The last of the (rational) AKB-cans

Wounded outpourings of a Wenger lover

The last of the (rational) AKB-cans

Is the emperor wearing any clothes?

The time is fast approaching where rational AKBs will no longer have a leg to stand on or a straw to clutch at. Their tribe is quaking in their feathered headdresses and loincloths. They see only a world ahead where only greed prevails and money talks while proudly held beliefs and self-sustainability are increasingly becoming obsolete.

I am one of them and I am quite honestly sh*tting bricks right now at the thought of my reality crumbling around me. For, as I quite dramatically stated in my last article on this website, if Arsene Wenger picks Almunia again "I will never defend him again, ever." How could I? Picking that clown in goal again would be gross misconduct in my opinion and if Wenger can't pick former German international Jens Lehmann, for whatever reason, then he should pick one of his rookie goalkeepers instead. Almunia makes rookie mistakes all the time, so I see no extra danger coming by putting an actual rookie between the sticks.

Dear Almighty God, If you're listening, please tell Wenger, I'd rather see Bob Wilson at age 70 in goal for Arsenal F.C. than Manuel Almunia ever again!

If I haven't backed myself into a corner enough with that statement already, let me take it one step further.

If Wenger picks Denilson again when he has better options fit and available I will never defend Wenger again, ever. Denilson has had more than enough chances to show what he can do and he hasn't shown us much, has he? Diaby is a better option, even though I admit that he is not much better than the most useless Brazilian I have ever seen. Ramsey and Wilshere are, in comparison to him, despite being even younger than he is, "Los Galacticos" or quite simply, light years and galaxies ahead of him. Denilson should definitely take up rugby, as that is the sport for him. The only sport where passing backwards (almost every time) is not only acceptable but it is absolutely, positively and actively encouraged. He could be the Pele of rugby for all I bloody know.

Rosicky isn't exactly setting the world alight right now but I would rather see him in the central midfield than have to suffer the pain, suffering and damned misfortune of another 90 minutes of Denilson. I would rather stick pins in my eyes, literally.

Arsene Wenger has given me my finest memories of Arsenal FC in full flow. Not only did Arsene Wenger go a season unbeaten, he did it in "sexy" "champagne" "world class" "French Caviar" style with "Va-Va Vooooom!" thrown in as an optional but more oh so crucially, costly, extra. Because, as long as I have a hole in my backside, I will believe that if Wenger had the right access to the right amount of funds, if he had the right people around him to keep him on his toes a wee, tiny bit more tactically (he is 62 now, let's be honest) and was not, I repeat not, most importantly, greedily and criminally under pressure from upstairs make AN ACTUAL PROFIT FROM PLAYER TRANSFERS!!!!... he could have been the greatest football manager in history.

That's right, I said it. The cat is well and truly out of my bag now isn't it? Wenger has made a profit on player trading in the last two seasons alone, of a whopping, 38 Million pounds sterling!

He is the man who bought Kolo Toure for £150,000 and sold him for £14,000,000.
He is the Man who bought Nicolas Anelka for £500,000 and sold him for £22,000,000.
He is the man who bought Adebayor for £3,000,000 and sold him for £25,000,000.
And who can forget?
He is the man who bought Patrick Vieira for £3,500,000 and sold him for €20,000,000.

If Harry Redknapp is a "wheeler-dealer" then Arsene Wenger is a footballing alchemist.

I could go on and on, So I will. He deserves at least this little note of thanks from me, the very humble "last rational AKB" as we may never see his like again. I would walk through fire for that man. He got Cesc Fabregas on a free, discovered George Weah and transformed Thierry Henry into the most lethal Arsenal striker of all time. You can look into the full list of players who have Wenger to thank, for who and where they are today, another time. If I do it now, we'll be here all night.

You will be astonished if you really sit and think about it. Arsene Wenger brought us the FA Cup four times and the Premier league title three times. He got us to a Champions League final, a Uefa Cup final, five F.A. Cup finals and two League Cup finals (it was the players who let us down). He finished second in the Premiership five times and qualified for the lucrative Champions League competition , season on season all while MAKING A PROFIT on player transfers! No wonder then it is that he was recently voted "Coach of the Decade" by the international federation of football history and statistics.

The award is decided by combining the points from the organisation's Coach of the Year polls, and although the Gunners trophy cabinet has been empty in the last five years, their consistent performances in both the Barclays Premier League, as well as the UEFA Champions League, gave Wenger 156 points, with Ferguson on 148, and Mourinho with 135. "Although the Frenchman has until now never won the annual vote, he has been among the best-placed coaches every year," a statement from the organisation said. He is beyond a shadow of a doubt the greatest manager in Arsenal F.C. history. God only knows, how grateful I will forever be to him for all that.

However, as they say in France, "every man, even the dreamer, has his limits." The name Manuel, will forever be known as being famous as being both the name of the character in "Faulty Towers" and the name of the sh*te-est keeper ever to disgrace our f***ing team, Both of them great comedy characters though mind you. I am a fan of Arsenal first and Arsene second and so should all of you be. Wenger picking either of those two m*********ing, see you next Tuesdaying, c***ing, bar stewards ever again (when he can avoid it) is a crime against my first love that I cannot and will not tolerate any longer. I love loyalty as a quality in a human being but Wenger is taking the notion of loyalty to his players into new unchartered realms of madness. If Denilson or Almunia pull on Arsenal shirts again (when better options are available) anyone found still standing up for Wenger will look like a fool.

When players constantly let you down time after time and again and again, there comes a time when enough is enough. Why have I defended Wenger so vehemently up until now? I'll tell you why, as it may very well be my very last chance to do so. Arsene Wenger brought us Thierry Henry, Robert Pires, Patrick Vieira, Emmanuel Petit, Marc Overmars, Cesc Fabregas, Robin Van Persie and Freddie Ljunberg to name but a few of his best ever signings for Arsenal. The man's gift for finding and developing world class talent is second to none in the modern game. Even now he can point to Jack Wilshere and Aaron Ramsey and I believe, Theo Walcott as prime examples of his eye for future greats. Oh and when we are renaming Ashburton Grove we should seriously as fans demand it is called the "Arsene Wenger Stadium” because that is what it is really, isn't it?

But is that all he ever was? A top scout and developer of young midfield and attacking talent? Without the right funds to sign top international players (at the back and holding midfield) and the right coaching staff brought in to mould them into a tough hardworking unit like Barcelona, our greatest manager of all time may NEVER win another trophy for Arsenal again.

That ladies and Gentleman, is my biggest, deepest and darkest fear. And you could very well be witnessing the death (and rebirth) of "the last rational AKB". Unfortunately my idol is already showing signs of madness. An article on this very website opened my eyes to this recent quote from Arsene Wenger. "For the English, sport is a combat. The English can't imagine going into battle without a general. For the French, football is a form of collective expression." If Arsene Wenger really believes that Tony Adams and Patrick Vieira were not pivotal to his success then he truly has gone mad, hasn't he? Well Arsene, answer me this, How many trophies have we won since Patrick Vieira left us? I don't even have to say any more than that.

If Almunia or Denilson play for the Arsenal again when ANYONE else is fit and available then we must all surely realise that the Emperor is naked and that we must do our best to help get his clothes on. But I'm sorry you AMG guys I can't ever sing or shout "Wenger out!" I just can't bring myself to do it. Maybe I'm too loyal, maybe we all are sometimes?

Maybe if Wenger wasn't so loyal to Pat Rice, the board, his players and us fans, we wouldn't be in this position we now find we are in. And how glad we are here now because from where I'm sitting it's not ALL doom and gloom.

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  1. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 29, 2011, 16:42 #4169

    Howard Lamb - Agreed. I think you make a great point about Wenger's resolve being broken and it's only fuelled his stubborness. He is desperate to prove you can be successful and sustainable simultaneously - by nurturing young players and making them better than already seasoned, expensive pros. One thing I don't think that is remarked upon enough is that not only does he care about Arsenal, but also about football in general and, more importantly, the football supporter. I think it exasperates him greatly when other teams play long balls and try and rough Arsenal up. To him it is not football and not want paying fans want to see. He wants the way that Arsenal play to be a model to other clubs. In a sense he's a victim of his utopian dream because the only way most clubs try to beat Arsenal on the field is not by trying to emulate their footballing ethos but by destroying it. I think Wenger is a great man, a true visionary - his influence on Arsenal and football in this country should never be understated - and it absolutely saddens me to the core when I read some of the abuse he receives on this website. Yes I concede he has had difficulties in the last few seasons and has made some wrong decisions and the next couple of months are absolutely critical but I personally would be sad to see him leave. I think if a new right hand man came in to freshen things up tactically and shook him from his stubborness, plus made tweaks to the squad in the right places we could still have some very fruitful years under Le Boss.

  2. Quillie

    Mar 29, 2011, 2:10 #4145

    Arsene has done great things for this club, but Arsenal were successful before he came along and will be successful again after he's gone. If he steps down now, he might still have a bit of dignity left, but if he doesn't, he runs the risk of becoming umpopular with the fans. His ability to develop talent without spending enormous amounts of money in the past looked like genius, but the footballing landscape has changed and the longer we go without winning a trophy, the more it will look like an arrogant unwillingness to face up to reality. If he really cares about the future of the club, he'll let someone else take over and usher in the new era.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 28, 2011, 19:34 #4141

    I am an Arsene supporter always have been always will be but even i fear if we don't win prem this year or big two next year it will be all over for him.

  4. chris dee

    Mar 28, 2011, 9:47 #4112

    Couldn't agree more,Arsene is our greatest ever manager, which is why many supporters,myself included,find it hard to critisise him.But 6 years is too long a wait for a top club without a trophy. Many supporters say it's because we haven't flashed the cash,but I don't agree.Talent wise we have a squad (when fit) that can match any other top club.Our problems don't stem from the way the players have been coached,because they are technically brilliant.But attitide,yes the boring but true 'grit and determination',unjustified arrogance and a failure to adapt to the strengths of the opposition have seen us suffer.Only the current Barca side don't adapt their tactics whoever they are playing.Ferguson and Mourino both proven winners,always nullify the opponents strengths when a big match is at stake.An example,how many desparate and predictable times have we faced United and lost when all United do is defend in depth and hit us in the break.How many times will Arsene fall for this?I do not accept that we have some mystical 'philosophy ' which means we must play the same way whether it's against Ipswich or Real Madrid. Unjustified arrogance?One word Newcastle. Grit and determination?In our current squad Arsene has managed many of the players since they were teenagers,he has bought Arshavin,Rosicky,Nasri,Chamakh,Sagna,Squilachy,Koscielny.Notone,and you need four or five,has any thing about them which matches the character and resilience of Vieira,Adams etc etc. Mt greatest wish? That at the end of the season some one will post a letter in the Gooner saying what a frigging ,gloomy ,pessamistic tosser I am for not believing in Wenger,with a picture of Cesc holding up the Premiership Trophy.

  5. bunch

    Mar 28, 2011, 8:58 #4111

    Good piece Joe. We all love what he has done for us, but in terms of creating a team to finish the job and win something, his best days are behind him.

  6. Howard Lamb

    Mar 27, 2011, 19:24 #4110

    Joe - it's a brilliant piece and it sums up my feelings entirely. How on earth could the man who gave us Vieira and Petit now seem content with Denilson and Squillaci? However, one thing seems to have been forgotten. The footballing authorities have permitted, even encouraged, the bullying of Arsenal (headlines like "they don't like it up 'em") which led indirectly to the horrific injuries to Eduardo and Ramsey. My belief is that it is this, plus some appalling decisions against us (even recently - Saha's 'goal', Newcastle 'penalties', RVP's outrageous red card etc) which finally broke Wenger's spirit. I certainly believe that Arsene used to know best, but his philosophies died with Abramovitch and Chelski. I believe future generations will look back and reflect that Arsene Wenger was the best football manager in the history of the game, but when the billionaires took over his idealism just could not compete. But he (foolishly?) continued to try. George Graham he isn't. All that ever mattered to George was "three points". Arsene will never be like that. So there looks to be only one outcome - and I hate it, and if it happens will I lose interest in football?

  7. 1965Gooner

    Mar 26, 2011, 23:36 #4109

    AW is the reason we are regarded by the media as one of the "big 4". The fact Sky (and talk****e, NoW etc) keep talking about our wonderful club has nothing to do with our inspiring history, it is because AW has us in the mix. In the 6 "barren" years we have been to the only European Cup final in our club's history, as well as 2 league cup finals and 5 consecutive top 5 finishes. We haven't been so consistent since the 1930s. Let's not act like spoilt brats....please.

  8. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 26, 2011, 18:50 #4107

    Didn't our Jack just look fantastic in an England shirt today? Aaron looked good for someone who just had a year off football too. Please lads, please God! Deliver us from Denilson!

  9. Migz

    Mar 26, 2011, 17:40 #4106

    An original piece of writing.

  10. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 26, 2011, 15:48 #4104

    @ Silentstan. Apologies for not reaching The high standards of your literary excellence. Please invest some of your billions into getting us some new players and I'll try to do better next time, ok? Deal?

  11. wenger out

    Mar 26, 2011, 15:14 #4103

    i'll say it for you if you can't, "Wenger out"!

  12. king gooner

    Mar 26, 2011, 14:59 #4102

    great peice!really great peice!i feel exactlty the same- but in life sadly nothing lasts forever-just ask liverpool & their twenty year wait for a title-who'd have thought it in 1990?but i feel he's in the last chance saloon & if theres no MASS CLEAROUT this summer(whether we win the title or not)then it's time for change as obama would say 7 it would be a sad day for all he's done..

  13. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 26, 2011, 13:24 #4101

    Sorry Gooners, I got a bit carried away and I meant to say that Wenger has made a £38million profit in the last Two years (ending in November) not the last two seasons. Still, pretty impressive though.

  14. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 26, 2011, 13:01 #4100

    @ Joe post 4514. You make excellent points contrasting the before and after of our playing style. No one loved Wenger more than me but there will come a time very soon that anyone who defends him will be dismissed as irrational. Great name too btw.

  15. silentstan

    Mar 26, 2011, 11:23 #4099

    you started off with an ok aritcle, then half way through you went doollally, the drugs kicked in, or your attention span waned. you were incoherant, rambling and repeated what had been said only less well. sit in a darkened room ps, i have never worshipped false gods so never became a AKB

  16. CD

    Mar 26, 2011, 9:51 #4098

    Great article Joe, and sums up very well how I feel towards Wenger. For the life of me, I simply don't understand how Wenger has changed so dramatically, from his invincible side to todays, especially the never ending backing of his squad players, of whom only two you list for specific critism, but as you know their are others! We have all dissected this issue countless times, and no matter how often you analyse it, Wenger's "best squad ever" statement is an insult to practically all the players under his charge before 2005. The only issue I have, is that since day one Wenger has made profits from player trading, but had been very succesful on the pitch at the same time, so what has happened to his judgement post 2005 in relation to the success on the pitch part of the equation? The article "Whatever happened to Arsene Wenger" appears to be a rational explanation (I must be going mad now), as nothing else makes any sense!!! As much as I am one of those who wants Wenger out, deep down I still wish the original Wenger would come back, and all our collective frustrations could be lanced in an instant. Alas however I agree with you, and think that Wenger has indeed already gone mad, and it's our job to give him his white coat, if this does end up being season number six potless. If that does transpire, the early indications are already that to win the league next season will be much tougher, as Chelsea are clearly going to invest heavily in the summer, and no doubt Spurs, Liverpool, Man City & Man Utd are also going to do likewise. Wenger would continue to sign the Squillaci's of this world, and sign up more of the next supposed wonder kids, whom would not reach their peaks for a further circa eight years. I simply can't face another close season of nothing happening (especially watching again whilst other big teams invest in top players), knowing deep down that as the new season starts in August, that for the seventh year running the deck of cards will collapse again come spring time 2012, because of our squad players, tactical naivety and lacking of leaders in this team. Can you imagine how we would all feel, if when the team photo appears in August with no trophy, and the majority of the usual suspects were still in that photo earning £50k+ per week!?!? The problem as I see it is that if by the last home game of the season we can still mathematically win the title but ultimatly end up being bridesmaid again, exactly when are we going to let the board and Wenger know that enough is enough? By August it would be to late, and then season number seven would kick off, with probably no changes whatsoever in place?? This is a conundrum to which I do not know the answer.

  17. Goonerdad

    Mar 26, 2011, 9:42 #4097

    An awesome article

  18. Arsene knows

    Mar 26, 2011, 9:32 #4096

    Yes denilson, squilaci & almunia are so Bad it's bizarre, yes for me diaby, bendtner, kos, Gibbs, eboue, flappy, and all the other second string and loan players not good enough to play for arsenal, we do have a first 16 who on their day can and have beaten anyone BUT i have explained on this blog and others, its not all about the football coach to create a winning team, look at liverpool... the team that bought arsenal the stadium and the invincibles was dein, fizman and wenger, what we have now is..... wenger, think about it ak

  19. Joe

    Mar 26, 2011, 9:23 #4095

    Denilson is without doubt the ****test laziest most uncommitted outfield player I have ever seen for Arsenal or any other team, so what does that say about the manager who insists on playing him and apparently no efforts are made to change the way he plays. The current system of play doesn't work, we can all see that. It has nothing to do with finances it's purely instructed by the manager. If you watch the videos of the invincibles most games were won with fast paced incisive counter attacking football. Now we end most games with 60 odd % of possession and less shots on target than the opposition. The style of play even bores our own players. It's all oh look we have the ball, the entire opposition is sat in their box, let's try and thread the ball through players and that continues not to work let's play it out to the wing so we can either play it back to where started from or we can send in a speculative cross to our single striker who is never in the box because they are too busy standing on the edge if the box waiting to play a one two off someone. It's not inventive it's not exciting it's boring predictable and ineffective. So after we've been doing that for 20 minutes the opposition hoof the ball down the pitch to their striker so we get to watch Denilson get overtaken by the ref running back down the pitch and then witness some other calamity between defenders that have been bought because of their passing ability (rather than their ability to defend or tackle) and some clown in goal. All fans know what's wrong and how things should be addressed but AW appears not to. So in short Arsene used to know best, and everyone else who actually has a pair of eyes they can see with and know the rules of football knows better. Arsene stopped knowing best in at the end of 2005 when he decided to throw away his winning formula for this ****. Since when have we always had one striker, since when have we always had small players, since when have we always had crap goal keepers, since when have we never played on the counter attack. All this stuff has happened in the past 5/6 years it's not working AW is too stubborn to change anything. He needs to bow out gracefully before Arsenal FC become a world wide laughing stock because if we continue to choke they way we do now thats exactly what we will become if we haven't already.

  20. The Happening

    Mar 26, 2011, 8:56 #4094

    Joe, it beggars belief that Arsene made such shrewd signings and sales but now can't seem to muster even one? Clearly the man is a genius in this part of the sport?? Our most recent benchmark players, Vieira, Pires, spring to mind when making comparison to this mob, I think they should have a 'buddy' system, whereby say, Henry or Ray Parlour, mentor current Arsenal players, now there's a novel idea, wouldn't have to be anything more than a few tips each week before and after a game!! Wonder if that would work across the league HAHA! I must declare, I've changed tack regarding Arsene, this article has made me realise this even more, highlighting the mans basic common sense, which does (and I hope always will) outshine his 'Android' moments! We need a clearout, simple as, I won't mention names, but I think you'll know who is not worthy of wearing an Arsenal shirt come May! I've a feeling if we get the league, it'll be the last time we see a few of these players!

  21. Stewart

    Mar 26, 2011, 7:24 #4093

    Arsene Wenger should not be judged on the past.That is a history lesson.We cant keep looking back and saying he was a great manager pre 2005.He is paid £6m a year to deliver now.We can blame the board for many things but the board wouldnt have given ****e like Eboue Denil**** Diaby and Bender long term contracts without Wenger rubber-stamping it.Wenger should be judged on what he is doing now and his project has failed.Coach of the decade even the most blinkered AKB would not say Wenger was a better coach than Ferguson and Mourinho over the last decade.6 years without a trophy at a club who believes it is one of Europes top 8 clubs is unacceptable