Higher or lower than a 76?

Arsenal won’t glean enough points to win the league

Higher or lower than a 76?

Don’t be expecting to see it in Cesc’s hands this May

After watching the WBA game late on the Saturday evening without knowing what the score was (I purposely stayed away from the scorelines so I could watch the game without knowing the result) I needed a couple of weeks off from football just to recover from the frustration of realising I wasn’t even surprised by the events that unfolded before my very eyes from the Hawthorns. Almunia is a damn poor keeper and Sebastien is a pretty ropey centre half but we knew that anyway so what was the surprise? The sad fact is the cock-ups that cost us yet another two points in this strange title race were of no surprise value whatsoever. These cock-ups have become so commonplace at our club these days that it is more of a surprise when they don’t happen than when they do.

Sure we rallied late and grabbed a point from a game that could have been lost but let’s be honest WBA were there for the taking from the first whistle not just for the last 20 minutes. We went into the game three points off the top with a game in hand so why is it then that we only seem to begin to care when the game looks lost? Why can’t we be raring to go from the first whistle and get the job done against inferior opposition? The only answer to this question can be one of mentality and let’s face facts - our mentality as a club stinks.

It is a fact that winners, when push comes to shove, go up a gear. They raise their game to a new level through heightened efforts and enthusiasm for the job at hand. If a club averaged two points a game all season and they had a winning mentality they would go up a notch in the final games of the season and average above two points a game in the title run-in. Here is where we fall well short as a club. We have averaged exactly two points a game as things stand from the start of the Premier League season to now. 29 games and 58 points amassed in those games. Who reckons come the end of the season we will finish with a total of above 76 points then? That would be the total we would end up on if we maintain our current levels of points taken per game played. If we show ourselves to have a winning mentality we should end up with more than 76 points. If we show more of a loser’s mentality over the coming nine matches we would end up with a total below 76 points and if we maintain our current levels we would end up with exactly 76 points.

I have followed The Arsenal week in week out since I was six years old in 1987. That is 24 years of weekly Arsenal experience and I feel like I can see a winning team when I watch one. And this current bunch of players would leave me with one prediction for the rest of the season, one prediction that I am making with almost 100% confidence in what I am writing. They will not end the season with more than 76 points. In all probability a little bit less as the mentality at our club is not a winning one and hasn’t been for some time. We are happy to finish fourth every season and it shows in our play come April and May every season without fail.

I make a prediction that we finish a minimum of six points off the top come May and we also have to scrap it out with Chelsea for the runners up spot. We will finish above City and Spurs who will battle it out for the final Champions League place the same as what they did last season. If we had the same mentality as we did when AW first took charge I would be pretty damn confident right now about winning the title. We sit five points off the top with a game in hand but vitally we are the only team out of all competitions other than the Premier League that still has a chance of winning the title. That makes a massive difference as United will know that when they take on West Ham at Upton Park tomorrow lunchtime as they have a quarter final in the Champions League to worry about with Chelsea only four days later.

What is the bigger game to them? Playing Chelsea that close makes them more likely to drop points at West Ham whereas we do not have any such problems for the rest of the season. Does this make us favourites? No it does not as you have one very important factor to take into account. History. United are proven over the distance time and time again whereas we are an unknown, in actual fact we are worse than that. We have failed to stay the distance on more than one occasion which makes us someone to take on in my book every time. Whereas United will go up a gear right now or at a bare minimum maintain their points per game ratio from now until the end of the season, we will (and this has been proved in recent seasons) for want of a better phrase ‘go to pot’. Time and time again when push comes to shove we fall well below our usual points per game ratio and fall by the wayside as other competitors rush past us well before the winning line.

If you take into account the calibre of opponents we have to face you would give us a hope of success as I have at earlier stages of the season but as we look at recent results the wheels have already come off with alarming regularity. The fact is we would have beaten Sunderland if the game was played in January at a time when results seem to mean less. That as a statement sums up why our fixture list is of little importance when looking at what kind of chance we realistically have of winning the title. I predict that we fail to beat Spurs, United, Fulham, Stoke and Liverpool. I would be surprised if we amass more than five points from those five matches. I predict wins against Blackburn, Blackpool, Villa and Bolton, Which would give us a maximum of a further 17 points from our remaining nine matches. Who thinks we will gain more? Who would feel confident of that total being higher than 18? Not me from what I have seen over the past five seasons and also from what I have seen recently against WBA, Sunderland and Birmingham. The last time we won a league game comfortably was at home to Wolves and that was some time ago now, back when results seemed to mean less. Back in the comfort zone if you like. Back when players like Samir Nasri were banging goals in for fun. When was the last time he scored by the way? Player of the season? Or player of the part of the season that doesn’t count for much?

This is the players’ chance to prove me wrong, put in a good rally till the end of the season, amass more than two points a game over the last nine matches and then stand a great chance of title success. But based on my knowledge of the game and the mentality of teams that win things on a regular basis I don’t think that will happen and I don’t just see that as down to players like Almunia and Squillaci etc. I personally feel it is a club ethos kind of matter that has spread throughout the entire playing squad so that when it really matters, they go missing. And I would include our big name players in that. Cesc, Samir, Andrei - I would include them all as I don’t recall them going up a notch when it mattered most at anytime in the past or in recent history this season either.

Prove me wrong and I will gladly say ‘I was wrong’ and eat some humble pie. But I do have the strong feeling that come the end of May if you look up the final standings of the Premier League the number at the end of the column that starts with the word Arsenal will be lower than a 76.

(Ed’s note – the new issue of The Gooner – 214 – goes on sale outside the stadium before the Blackburn game today)

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  1. Simon

    Apr 02, 2011, 23:42 #4311

    Frustrated beyond belief now. It comes down to this. The team are not winners and never will be; no matter how technically proficient they are. At what stage does the future of our manager come into official doubt??? What angers me more is that with two season tickets over the last 4 years; watching this team has cost me gross nearly £20,000 and frankly for that money I ought to be seeing a top product. Instead I am sold every summer a promise that this will be the year and signings will be made. I shell out the money and we don't make the signings we patently need. I think this year they better announce some done deals in the early part of the window or they can stick their season tickets where the sun don't shine.

  2. wenger out

    Apr 02, 2011, 23:20 #4310

    Interviewed after the game and asked whether "the crowd will stick with the team", Wenger replied "That is not our concern". Can this failure be any more arrogant. He is totally incapable of motivating the players - in fact I wonder if he ever could now, perhaps it was the likes of Adams, Keown, Vieira and others that did that. Now we have a team full of losers (or in Wengers eyes "we have 11 leaders" - what a joke). End this farse now before this man does any more damage to our great Club. Wenger out!

  3. CD

    Apr 02, 2011, 21:43 #4309

    Come on then AKB's defend that ****e and tell us you want more years of Wenger in charge and that we can still be champions in May!! Wenger OUT NOW, no need to wait any longer after that utter disgraceful showing from a team supposed to be going for the title!!! I have never felt so alienated from a manager after 41 years of supporting Arsenal as I do now. He is simply well beyond his sell by date and we need to make our feelings known that his time is up, as it should have been over a year ago when he did not address the same fault lines that we can all see but our blind, stubborn, tacticaly inept manager can't & won't. Lets end this tippy tappy don't shoot football as it has 100% failed for the sixth year running now, and always will whilst he remains in charge.

  4. Nekuhan

    Apr 02, 2011, 21:06 #4308

    Agree 100 % with John (nice, spot on post) and Dan (at home, one striker!?). I have supported Arsenal since 1970, so I can also spot the winning team. A.Wenger => OUT! OUT! OUT! of our Club. P.S. My Post No. 4335, 2:55am 21st Mar 2011

  5. dan

    Apr 02, 2011, 20:34 #4307

    0-0 not a surprise today. 4-5-1 at home to the worst away side in the division and the 1 is not a proper striker. Can't wait to hear what Wenger says"bad pitch...they defended well...we lacked a little bit sharpness...we created many chances" LOSER

  6. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 02, 2011, 20:34 #4306

    HSBC’s bonus pool in the UK was 15 per cent smaller in 2010, despite the total pot for its staff worldwide rising 4.5 per cent. "The bank said its five highest earners, including two unnamed directors, made a total of £34.3m during 2010, with each making between £6.3m and £8.5m including bonuses, pension contributions and allowances. I believe Arsene Wenger is being paid 6 million per year equivalent to the top bankers on the planet for winning precisely nothing over the past 6 seasons. However we make a profit. Is this a stitch up for the fans or what! I want my club back I want Wenger gone. I'll take an fa cup and 5p profit.

  7. mark

    Apr 02, 2011, 19:55 #4302

    3rd place at best and a sour taste in mouth as did not invest in summer and in jan when could have and should have. all that counts to this club is qualifying CL and making money. check what directors plus wenger have been earning since weve been at emirates. its astronimal. i for one want assets on the pitch and no where else

  8. wenger out

    Apr 02, 2011, 19:48 #4301

    Compare our pathetic performance today to that of the moaners. One set of players (and their manager) are winners, the other set of players (and their manager) are losers - easy to work out which. Get Wenger out!

  9. Sean

    Apr 02, 2011, 19:46 #4300

    76 pts is a bit optimistic with this bunch of bottlers. AW OUT O'NEILL IN!

  10. Ando

    Apr 02, 2011, 17:26 #4298

    Sadly I think you are correct in what you have said. Even more sad is the fact that when the going gets tough, the current crop of playing staff all go missing, all are included as it is a team game. Our Players do not display a desire to win or to work harder than their opponent. Watch how many times we try and beat an opponent on the outside,only to go back inside to keep the ball-Why? What is it the gaffer says tip tap tip tap, more like crap crap, crap crap.

  11. wenger out

    Apr 02, 2011, 16:00 #4297

    spot on what Dan has said above. Perfectly sums up the current situation at the Club. Get Wenger out!

  12. Trevor

    Apr 02, 2011, 15:14 #4296

    Once we know we are going to finish top 4.The manager and players switch off.The manager drums it into the players that a top 4 finish is the same as a trophy.And that explains the annual collapse.They are not told no trophies is failure

  13. dan

    Apr 02, 2011, 11:48 #4295

    agree! Winners find their steel under pressure - our bunch of halfwits fall to bits and turn into jellies every time. I still cannot get over what I witnessed in the CCup Final, it was like a summary of all our failings in one big farce: Outfought, no tactics, poor selections (Rosicky in CM - hilarious), a monumental defensive cock up, general lethergy when we should be at our sharpest and hungriest and injuries to key players (normally burnt out or playing through injuries). Wenger is such a subborn blinkered fool I wish he'd change but I think that is never going to happen. I think he needs to go......

  14. SUGA3

    Apr 02, 2011, 11:21 #4293

    it's not arrogance, it's just a matter of quality: you say the 'lesser' teams leave their heart on the pitch, why can't ours? oh, I know, Wenger has brainwashed them into thinking that they are in position to command the same 'fear factor' Henrys and Vieiras used to!

  15. Adams

    Apr 02, 2011, 10:25 #4292

    All the pundits have been saying that an Arsenal win today against Blackburn is a certainty so I predict a draw. A couple of high balls into our box is all it takes, my son's u-12 team defend better.

  16. Safc steven

    Apr 02, 2011, 8:48 #4291

    Hate it how arsenal fans think they have the right to be top of the league all of the time. How arrogant are they!! 'the fact is we would have beaten Sunderland earlier in the league' the fact is yous didn't, we drew 1-1 at home and 0-0 away. So much disrespect for so called smaller clubs, who go, try there heart out and het a result, then the so called big 4 say it's a game we should of won, what a load of bull! Arrogant arrogant person!

  17. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 02, 2011, 8:29 #4290

    Well we have a boss who says fourth is better than winning a trophy. I cant see this situation remaining much long assuming its season 6 potless. We should not be afraid of change.

  18. gazgooner

    Apr 02, 2011, 7:41 #4289

    Sadly, you are so spot on it hurts. 35 years of devotion to Arsenal has allowed me to also see the winners and the also-rans. This squad unfortunately falls into the latter category. Oh wouldn't I trade my left testicle to be wrong but I just know that come the end of May I will still have both intact...........

  19. navaras ravan

    Apr 02, 2011, 7:34 #4288

    you are right bro

  20. Rick

    Apr 02, 2011, 7:21 #4287

    Difficult to disagree. I predict 3rd place, withbChelsea overtaking in the last few games.