I feel your pain

Online Ed: Ivan Gazidis rides the annual AST Q&A

I feel your pain

Arsenal CEO: Canny operator

Ivan Gazidis told the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust members during the annual Q&A event with the managing director/CEO – now in its sixth year - that he suffered with the rest of us over the last three months of the season. I don’t doubt it, but not so much he would give as much as a second thought to the idea of changing the manager.

You would expect Gazidis to back Arsene Wenger 100% - what else is he going to say? And he promised a busy summer of ins and outs. Time will tell if the penny has finally dropped that many of the current squad are simply not worth what they are being paid, something supporters could have told the manager a good couple of years back. Actually, they did, in that infamous Wigan game with Emmanuel Eboue. Whatever happened to him? The one thing you could never accuse Arsenal of is listening to their public and yet for the CEO, if the manager was accountable to anyone, it is the fans. In that case, could I have your resignation on Mr Gazidis’ desk in the morning, Arsene? It’s not going to happen is it?

Still, at least there has been a development since we were all here 12 months ago. Then it was made clear to Gazidis that fans were unhappy the club were only credibly competing on two fronts for the four potential trophies up for grabs. That situation has improved. This year the message is that the players are not representing the club well in a lot of their behaviour both on and off the field, and that the manager is disrespectful to the fans. I hope this does change over the coming months, although it’s an uphill task with some of them.

There will be exhaustive accounts of the meeting elsewhere online and I think the whole thing will be available to view through arsenal.com if it isn’t already. However, I was disappointed to hear Gazidis claim that he thought the club’s spending demonstrated tremendous efficiency. Since the Invincibles season, Manchester United have spent only 8% more than Arsenal on wages and net transfers, winning seven trophies to Arsenal’s one. That’s efficiency.

The other thing that he stated which made my ears prick up was that there were very few non renewals of season tickets. Let’s get this straight. The figures on this are never published, so he can say that, and – to maintain the illusion of demand – he would say that. But anecdotally, I know plenty of people who are either not renewing or paying late who have been getting phone calls from the club threatening to let their seats go unless they pay up sharpish. What I interpret this as meaning is that the club anticipate so many non renewals that they need as much time as possible to sell the vacated seats, and so want a decision now as opposed to hanging on until July as is customary. It’s my prediction that even those a long way down the waiting list will be offered a seat (as those at the top pass up the opportunity) and God alone knows what is happening with club level, but Arsenal have already been advertising those seats in the press. So the club will not admit that a large swathe of season ticket holders have said ‘Enough’, because there is no way of ever proving them wrong. But the reality is that this is what is happening this summer. People have had enough of paying 26 times a year to watch Abou Diaby swan around with a distinct lack of urgency on £50,000 a week, having won diddly squat since arriving over five years ago.

To explain the increase in ticket prices, we were told that the stadium costs had risen 100% in two years. This is an astonishing figure. Does that include the wages of all the new staff employed in Highbury House? The electricity bill has gone up 33%, but that’s a long way from 100%. Surely, season ticket holders are not being asked to pay for the refurbishment of the plush new club level areas, designed to maximize the amount that can be made from the corporate market? I think we should be told, but the annual £50 million plus of ‘other operating costs’ has always been shrouded in mystery. One thing you could never accuse Arsenal PLC of is transparency.

The drum of self sustainability was banged a few times. “It would not make sense for this club to live on the edge every transfer window,” Gazidis said. So that’s why we’ve had £40 million in the player trading account these last four transfer windows. That’s a train ride with two changes from the edge. All of which suggests that any money that is spent will be that which is made from outgoings. Add up Fabregas, Nasri, Clichy, Bendtner, Denilson, Almunia and Arshavin and there will indeed be plenty of cash to spend. £90 million by my reckoning. So yes, it will be a busy summer alright. I wonder if Nasri’s been given as tight a deadline for a decision as the season ticket holders that haven’t renewed yet?

Anyway, to get back to the main event. Gazidis is a master at agreeing with the sentiments of the questioner, ducking out of any difficult answers reasoning that the media will pick up his words and sensationalise them, and saying the things you would expect him to say. Still, fair play to him for facing an unhappy crowd, and fair play to the meeting’s chair Nigel Phillips for picking Gazidis up on some of his answers. It was not an uncomfortable night for the CEO, but as one questioner put it, “We appreciate you suffered as much as us during recent weeks, but you are actually in a position to do something about it.” We live in hope.

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  1. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 16, 2011, 5:49 #8799

    "I feel your pain"....my arse you do, Ivan...

  2. clockendpaul

    Jun 15, 2011, 20:42 #8797

    Think Gazidis would say anything to keep people happy, would'nt trust him to sit on the toilet the right way around. Wenger should never have anything to do with transfers other than letting the board know who he wants, too much power thats the big problem at the club and there's only one way to change things, thanks for the memories but your times up mr wenger.

  3. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jun 15, 2011, 12:40 #8776

    When this bloke first came in to the role everyone was saying how much he listened to the fans and how he seemed to want the same things and what has happened? He has carried on regardless with his rebranding of Arsenal PLC. Prices have gone up, worse players have come in, more money in the bank and a few cats have benefited, get him out with the manager as the club is being run for the benefit of a tiny few. He is just a spin doctor and a front man to stich our once great club up.

  4. Brigham

    Jun 15, 2011, 11:50 #8771

    @Gare, I would hazard a guess that OGL means Our Great Leader.

  5. Seven Kings Gunner

    Jun 15, 2011, 8:09 #8757

    Big Dave - check the AST meeting with Gazidis and you will see the Gooner Editor asking that very question about Wenger's involvement in transfer dealings. He does not hide behind a computer.

  6. Big Dave

    Jun 14, 2011, 22:37 #8752

    And what will the Gooner be doing....hiding behind the computer keyboard as usual

  7. Gare Kekeke

    Jun 14, 2011, 20:08 #8747

    Proper Arsenal fans who aren’t brainwashed by Wenger (btw, what does OGL mean?!). Remember when the fanzine editor posted this on 16th May after our home defeat to The Villa: ‘Additionally, decisions about the playing budget need to be removed from the manager. He should identify the players he wants (and be told in no uncertain terms that he needs to get in players with experience and leadership qualities) and the board should then tell him to p*ss off back to his office and leave them to deal with transfer and wage negotiations’. Did anyone see the quote from Gazidis on Wenger being involved in the transfer negotiations? Gazidis was quoted in saying that Wenger can’t be taken away from the negotiations. This is exactly what the fanzine’s editor didn’t want as he and many like him (myself included) thought it was wrong that every inch of a transfer involving an incoming player involved Wenger. This will easily explain why (not that we didn’t know already) he always haggles over a fee regarding a potential new signing and why we at times miss out on players we need who could make a difference. Much as I think Wenger’s time is up as I like many don’t think he will change, I get the feeling that another season of failure, which I do think is on the cards, will result in Wenger’s dismissal next summer. The slight majority of Gooners may still be behind Wenger but the board (well, Gazidis really) are now aware that there is an increasing section of fans like myself who believe a change of manager is the only way for us to be winning trophies again and not just to compete only to fall at the final hurdle which has been the case since Wenger started putting this current team together in 2006/07. Like Evans, Houllier & Benitez at Liverpool, Wenger will fall on his sword despite huge support from the board. They knew a change was necessary. Who’s to say it won’t happen to us?

  8. Gooner S

    Jun 14, 2011, 19:23 #8745

    The line Gazidis trotted out about Wenger's job being dependent on his relationship with the fans is absolute bullsh*t. Even if the majority of Arsenal fans wanted Wenger out that still wouldn't get him sacked!!!

  9. Gimpel the Fool

    Jun 14, 2011, 18:59 #8744

    When he says it will be a summer of lots of activity, I worry that who is going out is not Diaby , Eboue and Squillaci but Nasri, Fabregas and Clichy.

  10. Ron

    Jun 14, 2011, 18:18 #8743

    Exiled Gooner I do think that there was an undercurrent of a warning of sorts to Wenger in what Gazadis said about fans determining the destiny of a Coach, however lightly said. Its shows that Gazadis is aware of the fans feelings, so much so that he made the slightly guarded warning (i use the word 'warning' reservedly mind you to Wenger, couched in the context of the Seasons calamitous collapse. Keep your eyes in the wing mirrors Monsier Wenger. Youre collar has been felt from above, albeit only lightly!

  11. Bob A

    Jun 14, 2011, 16:43 #8741

    @DarrenArsenal1 on twitter claims we have 2 CB's a striker and a winger on the verge of signing. He claims 3 of these are already done. I can bet you now Gervinho is one, with the other three being Samba and 2 muppet U21 players. Oxbow-chamberpot being one? Same old story. We'll flatter to deceive when the Sun shines Aug-Oct Buckle in Nove & Dec Gain some ground in Jan & Feb Crumble in MAr-May Again citing defensive frailties as our failures

  12. Loyal since 1980

    Jun 14, 2011, 15:29 #8738

    There will be a lot of activity, but they will be average french players, rumour has it we are in talks with Gervinho, WHO, i hear you say, yes an average player, who scored a toatl of 15 goals in the french league. This is the type of player we will be going for. As for ST, I know a lot of fans who have 'loaned' out their tickets or going halves, things are tough out there and the club just could not give a damm! My cousin, just renewed his ST at Inter, he paided 420 Euros, the deal there is if you buy a ST youget 19 games for the price of 10! Nothing will change next season, nothing!

  13. Mark

    Jun 14, 2011, 12:54 #8736

    i stick with my unhappy prediction - we will be in crisis by end Sept because AW wont have had the kind of summer that we all can see is desperately needed. 3, 4 or 5 top players in, postive press conferences, out with the 4 or 5 deadwood players and we all know who they are. Nasri would stay if he saw this and believed again

  14. Brigham

    Jun 14, 2011, 12:52 #8735

    The usual stuff from Gazidis I am afraid and I honestly think we will not sign any 'big' players before the new season. I hope I am wrong and made to eat humble pie, but I just cannot see it. The club is all talk and very little action and has been for the past three seasons. I have renewed but, this could well be my last renewal as money is getting tight and I am becoming annoyed at my hard earned being spent by the club in the wrong areas. I would wager that a lot of games go on 'General Sale' this coming season.

  15. Gooner Greg

    Jun 14, 2011, 12:09 #8734

    I don't know any season ticket holders giving up their ticket from AFC but i know loads who are now spliting them with mates/family often 3 ways.The problem will be these are often the silver and red members who will no longer buy the extra tickets.

  16. Gman

    Jun 14, 2011, 12:08 #8733

    The worst thing that’s happened to this Club this year is the take over by an American and the shallow self serving board members who sold out to Kroenke. When Americans get involved in football it goes wrong, just look at manure and liverfool. All they are interested in the club is a pure business model, don’t get me wrong we have to balance the books but not at the cost of fleecing the fans and making the team mediocre. I still think Wenger is a good coach and he should be given one more year with the £40 million transfer kitty plus the sale of all of the deadwood, and if needs be then Stan should put his hand in his pocket to stop the endemic slide of the club. Yes my friends we do need to invest now instead of waiting for the financial fair play to kick in because chavski and citeh will get round it with out a shadow of a doubt and if we hang around now it’ll take forever to catch up. We’ll end up like villa, owned by another American, in mid table mediocrity.

  17. Matt

    Jun 14, 2011, 11:56 #8732

    If diaby is not out by the summer he should be booed at every game by us. Going to the press and telling them he owns a spurs shirt, its just scum. What loyalty is that. Useless waste of air as well.

  18. Bigstressy

    Jun 14, 2011, 11:27 #8731

    How this club we love can dis-regard it's fans so easily sickens me. The whole country is struggling for cash and they increase the prices so much and then hassle people because they're not forth coming with they're season ticket cash.The board just tells you what you want to here to placate you.Most supporters doubt the big signings that we need are coming.Though he may be good ,yet another inexperienced young player joins the club. We live in hope of the big players coming and the dead wood going.Long nights watching sky sports ahead.

  19. Exiled-Gooner

    Jun 14, 2011, 11:03 #8730

    His response to questions were expect responses so really nothing new has materialised but saying the fall away last season was disappointing is a under statement..what about the last 4 seasons when we done the same or is this time there is a ACTUAL threat of losing that golden goose C/L spot??.He also says there be large activity in the transfer market...yes i see we still sulking around the average french league again for cheapies while our rivals are scanning the European league for TOP QUALITY players,when Cesc leaves,which is only a matter of time,will Wenger get to spend the monies received or will there use that for the debt?.One question i didn't hear,or missed it,was why do our failed average players get rewarded with lucrative contracts and when are we going to reap the rewards of Wengers fabled youth system?.One answer did worry me and that's that wengers job is safe,i believe he really meant it and why not he a board dream with his frugality with money yet constantly get that converted C/L spot.To me it's just flannel,it gave what people wanted to hear to a certain extent but did avoid,or deflected,the difficult questions so i just wait and see again and don't have expectations for next season.

  20. Ron

    Jun 14, 2011, 10:31 #8729

    He must be competent i suppose but Gazadis seems like a wet lettuce to me. Not really a football man, more a number cruncher in keeping with everybody else running the Club. Football seems secondary these days!

  21. Nutty's Right Peg

    Jun 14, 2011, 10:29 #8728

    As you've said Kevin, fair play to Gazidis for having the balls to actually attend, but it's all about actions & not "buzz words", I recall him using the phrase "we're laser focused" at one point last season, so let's wait & see what actually happens over the coming weeks. As for re-newing the old season tkt, I've done so, but only because someone else is "borrowing" it at present. I'm not prepared to stump up over a grand to watch sub-standard dross out on the pitch at a time when my hard earnt dosh is being squeezed out of me left right & centre. Might I also suggest all felow gooners refrain from spending a penny on merchandise, ie. the new shirt until we see what we're getting for our money come August.

  22. Munitionsman

    Jun 14, 2011, 9:50 #8727

    I think awfc is waiting for financial fair play to kick ( dream on I hear you say) so that this last feeding frenzy can pass and valuations will drop. In a way you could argue that selling cesc and nasri high, hanging in for a year then buying low, would be a good strategy. But sadly financial fair play is nothing more than a corrupt eu gesture that will be easily circumnavigated. The best answer is for our owners to invest in the business instead of sitting back milking it.

  23. Seven Kings Gunner

    Jun 14, 2011, 9:04 #8726

    I can see the board's statement at the end of August - "We made several offers for players but we were not prepared to meet their over inflated asking prices" I think our problem is we are trying to fight the market valuation of players and whilst that is a creditable objective - the market always wins!

  24. Big Dave

    Jun 14, 2011, 8:48 #8725

    The only thing Gazidis is good for is putting out flags on seats,

  25. Rob

    Jun 14, 2011, 8:24 #8724

    "So the club will not admit that a large swathe of season ticket holders have said ‘Enough’, because there is no way of ever proving them wrong. But the reality is that this is what is happening this summer." Just so Kev. But doesn't this mean that these so called attendance figures based on supposed 'ticket sales' rather than 'actual attendances' are equally bogus ? Information from Arsenal is 'dis-information' these days. And the Club's obfuscation increases with each passing year. Does anyone really believe those swathes of empty seats at the Villa game were really for people who had purchased tickets but just decided at the last minute not to come ?

  26. aussie gooner

    Jun 14, 2011, 8:10 #8723

    Slightly ranting article but fair enough, differing opinions are allowed. Mine is that Arsene has earned the right to try to right the ship himself. How many current managers have won the PL? If we end up like 'Pool, so be it, he failed, club moves on. Do you seriously think we'd get anyone who is better?

  27. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jun 14, 2011, 7:58 #8722

    Stadium costs risen by 100% in 2 years? Hmmm - really?? Don't doubt for a second that a ripple of worry has flowed through the club over season ticket renewals. Personally, I've already renewed (as I have done since 1986), but I swear I will not renew again if there's a continuance of the on-field dross and off-field insults that we are expected to take from obscenely overpaid individuals who appear to have no idea whatsoever of the sacrifices we have to make in order to follow the Arsenal. I live in hope that the penny will finally drop with the board and management and that they realise they can take us fans only so far before we all say Enough! As Dryden wrote:'Beware the fury of a patient man'.

  28. Forlorn

    Jun 14, 2011, 6:55 #8721

    Gazidis has made his promises but what happens if we finish trophyless again? What can the fans actually do? I feel helpless in this situation as there appears no clear way out. Liverpool and spuds will improve with considerably better signings whilst we stutter along. Maybe a 5th place finish may have an effect on the board. I really feel like the club has lost it's identity since we left highbury.

  29. Sock

    Jun 14, 2011, 5:46 #8720

    If we were second to ManU on efficiency that still makes us very efficient. SAF just takes the cake, Christ he takes the whole pastry shop when it comes to squeezing points out of players.

  30. true gooner

    Jun 14, 2011, 3:03 #8717

    "I feel your pain" how about easing the frickin burden then!!!!!spend some frickin money man, you take enough from us..... actions speek louder than words and I fear we will lose out on the players we want/need to the rich's of the so called bigger clubs. I think dalglish has already stolen wengers transfer targets lists.....Plz sort it out you are suffercating this club with your drivel on sustainability

  31. HowardL

    Jan 11, 2011, 17:42 #796

    I was wondering where the actual article had got to???