The only person holding Arsenal back is you

Message to M. Wenger

The only person holding Arsenal back is you

No longer ruthless

Dear Arsene,

So after another self-fuelled collapse we have arrived in an all too familiar place...

Although the last six years have been frustrating, I have refrained from jumping on the media wave of "Arsenal haven't won anything for six years" because I firmly believe our club has been run the correct way and a large part of this is down to you. I don’t know who else could have manufactured and managed a team through the transition from Highbury to Ashburton Grove without spending any money and actually making profit. Continuingly qualifying for the Champions League has been remarkable as we have lived without a Russian thief, without a couple of US muppets and without a middle eastern Oil Tycoon.

For the above Arsene, I thank you. You have done amazingly well. But where now?

Forgive me Arsene for sounding downbeat. It’s probably because we have been here before and you have not learned and I am frustrated because you are the only one who can do anything about it. It seems every year at this point we find ourselves out of all the cups within a four week period. I sometimes wish I could store up the disappointment and hurt that this period causes us all and remind you of it during the summer transfer windows because you obviously forget.

If the financial results are correct, you now have money in the pot so why don’t you spend it? Let’s be honest, Bendtner, Eboue, Denilson, Almunia, Squillaci, Fabianski, Diaby, Rosicky and Arshavin (disgrace on Saturday at Man Ure) are players who aren’t good enough for The Arsenal and you have the stats, performances and results to prove this. They have all let you down by underperforming consistently so your continual trust in these players is baffling. If you were getting the best out of average players then I wouldn't be so annoyed but they don’t even give you everything. If they ran their hearts out, tackled and worked until they dropped, I could understand your patience with them. But they don’t. They don’t even give you 100%, nor do you get that out of them.

You used to be a ruthless winner but those champion qualities that made you a double ‘double’ winner and an Invincible have disappeared. Clouded by an unbelievably stubborn streak to prove us and the media wrong with your project. You aren't a winner anymore and this concerns me. If you were a winner and wanted to be the best you would go all out to do it. You don’t have to spend millions upon millions but you know full well we aren't good enough as a squad. You won’t sign players because you have lost your ruthless streak and now our squad have no discipline nor do they wear the shirt with pride. They are under no pressure because you are so comfortable in your own job the players believe they too are untouchable. You don’t sell the dross and the deadwood, you keep them and you keep telling them they are world beaters. They are in their comfort zone so much they feel they just have to turn up and they get praised from you (which is exactly what happens). And why? Because you are not ruthless anymore Arsene.

According to you:
"This team has great mental strength"
"This team is maturing"
"We lost in special circumstances"
"This team has a great togetherness and special spirit"

Recent quotes. Recent but also six years old. Longstanding, overused and now unfortunately worthless. Did the team that was 4-0 up at Newcastle demonstrate great togetherness and special spirit to cling on to a 4-4? Did the maturing team handle the pressure against Birmingham at Wembley? I suppose we will see this great mental strength in the next 10 games. But I doubt it.

We used to earn the right to play by winning the battle, winning the 50/50's and destroying teams in the first half. We used to hit teams so fast on the counter attack they didn't know what had hit them. We used to rough teams up and we used to terrify teams with our physicality and speed. Now we have to witness Arshavin standing hands on hips after messing up, Denilson bottling tackles on the halfway line and passing backwards and Bendtner doing no more than chewing gum (he's a laughing stock now Arsene and a perfect example of the problems we have).

Surely you don’t honestly believe that this is your strongest ever squad? You took two teams to a double and that second double team to an unbeaten season. Surely you remember the qualities we had back then?

Impact injuries from tackles are unavoidable but pulls, strains and tears have been commonplace with us for years and this has got to be consequence of tired and overworked muscles? Do you not think an extra 2-3 players could help ease the burden? Just think, if you had another top class centre half, midfielder and winger you would have a great pool of players, be able to rest a few here and there, protect a few and on top of that have more options. You've had the chance to buy but you didn't. You need to stop being loyal to those players who aren't loyal to you Arsene. Players at our club have had their chance and failed and you need to get rid of them and you have cost us by not signing the players we needed. You have cost us again.

I don’t want to be caught up by Spurs. I don’t want to be beaten by Birmingham in a cup final. I don’t want to go out against Barca without so much as smashing one of their players in a 50/50 tackle or having a shot on goal. I don’t want to beaten by a Man Utd team with three defenders in midfield. I want to fight and battle and win. Like you used to make us Arsene. What happened?

Sort it out because for the first time your most loyal fan is beginning to question your motives, desire and hunger. I thought you were a winner.

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  1. St. Mostly

    Mar 19, 2011, 10:07 #3830

    Bare with my rant folks. 'woke up beasting for scambleed eggs & bacon...Fridge said "Vimto, Butter & and few Grapes.."- (**Insert hungry angry face here**) Anywho, what I cant really understand is the SUDDEN outburst from Gooners THIS year... Has this all not happened before...? Last year, and the year before, and the year before that etc.. Our frailties have been glaringly obvious for 4-5yrs now. 1.No consitant long range shooter - Cesc has stopped for some reason. 2.No consistant free kick scorer -Dont even say RVP unless you can recall the last time he scored one... 3.No pure DM 4.No pure wingers - Nasri, Diaby, Eboue, Bendtner all have been wasted wide left???? Hence the death of our couter-attack minus the inconsistant Theo. 5.Too many strictly right sided players in starting X11 - Remember the Viera/Petit - Gilberto/Edu combos. 5.No BIG CB - 6'4'+ please! "Win it, give it" mentality. 6.Too many players with short field of vision - Other than Cesc, Jack & Rambo, nobody sees options further than 5-6 yards of their radius. 7.Too much "to feet" passing - Again, death of the counter-attack as our 70%+ passes are never progressive or AHEAD of the receiving player. People should give Bendtner more credit here btw... 8. Not enough "warriors" - Regardless of skill, you cannot train someone to be agressive. Physically or mentally. We have too many "good boys". Watch the difference in mannerisms between, for example Nani & most of our players when their shot gives wide... Sigh, I could go on, but that little gremlin guy from the Sreddies advert is bang on it right now... My point is simply that we have been here before. I dont hate AW, I just think that on a footballing front, he has become stale. Stuck in the invicible era. But the EPl has moved on, we havent. AW's post-game comments, tactical blindness & lack of man-management skills, (FAR too soft on under-acheivers btw), point to him be better suited to managing the CLUB, as opposed the the TEAM. ps. Was it just me, or did we actually finised that FA Cup tie with Diaby as Captain!?!?!

  2. HowardL

    Mar 18, 2011, 23:57 #3808

    2nd in the league with a game in hand...but no Djourou, Almunia in goal, Denilson/Diaby regular first choices, Cesc's hamstring etc etc etc, who REALLY believes we have the ability to win it. I'd just love to be proved wrong, but even with all United's problems I just can't see it. I never thought I'd say this but I'm now convinced that for all his qualities Wenger is no longer capable of taking us over the finishing line. If he fails for the 4th time then I would say that should be it. Thank you for everything but as an ambitious club we need to move on. Oh yes - and Andrew it is a brilliantly written article!

  3. foys

    Mar 18, 2011, 21:55 #3804

    david sensible or niave? the MAJORITY of fans period would proberbly agree with this blog imo we maybe sheep in your eyes but you and your ilk are niave and blinkered in our's, at the end of the day nothing would make me happier than seeing us win the title but you still have to question were wenger and the boards priorities lie. maybe your happy paying the highest ticket prices while watching us fall short year after year?

  4. tonyw

    Mar 18, 2011, 19:50 #3799

    a lot of truth but over the top .for instance to say bendtner and arshavin are sometimes lacking is fair to believe they are not good enough is many peoples opinion but those stats you say back your arguements say that they both get double figures a season in terms of goals and both have good stats in terms of assists .eboue is also excellent second choice right back.problem,s are at our defensive spine no cover for song and relying on two class centre backs vermaelan and djourou who have missed a season each through injury.wenger,s arguement there would have been too many centre backs when by some miracle they all were fit if he,d signed one in the transfer window is crap surely koscielny ,djourou and vermaelaen could have played in songs defensive midfield role.denilson and diaby re not good enough i agree they serve no purpose other than unproductive keepball but with coquelin ,frimpong lansbury all back next season and ramsey fit that centre of the park should be stronger but an older head in with them is needed and i believe a centre back and possibly a winger because why should we always be waiting for next year and all the others spurs,liverpool,man u,man city and chelsea will strengthen.does arsene need booting out no does arsene need a boot up the arse yes .who,s going to do it though.the club needs a shake up not a revolution.

  5. steve tulett

    Mar 18, 2011, 15:56 #3792

    can not agree more with you mate and for wenger to come out with he knew vermaelen would be out all season and not do fuck all about it shows a lack of respect he has for the fans.the banner IN ARSEN WE TRUST not any more i dont,get your head out your back side and sort the wheat from the chaff or bugger off and let us get on.(sorry to leave the f word but its how i feel.

  6. Dan kufli

    Mar 18, 2011, 15:53 #3790

    Now u talking, this guy is under no pressure n I don think he'z ready 2 deliver. Another seoson has faded n comes summer thiz guy wont buy any 1. And I wonder wot prayer's like Diaby,Bedtner, Ebuoe n Rosicky, are doing at the Emirates!

  7. David

    Mar 18, 2011, 13:53 #3783

    Excellent reply by Thomas boy. The views on here are not the views of the majority of sensible Arsenal fans. Lets not forget that the Editor wants to see the back of Wenger and is selectively putting up posts that reflect his own thinking. Sadly, a few well written 'Wenger must go' posts get all the sheep following suit.

  8. Jason

    Mar 18, 2011, 12:18 #3774

    The Board backs him because he makes enough money each year. We have stopped being a football club but a money spinning business. To win trophies means you've got to invest millions but why do that when you can make the money and just get by? Arsene gets by and that is why he is still around. He is a shrewd money making businessman and not a football manager anymore.

  9. Unbeaten 03/04

    Mar 18, 2011, 11:34 #3773

    Guys, whatever it is or has been, it's too late to say or think otherwise! WE can't get any new players (out of contract) before the end of the season so I suggest that we support the team anyhow till the end of this season to say the least. I'm sure a lot of you would change their tone if we win the EPL!

  10. dupiaza

    Mar 18, 2011, 10:30 #3769

    I absolutely agree with every thing you have said, but the alarming thing is that i also agree with almost every other web site that is expressing the deep disgust with the way the manager is taking us. we all realise that there are so many things that can happen in a season but we can all see the things that he is doing wrong too. we can all see what is needed except this manager, the contempt and arrogance which us fans are treated us to is abysmal, its as though we don't understand what is really happening but fans all over the country do understand and in spite of AW previous good record he seems to think we can be fobbed off all the time. i mean seriously we all knew prior to the season that the squad was too fragile , but too their credit have on occasions done exceptionally well, but again like it or not the plain fact is that all us sceptics are once again proven right. i like everyone else appreciates what Arsene Wenger has done over the years, but again it is beginning to turn sour. we all know (from looking around every other Arsenal website) that the players who should be ditched are the same in almost every one of them. but the problem had a chance to be resolved in the mid season break but again nothing,why beause there was nobody available for less than ten bob!. come on arsenal get a grip honestly the manager is in last chance saloon, believe me look at other websites to see the vitriol which is being aimed at AW. i think the pressure begins now because arsenal fans have been so loyal to him but i now sense a change and it may just not turn around unless we win this years premiership and strengthens the squad in the use an old colloquial expression "it's not over until the fat lady sings" but it nearly spite of all the moaning still behind the Gooners. Dupiaza

  11. Ian Musgrove

    Mar 18, 2011, 10:23 #3768

    "I don’t want to go out against Barca without so much as smashing one of their players in a 50/50 tackle or having a shot on goal." Good article but you know that in case 1. we would have been immediately down to 10 men, in case 2. we did have a shot on goal and guess what happened . . .

  12. mark

    Mar 18, 2011, 9:52 #3765

    my club seat payment reminder for 11/12 arrived this morning and that why i think we are all entitled to our opinion and those have us that have known arsenal from the past especially under graham, know how competitive and tough we have been in the past and partly all we want is to see some of that streak back in this team. fergy is so relaxed these days when he has to play arsenal. he knows precisely how to play us and time and again mancs has given us a good sorting easy stuff and the comments from nani and evra show what mancs really feels abt arsenal these days. were not as serious as we were they worry more about playing chelski, city and liverpool. my bet is were too damaaged and down to be able to go the rest of the season unbeatren which is what we need to do to come close to title

  13. Goonoo

    Mar 18, 2011, 9:52 #3764

    Sadly, I agree with pretty much every word. I say 'sadly' because I wish it wasn't like this. Wenger still does so much that's right. But we need just 2 or 3 players with that burning desire to win - Keown, Parlour, Lauren - far from the most skillful but would do anything not to lose.

  14. Gerard.

    Mar 18, 2011, 8:46 #3760

    It is amazing the amount of fans on different forums looking for Wenger to go, and I agree. I think it’s important that the fans get behind the team until we are definitely out and if we don’t win the league, which we won’t, then Wenger should go. Enough is enough and this bullshit with vermalen just sums up his attitude. He treats the fans with contempt, telling us bullshit about mental strength and calling the likes of squilacci world class. Time for wenger and some of the dross, to go. He better start Ramsey tomorrow, but I don’t think he will, he will stick with the same shite he always does because he has run out of ideas, and is stubborn as fuck. The only worry I have is why he let the likes of nasri run down their contract, if wenger gets fired he is unlikely to sign a new one. I couldn't give a fuck if cesc goes, he shouldn't be captain and I’m sick of all this shit with Barca, if they pay enough then let him go, get a new manager and start building a solid competitive team.

  15. Tappy

    Mar 18, 2011, 8:07 #3758

    All what has been caused by Arsenal is down to telling lies to the fans and this alone. 1. It is Arsenes Job to manage the team, not the finances 2. It is clear we need players so if we are skint, why not sell to buy like most little clubs 3. Why not just tell the truth, we would want Wenger forever if we knew he has jack shit to spend and is performing like he has since his arrival, nobody could deny this. My Theory is that they dont tell the truth about finances because of the season ticket prices, we are clearly paying premium yet getting 6 players that are at best Championship players as individuals. This "team" is greater than the sum of its parts.. Arsene to stay, but things MUST change

  16. adam ams

    Mar 18, 2011, 7:55 #3757

    andrew...u said it all..

  17. Vicky

    Mar 18, 2011, 6:32 #3756

    Andrew, Very well put. For me his problem is that he has become captive of his image of "coach that nurtures young talent." His ability to not to see the obvious these days is mind boggling. His comment on not taking experienced midfielder, think it was Alonso (when Fab recommended him) was it will retard growth of Diaby and Denilson (the side & back passing champions). As I see it unfold everytime of TV (writing from New Delhi, India) is that most of these guys are not men enough. They just dont have it in them. From their salary figures that are often quoted the Bendtners, Diabys, Denilsons and their likes earn about 50-60k pounds per week. That just too much money being thrown away. I am 34 but believe me with a few months of training will jog/run better and pass much better that the two Ds of the midfield. But I will get only 1 year contract. Will manage somehow !! He had chances to get good players at reasonable rates. Alonso was quoted at one time at 13M, Samba at 8-10M, Mertasacker a bit higher than Samba, Huntelaar and Arjen Robben went out for a combined 25M. Spurs took Van de Vaart for 8M. Shay Given was about 4-5M at Newcastle. Salute you guys who still buy the season tickets. Remember the fans own the club. It is because of us AW and his jokers earn their salary and not the other way round. The protest has to be more visible from fans going for matches. We will still have the same old same old this year as well. Actually I dont give a damn to the AW knows best brigade. There is a saying in India which roughly translates into you should value your critic much more since he will tell you the areas of improvement. He might being wrong in assessment at times but he is still telling the truth as he sees it.

  18. tomas boy

    Mar 18, 2011, 3:28 #3755

    About AW: His time at Arsenal has been radical and transformative. He has lead the club through this crazy, inflated Premier League era and ensured their status amongst England's elite. He has championed a brand of football that is stylish, effective and a joy to watch. He has discovered, nurtured and unleashed some amazing talent and he has set up a system that is self-sustaining. He quickly understood the economics of the game and planned accordingly. We built Emirates and gave ourselves a chance to stay in the game and compete financially. He has put in place a youth system that is about to pay huge dividends in the form of a core group of homegrown talent of a calibre needed to succeed ( many of whom are English if it matters) and he has kept the books balanced. All this while our competitors run their clubs with open checkbooks. Still we keep pace. Remarkable really. Wenger is human and not infallible. I've never really rated him as a tactician and I find it hard to see him as an inspirational motivator but his other qualities compensate. A team liberally sprinkled with home-grown talent, drilled from youth in the Arsenal way should never lack motivation or the knowledge to win matches. See Jack Wilshere as one example, Barcalona as another. It's all to do with developing a culture and AW's entire career at Arsenal has been to that end. I don't care if he doesn't handle his press conferences as diplomatically as he might. The press enjoy taking the piss and he gives them ammunition when he "doesn't see things" or continues to talk about "belief" but he does those things because he believes they are in the interest of Arsenal FC. I doubt there's anyone in football that works harder for his club than Arsene Wenger. More than anything Wenger has allowed the club to develop and progress and through are really unstable period in football's history and Arsenal are bigger, better and have more to look forward to because of him. Also, he has won us three leagues, four FA Cups and regular placing in the late stages of the Champion's League. There's been a bit of a silverware drought lately and it's frustrating and painful to endure the kind of disappointments Arsenal supporters have faced this month. You have to be in four competitions in February to be knocked out of three by March. No mean feat. Goods thing take time. AFC are transitioning for the third time under Wenger. Our club has culture, soul and a bright future. So, Arsenal supporters keep the faith. The rest of you should bear the following in mind. Arsenal have been in existence for roughly 125 years in that time they have won 25 major honors. So it's not like we should expect to win every year. What we should expect is to compete. Which we do. Of the 25 honours won, 7 of them have been on AW's watch. That's more winning than anyone since Herbert Chapman. There is undoubtedly a case for some squad tweaking/augmentation over the summer and I'd be surprised if one or two underperformers didn't leave. But it's worth remembering that the main culprits are considered squad players and so can be compared with the likes of Darren Gibson or Jon Obi Mikel. Injuries to our starters have exposed these players. Perhaps Wenger will finally have lost patience with one or two. Talent pressing up from the academy gives him options. Manchester United seem to have our number these days and it bothers me as much as anyone. I can't explain it except that the two teams are at different points in their development/cycles and to accept the fact that Ferguson is a better tactician than Wenger. I can live with that. Ferguson is a better tactician than practically any manager thats ever been. Tactics aside, I believe Wenger to be superior to Ferguson in every department. Arsenal's position when Fair Play is instituted will confirm this. Arsenal are not Man U or Chelsea and never have been. We do things differently and I couldn't be prouder. Keep the faith

  19. dstewart

    Mar 18, 2011, 2:38 #3754

    Arsenal are a commanding centerhalf experienced cover for Song and a 6yard box predator away from dominating domestically and in europe for years to come. Wenger's answer? Squillaci, Denilson, Rosicky and Bendtner. Absoloute joke, 4 complete jokers. For the past two Jnauary's running Wenger has had the opportunity to upgrade at centrehalf for the season run-in and has declined to do so last season we self-destructed, same this season. This season especially, Verm out for the season, now Djourou we only have two inexperienced uncommanding bombscare centrehalfs fit to try and win us a title- if we don't win it, Arsene only has himself to blame. Noones asking him to spend 50million. But surely with a club Arsenals size, with the vast resources of scouting- are you seriously telling me Squillaci and Koscielny is the best we could find?! Once Arsene stops thinking this is a sporting project and once the board stop thinking 4th place finish is as good as a trophy, then we'll start becoming winners. Don't get me wrong Wenger needs to stay, and the title is a serious opportunity- but Arsene has to realise this team doesn't have great leadership- if it did, we don't collapse to birmingham in the cup lose so meekly to man u's b team, and give up a 4goal lead to Newcastle. There's no leadership so lets dispel that altogether. But what we have is the kind of wonderful attacking talent when fit, which is more than capable of winning it all this year, and Wenger's done an incredible job creating some of the talent we have

  20. Rob Bullen

    Mar 18, 2011, 0:52 #3753

    I do agree, however people saying it will be seven years without a trophy misses the point! The point i believe is that the current squad with a couple of exceptions, do not give 100% every time they put OUR shirt on, that is unforgiveable!

  21. Mariska

    Mar 18, 2011, 0:12 #3751

    100% agree, good write-up, my feelings exactly. Wenger WAS once a great manager, now he is past his sell-by date and not what this club needs, the club needs an ambitious young manager, with fresh ideas, courage and who isn't obsessed with rubbish French mediocrities. Someone like Guardiola would be a Dream, he is one hundred million times the manager Wenger could ever be.

  22. Bruce79

    Mar 18, 2011, 0:04 #3750

    Top draw! And spot in with every point.

  23. Rossa14

    Mar 17, 2011, 23:29 #3747

    The only thing that annoys me about this article is that I didn't write it myself! A great piece - but the fact is that these are echos of what the majority of gooners feel! Never have one band of supporters sang so clearly from the same hymn sheet - we all see it so why doesn't arsene? Or does he?!

  24. Viking

    Mar 17, 2011, 22:43 #3746

    Spot on. Well written. And all valid points. Great analysis and certainly sums up most people's feelings.

  25. foys

    Mar 17, 2011, 21:58 #3744

    the akb,s can tell us all to fuck off and support spurs all they want or ask but who will replace him if he goes(anyone whos ambitions lie on the pitch not off it) its the only way they can respond because the facts are the MAJORITY of fans now agree with the sentiments of this article.

  26. Jack

    Mar 17, 2011, 20:50 #3742

    Out-standing write up

  27. Gunnergray

    Mar 17, 2011, 20:22 #3740

    This is the same feeling alot of us are getting ,i am now thinking the same since following the Gunners through thick and thin for over 40 years As the Emirates banner should say In Arsene we did Trust !!!!

  28. Angelo

    Mar 17, 2011, 20:09 #3738

    I'm not an AKB, but I love the old man. I've been furious with him recently and I was fiercely criticized him to my mates for the reasons you brilliantly presented in your article. I was also furious with those, who dared call him the "cancer" of our club. I want him to retire with trophies, so that nobody can call him names and question his motives or abilities. It's time Arsene to correct your nearly perfect squad. The majority of the team is really good, but those 6-7 secondary players (and Arshavin if he's reluctant to give 100%) are tearing up your deserved reputation. Si hate you and your kind, as you're a clown looser. First Wenger does not have to spend much, but to more like reorganize the squad. Second if you don't want titles and/or you don't see the fragility of the team that have to finish the season you're a stupid narrow-minded person. I want Arsene to regain his unquestionable respect and retire as one of the greatest managers of all time. He does not need to do much to achieve that. But if he fails he will be a controversial manager. Loved and also ridiculed by many people. Is that what you want?

  29. Ando

    Mar 17, 2011, 19:58 #3737

    Don't forget that opposing keepers are entitled to have good games against us and decisions from the ref's may not exactly help our cause. So stop using these as pathetic excuses and focus on our ( and your) own shortcomings. Above all f"£$%^& sort it out

  30. Depressed Fan

    Mar 17, 2011, 18:46 #3734

    Absolutely brilliant... Don't we have hackers who could deface the Arsenal website with your Letter to Arsene??? Maybe that way he would read it and come to his senses. Arsene you've truly gone soft..

  31. Bash

    Mar 17, 2011, 18:03 #3733

    Great factual article and perfectly put across, credit to you Andrew. I would encourage you to send this to the Grove, FAO Mr Wenger. It is what 99% of Gooners are thinking. Wenger is/was a great manager, but he risks destroying all of the glory he has created and brought to Arsenal through his own stubburnous. If we let the league slip through our fingers, then I really do think it's curtains for Arsene and even more fuel for the likes of Spurs and Man Ure to tease us wounded Arsenal fans with. Which will hurt. A LOT. I pray it doesn't come to that, for everyone that loves Arsenal, nothing would give me more pleasure than to be wearig gold lions on my shoulders next season. 3 points and a GD increase on Sat would be a perfect start...Come on Arsenal!!

  32. CD

    Mar 17, 2011, 17:56 #3732

    BenH you are completly missing the point. None of the contributors think we have a devine right to win trophies, as that is simply an unrealistic demand. And why should we have some inferiority complex as speaking for myself and no doubt fellow contributors I am proud to be an Arsenal fan and always have been and always will, even during the dark days of the early eighties and mid seventies. Our collective deep frustrations eminate because we can all see how close Wenger is, but he simply refuses to put the final pieces of the jig saw in place. A very good analgy given to me recently was by a fellow Gooner, which is that we are a Rolls Royce team, but that Wenger refuses to put enough petrol in the tank at the start of each race and hence we allways run out of fuel just as the winning post appears on the horizon. We then watch inferior teams pass us by as we sit at the kerbside and they take the spoils. That is negligence by the petrol pump attendant, to continue the analgy, and not a belief we have some kind of devine right to win all the prizes going. In addition if this fanzine is so despised by you, what are you doing on it in the first place reading these articles and comments?? Is it perhaps because it is one of the main sites and does reflect a large percentage of opinion??

  33. prince

    Mar 17, 2011, 15:33 #3728

    At this point in time, you're right. We're currently in the luxuary of having the destination of the title in our own hands to play for. Its fair to say we need to give the team our full support every week at the games, and stand up for ourselves when Spurs, Utd and chav fans try to gain moral highgrounds over us and put us down. But then, when discussing amongst ourselves, we need to look at whats happeneing. In the recent seasons, we tend to blow up around this time if we have any form of challenge in the league, so its fair to say we've got previous. Add the fact that we've blown up in our recent big games and its safe to say that our form isnt great. Then you have to look at injuries. In prior title wins, we had injuries, but other players stepped up to cope. In 2002 when bobby was injured, freddy stepped up. In 98, when wrighty was injured, Anelka filled in. In the invincibles, when Paddy and Gilberto were out, Romford Pele and Edu filled in. I'll be supporting them, but can you honestly say denilson has what it takes to fill song's boots for example? The current group of players who are fit dont fill me with confidence that we'll win the league. I want them to, because they're Arsenal, but I just dont see it happeneing. I hope to god they prove me wrong.

  34. beam me up

    Mar 17, 2011, 15:16 #3726

    so that s jends lehman and sol campbell weve bought back. lets get tony admams over from azerbaijan while were at it

  35. Stevo

    Mar 17, 2011, 14:52 #3724

    andykal1968 I think the common theme here is we all want Arsenal to be successful. Its not about stabbing people in the back and its not about being disloyal. The simple fact of the matter is there are incredibly glaring shortfalls in the squad, team, tactics, methods and the recruitment policy and there has been for far far too long. You can be a true supporter and you can still be honest about the situation. I think the large percentage are wanting the current manager to actually address the issues written in the comments rather than wanting him to be sacked. No one is doubting what Arsene Wenger has done and what he means to us all at Arsenal. He has been incredible. He has however neglected serious issues and areas that desperately and so obviously need addressing. That is the concern.

  36. BenH

    Mar 17, 2011, 14:09 #3722

    The Gooner, the online version in particular, has become a tool for venting frustration - most likely because of a feeling of being a failure at a personal level, and most likely a inferiority complex fuelled by jealousy towards more successful and more attractive friends and foes (hmm.. much like we describe most spurs supporters..) - by a TINY MINORITY of Arsenal fans. To the rest of us, you are irrelevant. There is nothing worth reading or contemplating in this sorry excuse for a fanzine. If I was to compare the writers who contribute to it with another set of fans, I will say you most closely resemble Man United fans. Your deluded sense of grandiose entitlement, i.e. winning titles and cups anually, is incredibly immature and on the verge of revolting. In fact, I suggest you join that lot. Imagine how you can bask in the glow of lovely Alex Ferguson's red whisky nose. Shouting out to anyone willing to listen (or just passing by), that they should give up and give in. Because YOU are the only team in sport history worthy of following. YOUR club is the only one who should be winning. And those other 91 league clubs? Hmm.. They must have some sort of **** and purpose. You just can't remember what it was. I used to buy The Gooner. It was a fun read with interesting articles.

  37. David

    Mar 17, 2011, 14:05 #3721

    It's about profit.. nothing else ...If Arsenal and Arsene make a profit that drives the overall value of the club upwards then it's ok. The fact is we don't need to win anymore but we just need not to lose too many games that may affect shirt sales or the corporate sector. After 38 years of supporting "The Arsenal" and 30 years as a season ticket holder I can't stomach the excuses. When we crap in the 80's at least we didn't have to listen to the tripe that is served up by Wenger now. Best Squad....please don't make me laugh..A moron i'm not.

  38. Andy

    Mar 17, 2011, 14:03 #3720

    Biggest waste of a couple of minutes i have ever read...At the end of the day Wenger as created consistancy for the longest period of time in the clubs history. With increased spending power of other clubs such as citeh how are we expetced to compete in that market? Arsenal already has a spiralling wage bill in an effort to keep up. Arsenal football club requires external finances... i ask you one question, who do we replace Wenger with if he goes?

  39. Jwillion

    Mar 17, 2011, 13:46 #3718

    Spot on! Dear old chap! I have drained every emotion, affection, desire and heart over the past 2-3Years, trying to sound off this very "Reality" which is, "Arsene Wenger has lost the Spirit of a Winner and Champion". Its so unfortunate that this reality is finally beginning to come around into "Actuality" if that makes any sense.Because our deluded faith in a mediocre squad and a has been "invincible manager" is making us the laughing stock within the international football community. Its however sad and unfortunate that all this has come at the expense of every Gunner out there in the world. The real question is-okay now we know Arsene Wenger isn't A Winner anymore! Where do we go from here? Jw

  40. barry the gooner

    Mar 17, 2011, 13:30 #3715

    undoubtedly the best article and comments i've seen for sometime our defensive dna is non existant even with all our well documented problems in this years title race had wehad one we would have won it.Sadly refer to the aticle and comment for the reality Lansbury Bartlet Jet Frompong and of course Ramsey hopefully you will get some game time in the future at the expense of the non effective mob mentioned. r

  41. Mar 17, 2011, 13:27 #3714

    Good poins, especially about the comfort factor. Wenger has been allowed to take his foot off the pedal and hasn't pushed his players hard enough. As a result, the players have fallen into sloppy, lazy habits and think that average- ok will suffice. These players need waking up, they need it told to them that they aren't good enough, they aren't world-class and that if they don't like being told that, they can find another club. Wenger is like a rubbish teacher that has allowed his standards to slip and the class aren't pushed anywhere near hard enough. They need a bit of Cloughie- there'd be no more little back heels on the edge of our own box if they had to play under him.

  42. Joe

    Mar 17, 2011, 13:13 #3713

    This is exactly right!! He did this to Monaco, over a quicker peiod, and they were relegated after he dismantled their winning team and left them full of shit. He is lucky that we hacve a few world class players to carry the rest through games

  43. Halldor in Iceland

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:52 #3711

    Arsenals problems were all revealed against Man Utd on saturday. We had more posession and we had quite a few chances. But in the end they scored the goals because they are ruthless and we are not. The difference between Man U and Arsenal is marginal, and I would even say that our best 11 is better than theirs. But their strenght lies in that they have experience at the back, a great goalkeeper end the best centre half in world football. Add to that legs that will run forever like the Silvas did on saturday, and you have a chance of beating anyone. That is exactly what beat us on saturday, Utd's defence and their work ethic. On our side we had on each wing, Nasri and Arshavin. Nasri is on par, he is neither lazy nor very efficient. Arshavin on the other hand is a luxury player currently producing nothing. I'm reminded of the words of Tony Adams who said in 2002 that Arsenal couldn't go into away games with Ljungberg and Pires on the wings, that the defence was too exposed. Ljungberg was a worker and Pires did his part, but Nasri is on par and Arshavin doesn't do anything ! We also have serious problems in depth. We are too relient on Fabregas and Van Persie. When your best striker has a history of not playing more than 20 league games per season, you have to have a reliable backup. Bendtner and Chamakh, for all their strength in the air, are totally different players from Van Persie and the teams shape and method is different with these players in the side than with Van Persie. Also, when Cesc is out we have Diaby, Denilson and Rosicky coming in. Rosicky is over the hill, mainly because of injuries, Denilson simply isn't good enough and Diaby is too irresponsible and inconsistent. It was there for all to see in the Carling Cup final that we simply are an average team when Cesc isn't playing. We should beat that Birmingham team any day of the week, but we didn't when it mattered. What this team needs is a new striker, 1-2 midfielders and defenders that have defensive DNA. Whatever happened to having born and raised defenders in the team ? I'm very sceptic that Keiran Gibbs will ever be good enough to be a full back in a title-winning Arsenal side. He's raised as a winger and only turned defender in his late teens. He simply doesn't have defenders DNA, and he's not our only defender missing this. He makes exactly the same mistakes that Clichy does. In my opinion, Sagna is our only qualified defender who understands defending. Other than him, the defence is built on cheap parts or players that have ended up in defence rather than being made defenders.

  44. Richard Ansell

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:37 #3710

    Good article Andrew and I totally agree with you. The lack of guts in this squad is scandalous and would not be tolerated by a Ferguson or Mourinho. Wenger has somehow lost the the magic formula and ruthless streak required to be a winner and I have virtually lost all the respect and admiration I had for him after all the great things he did for us up to 2005. I don't think I can take much more of his mental strength, best squad ever, one dimensional tactics and continual backing of players that let him down week after week. I will always love the club and have since 1970 but Wenger is trying my patience to the limit.

  45. RVP

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:32 #3709

    A great and well-balanced appraisal. To Si, yes we are second in the league with a game in hand but we should be top and well clear with breathing space. This season is also one of the poorest in terms of quality, particularly from our rivals which is why we are second and not 4th or 5th. Granted it makes for a more interesting league but unless we really start showing some fighting spirit we may finish there! I am, like many others, a supporter of what AW has achieved and until lately a believer that he will succeed again. However, with the current squad that is unlikely to happen. Whether it's quality, confidence, or injury proneness this team is not good enough. I fondly remember how we tore teams to pieces in the first half of and put the game to bed before it had even started. We dont have that ability now and without buying we wont have that going forward.

  46. Steve

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:30 #3708

    A lot of fans are beginning to sound like domestically abused wives - I'll give him one more chance, if it happens again that's it.......... How can anyone be willing to give Wenger more time? Do you honestly think he's going to get rid of all the passengers in our squad (Almunia, Fabianski, Eboue, Squillaci, Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky, Bendtner), sign proven quality and train them to defend as a unit, give their all and be tactically astute? He's had years to address the goalkeeping situation, we've been crying out for a commanding centre half since Sol left the first time, dying out for a combative defensive midfielder, a winger, a centre forward. More than anything we needed some leadership. Last summer Wenger went on record and said defence was our major weakness, we couldn't hope to win the title conceding that many goals and he would sign the players we required after losing 3 CBs. We signed no GK, and the walking calamaties that are Koscielny/Squillaci. Wenger is looking to build a pure footballing side built for 5-a-side. Koscielny may look good against Barcelona but remember Sunderland, Wigan and Newcastle away where we threw away 6 points. Even Barca have Pique and Busquets to do their dirty work. I have no idea what our full backs are supposed to be? They can't cross or create going forward and they are woeful positionally and can't defend. This is no new phenomena, we've been watching this inept play for over 5 years. Brian Clough was an amazing manager for Nottingham Forest but stayed too long. Go now Arsene

  47. danalovAFCXI

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:24 #3706

    post no. 4066 spot on mate, it over till the fat lady sings. The moaners will change there tune if the title comes home.

  48. ed enough

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:01 #3699

    Si.... and your point is? said it yourself...Just another mug who's happy with second. Jog on!

  49. Wenger has one moore chance

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:00 #3697

    Spot on mate. Spot on. Wenger has to sort this one out very soon. And its a simple solution although complex reasons. The solution is to get rid of players who have not been loyal to Wenger, Arsenal and the fans. Players who for everyone except Wenger is not giving near the 100 prosent effort... The board gets away with it, and I think they really should NOT! There is not a winning bone left in this old, moneysick traditional board anymoore, or so it seems like. I hope you can write about them to one day. Since David Dein left the board, Arsenal have won nothing. That is not a coincidence.. John

  50. chris dee

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:57 #3696

    Everything is coming to a head. The most distressing thing so far this season was the loss to Birmingham.Not only cause we lost but because none of us were surprised at the way we lost. It's like watching the same car crash over and over for the last six years.Late goals conceded,goals conceded by schoolboy errors,goals conceded by lack any of defensive organisation.Losing after taking the lead ,players unable or worse unwilling to take responsibility and a mental and physical softness. If Arsenal think the the fans are angry now,they will be in for a shock cause the shit will really hit the fan if we lose or even draw at W B A.

  51. Nam.

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:50 #3695

    The fans who think that Wenger has failed to invest are myopic and thinking in the short term. he's securing the club for the time after he leaves when a manager may not be able to be as successful as him without the needs to draw upon reserves of cash. Anyone asking for Wenger's head or pushing for a manager who can only bring success by spending is an enemy of Arsenal, season ticket or not. this kind of "fan" has destroyed so many great clubs in the premiership and we should no stand by idly whilst these mentally challkenged, short sighted troglodites spew their bile everytime we hit an obstacle.

  52. urchman

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:43 #3694

    Andrew has spoken the mind of all gunners needless to say more, Wenger should sit up.

  53. HT

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:39 #3692

    ...your English and grammar lead me to the conclusion that you must be a English Literature graduate. Good article.

  54. simon

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:34 #3691

    Yeah, ignore the fact we're currently ahead of teams who've spent over half a billion pounds on their squads. Wenger is clearly holding us back. Get away from my club you whining mugs.

  55. blubber

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:33 #3690

    How can someone who is labelled the professor continuously play Diabolical Diaby in big games when after 120 appearances, he has shown no greatness.

  56. [email protected]

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:26 #3689

    Every single person that wants Wenger gone is highly misguided. I have had enough of all of you actively destroying our club. Look at the Emirates=Wenger Look at the training ground=Wenger Look at the Invincibles=Wenger Look at Petit, Viera, Henry, Pires, Freddie, Cesc, Song, Nasri, RVP and countless others=Wenger Look at Jack, Lansbury, JET, Ramsey and the sensational Miyachi= Wenger Look at our Youth set up=Wenger Look at financial stability=Wenger Look at nearly every other club trying to copy what we do=Wenger Look at beautiful Football=Wenger Consistantly Competing=Wenger Other clubs {including that scum up the rd} have spent millions trying to emulate us and cannot. Yes he is infuriating and he is too loyal to crap players that let him down {like Diaby} but that loyalty has kept him with us. He loves the club. Perhaps if some of these fans at the Emirates actually tried to lift the players instead of sitting in silence we could take the team over the line. Shame on all of you that want him gone. Bloody loyalty! I hope he wins the league and leaves and blames it on the tosser fans that berate him. Then see where we will be. I am ashamed to be an Arsenal fan. VICTORY THROUGH BLOODY HARMONY! Perhaps you inglorious backstabbers should remember that.

  57. brian

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:24 #3688

    Tend to agree with all you write apart perhaps dis-agreeing about one or two of the players that you would put in front of a firing squad.I would add that this current state of depression might be slightly less if Wenger had not thrown away winning the Champions League group by complacently fielding weakened teams against Shaktar and Braga thereby almost inevitably having us playing Barcelona at this stage rather than leaving them to be undone by a team more suited to beating them.I don't know which team that is but it sure as hell is not us.

  58. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:10 #3686

    I'm sorry I appeared to have slipped in to a coma.

  59. CD

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:09 #3684

    Well written and concur 100% with the argument put forward. It is the never ending cycle which does my head in. The first eleven get us into a really strong position come Spring time. This is followed by injuries to key players. This is then followed by the deadwood coming in. This is then followed by failure. We then start the whole cycle again in August, when low and behold the first eleven get us into a strong position etc etc etc!!! This is how it has been for the last 5 years and will continue to be for the next 5 if Wenger does not once and for all sort out these squad players who cause the failures year in year out. If he won't then someone else needs to be brought in who will!!!! Please Wenger sort it out now.

  60. jay

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:05 #3683

    Wenger has been a fantastic manager for Arsenal,his record is superb.The club have benifited from the move to the grove ,but you wonder if he has run his time at arsenal,Nothing lasts forever and a change of direction may be what the club,and Wenger needs.A younger manager and coach could bring the success we are so close to.

  61. Tomas

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:00 #3682

    Good article and i fully agree. One thing that bothers me even more is the contiuing injuries. And trust me we have had more then any other top club. Fabregas has had the same hamstring problem for years.The best guys in the fitness buisness come from USA,not France or England. In the tough NBA where they play almoust 100 games and travel alot they have great fitness and strength coaches that really make players strong and fit and ready to compete the for the whole season. Our players lack strength bigtime. And injuries is more common at Arsenal then curry in India. With all of our great facilties go buy a good strength and conditon coach and sport fiteness doctor so we can get tougher, stronger and fitter. If we fix those matter we will challenge. Arsen needs to find a Fierce midfielder that will fight and do the dirty work. He needs to be strong,agressive,fast with a never give up attitude and most of all smart. Song is decent but he lacks speed like so many Arsenal players.

  62. bunch

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:57 #3680

    2nd in the league with a game in hand, but with Beavis and Butthead in central defence and coco between the posts. All we can rely on is our mental strength as evidence against Spurs at home, West Brom at home, Newcastle away, CCup final, last season's run-in , 2008 season run-in. At best we'll get 3 or 4 wins, 3 or 4 draws and 3 defeats in the remaining games and it won't be enough to win the league, but will keep us top 4, champions league etc. Spot on Andrew, good letter.

  63. Phil Gayle

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:49 #3679

    The most balanced write-up I've read concerning the Arsenal in a while. I could write an additional BLOG to complement yours but I'll try to keep it short. Arsenal fans (not the prawn sandwich lot) are split into 3 camps, 1 Those who wanted Arsene out after the 2006/7 seasons, 2 Those who were willing to judge him at the end of every season since 2005 and 3 Those who are of the cult of Arsene who believe Arsene knows and there's only 1 AV. The last group call everyone else plastic fans or tell us (if we express any other opinion) to go and support another team... I'm part of the second group, I have been patient, supported the team, didn't want Arsene sacked after a couple of seasons of us not winning anything...I do remember the George & Bruce era and I know/Appreciate he made great improvements to Arsenal... All of the players you've mentioned maybe nice guys to have around a club but they are sadly not good enough for us (At the Arsenal) to mount consistent title challenges or defend title's as simple as that. The other players need to have healthy competition for their positions to bring out the best of everyone, Arsene gets paid millions to sort out that problem as well as the limited squad size etc. We need quality and experience, technical competence as well as a heart and fighting passion for the club...sadly that combination is missing from all of the players you mentioned. The sad fact is, even if we get another manager we will have to be patient "again" for them to mould and shape the team into a winning one. I was asked by a Spurs supporting friend, just last night about AW and in my annoyance I said, if we don't win the league this season, he should go. However, in reading your article and thinking about it, I will be happy if he stayed for one more season and show all 3 categories of fans that he should stay, we were right to be patient...and he actually does know. Great Article... Fellow frustrated Gooner.

  64. South African Gunner

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:44 #3678

    Well said.......If only he would get over proving anyone wrong becaes its pointless.

  65. milla

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:40 #3677

    what an article from a true fan,i hope you are talking to someone who can hear or care your feeling

  66. raymondo

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:25 #3675

    Well said. Personally out of the above I would keep Arshavin, Eboue for another season and the two keepers as backup, but I agree time is up for the rest, Arsenal need some quality in reserve. I still think Arsene is the man for the job, he just needs to be handed the cheque book, given a hefty kick up the backside and told to enter the transfer market this summer and not to come back until he has another quality striker, a winger, a holding midfielder and another CB. The 'Project' isn't a total failure, we have some quality players and play some of the best football in the EPL, we just need to take a note out Charlie Sheen's book and become winners! It's time to blow some cash.

  67. alboy

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:21 #3674

    couldn't agree more. maybe the first time I have heard someone put this argument together without sounding like an idiot.

  68. Gus

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:18 #3673

    Wenger's key role is management of tactics and signing of players with the funds available. In recent seasons he has had a lot of shortcomings in these two departments. However I have neither seen or heard anything to suggest he micromanages the clubs finances. I do not believe nor have I ever believed he is a dictator of Arsenal FC. Those who insist AW is appear to be part of a bandwagon devoid of rationality and ****ivity. Their conclusions appear to be feeble deductions. The board are liars. Do the maths. AW does not have 40 mill to spend ever year. Hill-Wood is a fabricator. I'm not an AKB, give me someone better than AW and I'll take him but Wenger is not the villain here. He didn't personally hike the prices, he isn't withholding funds nor did cause a tsunami in Japan. But if someone could prove me wrong with evidence, stats or whatever (anything beyond mere deduction) then I'm listening.

  69. Pat O Sullivan

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:16 #3672

    I agree with everything you say,spot on Wenger needs to wake up and fast or it will be 7 years without winning nothing,getting sick of it,wenger should read the above article again and again and he might get the message

  70. Si

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:15 #3671

    2nd in the league with a game in hand.... do me a favour and stop moaning

  71. Twisted

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:12 #3670

    an outstanding article, this is how it is and how it has been since 2005. Hopefully our greatest manager ever will have a little read...

  72. Kotts

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:10 #3669

    Andrew What is disturbing is that no one from the board down wards seems to see the truth.I wonder whether Arsenal's strategy now is to make money at the expense of the fans.Something needs to be done very fast. Thanks