Wenger Out

Revolution in the ranks

Wenger Out

A visual summary of the club’s season at 7.30pm Saturday

I have been a passionate Arsenal fan since I was 8 years old. My Dad took to my first game in October 1972 when I was 10. I have had a season ticket for 31 years. I have been a Gooner reader for years and love the Gooner online. This is my first ever article. It is from the heart. It started in response to a comment on the Arsenal Mailing List that basically said stop calling for AW’s head now. It isn’t going to happen and it’s boring. Save the debate for the end of the season. Below is my response.

The reason the tide has turned against Wenger is because he hasn't been doing the job so why should we believe he can do it now. When the rumblings about Wenger started three or so years ago you would get slaughtered if you dared to question Wenger. I haven't seen many defending him recently and none for Saturday’s debacle. My E-Mail (to the list) on Thursday evening said No More Excuses. There are none after Saturday’s rubbish and that is why no one is defending him or the team.

I have watched the club I love become a laughing stock. Micky Quinn on Talk Sport yesterday morning was mimicking choking noises. I hated to hear it but it was true. Again this team has fallen apart in March. Why? The last few weeks have been a disaster yet all Wenger can talk about is the team’s mental strength and spirit. Can anybody please tell us where it is and why on earth he keeps going on about what everyone can see we clearly haven't got?

The early season results were bad enough. Sunderland away, West Brom and Newcastle at home. The lay down and quit performance when we were 2-0 up against that lot down the road. Followed by Wigan away after the great result against Chelsea. We could have got over all these results with a good run after Christmas. Then came Newcastle away. We managed to do what no Premiership team had ever done. Throw away a 4-0 lead and with only 20 minutes to go to boot. Then we get a chance of a trophy against a team fighting relegation who hadn't won a trophy for 50 years. Lost. Losses to Barcelona and the Mancs were expected by most of us.

At that point I, and many others, predicted implosion. It wasn't rocket science. I further added that we would win five or less of our remaining ten games. Having said that I dearly wanted us to mount a title challenge. What a let down. Fans at the stadium at the Blackburn game were openly unhappy. We all know nothing will happen while the season continues. We also know barring some catastrophic disaster, like a collapse that means we don't qualify for the Champions League, nothing will happen after the season.

We will hear:
We are disappointed with no trophies again
We need to strengthen but not much (and then do very little)
Qualifying for the CL is like winning a trophy (which is complete BS and an insult to the fans)
We are grateful for your support (and oh by the way your season tickets are going up)
(And my own personal favourite just before the season starts) Judge me in May.

I am tired of seeing our club being a laughing stock at the way they collapse like clockwork every season around March time. I am severely p***ed off that the Spuds are in the CL Q/F while we stay at home and watch. Why? Because AW thought it was a good idea to play the reserves after we won the first three games of our group and therefore throw the group away, not for the first time.

I have had enough of our beloved club not being able to defend a lead, crap centre backs, goalkeepers who wouldn't get in Chelsea or Man United’s teams in front of the youth goalies and players who think they are great when they clearly they are not. The club needs a major overhaul. The media can see it, a lot of Arsenal fans can see it. The only ones who can't see it are the completely blinkered AKB's, and even they have been very quiet the last few weeks, and Wenger himself.

When we drew with Sunderland some AKB’s said stop moaning we are three points behind with a game in hand. When we drew with West Brom, don’t worry we are five points behind but we still have a game in hand. Now we are seven points behind but we still have a game in hand. Am I allowed to be worried yet? Seriously AKB’s are becoming more and more deluded.

We all know Wenger ain’t gonna get fired now or probably ever. That does not mean we cannot call for him to be fired now, at the end of the season or whenever. The other quotes we regularly hear is be careful what you wish for and who can replace Wenger. It’s quite clear what I wish for and I know I am not alone. Your time was up three years ago. Thanks for the memories, except they were so long ago I can’t remember them.

Now for the next manager. Are we serious about taking the next step? If we are then pay the money to get the best. Two candidates. Pep Guardiola has made it quite clear he won’t be at Barcelona much longer. He has to be the number one choice. However I would be more than happy with Jose Mourinho. You don’t win the Champions League with two different clubs and almost a third without being a great manager. So for those asking the question there are two answers for you. I am sure there are more.

More disappointment will follow next season if Wenger is still in charge. We will win nothing further with him as manager and it’s getting very tedious.

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  1. Redphil

    Apr 09, 2011, 17:34 #4863

    Why the support for a manager that constantly lies to the supporters and himself. Constant bs of 'mental strenght' and 'belief'. It's just words and it's obviously crap. How many managers say there happy with there keeper situation and then try all three throughout the season. The squad is the weakest of the top sides with sub standard squad players with no fight or 'mental strenght'. Look at how the likes of o shea, Wes brown, Fletcher at man u play when called upon. Like there lives are on the line. This is all down to fergies skill and man management. Wenger cant instill that never say die attitude. Look at him during matches. How often do we see him up, passionately directing his players. Never. He only gets up to moan, sulk or kick a water bottle. Pathetic. Let's remember it's a SPORT. It's about enjoying your team trying, fighting for victory and winning. Not bank balances and kidding ourselves a top four finish is as good as a trophy. Sell diaby, rosicky, eboue, almunia, denilson, vela, Bendtner, Squillaci,koschilney and the rest and get in some trophy hungry horibble nasty bastard players and start playing with an arrogance and swagger. This of course is beyond aw and the reason he should go. I remember the 07/08 season when once again we were in everything up to feb. In Jan he sold diarra, then we were hit by injuries. Then played a second string team against spurs in cc semi. Lost. Then played second string against man u in facup. Lost. Led table most of year finished third. All his mistakes all his fault. Should've gone then. And finally if any akb's need any convincing of his fratilities in getting his players up for it. How Many finals have we lost? Cl, ueafa cup, two cc, fa cup. Bottler. Not sure about coyle but at least you can imagine him giving them a bollocking and not sulking when we lose.

  2. L Andreou

    Apr 09, 2011, 12:39 #4852

    Just to re-iterate it, if any are in doubt: IN ARSENE WE RUST! He is not Arsenal, we were Arsenal before him, and will be when he leaves. He is a chapter in our beloved club's history, not the book as some like to allude to. Personally, I feel he should fall on his own sword. The alternative, retire Pat Rice, get some new backroom staff in, a very assertive no.2 that has defensive knowledge, new goalkeeper-ASAP, TWO NEW CENTRE BACKS-ASAP-COACH THE BACKLINE IN AN AVANTE GARDE WAY, END TIPPY TAPPY(BARCA LITE) STYLE, THEN I MAY RECONSIDER. Otherwise: In Arsene we rust. OK. Liked the banner at Villa Park recently. I've had enough too.

  3. chris

    Apr 08, 2011, 13:47 #4817

    we need some changes, that is clear for all to see. stop and think of what you are saying. do you not realise that his hands are tied. dont you think he would spend the millions if he was allowed to? arsene is not the problem, the problem lies with the people who run this great club. you should all be ashamed of yourselves. the greatest manager arsenal have ever had and you talk about him this way. he has had to deal with so much midiocracy in the begining, crap training facilities, boring arsenal, wonderfull but outdated stadium, and a manager being sacked for taking a bung. compare that with where we are now. you cant! and as for mourinho, do me a favour.

  4. John Boy

    Apr 07, 2011, 22:18 #4797

    Yeah i've had enough now. Had enough of the spineless bottlejobs on the pitch. The spassionless JCL's in the stands. The greedy tossers on the board and the senile bloke at the helm. Big changes needed starting with the guvnor. Sorry Wenger but your time is up...

  5. Joe

    Apr 07, 2011, 10:51 #4721

    FAO Tommy - I beileve we are three maybe four players away from being the top side in england GET REAL MATE. We have been 3 or 4 players away for 6 years. But Wenger won't ****ing buy them. Much happier turning a profit for the **** running us & talking **** about our 'mental resolve' - he has lost his marbles. It's not 1 months discontent, it's 6 years of NO PROGRESS. WENGER OUT

  6. L. Andreou

    Apr 07, 2011, 9:15 #4699

    All you say is true. Wenger's more interested in the balance sheet, than the team sheet. Why are we all surprised? He's an economist by nature. He will always try and get the most from the least. It's time for a change. Spineless Rice out too. The whole template needs overhauling. Oh the days when we were tough to 'turn over'. We have not won one big 'face off' game in years! Wenger: NO DEFENCE. I predict autopsy will point to shareholder battle, with new bold finance guys in! I Support Arsenal, not Arsene!

  7. B Dunn Astrologer

    Apr 06, 2011, 10:36 #4523

    The unfortunate planet Saturn is in a tricky part of Arsene Wenger's horoscope. This link becomes exact at the end of 2011. AW is drinking in the last chance saloon without a doubt.

  8. Ricky fox

    Apr 06, 2011, 8:34 #4516

    Im sorry but i totally disagree with alot of comments on here,ive been a massive arsenal fan all my life! i go to alot of home games wen i can with my dad (mal fox. Wenger is a great manager u dont become a crap manager overnight,I think alot of people have short memorys for wot he has done for us, i understand about peoples frustration with him not spending lots of money but you have to remember he didnt have much money wen we moved from highbury to the emirites we had to pay for the stadium and he was short on funds! Ok yea he has money now but i can see it from his point of view for example, why would he want to pay 10m+ for chamakh wen 6 months down the line he is a free agent. now if we had payed that money for him or more i shud fink alot of u would be seriously pissed off cause to me he had a good start but has frazled out and doesnt look like he likes to shot with his foot! He wud rather pass! we get young talent in that is wot we do, wud you rather we payed 50 million for cesc if wenger neva got him wen he was 16? would you rather him pay lots off money for jack wilshere bvecause if he was to buy him now if another club had him how much would that be!! or would you rather we payed 50 million for fernando torres whos done jack **** for chelsea n i bet they are questioning how much money they payed for him! The future is wenger and he has created the future for arsenal, thats only 2 young arsenal players ive mentioned but you all no we have some very very good young talent there! I fink we need to lose, bentder, denilison, almunina, rosicky and replace with 4 experianced top top players! IN WENGER WE TRUST!!!!!!!!

  9. east stand gooner

    Apr 06, 2011, 1:25 #4509

    It's no coincidence that arsenal decline in the transfer market happened with the departure of David Dein.....

  10. andy mc

    Apr 06, 2011, 1:10 #4507

    Yet another season has passed throphyless and AW has not admitted the youth project has not worked. As a supporter of over 45 years it breaks my heart to see the same BS rolled out every season ,Have faith, injuries bad luck the list is endless. We have become a sellling club every year a star player being sold and a youth or unknown player signed this is not winning anything. Hopefully this year AW will listen and sign the star players that the club require. If he can't or won't it's time to say good bye and thank you. in june/july I want to read that we are signing international strikers and goalkeepers etc in the papers and it become true rather than the usual let down.

  11. Nick Bowler

    Apr 05, 2011, 22:18 #4501

    Thank you to all who read and commented on my article. Most of you made reasoned and well thought out comments. To those who made insulting comments such as calling me a Judus. Why can't you have a reasoned discussion? I read Gooner on line every day. My article had more comments than most and I am very pleased with the honest debate. What comes out the most is the vast majority of fans who responded agree it is time for Wenger to go. For those that think he should stay that is your opinion and you are entitled to it but try making a good argument instaed of ranting.


    Apr 05, 2011, 22:17 #4500

    ex akb. The minimum requirement I expect from Arsenal players is 100% committment to the club and its supporters. There are too many players at our club don't meet this basic requirement, some do eg Wilshire and some players are just crap (Almunia, Denilson and Bendtner). Normally finishing 2nd or 3rd is no disgrace. The frustration is if Wenger had acted in the transfer window in the summer and stop messaging these spineless cowards over inflated egos, we might just have finished 1st (and by some distance). I think that is what everyone who contributes to this site wants.

  13. ex akb

    Apr 05, 2011, 20:58 #4496

    Alistair Kerr Does that mean that all of the teams that finish beneath Arsenal should be roundly booed by their supporters on the last day of the season? Sometimes I wish we had a few really crap seasons to get rid of some of these morons. I remember Bolton in 1996. How we celebrated? Arsenes biggest mistake was to raise expectations.

  14. Tony

    Apr 05, 2011, 18:15 #4485

    I must admit I stopped listening to his press conferences long ago, as the words Team Spirit and Mental Strength wind me up as much as 'I did not see it' that winds up the nation!! For the last 3 years I have said a new number 2 to shake things up were needed as I still had faith in AW, now I'm not sure. 6 years ago he set out to build a team from youth which would eventually dominate for years but lets face it most of us would get rid of 70% of these Muppets! Whilst 8 years ago we could talk about any team in the world with our mates debating how many would get in our team!! SAY NO MORE!

  15. FB Dave

    Apr 05, 2011, 16:17 #4474

    In some ways I agree with your comments - I think the management team has become stale. However I think there is something going on in the background, where Wenger's hands have been tied financially for a number of years. If you look at Wenger's spending at Highbury and at the Emirates, it averages out closely the same - however his sales have doubled on average per season since we moved. this is in a time when we are now also getting double the gate receipts, and associated income within the club. Now, the costs have risen similarly, however I would suspect most of this is financing the debt. However, we have not had this explained explicitly to us, and this also goes against the "propraganda" that was spun when the project as announced (that transfer funds etc would not be affected). Interestingly enough - the money Wenger has generated in sales since we moved to the Emirates is close to that of the cash at bank - coincidence ?? If all of this is the case, and that his hands have been tied - which top class manager are you going to attract - and to be honest, why would you want to change? He has kept us as a top 4 club, with little or no money to spend. On average he has spent per year what other clubs spend on 1 player. I honestly think it is time that the board came clean about the financial situation of the club, and exactly what is available for transfer activity. If it is that the entire cash balance is available, then Wenger needs to look at himself.

  16. Grant

    Apr 05, 2011, 16:08 #4471

    What a bunch of spineless, bedwetting, thumbsucking apologies for supporters we have here

  17. Mark Anderson

    Apr 05, 2011, 16:04 #4470

    Hit the nail on the head!!!

  18. mark

    Apr 05, 2011, 13:06 #4464

    real arsenal fans want to compete with man u, chelea, barca and dont enjoy being made fun of for constant stupid errors in defence and goal and not putting up any fight. cl qualifying is fine but lets have a team with bottle and real desire

  19. Colonel Mustard

    Apr 05, 2011, 13:02 #4463

    @John (Surrey) F**k off mate, they are passionless pussys collecting their wages, they have given up so why should we support indulged ) pampered , inept, want away (yes Cesc) players who have no identity of what is is to be Arsenal player. you know what good luck to United they deserve the league, they may be not the best of recent teams but they have bollex and drive. Our pussys make me sick to be an Arsenal fan and it comes from Wegner and his pampering ways, dusty staff like P. Rice, a board stuck in Victorian times, a sycophant for a CEO and the dilution of the Arsenal spirit at the ground on top of the obscene take-take attitude ticketing policy. So get off your high horse and blinkers. We are a nearly team with players that barely deserve their wages bar a few shining lights and its a sad indictment when the driving influence of the team is a 19 year old. I have no problem losing a match but playing with no pride and passion makes me wretch.

  20. Richard Ansell

    Apr 05, 2011, 13:00 #4462

    To judge from all the comments so far, Gooners old and new are agreeing with you Nick, with just the odd exception. Wenger is taking us all for fools and hopefully we are finally waking up and will refuse to endure any more of this rubbish. Some sort of protest is definitely required and if I were lucky enough to be a season ticket holder I would tell them to stuff it next season. Hit them where it hurts in the pocket and may be our smug board will actually do something to bring an end to this recurring nightmare.

  21. Graham Yates

    Apr 05, 2011, 12:47 #4461

    Read all these from the top down to latest one from from "Dok S 8:50am 5th Apr 2011". Ran a poll based on the comments of all 72 or so. 83% want AW OUT & 17% want AW IN! My take on this is that AW is now questioning his squad and starky himself (publicly for the first time!). Whatever he does in the Summer will be key to his legacy. 2014 will usher in someone else unless AW decides otherwise. The choice cannot be his to decide who comes in the power vacuum is ruining Arsenal.

  22. Dan

    Apr 05, 2011, 10:26 #4460

    Some people on here really hate Arsene Wenger. He may or may not be losing the plot but to slag him off like he's a piece of crap shows more about you as 'fans' than him as a manager. He's not above some of the criticism he gets but he's 100% an Arsenal man and loves the club. A lot of Arsenal fans just love to whinge and moan. He'll probably leave soon and we'll get some big name manager in and soon as he loses a game you can slag him off without feeling guilty because Wenger has done more for Arsenal FC than anyone writing comments here. Arsene to stay, and properly strengthen the team this summer! come on Arsene you can change.

  23. chrisy boy

    Apr 05, 2011, 9:10 #4459

    forgot to mention in my earlier piece, that those of us at the blackburn game finaly witnessed, passion, effort, commitment, heart and a will to win, at 5 15 they showed a tribute to the great david rocky rocastle, perhaps wenger should have used that video as his team talk. You were and always be a legend rocky, cant see that in this current team.

  24. Dok S

    Apr 05, 2011, 8:50 #4458

    It all boils down to the question 'Am I satisfied with what's happening at Arsenal under Wenger?' Are you satisfied when clubs like WBA and Newcastle can say "Thanks for the 4 points!" Are you satisfied when during away games we can't beat Leyton Orient and lose to Ipswich with the whole country watching and laughing? Are you satisfied with European away games with zero attempts at goal (from an Arsenal player anyway)? Are you satisfied with 6 years of trophyless memories? If you can say to yourself 'Yes, I'm pleased we left Highbury and that I pay the highest club ticket prices in the world so we can pay a £110m + wage bill' And if you can say to yourself 'Yes, I'm satisfied that instead of players of the quality like Henry, Bergkamp, Viera, Pires, Ljungberg, Gilberto, Adams, Seaman, Bould and Gilberto, we've got Denilson, Bendtner, Squillaci, Almunia, Diaby, Rosicki and Vela.' And if you can say 'I believe in Wenger because I can see little alternative' then that's your choice and your right. Personally, I would then ask you 'How worse - exactly - would it be if we changed manager?'

  25. johnny

    Apr 05, 2011, 4:10 #4456

    be brave supporters and ask him to leave. he has had long enough and has indulged his fantasies and projects too much last 5 seasons with no real care for the fans. as mourinhro said AW has been the only manager in europe not under fear of losing his job because the board and fans got obsessed by him and look at where this has led us. real life is more competitive than that, deliver otherwise you should be out and now AW should be out no doubt

  26. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 05, 2011, 4:00 #4455

    I just woke up from the strangest dream....in the dream, there were a group of people shouting "WENGER MUST GO" at a group of people who were shouting "WENGER MUST STAY" back at the group shouting "WENGER MUST GO"....and from the corner of my eye, way, way off into the horizon, I could just about see Alex Ferguson tucking a Premiership trophy under his arm...

  27. Mark

    Apr 05, 2011, 3:56 #4454

    i have had enough of tippy tappy never shooty - its not football i recognise anymore. i was at old trafford in the cup sitting in the seats. man u fans were nervous when they saw their own team sheet with o shea and gibson in middle and 2 brazil midgets as wing backs and rooney effectively making 5 man midfield with just mexican religious nut upfront. but do you know what it worked. smalling and vidic meant we couldnt go thru the middle and 2 brazil wing backs kept our full backs in check as it is only our full backs who get crosses in unless walcott plays. fergy did us with a make shift side in 2nd gear and for me after birmingham that was it i am done with the style of the last 5 years. i want power fight and commitment back at our club its not right when the fans hurt more than the players or the management and arsenal fans are being treated like **** by the afc board of today

  28. ArseMan

    Apr 05, 2011, 3:25 #4453

    The fact you listen to Talk Sport, and take anything any of those underachieving specials say to heart, renders your opinion irrelevant. Now, go play with your crayons and bubble wrap.

  29. Rob

    Apr 05, 2011, 0:04 #4452

    i agree, however its the lack of effort and commitment from too many of the players i cant forgive! if we dont win trophys but give it our all, i dont have a problem, perhaps Wenger no longer knows how to motivate! i also believe he has been fortunate, taking over the side, with the likes of Adams, Keown, Bould, Dixon, Winterburn, O'Leary, Parlour, Bergkamp and Wright, got a good start didnt he?

  30. Tom (Leyton)

    Apr 04, 2011, 21:27 #4448

    One of my abiding memories as an Arsenal fan remains the final game of the 1996 season and the ensuing celebrations at the Highbury Barn which went on well into the night. We had come from a goal behind to beat Bolton 2-1 and qualify for the UEFA Cup by finishing 5th. Little did we know then that the following 15 years would bring 3 Premier League titles (two of them doubles), four FA cups and appearances in a Champions League and UEFA Cup Final and that we would be playing football in the best stadium in the country. Sort of puts things in perspective doesn't it? I am by no means an AKB, I am as frustrated as anyone at his stubbornness to address the same problems that have existed in the team for the past 3 seasons, and am asking the same questions of our manager as every other Gooner. For the last couple of seasons we have been only 2 or 3 quality players short of having a title winning side. This is what has made Wenger's refusal to buy in key positions all the more infuriating. However, it is only because of Wenger that we have the expectations we do. The Invincibles season will be something we will tell our children and grandchildren about, the greatest team in Premier League history. By all means, criticise Wenger - and rightly so. But also recognise where he has taken us. As someone who still remembers the days of Kiwomya, McGoldrick and Helder, Wenger deserves a great deal more respect than some seem to be giving him.

  31. Ed enough....

    Apr 04, 2011, 21:12 #4447

    As it is clear that the board will not sack Wenger, He should do the only decent he can do left as Arsenal Manager.....Piss Off!!!!

  32. JJ

    Apr 04, 2011, 21:03 #4446

    Started going in 63 and have seen a few Arsenal teams but presently this lot reek of alienation. I said to fellow gooners in 2005 we had lost our identity as a club and was rubbished and exiled for it. There was a time when if we did go down, we fought all the way. Much as I dislike the manures - they would have beaten Newcastle 4 - 8 that day!

  33. fozzys mate

    Apr 04, 2011, 20:33 #4445

    As per all my articles or comments it is not just about Wenger. I place more blame on the board look at the pre and post Dein boards and contrast that to when DD was basically running the show. He recruited, worked with and challenged and cajoled AW day in day out. This pushed him on and if his cautious nature overcame him DD gave him the shove he needed. When DD said correctly further investmwnt was needed he was shoved out by the old fart and Fizman. Edelman than several years after taking us to the Emirates gave an interview saying we had 60 million to spend he was told to clear his desk. All this played to Wengs frugal nature and he we are with today with 110 million cash reserve but having created a comfort zone in which we have schooled the exact opposite of what GG schooled and AW built upon. The board are a sickenly complacent bunch who have indulged project Wenger in the knowledge the share price will rocket ever higher. I agree that with the current transfer policy nobody would do better but what we need to do is stop acting like a mid table regional club and start acting like a club that want to regularly win major trophies. In fact like a club who have a huge cash reserve and whose fans pay the highest prices in world football. While the current supine board remain so will the status quo. The board must change physically or in ambition level. They will never push Wenger out as he is a cash cow for them and any other manager would want to. Use the cash reserve not build on it!

  34. eie

    Apr 04, 2011, 20:33 #4444

    i now despise wenger second only to twitcher.The myopic fool must go.

  35. Steve H

    Apr 04, 2011, 20:24 #4443

    Totally agree with every word of this article - my sentiments exactly. Wenger's time is now up. He should do the decent thing and resign at the end of this season - after all he told us all to judge him in May (as he said for the last five years). He doesn't need us to tell him that he has failed again, and he shouldn't need us to insist he resigns if he had a shred of decency. Enough is Enough - GO NOW.

  36. ex akb

    Apr 04, 2011, 19:16 #4440

    Good points but if you can remember 1972 you can remember 1998 to 2006. Even if a miracle happened and we won the league I think Arsene should move on gracefully. We all know its a poor one this year. lots of points have been distributed to the bottom of the table.

  37. Mal Fox

    Apr 04, 2011, 19:08 #4439

    Nick , you took the words right out of my mouth, and all my mates mouths. AW is making the club into a joke,lets remove him and start a regime thats good for Arsenal!! saw this coming 2 years ago , and probably will say the same end of nxt season, sorry ricky and damian he has to GO

  38. Alastair Kerr

    Apr 04, 2011, 19:00 #4438

    Totally agree with article. Quite simply Wenger has lost the plot. Nobody underestimates what he has done for our club and because of this we all were prepared to give him time.However, last summer in South Africa , Wenger was the ambassador for Castrol Oil during the World Cup - he actually should have remembered he was the manager of Arsenal Football Club and bought the quality/experienced additions we needed to compliment the young players he has brought into the 1st team. He should also have been arranging to ship out the likes of Almunia, Denilson, Bendtner etc. It's encouraging to see such passionate Arsenal fans on this site. However, what is needed is that passion and now obvious anger transfered to matchdays. After the Blackburn match when we had been let down by "flat" Arsenal a few thousand fans booed to show their dissatisfaction. Water off a ducks back . Imagine 30 or 40 thousand fans in one voice singing "what a load of rubbish" or "you're not fit to wear the shirt" would sound like. ANOTHER THOUGHT - WHEN THE PLAYERS DO THEIR LAP OF APPRECIATION AT THE END OF THE FINAL HOME GAME, THEY ARE ROUNDLY AND LOUDLY BOOED.

  39. Ell

    Apr 04, 2011, 18:57 #4437

    Absolutly spot on everything you have said here i agree with, i think there is 2 options for arsenal now: 1) wenger staying but the board stepping in and forcing him to spend a good 50 million (possibly more) on some quality players. 2) If he refuses sack him bring in another quality manager who is willing to spend

  40. Ando

    Apr 04, 2011, 18:45 #4436

    I don't know what the answer is myself, But I do know the club is a LAUGHING stock. Even Fergie says nice things about us now, does that not tell you all something? LOOOOOOOSERS! But our football is pleasing on they eye, tip tap.

  41. JayJay

    Apr 04, 2011, 18:28 #4435

    I've got to say I absolutely agree. I'm now in my 48th season and this is the 1st time I've felt compelled to write. I've never felt so let down as with this current lot and that is saying something considering I was at places like Peterborough in 1965 and all the ridiculous league cup final defeats. Wenger has become like George Graham became at the end. Thinks he knows best but CLEARLY doesn't. He needs to realise that he needs a better coach alongside him or he's doomed. Do we ever train on tactics it's laughable. He has become a joke. Trouble is he can't be sacked and won't consider he's passed it. I can't see any way out of this

  42. kev g

    Apr 04, 2011, 18:01 #4434

    Christ knows why he was given a 3 yr extension in July. He should have been made to earn it

  43. Hughsey24

    Apr 04, 2011, 17:51 #4433

    Does everyone realise that 5 oops now 6 years without a trophy and the trophy we actually won was an embarrasing victory in the FA Cup v man utd won on penalties and we didnt even deserve it with old Dennis up front !! makes you think.....

  44. clockendpaul

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:33 #4432

    Mandy i mentioned coyle as an example, what had wengeer won before he came here! Have had my season ticket nearly thirty years so i'm no plastic as you put it, as for limited managers who plays slow forwards on the wing and can't seem to realise that almunia is third rate or that denilson is the worst brazilian ever to kick a ball and that sometimes you have to buy quality to get anywhere i could go on, the worst thing is the way we are continually lied to and treated like we're all stupid that we all bow down to whatever we're told, well i'm fed up with the same bull**** year after year, do you understand that!!

  45. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:22 #4430

    Mandy - is this the same hoof ball owen coyle who seems to have developed jack wilshere rather well. Incidently the one member of our team who seems up for it. Id quite happily send him denilson as well and see what develops there. Im happy to have a big european name come but i fear it would be a 2 season stay. As ive said before i really dont see how we are any worse off giving avery well thought of uk manager a break. Would we have lost against brum with coyle in charge?

  46. wenger out

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:21 #4429

    Brilliant article. I know the Wenger apologists will hate it but they better get used to it becuase more and more and more fans are beginning to wake up to the reality that Arsenal will not win anything again under this man. I love the usual response (trotted out by the Arsene FC fans such as Mandy Dood) who say "but who will replace him". Like there are no other good managers in the world! Answer me this, how many of you knew of Arsene Wenger before he came here? Very few I would guess. So let's not fool ourselves into believing there is no alternative. Wenger out!

  47. dan

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:18 #4428

    i agreed with everything you said up until you wanted mourinho to come and manage us,why would you want that chav **** at arsenal,uner no circumstances do we want him at the club,great write up tho.

  48. Highbury Boy

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:05 #4426

    The arguments amongst ourselves are getting tedious. It's very simple. Other teams from ManU down have sussed our tactics and players out. We will NOT repeat NOT win another trophy unless he changes those tactics and/or players. I don't think he will change so I think the Board have to change the Manager even though he WAS probably the best manager we ever had. Who do we get? I don't know. It's more difficult for Arsenal to choose wisely now as Dein picked Graham and Wenger and he's long gone.

  49. Bergy

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:04 #4425

    If you look at Wenger's record at Monaco and Japan we shouldn't be surprised with the current demise. He starts brilliantly for the first few years then fade badly towards the end and eventually get the sack, except the Board at Arsenal won't do this. His ideas and ideals got stale before and it's happening again. By the way, Hiddink would be the one to replace him. Well respected, well liked, great record and his teams play good football too.

  50. Avenell Rd

    Apr 04, 2011, 15:58 #4424

    7 trophies in 15 seasons and AKBs are saying he is best in the world...at what? Wenger is tottaly overrated and I for once cannot wait for him to go.

  51. Richard (Haifa)

    Apr 04, 2011, 15:38 #4423

    I am convinced that if Wenger had not inherited the bulk of GG's side with DB10 we would not have had the success in 1998 and then Invincible side. History will say that Wenger dismantled the team too quickly and did not seek to replace quality with quality. Does he deserve to be fired? The Board will say no - ECL every year and fans continue to renew. Wenger has too much power and sets his own agenda. I hate the way Arsenal is run at the moment. There would be definitely mixed feelings if Wenger went but sometimes you need to take a risk. I would take Mourinho any day.

  52. Cesctastic

    Apr 04, 2011, 15:09 #4422

    I am not happy with Arsene, not happy at all. But then i always think who will we replace him, you are as deluded as anyone if you think we will get Mourinho. We all know he needs vast amounts of money to do a job, i doubt very much he would get, furthermore he would ruin our style. Guardiola isn't going to leave the best team in the world any time soon for a team which he has seen crumble to his side two years in a row. Arsene doesn't need to go he just needs to change.

  53. Pockets

    Apr 04, 2011, 14:45 #4421

    Great article, you can feel the pain in those words! Also, it's telling that very few comments made in support of Arsene (or the board) and his approach to challenging for honours. As great as Arsene's record was (upto 2005) it really will be time for him to move on, at the end of the season. He, along with his coaching staff, seem incapable of motivating this group of players, and he's shown far too much loyalty to Pat Rice/Gerry Peyton who just seem to be coasting at the club. Thanks for some great memories Arsene, but come judgement day in May I hope you listen to the fans and accept what we have to say!

  54. gunnerob

    Apr 04, 2011, 14:43 #4420

    Take it you haven't got over that train journey home then :) Gota say I agree with you , 767 fueld just in case:)

  55. chrisy boy

    Apr 04, 2011, 14:19 #4418

    at the start of the season and even up to the new year i was right behind wenger, but enough is enough, we need a change and a new direction on and off the pitch, my problem is which one of our directors has the knowledge or even the contacts in the football world to make the correct choices, so the answer may lay with usminov and david dein, but would dein get rid of wenger im not sure, would like to hear what other gooners think about usminov and dein is that the way forward

  56. Luke

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:43 #4415

    I'm sorry, but anybody who thinks we should sack Wenger and get in Mourinho is a moron, in my opinion. I can't and don't want to imagine supporting a team manged by that cretin.

  57. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:13 #4414

    Not sure if some of the fans on this thread are just brittle plastics or Spurs fans. Wenger out and replaced by who? Jose - Pepe - forget it - our board do not like parting with money. Coyle - whats he won? Why do we want a hoof merchant like him, same goes for the likes of O Neil and Moyes - such limited managers. Maybe Coyle would bring Davies over to us! If Wenger left, this board would bring in someone like O Leary on the cheap and you know it. If you are going to blame anyone for present "crisis" - take a look at the board Well done John from Surrey - a voice of sense

  58. Sheriff

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:11 #4413

    I said it at the end of last season that Arsenal would never win another trophy as long as Wenger was still in charge...I wanted to be proved wrong but just like we all know we would get the same bulls*t again next season...

  59. 6ooner Pete

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:10 #4412

    Re John Surrey. How can you call Nick a Judas when he just wants the best for OUR club. It's Arsenal Football Club I support NOT Arsene Football Club. As myself and many others have said "WE WANT OUR FOOTBALL CLUB BACK!"

  60. al

    Apr 04, 2011, 13:03 #4411

    bollocks john,we have a team of bottlers and players that simply are not good enough for our club. every team has some average players because its a fine balance but we seem to have a majority of a team of average players,almunia,eboue,bendtner,denilson,rosicky,squilaci,diaby,arshavin. try tellin me that any of those players would get a game at chelsea,utd,city,barca,real,they would problay struggle to get into the spurs team but yet we have them and they seem to get games and carried by the rest of the team.wengers inabillity to part with cash will also surely mean that we will lose our skipper and if that happens whats to stop nasri and others bailing out. if wenger spends the dough and brings in quality and steel then am sure hes still the right man for our wonderful club. come on arsenal

  61. Ian McCarthy

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:49 #4409

    Wait for two further classic statements in the summer from AW. 1st: I don't need to sign a CB because Vermaelen coming back from injury will be like a new signing. 2nd: I don't need to sign a goalkeeper because that will only slow down Chesneys progress.

  62. reality bites

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:49 #4408

    john from surrey you are deluded like the manager. a great article. i have 5 season tickets and have promised myself that unless the manager leaves or sells the vast quantities of mediocrity that make uo the squad: denilson, diaby (his favourite player, the next Viera, John he is deluded), rosicky all the goalkeepers, squilaci , vela and it goes on. spurs wage bill is 67m our is 110m. something is wrong. we have no marquis players. we should count oursleves fortunate where we are. what if we finish 4th and spurs win the champions league! that is more a reality that winning anything soon. it would be tragedy but quite frankly dereved for the lack of passion he instills in the team, where are the winners? look at man u its just embarrassing i cant stand the manager time to go he controls the selection the players we buy, the passion the fragility the whole thing goodbye mr wenger and close the the door on the way out!

  63. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:48 #4407

    Judas? Goodness me John from Surrey. We have the perfect right to ask for a resignation he has lived on a huge Well of goodwill but it has run dry. He needs to go at the end of season. One thing about wenger is he is thin skinned, any attacks on his brand of football could see him leaving in a huff anyway

  64. Alex Thomson

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:34 #4406

    No doubt Arsenal players v Blackburn insulted the fans with the lack of interest/skills for all the £Millions they earn! Look at the earnings of the players against them and how the fought for their club. Also the manager on £6Million a year has just demonstrated by his comments that he will not worry about fans only his players? Just wait until next Sunday when the lowest waged players in the Barclay Prem show the Millionairs how the fight for a club. Mr Wenger your foreign young players initially costing less to buy and receiving high wages after signing has not worked to produce silverware. Give us a manager who will really take on the players and raise the dressing room roof instead of the quietness and no raised voices. Start paying real money for good english players and you will get the return. Change your aged backroom staff because the are set in your ways too much without without any plan 'B's when things go wrong. Please Board members you cannot leave this dreadful club position with one Manager 7 years now and still nothing in the record books as winners! How can you let this club be a one man tradition any longer without without demonstrating to your fans that major changes of staff and players is needed NOW.

  65. clockendpaul

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:19 #4404

    Great artical nick i agree with everything, there are a few managers out there we could go for, coyle and steve bould to name another couple, the people who think there's no one to take over think back had you heard of wenger! It for me has gone downhill since dein left, he was a arsenal man to the core. One last thing to surry john wake up and smell the coffee you mug!!

  66. Steve

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:16 #4401

    Difficuly one this - hard to make a judgement call without the club first having the honesty to come clean on the is there / isn't there any money to spend issue. If AW is genuinely doing his best with the money availble, then it is difficult to see who can replace him and bring improvements with them. If however there are and have been funds available, the it should be au revior Arsene! Personally i suspect the latter is the case - look at how many flops he has had when buying over the £10m mark - Vermalen aside, it's every single one! He's only comfortable spending sub-£10M on players. Football has moved on Arsene i'm afraid!

  67. gabzevo

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:14 #4400

    WHAT !? Morinho , you've got to be kidding , Really are you that desperate ? WOW ! do u think Morinho would have got us to where we are over the last 5-6 (trophyless seasons, yess i know) with monving to a new stadium and the budget for spending on players , i dont think so , Morinho is good but only with a massive budget to buy a winning team that aint what we about , AND I FOR ONE AM PROUD OF THAT WE CAN NOT JUST DUMP WENGER AFTER HE HAS DONE SO MUCH FOR US even in the trophyless run. i think we need to not let our emmotions get the better of us here we have come closer than in previous seasons , it doesnt look like we will get a trophy this year but we had a really good season till now and its not over i just really dont see how a new manager will help us unless the board decide they are gonna give the new manager a Huge sum of money they never gave weneger its really pointless. this is not the time for whole sale changes we came cloise thi sseason really close and if you ask me we will get stronger we can only get I mean even if Weneger left we will be benifitting from what he has done hear for years to come Morniho would never have achieved what Weneger has on the same budget NEVER

  68. James

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:10 #4399

    "It is our job to stimulate them not boo." Bollocks. You pay £50/60 to be entertained, not watch that shower of ****e. ****ing hell, you want the fans to get those ****ing lazy £50k a week ****s off their backside to start playing as well? What next? All lie down outside the Emirates next time it's snowing so they don't get their Reebok's wet?

  69. Mandy Dodd

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:03 #4398

    Micky Quinn!! TalkSport - such unbiased sources you quote. And just to remind you, the club Micky Quin supports - Liverpool will begin next year as the second in a row without a CL spot - and you allow him to call Arsenal a laughing stock? Pepe - Jose - hilarious....with this board - do you really support Arsenal because you seem to have no idea how the club is run if you think the board will approach one of those two. It is always the nervous brittle fans like you, who without a trace of irony, question the mental strengths of the players. You need to get over yourself. BTW- ever thought the board may be a bit more to blame than Wenger over recent transer policies?

  70. Invest or Die

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:43 #4397

    Surrey John glad you didn't live in 30's Germany blind loyalty gets us no where, dont want him to go but if he wont spend and get rid of the deadwood and assorted annoying ****ers then it is time to say goodbye if we somehow win the league pressure must still be kept up, after reading and listening to an awful lot both on line and at WBA and the grove the man still deserves our respect if not the job............................

  71. Joe

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:43 #4396

    Brilliant piece and absolutely correct!!! Mourinho is the man to restore some pride into our club and he is a winner who would not put up with this **** we see every week.

  72. call to arms

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:36 #4395

    Beware, Wenger has already started his traditional end of season game of smoke and mirrors by making meaningless, opaque statements like 'There are a lot of things going on which I don't want to talk about' and 'I want to be completely neutral, like I have to be' and 'I want to finish the season and then we'll see'. All total bull**it, like the emperor's new clothes, THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE, apart from the fact that he is a busted flush of a manager. We pay his wages and yet post Blackburn he had the gall to come out with the arrogant statement that the crowd's reaction has no influence whatsoever. Well, let's prove him wrong! We have until the end of the season to heckle him into resignation, let's not be as supine and spineless as the board and the current bunch of losers on the pitch. The time to end this pathetic charade is NOW.

  73. Mark

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:35 #4394

    Regrettably Wenger will remain as long as we finish in the top four. The large shareholders love him as he doesn't spend his transfer pot and has driven up the share price. Winning something actually puts more pressure on wages and the need to succeed the next season

  74. The Happening

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:29 #4393

    @Nick I understand how you feel Nick, and I must admit I was one of those people who were calling for the manager to resign ages (years) ago, but I realised, the man is very clever, close to the board, he may even have had something to do with DD's exit in order to further secure his position, who knows? So I've accepted, he won't go, unless SPURS finish above us, dare to think it? Anyway.... Adams Keown Dixon Winterburn? Would i be right in saying that their collective attitude towards defending was not cultivated by Arsene Wenger, correct? Campbell, the same? Lauren, no nonsense!! These guys had it in them, Wenger never coached it upon them!! I believe Vermealen, Djourou and in time Kosicelny can be a great asset to Arsenal, they have the mentality, but have along way to go to match the aforementioned! And herein lies the problem, we currently have no defense whatsoever, GK included! As club manager Arsene MUST address this lack of depth in our squad in the summer, no more faffing about trying to offer less and do good business, we must buy quality, simple as that! We have gifted the Premiership title this year, and I really fear for this team when we play Manchester UTD @the Emirates! Either Usmanov or Kroenke take us over and inject funds, the drawback being we lose our independence, or the current board sanction a transfer kitty, its staring us in the face now, WE NEEED PLAYERS! Just buy some defenders, it so bloody obvious thats where our weakness is its a joke!!

  75. bolluinger

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:19 #4392

    zzz boo hoo give it a rest you muppet

  76. North London Gooner!

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:28 #4388

    Great post, totally agree! Wenger is now making a mockery of our great club....we are in this business to win trophies not just make money. He says that he treats the clubs money as if it were his own.....well I would hate to be his kids at xmas then!! Tactically he is finished, the very fact he replaced our two wide men on Saturday and with two average strikers with NO pace and plays them in the exact same position just sums his delusion up. Spend big or clear out Arsene - your time is fast running out if it hasn't already.

  77. dan

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:27 #4387

    Agree Totally. The veil dramtically and unexpectedly lifted off my eyes after the Brum and Sunderland games. I've had enough of the emperor's new clothes and his insulting bull****. Taxi!!

  78. Mark (London)

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:21 #4385

    Spot on Nick, I totally agree. John, how can you call him a Judas? when he is totally right. We have been given false promises year after year. I am a season ticket holder and go with my son and have been since we moved to the Emirates and went to lads of games at Highbury. So I believe I have a say too. When you move to an amazing stadium like the Emirates, you should have an amazing team to play there and clearly we dont. So many of the players in the team are just simply not good enough to wear the read and white of Arsenal. Allow Wenger continues to tell us otherwise season after season. Why lie to us? When we spend our hard earned money year in year out? Where is our investment going???? Look at the squad and tell me which of them would make you sad if they left??? I can name just a few now (Cesc, Wilshire, Walcott, Nasir, Ramsey and Vermaelen and thats about it for me). Players like Diaby, Denilson, Almunia, Bendtner, Roscicky are just not good enough. And that is the truth. Wenger knew he needed a centre back in January when Vermaelen was injured and didnt buy. He later come out and said, I knew he wouldnt play this season. He knew he needed a good keeper and what did he do, nothing. We still need a holding midfielder and a 25-30 goal a season striker. As much as I love RVP, he will never get these and the main reason is he is injury prone. I love Arsenal so much it hurts sometimes and I believe that we do need some major changes in the summer. But I agree with Nick, if Wenger is still in control or doesnt change his ways, we will never get the players we need to seriously mount a trophy challenge. I dont think we should lose Wenger completely. I think he should be moved upstairs or look after the youth coming through. But when it comes to buying players and managing the team, I believe its now time for a change. We are being lied too

  79. Dan

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:19 #4384

    I personally would like Arsene to continue to manage the club, but only if he gets out of his comfort zone and clears out the mediocre players and buys some winners, players with real character and consistent ability. With the right players there are not many better managers out there than Wenger, but he needs to bring them in at the end of the season otherwise you feel his time at the club might really be over. End of an era. This would probably co-oincide with a third of the squad leaving as well as Usamov taking over the club... not sure whether that's a good thing or not. I hope Arsene recaptures his hunger again at the end of the year otherwise it wouldn't surprise me if he goes. That will be a sad day for the club. Arsenal forever.

  80. William Kamket

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:06 #4383

    AW should apply for a job at the World Bank or European Central Bank. Not a football club, least of all one that is hungry for titles like Arsenal. Enough of the French NEPOTISM !

  81. Tommy

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:57 #4381

    If youre going to write on the club you supposedly love, you should atleast show some respect to the man who took our club to the level were at today. Wenger should stay, this is his team, he built it, this is his players, his hard work. What has happened over the last month is not good enough, and I am not happy myself. But we should not throw Wenger aside so easily: He has shown us over the years what a great manager he is. And he deserves a chance to turn this around. I beileve we are three maybe four players away from being the top side in england. And this season should be the eye opener that Wenger maybe needs, and hu shuld *insert curse word* be given the chance to take this team, his team, to it´s potential. Pepole jump on this wenger-out wagon far to easy, remember that you are Arsenal supporters, remember what this man has done for our beloved club. Show him the respect he deserves, and instead of beheading the team eight games before the season is over show the team the support we have for them. And the passion we as Arsenal supporters have for our club. Support our fu**ing team, they need it now more then ever.

  82. Christof

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:54 #4380

    @John (Surrey) - you are in denial

  83. fasthare

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:52 #4378

    Dear Mr wenger you have stayed too long. In the name of God GO!

  84. north bank 71

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:49 #4377

    a very concise article and one that the majority of real fans would agree with. the man in charge has gone past his sell by date. thanks for all you have done in the past ,it is now time to move on! monaco could see it and moved him on why cant we?

  85. dave

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:48 #4376

    so mourinho would come in and the board would give him the 150-200 mil he normaly requires to build a team and dont give me that porto nonsense, he inherited most of that team as he also did at chelsea and inter. Fact is the board dont cough up the money needed despite claims the money is there so who is the best at spotting and nurturing talent on the cheap, yes, you've guessed it, arsene wenger

  86. Bobby L

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:47 #4375

    Spot on.....his experiment has failed....he lies to us year in year out....in arsene we trust, absolute nonsense. He is tactically inept...all managers know how to play him and he has run out of excuses. He persists with a formation that doesn't work and replaces wingers with forwards......AW has been excellent for Arsenal, but he is too concerned about balancing the books when quite frankly its not his job..Forget pretty football, true gooners want trophies! We need some fresh impetus, some world class players, not avergae dross such as Diaby, Denilson and Almunia...As for not signing a center half....inexcusable, unforgiveable....Vermaelen was always going to be out for the season...David Luiz joins Chelsea for £20m, what a difference....you pay for that type of class....Move upstairs Mr Wenger and bring in a young hungry manager...

  87. charliegeorge

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:46 #4374

    Thumbs up from me. I saw this coming ages ago, and people who know me will confirm that. One of the main problems is, AW could still be a great manager if he stopped pretending to be a great manager. It's his ego that's killed him.

  88. covoteapot

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:46 #4373

    I agree but the trouble is Wenger will never go as the board are happy lining their pockets. If we did get a new manager who can see the s**t that permeates throughout this team then they will require huge funds to re-build and change this team for the better. Can you see the comfort zone being aborted and a new manager coming in and re-building which will, God forbid, require extensive financail commitments..? The whole set up is a load of w**k run by blinkered nobodies who are happy with the mediocre c**p that is churned out week after week. Its a f**king insult to all die-hard Gooners. I am a teacher and I have never had to put up with so much abuse from the kids about the ineptitude of the team I love. Trouble is, I find myself agreeing with them now... Its sad, depressing and all too familiar and I can't be f**ked to listen to Wenger's diatribe about how we don't need extensive re-builidng and that it would 'cruch the dreams of the younger team members'. Who gives a f**k, surely some big names would but the sh*tters up soem of the lazy turds at that club and actually make them work for once. We used to attract the best players as they knew they would be competing for the top honours... Can we attract the same calibre of players with the empty priomises of this regime? Top players don't buy into 'potential' they want to know that the team WILL succeed... It's a bleak future if we keep this band of nearly men...

  89. sparksy

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:42 #4372

    Spot on mate. It is farcical what is going on at our club. John (surrey) - What are you on mate. Get your head out of your arse. How much more **** do we have to put up with before people like you see whats in front of your face.

  90. jay

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:40 #4371

    I think Wenger lacks the ability to approach each game on its merits. he always insists on playing our game, when opposition teams vary in approach. i think this 4-5-1 formation should be shelved for some time and he must spice things up. I would prefer Mourinho as he can change things to achieve the goal.

  91. Big Jim of N5

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:16 #4369

    The only think I wouldnt agree with is Mourinho, he is a mug who will need millions and millions and thats why he wont come but apart from that spot on. In Arsene We Rust.

  92. John (Surrey)

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:08 #4368

    You Judas !!! What a load of cr**. And to end up wishing Mourinho upon us is shere drivel. He has spent over 100m and not won anything either !!! Despite our recent poor performances we are still second in the PL, and not without a chance of winning. The negativity around the ground is pathetic and does not help the players. It is our job to stimulate them not boo. John (Surrey)

  93. Bob Wilson

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:06 #4367

    Defo mate, your spot on!!! In wenger we rust

  94. Chris

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:02 #4366

    Totally agree. HE HAS TO GO! We are spineless and it is so obvious that Wenger can't motivate the players. This is not a knee jerk reaction, its pent up from watching 5 years of almost and nearly followed by pathetic excuses from him. Any manager who plays Bendtner on the wing should be sacked immediately anyway. But the problem now is Wenger has created a situation where I can't see the board having the minerals to sack him and he will hang on until he decides to go. Expect another year of nothing fellow Gooners.

  95. silentstan

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:02 #4365

    spot on. told my boy 4 years ago, nothing will be won while AW still in charge