So, did you renew your season ticket?

Reflections from the end of May

So, did you renew your season ticket?

Stupid cult?

(Ed’s note – This email was received on 23 May, the day after the Fulham game. However, it got lost in the depths of my inbox, and as a man who hates waste, my apologies to BigNoseGooner for the delay in posting)

If you’re reading this, and you donated money to Arsenal's 2010-2011 campaign and you're just about to make an even bigger donation for the 2011 - 2012 one, by now you’re pretty depressed. You’ve been taken, and worse than that, you’ve been embarrassed. You may feel really stupid, and that’s because you’ve done a stupid thing – you trusted your glorious leader blindly. You believed without thinking.

But that doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Smart people sometimes do stupid things. But a truly stupid person would NOT learn from their mistakes. A truly stupid person would keep blindly following Wenger as he ‘blames referees or injuries’, or says “next season” or some other lame duck excuse for his "Judge me in May" not happening. Hopefully, you aren’t one of these people, who are destined to be hurt again. Hopefully, you have learned a lot in the last few months.

I urge you not to hurt yourself. Your shame will pass, and your money will be re-earned. You can lead a normal life if you start leading with your intellect, and not your desperation to see his vanity project bear fruit. But no matter where you stand right now, YOU have potential. Use it.

But if you really are brainwashed beyond help and you're looking for a new cult leader and another complete waste of time and effort then Harold Camping and Wenger are joining forces and will be calculating a new date for the rapture. Or you've always got the Mayan end of the world boll*cks for 2012 which Arsene has given a 100% guarantee will maybe probably could happen... or not.

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  1. Ron

    Jun 22, 2011, 9:44 #8961

    Yes, Renewed it and 'loaned' it on straightaway so its not cost me. 'Jameltra' speaks for me too. I first went to Highbury in 1967 and i can only echo the view that the Club isnt now in it for the football only. Its sterile and cold at Arsenal. Try as i have, i dont like the new Stadium. I shall do 6-7 away games and maybe two or three at home off my other available 'red' membership. That'll do me.

  2. Richard Ansell

    Jun 22, 2011, 8:32 #8957

    I think the sentiment here is that a huge mass of fans (both old and new) have never felt so distant / detached from the club we have supported through think and thin. I have supported since 1970 and I just don't recognise the club as Arsenal anymore.

  3. Larsenal

    Jun 21, 2011, 21:00 #8951

    Don't we always say 'no one is bigger than the club' for example about players? But doesn't that include fans too? If I could, I'd be more than happy to buy a season ticket, no matter what phase the club would be in. I'd do that because I love Arsenal, not because I blindly believe in project youth or anything else. I want to support the team and club I love. In good and in bad times. Not renewing? Wouldn't be an option for me! Support the Arsenal, always!

  4. Chippy

    Jun 21, 2011, 19:41 #8949

    I had two silver memberships. They were not renewed. £100 for the opportunity to buy tickets is just too much. After 40 years of the ups and downs I have never felt so distant and alienated from The Arsenal. Wenger out

  5. BergkampsLoveChild

    Jun 21, 2011, 13:23 #8935

    I renewed my season ticket. However, i am not stupid. Stupid would be not renewing your season ticket, only to kick yourself for doing so when Wenger leaves in a year or two and another manager with common sense comes in as his replacement, and you are left at the back of the waiting line for another season ticket. the great thing abt a season ticket is, is that there will always be someone willing to buy the games off of you. so if indeed the upcoming seasons starts to turn pear shaped like the last 6, then i can generate a bit of a refund by selling the tickets [wink]

  6. Chippie

    Jun 21, 2011, 13:01 #8931

    Well written, I’m from the camp that I did not renew my season ticket which to be honest I didn’t find hard to do. What help me make up my mind other than the price hike, was the pathetic lap of honour/shame on our last home game against Aston Villa and also during the game the guy on the stadium speakers that for that home game was a sell out - which we all knew was a lie. If Wenger had any honour as a man he should have stood in the middle of the pitch and apologise to the fans for the gutless and spineless performances the team have produced over the last three months. I may not ever be offered a season ticket again, but I am a man of principle, I don’t like being taken for a mug, tickets will keep on rising, the board will not invest in the team if we continue to make the champions league. I personally hope we don’t qualify because either the board or Wenger will have to act on it. One last point it seems Usmanov is vindicated regarding his statement about the board, that they are solely out for their own interests, yesterday is a testament with the announcement that Arsenal have exchanged contracts with Barratt London to build high end flats. Do you think any of the profits of the sale of the flats be reinvested in the club? No chance, that’s another reason why I gave up my ticket.

  7. Nostradamus

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:59 #8929

    Love this. Excellent stuff. Expect virulent nonsense from the brainwashed AKB Cult any time soon. Sorry but if you renewed thinking it makes you loyal well it doesn't: it makes you gullible and makes you responsible for letting the club carry on with arrogant impunity.

  8. Eddie

    Jun 21, 2011, 12:33 #8924

    I gave up my season ticket in 2008 and havent regreted it.Went to 4 games last season.I refuse to give the club a grand a year to pay the sky high wages of our crap players.PLC not a football club anymore

  9. Jack B

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:29 #8910

    This article should have stayed buried in the inbox! Whats the point? We follow a football team through thick and thin, there is no devine right to win things and at the end of the day if you dont want to renew then DONT! This is the most negative blog site I have seen in a long time, Im not a fool, Im pi**ed off with AW and the squad but I love football and I love my team and that is what it comes down too! To be honest, id be happy to lose a few thousand monaing "fans".......I will always renew and I will always be a gooner! You can call me a mug or whatever but I couldnt give a toss to be honest...if you dont want to renew then pick another club or another sport.....who cares? I certainly wont!

  10. charles

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:29 #8909

    no i have not renewed my £1880 ticket.i am not going to bankroll the team i love anymore until they show me signs that they want to compete instead of fleecing and lying to the fans

  11. jameltra

    Jun 21, 2011, 11:02 #8900

    Saddened that I let my 2 season tickets go. Got a call from Arsenal to ask why I wasn't renewing I said it was just too much money for me but the truth is I have lost faith in the club and the way it is being run. The final straw was selling out to Kronke with our own money, using Fitzmans death as a smokescreen. I will always love Arsenal (since 1960) but its difficult to cheer the team, who you know care more about money than the fans or the club itself. Its the lack of effort and fight, the couldn't care less attitude of mediocre players on massive salaries. I no longer trust Wenger to deliver.

  12. muttley

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:59 #8898

    Even if the Mayan prophecy does come true Arsen wouldn't see it!

  13. L Parker

    Jun 21, 2011, 10:33 #8892

    You have asked the question reference the Season Tickets, what about the Silver Membership, the price has gone from £26 to £39 per season, and the club will not answer any emails reference the price increase.