That Could Depend On Your Bank Balance!


Club level – Apparently more contented than the cheap seats

Interesting times lie ahead for our club over the next couple of months or so and I don’t just mean in terms of whether or not we manage to hold our nerve and win enough games to get over the line and win the Premier League trophy for the first time in seven years. We as a club seem to be at a crossroads. Some of us fans seem to be more than happy with the way the club seems to be moving forward, battling against the super rich powers of the modern game in Chelsea and Manchester City, not to mention Manchester United, Liverpool and Tottenham. Whilst other fans seem to be getting more and more frustrated at the apparent lack of forward momentum as we have failed to lift any trophies in virtually six long hard frustrating seasons. We pay top money to support our club week in week out so why not as a club splash just a little bit more cash on a few extra players a season and become winners again?

It really is a fascinating debate and one that other clubs simply do not have. We have grown a mentality of our own as a club in recent seasons and this new mentality has supporters and pundits alike both pulling their hair out in frustration and licking their lips in anticipation. Which side of the fence do you stand on? And more to the point which side of the fence should we all be stood on?

The answer to this question is a complex one and one that may well for me sum up the state of the modern day game. For me the answer that you give to the above question may well tell me the answer to another question and that is one of where in the ground do you sit? I took a poll to the streets before the recent Sunderland game and asked 100 supporters the above question and the answers were interesting. Out of the 100 people I asked 64 said that in general they were happy with the way the club was being run out of these 64 happy go lucky people 23 were people that sat in club level. 36 out of the 100 asked answered they were not happy and out of that total of 36 none sat in club level.

The last five or six seasons have seen a new breed of football fan arrive at our club and it is these ‘fans’ that hold the key as to why the above debate even exists. Whilst these ‘fans’ are happy to pay out a minimum of £3000 a season which is the cost of a basic club level season ticket not including extras like meals etc then the club we support will be more than happy to continue along the same old lines of ‘top four will do’ season after season.

The regular admission tickets are important to the club, they are its bread and butter if you like but what really matters these days is not the average Joe who sits in row seven of the lower tier and pays a relatively minor £900 or so a season for doing so. It is the big time Charlie who pays around £40,000 a season to be a full blooded annual member of the Diamond Club that the club we all support really cares about keeping happy.

For a large number of people that pay out this sort of money per season the end result on the field of play is far from what is on their minds when filling in the credit card details on the renewal slip every season. They have businesses and clients to entertain, ‘come down to the game this Saturday and we’ll have a five course a la Carte meal beforehand with some bubbly to celebrate the deal we have just done’. The result for these ‘fans’ is of such secondary importance that unless the opposition fits the bill in terms of making the game itself something of an event they regularly don’t bother attending and the seats go unused. The kudos gained in inviting clients to attend a regulation home league game with Wolves isn’t quite the same as getting the same clients to attend the Champions League game with Barcelona, hence the lack of atmosphere and rows and rows of empty seats at our stadium in recent times. You can hear them now after this season’s 3-2 home defeat to Spurs - ‘we lost the game today did we? Someone told me it was a local derby, oh well pass me the chardonnay would you old bean, terribly parched’.

If you are a working class person one that has supported this club through thick and thin the chances are you struggle to pay for your season ticket/matchday experience. You may even prioritise the season ticket above other shall we say more needed items, you may even have to put up with less marital bliss because of this. ‘No money for going out for a meal this weekend, well if you didn’t have that bloody season ticket maybe we could go out instead of eating a frozen pizza from ASDA all over again!’ Let us face facts, as modern day football fans that still manage to attend the stadium on a regular basis we get ripped off. I pay on average £45 for a ticket at our stadium these days, I was first taken to Highbury as a six year old in 1987 by my dad and he paid £3 for me to get in and around £6 for himself. Sure everything costs more these days but not by that much. A can of coke was around 25p in 1987 so that has roughly trebled in the same period of time whereas the cost of getting into a home Arsenal game has risen by around 750% in the same time period.

Who out of these two sets of supporters is more likely to make a fuss of the team failing to win any trophies? Who out of these supporters though is more important for the club to keep happy? The working class lower tier folk may well be keen enough to sulk for the rest of the weekend when we fail to win a game but at the end of the day if they are not managing to fork out a bare minimum of £3000 per season plus meals then Arsenal as a club can turn a blind eye to them as long as the six rows around the middle of the stadium are bought and paid for season in season out.

Try contacting the club for a general enquiry as a regular fan and see how quickly anyone responds to your needs, the same day register an interest in joining the ‘Diamond Club’ and I have the distinct feeling you wouldn’t have to wait long for your phone to be ringing. You may even get the added bonus of seeing Perry Groves before the game if you did join.

The only thing that will change in this process is if the general supporters voted with their feet and stopped renewing their season tickets en masse, but judging the situation by the size of our current waiting list, it would have to be one almighty walk out as 4,000 or so wouldn’t cut the ice. We are talking more like 20,000 general admission season tickets renewals being rejected by the fans for the club to even start to feel the pinch.

Will this happen anytime soon? I think not. The editor of this very site has aired a similar view in recent times. He seems frustrated and has gone on record in a recent article as saying until people stop renewing their season tickets nothing will change. He himself is a season ticket holder, will he be binning the renewal form when it hits the door mat? I doubt it. Do we ever hear even the slightest level of discontent aimed at the men in charge of the club at Arsenal matches? The answer is no. I can’t ever remember any chants of sack the board or Wenger out. So whilst this is the case and the season ticket renewals keep coming back to the club with credit card details on them how can anyone expect change to happen? Why would it?

Season ticket sales at Club Level have sold out for three seasons in a row now. The restaurants are full game after game. The club charge a fortune for very average food yet they can and will as it is branded as Arsenal and people lap it up. The staff in club level are all on minimum wage, most of them do not understand what top class service is all about and can also be seen plying their trade at the local Mcdonalds after 7pm on matchdays yet people still come back for more week after week after week. Every season the club opens up new fancy restaurants safe in the knowledge that people will be queueing up to pay up to £40,000 a season to use the new facilities. Do the people that pay these fees care if we win the league? The clear answer is no as everywhere around the ground is sold out time and time again.

Guess how much a general admission ticket situated in the upper tier costs for the United game in May, by the time you throw in a three course pre game buffet with complimentary drinks and a ‘free’ programme for good measure? The answer is £550. To most of us this seems ridiculous, but to some that are interested enough and have money to burn this seems to be a bargain and they will regularly purchase 10 packages just like this one every game. This is the level of supporter that our club wants and in fairness has managed to attract. This is the kind of supporter that the club would listen to and change tact for if they stayed away for longer than a season. The reason for this fact is simple economics.

If I have a burger to sell in the street and someone comes along and offers me £3 for it whereas someone else comes along before I hand it over the guy offering me £3 and asks me to add a slice of bacon to it and offers me £6 for it, the guy offering the £3 can f*** off, he isn’t getting the burger. The Arsenal experience is worth whatever people are prepared to pay for it and at the moment they are prepared to pay absolute top dollar regardless of the fact whether we win anything or not.

So the next time we fail to win a game and you get a mental image of AW in your head and feel nothing but frustration log on to the club website and click on the hospitality icon down the left hand side of the screen and the real reasons as to why he will never be removed from the club we love will become crystal clear to you. Then think again as to how important your £35 seat in the lower tier really is to the club you support.

In Wenger we trust? Well no not exactly but in Wenger we stick with and get rich? Yes that will do nicely. This ‘top four’ mentality that has taken over the club in recent seasons has clearly filtered down to our playing staff as well. For me certain players at our club seem more than happy plying their trade in mid-season against inferior opposition but when push comes to shove and results really start to matter these same players go missing on a regular basis.

Samir Nasri has been highly praised in recent times and was even classed as ‘one of the best players in the world’ by none other than our ex-stalwart Gilles Grimandi. This might have something to do with the fact that he was the man responsible for putting Samir forward as a possible transfer target to our man in charge. It goes without saying that Samir has indeed had a good season, he has improved from what he showed in his first two seasons at the club and his goal ratio looks impressive, especially when Cesc isn’t in the first XI. But if you take a closer look at the past month or so and also look at his record in the ‘big games’ his stats start to fall short. If you look back to the run-in last season where Cesc was injured and Samir played mainly in his preferred central role in midfield as the creative force driving us forward he, in my eyes, flopped miserably throughout that period and this pattern seems to be repeating itself this season just at a time when we need him most.

Could it be that the whole ethos of the club that has risen up in recent seasons due to the corporate side of the game going through the roof? It doesn’t appear to be in anyway reliant on trophies being accumulated and has grown so big and powerful that even the players themselves feel that a top four finish is all that they need to deliver for their vast wage packets to be vindicated season after season? I do get the distinct impression that this is the case. A sad state of affairs, but one that shows no sign of changing anytime soon. This is of course unless we as the ‘regular’ fans the ‘bread and butter’ gather together in demonstration to show our combined anger and frustration at the direction ‘our club’ has taken in recent seasons.

If you take a look at the impact that social media has had in recent months and how easy it is now for people en masse to organise large scale demonstrations, surely it is within the realms of reality for us through platforms like this one to organise some kind of rally or demonstration to at the very least let the club we have supported so loyally over the years know just how disheartened some of us seem to have become. As from judging by the remarks that some of us have left on this very website in recent times there must be a large number of fans that would want the opportunity to put across their message, possibly even their frustration at simply not being listened to. We really have got to the stage where we are being taken for granted in some people’s eyes.

Let us see how unhappy we really are then. We are football fans after all is said and done, we are not theatre goers who would be too embarrassed to say boo to a goose. If we really are that unhappy with the current regime we should do something about it soon or we should simply shut up and not bother going to the games in the future.

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  1. Pure Top

    Mar 22, 2011, 22:30 #4006

    Good articale, John. I have been convinced for years that we are now supporting Arsenal Football Business not Arsenal Football Club. It's a bit like the banks in the US who lost their connection with their customers and it ended with the sub prime credit crunch. It is very difficult to see the change coming. In a few more years the Arsenal board will wonder where the fans went. It will be interesting to watch the businessmen at club level supporting the business on the field - or not as the case may be. Arsenal aided by Arsene are creating a wonderfully successful business but will anyone be interested?

  2. HowardL

    Mar 18, 2011, 23:35 #3807

    Conspiracy theory-type article but sort of credible ie regular top 4 qualification equals games against Inter Milan, AC Milan, Juventus, Barcelona, Real Madrid etc - all great for corporate entertainment but ground less than full for teams offering little attraction. I'm still fanatical about Arsenal winning trophies but I can buy the logic of John's article.

  3. Tiger Keown

    Mar 18, 2011, 15:42 #3787

    Simon – you should be 'embarrassed to be an Arsenal Supporter' because you're obviously someone content with being a loser. There's enough 'losers' on the pitch without more deadbeats like you clogging up the stands. Do one to some mid-table club you muppet and take your total lack of ambition with you.

  4. Nick

    Mar 18, 2011, 14:04 #3784

    Why is it that if someone dares to criticise the CURRENT managerial incumbent they are told to go and support someone else ,when surely rightly or wrongly they are just showing that they care and are hurt by the groundhog day events of the last 4/5 seasons,NO man is bigger than the club and NO man is above critisism.I have been supporting the Arsenal since 1964,and i know what its like to go without trophys for much longer periods than this present drought.however the football world has changed and sucsess for a big club is now essential,and not just at corperate level,on field sucsess generates much more money than we currently earn, but theres an old saying youve got to speculate to accumulate,maybe someone should tell the boss,but i also agree with the writer that by pricing the working class out of the game their killing the soul of the club and dont even think of telling me to **** off and support someone else ive earned the right over the last 47years to have my say!.

  5. Rupert

    Mar 17, 2011, 20:41 #3741

    I am a regular club level attendee at the Emirates, I have supported Arsenal since 1982 and I want Arsene Wenger made accountable, and I want him sacked, or the board to walk the plank. One or the other I'd be happy with. Arsenal is not a football club, it is a PLC. Wenger is 'not doing an amazing job' he gets paid £6.5 mil a year, more than Alex Ferguson, to win nothing!!! He has a higher wage bill than Man United, Ferguson has more key injuries than Arsenal do, yet Ferguson is still in for a Treble, and has won everything going over three years, and Wenger has just fed up bullshit and excuses. Arsene Wenger has PLENTY of transfer funds at his disposal but this is all about 'experimentation' and the only people who believe in this SCAM are the Cult members of the AKB. Arsene Wenger is not working against the odds, he is fooling idiots into believing he is. He FAILS. Year after year. The football is mediocre, lackadaisical and aloof. The level of player, ranging from Diaby, to Denilson to Squiillaci, to Eboue through to Chamakh is plain rancid. The food at Club Level is like the team and manager: stale, bland and unimaginative. There is a lot wrong with this club. Having the third highest wage bill, and finishing Top 4 is not an 'achievement' it is commensurate with income expenditure. Good article but please don't assume everyone at CL is happy. I am far from content and intend on voting with my feet. Arsene Wenger FC is an overrated, overpriced, overpaid and under-performing product. I won't be back until there is a major change.

  6. Steve

    Mar 17, 2011, 20:17 #3739

    Excellent article. The mention of 1987 and £3 to get in brought a tear to my eye when Arsenal meant something completely different that it does today. Sadly, your analysis is spot on - until "the numbers" don't work any more we are stuck with the fourth-place-as-good-as-a-trophy mentality.

  7. Mark Mywords

    Mar 17, 2011, 19:49 #3736

    Shallow, stereotypical crap from someone with a chip on both shoulders. I lost interest in this post about half way through, when I completely lost the will to live.

  8. chrisy boy

    Mar 17, 2011, 15:32 #3727

    ive been lucky enough to be in the diamond club a couple of times this season thanks to a fully paid up member who is my best mate, him along with several other members that ive been introduced to are as passionate as the rest of us, they all have there own ideas or reasons or where the club has gone wrong, who we need buy/sell and should wenger be the man to take us any further. My personal thoughts are perhaps the time has come for a change of ownership, i hope im wrong but cant see any improvments or an end to our trophy hunt without that happening

  9. mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 17, 2011, 15:00 #3725

    You don't need to bin the season ticket, keep it, just don't turn up on the day. When they announce a crowd of 60,106 and there are only 38,000 inside the ground they will start to get the message. Remember that means 20,000 less items of food and drink sold too. I admire the AKB's for their patience and there is room for many schools of thought. I went to my first game with my dad in 1976 and have seen some real stinkers but I'm afraid this squad is not what I want and I think Arsene is being out thought and out fought. Until we get at least some muscular never say die individuals in the team then I am staying away. My decision I know and before anyone says it no I'm not going to fuck off and support Bolton, Blackburn, Aylesbury Utd etc........

  10. Jekyll

    Mar 17, 2011, 14:26 #3723

    I'm afraid it's true, top 4 is enough. Wenger has said so. He'd like more but top 4 is enough and that is transmitted to the players - indeed they are rewarded with improved contracts for achieving it. So of course they're not going to give more. Remember his interview after the last match last season. I suspect it will be repeated this May.

  11. denilson

    Mar 17, 2011, 13:46 #3719


  12. Sarf Lunden

    Mar 17, 2011, 13:40 #3716

    Good article. Wenger is totally fireproof for as long as he wants to be. He's managed to keep the club in the top 4 playing attractive if unsuccessful football. At the same time the club have built the Emirates and the share price has gone from (memory) 400 pounds to todays price of just under 1,200 pounds. You wouldn't sack an investment manager for that performance so why would the board sack Wenger? If your more interested in the football (like I am) then as long as the club continues to attract sponsors, stays in the Champions league, have a waiting list for season tickets and each game is sold out (even, as increasingly happens, the ticket buyers don't turn up) then hard luck. Keith Burkinshaw said about Spurs "There used to a football club over there". Maybe we'll say the same soon.

  13. Jon

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:54 #3712

    I'm a Silver TRS member and over the last couple of seasons< i've dat in Club Level for perhaps 4-5 games. All I can say is that it is the most posh away fans section anywhere in the world! Very few genuine Arsenal fans can be found there on all those oocasions I've been in CL myself. At one game, a loud cheer went up and it turned out that MU had scored in their game elsewhere and every tackle and block from the opposition was being cheered ... from Club Level ... at the Emirates .. go figure. Of course, the Club follows the money as it needs it. And clearly, it's receiving from all and sundry and mostly people who couldn't give a toss about Arsenal.

  14. JW

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:24 #3707

    I am a long time Arsenal supporter who has been lucky enough to be relocated to London for a couple of years. I bought club level seats (essentially with the proceeds from the sale of my car), so I could follow the team for a season. At number 42,000 on the waitlist, my red membership would only allow me to go to a handful of games. I'd definitely become a regular season ticket holder. I do think there are others in my position in club level. We're the ones in the club level bar before games, rather than in the dining areas. Perhaps the difference is between newer supporters and older supporteres who remember the era of a more defensive Arsenal. I do think these fans overstate the club's success. Unless they've been following the team since the '30s, Arsenal's success has been pretty sporadic. Its also clear that there are some season ticket holders who go to few games, preferring to taut there tickets. Understandable on some level, but extremely frustrating. At the end of the day, I have a hard time respecting the view of someone who wants to fire the manager who has built a platform for success moving into the future, while he's still in 2nd place. Sure there have been disappointments, but its been a fantastic season.

  15. AG

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:24 #3705

    What a long winded way to stereotype club level fans as being pro-Wenger or not caring at all. I doubt that your poll of 100 people really is a scientific study either. I sit in Club Level and also have an away season ticket and myself and many around me are AMG (as you describe us). In fact, we have been wanting this for the last 5 years since he destroyed the invincibles and replaced them with the remarkably average 'colney creche'. I can't be bothered to write all the reasons why Arsene should gracefully resign as I feel I have been living ground hog day season after season and I am bored of the whole debate. Suffice to say what whilst CL is a pretty soulless place to sit, less than half the people that sit there eat there on a match day and I'm not even sure that CL is sold out. I believe that the club sell more match day hospitality tickets than they originally did so there is no problem getting a season ticket in CL. The only way to get AW out is for the fans in general to show their displeasure publicly at a match and I don't feel that most of the AMG fans voices are strong enough yet but it is growing and the frustration could boil over at a home game towards the end of this season if we continue to implode in the league. The board will listen to the fans if the fans speak up, the wealthy fans in CL have already shown what they think of the team by not turning up week in week out in large numbers. In any case, the board will not listen to anyone while AW keeps us in the top 4, the board are weak and divided and don't understand football or the fans. AW is not answerable to anyone on the board or indeed anyone at the club, he is effectively a dictator there and until he has power removed the status quo will continue.

  16. Walid

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:08 #3702

    "If you look back to the run-in last season where Cesc was injured and Samir played mainly in his preferred central role in midfield as the creative force driving us forward he, in my eyes, flopped miserably throughout that period and this pattern seems to be repeating itself this season just at a time when we need him most." You've written a good article but the above comment is baseless. Take into account that its actually WENGER who decides to play Nasri on the wing even when Cesc is injured. Look at the Cup final: Nasri on right, Rosicky central Sunderland last week: Nasri on right, Wilshere Denilson Diaby in the middle Manure in FA Cup: Nasri on right, Wilshere Denilson and Diaby middle. Nasri is our most creative player but Wenger INSISTS on playing him on the wing. A good article nevertheless. My renewal for Club level is £2770. It's an amount I will struggle on as I dont earn that much and especially after travelling to Barcelona and Old Trafford cost me £600.

  17. Goofball

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:02 #3700

    Surely the football money will burst soon? I fear it will drag on with citeh's Arab tycoon. Chavski are not helping and Barca survive and may continue to spend with their new sponsorship deals. Too much money thrown like confetti. Natural disasters and humanitarian crisises across the world, maybe some players wages could be used to have a positive effect? After all, it's only a game there good at playing!

  18. P-McG

    Mar 17, 2011, 12:00 #3698

    What a load of arrogant shite. Fans who support the manager that has brought great success and made sure it can be competitive for the next 50 years, must be johnny come lately club members who are so rich they just don't care about results because the view and hospitality is so good? Back in the real world, the club loses club level seats faster than anywhere, and they know that charging those prices the club needs to be succesful soon enough. Maybe, they, and many other loyal fans believe the club will win something soon and have faith. Maybe they are just loyal.

  19. Elkie

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:42 #3693

    well said absolutely agree. chants of sack the board should eco around the Emirates in the coming weeks whether we're on for the title still or not.

  20. Mason

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:16 #3687

    So a long article to tell us that there are enough people happy with what they are getting for Arsenal not to worry too much about the malcontents? At that largely the contents are successful enterprising people who have built their careers on a proper understanding of value and the benefits of investing their money while many of the malcontents are losers blaming everyone else for their failings. That's about right

  21. the goons

    Mar 17, 2011, 11:10 #3685

    dear TW, its not just about spending, isnt it about having a team that fight ? dont you think this group lack fight and real spirit and bottle it time and again and isnt that wrong given they belong to as you would agree such a well run nice club with a generous manager ? in return they should die for the cause. Bendtner is priviledged danish prince and it shows - he never gets his shorts dirty or likes to sweat.

  22. simon

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:59 #3681

    I hope that these faux outraged "fans" do bin their season tickets. That way when Wenger's team becomes Champions they won't get to see it. And they don't deserve to, the venomous bile I've heard recently is disgraceful & makes me embarrassed to call myself an Arsenal supporter. The sooner that element get away from our club the better.

  23. TW

    Mar 17, 2011, 10:31 #3676

    Maybe one reason Club level "appear" happier is that they include a lot of business people who appreciate how well the Club has done to stay competitive in the tycoon era (which will soon end or be constrained). We ALL have a deep passionate emotional wish to win and hate seeing players appear not to care sometimes. Moreover, your one liner that "spending a bit more money" would have delivered success is possible, but nothing more than hypothesis - and one that other websites take as a self-evident truth. Arsene is stubborn, and possibly too miserly, but his strengths and the quality he brings to the club far outweigh his shortcomings, and your happy Club levellers (including me) appreciate that, as with Leeds, the spending of an extra £20m on players per annum can lead also to no trophies AND ruin.