After Wenger – Part Two: Do Arsenal Require A Pep Pill?

Could Guardiola be the man to take over from Arsene?

After Wenger – Part Two: Do Arsenal Require A Pep Pill?

Guardiola: Fancies a go at the Prem

What do you get the man who has everything? A life spent in a beautiful Mediterranean coastal city, a global leader in your chosen profession by the age of 40, an output of quality from your product rarely, if ever, witnessed at any other time, the adoration of 100,000+ on a weekly basis and the figurehead of an institution that is the embodiment of a nation of seven million people without an independent state of their own. The 40-year-old Catalan hero, however, is seemingly bored with paradise and has refused to speak on his future beyond the expiry of his current contract in 2012. Paradise is also not without its own problems – the financial implications of maintaining the dream team mean that Barcelona have a considerable cash flow problem. There have also been reports that Pep is tiring of the stress of managing the Catalan super club as well as the lack of autonomy that comes from managing in Spain. Also, how does one top Saturday night’s Wembley victory?

Pep has long harboured a desire to come to the Premiership, as far back as the tail-end of his playing career, when his wish had been to wind down his career at Arsenal whilst acquiring further knowledge from Arsène Wenger in preparation for a career in management. This wish never materialised, nor did anything come from trials at Man City and Wigan. However the wish to move to England is still no doubt a part of Guardiola’s future plans. On this front, however, Arsenal face stiff competition. Sir Alex Ferguson will not go on forever at Old Trafford, Abramovich sees Pep as his prime target to replace Ancelotti at Chelsea, and the Petro-Dollars of the Middle Eastlands may also swoop should Roberto Mancini fail to live up to the sky-high expectations that follow City’s FA Cup win and Champions League qualification.

The case in Favour of Pep Guardiola
The brand of football shown by Barcelona is not a million miles away from what Wenger has tried to achieve at Arsenal over the last 15 year. In fact, it has greatly influenced Pep’s style of football. It is widely recognised that Guardiola is a big fan of Arsenal’s style of play. Also, watching Barcelona is a lot like watching a version of Arsenal that actually knows how to win things and has some of Arsenal’s faults ironed out with a bit of steel added to the silky play – can you imagine an Arsenal side with the determination to win back possession of the ball that Barcelona display?

Also, the conditions at Arsenal favour Guardiola far more than those at our rivals. Despite Abramovich’s strong desire for Guardiola and his style of play, the liberal use of the axe at Stamford Bridge that has seen the likes of Mourinho and Ancelotti sacked after a solitary season of failure (relative or otherwise), regardless of previous achievement, is largely the self-same culture from which Guardiola would be seeking refuge in the Premiership. While Guardiola is tiring of being subordinate to the whim of an elected Barcelona president, at Stamford Bridge he would be subordinate to the tyranny of Roman Abramovich – a clear example of the worst of both worlds if ever there was one. If past conduct is anything to go by, the Arsenal board - in contrast - offers a degree of autonomy of which Guardiola can at present only dream.

Apparently Guardiola is also not greatly excited at the thought of stepping into Sir Alex Ferguson’s shoes either, and who could blame him? Aside from replacing a Legend who will no doubt, when the time comes, be leaving Old Trafford on a high, United - like Barça - have their own financial problems and greatly need to replace a few key personnel at the tail-end of their careers. Of last season’s top four sides, Arsenal no doubt have the strongest financial circumstances to adapt to the post-UEFA Fair Play world come 2013 and are either producing or have purchased some great raw youth talent. In Arsène Wenger, he would also be replacing a figurehead that, unlike Fergie, seems to have fallen from his pedestal in recent years – a situation from which Guardiola can only really gain.

Also, at the age of 40, Guardiola potentially has a few decades left in him at the top. A side of young up-and-coming talent managed by a vibrant young manager with experience of winning things is no doubt a mouth-watering prospect.

The Case Against Pep Guardiola
Acquiring a great new manager is a lot like acquiring great new players. If your aim is to acquire the world’s hottest talent in competition with the like of Manchester City, Chelsea et al, then it comes at a price on the wages front, something the Arsenal board have balked at the thought of doing for far too long. Unless Stan Kroenke brings a major change of direction on this front, acquiring Guardiola will remain a pipe dream. Also, there is a hole in the heart of this great Barça team. Like Arsenal, there is a tendency to dominate games without killing off the opposition. Barça really should have beaten United by a bigger margin than they actually did on Saturday and they should never have gone in at half time on equal terms with a United side that they overwhelmingly outplayed. Pep’s Barcelona also lost their second round first leg to an Arsenal side that they overwhelmingly dominated and could even have been eliminated if Arsenal’s last chance had fallen to a sharper marksman than Nicklas Bendtner.

A friend of mine recently opined that this Barcelona side would probably look much less awe-inspiring if they played in the premiership week-in, week-out with its contingent of rugged anti-football sides like Stoke City. Arsenal’s major weakness and arguably their biggest obstacle to success is their leaky defence, though in reality how formidable is Barça’s defence? Even Guardiola is painfully aware that Barça’s defence is ‘not good’. So far it hasn’t hampered Guardiola’s sides, who simply account for any defensive frailties with a formidable attack, though arguably to succeed in the world of the premiership you need to be more versatile than simply trying to outscoring your opponents. In recent years Barcelona, much like Arsenal, have also been accused of lacking height and not being great at defending set pieces. Also, a young manager achieving so much and becoming so lauded so early may well be fertile breeding ground for the kind of arrogance that we’ve seen before and that has led to a successful manager’s inability to adapt and survive to a change of footballing terrain, such as George Graham post-1991 and Wenger post-2004. In essence therefore, it may be the case that a considerable amount of the frustrating elements of Wenger’s Arsenal may not be solved by Pep Guardiola’s style of management.

Final Assessment: A strong upholder of Arsenal’s post-1996 USP of pure football. Apparent chinks in Guardiola’s armoury are overwhelmingly counter-balanced by results achieved thus far on the pitch. Although of course, this was once the case with Wenger, was it not? - 9 out of 10

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  1. I heart AW

    Jun 06, 2011, 19:01 #8326

    So Wenger's had fifteen years of relative success?? Do those fifteen years include the past trophyless six! You really think replacing a guy that finishes 4th every year and wins sod all every year and can't coach a defence is gonna be hard? Seriously? His titles were in the PAST. In the present, he's an excuse-making joke who has been underperforming and overpaid for six years. Replacing him is the easiest bit. Yet you're making out this is difficult? What because he's been there so long? And once won stuff in the past?! What kind of tool logic is that then? You either perform, or not. He hasn't been for six years. He needs to go. Simple. Plenty of managers out there to replace him. Even if that means two years of finishing 4th in order to progress then so be it. Arsenal are going nowhere under Wenger, and the sooner the club is rid of excuse-making jokers like Rob Exley then the better!

  2. Exley's conscience

    Jun 06, 2011, 17:39 #8325

    So Robert. Another rubbish article with the INSINUATION that Arsenal will suffer post -Wenger. Hogwash. You ask how many other managers have three titles? I ask how many other managers have had fifteen years! You talk about 15 years of relative success which is a fat lie, considering the last six years have been garbage. Look at the FACTS and stop being a hair-brained numpty: Wemnger has won nothing in six years, he has a huge wage bill of £110 mil and yet, Redknapp who has a wage bill of £67 mil manages to finish fourth also. Moyes did it once too. So again I repeat: why are you fabricating? Smooth transition? You reeeeally think a new manager would do worse than finishing fourth and trophyless despite a wage bill of £110 mil and a £6 mil a year salary? Even though I've just proved that managers earning far less than Wenger have been able to finish in the CL places and not win trophies?! You are a clown Exley, a braibwashed, misinformed Wenger mouthpiece and I'm glad the various comments have exposed you for the sap you are. This has been ripped to shreds, so I'm here to douse this in petrol and turn it to cinders. Pure unfettered garbage.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 06, 2011, 15:59 #8323

    to robert exley is your life really so sad that you have to keep coming back at people who dont agree with you or have a different opinion than you really really sad get a life.

  4. Ron

    Jun 06, 2011, 15:50 #8322

    Yet more Barca are a shade of Arsenal garbage. Sorry mate but you need to wake up and get a reality check. This wreaks of the brainwashed Arsenal fan of the last 7-8 years in that its written by one who actually believes the 'pure football' myth that Mr Wenger has created. Its quite sad really but to be brutal, how can people actually conceive of some of the over rated dross that command big salaries and first team places at Arsenal getting into any top Coach's 1st 11 never mind Guardiola's first 11.

  5. Mark

    Jun 06, 2011, 14:06 #8318

    amazing really Mourinhro salary at chelsea was between £4-5m between june 2004 and when he left. AW is paid over £6m and is quite simply nowhere near as good a coach. It will take wild horses to drag AW away from that salary thats for sure

  6. Chrissie

    Jun 06, 2011, 12:52 #8315

    I can't believe some of the comments made about this article. For those who have not been keeping up, it's the second in a series written by the excellent Mr Exley on possible contenders to replace Wenger, irrespective of whether that is now or at some point in the future. Robert - I hope you are not put off by the views expressed in the comments section and continue with the rest of the series as I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on some of the other contenders. Will Mourinho get a mention?

  7. Paul

    Jun 06, 2011, 12:45 #8314

    Ok. So Robert...if your point is that Pep's football isn't a million miles away from what Wenger has TRIED to achieve, then surely there is a case for saying that Pep's football isn't a million miles away from what Ian Holloway, Harry Redknapp, Roberto DiMatteo and Owen Coyle have TRIED to achieve!!! What's your bloody point? The football is either close or, not!

  8. No. 1 is perry groves...

    Jun 06, 2011, 12:44 #8313

    signing Guardiola as manager is probably the only way to keep fabregas at the club

  9. Robert Exley

    Jun 06, 2011, 12:42 #8312

    Someone with a brain - 'Why are you making out that replacing Wenger is a massive feat? He isn't Fergie, he's got 3 titles in 15 years. That's pretty f****g mediocre for a club of Arsenal's size'. If you do have a brain then please explain how many of Wenger's predecessors achieved 3 title wins? I think it's none, is it not? Therefore how can it be mediocre? Secondly, as I've pointed out, name me a club that has instantly replaced a manager with 15 years of relative success and have not only carried on their previous level of success but surpassed it. I'm afraid other than Shankley at Liverpool there aren't many examples - not united after Busby, not Leeds after Revie, not Forest after Clough, not Spurs after Bill Nicholson. I'm convinced of the argument of the need to replace Wenger, but far from convinced it will be a smooth transition and everything will be rosy as a result. Who Arsenal replace Wenger with a massive decision with enormous consequences on Arsenal's future success, which I why I've tried to get the ball rolling on discussing the matter with this series of articles. Instead we've got a ****ing boo/hiss/cheer pantomime!

  10. Croker

    Jun 06, 2011, 12:03 #8309

    @Robert Exley. Well I enjoyed this article Rob and thanks for answering your critics. Everyone who wants AW removed has to answer the question "Well who would you appoint as the new manager then?". At least you've had the b@lls and the eloquence to have an entertaining stab at answering that question.

  11. Mark

    Jun 06, 2011, 11:46 #8308

    Samba - cost blackburn £450k 3.5 years ago and we will buy him for £10m and he is french ! so much for AW scouting ability for anything french. Come in AW your time is up. without David Dein handling player sourcing you really have not done very well at all these last 2-3 years

  12. John Evans

    Jun 06, 2011, 11:37 #8307

    How has AW been "reasonably successful for 15 years?" surely he has been successful for the first half of his time at our club and then failed miserably to keep that record going. The last half of his reign has been average at best in my eyes. In some peoples eyes it has been poor so to make out replacing him is a massive task just doesn't add up as things stand. I feel confident we could get anyone of around 10 managers to replace him and not get any worst. So to start a whole series of who is up to the job is pointless in my opinion. If Harry Redknapp can get a club like Spurs finishing 4th and then 5th in his two seasons at the club why couldnt someone with his pretty basic management style get us 4th every season? I am not making a case for Harry to be our next manager, I am just making a point that you haven't got to be the brains of Europe to get us performing like we have for the past five seasons or so.

  13. John

    Jun 06, 2011, 11:28 #8306

    Robert, how many times are you going to try and defend your article. Look, put your hands up and admit you are an amateur and your points have been tore to shreds. Keep your day job.

  14. JAJGooner

    Jun 06, 2011, 11:17 #8305

    Shocked by some of the vitriol on these posts. I think the author has had to play Devil's advocate to provide some ammunition against Pep becoming Wenger's replacement. Truth is he's probably just trying to provide some balance - I appreciate that so good article I say. In response to the topic itself, i agree with what ikechukwu and Klvon say if not the way in which they said it. Pep would be a dream come true at the Emirates. I reckon a mix of the Invicibles' physicality and the current Barca style of possession play would be perfect for the Premiership - but the million dollar question is how do you achieve that?

  15. macks

    Jun 06, 2011, 6:56 #8302

    Why do you show him the door? How can you spit in the face of the man who has believed in you? (And the only coach in Europe who can train youth)

  16. Someone with a brain

    Jun 06, 2011, 0:43 #8298

    Rob Exley replies to someone below: ' As I said, great side but there is a whole in the heart of it that someone will exploit one day. Also Ikechukwu on the wages argument, if Pep knows a lesser manager can command £1.5 million more than him and come 2012 half of Europe wants his signiture' Blimey can't tell the difference between 'hole' and 'whole', you can't spell 'signature' (what is a 'signiture'??)...but apparently you are supposed to be taken seriously as a non Wenger-licking automaton who has his head stuck so far up AW's arse he's lost his specs? Why are you making out that replacing Wenger is a massive feat? He isn't Fergie, he's got 3 titles in 15 years. That's pretty f****g mediocre for a club of Arsenal's size. He's won sod all in 6 years. He can't negotiate Birmingham. He has a massive wage bill but signs crap Frenchies every summer. The best players continually leave. The football is bland, slow and predictable. He is a serial bottler who is happy to merely 'qualify' for the CL but has NO chance of winning it. I could go on but I fear it's redundant with someone as clueless as you. 'Not a million miles away from Barca', don't make me f*****g laugh!

  17. Yawn

    Jun 05, 2011, 22:20 #8297

    Crap article by another Wenger-licking know-nothing. I mean, 'not a million miles away' from Barca is a joke comment. utter joke, totally deluded. And Frimpong??! Ha ha ha. Won't even bother addressing the stupidity of that point. Yeah Barca have Pedro, a class kid, and we have Frimpong. Errr...who that! Pep is too good for this club, he is a winner. Arsenal has become a club for Losers. Too many Frenchies on massive wages who are mercenaries, happy to sit back and collect their wages. The club is a farce under Wenger and someone like Pep would help revolutionise this ailing club, with no trophies and no winning mentality.

  18. Aaron

    Jun 05, 2011, 21:46 #8296

    How is Guardiola rated only 9 out of 10? What more could he have done to warrant a 10? Guardiola's biggest achievement is managing all the egos at Barcelona and have the highest work rate of any team in Europe. What is Arsenal's main problem? I would argue first is tactical nouse in terms of organisation and basic defending. Next is a lack of work rate and fueled by a sense of entitlement. Guardiola would sort these out immediately.

  19. Richard

    Jun 05, 2011, 21:39 #8295

    I agree with theo . I was reading over this and thinking the same thing. how much did rooney and ronaldo cost ? We will see frimpong this season and I am 90% sure he will prove to be an able replacement to Song. Who is also an unsung hero at Arsenal. The reason barcelona are so much better is because of the millions of pounds of money they have shelved out compared to arsenal. With their already brilliant youth (messi etc.). They do pay over the odds and thats why they are now in so much debt. Get behind the team and the manager. You wonder why players like nasri want to leave when we have the worst supporters in england.Its a shocking blow and has hit me for six too. The supporters of arsenal just need to trust. We are 1-2 signings away from greatness. One bad result and our heads are down for the rest of the season.

  20. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 21:36 #8294

    Andre: 'Citing Nasri as a product of our 'youth policy' when we paid £15 mil for him is a complete joke and makes you look like a one-eyed, impartial Wenger drone' - two points: 1) Nasri was not cited as a product of a 'youth policy' my article makes no reference to a youth policy at all. Nasri is mentioned as an example of Arsenal 'either producing or have PURCHASING some great raw youth talent'. 2) How can somebody be 'one eyed' and 'impartial'? If you're going to criticise learn the correct terminology, dumbass!

  21. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 21:26 #8293

    'Andre 3000, You (rightly) claim Arsenal didn't develop Nasri and Ramsey' - Theo, he may have rightly claimed that, but I didn't wrongly claim otherwise. My phrasing was that Arsenal 'are either producing or have purchased some great raw youth talent'. If I have openly phrased that Arsenal have purchased youth talent, how can Andre misinterpret that I've claimed Wenger has produced Nasri and Ramsey? The reason is because Andre is clearly a remedial!

  22. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 21:12 #8292

    Nisar - despite a free state education you clearly haven't developed the ability to read. 'So now a nobody like Frimpong is being used as an example of successful youth?....Ramsey has won nothing, proved nothing' - er no, Frimpong and Ramsey are examples of what I called 'raw youth talent', that phrase is not under anybody's interpretation a proven success but then again much of Barca's youth produce were once too, hence why Guardiola would be a good manager for them to work under. 'Saying Arsenal's Footie is "not a million miles away" from Barca is a lie in itself!' - already done this one, but you're quite clearly someone who needs to be told more than once. As I state 'Barca's football is not a million miles away from what Wenger has TRIED to achieve over the last 15 years'. 'I think it's desperate of you to use Nasri and Ramsey as examples of the youngsters' - I think if you're under the age of 23 you can quite easily in football terms be termed a 'youngster'. 'Nasri is sick of playing for a loser manager at a non winning club' - which is why the article has the hypothetical scenerio of Nasri playing under Pep and how Pep can improve his game, ****nut!. 'Guardiola is a winner and a works class manager' - sorry what is a 'works class manager'? I assume you were trying to write 'world class manager' and er... yes, I think you'll find I've given him 9/10 if you ****ing bother to look! 'As for this article, I think it's poor and makes out Wenger has done a much better job than he actually has!' - really what even this quote? 'In Arsène Wenger, he would also be replacing a figurehead that, unlike Fergie, seems to have fallen from his pedestal in recent years – a situation from which Guardiola can only really gain'. If you're complaining that my article hasn't portrayed Wenger's 15 year tenure as an unmitigated disaster and denied the fact that Wenger was at one point a manager capable of influencing the like of young would-be managers like Pep ten years back, then guilty, but unfortunately for a revisionist like you it happens to be true - just that times have moved on and he's not the man to lead us forward from this point. 'Exley = Wenger apologist with a deluded sense of the sorry state the club is actually in' - really, well maybe you should read my previous articles 'No Case For The Defence', 'Dogmatism or Pragmatism', 'After The Love Is Gone' or the first part of this serial where rabid pro-Wengerites have castigated me for being critical of Wenger and in the latter case telling me to grow up for daring to draw up a list of would be successors. It seems to me that it is increasingly the case that unless you write a rabidly pro or anti Wenger article on this site there's a ****ing keyboard lynch mob from both sides of the argument accusing you of being the ****ing anti-christ!

  23. Nyron

    Jun 05, 2011, 20:44 #8291

    Rubbish article I'm afraid. It's simple really, Pep is top class. Wenger is a D-List celebrity and a trophyless, mediocre manager. If Arsene is being lauded for his youth approach by pointing to Nasri and Ramsey, then it's correct to laid Fergie for Ronaldo and Rooney! Face facts, AW almost got rid of Cole until Sylvinho had a dodgy passport! I'm a ST holder and I'm sick of Wenger, he's not hard to replace, he's a past it excuse making tool. Even Redknapp managed to sign and churn out a British PFA Player of the Year. In fifteen years at Arsenal, how many British PFA players of the year had AW developed or managed? Answer NONE. Fergie has, Maureen has and even Benitez has!!! Yet Wenger in fifteen bloody years, had produced NO quality Brits until Jack and he's not finished article yet by any means. Face it, Wenger overspends on French crap, he only shops in French LIDL while proper managers look elsewhere. How many French league players have Fergie and Maureen signed over the past five years then? Answer:NONE. Probably explains their success as managers while we carry on being a joke. Sorry Richard, nice try at making out replacing Wenger is gonna be a huge job. Nonsense. No it isn't. Replacing Wenger is easy and I can name ten managers I'd have over him off the top of my head. He's won nothing in SIX years!! I'll take anyone who can handle Birmingham in a cup final to be honest. Sorry Exley but this is weak as Diaby's pee...

  24. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jun 05, 2011, 20:21 #8289

    Andre 3000, You (rightly) claim Arsenal didn't develop Nasri and Ramsey, yet then go on to praise Ferguson for developing Ronaldo (who he paid £12m for) and Rooney (who cost £30m!!!) Worse than that, you say Redknapp's coaching helped Bale get Player of the Year, yet that's the same Renknapp that was willing to sell him before injury to his first choice left back forced his hand!! If you're going to have a go at others for inaccuracies, you should first make sure you're not about to do the exact same thing!!

  25. Nisar

    Jun 05, 2011, 20:01 #8288

    Oh dear the Wenger muppet show hits town! So now a nobody like Frimpong is being used as an example of successful youth? Sorry Richard you're off your tree. Saying Arsenal's Footie is "not a million miles away" from Barca is a lie in itself! As for Pep, he's a winner and the culture at Arsenal now is a Loser's culture. The club is full of French mercenaries, overpaid mediocre players happy to kick back and win nothing. Wenger has made a right hash of this club imo. I think it's desperate of you to use Nasri and Ramsey as examples of the youngsters. Nasri is sick of playing for a loser manager at a non winning club. Ramsey has won nothing, proved nothing. Fact is, Wenger in fifteen years had developed Cashley and he had to move to Chelsea to win trophies! Guardiola is a winner and a works class manager. He's who we should have as boss. He'd instantly get rid of the Eboues, Songs and Diabys. The club needs to ditch the loser in charge and get a winner like Pep. As for this article, I think it's poor and makes out Wenger has done a much better job than he actually has! Exley = Wenger apologist with a deluded sense of the sorry state the club is actually in...

  26. Spike

    Jun 05, 2011, 19:21 #8287

    Guardiola is the obvious choice and AFC should do whatever it takes to get him (although I doubt they will). The statement that this would send out to the footballing world that we mean business again would be worth it alone. I can't see wages being a problem, given the finances we have held back and the sums we are prepared to pay some of the dross currently employed. At the end of the day, Pep could fail in England but at least we would have tried to move forward instead of year after year standing still. At least he wouldn't settle for 20 years of coming second.

  27. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 18:00 #8284

    Gare Kekeke - 'Guardiola is a fan of our football but only because we are trying to replicate the Dutch Total Football of the 1970s into our league. Barcelona have had that philosphy ingrained in that club since the mid-70s'. This statement is in itself not a million miles away from 'Pep's Barcelona are not a million miles away from the style of Football that Wenger has TRIED to play at Arsenal for the last 15 years' so why the **** was it deemed such a contraversial and 'pro-Wenger' statement? I also agree with your point about Pep bringing in experience to back the youth, though some here seem to fly into a rant at the mereist hint of a quote that isn't in total damnation of developing young players. I don't however agree with you that replacing Wenger is going to be easy. If you read my article 'After The Love Is Gone' back in April I'm in clear agreement that we're nearing the time for change, however apart from Shankley's Liverpool where the change over still left the old order in tact who else in English football havee replaced a manager who has been reasonably successful for 15 years and had continued success? Arguably when Wenger came to Arsenal in 1996, but again there was a bit of continuity with the back four. Replacing Wenger is becoming necessary, but don't be under any illusion that its going to be a smooth transition, whoever comes in to replace him.

  28. steve tulett

    Jun 05, 2011, 17:42 #8283

    well worth a read robert,after the reports about nasri he can f**k off with the rest of the french twats that keep stiring ****.f**k off to utd.getting back to the manager bit i dont think he would come and he spends money to improve his side.(not the arsenal way)

  29. Joshua

    Jun 05, 2011, 17:14 #8279

    Legolas how can you use Frimpong as an example of a flop. He is 18 years old and spent all of this season out with a cruciate injury maybe thats the reason for a lack of first team games. Other players from youth acadamey who are all playing first team football Lansbury(came second in championship player of the year) and helped them get promoted, Benik Afobe started most of his games for huddersfield and played in the playoff final oh and barcelona tried to sign him. Jay emmanual thomas another young player who started in a playoff final and Harry Redknapp did not produce a pfa player of the year because like we did with nasri and ramsey Redknapp bought Bale who had 2 or 3 good games in the champions league and ended the season with 7 league goals and one assist. moron

  30. Gare Kekeke

    Jun 05, 2011, 17:04 #8278

    No brainer. When Pep leaves Barca we should offer him a role with us straight away as I believe things will not improve under Wenger. Guardiola is a fan of our football but only because we are trying to replicate the Dutch Total Football of the 1970s into our league. Barcelona have had that philosphy ingrained in that club since the mid-70s. Unlike Wenger, Guardiola wouldn't stop himself from bringing in experience players to back the youngsters in fear of them. @ Adam T: Guardiola may have made a few bad buys but then what manager dosen't? If Guradiola can see a player is not working, like every other manager he gets rid, not persist with because he 'believes in them' and hands them lucrative contract extensions. @ John Smith: I'm in agreement with you, replacing Wenger is not as hard as some people think. Wenger out, Pep in.

  31. Mark

    Jun 05, 2011, 17:03 #8277

    to be honest i cannot think why Pep G would be remotely tempted to come to Arsenal given the current state of Arsenals squad and to work for an American owner - it is not going to happen because Pep G is a man of great passion and love for football and Arsenal is no longer about that.

  32. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 16:45 #8275

    'I've seen Robert Exley write a fair few articles for OLG and in every single one without fail, he mentions Wenger's 'Youth policy' - Really, what even the one I wrote solely about Leyton Orient and the effect of Arsenal's move to Highbury in 1913? Or the one I wrote about Karen Murphy and showing Football in pubs at 3PM? Or the character assassination on Joey Barton that got half of Newcastle up in arms? Or the tribute to Malcolm Allison? Or the one arguing that the FA Cup winners should be given a place in the Champions League? Or the 10 year anniversary of Rocky's death? Every single article I have written in the Gooner WITHOUT FAIL has mentioned Wenger's youth policy? Andre if you ever go and see a mind reader never pay more than half price!

  33. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 16:26 #8274

    Andre 3000 - put control F into some use and find where the words 'Youth Policy' appear on my article - the six times that you've mentioned it, not once by me! If you can halt your fevered ranting for one second the phrase I have written here is that Arsenal 'are either producing or have purchased some great raw youth talent', so your Nasri example is irrelevant. I never said Arsenal produced Ramsey or Nasri, they're young talent under the age of 23 with a decent amount of potential. Also, your accusation that I'm always banging on about 'youth policy' - go google my name, online gooner and 'youth' or 'youth policy' and it doesn't come up with much. And please don't call me your 'mate', because I am not. Again one week my articles are criticised for being 'pro-Wenger' the next I'm criticsed for being 'anti-Wenger'. I think if that shows anything, it shows that this site is dangerously turning into two factions of ranting 'with us or with the terrorists' style factions who clearly have no capacity for critical dialogue or reasoned argument!

  34. Legolas

    Jun 05, 2011, 15:50 #8273

    Youth policy??! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Nasri = paid £15 mil, developed by Marseille. FRIMPONG now??! I rest my case. 0 PL appearances but do carry on... Harry Redknapp at Spuds even managed to produce a PFA Player of the year, how many has AW produced in the past 6 years? In case you hadn't noticed, Nasri is also desperate to leave! Ramsey was bought for big money, we outbid ManU on wages!! Wenger paying big money and stealing kids from other academies, then winning nothing with them is failure in my book. But in yours, it's a brilliant youth policy. So does Ronaldo count as Fergie's successful youth policy then? He was signed for less than Nasri after all! And was younger too! And he won the CL, PL and PFA Player of the Year! Does Higuain count as Real's youth too then? Signed for just £13 mil as a young lad?! WHICH great youth players! Wenger has produced one youth player in fifteen years and he was sold to Chelsea! We now have Wilshere and he will soon also become fed up of hanging with losers and do one.

  35. John Smith

    Jun 05, 2011, 15:38 #8272

    Exley says 'It is widely recognised that Guardiola is a big fan of Arsenal’s style of play' If I were Pep, i'd be a massive fan of Wenger's style of play too. Especially if I knew it meant each time I drew Arsenal in the CL, it was a guaranteed bye for my club!!! I hear Pep's also a big fan of Ian Holloway's style too LOL Crap reasoning for pretending replacing AW will be so tough (it won't, he is a mediocre manager). Crap reasoning = crap article. Don't give up the day job.

  36. Nick Cannon

    Jun 05, 2011, 15:23 #8270

    Adam T you are a clown. Pep 'shocking wastes of money'? What you mean like David Villa, Adriano, Dani Alves, Abidal and co? Ha ha ha. Sure Zlatan and Chigrinsky flopped but look at what the others have WON. Oh but I forgot, AW is a better spotter of talent. I mean look at amazing buys like Koscielny, Squillaci, Silvestre, Chamakh, Almunia, Fabianski, Diaby, Denilson, Gallas...we won soooo much with all these players didn't we? Hmmm?

  37. Andre 3000

    Jun 05, 2011, 15:10 #8268

    Jesus another deluded fool has his say. Like the way the author has tried to wriggle out of the nonsense he has written. It's so easy to rip this bulls*** to shreds I can't be bothered. I'll just say this. I've seen Robert Exley write a fair few articles for OLG and in every single one without fail, he mentions Wenger's 'Youth policy'. I have no idea which planet you live on but you need to fix up and learn facts. What youth system!! You are using Frimpong as an example of great youth? How many professional league games has he started in his life? Oh yeah that's right...NONE! Youth policy and you mention Samir Nasri!!!! Wenger paid £15 mil for Nasri, he was developed by Marseille. And in case you hadn't noticed he now wants to leave Arsenal. Success then? Aaron Ramsey? Wenger OUTBID MANCHESTER UNITED for Ramsey by offering him almost double the wages United were gonna offer. Again, Ramsey was developed at Cardiff. WENGER DEVELOPED NONE OF THE PLAYERS YOU MENTIONED! You talk pure rubbish mate, I actually feel a bit sorry for you! Youth policy? Pfffft, stealing other clubs youth and then passing them on as your own ain't genius. In that case if you wanna talk youth policies that succeed, how about you mention that Ferguson has produced two young players in Ronaldo and Rooney who have won the PL, CL, and PFA Player of the Year! Even HARRY F****G REDKNAPP HAS TAKEN A YOUTH PLAYER AND TURNED HIM INTO PFA PLAYER OF THE YEAR!!! What has AW done with Walcott then? Who he signed at the same time as Spuds signed Bale? Hmmmm? Citing Nasri as a product of our 'youth policy' when we paid £15 mil for him is a complete joke and makes you look like a one-eyed, impartial Wenger drone. In that case is Ronaldo part of ManYoo 'Youth policy'? Is Rooney? Is Higuain part of Real Madrid's youth policy as they actually paid less for him than we did for Nasri? (£13 mil). You really, really haven't got your facts straight at all. Pitiful attempt to talk up Wenger. Must try harder.

  38. Robert Exley

    Jun 05, 2011, 14:44 #8267

    Klovn and Ikechukwu - if Guardiola has said it himself that he holds Wenger in high esteem and a decade ago wanted to come to Arsenal to learn from him, what you think on the matter is irrelevant. Also Klovn, if you actually bother to look at what I actually wrote, the quote is 'the brand of football shown by Barcelona is not a million miles away from what Wenger has tried to achieve at Arsenal over the last 15 years' which is an entirely different statement from 'Arsenal's football is not a million miles away from Barca'. Try paying attention to what is actually written on the screen in front of you! Also you've compared our midfield with Xavi and Iniesta - as Danish Gooner has pointed out if we get Pep, those two are not part of the deal. And Ikechukwu, my article is one written by a 'rosetinter' - again funny that, last week I was accused of being anti-Wenger. Maybe a few point should stop seeing the Wenger argument in such black and white terms. Also the argument over whether Barca would get thrashed by Stoke - well they did lose to an Arsenal team that they outplayed who got thrashed by Stoke. As I said, great side but there is a whole in the heart of it that someone will exploit one day. Also Ikechukwu on the wages argument, if Pep knows a lesser manager can command £1.5 million more than him and come 2012 half of Europe wants his signiture, can you see Arsenal getting him for less than £10M? Supply and demand, you do the math! And to Terry - well there is also Ramsey, Nasri, Frimpong, Lansbury, Chesney - most of that list not as good as Jack and far from the finished article, but certainly can be molded into top talent over the next 4 years.

  39. Exiled-Gooner

    Jun 05, 2011, 14:34 #8266

    We should stop comparing ourselves with Barca,blimey we can't even win the P/L league when given numerous chances let alone the C/L.Our football is a million miles from Barca and that's due to the quality of players there have against ours.You mentioned Guardila wants to come to the P/L but all top managers say that but do the opposite so it's no certainty especially when he said he was influenced by the milan side of the 90's by that it's more likely Seria A will see him before we do.Anyway any manager who takes over from Wenger will have to have a MAJOR overhaul and i can't see that happening with this board.

  40. adam t

    Jun 05, 2011, 14:07 #8265

    No doubt Pep is a great manager of the players from the Academy, but look at his buys. Shocking waste of money

  41. terry

    Jun 05, 2011, 12:40 #8261

    "and are either producing or have purchased some great raw youth talent" Wilshere aside, who else?

  42. Ikechukwu

    Jun 05, 2011, 12:21 #8260

    Have to agree with whoever said this article is full of balls. There's lots of Rose-tinted garbage in here so I'll only address one lie in this article: it's claimed that Pep drew inspiration from the Invincibles. But how can that be so? They played strict 4-4-2, Pep plays 4-3-3. Arsenal played pure counter-attacking football with the Invincibles, Barca play pure possession. Invincibles were physical athletes, Barca are tiny technical ppl. If anything, Wenger has copied Pep! Trying to play 4-3-3 sexy football. Only problem is where Pep is an excellent tactician and has class players, Wenger's Gordon many mediocre players and no clue of tactics, that he ends up looking like a poor man's Guardiola!!! Arsenal's nickname in Spain is "Barca Lite"!! Your attempts at criticism of Pep are also a joke. Barca destroyed ManU in that final. You have a pop as "they should have scored more"? You make replacing AW sound like such a hard task when truth is, he's a busted flush who couldn't take care of Brum in a cup final!!! Please. Replacing Wenger is easy. Oh and you mention wages as an obstacle??? Wenger earns £6.5 mil a year. Guardiola's new contract got him £5 mil a year. Don't let the facts get in the way though.. Shocking article.

  43. Klovn

    Jun 05, 2011, 12:04 #8258

    I'm sorry but this article is so full of rubbish I stopped reading three quarters in. Comedy highlights include the author claiming "Arsenal's football is not a million miles away from Barca". Ha ha ha. You're right. That's because it's two million light years apart! Oh I could just see Diaby, Eboue and Song playing triangles like Xavi and Iniesta! I could also see Barca getting thrashed by Stoke, outfootballed by West Brom and schooled by ManU reserves! How deluded are you?? Guardiola can learn nothing from Wenger. In three years of management he's won more than Wenger has his entire CAREER! And the Invincibles was NOT his inspiration, more absolute guff. Pep clearly said that in terms of influence the Barca Dream Team and the 90s Milan team were his inspiration. Both these teams won the CL. Unlike the Invincibles. Half of this article is full of made up, invented delusional rubbish, sorry. Anyone who dares to compare Barca's football to Arsenal should be mocked and laughed at.

  44. Danish Gooner

    Jun 05, 2011, 11:05 #8256

    Where exactly is Pep gonna get a talented midfield in England like the one he have in Spain.Pep is a great manager but look at the firepower he have available.