New Manager Search Nothing To Fuss About

When the replacement finally comes, it may not be the big name we crave

New Manager Search Nothing To Fuss About

Wenger: Was he really such a visionary?

I do find it funny when people start to talk about who we can possibly find to replace our current leader when he finally decides to call it a day. It seems to be the latest topic of the month as we currently have no football to talk about. It does pose the question though of how big are the boots the newcomer will have to fill?

I have pointed out before the fact that AW has only managed to win one more trophy in his fifteen years at the club than we managed to collect as a club in the fifteen years prior to him taking charge. Is that a massive swing? Not in my eyes it isn’t and when you also consider the fact that all of those trophies came in the first half of his reign then the problem of who replaces our current manager seems a smaller one to me than what some people seem to believe the case to be.

Let us be honest with each other we are not talking about Alex Ferguson leaving United here are we? AW inherited a solid as a rock backline at a time when the English game was just about to take off after the influx of money started to pour into the game when the Premier League kicked off under the wing of Sky Sports cash. There were few foreigners plying their trade in England and when the continentals started pouring in to cash in on the money coming into the game in this country AW was on hand to sign the players that at that time gave us a winning mix. We then had both English tightness and grit at the back blended in with attacking pace and flair from overseas purchases such as Overmars and Anelka etc.

Ever since the English tightness and grit at the back has been lost as players of that era have either left the club or retired for good we have won nothing. AW has failed to replace that mentality with anything other than mediocre Frenchman at the back who have very little ability and zero balls for the fight that is required to win many EPL games.

A lot of the ideas that AW arrived with at the time were considered revolutionary, nowadays they are all common place at most clubs. Should it come as a surprise to find out you can’t play at the top of your game if you spend most of your spare time in pubs, clubs and hanging around kebab houses at 3am? Also if you take on more water you will stay hydrated for longer and if you take some vitamin supplements you will feel stronger and fitter. All solid good advice but if someone came in to our game now and used these ‘techniques’ you would ask what all the fuss is about as you should be doing all those things as a professional sportsperson anyway. Were AW’s ideas at the time really that revolutionary or were the then current day training regimes just so damn ridiculous that a four year old could have improved on things?

The truth is AW came into our game at a time when it was easier for him to be successful than what it would be today. So in my opinion if someone else comes in when he leaves and manages the same level of success they would have performed better in comparison. Our levels of ambition as a club have sunk so low now that if we manage the holy grail of fourth every season we are as happy as Larry to wait for the bank account to start totting up all over again at the start of the new campaign. So if that is all you set your sights on as a club then why worry too much about who you get into replace AW?

When you factor everything into the equation a record of three EPL titles out of a possible fifteen is not one that should be met with such words as remarkable or great when you take into account all of the factors that contributed to the timing of those successes. It is a bit like someone starting off a cake recipe and then someone else coming into the kitchen midway through the baking process to take the cake out of the oven, sprinkle a few hundreds and thoushands on top of it and claiming the whole cake was their idea to start off with. Credit where credit is due George Graham had quite a lot to do with AW’s initial burst of success in this country as did the timing of his arrival.

Should the question therefore not be turned on its head from who is good enough to take over into one of who is not good enough to do the job to the current standards being set?

When you scale around the names being banded about you would be forgiven for believing that it will be a mission impossible type scenario for whoever happens to walk through the door after AW Has cleared his desk for good. Mourinho, Villas-Boas and Guardiola have all been touted around lately as possibilities. But in reality who else out of the current Premier League managers can we throw into the hat as well as these more celebrated names?

For example if Harry Redknapp can manage to get Spurs finishing fourth and fifth in respective Premier League campaigns could he not manage the holy grail of fourth year in year out at Arsenal? Sure Spurs are much better than what they have been for sometime but we are still above them in the pecking order for the time being. He would only have to nudge us one place higher than what he managed at The Lane last season and we are bang where we are with AW in charge.

Owen Coyle seems to have done a very good job with Bolton Wanderers and Burnley before that. He does seem to play a more technical game than what Bolton are renowned for so with the added ability of our squad of players compared to that of Bolton’s why couldn’t he have managed to secure us a top four spot over the last few seasons or so?

There is one obvious candidate for the potential vacant position that would fit the bill 100% as he is used to working for a club that offers him zero financial support whatsoever in the transfer market year after year. David Moyes of Everton has done a more than good job with the resources he has had at his disposal and he even managed the holy grail of fourth on one occasion not that long ago so surely he could do as good a job as AW with the players he would have at his disposal. Who knows we could even get Jagielka and Arteta on the cheap as well as the possibility of scoring from a corner or two if we could get him to bring Tim Cahill with him from Goodison.

From my point of view you can even look outside of the EPL and find managers that have over performed in recent seasons that would be well worthy of a mention when bigger jobs become available. If you look at the jobs the respective managers have done at the likes of Swansea, Blackpool and Norwich then these managers have to be shown some respect and some may well perform even greater successes at bigger clubs than those they have already managed.

Football has changed so much over the period of time that AW has been in charge at our club and we have failed to move with the times in my opinion. The only real constant in our game since 1996 has been the fact that Manchester United have dominated things at the top of the tree consistently which suggests old red nose deserves all the credit under the sun for that achievement. You can suggest the fact that on occasion he has bought that success but in reality have United spent any more money than what they used to in the earlier years of AW’s reign? They have always been paying the top dollar required to bring in top names since the days of Ince, Keane and Stam etc. So buying top quality players has not changed for them since AW has been here. We have fallen away as they have gone onto bigger and better things. In the early days of AW’s reign we were the ones competing with United every season but as we have fallen back teams like Chelsea, Liverpool and more recently Man City have caught us up, overtaken us and established themselves as United’s major rivals.

People continue to mention the ‘fact’ that we cannot compete with these so called financial superpowers but in reality is our wage bill that much smaller than that of Chelsea’s? I wouldn’t have thought they would have anywhere near as many poor quality players who happen to be on 50-60k a week than what we do. Sure they pay out top money for the top stars but the average earnings of their players across the whole of their squad can’t be that much higher than ours that is for sure. When you look at our match day revenue and compare that to Chelsea’s why can we not compete to a bigger degree than what we are currently managing? We are being told it is because of Roman’s millions but for me this is true to a much smaller extent than what we have been led to believe.

In reality the money men at our club have fed us lies to increase the value of their own shareholdings and have now cashed in on those lies by selling those shares to an American who paid top dollar for them. What are we left with as fans? Zero trophies in six years, higher season ticket costs than all of our rivals and yet another new kit that looks exactly the same as the last one with a larger badge on it. Has the move to the new stadium seen us competing with the best for the top names across Europe and beyond? Unfortunately for us the clear answer has to be no. We don’t even try to compete with the top teams for any potential signings as we are scared off by United, Chelsea, City and even Liverpool. It will very soon get to the point where if we are interested in a player and Spurs declare an interest we will go running in the opposite direction, so why has it come to this? The only real truth to the answer of this question lies in the share price of the club we all support so loyally.

So when the time does eventually come for the money men at our club to decide who the next manager will be don’t be overly surprised if it is another man who fits the bill financially rather than someone simply being the best man for the job. This approach is not too different to the way the club operates on the field of play either as the players we go for are clearly not the best men for the job but they do often fit the bill in a financial sense.

Ed’s note – Need to slip this in somewhere! Ian Henry has emailed to say that the second guess Arsene competition he is overseeing is still open for entries, in spite of the signing of Carl Jenkinson yesterday. He says ‘In my role as adjudicator, I will say the competition is still open on the basis that he has not been awarded a squad number of 32 or lower yet.’ – interestingly, the signing has been filed under ‘reserve news’ on So don’t bother putting Jenkinson as one of your predictions (only one entrant so far has, although they will get a point for that) but feel free to have a guess at who is arriving. Guess this will finish with the first significant in or out)

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  1. john

    Jun 14, 2011, 5:05 #8719

    reading all this I seriously want arsene to go and manage another english club and show all these w***ers what they're missing.

  2. JJB

    Jun 13, 2011, 9:56 #8683

    "Take it from me in good faith that Cesc will be sold in early June to a club that may come as a surprise to some" - Mr Administrator, these are his words, notice he says early June and he then follows that he wont publish another article if he is wrong. I think the point is that Mr Evans has turned increasingly nasty about anyone who doesnt agree with him, his articles are now descedning into tirade without fact and his responses to comments on the boards grow more agressive. People want him to follow through on his word because we have had enough of his views, simply because he wont allow anyone else theirs......I would love to have a debate with this guy as I would tear him apart....understand the need for you to stick up for him but please understand why many of us have had enough

  3. Website Admin

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:29 #8637

    Re post #9476 - I wish people would read articles properly before commenting. John said that the Cesc deal to Madrid would be announced in June after the season ticket renewal date had passed. Unless you are operating on a different calendar to the rest of the planet, we are still in June. Personally, I have no problem with John carrying on writing even if Cesc does not sign for Madrid. He reported what he had been told and the source was very good. If it hadn't been, we wouldn't have published it.

  4. Come on

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:03 #8632

    You're meant to have quit. Cesc hasn't signed for Real Madrid. You said you'd gladly never write another article. Please publish this, although I highly doubt you will considering you're a scared little bunny of giving up the blog after you're horrendous attention seeking post about Cesc definitely going to Real. You lied, accept the consequences and quit.

  5. charlie

    Jun 11, 2011, 12:50 #8558

    Overall I believe John you're not the sharpest tool in the box mentally or physically. I've been posting with the handbrake on. I got a bit jaded and fell away toward the end but overall I believe this thread has been a success. I did not see your comments earlier so cannot have an opinion on em but overall I believe my words had the desire and focus.

  6. John Evans

    Jun 10, 2011, 20:27 #8497

    Charlie - You run an under 10's football team and you think that Kos and Djourou are the best CB pairing in Europe? I don't think I would want my son to be coached by the likes of you very much, what could he learn? Eddie The Gooner - I feel Charlie got off very lightly with my remarks as if you read the guys comments on this page properly your see that he doesn't know what day it is. Although judging the current bunch of 'Arsenal Fans' that visit the grove on a regular basis there will probably be a campaign by mid July to get Charlie installed as the new manager!

  7. charlie

    Jun 10, 2011, 19:44 #8496

    John is one of these 'fans' that thinks throwing £50 mill around on players is the solution. Does he want us to be the next Leeds or Portsmouth? We went 18 yrs without winning anything from 1953-1971, real fans have patience. It's only been six seasons and some of the injury luck we've had no other club could have dealt with. Overall I believe in the self-sustainibilty model, I'm afraid John is part of the want now pay later element that will bring the club down. The future is rosy, just look at all the clubs chasing our best players in Nasri, Cesc, Clichy, Bendtner and Song - Wenger must be doing something right !!

  8. Eddie the Gooner

    Jun 10, 2011, 18:52 #8494

    I see from the previous comment that the real John Evans has stood up. Having to use profanity and insults at someone who disagrees with you says everything about the character of this 'contributor'. I agree that to say the JD & Kos were the best CB pairing in Europe is completely off the mark but having to descend into angry abuse clearly shows you are not qualified to be posting your views on this site. Just another angry man who is incapable of a real debate and I cannot wait for you to give up your posting rights!

  9. charlie

    Jun 10, 2011, 18:07 #8493

    John Evans, no need for the abuse you toby. When Tony Adams joined us he looked very unsteady on his feet hence the Donkey jibes. I run a u10 football team, which is more than you in all probabilty, and I see a lot of Adams in both Koscienly and Djourou. As Wenger said I bet you've never worked even half a day in football in ur life, yet you expect us to believe you over the greatest manager this country has ever seen. Sod off up the Lane if u don't like it.

  10. John Evans

    Jun 10, 2011, 17:33 #8491

    Charlie - You are possibly the biggest dickhead that I have ever had the misfortune to come across in my entire life. "Djourou and Kos, if u take the silly mistakes out and set pieces, were the best CB pairing in europe." Sounds pretty embarrassing stuff to me. Real Gooner - What makes you think the Cesc to Madrid exclusive will now not happen??? Take it from me it will happen and then you can write on this website and apologise like the good little boy that you are.

  11. Derek

    Jun 10, 2011, 15:50 #8489

    Just another drunken idiot down the pub writing down his idiotic musings.......if your gonna have a discussion about the manager/players/board etc please try and learn how to write one..........trying to slag of wenger and distort everything he has done for us is just juvenile and sadly is just another nail in the coffin of this board which is increasingly becoming more absurd!

  12. charlie

    Jun 10, 2011, 14:59 #8488

    Djourou and Kos, if u take the silly mistakes out and set pieces, were the best CB pairing in europe. Did Messi score at the Emirates? No. They are young, immature but overall I believe they have the mental and physical strength to be the core of our defence for the next decade. If you want ready-made success by buying it go and support Chelsea.

  13. Joe

    Jun 10, 2011, 13:40 #8486

    And I suppose every 'great' manager has never inherited a single half-decent player when coming into a job?!

  14. RealGooner

    Jun 10, 2011, 13:00 #8483

    Dear John, I cannot take a word you say seriously after your "Cesc to Madrid" story and your promise to not write again if it wasn't true. Well everyone with half a brain could have told you that he will end up at Barca this summer and never Madrid. You have truly hoisted yourself by your own petard! Do you even understand football at a basic level? You cannot expect anyone to take you seriously when you have undermined your own creditability and then you have the gall to try and discredit AW!

  15. ArseMart

    Jun 10, 2011, 9:00 #8476

    John - I'm not an Arsene apologist. I think that it's probably time for him to go. But he has done truly great things for our club - We shouldn't forget that. In Clough's last season at Forest he took them down, but the fans still loved him because of what he did for them. Most Liverpool fans felt it was time for Benitez to go by the end but he went with their thanks for some good times rather than belittling his achievements and spewing bile. We make a lot of being "The Arsenal" and being a class above. Well time for us fans to show a bit of that by showing our manager a bit of common decency at least, even if we no longer think he can do the job. And I was one of those fans who "reluctantly" renewed for both money and personal reasons. But I renewed because Arsenal are my team and I've been going for the the past 25 yrs.......I'm not in a position yet where I can turn my back on them because I'm pissed off we finished 4th.....

  16. John

    Jun 10, 2011, 8:41 #8475

    After reading Charlies 2nd post, in which he said Kos and Dj are the best cb pairing in Europe i thought he must be taking the Or is he ?

  17. john

    Jun 09, 2011, 23:21 #8473

    it seems this page is full of Arsene apologists except for Robert who said it all. no wonder THE ARSENAL is falling apart with so called fans like Charlie. He actully said this " Arsenal FC would be nothing without Arsene Wenger. He made our club and is currently building a side that will dwarf Barcelona in the next 10 to 15 years" . Charlie you really are a complete dick. 10 to 15yrs, can you believe it. If this is the kind of fans we have , then we are f*****g doomed we also had fans saying how reluctantly they renewed their STs as they are fed up with AW and the way the club is heading,but they go ahead and buy the tickets anyway. silent stan and the board must be laughing all the way to the bank, their holiday pads and mansions. maybe i just have to accept that its customers we have now, not true fans. ARSENAL PLC is here to stay and The ARSENAL FC is gone forever so f*****g sad.

  18. LeoGooner

    Jun 09, 2011, 21:15 #8471

    I agree this article goes too far in knocking wenger's successes. I am talking about success on the pitch, not on the balance sheet. The point is how many more unsuccessful seasons must pass before his supporters (yes, some people seem to be wenger supporters not Arsenal supporters) are prepared to admit that wenger is presiding over decline and nobody at the club cares as long as he profits are rolling in?

  19. 70's Gooner

    Jun 09, 2011, 20:07 #8468

    Very well said Westie & Arsemart! This article is simply fanning the flames of a pointless witch hunt! You are not the only fan who is frsutrated, WE ALL ARE. Who the hell are you to discredit and diminsh AW's achievements to make your questionable points? No issue with you wanting a change of manager, as a fan that is your perogative and you are entitled to an opinion but you have lost all perspective! We know we have some of the worst fans, its sad but true and this type of nonsense simply confirms this...! Time for this onslaught to stop its pointless at the moment

  20. charlie

    Jun 09, 2011, 19:51 #8467

    we have no divine right to win trophies, besides we reached the carling cup final, were robbed against the best teams in England and Spain in getting knocked out of the other cups and but for some horrendous reffing and injuries would have walked the league. 88 other teams would happily swap places with us, we have serious world-class talent coming through, Koscienly and Djourou are the best CB pairing in europe, Chamakh is going to be the next Henry and our football is the best on on the planet. We have one man to thank for that and you lot want to get rid of him!!

  21. ArseMart

    Jun 09, 2011, 19:38 #8466

    Westie - Thank **** for that mate. Get a grip is right. Editor - This has surely gone far enough now. Whatever the current issues with the side, and whether they are Wenger's fault is one thing, but to belittle his early successes is shameful. 3 Titles is nothing special? Well only 4 teams have ever won the Premiership, so I'd say that's alright really. Especially as 2 came with an FA Cup, and during the other one we went unbeaten. All he did was springle some hundreds and thousands on George Graham's cake? Well I ate some of that cake in 1993-1995 and it tasted like ****, so he must've put a tonnes on to win the double in 1997/8. Wenger had the same players in defence certainly, but he didn't make them launch 70 yard "passes" over the midfield for the entire game did he? If you think we need a change fair enough, but this sort of rubbish is why fans of other clubs think we're all wankers.

  22. jorb

    Jun 09, 2011, 18:43 #8465

    gosh you really do live in looney land dont you, what an atrocious article

  23. Terry

    Jun 09, 2011, 18:31 #8464

    Wenger has won 7 trophies in 15 years.Thats 7 trophies out of a possible 60!!!! And his record in Europe is poor

  24. charlie

    Jun 09, 2011, 17:47 #8463

    Arsenal FC would be nothing without Arsene Wenger. He made our club and is currently building a side that will dwarf Barcelona in the next 10 to 15 years. Other clubs survive by spending insane amounts of money, Arsene is a financial genius. Our wage structure is second to none, our ticket prices more than reasonable and but for injuries we'd have won at least 6 major trophies in the last few years. But the main thing these so-called supporters fail to see is who would replace him? If you don't like Wenger please feel free to go and support Chelsea u glory hunters.

  25. Chris

    Jun 09, 2011, 17:46 #8462

    "Were AW’s ideas at the time really that revolutionary or were the then current day training regimes just so damn ridiculous that a four year old could have improved on things?" Really really daft article - you are very poor at constructing an argument. Ferguson was around in those days - he didn't introduce those techniques. Does he have less ability than a four year old? I think not.

  26. Robert

    Jun 09, 2011, 16:25 #8461

    Great stuff. As you said: which manager COULDN'T get Arsenal to finish 4th every year, have no chance if winning the CL and do nothing in the domestic cups?! Is Wenger doing anything amazing? Not really. The only amazing thing is that there are brainwashed idiots who genuinely think he is hard to replace!!! Hah! Redknapp, on a wage bill £40 million lower than Wenger, managed to get Spuds into CL and they got further than us too! They managed to win a much harder group! Wenger is yesterday's chip paper, he's a nothing man, a loser who is dragging this great club now. The lack of ambition at Arsenal from board, manager and fans is an embarrassment. We moved to the Emirates to compete with the elite did we? For who? Koscielny? Squillaci? Chamakh! Jenkinson? Silvestre? I now hear some fans plead for Samba, Roger Johnson and Friedel. It's pathetic. Wenger is a loser and the sooner we force him out the better.

  27. JJ

    Jun 09, 2011, 16:11 #8459

    Your own logic you have attempted to apply to justify your views is inherently illogical. You have tried to use very simplistic comparisons which are formulaic but sadly bear no relevance to the world of professional sport and you can’t understand how modern football works based on what you have written. Trying to discredit AW to justify your opinions is the classic sign of a 'journalist' who is pushing an agenda without real fact or insight. You make a few good points but you need to learn how to present a debate first, perhaps Im being too harsh, essentially you are a fan with an opinion but I just wash you would write from that POV and not of someone who thinks he knows more than he does

  28. Mark

    Jun 09, 2011, 16:06 #8458

    djadbcm - cesc is a done deal mate - beit barca or madrid it is decided - its arsenal who want to drag their heels revealing this to their public as its not good news for the PLC so there will be signings to announce at same time. you need to realise what you are dealing with here. a PR machine not a football club

  29. Pradeep Kachhala

    Jun 09, 2011, 16:01 #8457

    Poor article, Wenger has competed if not won anything for the last 6 seasons. Also every team that has moved stadium in the last 12 years has been relegated - apart from Arsenal who have been in the champions league places for the entire period. Read Arsenal the making of a modern superclub to see how precarious the club's financial position was beofre moving stadiums and the restrictions placed uopn the squad. Harry Redknapp or Owen Coyle? Really? My main problem with Wenger is his crusade not to spend money and prove a point to the more spendthrift clubs. However this has not worked so money will be spent this summer - it remains to be seen whether this will be enough to sustain the squad over 38 games: but the financial position has improved greatly - and old red nose went 5 years without winning anything and had many close shaves at the league before finally cracking it. I think Wenger has finally woken up and smelled the coffee - money will be spent as the current squad isn't quite good enough.

  30. Goonerboy

    Jun 09, 2011, 14:36 #8456

    I love this guy! He thinks he is the football Don but he has the knowledge of a 5 year old! I have sent some of your articles to non gooners to get some objectivity and they ripped it apart and they dont even like Arsenal! You talk out of your a** mate, I would genuinely like to read an interesting piece written by an informed and educated contributor, but where are they? This isnt even about AW, its the narccissm shown by you......! Are they really that short of articles on this site?

  31. Marcus

    Jun 09, 2011, 14:23 #8455

    Interesting article. I for one have been saying for a while that I am appalled at the amount of AKB's who have said to me that Wenger "made Arsenal". Firstly, before Wenger arrived we were the 3rd most successful club in English football history. 15 years on we are STILL the 3rd most successful club in English football history. Also, Wenger inherited Seaman, Adams, Keown, Bould, Dixon, Winterburn, Parlour, Bergkamp and Ian Wright and these were the players our first double was built around and they taught the Arsenal spirit and tradition to new signings like Vieira, Henry, Pires etc. Who do we have now to pass on these principles? Johann Djourou???? Alex Song??? Gael Clichy??? No wonder we have a bunch of lads without an ounce of fight and no pride in the shirt. Wenger did not "make" Arsenal, he moved the club forward but has brought us as far as he can and we are now in decline. Either he gives up his vanity project or he should move on because he has put himself before the club in recent seasons. I hope you guys are aware that despite him being so tight fisted with player's contracts, he is the second highest paid coach in world football behind Jose Mourinho and Wenger is paid £1 million a year MORE than Alex Ferguson.

  32. Jack B

    Jun 09, 2011, 14:16 #8454

    More of the same, so repetitive, so boring and you don’t have anything new to say Your just espousing the same boring trite. Why hasn't Cesc gone to Madrid yet?? We were exclusively told by you that it would happen, yet nothing? And apparently Samba is a done deal, again according to you? You are the worse type of fan in my eyes, constant negative criticism with no idea of how to engage in a discussion or debate about issues that matter to a lot of fans. The biggest irony is that from the tone of your words you seem think you are the one in the know and the other fans are fools......its the other way round fella!

  33. Westie

    Jun 09, 2011, 13:44 #8452

    I am not an AKB. However, I find this article ridiculous - whatever Wengers current failings are, you can't belittle his previous achievements. The trophies, the style of football, the fact that we haven't finished lower than 4th place in his time with the club, the invincible season, etc etc I am extremely frustrated that we haven't built on the incredible achievement of the invincible season - and Wenger is guilty of allowing his philosphy turn into a vanity project. BUT, this shouldn't allow us to lose a sense of perspective about his achievements - he is one of Arsenals greatest ever managers and nothing will ever change that. Get a grip.

  34. Stumpy Den

    Jun 09, 2011, 13:43 #8451

    According to Sky Sports last night, Jones from Blackburn was in talks with AW on Tuesday, but went to Man utd on Wednesday on a long term contract. What I want to know is, if AW was interested in this player why did he not make the move earlier and what was said that made him think of moving to Man utd, when his best chance of playing regular football would be with us rather than the Mancs. If it was about money or contract, what went wrong. If we are not carefull we will miss out on any decent (hard) technical players that may come up, and end up looking elsewhere for a cheaper but yet again ineffective player from europe/ Africa. Give us some good news and sign someone worthwhile now.

  35. Hughsey24

    Jun 09, 2011, 13:40 #8450

    Its all about leadership! If you say you are happy to come 2nd then the players will follow!

  36. DJADBMc

    Jun 09, 2011, 13:14 #8449

    John, I note that we are now on the 9th June and still nothing on the Cesc to Madrid “done deal” You stated that this was a certainty to happen in early June, and if it did not you would “gladly never write another article on this site ever again” You did mean June 2011?

  37. Richard Ansell

    Jun 09, 2011, 12:49 #8448

    Good article, John, and I agree wholeheartedly that Wenger is not as good as he likes to think he is. The inherited back four, coupled with the likes of Ray Parlour gave him the platform to succeed. I very much doubt we would have won much without them. He is now exposed as a manager who appears clueless on the mix of players required in the Premier League to succeed. He also seems scared of committing the money he does have available on some quality and experience in the transfer market and will no doubt wait until the last minute as usual and lose out to other clubs with managers that are capable of making a decision. All in all he is a bloody disaster and I don't remember feeling as low as I do now about Arsenal and the direction we are going.

  38. Stevearsenal

    Jun 09, 2011, 12:41 #8447

    Very good article indeed, although you could have given AW a bit more credit for earlier success. But it's the present that counts now and I share your pessimism.

  39. Mark

    Jun 09, 2011, 12:41 #8446

    John i think the veil is gradually being pulled off of many arsenal fans eyes who have actually been thinking Aw focus was to win trophies. It is not at all and you and I know that and so our best policy is to show as many fans as possible that this is the horrible reality as then we can start to try to change things for the better.

  40. chris dee

    Jun 09, 2011, 12:30 #8445

    Despite all the stick we are giving him Arsenal fans are hoping we succeed with Arsene in charge. Moyes? Coyle? Redknapp ? Really ? Do you really think they could have kept us in the top four without a massive outlay on transfers while the club was paying of the debt for a new stadium with so many young untried players in the team at the same time? I am as angry as you about the last couple of seasons but please,give us some credible alternatives, not 'fairly' good managers a la Bruce Rioch. Interesting point about the last 15 years, but we have finished in the top 4 in all of those years,something we have not managed throughout our history. Wenger is not stupid,I believe he will walk away himself if nothing is won next season.

  41. Ron

    Jun 09, 2011, 12:01 #8444

    Post Premier League formation, its a phenomenal achievement to win even one title, never mind 3 of them as AW has done. Take a look at who have managed the feat. Very few. Its easy to forget too that post Stadium move, hes been to a CL Final, 2 CC Finals and been thereabouts in the Prem League and never out of the top 4. Whichever way you look at it, AWs record is damn good and following him will be a hard act to follow. Im not saying that AW doesnt have questions to answer. Im as critical of him as anybody else at times, but dont belittle his record to be akin to that of the likes of Redknapp, Moyes and Coyle please. None of them have achieved much, if anything, and none are never likely too either in my view albeit theyre at smaller Clubs where life is tougher no doubt. The right man will be able to fill Wengers boots and getting the right man is the big issue. Its isnt like following Ferguson as you say. It never is. Utd are massive and that job is always the pinnacle of the game in the UK, whether the Club have been successful or not. Bosses there that pre date Fergie would vouch for that. Following Wenger 3 years ago would have been harder. Then he wasnt being condemned from pillar to post as a boss who had lost his way. In my view hes laid his head on the block too willingly for the Board who have reaped the reward of the ground move as theyve one by one shuffled off from the scene with a wad of readies they cdt have dreamed about pre Wenger. He had many offers from the top Clubs abroad 3-4 years ago and im pretty sure that with hindsight having 20/20 vision, part of him wished hed gone when he wasnt much past his mid 50s. Hes maybe too old now and looks to me like Arsenal have worn down his resolve and drive. His body language for at least 2 years has seen him cut a forlorn figure. I suppose his enormous salary has helped him keep stum about the Board when his better judgment might have been telling him to speak out as other bosses do at times. I feel quite sorry for him (he wont my sympathy im sure) in that hes seemingly so willingly allowed his natural aims in the game to become secondary to the Boardrooms cashbook and share value. Intentionally or not, hes allowed himself to become synonymous with the Boardroom and hence the stick thats flying towards the Club now from disgruntled fans will inevitably hit him too.He has to accept that. Im of the view that the Board are the most culpable for our 'decline' if thats what it truly is. That we're still there or therabouts is worthy of a medal for Wenger, whichever way people view his legacy and bosses who are in the frame to follow will see it that way too im sure.

  42. king

    Jun 09, 2011, 11:54 #8443

    who let this guy write on this site this guy is mad without any knowlege of soccer....plz someone say this guy to get lost

  43. Liam

    Jun 09, 2011, 11:33 #8442

    I find this article ridiculous. If a four year old could have seen the change to training regimes, then why did no one do it beforehand. AW changed the Premiership and no one can deny that, even Ferguson would give him credit. To keep the team in the Champions League, move stadium and keep the clubs debt so minimal is nothing short of remarkable. Yes we have not won anything for a while, but I think what Wenger has acheived with Arsenal over his time in charge he deserves credit. Yes he deserves criticism for this season, buy you cannot discredit what he was done beforehand. He is laying foundations which we will reap in 10 years, much like Cyruff did with Barca.

  44. ollyarsenal

    Jun 09, 2011, 11:16 #8441

    The club are more happy with there bank balance then there trophy cabinet since we moved to the emirates,the day we left highbury was a serious turning point for arsene wenger and how we look at the team,but all ya can do is ,win,lose or your team 100%