be the best.

  16. Mar 16, 2011, 11:36 #3622

    Agree We've been duped and patronised *Our manager is allergic to tactics - we have not remotely competed since GGs defence and then Vieira moved on and Wenger's defensive policy disgusts me - he is a fool *The complacent, can't be arsed, superior attitude of most of our squad makes me vomit *the board don't really give a toss what we think - older fans will recall how this club bumbled along before Dein arrived *My considerable patience has finally snapped and I have completely lost faith in Wenger and his squad of comatose 'potential' - I NEVER thought I would say that. *He needs to go I'm afraid

  17. Fozzy

    Mar 16, 2011, 11:33 #3621

    Totally agree with Fozzy's mate. I hear it from him every time I stand next to him in Red Action (no use sitting as everybody else stand up). However, like the proverbial lemming, I have just bought a couple of tickets for the Villa game in the very faint hope (I can dream.....) that more ManUre players will get crocked, more Chavs will end up on the receiving end of Cashley's firearm (please let Terry be the next to receive a bullet), that lot from Middle Eastlands will continue to behave like a bunch of under achievers, and Totterington will totally disappear up their own arseholes. We can hope and pray that our title challengers fail, because, in reality, that is our only chance of any silverware this season, whilst at the same time Weng will see sense and not play the usual suspects who have cost us dear already this season. And then, there is a total German nutter, dusting off the cobwebs and waiting in the wings for the Spanish Waiter to suffer another mysterious shoulder injury next time he drops a series of bollocks. Could Jens really play a part this season???

  18. cd

    Mar 16, 2011, 11:20 #3620

    The board undoubtedly are not interested in actual trophies as they have their trophy which is money! Wenger however can't be entirely excused as it's his choice of squad players who ensure we fail time and time again. His first eleven are a match for most teams and are good enough to win the league. However it's a squad which wins the mayor prizes, which is why we fail year in year out!! His squad players who we all know whom I am refering too are the reason we always tumble at the home strait. Wenger is an intelectual man so why does he not replace these losers with quality and then actually win the big prizes. This is the never ending enigma because it must hurt him as much as it hurts us to fail each year for the same reason, which is too many first choice players being injured, so why is he shielding the very players who cause him and us the failure. It just does not make any sense as most people in life learn from their mistakes but Wenger clearly doesn't which is why he should also take the blame.

  19. Tony

    Mar 16, 2011, 11:02 #3618

    Wenger was supposed to be David Deins best friend.So why when Dein was sacked by the board didnt Wenger threaten to resign as a matter of principle over the sacking?I have always found that strange after all Dein brought Wenger to Arsenal not Hill-Wood.

  20. Lee....

    Mar 16, 2011, 10:15 #3611

    Great blog... Never been a Hill-Wood fan myself stuck-up twat that he is but to put any blame on him is wrong if you ask me, as he really is just a WELL paid mouth for other board members to hide behind & has no real power to speak of, or in fact will HE make that much in comparison in way of profit to others. However I could not agree more with your sentiment & have been saying the some for years myself this great Arsenal venture we are now going through is no more then a massive pension fund project for this board, & if you did not believe it before well you should do now, as you pointed-out the current board once the debt has been paid in full, will make what the ManU board walked away with a few years back look like chicken feed......

  21. George

    Mar 16, 2011, 9:57 #3608

    No has ever told us what ever happened to the £41m we got from the sale of Greedy and Toure.Yes £9m spent on TV but what about the other £32m.Why have the media never questioned Wenger about this.With gate reciepts of nearly £90m a season plus £50m from Sky and the CL.Why wasnt the City money invested in buying 3 quality players? Couldnt agree more about David Dein he should never have been sacked

  22. Surrey Gunner

    Mar 16, 2011, 9:54 #3606

    We are all hurting and feeling pain. I think we are so near to something special and every season around February/March our injuries mount and we dont have the bench to change matches, this is linked to thier age but also the ability to sensibly rotate the spuad. The media on one hand priase Arsenal for our sensible transfer and finanical prudence and then criticse when we faulter. In the last few years we have not been in a position to spend partly because of the repayment of the Stadium but secondly because other clubs Chelsea and Man City have inflated prices. Man Utd have also been sharper than us in the market hernandaz for £8M. excellent business. Lastly before I do a thesis on this and mis the point, i want Arsenal to win, at any cost. PS I do listen to the podcast of Friday night phone in.

  23. Gus

    Mar 16, 2011, 9:49 #3602

    I do genuinely feel the club has been taken away from us by the board but, call it naive, not AW. I'm not convinced he has to much to do with the finances of the club. I just don't see him micromanaging it all. All the accusations of him doing so appear to be one humongous speculative bandwagon. I just haven't heard any evidence of AW's role in it all. Like I said, I may simply be naive to the power and wisdom of deduction but if it is all subjective deduction where is ****iveness and rationality in our, sometimes collective, train of thought? IS there really any evidence to slam AW over this issue? Looking forward yo your views

  24. aj

    Mar 16, 2011, 9:47 #3600

    100% YES.I totally agree with this great article.Fitszman said we could compete after the stadium was built.He lied.Dein said we needed outside money to compete.He was sacked.The minute I heard that Dein was gone I knew we wouldn't compete.He was the voice of the fan on the board.Now all they want to do is milk us for as much as they can. Anyone without rose tinted glasses knows that Arsenal will not win the league.Sadly I don't expect this flawed policy to bring any success anytime soon. It works for the board to finish in the top four and squeeze every penny out of the fans.Alot of original fans have been priced out and many season ticket holders are disillusioned.People said the Glazers would destroy Man U, but they still compete and the fans pay much less than us.Arsenal have managed to screw their supporters on both counts and no-one seems to have noticed.

  25. Thorpy

    Mar 16, 2011, 9:39 #3598

    Great Blog, you should become a regular on here! One of two things will happen, Wenger will end the experiement promptly (still 3 years late), or stubboness will grow to previously unknown heights and we will as you say never win another trophy under Wenger