Et tu Nasri?

Arsene Wenger surely deserves more than this from his players

Et tu Nasri?

All hail ‘Caesar’?

Pssst! Oi, mate! Hey, you there! Yes, you. Please allow me to let you in on a little secret. Come closer; you won't believe what I've just heard. Word is... you're not going to believe this... but the word on the street is that the Emperor isn't actually wearing any clothes! Calm down! Shhhh! Keep it between us for just for a minute. Yes, I know that you think that you can see the exquisite, elegant garments that everyone keeps on going on about, but you have to understand that they are only about as real as my digitally-installed "total recall" memories of Katie Price's big beautiful fake mammaries.

Yes, of course it's true. I swear on the life of my lovely dead cat Snowball's grave it is. No, really. It is! There! Now! Look there! There! Can you see his wrinkly old bum there? A wee tiny bit more than you wanted to see of him, isn't it? And again - there it is! Do you see it now? I'm sure it must just be a very cold day.

And so it was that, after a few boys and girls had heard the whisper and truly believed in it with all of their heart and soul, then soon it was that the veil was lifted from the eyes of the peasants and the whole kingdom could finally see that the Emperor was only kidding himself about his magnificent new garments (he had even somehow managed to deceive himself, despite the cold weather) and he was in fact, stark bullock-naked.

Emperor Arsène "Caesar" Wenger publicly decreed four very interesting but also very stupid statements last season that are going to haunt him and Arsenal F.C. until he somehow manages to win a major trophy for Arsenal again, or he decides to cash in his chips, retires from club football and finally ends up as head coach of the French national team.

The emperor somehow managed to keep a straight face when he came up with these four little nuggets of comedy-gold, 1. "This is my best squad ever". 2. "This team has unbelievable mental strength". 3. "I would sign up right now for second place for the next 20 years", and - my own personal favourite - 4. (on the apparent lack of on-field leadership in the Arsenal team) "There is a big cultural difference. For the English, sport is a combat. The English can't imagine going into battle without a general. For the French, football is a form of collective expression."

Each and every one of those statements should strike you - as a true Arsenal fan - as immediately and obviously ridiculous, but what worries me most is, what in the world are the players thinking when they hear Le Boss spouting such utter tripe? Do they think that he's finally gone completely mental? Or do they pity him as an idealistic and romantic old fool who has lost touch with the real world and who, in his lonely world of idealistic isolation, stubbornly refuses to listen to anyone else? Possibly even on occasion ignoring his own better judgement about the true abilities of some of his players, so clouded is his judgement by the emotional and financial commitment he has made to this group of players?

The problem for the emperor is that, while players like Fabregas and Van Persie have developed into tailor-made designer suits, players like Almunia, Eboue, Squillaci, Diaby, Denilson and Bendtner have only developed into a skid-marked pair of Primark pants - which only goes to show that, although you can sometimes get some fantastic deals on a bit of clobber in the sales, you usually get what you pay for.

The recent comments and behaviour of some of our players would suggest that some of the current Arsenal squad can see that their glorious leader, Arsène "Caesar" Wenger, is wandering around completely naked and that the time has come for them to jump ship before they are dragged down into the murky depths of his tragically-flawed, failed footballing philosophy. They have been sharpening their knives for Caesar with some lazy, uncommitted, mentally-weak, error-strewn performances for some years now, but some of their words and actions recently must surely cut deeper into Wenger’s heart than any blade could ever reach. I'm so disgusted by it all that I simply can't imagine what Arsène Wenger must be thinking to himself right now.

Arsène Wenger can't be sleeping too well lately. Rumour has it that he can't lie on his back (he can only tell a lie when he's standing up anyway, see points 1-4 for details) and that's probably due to all the knives that he has had plunged in between his shoulder blades by his players recently. It must be so uncomfortable for him to be publicly humiliated like this by the all the little monsters that he has created. Like a real-life Dr. Frankenstein, Wenger is suffering at the hands of his own creation in a bitter twist in his story at Arsenal that may just finish poor old Emperor Wenger off. Wenger has successfully brainwashed and mesmerised his players into believing that they are the second coming of the Invincibles, when they are clearly more like the bloody Invisibles most of the time. The fact that he has some of these kids believing that they are Zidane or Maradona should be worthy of a medal in itself, as it is undoubtedly one of the most amazing motivational achievements in the history of world football.

Arsène Wenger should be afraid, very afraid. Arsène Wenger has lost the faith and respect of his players, meaning that he has therefore literally lost his dressing room. When that happens to a manager, it usually means that it's just a matter of time before he gets the axe or chooses to jump overboard from his sinking ship before he is forced to walk the plank by his own mutinous crew. Remember Big Phil Scolari at Chelsea? Or Ruud Gullit at Newcastle? Just two examples of great men who certainly know a thing or two about football, but couldn't control the over-inflated egos and the bad eggs in their dressing rooms.

I take no pride in criticising Wenger, as I was once one of his greatest supporters, but after that groundhog season we've just had, I've pretty much had enough now. It hurts to see someone you used to idolise become a laughing stock, a living, breathing walking, talking caricature of himself, and this serial abuse of Arsenal fans has to stop - now. Full stop. Arsenal fans can no longer be expected to put up with mediocre players who can't even be bothered to try their best on a consistent basis because they have been convinced that they are the finished article. They actually think that they are superstars! Even though they haven't won anything! Hilarious, isn't it? They all seem completely convinced that they are individually not the problem but that everyone else in the squad is the problem.

I don't want to watch Wenger continue to fail, I don't revel in the misfortunes of Arsenal F.C. I want to see him win things again, but unless he signs the modern equivalents of Sol Campbell, Patrick Vieira and Thierry Henry this summer it's just so not going to happen for him, I’m afraid, simply because of the way that he sets his team up to play the beautiful game.

In order for Wengerball to be effective, you need a sh*t-hot world-class team, and we have mostly a very decent-looking under-21 side at the very best. This current squad is nowhere near a world class team. No it is not. Remember the golden age, the good old times, remember when we had Pires, Henry, Bergkamp, Ljungberg and Vieira all in the same team? Now that was Wenger’s best squad ever. This new squad isn’t fit to lace their boots, but Emperor Arsène seems to have them thinking that they are all so very fabulous, even the ones who aren't World Cup finalists like Fabregas and Van Persie.

This all started for me when I heard the news that Cesc Fabregas was shooting his mouth off back in April this year. He said "From 2007, I had already started saying ‘we're not winning, but we're playing well’. And then you realise that's no use. You enjoy yourself, during a phase of the championship - like this year, for example, when we were still in four different competitions. And you say to yourself 'here I have everything!' But then that final point is missing and it's then when you have to make a decision: either go out and win, or develop players."

Fabregas also discussed why Wenger was not under more pressure following Arsenal's lack of trophies. "It's different here," the Spain midfielder added. "The coach is an intelligent person and the club values other things - that the team is always in the Champions League, that they fight until the end, bring through young players, economic stability. I guess that, for the board, that is important. Although I imagine there will be a moment when you have to take the plunge...either you win or you don't win."

The Spanish midfielder believes his side are lacking a few important ingredients to challenge the domination that Manchester United and Chelsea have enjoyed over recent seasons. "It's difficult. For me it's more a lack of a winning mentality, also of maturity in key moments," he said. "We have plenty of quality but lack this bit of confidence. The problem is that the team needs to win something. That's why it was so important to win the Carling Cup. We needed this cup to be able to believe in ourselves as a team. (Robin) Van Persie has won an FA Cup as I have, but there's no more. Nobody in the team has won anything. We are missing that ability to say: 'now I know what it is to win and I know what it takes to win'. That's what made the Arsenal team of 'The Invincibles' so strong, they knew how to win games, when to dig in, when to attack, they had a special intelligence to read games. Now we are very young."

Now I'm not going to say that what Cesc is saying isn't accurate. I'm just questioning whether it was the right thing to come out and say while he is still the Arsenal captain. He forgets to mention that, if it wasn't for Wenger's "Project Youth", he would never have got his big chance and would not be the player that he is today without Arsenal F.C. and its fans. As if those comments weren't enough of a slap in the face to Wenger, his team mates and the fans of Arsenal F.C., then spending the final day of the season in Barcelona (of all places!) at the Grand Prix was the icing on the bitter-tasting cake of his betrayal.

You really don't care about Arsenal anymore, do you Cesc? You've got Barcelona on the brain again. You forget that Arsenal and Arsène Wenger made you what you are today and you could easily stay for a couple of more years and go back home when you are 26 and Barcelona might actually need you. Barcelona don't need you, but we at Arsenal do and, if you leave us now, when we need you the most and Arsenal plunge down the Premier League table, many Arsenal fans will never ever forgive you for leaving. Call yourself a captain? A true captain either heroically steers his ship to safety or goes down with it. Motorsport is obviously more important to you than Arsenal is, so why oh why did you ever dare to kiss our beloved badge? How very painful for Wenger that his captain and poster-child for Project Youth is now deserting him when he truly needs him the most. Cheers, Cesc mate! F*** you very much, culo! By all means privately pressure the boss to sign international superstars, but I think that you are just doing your laundry in public to excuse your desire to return to the warm embrace of your idol Pep Guardiola and. if (as some people are suggesting) he ends up transferring to any other team than his much-beloved Barcelona, he will lose whatever shred of respect that he still has among the Arsenal faithful.

There was Wenger walking around with this great big knife sticking out of his back that Fabregas so unceremoniously plunged into it but did Denilson or Bendtner come to his aid and try to pull it out? Did they f***! They both decided that it was a good time to come out and publicly declare their desire to leave Arsenal!

Denilson said "and most of all the boss suffers it worst of all and that makes me sad, because he is a great man and a great manager." Denilson says Wenger has been brilliant in dealing with his desire to leave. "I went to see him and told him of my decision and he understood. "He says he will not stand in my way and, if the club receives a good offer for me, I can go. I was so relieved to hear that. I am very grateful. Not every manager would have been like Arsène Wenger, not every club would act like Arsenal. I know in a year's time I might regret it and be wishing I'd stayed. I may go somewhere and find it's just not the same. But my heart tells me I have to take that risk, I have to be honest with myself, be true to myself. I am a footballer and I want to play every week because I want the chance to play for Brazil. Look at Lucas at Liverpool. He's been playing regularly and he's in the Brazil team. That's where I want to be. I would love to be able to do that at Arsenal, but, based on how things have gone this season, I think it's time for a change. So I am flying home to Brazil on Sunday and I'm hoping I can make a fresh start in Spain or maybe Italy."

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  1. HowardL

    Jun 13, 2011, 23:16 #8713

    It's the downward trend at the end of last season that most worries me. The abuse of the club by many of the players is particularly hard to bear. I can see no way out apart from Arsene leaving. It is sad; I was an AKB but I'm now convinced AMG.

  2. John

    Jun 13, 2011, 14:08 #8698

    To JJB. I think its John Evans your referring to, not this john. Interesting read anyway.

  3. JJB

    Jun 13, 2011, 9:43 #8682

    @John - You have lost your voice on the board as far as I am concerned, you disparage anyone who disagrees with you and unlike many of your fellow contributors like Joe, you are too immature to engage in a discussion. Everything that comes out of your angry mouth is boring and no one really pays attention to you as you have no credibility in your writing! Why hasn’t Cesc gone to Madrid yet?? i thought your brothers, dog's sister knew the cat of the chef at Arsenal? Come on where are your exclusives? Do you need some more time to make up some new ones?

  4. Cunnunglydisguisedspud

    Jun 13, 2011, 9:34 #8681

    Its Groundhog day, thats what it is. The more you say its Groundhog Day, the more it actually seems like Groundhog Day, just like in Quantum Physics where it is proven that the observer can affect space/time / light....or something like that. Whatever, Wenger has still lost the plot...

  5. stuksta

    Jun 13, 2011, 8:43 #8675

    Here we go again, we're getting deeper in to 'silly season and it's; whinge-whinge-whinge, overreact, spew. Go and have a nice relaxing holiday and try and untwist your knickers. Arsenal are quite clearly 90% of the way there and the true fans know it. I liked the fact someone stated the other day that every team that's moved stadium in the last 12 years has been relegated (apart from Arsenal who've been in the Champions League for the entire period). What does that piece of insight tell you? Personally, I'm very happy with how we're doing as I know we're getting closer and that it will all be worth it in the long run. Everyone, please get on with supporting the team you supposedly support instead of slagging them off and also just be careful what you wish for.

  6. Ikechukwu

    Jun 12, 2011, 22:43 #8672

    Good article but I feel NO pity for Wenger whatsoever. I am delighted to see him being so publicly humiliated, mocked and laughed at. He is an arrogant, lying self-serving plutocrat and he deserves EVERY single bit of humble pie coming his way. Everything that is now happening is a direct result of his arrogance and policies. Don't blame Cesc for leaving. He's already stayed far longer than most would have. Wenger has surrounded him with crap, and asked him to carry dross. Nasri is ambitious and wants to join a club that wins trophies. Why should he waste his career with a loser like Wenger? I wouldn't. WINNING is what counts. Not 4th place. Nasri and Cesc ain't from North London, so they owe this club nothing at all. Cesc has saved Wenger, more than Wenger saved him. Imagine this shower without Cesc, they'd finish seventh, and you will see how they get on without Cesc next season. Face it: Wenger is an arrogant Loser, but the beauty of karma is that this arrogant sod who has lied to the fans, made himself rich in the process and mucked about whilst disregarding the fans....KARMA is coming back to bite him hard. He is being humiliated left right and centre. From his rubbish tactics, to his Carling cup final joke, to his trophyless reputation as a nearly man, to even his private life and his little gangsta mistress!!!! I am a Gooner of over 25 years and I my friend, am laughing heartily at Wenger. He deserves EVERYTHING coming his way, and this is just the beginning of his six years of negligence. More to come, be afraid....

  7. andy lowe

    Jun 12, 2011, 22:30 #8671

    i think u are reading too much into everything... denilson and bendtner stabbing wenger in the back?? he doesnt play them anymore, theyrenot good enough.. no wonder they want to leave. they have to think of their own careers. but also earlier in your preachings you commented on these exact players as the "skid-marked pair of Primark pants" - te clobber from the sales. so do you want them at arsenal or not?? what point are you even trying to make?? wenger has seen it all before, he doesnt care if denilson and bentner want to leave, they are not important to the squad. making comparisons to scolari at chelsea or clubs like newxastle who have been through tens of managers whilst arsene has been at arsenal is totally irrelevant. if you cant see how those examples are irrelevant to arsenal then ask someone who understands football and the differences between our club and theirs. You make our team sound like theyre **** but you forget we beat barca, man u and chelsea this season. You forget to mention jack wilshere and szchesny when you are listing our terrible players. go support man city if you want to buy trophies, you can sit next to his royal highness the sheik who spends all his money on football players whilst his people are in poverty.

  8. Biplav

    Jun 12, 2011, 22:06 #8670

    Man. Well written. I like it very much. Even though I am a great fan of Manu, reading this has brought some love in my heart for arsenal. I dont like why you are comparing Nasri to Rooney though. How is rooney greedy?

  9. Noz, Rainham, Essex.

    Jun 12, 2011, 22:05 #8669

    I want to feel sorry for Arsene, he is a true Arsenal legend, but I cannot. He has brought this all on himself by trying to be a father to the players rather than a manager, a boss who will punish you if you screw up at your job. A boss like we 'normal' people have. Well Arsene, your children are doing what comes naturally and rebelling against your authority. They will look back and regret it most probably and deep down they love you. However, that doesn't help my beloved Arsenal and being a father is not what you get paid 6 million quid a year for. Sort it out or get out. You have until xmas and that is only because deep down I love you as well. Don't let me down.

  10. Manktroll

    Jun 12, 2011, 19:55 #8667

    That French git has lost the plot and must go. He is wrecking the club and its history. This team will not qualify for the Champions League next year, will finish 9th and Wilshere will be the next to leave. Wake up Wenger sheep- baaahhhhh AKBs - you are even more to blame than Wenger, hope you can live with yourselves

  11. WGreen Gooner

    Jun 12, 2011, 19:37 #8665

    martin o'neill...oh dear uou should be ashamed. Why do you think a manager that has won nothing is better than a manager that hasn't wone anything for 6 years...? you talk about the knives being out... I'm saddened like the rest of you with what you/we are hearing. I must stress the word " hearing". Get a grip! Do you believe everything you hear, guarantee's a few more paper sales though. it's going to be a long hard nervous summer, but hey i'll be in my seat in the clock end as usual. and so will you! if not just stick to buying a fanzine every now and again and believe what you read in the paper.

  12. Brad

    Jun 12, 2011, 19:02 #8664

    FB: This article should be seen in the context of betrayals "Et tu" is a shakespeare reference "Et tu Brute"

  13. Rodgerinho

    Jun 12, 2011, 17:44 #8661

    Mate the bottom line is that footballers are ****s. Dont be surprised when they do something horrendously selfish or act like a complete plank, the fact is they all seem to be that way. It's funny because the likes of Ashley Cole, John Terry, C. Ronaldo, Giggs, Rooney, Crouch, Lampard, Fabregas, Gallas, Hleb, Adebayor etc. are all top talents, very well known and famous. And that's quite a list of guys who have acted like ****ing twats. Now consider all the guys who aren't half as famous and tell me they aren't the very same. John Giles made a good comment about this; "you start playing professional football at 16 and when you retire you're still 16." It's a really sheltered life and they have money thrown in their faces from their teens, so why are we even shocked when they throw the rattle out of the pram and acted like spoiled little brats? My resolution since I found out the quietest guy in football is scum is to just focus on the football, forget and ignore all of the other ****, trust the manager to buy and sell correctly, and enjoy it without putting too much of myself into my support. And hopefully Wenger can prove himself, end this sad little pantomime and buy someone of the quality of Thierry Henry at his best

  14. Past Success Squandered.

    Jun 12, 2011, 16:39 #8656

    Fergy set the model how to sustain success year after year new team after new team. but AW is far too arrogant to ever look at another manager in the EPL and learn anything from him. AW is not a football manager. he is a student professor of the game and there is a massive difference. He does not have the passion other top managers have. He cannot handle personal man management motivation. He is content to throw out lofty comments about any current subject going on in football generally when the Arsenal fans just want him to focus on winning the next match and motivating his players. you dont get Fergy commenting on this that and the other as if he is some footy guru - he gets on with his job which is to win matches and trophies. you see more picture of fergy on the training ground than you do of Wenger by a mile. Wenger will never be able to persuade top british players to come here now so hes only chance is more mercenary foreign players who want EPL and CL experience and top money and these guys only properly blend in when there are british players waiting for them in the dressing room ready to make sure the culture takes root. British players will feel the soul of the club that they play for, connect with the mainly British crowd and they will fight for the points in every match and teach the foreign player that this is how it is in England. I really dont think 40% of the people reading online gooner yet realise what a serious situation our football club is now in. We are imploding and they dont seem to understand why. The history of George graham's success has been ripped from the club eventhough GG matched Fergy toe for toe 1986-1994. how can it be that all that experience of strong back 4 plus goalkeeper has been ripped out of our clubs thinking ? weve had a board and manager last 5 years so obsessed with PLC, profit, emirates that the heart of our club has now gone. you will see start of next season will begin as we ended this season. the spririt has left the building we are need of utterly major surgery and you will all see this come around end september. It is sad beyond belief, i wish Ian Wright and Tony Admams could come back in here somewhere and at least make us all feel proud again

  15. Gare Kekeke

    Jun 12, 2011, 16:16 #8655

    Nice article dude. @ Buffalo: Do you really believe this current lot for our club are 'great'? I'll tell you what great teams are, the Dalglish inspired Liverpool teams of the 1970s & 80s, Man Utd 92-94, 95-97, 1998-2001, 2006-09, Nottm' Forest 1977-80 & Arsenal 2001-04 to name but a few. Teams who could boast league titles, domestic Cups & European trophies (granted our lot are the exception). They are great teams. This motley crew for The Arsrnal couldn't even win the Carling Cup against a team who were relegated to the Championship on the last day of the season. Think before you post.

  16. tim, london

    Jun 12, 2011, 16:10 #8653

    well written, it s been about 5 years since i decided not to have any player's name on my arsenal jerseys any more. to make it worse i am considering not buying even the new jerseys any more, i feel used and getting nothing in return but pain. and yes, i love arsenal more then ever if you are asking

  17. allybear

    Jun 12, 2011, 15:12 #8652

    Great article and also i have enjoyed the comments. I would let Nasri go because he didnt do much yhis year and as for Bendtner? I hope some of the rumoured signings happen but my one wish is that Arsene Wenger will finally admit defeat and go. Im sick of listening to him and its quite clear that his policies have failed and he has been given long enough. Also have to laugh about the potential of Walcott what a waste of time,he has had his chances as well and failed.


    Jun 12, 2011, 14:21 #8650

    You idiot; 'et tu nasri' is a take on 'et tu, brute?'. Saying 'et toi, Nasri?' would have diverged from the parallels to Ceaser's death at the hands of his so called allies.

  19. Kipmonster

    Jun 12, 2011, 13:12 #8648

    Wenger's deluded assessment hisc squad & 'molly coddling' of the players is backfiring against him as it's giving inconsistent, underachieving & even total flop layers an attitude of entitlement. Nasri for half a good season & at best sporadic spells in the other two & a half, derserves highest wage earner parity. Similar belief from Clichy who so often has made mistakes costing us crucial goals ..... Birmingham, Shakthar Donetsk, Sunderland etc etc. Bendtner who believes he is worthy of more playing time whilst he struts around like top dog but casually misses processions of chances ( 6 !! in one game vs Blackburn ! ). Denilson who wants to to leave to pursue silverware !! & clearly doesn't believe his useless performances may have contributed to the failure. A player who is worse now than the raw kid who arrived who back then at least could strike good dead balls at free kick & corner situations.

  20. spursman79

    Jun 12, 2011, 12:45 #8646

    and we thought we had problems lol

  21. tony bee

    Jun 12, 2011, 12:02 #8642

    spot on players let the prof down

  22. Exiled-Gooner

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:54 #8641

    The only person Wenger can blame is himself and yes a portion can be attributed to the board but there isn't a David Dein type on the board who wants success on the pitch there all business men and to them wenger is a dream manager with minimum outlay,maximum profit and giving where credit's due wenger has continuously got a jackpot C/L spot with dross and that's nectar to there share price but that's now under threat from 2/3 clubs.I think this all started at the end the 2007/08 season when we didn't just throw but CATAPULTED the P/L title away and then he should realised we needed 2/3 quality players to strengthen and assist in the develop of the young squad then but instead we got Sylvestre...great...and ended up 4th(just) and 20 points behind manure and also the way he handled the greedywhore situation which spread discontent through the squad of which i don't think hasn't totally gone away. Since then he has made excuse after excuse for his players failure to win ANYTHING,by doing this he has created a aura of grandeur and egoism by the ,at most average, players and rewarded them with contracts other teams squad, or reserves to that fact,can only dream of.Take in the past ridiculous statements of ''a C/L place is success'',''i rather achieve 2nd for 20years'' etc etc this shows the lack of ambition which has been generated by wenger himself and so we see certain players going through the motions so to get the golden goose C/L place and warrant there lottery win contracts and a easy ride and with no threat of being sold(doesn't matter if there don't play).Wenger is stifling the development of our younger players by 1)not bringing in quality players to learn from 2)not giving them a chance in the P/L but instead loan them out to lower leagues until there themselves leave for lack of opportunities 3)by keep using average players like Song,Denilson,diarby,Rosicky etc it is also a damning statement that only 2 players have graduated from our youth ranks-Cashley and Jack-the rest are brought.No,his fantasy is now turning against him and if he wants to come out of it with any respect he needs to admit to the mistake and bring in the 4/5 QUALITY players needed and change the team play to actually CHALLENGE for honours,also goes for the backroom staff.

  23. clockendpaul

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:50 #8640

    GoonerDave.... barca did think cesc was good enough, but players in spain can't sign professional terms til their 18, get your facts right. We got cesc at 15 and we have jusy robbed them of another two 16 year olds, great youth project just buying everyone else kids, pity he can't spend some money on players we can see in the team NOW.

  24. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:42 #8639

    John- the Shakespeare comment was directed at "FB" (post 9454)as a little joke. Of course, Mr. Fyle beat me to it and fair play to him for that. I was simply pointing out that I didn't just read his article yesterday and copy some of his excellent points. If my article made just one person think or smile then I'm happy enough with it. Thankyou for your comments and terribly sorry for "boring" you.

  25. Danish Gooner.

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:27 #8636

    Many great points made.The ludicrous money Nasri want from Arsenal is completely out of order 160 grand a week for doing his little step over or scoring a goal against an also ran team is laughable and really just show us how delusional these players have become,how about a little perspective guys,most of you go missing for large parts of the season(including Nasri)and still wants extortionate wagea,i wonder how it would be perceived if i asked my boss for a pay rise and i only would have to work half the time,i am one hundred percent certain he would ask me to go **** myself.These players must live on another planet in some sort of warped time sytem where their agents think they are the dogs bollocks without ever having achieve anything but misery.If we have to stick Nasri in the reserves for 12 months and take a loss on him let us do that it is the only way to show the fans and that player power have been taken to far.

  26. Unbeaten03/04

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:24 #8635

    I don't understand why blaming our best players wanting to leave. I would if I was in their shoes. Don't forget that they are closer to Arsenal Stadium or the board so they hear the gossips first then us weeks. The players get the real picture clearer tham us anyway so their decisions leave should be respected especially like cesc who has given few years without moving somewhere else and still not winning anything. Man U's already buying players and what is arsenal doing - they're barganing prices for top players when other clubs are walking right in front of them and buying the top players right in front of them!!!

  27. John

    Jun 12, 2011, 11:14 #8633

    Joe, If Emmanuels article was published 1 day before yours, then it is obvious to assume that it was written before yours, isnt it? Your reference to shakespeare doesnt make sense then. Anyway i like your articles and was just observing from both yours and his, that Emmanel put the blame where it belongs and that is Arsene Wenger. Your criticism of the deadwood is justified but i disagree particularly what you said about cesc and samir as its Arsene who is pushing them out by his inaction and delusional comments.

  28. Gooner S

    Jun 12, 2011, 10:35 #8630

    This post is a bit of ramble. That said, I get it, you've lost patience with Arsene Wenger, you also take aim at some of the players. You don't actually say what Arsenal should do about any of this though. I quite liked the Emperor's new clothes angle even though it wasn't really substantiated. Personally I don't agree with it (regarding Wenger) but there you go. You don't finish 4th in the premier league with a team of nobodies do you? Let's face it we under performed last season, we should have finished higher but didn't. This is where I agree with some of your post; the players clearly have the talent but some are lacking in that something extra. For me it's a mental attitude or mental strength, maybe even desire! Some of them are just a load of 'Billy Big Boots', they abdicate responsibility to somebody else. I think Arsene Wenger knows this now but only time will tell with who he can get into the squad and who he can ship out. His quote about it being the best squad is related to their talent. They have talent - that should be obvious to all (including you) but he now knows that some of them don't have the mental make up to be winners, especially when things get tough. Regarding transfers we have to be realistic about our targets; we cannot compete with Chelsea, Man City or even Man Utd for cash. Unless a player wants to joins us then we don't stand a prayer if one of those 3 come in for him as well. Related to this point I don't want us to put the club at risk by trying to compete on those terms (think Leeds United). That's what Arsene Wenger meant by his finishing 2nd for the next twenty years quote and it's why we have the transfer policy we have. Arsenal fans have to understand this and be realistic. That doesn't mean to say that we shouldn't get frustrated or express our dissapointment. I for one am very frustrated with our performances since February. Frankly we should have won the league or at the very least finished runner's up but we didn't. In short I think Arsene Wenger has the right strategy, we need to add 3 or 4 players and I think he will, if he can. Lastly: Pires, Henry, Ljungberg and Vieira all made their name at Arsenal under Wenger. They were not World class when they came to the club. Even Bergkamp's reputation was doubted. I can recall seeing Henry's debut at home, he missed a chance up at the North Bank and the guy sitting behind me said something like "you're crap, you'll never make it" but you could see Henry's talent and he kept going. Viera's debut was against Sheff Weds at home if I recall correctly, we were losing at HT when he came on, you could immediately see both the talent and the will to win but what he did is then kept that up over a number of seasons, even when he had earnt more money that he could possibly need. That's the difference between him and some others that have the talent but not the desire and will to win. Talent is there, you can see it and it remains but the will to win (or call it what you like) depends upon what motivates somebody initially. It can be there to begin with and then dissipate. It can be there when everythng is going well but can go when things get tough. It makes the difference at the top level. It makes the difference between finishing 4th and 1st!

  29. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jun 12, 2011, 10:26 #8629

    John- I agree that Emmanuel Fyles article was excellent. The problem is that this was written before his article was published. FB- you obviously aren't a Shakespere fan then? ;-)

  30. foreigner

    Jun 12, 2011, 10:19 #8628

    Rooney is a foreigner? Great way to use that big paint brush of yours regarding foreigners and their comments....

  31. GoonerDave

    Jun 12, 2011, 10:19 #8627

    Carl- Barca didnt think Cesc was good enough. Wenger did. If thats not developing a player, I dont know what is! As for the article, it was well written but felt a bit suggestive - I sincerely doubt that Arsene has lost the dressing room, yet its one of your main points. I suspect money has far more to do with it, with players demands for silly wages being understood as a loss of belief in the manager, but a big pay-rise would no doubt restore Nasris faith in AW...

  32. Mark

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:58 #8626

    nasri is not about money it is about ambition he wants to be surrounded with better players and compete for trophies. this is what the majority of arsenal fans also want to see and this is the reason why there is discontent which you will see will grow unless they act.

  33. John

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:53 #8625

    Joe, i agree with some of your stuff, but it became boring . Look Emmanuels article yesterday said all that had to be said and he didnt blame cesc or nasri for wanting to leave, and how can u blame them after what you said about Arsene. You were contradicting yourself and you clearly got lost half way through writing this . As i said read Emmanuels article yesterday. It says all that needs to be said.

  34. tomesco

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:40 #8624

    Good one, the Invisibles. And it's: Et toi, Nasri?

  35. Michael from HEyford

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:31 #8623

    Nasri is on his way. It's not if but when & where. That's from a football insider with close links to the Emirates. Fabregas, Bendtner & Clichy are 100 per cent on their way which should not surprise us. Wenger needs to get out of his comfort zone and buy top quality with the near £100m he will have. Otherwise he will be remembered not as The Professor but as Inspector Clouseau. Last chance saloon Monsieur Wenger.

  36. Dan

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:07 #8621

    Cesc's comments were spot on but if you openly challenged your boss like that in a proper job, you would probably have to find another job or join the queue at the Jobcentre pretty quickly. The fact he is (was) our captain is like a knife in the back to us all and not just the manager. He is our best player by far and Nasri will never create like he can but his desire not to be there is clearly rubbing off on others and if he stays we will only continue to undermine the authority of Wenger. Would Cesc stay for another manager? Personally, unless Pep said he was coming next year, then I doubt it. If Wenger did leave who would we want - I would like to see Martin O'Neill as I think this would be the biggest cultural shift from Wenger. The players would know from Day 1 that there was a different approach at the club and that the new manager would not be afraid to shout at them or give them a cuddle if a big boy hurt them in a tackle. He would also increase the work ethic as a team and I think the team is the key here. One downside is that we may end up with Heskey up front - he loves that guy. To be fair, I would rather him than Bendtner as a plan B, RVP could at least play off him. My concern is that whoever Wenger buys (unless they are absolute Warriors who can lead on their own - I am thinking John Terry [don't worry that pains me to write that] will slip into the Arsenal mentality instead of changing things. Could Wenger not take a huge pay cut and go be Director of Football and be given a nice pot of cash for Project Youth to continue. I think we all owe a lot to him and I am sure he has had plenty of chances to do the dirty on us over the years, so perhaps we can afford to soften the blow of a publicly humiliating sacking. Although part does think that I am publicly humiliated at work when we predictably choke at the end of a season!

  37. dan

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:05 #8620

    good article apart from backstabbing idea - if I was Cesc I would be sick of propping this tactic-less, spirit-less crudfest up and don't forget how many times Cesc was played while carrying knocks. Good luck and thanks for staying as long as you have. As to the rest the root cause are all seperate cases of inept judgement: Denilson, Almunia, Clichy, Fabianski, Eboue, Schillaci - substandard and shouldn't still be here. Bendtner, Cesc, Arshavin, Rosicky, RVP, Walcott - never given run in best position. Chamakh - ran his heart out for us then benched and never played wrecking his confidence. Diaby, Song and squad in general - fitful motivation and absence of fight when it matters. All these could have been sorted by any half decent manager. No wonder they are behaving like they do - Wenger has lost his way and some of us are wondering how much of his success was solely down to him....

  38. Judith Le'Strange

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:04 #8619

    I agree with most of what has been written but I think it's about time that the Board plus Kroenke tell Wenger the truth, that he is well past his sell by date and either send him upstairs and get a new manage who can actually motivate the players to play football should be played and not treat them as kids because that's what is seems Wenger is doing treating them as if they're his children. He needs to get shod of Almunia, Eboue, Denilson, Rosicsky, Bendtner and anyone else who doesn't want to play for Arsenal because their egos and ideas (pay wise) are bigger than the club. Don't keep bringin youngsters in we have enough of our own. Start using them

  39. Fozzy's mate

    Jun 12, 2011, 9:00 #8618

    Nice one Joe - I agree totally with you on the issue of the likes of Dennilson and Bentdner and also feel that OGL has been badly let down by Rosicky, Arshavin and even Squillaci last season. Experienced internationals who showed nothing in terms of intent, aggression and heart. However I question the views on Nasri and Cesc on some levels. The problem with the buy em cheap and sell em dear policy is that those who emerge from the pack will inevitably look around for players on the same level. When they see few at their level and some of those who are wanting out and when they do go not being replaced it does not encourage them to stay. The best way to keep your best players is to sign others on the same level or better. Do you think Rooney is questioning manures ambition any more? I am sure the emperor has given assurances of his transfer ambition which have proved hot air. You far later than many of us have opened your eyes to the spin/dross forced upon us. In an interview aired on sky yesterday he said that although we collapsed when the pressure was on we were "so close" so the criticism is very unfair. He even said all 3 keepers were very good last season and that as the defence was the best from open play all we needed was some taller players across the team. He speaks as if a third party who had no part in replacing a team of giants with a team of short players. As the last 6 years have proved showing nil ambition in the transfer market players will constantly want out. It also places no pressure on the under performing players and creates an unhealthy comfort zone. Too many foreign mercenaries added to this mix has created the unhappy ship that now sails at Arsenal. Could we now even attract the type of player we really need at this time?

  40. Gunner

    Jun 12, 2011, 8:48 #8617

    good article, feel real really does look like wenger is being stabbed in the back and by the ****tiest players he's ever managed.

  41. Buffalo

    Jun 12, 2011, 8:40 #8616

    One thing about Arsenal famns seems to be that when the going gets tough, a lot of them have a go at the players. One person says Arshavin is lazy then suddenly everybody starts talking that way, when in actual fact Arshavin has contibuted more this season than anybody in terms of goals and assists. Personally I don't want to see him tracking back all day long, I want to see him doing what he does best and scaring the crap out of defenders with his mercurial brilliance. Another thing. Now Nasri is the subject of everybody's anger for saying things in the Telefoot interview. But if you take the trouble to listen to the Telefoot interview, Nasri has a 15 second slot at the end of the 5 minute article and mentions only that he needs to sit down with Arsene Wenger. HE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT UNITED WHATSOEVER. HE then has a go at a fan for calling him a c*nt and tells people not to listen to rumours. Good for him. That fan was no Arsenal fan and deserved the rebuke he got from Nasri. Has Nasri done anything wrong? No. HE deserves our full support as one of our very best and most loyal players. How many of you read what people write? How many of you check for the truth in a bullsh1t story before joining the stinking bandwagon of spoilt brats that like to slag off our very best instead of supporting them against false accusations. I tell you this much, I am having no problems with supporting this great team and manager. I am having a hard time with some of my fellow fans. Most of those who comment on blogs are an ignorant bunch of haters. I am glad that when I go to away games I get to sing with real supporters who back the players when the going gets tough. The same with some section sof home supporters. But the haters and pedlars of lies can go swivvel. They are the biggest danger to the club, not players or manager. It is time to ask yourselves. Are you true Arsenal supporters or are you more interested in creating disharmony and hatred in our club. We played the best football for 90% of last season. This team doesn't need surgery, this team needs our full support at the Emirates and it needs for the lily-livered hate mongers to go and support Chelsea. There they will find others like them. Arsenal til I die!

  42. Carl

    Jun 12, 2011, 8:18 #8615

    Wenger and Arsenal did not make Cesc Febregas he got the same education as Messi in the Barcelona youth team.So you are saying if we got Messi instead of Cesc in 2003 Messi would only be the worlds best player because of Wenger.Cesc and Nasri want to leave because they can see what the rest of us can.Unlike Mr Magoo.Arsenal are in meltdown.Wenger hasnt been a good manager for 5 years his record in that time proves it.And it isnt going to get better.Signing players from Charlton and Southampton just about sums up where we are.

  43. nobert

    Jun 12, 2011, 8:15 #8614

    Well writ, what pains me is these ungratefuls always use the excuse of not winning trophies for wanting to , yet they are the one who should be responsible for winning.they are fu*8ing losers. i think nasri and clichy can go, especially clichy and maybe we will wish they had done so earlier

  44. FB

    Jun 12, 2011, 8:09 #8613

    Correct French way to say this is "Et toi, Nasri ?" Nice report though, keep going ;) Cheers