Two reasons to be cheerful

The future is looking very bright

Two reasons to be cheerful

A deadly combination in the making

Recent weeks have been incredibly difficult for Gooners everywhere to say the very least. If my life has been anything like yours, you have been getting endless amounts of stick from work colleagues, friends and maybe even the odd family member. If any of you are as unlucky as I am to have "friends" who are Spurs fans, you may very well at one point or another received the following SMS message referencing the Japan disaster for their sick and twisted amusement;

FFS people!! I dont think it’s appropriate to make jokes after a tragedy. I know it’s hard to feel sorry or sympathise coz they are foreigners, but we have to remember they lost everything in almost an instant. They've been left with nothing... Still chin up Arsenal.. There is always next season :D !!

For us to be out on our ear while Manchester United, Chelsea and the Scum still compete in the Champions League is bad enough, but for us to have become a laughing stock after our capitulation in both domestic cups as well? That, my fellow Gooners is indeed a bitter pill to swallow. Having gone out of three competitions in quickfire succession it seems that a dark cloud has descended over the Gooner nation but while having a few pints with my mates in Highbury recently, enjoying the unexpected sunshine, I realised that it's not all doom and gloom being a Gooner at the moment.

A recent quote in the newspaper from Cardiff manager Dave Jones ahead of last Saturday's Wales v England clash, really caught my eye and brought a broad smile to my Gooner face. The Cardiff manager said: "It is going to be a fascinating battle between two of the best young prospects in the game, players who both have the ability to change the course of a match. You count yourself blessed if you have one player like that in your team - I know I did when Aaron was a Cardiff player. And Arsene Wenger must be sitting at home barely able to believe his luck that he has two kids that good. They will be stalwarts for Arsenal and for their national teams for the next decade or more and seeing them on opposite sides in such a big game is a mouth-watering prospect."

Well Mr. Jones, that is indeed a mouth watering prospect for Gooners everywhere and certainly gives us at least two reasons to be cheerful! Don't just take Dave Jones' word for it though, Arsene Wenger had this to say about young master Wilshere back in 2008, “He can play anywhere. People tell me he's a bit like Liam Brady because he has good balance and a change of direction. I believe later in his career he will be a central midfielder or play behind the strikers.”

High praise to say the least. For anyone to even mention a young player in the same sentence as Liam Brady is an honour, when it's Arsene Wenger saying it I cannot help but dream. My father being a Gooner Irishman, I have been brought up worshipping at the altar of the great Liam Brady. Since I was knee high to a grasshopper I was constantly being shown old video footage of the great man and told that I missed out on the "greatest Arsenal player ever to wear the shirt!" It follows naturally then, that the chance to possibly witness the second coming is a dream come true for me!

I didn't think that we would witness someone break Cesc Fabregas' record as the youngest player ever to play for Arsenal so soon but, Jack managed it aged just 16 years and 256 days. Jack's season so far has been the most impressive breakthrough season from a young player that I can remember since, erm, well, Aaron Ramsey's breakthrough season! Before we move on to Ramsey, take a look at this quote from Cesc Fabregas after the home leg against Barcelona on the phenomenal talent of our Jack.

‘Jack is a phenomenon, he already looks a world-class star. He’s a great lad too, with an English heart but with Spanish quality.’ Fabregas also mentioned that Wilshere reminds him a lot of himself, and deserves the recent praise he’s receiving: ‘It’s difficult to compare him to someone, but he reminds me of myself a lot. When I started the boss put his trust in me more and more. Now he’s a regular starter at the heart of our midfield. He started at just 17. He trains hard and gives everything and has earned his place in the starting line-up.’

If Jack can, at his age, step onto a field with Xavi, Fabregas, Iniesta, Messi, Nasri and Van Persie and not look at all out of place then the sky is well and truly the limit for this young lad. However, as Dave Jones rightly pointed out, us lucky Gooners have not only one, but two reasons to be cheerful!

Aaron Ramsey was well on the rise before his horrific injury, courtesy of the much maligned Ryan Shawcross and seeing him back in an Arsenal shirt has been a sliver lining to the dark cloud that has descended over the Gooner nation. Arsene Wenger had this to say recently to crush any fears we may have held over the future of our favourite Welshman.

“He will be better now because he is a young boy, 19 years old and you expect him to be stronger. When he will be really back on the competitive side of the game he will be stronger. When you have a big injury before the age of 20 normally you come back and you develop normally. That is why the big question mark about him was whether he would be back fully fit physically. That is now sorted out in a positive way, the rest is just a question of playing games. He has dealt with it very well but he could talk much better about it than I can. Certainly he has been very down for a long period but on the outside signs he has shown he is always highly motivated and determined to work hard. It feels good to have him back because it happened one year ago basically, his injury. He had to be very patient and he must feel himself very good to be back.”

Phew!, that's a relief! But who does Aaron remind you of as a player? Some have suggested that he is the heir apparent to Cesc's throne but the young Welshman says he sees himself as more of a Steven Gerrard than Cesc Fabregas. He said "I like to attack, I like to get forward and join the strikers when I can. I have always liked the way Steven Gerrard plays and I have tried to model myself on him and his game.

So there you have it! We could very well have the next Liam Brady AND Steven Gerrard in our squad! If that doesn't get you smiling, then I don't know what will, to be quite honest. In these two young men we could have our very own Xavi-Iniesta style partnership in the heart of midfield. They, like the two Spaniards have a lot of time to develop a deep understanding of each other both on and off the field and on current evidence there is no reason as to why they cannot form a devastating combination that could very well unlock the tightest of defences.

Last Saturday we saw two of Europe's top midfield prospects going head to head and we can be proud that they both are Gooners and are both very, very young. Obviously there is a worry of injuries from these international games, as we need both fit and firing for the title run in. Fortunately, they didn’t do anything stupid to each other!

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  1. GoonerRon

    Apr 01, 2011, 22:06 #4284

    Tiiptappynevershooty Now I've never seen Denilson's pay slip but I would wager that he is on nowhere near £50k a week. I'm sure he does very well, don't get me wrong, but not at that level. As for his policy of squad building disgusting you, I think you need have a bit of perspective in terms of the The Emirates projects largely forcing Wengers hand. We knew we couldn't spend big and therefore had to promote from within or find cost effective purchases. Yes, he probably could have bought an extra player or two in key positions over the years but to continually compete in the major trophies whilst we finance the second biggest commercial development in one of the most expensive cities in the world should be applauded, not admonished. And you did right in staying loyal to Wengesr vision when he sold those players - Henry had come to the end of the road and we still made 60% profit on him after 200+ goals, Hleb wanted to leave and has regretted it ever since and Adebayor was a twat who we made a massive profit on.

  2. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 01, 2011, 16:37 #4278

    Gentleman! I understand only too well all of your frustrations but please, please, please try to find it in you to support the team tomorrow as I believe it is our duty as season ticket holders to at least try and inspire whatever 11 Wenger puts out until we are out of it mathematically. I'm just trying to lift our spirits and yes maybe I'm clutching at straws but c'mon we are not out of it yet! Positive mental attitude!

  3. tippytappynevershooty

    Apr 01, 2011, 13:04 #4272

    Gooner Ron - of course you are right, he does a lot of good things as well, but none of them in the field of shapinga team with winning mentality and tactics. I was loyal to Wenger's vision when we sold Thierry, when we sold Hleb, when we sold Adebayor - I just don't believe in him any more and I am sick of his utter bull****. Some of his tactics make you think he wants to lose the big games sometimes. The performances most recently against B'ham, Sunderland and Man U -listless or tippytappyohnoweveletagoalinfromthefirstattack Soething changed 4-5 years ago and I can only put it down to Dein going and then Vieira. His policy regarding squad building disgusts me and some of those overpaid idiots would not survive at any other club and the man is pissing our clubs money down th bog and only getting away with it because he keeps selling players on to make a profit. Rosicky and Denilson on 50k a week - Jesus........

  4. CD

    Apr 01, 2011, 12:08 #4271

    Agree that both are great potential players for Arsenal, but pointless unless Wenger sorts out the dross which does and no doubt will surround them in the future. At the end of the day no matter how many gifted players you have, if you don't have a defence which does not leak soft goals time and time again, then those quality players will leave to have actual success somewhere else. We have now had 6 years of bright tomorrows, but as we all know as yet they have not arrived, and many would argue myself included, they never will again under Wenger.

  5. dan

    Apr 01, 2011, 10:47 #4270

    clutching and straws spring to mind.

  6. AugustusCaesar

    Apr 01, 2011, 10:23 #4269

    Jekyll - Rubbish. Wilshere was in the team for the opening game against Liverpool which also featured Diaby. He had the courage to pick him at the start of the season and because of his form he's largely stayed there. Wilshere was always going to feature in Wenger's plan this season after putting him out on loan to Bolton last season.

  7. Jekyll

    Apr 01, 2011, 2:51 #4268

    GoonerRon - good riposte there. However, should be pointed out that Wilshire got in the team due to Diaby being injured. If Diaby had stayed fit, Wilshire would have been out on loan, perhaps never to be seen again. So not a masterstroke by Wenger, more borne out of necessity which has thankfully, magnificently borne fruit. You know, I know, we all know Wenger would prefer to have Diaby in there if he could justify it.

  8. HowardL

    Mar 31, 2011, 23:22 #4266

    Wilshere and Ramsey in midfield - fantastic. Almunia in goal, Denilson, Squillaci? There's more than "one hole in my bucket" (dear Liza). Without some proper team planning all of that undoubted talent will be wasted. Playing for any other top team Cesc Fabregas would have a cabinet full of medals - even with Birmingham he would have one more than he has now. I used to think Wenger was a magician but now am convinced that he is wasting the talent he generates by not supporting it properly. To think an extra £2m would have got us Xavi Alonso when he wanted to leave Liverpool and team up with Cesc!

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 31, 2011, 22:15 #4264

    @mark. I understand your frustrations and I feel your pain. I'm a season ticket holder too and I'm as sick of the deadwood as you are. I've paid my money for this season and I'm just trying to spread a little bit of positivity against the tide of negativity.

  10. johnnyh

    Mar 31, 2011, 21:19 #4263

    cant share your optimism joe. for every ramsey and wilshere unfortunately there is a denilson or a clichy.

  11. Highbury Boy

    Mar 31, 2011, 20:24 #4262

    The trouble is the future always looks bright at Arsenal - it's the present which is the problem. We all remember the Carling Cup Final just 4 years ago. All commentators praised the young Arsenal side which went down narrowly to a very experienced Chelsea team. Everyone said the future was bright for Arsenal. However not one of the Arsenal players who played that day featured in the recent final v Birmingham. As others have said it's great to have Wilshere and Ramsey but unless they have good players around them they will want to leave just like Fabregas, an internationally recognised great player.

  12. Mark

    Mar 31, 2011, 20:14 #4261

    Joe why should Arsenal supporters pay for potential that becomes actual somewhere else ? That Flamini tackle for ac milan against spurs is something we could have done with last few weeks. like it or not ashley cole has more bottle than gibbs + clichy put together and is the only left back i ever saw put Ronaldo in his pocket. judging by your article you have also accepted theres no Cesc in our midfield next year and is that ok by you ? i.e. another potential we sell on to become actual at another club ? i am fed up of potential i want actual. i want success for AFC right now

  13. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 31, 2011, 19:02 #4260

    Interesting to see just how dark this cloud is that has engulfed us all. If we can just keep it a bit more positive Gents maybe our better players might suprise us and push Man utd right to the end. The players will need your support this weekend. There are no easy games from now on.

  14. GoonerRon

    Mar 31, 2011, 18:36 #4259

    Tippytappynevershooty ---- Wenger isn't perfect and some of 'errors' you list are valid, but do you REALLY think he hasn't made one correct decision since 2005? Seriously? Play Fabregas behind the strikers? Yes - as over 30 goals and 40 assists in 2.5 seasons should testify. Not selling Song when about every Arsenal fan in 2006 said he should?Correct. Not selling Djourou for the same reason? Correct. Giving Jack Wilshere a starting place this season when most would have put him on loan? Correct. Buying Nasri? Form this season would suggest he was correct. Buying Ramsey? Undoubtedly the correct decision. Like I say, he's not perfect but you have to be incredibly blinkered to think he's got nothing right in 6 years. One final thing - when has Wenger ever played Wilshere or Ramsey out of position?

  15. slj

    Mar 31, 2011, 17:53 #4258

    your dad is spot on Liam was the greatest and on poor pitches as well,god knows how much he would be worth today,he was priceless and irreplaceable to us.

  16. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 31, 2011, 17:07 #4256

    My god how utterly depressing is this? A decent article about two of our most promising young players has already descended in to a Wenger slagging. Come on for fu*ksakes. Vent your spleen some place else. Let's keep it postive in here just for a change eh? I read on another blog somewhere that Wenger should take all the blame for Cesc's dodgy 'strings. Second only to someone blaming Almunia for Nasri's pulling his hamstring against Huddersfield when he threw the ball to him. Beggars fu*king belief. Anyway, yeah, nothing much to add other they are both fine, fine players. It was a massive shame when Ramsey broke his leg when he did because he was just beginning to look the business. I'm sure he'll get it back. Wilshere is world class already. We need to start winning stuff quickly because these young starlets will start turning their heads looking for places where they can. The kids get greedier younger these days.

  17. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 31, 2011, 16:44 #4255

    Of course I'm a big fan of both these kids, but it's a shame neither of them are a tall high - ball commanding centre half or brick wall deep midfielder...if Fabregas and Nasri do stay, it's conceivable we could play a midfield consisting of the most similar players in the squad in the club's modern history, closely followed by that mind - boggling lineup of Morrow / Selley / Jensen / Hillier (which admittedly was a much scarier thought)...where's the variety in our midfield? Why has no out and out winger / natural wide player come through the Wenger youth setup since Jermaine Pennant?!Does the club's youth development programme not include developing imposing hard bastard ball winners anymore either? You can be a class player and a bit of a thug at the same time, it's not against the law, and it usually equates to being a winner...ask Paddy Vieira, Mark Van Bommel, Dunga, Marcos Senna, Diego Simeone, Steven Gerrard, Franco Baresi or R** K***e about that...I don't see a strong character like that in our squad anywhere, but I'll be happy if Jack proves me wrong...

  18. Edggar

    Mar 31, 2011, 15:58 #4253

    First off i will only slightly agree with the fella above on two points, 1. Gilberto was disrespected by having the arm-band wrenched from him given that he really loved the club and expressed his desire to have many more years as part of the squad well into his twilight years as a player, Wenger's decision to promote Gallas to Captain in less than a year coupled with Gallas' blatant disrespect for the Gunners was clearly an unwarranted decision leaving us with no leadership quality in the current team and a couple of fancy players with no direction. I wasn't surprised really, as the reason that Robert Pires left us for Villareal was his disappointing substitution in the champions league final in 06, he felt diminished as he was a stalwart for us in crucial games and to take him off was both a tactical error and demoralising for a player that served us well over the years, leaving Bergkamp on the bench too was ideally a wrong decision, Henry was lethal but even he can sustain an attack for so long. 2. Insisting that Almunia, Denilson, Diaby (Rosicky although at Dortmund was a decent player), Fabianski and Bendtner with prove their critics wrong is a decision that continues to baffle and dumbfound gunner fans all year round. As many have pointed out, remove the dead wood in the team and sign renowned CBs. I believe Wenger (with the exception of Sol Campbell in his heyday) has been unable to replicate the shutout defense capabilities of the "old guard". Tony Adams, Nigel Winterburn, Lee Dixon and Martin Keown were massive for the gunners in the period that Wenger won his three titles and as many FA Cups. Whilst he might have been able to fashin a few other competent defenders, like Lauren Etame -Mayer, Vermalean and Kolo Toure and to some extent Ashley Cole (to some extent beacause Cole is a youth team prodigy) he lacks the ability to spot quality defenders case in point...Squillaci, Cygan, Senderos even going the extra mile as to sign a Man Utd reject in Silvestre baffles me. However having disposed of Ljunberg, Pires and othergunners for the benefit of youth development has had mixed fortunes with the rise of Cesc, Nasri, Ramsey, Wilshere etc attacking-wise Arsenal has an arsenal, beautiful attcking play but no real defensive mentality (4-4 Newcastle not even Wolves would crumble that bad) As many gunners point out I think Gary Cahill (English) would be a good addition to the gunners back four, as well as a couple more english born and bred defenders, look at chelsea and Man u with the likes of Ferdy and Terry and usually big for the teams in crucial games. Lacklustre Free signings and poor quality defenders need to be curbed. A world class player in the making is asking Wenger to sing him (Eden Hazard) yet the Frenchman is still tinkering with the likes of Diaby and Denilson. Wenger you are a great coach and a tactical genius at times but some mistakes are horrendous and unwarranted, listen to the fans, get a support striker and a competent deputy for RVP (remember when Bergkamp was the shadow striker for Henry? Deadly!), a back up defensive player for A. Song and a decent defence and Maybe Nasri will sign that extension, or you may be left rueing yet another turbulent season with no silverware.

  19. chris dee

    Mar 31, 2011, 14:56 #4248

    The only thing that will make supporters happy will be if we win the Premiership. We've been through the 'great young players for the future' malarkey every year for the last 6 years.It won't wash. We love and support our young players but big clubs prioritise trophies.It doesn't matter how good a player is,if he doesn't contribute to a team that wins trophies then he's nothing. To me Steve Morrow,a journeyman footballer who scored the winner against Sheff Wed in the Milk Cup final is more of a legend at Arsenal than Jack Wilshere,Aaron Ramsey,Song,Walcott etc.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 31, 2011, 14:35 #4247

    agree jack and Aaron will be world class but we still need much of the same in other positions where some just arent up to it.

  21. Jekyll

    Mar 31, 2011, 14:02 #4245

    The future has been bright at Arsenal for mnay years now. When does this 'future' actually arrive. Yes they are both great prospects but it's time for Arsenal to deliver NOW. And there is a great likelihood that if they do come good then they'll follow the Fabregas path and want to leave due to being surrounded by dross. Wenger has been selling us the future for years now. It's got very old and boring. Wilshire is starting to deliver and he needs the players around him to give him the platform he requires. We don't have that with our defence.


    Mar 31, 2011, 13:03 #4244

    I wish I could share your optimism, but until our manager wakes up and starts to actually manage, rather than doing bugger all, we have got very little to be cheerful about. Wenger is paid a lot of money to make the difficult decisions necessary and he passes the buck time and time again. He is paid to tell players like Denilson that they are not good enough, he is paid to make sure the squad has the quality necessary to win trophies, he is paid to have ideas on tactics and to tell it how it is, not continually soft soap crap players and spout bulls**t at every opportunity. I agree that Jack and Aaron are going to be fine players but sadly until Wenger or a new manager address all the inadequacies of this squad, that are so obvious to the rest of us, their talent will be wasted at Arsenal.

  23. Arsenal FC NOT Arsense FC!!

    Mar 31, 2011, 12:21 #4243

    As this is the second consecutive article to appear on the onlinegooner quoting him, I have a simple question to ask, the answer to which might have escaped me over the past few years: Since when did David Jones become a world-wide respected footballing guru?

  24. tippytappynevershooty

    Mar 31, 2011, 11:13 #4240

    These are reasons to be sad actually, because Wenger will 1) play them out of position, 2) flog them to death and 3) demoralise them by constantly asking them to outscore our joke of a defence, 4) Ask them to play with incompetent jokes like Clichy, Denilson, Rosicky, Almunia, Fabianski, Eboue, Bendtner, etc They will then either get constant injuries or move to a more ambitious club. Wenger has been exposed as a busted flush lucky chancer (4-3-3 = 4-6-0 for 5 years of utter ****e namby pamby football in my opinion) and our board have reverted to pre-Dein mentality of string em along, win the odd cup and take their money Ask yourself this question - since Vieira left (my last vestige of the Graham mentality) has Wenger got single decision right? Sack Gilberto in humiliating fashion as captain for Gallas - Correct Decision? Have Almunia as No1 - Correct Decision? Play Fabregas behind the strikers? - Correct Decision? Promote Fabianski as No1? - Correct Decision? Give big contracts to the afore mentioned garbage - Correct Decision? Drop Arshavin for FA Cup Final? - Correct Decision? Make Almunia captain? - Correct Decision? Don't sign a striker Jan 2010? - Correct Decision? Don't sign a goalie / CB Jan 2011 - Correct Decision? Let Flamini go on a free transfer? - Correct Decision? Sign Silvestre as CB? - Correct Decision? I honestly cannot think of anything the man has got right and he loses EVERY SINGLE HIGH PROFILE IMPORTANT GAME!! He's a great manager but not in Chapman, Mee or Graham's league I'm afraid

  25. Ramgun

    Mar 31, 2011, 10:49 #4239

    Looking at the last six years, what evidence do you have that Wenger will deploy either or both to winning effect in terms of trophies? It is far more likely that they will both reach the same position as Fabregas having been in the team for years and never won a thing. A manager who has stated this season that we have four great goalkeepers, that we have Wenger's strongest squad ever and that we have 25 players of similar ability should not be trusted with talent like Wilshere and Ramsey.

  26. how soon is now

    Mar 31, 2011, 10:46 #4238

    They'll be around for a couple of years and leave - one day they will wake up and realise, like Fabregas before them, that Wenger has surrounded them with cut-price dross and will continue to do so. Still, I am sure by then we'll have another couple of teenagers to get excited about, as the future is forever bright in AKB la-la land.

  27. Oliver Chessis

    Mar 31, 2011, 10:33 #4237

    Great article. I definitely see Ramsey as a Stevie G, box-to-box sort of player. I think a midfield of him, Jack and Nasri next season (assuming Cesc leaves) would be a pretty mouth-watering prospect.

  28. Rob

    Mar 31, 2011, 10:32 #4236

    When they have got the medals to prove it I might believe it - not until. According to todays Sun it's "Jack the Dad" and this leads me to believe that not only have we the next Paul Gascoigne on the pitch - we also have the next Paul Gascoigne off the pitch as well. In less than a year he has got himself involved in a brawl - spat at a taxi driver in a late night altercation, both whilst drunk and now has his current or ex - I didn't read the story - girlfriend pregnant. He's also got himself a Range Rover ! How long before he smashes that up - and or himself - and or someone else - and or get's done for drunk driving, in the process ? I'd give it three to six months at his rate of progression. Like I said Gaza on the field and Gaza off it as well. Is anyone at the Club attempting to reign him in ? Just a thought.

  29. Graham Yates

    Mar 31, 2011, 10:24 #4234

    They will be our Xavi & Iniesta in the coming years