Get Used To This

Online Ed: On £7million a year, Arsene Wenger is going nowhere

Get Used To This

Arsene: Project Wenger goes on... and on

I haven’t dared peek at my email inbox since yesterday’s goalless (and soulless) draw with Blackburn, but my mobile phone is a good place to start, as half of what can be relayed after Arsenal’s title challenge took another blow is there in the text messages…

Before half time
David Oudot: As a goalkeeper watching other goalkeepers, Almunia is the worst I have ever seen in the Premier League. He makes Allen McKnight look like Gordon Banks.

After the Blackburn dismissal
David Oudot: Never a red card. We don’t deserve to win anything. The manager’s constant reliance on our supposed ‘superior’ fitness winning games in the last 10 minutes is beyond shoddy. Time to go. This team are LOSERS. They know nothing else other than finishing second best.

Full Time
David Oudot: Today surmises both teams correctly. United two down at half time and pull it back from nowhere. All we have to do is score one goal against a team who can’t play away and we can’t do it. Depressingly predictable

Alex Laidman: Again very poor today and lacking in ideas

Ian Tanner: Orient aside, we’ve not led since Barca win
(Ed’s note – Ian subsequently corrected this text to take account of the Stoke game, so that brings it down to being in the lead just the once – against Orient – in seven matches)

With reference to the board of directors…
Donald K: Madness and powerless. This cannot go on! Ivan on 6k a day and as much influence as you and me!

Arsene Wenger is paid a lot more than Ivan Gazidis. £7 million a year apparently. And yet he can’t do tactics. Andrey Arshavin’s contribution in the comeback in the last 20 minutes at West Brom was key, so why take him off first? Surely better to remove Theo Walcott, whose impact on returning from injury was minimal. And then, to cap that, with Blackburn reduced to ten men and Arsenal needing to score, he removes Nasri instead of Alex Song. It’s the madness of Emperor Arsene.

It was interesting to remember that last summer, there was none of the usual dilly dallying on signing a contract renewal by the manager. Traditionally, he leaves it until November or December of his final season, but not this time. He signed up pretty damn quick for an enhanced deal, and if the board had the bollocks to realize he can take the club no further, it would cost them not far short of £25 million at the moment. As the directors put so much store on the balance sheets, the earliest anyone can foresee them saying enough is enough is 2013. So you have at least two more years of this, and in all likelihood three.

Arsene Wenger has done wonderful things for the club. He has put it in a great position and steered the good ship Arsenal through some difficult waters. But the reality is that, as he has been given more and more power, so things have declined. In the days when he used to buy players in their early to mid-20s, he could not corrupt them with his obsession about how the game should be played. He could help develop them, sure, bring the best out of them, but he could not influence their decision making on the pitch through his methods.

However, get ‘em in younger and you have a situation where a natural talent like Jack Wilshere, inside the penalty box with a clear shot at goal the obvious and most likely method of scoring, chooses to square the ball. It happens a lot with different players in the team, and it is obviously how the players are trained. So we end up with the ‘tip-tap’ football that gives defenders extra chances to intercept. And frankly, the vast majority of Arsenal fans have seen enough of it. Wenger cannot even blame the referee for the dropped points against Blackburn. What Project Wenger has given us is a team that will pass its way to death, or if you are a director, a Champions League qualifying position. Sure, 17 other clubs in the Premier League would give their eye teeth to be Arsenal, but isn’t the point of football to try and win trophies?

Ultimately, the only two things that will force the board to act are firstly people not paying for seats in the stadium. Of course, it is better if they attend due to the supplementary spending, but the bottom line is that as long as the seat is sold, it really doesn’t matter that much if the purchaser then chooses not to use it. Secondly, consistent failure to qualify for the golden egg that is the Champions League. It will be interesting to see what protests are organized before the next home match, and remember, any anti-Wenger/board banners are far less likely to be confiscated at the televised Blackpool game. Ultimately though, one suspects their real impact will be negligible. Most season ticket holders will renew because Arsenal are our club, in our hearts if not in legal reality. Look at Manchester United. The Glazers are despised, but the stadium is full and those attending are perfectly happy with the trophy haul since they took over in 2005. I am not saying I want Arsenal run this way, just that protests by supporters are not going to get the manager sacked.

Maybe what they can though do is force the board to acknowledge the weaknesses of the current regime, which are obvious. The manager needs to be ordered that he is to get a team of assistant managers who will rectify the obvious problems with the team. And basically, it’s down to how they are coached. Here’s a quote from Caec Fabregas’ programme column yesterday: ”Today in football whoever defends better is the one who normally wins.” Maybe someone should tell the manager. Additionally, the tip tap posession has to go and the playing style revert to the lightning attacks of the Invincibles era. By all means play the ball to feet, just get it up the pitch faster and when the opportunity to shoot presents itself, don’t hesitate.

Additionally, the manager should have a director of football forced upon him who takes charge of player ins and outs. Someone who has the authority to ship out the deadwood and replace it with proven quality. Wenger might not like it, but hey, maybe he might get an offer from somewhere else and go! Sounds like a plan to me. But it’s one the directors need the balls to carry through. Change needs to be forced. And if there are some arguments in the process, brilliant. It’s all too cosy at the moment, the place has gone complacent and stale. The results on the pitch are there for all to see. This is comfort zone complacency. And it means the club do not possess the same spirit and determination as the team above them in the table.

If Project Wenger was ever going to come good, it was in this of all seasons. Other teams are falling over themselves to hand Arsenal the title, but still they cannot do it. They were at homes yesterday against relegation contenders with all their attacking options available. They couldn’t score. As Ian Tanner has pointed out, in the last seven games, they have only led against League One Leyton Orient. To anyone who is looking at the table and thinking ‘if Chelsea can beat United and we beat them when they come to Arsenal we can win the league’, let me tell you something – failing to be in the lead in six of your last seven games is not title form.

What we are witnessing is the same as we saw in 2008 and 2010. Once is unfortunate, twice is careless, but three times is a dereliction of duty. Project Wenger is not working if the intention was to win a trophy. As in 2008 and 2010, it seems as if a game against Birmingham is the point at which the season begins to unravel, even if, this time around, that match did not even register in the Premier League table. It’s same old, same old. No excuses. It’s time for a change, but folks, it ain’t gonna happen. Still, remember these two things. The players have incredible mental strength, and Arsene knows best. He’s paid over £130,000 a week because he does. He isn’t going anywhere fast.

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  1. GoonerMcB

    Apr 05, 2011, 18:05 #4484

    This maybe Wenger's last season in charge. I think he was told at the start of the season he had to win a trophy, that's why Cesc stayed for one more year, that's why he played strong teams in the Carling Cup. Watching him on the sidelines on Saturday was interesting because there was a sense, almost an exceptance, that it was over. He was not as animated or as argumentive with the fourth official or complaining about every decision. Even in his after match interview he was more honest about the team rather than his usual protecting them. I've been a Gooner for over 40 years so I've survived much worse in Arsenal nation but there is just a nagging feeling within that the Wenger era is coming to an end. I maybe wrong.

  2. simon

    Apr 05, 2011, 13:23 #4466

    I want him to go because I think he's had enough time and chances to get it right an don saturday by his own admission he was clueless a sto what was wrong. I want him to go because I don't like being embaressed to be an Arsenal fan and I don't like our team being a laughing stock. **** even Blackburn showed more than us on Saturday. I think he will only go if its his idea. A potential trigger for that could be the players asking to go. Cesc isn't the worry for me so much as Jack (**** Chelsea and United would give their souls to have him) and Nasri. The other french boys, newbies, dead weights and probably Van Persie are Arsene men but Nas, Jack and maybe even Song are their own men and if Arsene has to go to Ivan and say "oops, they're off" then surely he'd have to reconsider his own position but only then...what it needs is someone he'll listen to and who he respects to give him the nudge..maybe Dein?

  3. Oliver Chessis

    Apr 05, 2011, 8:48 #4457

    OK. so Wenger goes out and spends 50mill. Rvp and Jack would still start. They missed the sitters v Blackburn. Not Denilson, not Nicky B. The players were at fault on Saturday, not Wenger.

  4. Telboy

    Apr 04, 2011, 22:44 #4449

    Top article. Any supporter out there still in love with wenger is a mug above all mugs. Its the likes of you that are letting the club shaft the true supporter. You basically typify the majority of our players in that you don't really give a t*ss so long as your in your comfort zone completely brainwashed by a manager who would make a fantastic political spin doctor. Wake up, Wenger's been great for the club but every dog has it's day and he has had his. Any manager that thinks Denilson can be creative or awards a useless crock like Rosicky with a new contract has clearly become deluded. Every season at this time has become like groundhog day, but never mind, keep coughing up your season ticket money with the possible 6.5% increse to keep you manager on his reputed £130k a week for winning absolutely f**k all. Judge me in May, Wenger said, well I'm doing it in April, so p*ss off Wenger and take all your supporters with you, the Emirates will be a happier place without you!

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 04, 2011, 14:35 #4419

    yes we have gone stale the rot has set in a long time ago how many times are we going to blow it agree we have no leader same old excuses over and over again just not good enough mass clear out at end of season completely new look team the only answer.

  6. Nick

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:55 #4417

    It breaks my heart but its bye bye Arsene. There is no room for sentiment in football and the board have to be ruthless. Look what happened to Forest under Clough.

  7. ed l

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:52 #4416

    Longevity of managers is a good thing in football and probably so in business. Less so for employees because unless you have a genius boss you see their weaknesses over time and can coast. Wenger has earned his place in history with his early cups and titles and has maintained the clubs status despite a new costly statium a feat few other English clubs have managed without getting relegated. My issue is that the fringe squad players are now in many cases experienced enough and tested enough to have been found out as not good enough for the first team and yet they remain and play at the expense of less tested younger players. Given a choice of going through the motions experience v raw youth I would go for the potential of youth every time as they can at least get better. In 2001 I reckoned we had a team equal to United and wouldn t have swapped Wenger for Fergusson. A decade later our first team looks better than theirs on paper but would jump at the manager trade if offered.Arsenal need refreshing and a post Wenger world looks quite exciting and increasingly less scary. The season ticket renewal is by no means guarenteed if the new offering is likely to be more of the same disappointments.

  8. Gman

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:59 #4410

    If I here anyone in the ground singing “we’re by far the greatest team the world has ever seen ….” I promise I’ll throttle them! because we’re not!

  9. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:59 #4390

    They say every Dog has his Day. Unfortunately,it seems Wenger's day ended six years ago. Do Arsenal supporters want a complete change of playing style? No, quite honestly we want a team playing the way we play, but with the recognisible winning mentality of the Arsenal of Wenger's early years. Sorry people, but this is not going to happen with Wenger in charge. He has no intention of ever changing from making purchases in football's bargain basement, while his stubborn mentality will never allow him to admit his experiment has been a six-year-long failure. So the obvious answer is to replace Arsene Wenger with someone who is unfrightened by the idea of signing mature top players attracting top transfer fees, and someone who actually knows how to build a squad of tippy-tappy players into a winning team. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the only obvious choice... Josep "Pep" Guardiola!

  10. Pires' Goatee

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:06 #4382

    The article above is so transparent it's beyond words. All written from the outside looking in, with no regard about what it means to be a competitive team in the league in the 21st Century. And the author has written a whole book about the way Wenger has made Arsenal a 'modern-day Super Club'. Surely he more than anyone else should know what it takes to run a comptitive team in the Premier League today. Spending leads to debt, debt leads to loans, loans lead rich oligarchs and rich oligarchs suck the soul out of the club once and for all. Perhaps it's time to say it out load and accept that the Arsenal of today is run as a business and the only way to be competitive in the league is if you run it in such a way. Doesn't mean it can't be cherished as it once was before. It's not a bad thing - it's just the way it is. But to say we need a change of manager is preporsterously short-sighted... The bottom line is Wenger is the most modern, forward thinking, committed manager working in the game today. Anyone else is - such as Mourinho - is a quick, careerist fix.

  11. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:00 #4364

    The goalkeeping fiasco shows he has total control of the club. Surely there must be someone at the club who has the front to call him to account on this but no and how many goals and points have they cost us. Almunia got away with another horrendous blunder in the first by half as fortuantly the ball went about 6 inches wide but could have easily gone in. The comfort zone that wenger enjoys is passed on to the players. He stated after the game (in one of his few honest interviews instead of a load of excuses)that it was flat performance. How on earth can that happen when we're supposed to be in a title race with a run of fixtures that is kind to say the least. The answer is because the players are put into a bubble where no responsability is placed on them. Its ok for arshavin to strol about, for clichy not to block cross's, for no one to mark at set pieces, for cesc to try a back heel on the edge of his own box in first half injury time away at Barca, for diaby to wonder around staring at the floor, for denilson not to bother tracking runners and so on... the most frustrating thing about wenger is that has had the winning formula before with big physical players playing fast aggressive football with a win at all cost attitude. Now the team is small, slow, weak minded and a real pain in the arse to watch. People power is the only way to change things. We need to protest at the board and wenger. Change is needed and questions need answering. The club we love is changing and definatly not for the better!!

  12. Mark

    Apr 04, 2011, 7:05 #4363

    Rumgang made a good point about boycotting, however the easiest would be to boycott buying anything from the food outlets as it wont impact on club profits but it would worry Delerwere North who would in turn put pressure on the clubs which is the only way they would get an idea that we are pissed off as they are so far removed from the fans in their protected directors box. plus the food is over priced and ****e anyhow!!!

  13. The Treasurer

    Apr 03, 2011, 23:22 #4362

    I agree that something has to be done at Arsenal, but i'm not sure if sacking Wenger is the answer. Arsenal's main problem for me is a lack of investment in players. I don't expect Arsenal to pay £50m for Torres, but i do expect them to close a deal on players like Schwarzer who would have cost a grand total of £2m. This kind of deal is hardly breaking the bank, so i'm amazed that Arsenal would refuse to pay the extra £1m that Fulham were asking for. It's this frugality that is really holding Arsenal back. Unless Arsenal start to dig deeper into their pockets, it's not going to make any difference who manages us. The way things are going at the moment, we will continue to be a young team with potential, and this will only change if we are willing to purchase proven talent rather than some teenager from South America. Another point. Not sure why is the article making a fuss about how much Wenger gets paid, or what month he renewed his contract because in my opinion it is irrelevant. Wenger gets paid a lot, but it's not as much as Ferguson, Ancellotti, Mancini or Cappello.

  14. Paul

    Apr 03, 2011, 21:40 #4361

    Really good editorial, thanks Kevin. I feel totally disillusioned by Arsenal at the moment. There is no fight on the pitch, but maybe this comes from there being no consequence for failure. We will win NOTHING again this season, this is sheer negligence from the players, management and board of the club we worship...

  15. HowardL

    Apr 03, 2011, 20:37 #4360

    Arsenal under Wenger have hit a brick wall. Everyone with any knowlede of football can see it - except the man himself. Arsene has clearly lost the plot, will not change or cannot change. However, I do think some of the vitriol is uncalled for. I think he does love Arsenal - and let's not forget the amazing football memories his teams have given us for the rest of our lives. But now they are just that - memories - however, I think the guy at least deserves the opportunity for a graceful exit - otherwise we may well give our enemies yet another opportunity to humiliate us as fans too.

  16. Shropshire Lad

    Apr 03, 2011, 19:27 #4359

    great article Kevin - sums it up perfectly. To be honest I am surprised you have the energy to write it all down. I and most of my Gooner friends are tired to the point of malaise with it. Wenger's admission of not understanding the standard of play and commitment yesterday beggars belief. Where is his rallying call - he might as well have played the 'Pacino' video to them that has been doing the rounds - trouble is you would need four or five bloody interpreters explaining the nuances! Oh well, at least we are past the 'mathematically possible' bollocks. This season is dead just like Wenger's leadership skills.

  17. Winston Mfeka

    Apr 03, 2011, 19:16 #4358

    Arsenal could win any match if our mid-fielders took shots from good positions we saw it against blackburn song could have taken a shot but chose to pass and so did wilshere pure and simple get back to winning football stop overplaying barcelona take shots from range and their the best passing team in the world we have good players just change the playing style and let's see what happens. Wenger and fabregas should make their exit from the emirates and sign scott parker

  18. Highbury Boy

    Apr 03, 2011, 18:50 #4357

    Don't expect the Board to do anything intelligent. It was crazy for them to give him a long-term contract last year. Many of us have been saying for 4 or 5 years that we will never win anything under Wenger again. We have to face it......his time has gone. We had a good run. We were good for him and he was good for us. Nothing lasts for ever.

  19. muzzlejuice

    Apr 03, 2011, 18:43 #4356

    this season is just another stuttering performance of false dawns and shameful of the most tragic traits a person can have is the failure to realise their own mistakes and errors and this sadly is what our manager is all about.time and time again with the opportunity to buy the required players for our team he fails relying instead on an up and coming hot prospect of a 16 year old instead,great. or when we need to alter to a plan B because thats just what the opposition have done we can' many times do we frustrate ourselves at 0.0 while the team show off there vastly suppreior passing skills? i mean come on score the 3rd goal then go all out for the pure football fannying about that we are so good at,teach defenders to defend and by all means let them know that when required it is not a crime to hoof the bloody ball,and on the subject let our attacking players realise that taking snap shots from outside the box is not just something to be done on the training field, look how many goals fat frank has scored over the years following deflections, try it guys you may just surprise yourselves.

  20. Stan

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:52 #4355

    Great article - I used to be in the AKB category. I think the the way the team has capitulated this season has been the most frustrating thing. If there is money there, its criminal he hasn't spent it. We need a change in someway!

  21. martin

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:47 #4354

    arsenal fans are considered fodder by the board and that they are so in love with AK that just signing AK up should keep everyone happy. throw in some critiscism of other clubs that its all about debt/money and create an impression that what AK and AFC is something special. there is no love for the fans. there is no love of winning trophies. there is an obession with financial health and directors/shareholders/management making huge personal money and they have been allowed to get away with it. Arsenal today has no Heart and no Passion and this is now showing more often in how we play. yesterday MAN U at Westham showed clearly whats possible when your team has heart, passion and never say die attitude. we are lucky to be 2nd and we wont finish there. its a disgrace how arsenal fans have been bull****ted

  22. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:34 #4353

    Is anyone else watching Man Citeh rattle them in against Sunderland? I remember when our team played like that not so long ago. Er, how many did we score against Sunderland at home again? I've forgotten because I was too focused on how much "mental strength" we showed in that match...

  23. EborGooner

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:31 #4352

    Spot on article and I agree with all the contributors. I LOVE Arsenal and would do almost anything to help them win a game, never mind a title. Why don't the players seem to feel like that? Or at least have the decency to earn their wages, rather than just receiving them for being on the pitch. Technical skills and passing ability mean nothing if you haven't got heart, desire, and fight. Sure we are 2nd and, mathematically, still able to win the league, but it's the inevitability of things that really hurts. Most of the Gooner nation can predict what's going to happen. I KNEW that ManUre would win at West Ham (even when they were 2 - 0 down) and we would fail to do better than a draw. The reason we ALWAYS falter at the end of the season is that, despite AW's belief in "mental strength" the players are not winners. ManUre raise their game when it matters, and when they are really up against it. That's what champions do. We won't (or can't) and in fact, teams at or near the bottom of the table show more heart, fight, and desire and that is why we fail to get the results against them. I remember how Wright, Adams, Dixon, Viera etc looked on the few occasions they lost. It hurt, and it showed. They simply would not allow a side they played in to lose, or if it did, it would go down fighting, not with a whimper! Let's get one of these old players back as No 2, or promote Steve Bould, or get someone who can say to AW. Pretty football is one thing, but you have to COMPETE, and earn the right on the pitch to play "tippy tappy" football, and sometimes win ugly. I will still support Arsenal with all my heart but, until losing (or dropping easy points) hurts the players as much as the fans, I can only see more misery on the horizon.

  24. Danish Gooner

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:26 #4351

    When i 5 seasons ago pointed out that we were seriously slipping in performance and individual ability i was being threatened with people coming over and giving me a serious beating,today i can hardly find any AKBs.

  25. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:05 #4350

    When the Editor of this august organ starts putting his mind to how the fans change what is a moribund hopeless situation, then we have reached a moment of truth. Can I suggest that our banners at the next home game should read, ARSENE MUST CHANGE. The AKB's can't argue with it. It isn't a call to go, it's a call to change. A new coaching staff. Defending, crossing and shooting, but most of all having a strategy.

  26. Martyn

    Apr 03, 2011, 17:04 #4349

    Yes, agree with every comment. I can't remember Arsenal fans being so frustrated as they are this season. Arsene's time is drawing to a close and a defeat next week at Blackpool will seal his fate. As for a replacement, forget Dennis Bergkamp because he does not fly. I would rather see Keown, Bould at the helm or, dare I say, Martinez at Wigan would not be a bad bet. He has served his apprenticeship well and deserves a big club.

  27. Hughsey24

    Apr 03, 2011, 16:57 #4348

    The problem is..... If wenger spent money we can all see that we would have half a chance of winning trophys but he doesnt!! A new manager with money would we be any better? I find that tough to think about! I am bored with watching us pass pass pass and ending up with the same old same old! We now have too many players who play the same without a winning mentality. Where has the pace gone in the team? Only walcott and the rest laboured!! Why cant we put meaningful crosses on? I cannot remember clichy offering any quality going forward! 1 deflected goal to his name and cant remember a decent cross put in. Nasri out wide?!?! Wasted! Rvp is quality but always injured! We need a striker who has pace and can go past players! Wingers? 1 in walcott if you can call him a winger! I am yet to see our players get angry! Koscielny getting slapped! Would john terry/vidic take that in the cup final!? No way!! On to the GK situation. Sciescny will be top draw but we need a solid experienced one to come in. Flappy and almunia, laters! So all in all i think we need a Goalkeeper, solid big centre back! A tenacious holding midfielder, a pacey but skillful winger and a pacey striker! Gibbs for clichy? Maybe. Oh and laters to bendtner, rosicky, denilson, diaby, squilachi!! Could get 20m plus for all them! So will this happen? Only if a new manager comes in! So same old same old with CL every year or a bit of money spent and of into unknown territory?!? Fans will/must decide!!

  28. Ian McCarthy

    Apr 03, 2011, 16:08 #4347

    Well said everyone. If this manager couldn't deliver the CC against inferior opponents he will never win anything again. If fans are happy winning nothing but making champ league then stick with this man. Our tactics are carry on passing until you get one on one with opposition keeper then try to score. Then if we haven't scored with 20 mins to go put on Bendtner or Chamakh or both and lump the ball into the box. It is so predictable. The goalkeeping situation is a joke and has been since Lehmann made cock ups against Fulham (H) and Blackburn (A)and the barely good enough to be no. 2 became no. 1. Should have been sorted in summer 2008. The back 4 is embarrassing and it's no wonder they keep running into each other as there is clearly no understanding or communication. This has been the same ever since the move to The Grove. The team clearly heard of Manures comeback at West Ham and bottled it.

  29. clockendpaul

    Apr 03, 2011, 15:26 #4346

    We're talking about the same old problems we had twelve months ago, and at this time for the last few years, if he stays in twelve months time as well. Can't believe how many people are still being duped by this man, his time was up way back, in france when he was there they called him the nearly man.... wonder why!

  30. stevus

    Apr 03, 2011, 15:13 #4345

    I always consider the "Neill Out" demo'on Avenell Road in Nov 1983 to have been the one example, trophy celebrations apart, of Gooners coming together as one to voice their feelings - it was ground-breaking and led to a couple of massively important developmental years under Don Howe. The rest is history. I was just 16 but remember older fans saying things like "yeah - he beat Juve we'll never compete with Liverpool whoever is our manager - we were in 3 FA Cup finals back-to-back" etc etc. There will always be people who hang on to the apron strings - the same kind of people who never change car and never move house. Arsenal HAS to move on from the Wenger epoch, which has outstayed its welcome now for far too long. I just don't enjoy supporting Arsenal right now. Can anyone remember how great the summer of Rioch, Bergkamp and Platt felt in 1995. WE NEED THAT NOW GAZIDIS.

  31. king gooner

    Apr 03, 2011, 15:11 #4344

    intersesting that it falls apart after we play the brummies-talk about history repeating itself!but your're right-3 times is dereliction of duty....

  32. Nozzer

    Apr 03, 2011, 14:34 #4343

    I predicted that we would drop points after United's comeback at the Boleyn. Wenger has done great things for our club but that is in the past. Either the manger goes or the team personnel changes. However I have no faith in him to sort this out, everybody can see what is wrong but he does not address the problems. Louis Van Gaal of Guus Hiddink with a certain Mr Bergkamp as the number two would be my choice or maybe Owen Coyle but Arsene needs to go.

  33. anon

    Apr 03, 2011, 13:28 #4342

    If youve made the heavy financial commitment to a season ticket i think the only weapon is not to turn up and perhaps some form of shirt campaign. Ultimately it may not have worked at utd but people know its there. The board will keep any anti wenger stuff under wraps so no shows and getting the media to pick up on the discontent is the only way forward. Im still hoping he fancies a nice retirement in france from june.

  34. Chris

    Apr 03, 2011, 13:27 #4341

    I am completely lost for their inability to motivate themselves for yesterday's game. Not one player could look a fan in the eye and tell them that they gave 100%, and given what's at stake, that is sad.

  35. johnnyh

    Apr 03, 2011, 13:21 #4340

    totally agree with you about wenger signing his new contract quicker than he usually does. he is many things but stupid is not one of them. he could sense the discontent coming from supporters and he signed it pronto. his comments following yesterdays game were pathetic and really angered me.he spoke of the teams performance being flat and how he was unable to explain it. its HIS job to motivate the players! there is or at least there was prior to kick off a bloody league title to be won. how about giving the team a bollocking at half time to remind them of this fact,something you can bet your life ferguson did at the break when man utd were 2 nil down. depressinly i think kev is correct,things will not change anytime soon.

  36. tony

    Apr 03, 2011, 13:09 #4339

    I think we have all got used to this now. And you cant see any changes in the future. We are lucky Chelsea havent bought anyone good and are getting as usless as we seem to be. the only thing we can still smile about is that spurs are always below us, but on the way we are playing how long will that be for? AW needs some advise instead of carrying on in his own world thinking that one day it will all come right.

  37. Richard Ansell

    Apr 03, 2011, 13:06 #4338

    Short and to the point - I have had more than enough of this rubbish served up by Wenger's team. I cant even bring myself to call them Arsenal as they don't deserve the honour. In all my forty years of supporting I have never felt apathy like this before. I just don't care anymore. Please God get rid of this idiot manager.

  38. Tony Adams is a Legend

    Apr 03, 2011, 13:02 #4337

    Yesterdays performance was disgraceful. How we still have Almunia in goal is a joke!. Wenger is too loyal to these mediocre players. I felt sorry for Song, Wilshire and Nasri yesterday who tried there hardest while the rest of the players were just swanning around.Players like Bendtner and Chamakh are playing to there own ability but fundamentally are not good enough. We are no closer to winning the title than we were 5 years ago. This team needs a couple of world class players and also a leader. Cesc is a great player but he is no Tony Adams or Patrick Viera. Winning the title is also about picking up points when you don't play well which we do not have ability to do. Tippy tap football is all well and good if there is an end product but there is no end product. Teams like Blackburn have worked out how to play Arsenal as we are to predictable. When plan A fails try plan A if that fails there is always Bendtner who cant hit a barn door. Thats what you get for skimping on average mediocre players!. Everytime the Mancs have dropped points we have been unable to capitalise but instead of being just behind them or ahead we find ourselves 7 points behind. Only arsenal could f**k up an supposed easy run in!. I agree that Wenger is now a puppet for the board who is only interested in a profitable club and one a that gets in the champions league every season!. I thank Wenger for all that he has done for the club and maybe it is time for him to move aside however he wouldn't need to move aside if he stopped his stubborn nature and bought the players that we desparatly need to take us to the next level of also rans to winners. In Arsene Wenger we rust!.

  39. fedupwithit

    Apr 03, 2011, 12:43 #4336

    mediocrity prevails. another season that died mid end feb. same every year. its now boring.

  40. Guv

    Apr 03, 2011, 12:27 #4335

    I don't think there is a lot to add to that.. readers should digest it and take the article for what it is - the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I said it in August and I'll say it again - ARSENAL WILL NEVER WIN ANOTHER TROPHY UNDER WENGER.. unless by some miracle someone (anyone?) can shake out of him, the arrogance, the stubbornness and the inflexibility of a project that is finished. Stale is about the right word for a club going nowhere. Arsene Knows Best has become the biggest joke alongside my particular favourite quote of the season ""The squad will be stretched but I have 25 players of the same quality - I have never had a squad of this equal strength in my life" -- hang your head in shame Arsene...

  41. Fozzy

    Apr 03, 2011, 12:26 #4334

    This was the day that the end of season party tablecloth was laid out in readiness for a dreadful result. The party can now commence. And I don’t want to invite Wenger, Rice and the cronies on the board who consider that 4th place is satisfactory. Yesterday's performance was totally unacceptable.

  42. Alex

    Apr 03, 2011, 12:07 #4333

    Great article! I'm done with Wenger! Never has his methods convinced me nor has it showed any results. By the end of the season we shall judge his progress and come to the conclusion that his philosophies isn't leading anywhere. Time to reform Wenger.

  43. HowardL

    Apr 03, 2011, 12:05 #4332

    I've seen poor Arsenal teams over the years but it's the waste of talent in this one that I find so depressing. Yesterday was a perfect example - a relatively strong Arsenal squad and another pussycat performance.

  44. Martin

    Apr 03, 2011, 12:01 #4331

    Do you know who i feel sorry for?Cesc Fabregas.One of the best players in the world and one of Arsenal's best players ever yet he will leave the club in the summer with just one medal in his collection.Just like another legend Liam Brady 30 years ago.Let down by bad management and broken promises.A world cup and euro winner let down by a manager who would not strengthen a squad not good enough.When Cesc see's Almunia in goal Squillaci in the back four Song/Denilson.Diaby in midfield he must shake his head.As with Vieira and Henry if you want to carry on winning trophies you have to leave Arsenal to do it.

  45. Gunaman

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:57 #4330

    Let the blind supporters keep talking about hope but the fact is that Wenger is poor and has been for ages. Arsenal has nowhere to go for a long time to come until he goes or he changes his stupid so called philosophy. Chelski will pass Arsenal to second position this season-mark my word. For the second richest team in the country the supporters who waste money year in year out deserve something-Not only do profits for the executives make sense but supporters satisfaction which we have not had for six years under useless wenger also should make sense. People seem to forget that even the players that he wenger performed well with in his early years were inherited from previose manager. IN WENGER WE RUST

  46. tippytappynevershooty

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:56 #4329

    Agree with all the posters and the main article. This clown and all his apologists need a rocket up the arse or the sack. To think what a half decent tactician could do with some of these players, and that's the frustrating thing about Wenger - he has an eye for a talented player - he just doesn't have a clue how to organise or motivate them. His decisons over the last 5 years have been lamentable and this 4-6-0 formation with Almunia behind them says everything about the man. I never expected us to push Man U to the wire as this tema has revealed all about its mental strength in games against Bir, Tot, Newc, Sun, WBA and now Bla time and time again. 4-6-0 at home to Blackburn? Laughable

  47. The Happening

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:44 #4328

    The look on Arsene Wenger's face in the post match interview says it all really! There's no sense of pride with alot of these players, I wonder if Arsene has any 'Arsenal' pride? Clear out needed!

  48. dan

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:28 #4327

    well said kev,well ****ing said,in arsene we rust.

  49. Stevesam

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:26 #4326

    At the moment I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. We are still 2nd in the league and I ask myself would any other manager, including Fergie or Mourinho have achieved a similar position given the poor quality of squad available and a complacent Board ( not providing funds )? Is AW a genius ? Yesterday even the usual suspects Eboue, Rosicky, Diaby and Denilson could not be blamed, which shows how limited our squad is. I strongly believe that it is time for change at the top levels at the club, including Manager and Board, but I cannot see any change in the near future. Our Chairman shall say at the end of the season that we have had another succesful season with Wenger and there are funds available for transfers. Supporter unrest deposed, Billy Wright, Bertie Mee, Don Howe and Terry Neill the same can happen again, there is a precedent ! Are Bayern Munich still looking for a Manager ?

  50. Christof

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:18 #4325

    Spot on. Their form since the turn of the year has been mediocre to rubish. How are they still second? It must be a very poor league.

  51. Seven Kings Gunner

    Apr 03, 2011, 11:17 #4324

    Well summed up as usual Kev. The game reminded me of a testimonial match only no one told Blackburn. We are now just tracking the Spuds - if they drop points then it does n't matter if we do because 4th place is all the club are interested in. Champions League allows the board to throw huge "buckets of "bullsh*t" over the fans to help them part with their season ticket money - That money incidently, when I was in my 20's could have bought a house outright and I am not that old!

  52. Tim

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:59 #4323

    Martin Keown for manager. Dennis Bergkamp as coach. Can't come soon enough for me. Get rid of the arrogance and complacency and the lack of any proper tactics for winning games.

  53. Gus

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:56 #4322

    Season ticket holder of 18 seasons has seen enough, I will no longer part with my money to see such a bunch of losers. Some players are not fit to wear the shirt. I am sick of the wenger excuses aswell, its always the same, yesterday he says we was flat, or exausted from the internationals. well its your job to motivate them and there was only 5 that played for their countries, pathetic wenger. Until we have 11 Jack Willshires I will no longer be there.

  54. Tommy

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:55 #4321

    Only by the grace of God yesterday did Average Al not give Blackburn two goals.A keeper who should be nowhere near a premiership team is our number 1 for the run in.The reason he is playing is the guy on the bench is 41 and hasnt played a full team game for a year.That just about sums up our club at the moment.We havent played well this season and are only in the title race because our rivals have been poor.This is Fergie's worst team for 20 years yet the title is his.Wenger should be hanging his head in shame.

  55. Ramgun

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:50 #4320

    I know that the era's are very different but in 1966 supporters boycotted matches and got the incompetent Billy Wright sacked. The father of the current supine chairman stated, in response to the demonstations, that he would resign before ever sacking Wright and when the club had tiny attendances and were being hit hard in the pocket Hill-Wood sacked Wright and completely forgot to resign! I agree with all of the sentiments expressed but I think that you underestimate the number of people who are not going to renew their season-tickets. Surely supporters could at least boycott the shop and the new strip etc. Nothing will change as long as Wenger is manager. I bet that Alex Ferguson can barely stop laughing.

  56. Terry

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:40 #4319

    Before yesterday game Wenger said Almunia would start because he looked good in training.What a statement.We now judge our keepers on how they perform in training forget the mistakes they make in matches..So Almunia looked good against our shot shy players and our full backs who cant cross a ball.So come the Blackburn game the first shot Almunia has to save goes through his hands and misses the far post by inches then the first high ball in to the box he comes for it misses it by miles and the ball just goes wide.The picture on tv went to Bob Wilson in the stand who had his head in his hands.But Almunia looked good in training.Maybe that tells us a lot about Wenger's management.In training we are better than Barcelona.We are the champions.......of the training pitch

  57. Dazzy90

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:40 #4318

    Hi, Once again, spot on with the comments. This team are clueless at how to win anything because the team is rudderless. No leader on or off the pitch. Where are the likes of Keown or Seaman to coach these defenders on how to defend??? Why oh why is that clown Almunia still at the club?! His performances alone in the last 2 games have been comical to say the least. Surely a half fit/one handed Schezney is better than Coco. My season ticket is up for renewal soon, as is the other 44,000, and to be honest I want to tell the club and Wenger where to stick the ticket! But I know if I don't keep renewing it will a long time till I get another - so I have to renew. 44,000 hostages to Arsenal FC. Wenger in many Arsenal supporters eyes is past it. Clueless with tactics and clueless with team selection. Basic requirements of his job I'd say! Time for him to move on. Lets have Guadiola in who has a winning mentality. Wenger/Gazidis - if you read this site, take note - WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BOLLOCKS NOW! Buy some proven quality players and ship out the dross - Diaby, Denilson, Almunia, Bendtner, Rosicky, Squilaci..... clearly not good enough for the Arsenal, nor I'd say Div 2!

  58. Gooner S

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:38 #4317

    How Wilshire missed that chance in the first half is beyond me. As others have said why didn't Wenger start with Van Persie and Chamakh and Fabregas?! The apathy around Arsenal is growing, we won't win the European Cup whilst Barcelona are a trading football club and we draw them every year and we couldn't even win the League Cup against a team battling relegation!

  59. Rob Kirby

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:37 #4316

    Good article. I was at the game yesterday and could tell after the first 5 minutes that we weren't up for it again! How Wenger has the audacity to continually repeat "what great mental strength this team has" is completely beyond me and most other arsenal fans capable of forming their own opinion. This Arsenal team is completely lacking in leadership from 1 - 11. Without proper players with winning mentalities we will continue to win nothing. This is 100% Wengers fault. An Unhappy season ticket holder.

  60. NW68

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:29 #4315

    These comments are spot on. Tip Tap football is frustrating and the Arsene Wenger Project never really worked. Seems to me he has to much power at the club. But when you think about it he is the perfect manager for the board but not for the fans.

  61. joe

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:23 #4314

    Ferguson must get up every morning and blow his f..king load. He knows hes got the premiership in the bag with the worst team hes ever had in the last 15 years. our boys are a disgrace and should all be disiplined, fined or something. Only person that looks like a real player is Arshavin. I'm sick of all these "also rans" pathetic. Not fit to wear the shirts, worn by greats in the past, worn by "also rans" now

  62. fozzys mate

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:22 #4313

    I have been predicting this since we moved to the emirates and I am not alone. This tip tap **** is now beyond a joke the lack of intensity or even desperation in the second half yesterday was a joke. I had the audacity to laugh as almunia almost shovelled the ball into his own net and was castigated by a fan in front. We reached a low yesterday and even AW has run out of excuses. Greedy spineless board led by puppet/muppet gazidis and Pat Rice whose only **** is cleaning the managers shoes. The akb propaganda machine must surely now be on the back foot. Those brain washed drones will see Wenger carried out in a coffin in 20 years time saying give him more time!

  63. Paul

    Apr 03, 2011, 10:19 #4312

    The thing is a contract should not have been offered to Wenger in August.After winning sweet FA in the previous 5 seasons Wenger should have been judged as he always says himself in May.Its now 6 seasons without a trophy yet we are stuck with this clown as manager till 2014.Stuck with his average players stuck with his clueless tactics.One upfront at home to the worst away team in the premiership.I said when David Dein,the only person who could keep Wenger under control and who could tell him he was wrong left the club we would never win anything again.We have a spinless board only interested in profits.Wenger is now a Dictator who runs the club like its his toy.He gets paid more than Ferguson a manager who pisses all over him in trophies won.Take a look who was in goal yesterday that tells you all you need to know about our manager.He picked Almunia to be our number 1 at the start of the season FFS.The men in white coats need to come and take Wenger away