Shut up and pay Arsene

Second tier talent hasn’t worked

Shut up and pay Arsene

Kaka: Type of player Arsenal should be going for

Wenger is ruining Arsenal. All because of money. £110 000 pounds a week for Nasri is a lot, but really? We can afford it. Shut up and pay Arsenal.

Arsenal sell players for £30 million or £50 million (Fabregas) but won't buy a single one for £25 million. Shut up and pay.

Players view Arsenal as a step to AC Milan or Barca? Why? Absolutely no pride.

Money spent smart can help boost a team. £80mill for Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid sold 1.1 million shirts of his alone in a few months. Imagine Kaka in the red and white? You know what OTHER players would do to play next to him? Shut up and pay

I hate second tier talent. Get some balls, Gamble with some money, see what happens. Most people who cost £20million do so because they're great. Man Utd cover losses with trophies. If I was Kroenke, I'd be pulling an Abramovich. Find some silver or find the door.

Arsenal needs Arsene to grow a pair or leave. It’s not HIS money is it? Shut up and pay Arsene.

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  1. Ali

    Jun 27, 2011, 12:14 #9181

    Peter Ridsdale & Leeds????

  2. yasir

    Jun 26, 2011, 16:31 #9171

    what's wrong with wenger common spend man u have bought young and jones liverpool henderson and wat abt arsenal a 19yrs old kid for the future hope 2 seegud signings next week chap chap man make the move in the market we want 2 be a great team once again move it wenger

  3. au revoir wenger s'il vous plait

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:37 #9062

    As if to back my claim of the sheep spouting total rubbish 'geewhizzbang' comes out with: "I hold faith with Wenger in that winning is not all, the philosophy is the thing". Jesus wept, winning isn't everything in sport? LOL, complete mugs, the lot of em happy to continue lining the pockets of the people who purport to run our 'football club'

  4. GoonerRon

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:42 #9043

    This trail of words (I refuse to call it an article) is utter drivel. The Gooner used to be full or articulate, thought-provoking and insightful pieces but lately has become a breeding ground for childish rants devoid of any cogent argument.

  5. au revoir wenger s'il vous plait

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:31 #9041

    Arsene fighting the fight against the ravages and injustices of capitalism eh? Easy to do on £6 million a year and paying the likes of Denilson, Eboue, Bender, Almunia, Diaby, Rosicky etc £50k pw and charging highest ticket prices in the world. Some total and utter rubbish is spouted by the sheep who follow him.

  6. geewhizbang

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:00 #9025

    Mmmm ... what with the financial fair play rules around the corner this is NOT good advice. Frustrated fans want to buy success which, in some respects is true if you take Chelsea as a template, however this kind of success is not really remembered. Will we think warmly about the Chelsea team of the past 5 years in the future? Probably not, football needs to reconnect with something other than cash and bling and find it's true soul again. I hold faith with Wenger in that winning is not all, the philosophy is the thing.

  7. drifter

    Jun 22, 2011, 23:16 #8999

    How eloquent.

  8. Block G Gooner

    Jun 22, 2011, 23:05 #8998

    Freedy Koigi - true fans can boo who they want, when they want!! I pay a lot of money to watch Arsenal home and away and we fans are entitled to do as we please. The real fans are the ones who love Arsenal and have done for more than the last 10 years - the questions is will glory boys like you be here in 10 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Aran

    Jun 22, 2011, 22:53 #8997

    No, we don't really have the money Madrid and United have. Plus, you make no sense. You talk about how money boosts a team, then Ronaldo boosting shirt sales and then buying Kaka. We don't have that money, you pleb. And yes 110K is a lot for a guy who's holding us to ransom after half a great season. That's about not being someone's bitch and hey, guess what? It's our money that goes to things like that. And don't think I'm defending his zero signings, because I'm not.

  10. bumbarcla

    Jun 22, 2011, 20:53 #8995

    i think arsenal should spend 70million on Eden hazard,gervinho, Chris samba, Gary chahil,karim benzema,, Sergio Ramos, Marcelo,busquets,and should sign contracts nasri,fabregas,leandro damiao,falcao,hulk ganso and kevin de bryne

  11. Shareholder

    Jun 22, 2011, 19:39 #8993

    @pb1 - Check your facts mate. I'm a shareholder (one share which is not for sale Mr Kroenke and Mr Usmanov) and have not had a singel penny in dividends. Nor has any other shareholder. Sure, some people have benefitted from the increased share price, but thats not the same thing at all and is not money coming out of the club. At least not directly.

  12. au revoir wenger s'il vous plait

    Jun 22, 2011, 18:42 #8992

    Plank: "Yet, you have to consider how Arsenal have been forced into this policy through stadium debt, which means wages and transfer budgets have to be adjusted rationally"....Living up to your name there pal. Nothing rational about our wage bill being over £110 mil and certainly nothing at all rational that Wenger is on over £6 mill pa. He gets paid double what Fergie receives, the most successful manager this country has ever seen, who has won four titles, three league cups and the champions league since Wenger started his little project. Some right planks follow Arsenal alright. The only people feeling the pinch are us fans, not the players, not the board or most definitely not our has-been, deluded, arrogant p7ick of a manager.

  13. pb1

    Jun 22, 2011, 17:36 #8990

    7 years between trophies under AW now! 6 seasons at the Emirates with record gate receipts. All the profit has LEFT the club (via huge dividends we pay OUT to shareholders of £50m+ every season). We are being robbed. And anyway, Champs League football is boring, teams full of foreign nobody kids inspire no mutal love... i want a team i can relate to. Gave my season ticket up 2 years ago... Wenger must be judged over the period when he inheirted a TEAM (= good) and the period he built his OWN (= crap). Time to sack him and move on... christ we can survive.

  14. Sid

    Jun 22, 2011, 12:04 #8971

    Worst article I've ever read. I imagine if you were in charge you'd single-handedly put Arsenal into administration.

  15. Goooooonahhhhh

    Jun 22, 2011, 11:26 #8966

    Look at some of the big money moves lately and try to work out how many have been a success. The likes of Kaka and Ibrahimovic have been sold for ridiculous fees but have then gone on to be ****e. Big fees do not equate to amazing performance, Jose Reyes anyone?!

  16. JJ

    Jun 22, 2011, 11:21 #8965

    'Shut up and pay'. Maybe you should shut up and get a life? I'm pretty sure Arsene knows what he's doing, he's been a football manager probably before you were born, so maybe you shouldn't tell him what to do? As an 'Arsenal fan' you should be supporting the team and the manager, and say what's best for the club. Otherwise go join the spud website you'll fit in much better there.

  17. Kyle

    Jun 22, 2011, 9:19 #8960

    Dude Kakas wages will be more than doyble Fabregas's... Think what you publish before you do it!

  18. Fozzy's mate

    Jun 22, 2011, 8:50 #8958

    I share yur frustration with what you call tier 2 signings. We need to await the full picture at the end of the summer. Probelm is a few years ago signings of Jenkinson and if it happens Gervinho would be hyped as master strokes while our rivals were wasting cash on bigger names. People have lost faith in Wenger transfer policy so everything looks bad at present.

  19. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 22, 2011, 7:34 #8955

    If the simplistic argument is that 20mil = greatness, then Jordan Henderson may well be the new Lionel Messi...garbage.

  20. Blank.

    Jun 22, 2011, 0:42 #8954

    This is by far one of the worst articles I've read. "shut up and pay Arsene?" Do you have any clue how financial movements occur in the transfer market? Fine, I side with the fact that Arsene has stuck to a policy for 6 years now, and it has not been successful in terms of trophies. Yet, you have to consider how Arsenal have been forced into this policy through stadium debt, which means wages and transfer budgets have to be adjusted rationally. Arsenal's problems are not complicated, otherwise us NON professionals wouldn't be able to see them, but we can, so they are simple. Arsene needs to work on problems in the training ground, starting with zonal marking and assigning a leader for the defensive line. Second comes the transfers, Arsenal do not have strength in depth nor a "strong" squad. So an experienced CB, a Striker, and a Defensive midfielder is what he should be looking forward to sign. As well as secure contracts for Nasri and Clichy (Not too sure about Clichy as he's not consistent enough.)

  21. Gavin

    Jun 21, 2011, 23:36 #8953

    Hahahaha, WTF has Samir Nasri done to deserve parity with the captain of the club..... 3mths in 3yrs does NOT warrant 110k per week. He is being a greedy little **** and Arsenal are right to stick to their guns on this and just remember if his salary is increased that comes out of the money for transfers.

  22. Angry Fan

    Jun 21, 2011, 22:27 #8952

    This is the problem, until you akb's stop protecting wenger we will never move forward. I truly fear for us not finishing in the top 4 this season. I will then be saying 'I told you so'. This man has had 7years for us to 'change' this team. In no other walk of life would you be able to survive without delivering results. He has failed. In wenger we rust.

  23. Tom

    Jun 21, 2011, 20:36 #8950

    Instead we have to put up with rumours about the likes of Taarabt and Gervinho, please. Who are these people? It's pathetic. People look at me like im mad for complaining. Where's the big names, proper footballers. The Bergkamps, the Overmars', the Henry's? It makes me sick whats happened to the club. This is why i only have a travel club membership, our place stinks of greed and bull****. A place where crap players are made to feel like superstars. Before any of you wannabe football fans start with your loyal to the end spiel... Why would any of us want to go and support spurs when we've become so much like them?

  24. Gooner S

    Jun 21, 2011, 19:06 #8948

    Did you spit your dummy out as well as write this drivel?

  25. I need a life

    Jun 21, 2011, 18:59 #8947

    The worst article i have ever read FML!

  26. Mark

    Jun 21, 2011, 18:54 #8946

    We are half ruined in terms of being a football club that top players want to play for so the longer wenger stays the worse it will get. the guy has lost whatever it is he had in the 1st place which i think was nothing more than he got into football player stats before others did. now that the others are all upto speed and it comes down to man management, passion, supreme dedication, wenger is way past his sell by date. we will not get near chelsea or man u or man city next year and we will be in a fight with liverpool and spurs if we are lucky

  27. Harold

    Jun 21, 2011, 17:52 #8945

    Agree with the sentiment, but Kaka?? Every time I see him he disappoints. Best thing I've seen him do was an half decent goal in a friendly at our place.

  28. AKB

    Jun 21, 2011, 17:36 #8944

    Yes but your forgetting one important point. We can only spend within our means. What a stupid and pointless article, only a degenerate would bother typing such a thing.

  29. Trybe

    Jun 21, 2011, 16:26 #8943

    Too right. I'm sick of Wenger and his crap. Get some real talent in or piss off.

  30. Nadav

    Jun 21, 2011, 16:12 #8942

    If you think for one second its Asene's decision to spend the money you are dumb. He is being restricted by the penny pinchers upstairs who are only interested in making money. Considering the restrictions Arsene is working under, he is doing a magnificent job.

  31. chrisy boy

    Jun 21, 2011, 16:05 #8941

    word has it that both cahill and samba will both be signed and Thomas vermaelan will be switched to left back, that rumour has not come from the red tops but from an ex player still working in the premiership, what is it with barcelona , ' because of wear and tear cesc is not worth the same value as last summer ' well if thats what u think why the f**k bother trying to sign him, just admit u cant afford him,

  32. Soforeal

    Jun 21, 2011, 16:00 #8940

    Stupid article if you call it an article. Please leave what should be said in the pubs to the pubs. Is it online gooner or online moaner. Why don't you go support mr. 'arry's team. Leave arsenal to the real gooners.

  33. mariano

    Jun 21, 2011, 15:14 #8939

    nah I think you wrong ! ,nasri was offered 90 thousand a week thats just as much as joe cole earns over at liverpool ,nasri is good but not that good ! . sell him and and cesc ,but I do think we need some experience ,we should be more like baryen munich ,improve the marketing side to cover player cost and still make profits and win titals

  34. Gary

    Jun 21, 2011, 15:08 #8938

    Is it your money? Do you have any money? Do you own a car? Live in your own house or still live with your parents. Arrogant little twat. It is Mr Wenger to you. And who the **** are you to tell him to shut up. What have you accomplished in your life other than type an article for a football blog? Bet you have not even been able to win your fantasy league against your mates. And because google picks up the arsenal in your article I land here and waste my time. So please, STFU until you have grown some (grey matter that is).

  35. Tom Heath

    Jun 21, 2011, 14:21 #8937

    Nice poem

  36. blahblahblahtoby

    Jun 21, 2011, 14:16 #8936

    this was great right up until you said kroenke should pull an abramovic

  37. Koon

    Jun 21, 2011, 13:20 #8934

    Is this the standard of writing that the Online Gooner wants to promote? truly pathetic article......I appreciate this site is one of the more vocal critics of Wenger…and that’s fine…but criticism surely has to be expressed in the form of articles that express reasonable arguments and mature opinions…bring in Abramovich? Mr.Whitcher, I enjoy your editorial pieces and quite a few others on this site….but this article is an embarrassment and I hope you are mature enough to acknowledge your mistake in putting this up

  38. Sinkar

    Jun 21, 2011, 13:15 #8933

    May be a way to go, i guess.

  39. HirooNakamura

    Jun 21, 2011, 13:01 #8932

    really, kaka? the guy who has played like 5 games in 4 years? you cant write such a column and then chose to use kaka in the picture :S

  40. Tesdagoonerman.

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:59 #8930

    You would think it was his money the way he is spending it but to an exstent you have to be smart, we dont make as much as Man IUO make FACT besides i would not want our club to owe out a BIL!

  41. Aaron

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:48 #8928

    Not a very articulate article and lacks any analysis. Wenger built his Arsenal teams on signing hungry talented players with their best years in front of them for modest fees: Vieira (£3.5m), Petit (£3m), Overmars (£7m), Pires (£6m), Anelka (£500k), Henry (£10.5m), Campbell (free), Fabregas, van Persie (£2.75m). The problem is now Wenger is signing these players with ever decreasing regularity as his focus has shifted purely to signing U21s. You fail to mention the many disasters other teams have shelled out for on fading stars such as Shevchenko (Chelsea), Ronaldinho (AC Milan). Kaka has done absolutely nothing in years and is 29. Pay a huge transfer fee and wages and it would set the club back years. We should spend yes and re-sign critical players such as Nasri but the above is no blueprint for success.

  42. Blacky

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:46 #8927

    Oh do shut up. The negociations have nothing to do with you directly and you have no idea of the exact details that are going on behind the scenes. You toss around figures that you read from elsewhere as if you have knowledge of the facts. You're the one who needs to grow a pair and stop playing the no-nothing pub bore.

  43. Never Outgunned

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:40 #8926

    Whether you are pro or anti Wenger, this is a poor article. Can't we keep this sort of thing on the forum? It's barely 100 words and his repeated the same phrase 4 times! There's nothing in the way of originality, writing style or strength of argument. It has little in the way of analysis to back up his argument either. Real paid 80 million for Ronaldo and sold 1.1 million shirts in a few months, really? How many sold after that? How many much did it actually reap toward recouping that 80 million? Do Arsenal have as many fans as Real Madrid to buy that many shirts? The case against Wenger seems to be getting easier on the basis of rational facts, but the arguments put forward more simplistic, unintelligable and boorish! **** sake, try harder!

  44. Cheshire Gooner

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:40 #8925

    "Gamble with some money, see what happens"...Leeds, Portsmouth, Liverpool. And a multitude of other casualties too...I like the Kaka example especially. Let's blow £25m on a player who's been injured for 2 years and hardly played any first team football. When he's no good it'll give us another stick to beat the club with. £20m players are great!!! Like Lescott, Veron, Milner...FFS.

  45. goonerdude91

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:33 #8923

    could not agree more! big signings like kaka or the same types of players (big, star players) is what our great team should be after, it has been 6 years without trophies already...and with the teams around us becoming stronger it is worrying if we do not invest properly this summer

  46. Joe S

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:05 #8921

    Do I have to be the first to reply to this no brainer? While we are all anxious to see the debris from last season cleared out, reading something like this makes me think that clear heads and forward thinking policies are the only way to go.

  47. Goonerboy

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:04 #8920

    So they should do an Abramovich and become a Leeds or Portsmouth? I agree that Wenger should spend money, but not to the extent of those teams. I believe we should get rid of the dead wood and use those monies. It would be a bonus if the board would offer him transfer funds. It's so frustrating that we're not hearing anything. If we behave like that in the transfer market, we will hand the title to Man Utd, which I believe we should've won it last season, we threw away the Carling Cup to Birmingham, we could've won the FA Cup but got knocked out by an under-strength Man U team who we dominated over. COME ON, SPEND THE MONEY!!!!

  48. nhlanhla

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:53 #8919

    Arsene is a fool. he is stuck in his ways and will never change. slowly the fans are turning away from him cos of his stupidity.

  49. 15yroldgooner

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:51 #8918

    grow up mate. my balls have barely dropped and i know your chatting ****. iv got a good idea...why dont we go and spend 50 million on torres?

  50. Wegin van Wegsie

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:47 #8917

    Kaka appears to be in terminal decline, Landry. Are you sure you’d want to sign him? The lad’s been great for 7-8 years, and that seems to be the maximum one can get at the very, very top. I, for one, would have to think carefully about investing in Kaka.

  51. Dan

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:45 #8916

    Wow! I didnt think the articles on this site could get any more feeble, puerile or childish. So congratulations Gooner, you managed it with this piece of garbage. Unless the author is 5 years old, then I hope they are embarrassed by such a pathetic whining wingefest. But I doubt it, as the Gooner has been catering for tabloid headline reading sheep for months now.

  52. steve

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:38 #8915

    great article couldnt agree more!

  53. DJADBMc

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:34 #8914

    While I am all for AW bringing in new blood and proven talent, “gambling to see what happens” is a tad stupid. Shut up and pay seems to be your argument regardless of consequence. A slightly simplistic and naïve approach I feel. AFC is not Championship Manager…

  54. Chuck Dee

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:30 #8912

    Bring back Dein! Hill-Wood is the problem.

  55. RedGun

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:30 #8911

    Really? Sigh. If Nasri gets $110, then what does that say to RVP? Or Sagna? Or anyone who performed better than Nasri last season. Do we pay them all that much? What impact does that have on morale? And name one player we've sold for 30 or 50 million. And did Ronaldo win Real a title? Jordan Henderson just cost 20 million - is he "great?" And who's money is it? The fans who are paying higher ticket prices, right. And you want him to just wave it around? I can't be bothered going on. There are just so many things wrong with this flacid argument... Pah.

  56. Damien

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:28 #8908

    If you were Kroenke you wouldn't have the money to pull an Abramovich. The Nasri issue isn't a case of just 'paying it'. You need to fit it into a wage structure otherwise other players would demand the same and wages are a massive burden on every club. The club are right not to be held to ransom by an agent and a player who has had half a good season and is mentioning United to force the issue. Arsenal do need to buy players and pay more than we have been used too. However even on Arsenal's budget there is only so much we can do. Getting a player for £25 million + wages would limit the funds for other players. Money isn't some abstract concept, there is a finite amount of it. Repeating 'Shut Up and Pay' is not an argument, it's a childish repetition provided in lieu of an argument. It would have been much better if you balanced the need to buy players against the need for the club to be run within it's means.

  57. Gooner

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:23 #8907

    Too right!!! Bring back David Dein or atleast let Usmanov fund some deals as he has offered and has no problem with spending big!

  58. rellends

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:21 #8906

    how much will it cost to replace nasri? a minimum of £10m. then, presuming he comes from an overseas league, how long will it take said replacement to settle in? 6 months minimum. how much would tumbling out of the champions league qualifiers cost us? minimum of £20m. how much have we just coined for that property deal? £25m. pay peanuts and you get monkeys. our constant penny pinching is a joke. i'm fed up with the sustainable business model mantra and i'm not asking for the club to be bankrupted. i'm sure that we're top of the self sustanability football league but i thought we were a football team and not an accountancy firm.

  59. Adam

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:16 #8905

    Mr Landry Subira. When you have nothing to say, say nothing. In other words, take your own advice and shut up.

  60. David Smith.

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:08 #8904

    Wenger want to set the transfer market his way. That is why Arsenal will never win any trophy with him in charge.

  61. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:08 #8903

    Don't hold your breath mate! I'm not! It's never going to happen. It's all talk and talk with Arsenal....!


    Jun 21, 2011, 11:07 #8902

    "Arsenal sell players for £30 million or £50 million (Fabregas) but won't buy a single one for £25 million". Doesn't that statement make you look stupid? One, Arsenal have not sold anybody for 50 million and Two, why buy players of 25 million while they already have players who valued at between 30 and 50 million in their squad. Arsenal needs to just buy good players, it doesn't matter how much they cost. The best defenders Wenger ever bought, Kolo Toure and Sol Campbell were acquired at a Gross total of 150,000.00. I don't mind if he repeats the same again. We need quality not necessarily to hear that Wenger spent money, How much did he spend on Cesc Fabregas?. In this transfer Window,what Arsenal really needs to buy is a whole new attitude for their fans as the current attitude is totally disgusting to even players no wonder the likes of Nasri wants to go to Manchester United, Let nobody lie to you, Nasri was being courted by many trophy winners before he joined Arsenal and still he joined, what he never expected was to be BOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEED by Arsenal fans and that is why he will leave. Many of you may say you never booed him but you did, directly when you booed the whole team and indirectly when you booed his team mates as he knew deep down that all he had to do was to make a single mistake and he will be booed useless!. Shut up and get behind the team.

  63. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:06 #8901

    It makes sense. But now you will get all the plums our club has attracted in recent years telling you to a) go and support the '61s b) Arsene is the best manager ever, leave the poor man alone blah blah and c) some other waffle that no one really gives a flying fig about. Dont worry though, because Gervinho (Adebayor Mkii) will be brought in to "appease" the masses (and will then leave in 2 years to go to Italy or Spain, or if he does well enough Man City). I can't wait.

  64. tavonga

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:01 #8899

    lol at you man, you got issues 1stly its kronke whoe beeing tight with money , you really wanna kill some1 that much scream at the arsenal board, they are the ones who dont want to sell the cclub to ppl with money, as soon as kronke has the club or usmanov then we will see money no problem and then the players your crying for!

  65. arsenal4ever

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:55 #8897

    well said. Sums it up how stingy and tight Wenger is. We will end up with 2. rate players again. Cant see a marquee signing from Wenger. IMO he rates Gervinho and Samba worldclass.

  66. realist

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:54 #8896

    dick head

  67. yasir

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:53 #8895

    I'm a die hard arsenal fan but the last 6 seasons without a trophy feels like we have relegated and do not want play in the premier league what harm will it do arsene if for once he spends and make arsenal a great team once again so pay up and make our team great again

  68. Rob C

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:45 #8894

    Absolutely correct although we do not need to pay the mega money that some players cost just pay the going rate for top players, had he (Arsene) splashed the cash in January the season almost certainly finished very differently and the money spent would have been instantly recouped but he does not seem to think this way. If he allows the well documented targets slip through his fingers this time due to not being willing to pay the money, that we know is available, he will lose that amount and a lot more due to season tickets not being renewed and falling gate attendences. The youth academy is working very well but it cannot be the only source of quality players, we need to buy 3 or 4 in to make the team great again and also take the pressure of the younger players.

  69. Goonerjon

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:37 #8893

    Well...easy for you, chuck up supporting a club that really isn't up to your high standards. This is garbage...'Most people who cost £20m do so (sic) because they're great' ....great? Pele was great so was best, Brady even you become great because some dick spends £20m on you....that's childish drivel....

  70. Stuart

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:30 #8891

    Yeah, just buy Kaka or Ronaldo. That'll solve all the problems. Can either of them play centre back or in goal? Can either of them manage the team, treat injuries or sit on the board? If they can, then **** me, why don't we just go out and buy them tomorrow. I'm sure we've got the required £150M or more just knocking around and I'm sure they'll just love to come and play for third or fourth spot each year. Kaka and Ronaldo, don't know why we haven't thought of buying them sooner?