Fortune favours the bold

Rooney and Vidic style commitment required

Fortune favours the bold

Turnus from Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’ – Sign him up

Fortes fortuna adiuvat.

The phrase means that Fortuna the Goddess of luck, is more likely to help those who take risks or action. Its first recorded use is by the second century BC playwright Terence in his play "Phormio". The phrase was shouted by Turnus in Virgil's Aeneid just before he was utterly destroyed by Aeneas Trojans.

Some will say Arsenal were unlucky not to have converted at least one of their chances on Saturday and that Manchester United were very lucky with some of the decisions that went their way against West Ham but, Turnus the king of the Rutuli would say "Fortes fortuna adiuvat."

Manchester United had their fair share of luck but they also had players with clearly defined roles carrying out their jobs with zeal and passion in abundance. Vidic could easily have been sent off for a number of fouls he committed during the match, most notably when he hauled over Ba in desperation denying him a clear run at United's goal. Say what you like about Vidic but he clearly is prepared to do anything he can to prevent a goal being scored against him and was screaming at Chris Smalling all game to try and get some organisation going at the back.

Wayne Rooney's much publicised four letter word outburst at the Sky TV cameras was in my opinion a display of pent up emotion and raw unbridled passion. What better way is there to respond to the West Ham fans’ chants of "You're just a fat granny shagger!" than a hat trick away from home?

I would give anything to see Arsenal players displaying the commitment of Vidic or the firey passion of Wayne Rooney as that has been the main difference between us and them this season in my opinion. Where is our Turnus? Where have all of our heroes gone? Who amongst our current squad are able to summon up the testicular fortitude required for a battle and inspire others around them?

The answer based on Saturday’s evidence and the case built up throughout the entire month of March is that sadly, none of them are. Some will point to Wilshere as having a certain amount of fight in him but at just 19, he is no leader yet and he only serves to show up the lack of effort put in by our more experienced squad members.

There is no organisation at the back, no one is shouting either instructions or encouragement to their team mates. Our only decent defensive midfielder thinks that changing his hairstyle has magically transformed him into Steven Gerrard and our goalkeeper is about as commanding a presence as Gunnersaurus would have been. Arsenal did not look like a team on Saturday let alone a team fighting for the title, but where do these problems come from?

As a recovering AKB-aholic it is very difficult for me to admit that the blame must lie with the manager and the manager alone. He has built a team full of captains but strangely enough there isn't a single leader to be found among them. Rosicky, Arshavin, Ramsey, Nasri, Chamakh and Van Persie have all captained their countries but none of them will ever inspire or motivate like Tony Adams, Patrick Vieira, Roy Keane or even John Terry.

A lot of Arsenal fans have said that Arsene Wenger does not encourage his players to be vocal on the pitch and I must agree with them, as the lack of communication between the full backs, centre backs and goalkeeper is there for all to see. Arsene Wenger admitted earlier this year that Alex Song was being asked to bomb forward to surprise the opposition but surely this leaves our leaky defence exposed?

Gooners everywhere are praying that Vermaelen returns unscathed from his injury battle from hell as he is the only obvious candidate to replace the Barcelona bound Cesc Fabregas as captain. We would have been better off with Gallas and Campbell at the back against Blackburn but both were allowed to leave for nothing in the summer. The fact that they would now be welcomed back with open arms by most fans is a sad indictment on our current defensive situation.

I am not joking when I say that I would have rather seen Gunnersaurus in goal for us than Manuel "the Spanish Waiter" "the Vampire" "the Morris Dancer" Almunia. When Almunia nearly fumbled a deflected Olsson shot into his own net the stewards standing to my left must have thought I was a Tourette’s sufferer due to the stream of expletives that I found uncontrollably spewing forth from my mouth. When he completely missed his punch from a long free kick from Paul Robinson I almost lost the will to live as I watched Nzonzi's header fly narrowly wide of the post. How many more times are we going to have to bear witness to the criminally inept performances of Manuel Almunia? What is the goalkeeping coach being paid for? If anything Almunia seems to be getting worse from game to game.

Finally in the interest of fairness I must say that while we did somehow manage to keep a clean sheet, in attack we must be the most wasteful team in the Premiership. Before the game I was watching our substitutes playing a keep ball exercise where four players surround the man in the middle and must keep the ball away from him. Surely Chamakh and Bendtner in particular would have been better off with a bit of shooting practice? As Alan Shearer rightly pointed out on Match of the Day Arsenal were shockingly wasteful in front of goal and did not get enough bodies into the box.

Alan Shearer has forgotten more about goalscoring than Chamakh and Bendtner will ever learn and I have to admit that I'm really upset with Wilshere for missing a very good chance early in the game too. The glaring difference in the fans’ reaction to Wilshere's mistake is due to the fact that we can forgive Wilshere because he clearly gives us 100% every single time he pulls on his Arsenal shirt. If all of our players could show the heart, passion, determination and mental strength that this young man has shown us this season we could have been looking at winning at least one trophy this year instead of again looking at an empty trophy cabinet. Arsenal are lacking a top class goal keeper, organisation at the back, leadership, heart, passion, commitment and barring Van Persie a striker who can actually score.

I was talking with my father after the game and he is not going to renew his two club level tickets next season and I'm wondering for how much longer I'm going to be able to justify my two seats in the west lower to the missus as I only seem to be in a bad mood when I come back from the Grove these days.

Wenger sort it out or please get out as I don't know how much more I can take. We wouldn't want to see your shiny new stadium half empty in a couple of years now would we?

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  1. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 05, 2011, 0:02 #4451

    Yes I am going to renew my season tickets for next year but, if we do not make at least some improvements to this current squad then I'll be happy to pass it on to some other gullible mug. The matchday experience has been ****e anyway as there only seems to be about 4,000 of us singing and at least trying to have a bit of a craic. Jesus! Give me the old clock end any day!

  2. northernbof

    Apr 04, 2011, 23:06 #4450

    The idea of any devoted fan relinquishing his season ticket in protest dismays me-as someone has already blogged there are probably tens of thousands of supporters who would quickly take your seat, and the club doesnt care who fills it!The Wenger regime will pass and great days will come again and your hope will be rekindled.Alternatively I would suggest some kind of co-ordinated protest at the last home game ,if the expected happens and we end up competing for fourth spot- A strong possibility. keep the Faith,in Arsenal,if not Wenger.

  3. Gman

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:31 #4431

    Your comments about passion and commitment are spot on. Wenger has rode his luck and now it’s run out. He came in and inherited GG’s dependable defence and BR’s star signing ‘Dennis the God Bergkamp’, went on to buy a load of good French players no one had heard of, but now any manager can pull a foreigner off the shelf. It’s a bit of the British bull dog spirit we need now to give these mercenaries some steel and resolve. I can’t see Cesc or Clichy hanging around at the end of another trophy-less season, along with Bendtner we need to get rid of Almunia, Fabianski, Denilson, Rosicky, Squillaci and Diaby. As much as I dislike SAF, he’s able to work psychology on his players to do the business. I hope Wenger goes gracefully - he has given us lots of good memories. If you can compare us with Holland in the 70,s they never won a world cup and yet everyone remembers their total football philosophy, a bit like Wenger’s but I think we’ve all fed up with the foreplay and need some penetration! it’s come to an end and we need to move on and say thanks for the memories and au revoir.

  4. CD

    Apr 04, 2011, 16:10 #4427

    I have now reached the point of mourning, as it is the closest emotion I have previously experienced to describe what has happened to our club. How is it possible that our club has become the laughing stock and the butt of all jokes regarding choking and losing from regular winning positions. Wenger has lost all his credibility in these last 2/3 seasons and will now probably be remembered more for being a stubborn clueless fantasist in the mould of inspector Clouseau, (exept it isn't funny) rather than his invincible era. How can one man get it so badly wrong in his decision making from players to tactics (zero) to having no leaders etc etc. We simply must call for his head and do everything that is possible to oust him otherwise our club will start to go into a decline which it will really struggle to correct as top players would simply not want to join us even if a new manager was in place, because we will have been left behind by much more ambitious clubs than sadly ours. Another observation- the number of no shows against Blackburn despite being in a position prior to kick off that had we won our remaining nine games we would be Champions, (total fantasy I know, but bear with me) would surely have set alarm bells ringing in any directors box with any collective fingers on the pulse, because can you imagine being in that position again during the invincible era, you would not have found a spare seat even in the toilet!?! The board must be aware surely that the tide is not only turning, but has completely turned against Wenger's fantasy tippy tappy football and will not turn back and that they need to find their collective balls and act, otherwise all manner of ugly scenes are going to be played out in public, which indeed I am advocating as how else are we going to end this charade? Anybody reading this whom is close to Gazidis, should urge him to visit this website and read all the articles from the last few months and all the comments below because if they are not aware that Wenger's time is up, then their's should also be!!! Wenger out now.

  5. Richard Ansell

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:22 #4405

    Completely agree with you Joe. I have seen enough of this crop of players to last me a lifetime. I have supported Arsenal through thick and thin (a lot of thin during the seventies and eighties) but never have I felt so angry and frustrated with an Arsenal manager. I use this title loosely as Wenger does not seem to be able to manage his way out of a paper bag. If he is still in charge next season with the same players and system then I for one will not be watching and I never thought the day would come when I said that.

  6. chris dee

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:17 #4403

    After 10 minutes on Saturday what I feared , and the rest of the crowd feared happened.Yet another performance that looked like a training session but not taking into account an opposition who will close down,be physical,determined and dirty if need be. The team and Arsene, seem to get offended if teams do not lay down and die in the face of our mystical football 'philosophy'.The term winning the battle then playing football is obviously beneath our enlightened state of mind. A state of mind that has missed every oportunity,and we 've had a few,of catching and overtaking United.A state of mind that sees us choking at Wembley.A state of mind that Arsene laughingly calls our 'mental strength'.Well we all know that's a load of balls.Together with our legendary mental strength we must add our legendary physical strength where every 50/50 challenge is lost,when pulling out of tackles is commonplace,when being pushed off the ball is accepted as part of the norm.When losing headers from corners and free kicks is guaranteed to gift goal to the opposition,but in Arsene's defence this is only a recent development 2006 I believe. Jack Wilshere has rightly been praised for his commitment ,both mental and physical,but give it another season and this will be knocked out of him just as it was knocked out of Thomas Verm who's last few months before his injury were spent imitating a ball playing midfielder whos only concern was looking good on the ball,which just about sums up Arsenal.Good on the ball.

  7. danalovAFCXI

    Apr 04, 2011, 12:16 #4402

    its just wierd to be second in the league with a chance of winning it but we all know deep down its not going to happen. I did have hope but now after this weekend its gone.

  8. bunch

    Apr 04, 2011, 11:14 #4391

    Joe, I am also getting some "ag" from the missus about my miserable long face after each game. "You love Arsenal but Arsenal don't love you" she says. "Watch it on TV and you can turn it off if you don't like it. And the money for the season ticket can be put to better use" I guess I am not the only Gooner having this discussion at home right now.

  9. Nick

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:39 #4389

    If Vidic played for Arsenal, that style of commitment would get him sent off 6 times a season.

  10. HowardL

    Apr 04, 2011, 10:22 #4386

    A bit of Victoria Concordia Crescit wouldn't be bad either

  11. pilott

    Apr 04, 2011, 9:52 #4379

    I really wish all fans can be honest as you. you called a spade a spade and that's refreshing. well done and for your sake I hope the gooners reward the faith your'll have shown to your team...