A renewing season ticket holder writes…

…to the club’s CEO by email

A renewing season ticket holder writes…

Not ready to give it up just yet

Dear Mr Gazidis,

I hope you are well.

As a season ticket holder it goes without saying that like most supporters I was very upset and disappointed with the 6.5% rise this season. I know it has been stated that there has been no price increase for a few years, and that the percentage price rise is less than inflation during the same period. What this doesn’t do of course is make a comparison between price rises and inflation over ten years or so! The outcome would be somewhat different if this was the case. I did renew my season ticket, but for the first time it was done with some regret.

My frustrations lie in that Arsenal supporters, on average, pay the highest prices in world football (even taking into consideration our season tickets contain 26 games), and I feel taken for granted by the club in many areas. It often seems like every opportunity the club can take to maximise revenue it does so without any thought for the supporters. This goes from ticket price increases in the middle of a recession, to bringing out new kits every season (something Arsenal never used to do) to ‘lying’ about the attendance figures for each match.

I am not a supporter who necessarily demands or expects to win trophies every season but what you have to understand is that you are charging premium prices that continue to rise for a standard of football that nobody can argue is declining. As much as I want to support and get behind the team there is now a disparity between what we are charged and what we see on the pitch. Arsene Wenger delivered a standard of football that was exceptional in the first few years of his tenure and we had world class players (Bergkamp, Henry, Pires and Campbell to name but a few). It is obvious to all supporters that we do not have that calibre of player any more.

Silver members saw their membership go up by 60% this season. The response from the club was that as this membership has added benefits over Red members they should be made to pay more. It is my belief that Arsenal should recognise that most Silver members are loyal supporters of old and come from the days of Highbury. The majority of them joined in the mid-nineties, before the success to follow, and as such are supporters to be cherished. Which other business treats such long standing customers with such disdain? The original membership was around £20 but you then got £1 off each match to compensate for the annual fee. Compared to ‘97-98 the membership has gone up by over 100% in price - with now no money off tickets. You are instead asking a supporter for £40 a year (lite membership) just for the privilege of buying tickets. I think this is nothing short of scandalous.

I work in marketing so I have an understanding of brands and their strength. I envy the brand loyalty a football club has. You can afford to treat the supporters as you see fit (to a large degree anyway) knowing that their loyalty and passion for the club means they will remain a repeat customer. This can only be stretched so far though, and it’s my belief that whilst you do enjoy huge brand loyalty this is being pushed to the boundaries.

The point of this email is therefore to further share with you how a large amount of Arsenal fans are feeling. From what I can ascertain this isn’t just a token majority of whingers, but instead a large section of us feel distant and far removed from a club we supposedly support.

The season ticket price increase was in my mind a serious mis-step. I know you can afford to alienate a section of supporters with a huge waiting list in reserve. It is my firm belief though that in future years this waiting list may not be as vast and long as you think. The country is facing a huge economic downturn as you very obviously know. Now the cheapest season ticket is approaching the £1000 mark even middle class supporters earning good salaries may soon decide this is a cost too far.

I would just like you to consider supporters further in the future. I know and realise that the club level and boxes bring in far more revenue than the ‘normal’ supporters, and as such we are less important. I would love it though if you could be more transparent with us. It was widely reported that we had money to spend on transfers last season. By and large this wasn’t spent. Most supporters are therefore questioning why there has been a price rise that will bring in much less than what is supposedly in last season’s transfer kitty. Where has this money gone, and why are you so desperate for even more money from us? Also in the club’s financial records I understand there is around £40 million of operating costs every year that aren’t disclosed. It has (perhaps wrongly) been rumoured that this money is being taken out of the club by the Directors and such like. With more transparency, and indeed honesty, fans could better understand why our prices are going up.

Without going off topic too much you will have no doubt heard the boos and jeering when our attendance against Aston Villa was announced as 60,000. It was as if the patience of everyone finally snapped. I understand that attendance figures are ‘tickets sold’, rather than those in the ground but why not make that clear? For some FA Cup games the stadium was two thirds full. This small matter just represents the distance between those running the club and supporters. Of course you want to tell the media and potential sponsors how successful Arsenal is, hence every game being called a sell out. There has to be a better way to do it though than the current method. I’m sure you have been made aware how the media including TV commentators have started to mock the official attendance. It’s madness you have got yourself into a mess over something so trivial. The point remains though that it’s these small actions that further antagonise supporters. Nobody likes being made to look stupid.

It would also make sense for the club to start treating the FA Cup the same as the Carling Cup. These games should not be part of the season ticket price when the manager often chooses a below strength team, and sometimes one that is weaker than the Carling Cup. Wouldn’t the atmosphere be more improved with a sold out Carling Cup audience rather than 20,000 missing season ticket holders? What you lose with Carling Cup prices could perhaps be made up by increased food and drink sales to some degree? If Mr. Wenger wants to treat the club as a secondary competition that is his prerogative (he stated very recently that only the Premiership and Champions League are ‘real’ trophies). If this is the case though why are we made to treat it the same as the premier competitions? What you are doing is charging premium prices for a budget service, and it is unfair.

I also propose that our Champions League qualifier should be optional as part of the season ticket. It isn’t the fault of the supporters that we came fourth in what was supposedly a two horse race for the title. Is it right that we have to attend this additional match, and to pay full prices to do so? We have no choice but to have to pay for our failure to qualify. This game should once again be at reduced prices.

Apologies for such a negative email but I care passionately about Arsenal Football Club. I know Peter Hill Wood recently said that fans that moan are idiots but hopefully this email does show some rational consideration. As Arsenal fans we recognise and understand you run a business and not a charity. What should never be forgotten though is that without supporters how can there be a football club? At times we want to feel like a valued part of the club, not as a customer that can be easily replaced.

Kind regards,

Marc Ollington

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  1. Jimbo

    Jun 10, 2011, 5:26 #8474

    People have to get over this attendance thing. It is tickets sold. As the club has rightly said many times if it announces the attendance as say 53,000 it will have 7,000 people calling asking why they could not get a ticket. The real question who are these people with tickets who don't go??

  2. Brigham

    Jun 09, 2011, 20:43 #8470

    @ Simon B, post 9427 - No, not seen your letter, but it would appear we probably think very much alike? :-)

  3. Cloggs

    Jun 09, 2011, 16:16 #8460

    I feel your pain but the board won't give a rat's arse.(yet..) Arsenal *Plc* generally consists of - 1) The Worldwide Brand (player ranking, merchandize) 2) The Competition (players TV Rights etc) 3) The location of the ground together with it's fanbase They're all linked in some way or another, each part will generate revenue of its own and they'll treat the fanbase along this business line as cash cow accordingly. The "fan"shop at Barca's Camp Nou is 4 stories high with escalators and they have quite a large section where they sell all Arsenal, Manutd gear and others, because it's NIKE!. Could you imagine the Armory would have a special section where they sell Manutd gear? Well, to be honest I could. We are a Nike brand that sells worldwide and we play in the Nike/Adidas competition with Puma being 3rd followed by Umbro (Nike sub), Le Coq and others in the lower comp. Arsene's greatest succes this season has been playing against Barca and again finishing within top four at home. Yes, it does pay off finishing 2nd in CL group stage. FA and CC aren't commercially sexy enough - Being competitive within the Nike/Adidas Comp means, besides huge marketing merchandise and TV revenue etc, you can also attract a new breed of supporter - The upper middle class with enough money to drive around London each weekend being bored in their 4x4 SUVs. Some of them line up post match near the vicinity of Holloway Stn to pick up their load. From there The Metro is my favorite viewing point. The Arsenal Crest eventually became a badge and with the new jersey they even didn't bother to keep the embriodered one but decided to d****uate it even more by attaching it as sticker with laureates surrounding it. This Nike concept isn't new - A few years ago they sold T-shirts with the same idea, laureated, stickered FC badges with the club's founding dates below them. They all looked the same, but hey who cares! It fits into the concept of integrating the footy brand into theirs. The loyalty of the so-called traditional fanbase is being hijacked with a *huge* fictitious waiting list (i.e. it's not published and not everyone will or can! accept a ST when offered) when they're asked to cough up the amount of money been calculated by commercial marketeers at Drayton Park. Silver has gone up, not because the board realized its sudden?? advantages over Red, but because the demand of Silver will rise quickly as more people fall off the ST bandwagon whether it will be ST holders dropping their membership or Silver/Red not bothering to join the ST waiting list anymore. So Red has gone up 20% because of their advantage over the general public who have to buy their tickets from touts hey? (BTW, I noticed that tout prices are slightly but steadily going down, how come ) Anyone noticed that the Silver waiting list position silently disappeared from the Red membership section some while ago? (FYI Reds are automatically being put on that list and this position was visible online at the end of the season) The only way to check for a poor Red member is to call the office, why? because Arsenal doesn't want them to realize that it will take decades for them to join while they now can mess around with that list as they like. Nearly 100K Reds pay their anual 36 pound fee for being able to check for any Grade B leftovers while being promised a Silver Membership somewhere near the interstellar future. And the other good news is - The upper boundary for Silver will be somewhere around the 116 pound mark so there's room enough in this market segment while ST pricing eventually will have reached its absolute max. The purpose of the seating allocation concept is that it should avoid concentration of empty seats, so any *additional* Silver member could be used to fill the gaps and spread the risk. Misleading stadium attendance announcements fit into this as they don't want the fans to have any clues about certain tendencies in attendance and its management. Another marketing idea would be to split Silver into a SilverPlus version and the conventional one. SilverPlus could be used whenever the ST bubble might burst into loyalty fallout. Then the final question will be - When will the new breed of supporters get bored with Arsenal? I think when we drop out of the competition, (i.e. the upper 4) for some seasons and they decide Arsenal isn't that sexy anymore. They will think Arsenal have just become boring and repetative, couldn't care less themselves and like Jack B, they won't moan about it nor care about fellow fans, stadium atmosphere, nor take some action but just leave and drop their ST in the bin like a dead fly. Maybe at that time Chelski has completed a new 90000 seater ground to accommodate any of these new brand of rich footy refugees or maybe they got bored with football entirely. That probably explains why some obscure part of me wants Arsenal to, let's say, drop out of CL football for some time.. Maybe the Hammers relegation is a blessing in disguise for them.

  4. baldoldgit

    Jun 09, 2011, 10:21 #8440

    How do you expect the board to take the problems seriously if you continue to renew your ST? They just bank your money. So you all did it "reluctantly" because of the way fans are being treated - you still paid. I've voted with my shut wallet and my feet. I don't recognise the club I love any more.

  5. Cali

    Jun 09, 2011, 9:26 #8439

    Excellent letter. Problem is, you will get a reply that is made of stuff regurgitated from interviews already posted on arsenal.com. Do they really listen to the fans? In large, probably not. Just look at our kits for the forthcoming season!

  6. Simon B

    Jun 08, 2011, 23:57 #8437

    Oi Brigham,did you just read my letter and just juggle the words about a bit !!!

  7. WestUpper

    Jun 08, 2011, 23:26 #8436

    A great letter Marc. It said just about all that I have been feeling. Like others have said,I suspect that the Season Ticket waiting list will evaporate in front of the board's eyes. A couple of years ago my friends and I never had a problem selling on the odd ticket when we couldn't make a game, not last season. We had spare tickets on a lot of occasions. One friend whose work takes him abroad a lot couldn't shift his ticket on the clubs own ticket exchange either. I have supported the Arse for around 50 years and had a season ticket for around the last 15. I am hoping that the fans views on the many blogs, letters, and empty seats etc will bring about some change this season. Hoping but not that expectantly. I will always be an Arsenal Supporter but this coming season could be my last with a season Ticket.

  8. Marcus

    Jun 08, 2011, 22:46 #8434

    A well argued series of points there that the board would be wise to heed but unfortunately Arsenal do not care about their fans so I fear your email to Ivan will be put in that special section where fan complaints go also known as "junk mail".

  9. dom14T

    Jun 08, 2011, 19:14 #8427

    marc ollington (legend) what a tiptop letter!

  10. John

    Jun 08, 2011, 16:12 #8418

    I agree with every word. The interesting part now is the club is now in the hands of somebody who is rich enough to own it, which up until a month or so it wasn't. I'm not expecting Chelsea or Man City type spending, but at the same time the purse strings won't be held by those trying to maximise their share value. I'm sure Kronke would have loved to have maintained the status quo of extreme prudence however us fans are now demanding more for our money! We have a very interesting summer coming up both with signings, sales and contract negotiations.

  11. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jun 08, 2011, 14:04 #8414

    If all the people that said they 'reluctantly' renewed their Season Ticket hadn't done so, then perhaps there might have been more of a chance of the club taking notice. As it is, the powers that be will think everything is alright because, despite all the noise and bluster, the 'idiots' still handed over their money. And as we all know, that's the bottom line as far as the Board are concerned.

  12. Goonanana

    Jun 08, 2011, 13:35 #8412

    Great letter, I hope you don't get fobbed off with a generic response or the same old script

  13. Sean

    Jun 08, 2011, 11:00 #8399

    This is the email that I wish that I had written. As someone who started going to Highbury in 1974 and witnessed some terrible barren years I don't think I have ever felt less connected to the club. I am a consumer now not a supporter.I left the season ticket renewal to the last possible minute, and another dispiriting season will see me call it a day. I always feared that leaving Highbury would make me feel like this.

  14. Zak

    Jun 08, 2011, 10:53 #8398

    Did you actually send this to Gazidis?

  15. Brigham

    Jun 08, 2011, 10:53 #8397

    A top letter Marc and I reckon it is very indicative of the way a vast number of us Gooners/ST holders feel right now. I myself have renewed once again, but like you and others on here, I came very close to NOT renewing purely out of principle. This club used to be ‘ours’, but it no longer seems to be that way and we are being treated like pariahs by the current Arsenal Board. They continue to mock our love for the club with increased ticket prices, new shirts, overpriced merchandise, etc etc. At Jack B, the reason that Marc has written this letter to the CEO is that he (Marc) cares passionately about the club, enough so to actually try and ask what the hell is going on within. I think his letter speaks for more Gooner’s than you seem to think.

  16. louis2

    Jun 08, 2011, 10:52 #8396

    best post ive ever read. well done, lets hope the men power finally take notice. g.

  17. mark

    Jun 08, 2011, 10:51 #8395

    interesting letter, IF you get a reply i would love to see it

  18. stevenfred

    Jun 08, 2011, 10:06 #8394

    Excellent. I have been saying this for ages. Also last year the vat went down from 17.5% to 15% so they had a 2.5 % increase they fail to mention. Stupid how we pay the same price for Barca and Huddersfield.

  19. GoonerMK

    Jun 08, 2011, 9:59 #8393

    Deluded. The club want your money, nothing more, nothing less. They don't give a toss about the fans. If and when you receive a reply please publish it and those of us who have had enough of being taken for mugs and walked away can have a good laugh.

  20. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 08, 2011, 9:17 #8392

    Joe S, where in Australia are you? I'm in Footscray, across the river from the City Of Melbourne...don't know if you've noticed, but Aussie Rules club membership prices (the equivalent of season tickets at this end of the world) is also starting to creep up...it's nowhere near the level of the English Premiership yet, but I really think it's all linked to wages....membership to my local club is $250 Aussie (about 100 quid?) for 11 matches. Amazingly cheap compared to the Premiership, but take into account the top earners in that sport here pick up $2 million Aussie a year, and there's only a handful of those guys. Most fall into the $250k - $500k a year bracket....so basically a week's worth of Denilson, Diaby and Eboue's weekly wage PER YEAR...

  21. Joe S

    Jun 08, 2011, 0:36 #8390

    Living so far away in Australia, I am spared the thought of an underperfoming club trying to justiy such an unecessary increase. It smells of hypocracy from A to Z, invest as little as possible in the quality of the product you are selling and then squeeze the punters dry, then rationalise it through a vocabulay of paternalistic logic and smooth talking puritanicalism. Not Good!

  22. Simon B

    Jun 07, 2011, 23:46 #8389

    Top letter Marc, you've summed up all of my and most frustrated Gooners feelings in your letter,but like you I have very begrudgingly renewed again,24 years and counting,maybe the last one ?? Jack B you're a knob,everyone's entitled to their opinion and I think more would agree with Marc's than disagree at the moment,even the most hardy of AKB's must be feeling a bit a bit fed up now !!

  23. david .bromley

    Jun 07, 2011, 23:06 #8388

    great letter ,would like to see the fa cup given more respect, witch is a far better compition,than the money inspired european compitions,and if they had such big waiting list would they be ringing you with reminders that you have not renewed your s/t?idont think so we will see come the first anouncemet of attendance.

  24. in my heart

    Jun 07, 2011, 22:18 #8385

    Jack B....what can we say. Your ignorance to other peoples opinion sums up evrything that is wrong with the way Arsenal FC treat their loyal supporters. The more of C..ts like you at the grove, the less appealing it is to go.

  25. Bob

    Jun 07, 2011, 21:51 #8384

    Jack B - I have 'put my money where my mouth is' - ie in my pocket. From the tone of the guy from Arsenal who phoned me today chasing my resubscription, the waiting list is a lot flakier than they had imagine it would be. Unlike you, though, I respect Marc's decision to resubscribe in the hope that things will change. It is a personal decision, and it was not an easy one for me. I could have afforded to renew - I just could not justify doing so.

  26. Spike

    Jun 07, 2011, 21:25 #8383

    I am one of the fans left over from Highbury that you describe in your letter. I gave up my Silver membership a few years ago after the club decided to remove the £1 discount for each ticket bought. They were taking the p*ss then (which was genuinely a real shock at the time) and they are taking the p*ss now (which is no longer a shock as I have grown used to nothing less from the board these days).

  27. Stuart Red Idiot L

    Jun 07, 2011, 20:26 #8382

    A very well written, concise, article Marc which sums up pretty much how I, along with a lot of Gooners, now feel about this once great club of ours, which used to mean so much to me. One small point on the attendance's - I can only assume that all games that are "sold out" actually are, else it would be in the clubs interest to still have unsold seats still available, but If I was the club's marketing manager then I would be very concerned that upwards of 10,000 "idiots" had paid for their tickets but couldn't be bothered to attend or to sell /pass on ticket to another Gooner, showing a level of apathy that it quite astonishing considering how much the tickets costs.

  28. steve l j

    Jun 07, 2011, 19:58 #8380

    The only games on the s.t. should be league, the rest optional.My 50th season coming up, came very close to calling it a day after the insult of the rise,the trophy moan is over the top just like players wages. I WAS there when we were ****e

  29. bathgooner

    Jun 07, 2011, 19:44 #8379

    Excellent letter, Marc. Sums up exactly how I feel about my last minute renewal of my ticket. I have never felt so reluctant to hand over the money before. It's not the extra £130 or so spots per ticket as much as the whole package of negative experiences in the past year. I will not be doing so next year unless we see a major change and that doesn't mean we have to win silverware but we do need to see 100% effort at all levels of the club. I am not optimistic. I hope you get an encouraging reply. Let us know, because no reply will go on the negative side of the scales. It's judgement time for me.

  30. Seven Kings Gunner

    Jun 07, 2011, 19:38 #8378

    Excellent letter : I first started taking my two sons to Highbury in 1990 and never really thought about the cost, however if I were starting to introduce them to football today I could not afford Arsenal's prices and would probably take them to Colchester or Ipswich. It is about value and there comes a point when you say this is too much money and whether it is affordable or not you feel slightly conned. There are enough people out there "ripping you off" so it hurts a bit when you feel that your own club, a club that you have supported for over 50 years is shaking more money out of you and other loyal fans each year. The extra revenues that the club are seeking should be found in more imaginative marketing rather than keep going back to the same hard pushed fans every season. It will take a huge summer in the transfer market to bring me back to the position I was with Arsenal in 10 years ago. However Marc's letter has perfectly summed up my feelings and for that I thank him.

  31. RichHeart

    Jun 07, 2011, 18:59 #8377

    No CL place next year. Liverpool will join Chelsea and Man U. and Man C. ahead of us. We will be competing with Spurs and Bolton for a place in the Euro Second Division. Nasri and Cesc will probably leave this summer. Arshavin too. There is no guarantee we will get through to the CL group stage this year. Arsene will go to Real Madrid or Man C/U when we get knocked out of the FA cup in the 3rd round. I really don't expect agreement for all The above, but it is far more plausible than us winning the league or CL. So why are we paying more than United or Barcelona fans?

  32. Paul Morris

    Jun 07, 2011, 18:34 #8376

    great letter well thought out and good honest comment,we are a captive audience but being a supporter is in the soul.I hope you get a decent reply.regards

  33. Alister 'Gold Idiot'

    Jun 07, 2011, 17:06 #8374

    Marc, Couldn't agree more. But unfortunately, like most on this list, I believe it will have no effect on Gazidis or the board. I started going to Arsenal when I moved to London in 1988, and first bought a season ticket (West Upper) in 1994. Moved to the Clock End in 1995. And this was the first summer I thought seriously about nor renewing my ticket. It is not the money, I can afford the ticket, it is just the principle. £65,000 a week for the likes of 'Winner' Denilson, 'Barcelona-Bound' Bendtner and (K)nobby Eboue. And no movement on the likes of Scott Parker, Phil Jones or others we need in the team at the moment.

  34. KR75

    Jun 07, 2011, 14:52 #8372

    Excellent letter that should be printed in the next Gooner and delivered to Ivan by hand!

  35. Gooner 1711

    Jun 07, 2011, 14:45 #8370

    John B - You are an idiot. Well written and I estimate 90% feel the same. The time will come my friend and if this season is a failure, which I suspect may be the case (hoping not, but fail to see Wenger addressing the issues once more), then actions may happen.

  36. Chippie

    Jun 07, 2011, 14:07 #8369

    Everyone has written some interesting points. The main problem with most fans is that they are still got the 1990s mentality when football clubs were the centre of the community, genuinely cared about their fans. Well sorry to spill the beans today’s football is nothing more that a business, to the clubs all you are, are paying customers. Their attitude is if you don’t like it, tough because there are plenty more customers who would take your place. In my opinion the clubs are being very short sighted because if things continue the way they are more fans will just give up their season tickets. My main problem is with the board who have been lying to the fans, saying that Wenger can have all the money he needs. Let me tell you I have a reliable source who told me this is far from the truth. Providing Wenger keeps the club in the champion’s league they won’t sack him. The board aren’t stupid if they sack Wenger which manager would they be able to bring in, whose brief will be to stay in the champion’s league with no real money for transfers. That’s why this year I gave up my season ticket with no regrets because I am sick to the back teeth with the lies this board is telling us fans and simply I don’t believe paying a premium for substandard football.

  37. Grumpygooner

    Jun 07, 2011, 14:02 #8367

    Great letter. I wrote a shorter and slightly less measured one along these lines to the board recently. No reply as yet, presumably the're all too busy tearing open the renewal letters and counting their money. It's a crying shame that things have come to this. But Peter Hill Wood is right, we are idiots. We aren't putting our money where our mouth is. I renewed grudgingly too. Perhaps the word 'idiot' could replace the current term 'member'. Yours, 'gold idiot'.

  38. bunch

    Jun 07, 2011, 13:56 #8366

    Nice one Marc. I like the specifics. I am angry that the team's failure means we have to use up a cup credit for a CL qualifier. And the failure at Brisbane Road led to one of the largest disparities between tickets sold and attendance in the replay. What on earth would happen if we failed to qualify for the CL group stage? Are they expecting to get the same money for Europa League games? Will STHs get a refund?

  39. Lee Bedford (also renewing ST holder)

    Jun 07, 2011, 13:39 #8365

    Nice one marc, extremely well put and I couldnt agree with you more. Im afraid my english isnt of the A level standard so always refrain from sending in articles to the gooner but this is what I have been feeling for a LONG TIME now! When is our board and manager going to show some intent and ambition? I know the boss does 'enough' to get us in the top 4 every year for CL football but were just a money making machine and thats what silent stan likes about us and why the board like someone thats SILENT! they need to come clean I think, and yes it feels like a new bloody kit every year now when it was always every 2 years? I want to be a proud Gooner again! Sadly though like someone said on here, your letter wont get past ivan 'worse'll at the box office!

  40. Mickdvbrisp

    Jun 07, 2011, 13:32 #8364

    Excellent article. My only disagreement is around the FA Cup where I believe the manager should play a full first team due to the history of such a great competition.

  41. Morrissey's love child

    Jun 07, 2011, 13:20 #8363

    Great letter, I have just renewed our families 2 silver memberships, and when the operator told me how much, I very nearly told them to stuff it. The very nice lady on the line did admit that although she wasn't supposed to tell any one, a lot of people had reacted this way and had not renewed when told the price. For the last 2 years I have used a friends season tickets so have not actually booked using the membership, but I keep the membership on so I am now giving Arsenal £90 a year, (1 full and 1 lite) for nothing. I must be stupid but I no longer buy club merchandise or catering at the ground to try and redress the balance.

  42. Corny

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:52 #8359

    I tell you won't be paying the price for 4th, the players. We've lost more money finishing 4th instead of 2nd than the increase in ticket prices. The players should pay, why should we pay this £111m wage bill, it's hidious. Think about what that means on average. £60k salaries all round, it's a joke.

  43. Tom

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:45 #8358

    Thanks for the great letter! You definitely represent me as I wholeheartedly agree with every word you wrote. Well put!! Looking forward to reading the reply...

  44. Loyal since 1980

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:38 #8356

    A great e-mail and thoughts that most fans have, but i'm afraid noting will come of it,nothing at all. They know we would support Arsenal come rain or shine, hence the way they treat the fans, we are treated like ****! but they know that we will still come through the gates.

  45. J0ss A

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:32 #8355

    Jack B, what a stupid comment. I can afford a season ticket, but I do very much care for those who are priced out. Normal working class family cannot afford taking their kids to see Arsenal anymore. It's a disgrace.

  46. ed enough

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:25 #8354

    Fair comments....but do you really think, if by some miracle he did read this, it would change anything? You wasted an hour my friend!

  47. TC

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:16 #8353

    great letter - some naive souls really think there is a massive waiting list - might be a list with names but probably all very worried they will get asked for 1000+. I was told that someone who was 12000+ on the list last year and got asked whether he wanted a ticket. I also am not worried about winning things because there are lots of teams who also want to win so one must be realistic but I need 1. Entertaining and 2 to be competitive. For several years both have been forthcoming so thats great but lets face it the entertainment level has dropped enormously. I have paid for the season ticket but was also taking time this year. 47 years of going but it is getting stressful!

  48. Ronster

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:14 #8352

    A well intentioned but ultimately fruitless exercise...they will only react to empty seats.I've not renewed my silver membership.Bet our decorated legends and stadium tour guides Charlie George,Eddie Kelly and Kenny Sansom won't be getting a pay rise any time soon when serial losers like Denilson,Walcott and Diaby could retire tomorrow and never have to work again! I am absolutely sickened by the state of the club I fell in love with all those years ago!

  49. Goonerdad

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:08 #8351

    A fantastic article - well balanced and in my view a reflection on what most of us are thinking. My only concern, which appears laughable, is that you are now on some list at Arsenal and strange things may happen to you!!!

  50. goonerbeau

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:08 #8350

    Well done for putting all these thoughts of a significant number of Gooners down on paper for our CEO to digest.You will for sure get a response but it will be choc-a-bloc of sound-bites many of which we have already heard and read in the media. I am exactly in your position,having renewed by season ticket this year really grudgingly for the first time since 1982. Things MUST change this season of their own accord or we the loyal supporters WILL make change happen.

  51. miyaichi

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:07 #8349

    great! now let's hope he reads it!

  52. Owen O'Donnell

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:04 #8348

    Wow, this is just what I think! On the point of loyal supporters I am a returning Season ticket holder - 1st game 1975 - and it took me many years to get "my" ticket back, (although that's another story as it's in my wife's name due to the mess that is the new process and the failure of Arsenal to reply to my Emails, letters & phone calls!). I renewed this year only because I am a true supporter of "my" club(well, it used to belong to the fans). I have overlooked the fact that I know we are on the slide plus the issue that I really can't justify the £1480 + travelling costs in these times. OOD

  53. nameles

    Jun 07, 2011, 12:00 #8347

    Well put chap. there's a little too much being laid on wenger's lap that is entirely the board's fault. They are money honey and the supporters are just cash cows. Let wenger stay,he's working miracles trying to keep our money monger owners happy with their profits and staying competitive with the crumbs they give him to do so. He spent money on arshavin when he had the money,to think he wouldn't do it again if the team needed it,a heavy sum for the mood in the transfer window @ the time,I don't see why he wouldn't do it again if he could. Where's the 40million that was apparently available last season? Did that disappear? This board is dodge and they are making le boss look bad. Its time this stopped.

  54. Ron

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:59 #8346

    Mate. Arsenal, nor in fairness hardly any of the other Clubs care two hoots for the fans these days. Reality is they never did, even when football was a working class game. Its TV now and corporate funding that rules. If the cash flow from those sources was great enough they would all happily play in empty stadia. Ive renewed as well, but like you with many, many misgivings. I can say for sure though that after 40 odd years of supporting the Club, its certainly the last time i bother.

  55. Steve Smallwood

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:47 #8345

    Fantastic letter wholeheartedly agree with every single point you've mentioned, I've just begrudgingly renewed my season tickets (the first time I've ever felt like that) but it may well be the last time if I still feel the same after next season.

  56. Jack B

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:36 #8343

    Either renew or dont renew, no one cares about your letter! Stop moaning and at least follow through with your actions. Dont renew and they say "I do it with some regret".......therer are thousands of fans who are still on the weaiting list, why do you writers on here think anyone cares about if you will renew or not? Your points are boring and repetative....put up or shutup!

  57. James Hemmingway

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:31 #8342

    Very well written Marc. No doubt you will get a response only because you have published it on the web. The response will however be the same rhetorical bull**** which Ivan and the other cronies spout and without actually answering your concerns at all. The Grove is a horrible place because of the boards greed and utter contempt for people that genuinely love the club. That's why (with regret) I haven't renewed my ST for the first time in 23 years. Still be going away of course but home games? Not for me.

  58. Gooner40

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:28 #8341

    40 million operating costs? A manager who s in the black with transfer dealings.A new stadium that's annual repayments are covered with six home fixtures.A new kit every season.Jose Reyes being our record signing?.Being called an idiot by the chairman-hold on he s right we are idiots aren't we -bet you don't get a reply and I bet you'll be over there next season like me but in the words that well known gooner John lydon : ever felt like your being cheated?.I support the team and I support the manager, the board I hold in contempt.Brilliant letter by the, come on you gunners!

  59. Iann

    Jun 07, 2011, 11:11 #8340

    Nice letter, but you know where this will go, when Ivan's secretary gets it - straight in the bin.