Wenger wants the transfer window closed

Does Le Boss really want to buy or sell?

Wenger wants the transfer window closed

River Kwai: More apt venue for far east tour?

Let’s face it AW does not want Samba, Cahill or any Hill, he wants the transfer window closed so that he can carry on working with the same personalities that he knows and trusts to f*** it up for another season.

One of the signs of growing old is a reluctance to accept change and instigate change where it is needed.

The man is clearly running on empty and has lost his hunger for success, he is like a President in his last year.

I find the whole saga typical of the Arsenal board over the decades, however the last 3 - 4 years have brought me very close to giving up on a team that is only a few quality players short of being successful.

Whether you agree or not with the sums of money being spent by Man Utd and Liverpool, it does signal an intent to better their teams and challenge for honours, this rubs off on the existing players at these clubs and gives everyone a sense of purpose.

We are powerless to respond until our current two best players decide what club they want to play for next season, we should have been out of the traps early and bought a top player to signal that Arsenal is run by the board and management not by an agent tuning his calculator for his percentage cut that will be many lifetimes money for our hard pressed fans.

Like the immortal words at the ending of my favourite film "Bridge over the River Kwai "madness, madness"

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  1. Rex

    Jun 27, 2011, 8:40 #9176

    So now the goalposts have shifted eh? Since when did 'Judge me in May' become 'Judge me in July'? Just like how 'Fourth place is a trophy' and 'Injured players coming back are like new signings'. LMAO. You AKB sheep need to wake up. Wenger's had more than enough time to rectify things. He deserves no more. WENGER OUT!!

  2. Website Admin

    Jun 26, 2011, 21:19 #9175

    @Merse-10 (Post 10103) - I don't think in the 24 years The Gooner has been around we have EVER claimed to be the voice of the fans and there's good reason for that. It would be impossible. There are too many differing views amongst Arsenal fans for anyone to claim to speak on everyone's behalf. What we do TRY to do (and I'm not going to claim we are always successful) is to provide a platform for everyone to have their say which is why we have so many contributors to the fanzine and the website. If you want to write a positive article, be our guest and send it to the editorial address on the contacts page.

  3. Merse-10

    Jun 26, 2011, 20:42 #9174

    Yet another negative load of ****e on the Gooner website. It is so apparant that the Gooner has an agenda and believes it speaks for all fans - it doesn't. It's tiresome. It's not even July ffs. The season is 2 months away, the signing will come and players will also go. The Gooner is not the voice of the fans despite how it portrays itself as.

  4. kennedy nyasani

    Jun 26, 2011, 9:15 #9166

    man united won the league,they have already signed top player a sign what the will be next season,for arsenal it is the same old story.it is time the manager signs or go,it is good to listen to we fans,i hate to see a Gaddaffi managing arsenal.

  5. Highbury Boy

    Jun 25, 2011, 17:20 #9162

    One reason put forward by AKBs for keeping Wenger was that without him we would lose our best player. Looks like we are going to lose him anyway.

  6. johnnyh

    Jun 24, 2011, 23:08 #9152

    the first thing to say is be patient,it isnt even the end of june yet and just because man utd have spent big money on 2 unproven english players there is no need to panic.(i really hope we dont do rush into buying gary cahill,the most overhyped centre half in the premier league,this is the guy who was centre half in a bolton team that shipped 5 against stoke at wembley,even our center halves are not that bad!!) i would imagine there are lots of discussions going on behind the scenes which quite frankly is how transfer business should be done. for what its worth i personally think us fans are in danger of missing the fundamental flaws with arsenal,namely the failure to find the right balance between attack and defence and the failure to defend at setpieces,until these two weaknesses are addressed then next season and every other season that wenger remains will be exactly the same as the last 5 or 6. the best signing the club could make would be a defensive coach whose job it would be to drill the team in defending corners and free kicks,in my opinion we could go out and sign messi and ronaldo but if we carry on giving away soft goals from dead ball situations we would still win nothing.

  7. Brigham

    Jun 24, 2011, 21:32 #9150

    @RG post 10013... I see your argument and your point, particularly regarding Arsenal's normal pre season transfer behaviour. However, United are strengthening their squad already and I fear we will be left far behind once again come the start of the season. IMHO we have never replaced the 2004 squad and I doubt we ever will and I think even you must agree that most of us are sick and tired of Arsene signing young French or African players for the' future'. Lets just say, his track record speaks for itself as far as the transfer window is concerned, well at least since he signed two 'unknowns' in 1997. [wink]

  8. au revoir wenger s'il vous plait

    Jun 24, 2011, 16:20 #9141

    "or is there a mythical trophy" Yup, it's called 4th place which according Wenger is as good as a trophy. LOL, only Wenger and his sheep could shift the goalposts in the definition of success so much and expect to be taken seriously.And don't make me laugh by saying we competed with Barceloan last year, it was men against boys and you know it. BAAH, BAAH.

  9. Pep up

    Jun 24, 2011, 15:22 #9136

    Rodney Gooner. My concern is that Man Utd are strengthening from a position where they are already far stronger than we are. I know the time for sensible judgement is on September 1st, but do you really think that we will then have a squad that can compete with them, or even beat them? I don't

  10. Chris

    Jun 24, 2011, 14:19 #9125

    au revoir s'il vous plait - The soul's still there, but maybe only true fans can see that. We ARE competing with the biggest clubs in Europe - did you not see us in the Champions League last season, or is there a mythical trophy which everyone else is in, bar Arsenal? And name calling is exactly the sort of immature, knuckle-dragging, empty drivel that so much of this debate needs to be without. Essentially are you a supporter or not? You know what the club stands for in terms of self-sufficiency and being debt free - everybody does - so make your choice. You either like it or go elsewhere. It's not going to change just because you can't handle the fact that Wenger's a few week's into one transfer window without buying a player. There'll be no revolution amongst fans - noise yes, revolution no. Too many real fans have a sense of perspective. Wenger won't go, not yet, everyone knows that too. So, ultimately, this is a few 'fans' getting hot under the colour without any point. As I said in my first post, i'd prefer to show a bit of balance and patience.

  11. Seven Kings Gunner

    Jun 24, 2011, 12:20 #9110

    Actually the last words from the film are "madness madness madness"

  12. Rodney Gooner

    Jun 24, 2011, 11:03 #9101

    I’m shocked by the level of ignorance from some of the typical pub fans on this board. Firstly, as it has been pointed out July 1st will be the date we see some movement and if you don’t know why then go away little boys. So what if UTD are signing players, are you really bothered we don’t have Young or is it just that they have signings and we don’t. The paltry and puerile insults against AW & the club for your perception of doing nothing is not surprising considering the idiocy of many fans, any of you who actually “support” the club will know how clandestine we are regarding transfers. I am not happy with the lack of movement but I also know football and I know patience is required before we start calling for heads!@ The Noise, you are definitely a plastic mate, anyone who labels fans AKBs is a gimp, don’t talk to me about sensible debate when you clearly don’t understand anything! You believe “giving them stick” is the best way forward, shows your level of thinking…..please go and support another team, no one will care!

  13. au revoir s'il vous plait

    Jun 24, 2011, 10:05 #9098

    Wow, we've managed to stave off relegation whilst building a new stadium, awesome! And there was me thinking the board sold our soul, when leaving Highbury, with the promise that we'd be able to compete with the biggest clubs in the world. We can't even compete with the biggest clubs in London. And wow we've managed to buy a few players, you fail to mention since the move we've lost Bergkamp, Freddy, Henry, Campbell, Hleb, A Cole and got over £40m for Adebayor and Toure. Still never mind, we bought Koscienly and Squilllaci and recalled Lehman from his retirement home. You Chris are a sheep BAAH, BAAH.

  14. Chris

    Jun 24, 2011, 8:53 #9094

    Re: au revoir wenger s'il vous plait. The last 6 summers have included a new stadium being built - find another club which has built a stadium itself and stayed in the same division, let alone the Champions League - and the signings of Sagna, Vermaelen, Nasri amongst others. The team's underachieved, Wenger's got a lot wrong in recent seasons. Whether you agree with him still being manager or not, we're all supporters in this together, supporting our club and hoping that it wins trophies at a time when Liverpool, Manure et al are getting into increasing debt throwing money around. Ultimately, if you dont like the way the club operates, take your money somewhere else. I don't think it will be missed somehow.


    Jun 24, 2011, 3:38 #9093

    Arsenal fc founded 1886, Arsene Wenger took charge in 1996. I support the club and only wish only good things for the club, I want to make this loud and clear, supporting Arsene Wenger does not mean supporting the club, if that's the case then every chelski supporter would have supported inter then real madrid. The manager doesn't make the club the club makes the manager we are an institution that has existed for more than 125 years. Now to the transfer window it is not something you approach once the dust has settled it something that you approach with aggression and as of yet there has been no proof of that. Regards

  16. bunch

    Jun 24, 2011, 2:32 #9092

    I want him gone, but I think this is a tad harsh. I'm perpared to believe (or is it hope?) that the club has its tactics worked out for the transfer window. But as we've are tactically inept on the pitch these days I am also prepared for disappointment and then Gasidis-spun excuses.

  17. Peter

    Jun 23, 2011, 23:45 #9090

    Could we give the second-guessing on signings (or lack of them) a rest for a week or two. Its early days yet. I bet Man City fans aren't whinging about the fact that nothing has happened in the transfer market.

  18. Drew

    Jun 23, 2011, 23:25 #9089

    You're delusional if you think RvP isn't one of our two best players.

  19. The Noise

    Jun 23, 2011, 23:06 #9088

    Typical of the AKB's to come on 'ere name calling. They can't indulge in a sensible debate, so they have to resort to pathetic slander. Wenger & Co. happily took all the plaudits when things were going fantastic (rightly so)... Now when things are at an all time low, they are being questioned, what do they do? Lie to us and call us idiots for not working half a day in football! They deserve every single bit of stick they are currently getting... And before any of you AKB's label me a plastic... Lived 2 mile walk from Highbury all my life, ST holder for 15 years & 8 Arsenal tattoos! Back to the drawing board... Sandeep and Co.!

  20. OOKed

    Jun 23, 2011, 23:04 #9087

    Sandeep 10:31am 23rd Jun 2011 U can stop supporting the club..arsenal don't need plastic fans like u - Post No. 9912 ----------------- To Sadeep ! What on earth is wrong with people like you ? Just because someone expresses concern or anxiety at Arsenal, then he does not need ignorant remarks like yours above to be thrown at him .. When will bigoted people like you, step down from their fake equitable ivory tower and grasp some humility that Arsenal belongs to ALL of us .. not just fickle self-righteous monomaniacs like yourself !

  21. ferventgooner

    Jun 23, 2011, 22:41 #9086

    It's not as simple as just buying. As you have established, Arsenal has an aura of impermanence. We don't have the glamour of United or Liverpool. Wenger took us from being a minor club to being able to compete in the modern game, which is so much tougher than just a few years ago (Chelsea, Man C and even Liv and Spuds now spending silly money without groundwork) The problem is basically that we don't have this aura. Wenger keeps us just about competitive without it. Believe me when I say that no other manager could (and would) do that without the glamour or financial muscle that other teams have. To proceed, I believe that we must take one of two routes, neither of which is really attractive: 1) Sack Wenger and bring in a tactics and motivational manager, buy one or two world class superstars and just pray that we win a trophy (highly risky esp. as cesc is no doubt leaving). This of course is risky because of potential financial imbalance. 2) Keep Wenger so that we remain a competitive team and in 2014 or whenever our sponsorships run out, we can renegotiate the contracts (Standard Chartered is paying Liverpool around 4 times what Emirates is paying us for shirt sponsorship I believe). Then, with the financial groundwork in place, splash out BIG on an excellent manager and bring in players and backroom staff vetted for dominant mentality and some world class superstars and then hope that we win something. This is dependent on us not losing that glamour that we still have and is also dependent on champs. league footy, which I just can't see us securing every year without Cesc.

  22. Nekuhan

    Jun 23, 2011, 22:37 #9085

    Spot on man!! Wenger should have been out of our Club three years ago. We missed the best signing of this summer ... André Villas Boas. I do not like Russian and similar oligarchs, although we also have one (:-( , but Chelsea owner showed that he knows who is the most important to rebuild the team i.e. the Coach. AW is finished. So get Wenger f**k out of our Club!! Come on ARSENAL !! Come on Gooner and Online Gooner!!

  23. NBN

    Jun 23, 2011, 20:43 #9083

    Sandeep - The real plastic fans are the ones who sit quietly whilst being ripped off and accepting what is happening to our once great club. There was an Arsenal before Wenger although i expect you wouldnt realise that.

  24. Gooner S

    Jun 23, 2011, 20:04 #9081

    Please have some patience. We're still in June the last time I looked at the calendar.

  25. Xnedu

    Jun 23, 2011, 19:29 #9080

    @Rodney Gooner. You really can't blame the fans who are getting antsy.We were promised a busy transfer season after a disastrous outing and only have a teen from Charlton to show for it.Those devils that won the league have already signed 2 quality players and will definitely sign more.Some fans are well aware of Wenger's antecedents as regards signings and are getting worried.It doesn't make them any less fans of the club.

  26. au revoir wenger s'il vous plait

    Jun 23, 2011, 19:19 #9079

    "we are only 2-3 decent signings away from success" - another myth to go along with our beautiful football and world class youth policy - BAAH, BAAH

  27. Pep up

    Jun 23, 2011, 19:06 #9078

    "Put this up at the end of August and it would have some credence" And what then? Oh, wait for another window, or rather the end of another window, because we must all wait and see as "things are going on behind the scenes". Utd got a pasting in the CL final and they HAVE improved their squad and team, although the fact that the window is apparently shut seems to be lost on them. Arsenal disintegrated in the final quarter of the season and so far not a thing been done about it. We will have weaker team next year, we will win nothing and we will finish outside the top 4 - and the manager's apologists will still find ways of justifying it and of making excuses for his incompetence and lack of ability to organise a winning team at a club with the 5th biggest turnover in world football.

  28. Sufian

    Jun 23, 2011, 18:57 #9077

    Wenger knows what the team needs but he, as far as I can see, is not eager to spend much which can prove costly bcoz it may see Nasri and most likely Cesc leave. Samba as CB, at least 1 striker and 1 bully sort of CDM are required. Maybe adding Gary Cahill further will do good. As for the rest, I believe team is okay when we purge few flops (don't forget Bendtner is 23 and hasn't been given matches on the trot to prove himself. I remember his left foot strike just outside the box against Blackburn in 2009/10 season. People forget that :|)

  29. Mark

    Jun 23, 2011, 18:35 #9075

    patience is for new managers not so called tried and tested ones who should know what they are doing from the get go. Fergy sprang into action as soon as the season ended. Wenger sprang into er....er....ah maird ! Wenger has lost his confidance and 80% of the fans have lost confidance in him

  30. AKB

    Jun 23, 2011, 18:04 #9073

    As you've pointed out, we are only 2-3 decent signings away from success but lets not get too carried away with whats happening over at out rivals. Spending £15 million + on unproven and overpriced potential talent doesn't guarantee trophies. I'm sure Wenger and Gaz have got the business hats on are working on pulling out a few rabbits out of the hat in the next few weeks. It's quality not quantity of signings this summer.

  31. Rodney Gooner

    Jun 23, 2011, 16:36 #9069

    This guy should be called an idiot! The article is inane and idiotic and shows a lack of understanding of football and highlights the stupidity of the writings on this board! Put this up at the end of August and it would have some credence.......Some of the comments from other idiots just amaze me.....why don’t you all run off and call the Samaritans if life is that bad! Plastic fans....!

  32. och ay the nu its sir alex here

    Jun 23, 2011, 16:16 #9068

    i like Arsene these days. hes mellow, his team is mellow, we enjoy playing against you guys alot more than we used to thats for sure. blimey when you had keown, campbell, viera, cole, parlour we knew you could out battle us as well as out play us and you often did that even at our place. then for some reason Arsene changed it all and having been practically neck and neck between 1996 and 2005, weve left you way behind ever since. Ive stuck to my guns as to how i set up my teams and what we are all about whereas Arsene decided to take the sting out of your team and replace that we twinkle toes ballet dancers in slippers. Och they look nice and smell nice but im pleased to say well kick theyre bloody ars everytime we meet. and sent them home, to think again

  33. au revoir wenger s'il vous plait

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:57 #9065

    Chris - "Show some patience, for crying out loud. The transfer window is not even open, deals take time and various circumstances come into the equation. If we reach the end of the window and the right players aren't signed then fine." LOL, patience? IF the right players aren't signed? You mean like the past 6 transfer windows? What a bunch of mugs the sheep are, BAAH, BAAH

  34. zoot alors ze project is off ze tracks

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:43 #9063

    Manu show how its done even in the transfer mkt. 2 great signings to date and theyre the champions. wenger is probably busy reading clause 78c of fifa rules on club incomings versus outgoings. out with the loser now !

  35. officepest

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:33 #9061

    Utd have signed Young (confirmed), Jones (confirmed) and De Gea (not conf.), that's an approximate £50M outlay. We have signed a promising youngster from Charlton. Is it really out of order to to question our transfer policy? Arsenal is not Arsene Wenger and I will be watching closely to see what additions are made to the squad. More important, I feel, is the neend to kick out the dead-wood and so far, I haven't seen anything regarding departures. Interesting times.

  36. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:25 #9059

    "Judge Me In July" is the new "Judge Me In May"...

  37. The Baron39

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:24 #9058

    Adrian Wagenaar's article is certainly in tune with my feelings with regard to Mr Wenger seemingly not actually wanting to indulge in the annual summer spending fest, despite trying to fool us into believing the contrary a few weeks ago. Suspiciously, but not surprisingly, there is currently no transfer talk at all coming out of the Emirates. Everyone else has started, don't be 'gentlemanly' and wait for the 1st July for goodness sake. The Fabregas & Nasri negotiations should not be allowed to put a spanner in the works for other deals and is used as an excuse by Arsenal. It's just a dammed excuse. I believe Arsene Wenger thinks he can actually succeed with the same players as last year, with those same defenders even! I think he actually believes this despite their glaring deficiencies. For me it's insanity, not madness, the insanity of doing the same action again and again and expecting a different result.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:16 #9056

    wait till transfer window closes then say what you want to say.You sound like you dont want us to make any signings.

  39. Benny Boy

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:15 #9055

    Actually the final words ending The Bridge over the River Kwai is 'Madness, Sheer Madness'

  40. Pink Panther

    Jun 23, 2011, 15:14 #9054

    Clouless is being too slow in ze transfer mkt. perwaps he haz a cunning plan but somehow i dont bloody well think so

  41. Chris

    Jun 23, 2011, 14:23 #9053

    Show some patience, for crying out loud. The transfer window is not even open, deals take time and various circumstances come into the equation. If we reach the end of the window and the right players aren't signed then fine, but don't fly off the handle now just because there hasn't been (and was never likely to be) a rush of knee-jerk signings. And i'd wager a good deal of money that you have no more reliable evidence or fact-based insight into Wenger's mind than the next person. As for the comments above about giving up tickets etc if Wenger doesn't buy players (as if buying a ticket also buys an entitlement that the club will spend on transfers), fine, go - you're exactly the sort of glory-hunting 'supporters' we don't need. I'm sure Chelsea will welcome you with open arms...

  42. VSK Gunner

    Jun 23, 2011, 14:01 #9052

    1. The "global" transfer window opens 1st July 2. Many player contracts are written with 30th June as renewal/expiry date 3. Many club's financial year ends 30th June 4. A lot is going on "behind the scenes" of which newspapers/bloggers/tweeters know NOTHING So, until judgement is passed PLEASE wait until at least end of July

  43. DEL

    Jun 23, 2011, 13:45 #9051

    It is interesting to see the varying opinions on this subject. One this is for sure we need to sign quality players and we need about 4. If we don’t sign them we will win nothing again, we have gone from a team that was winning regularly to also rans. Something has to change.

  44. Brigham

    Jun 23, 2011, 13:27 #9050

    @ Sandeep Post No 9912... So when did you start supporting the club then? 1998? 2002? You will find a lot of us who are having a moan have been around since the sixties and have seen some fairly **** times at the club, along with some very good ones also. The same people are just questioning Wenger's mindset right now and the fact that he has (IMHO) lost the plot, particularly in the rebuilding of the squad, which in all honesty is NOT good enough right now. If he fails to strengthen once again, then we will fail once again. Its not rocket science is it?

  45. Gooner since 2004

    Jun 23, 2011, 13:11 #9047

    If he does not buy, this will be the last season ticket coming my way

  46. Richard Ansell

    Jun 23, 2011, 13:10 #9046

    Having read the comments on this article to date, I would just like to add that we are all Arsenal supporters through and through and no matter what opinions we have, we all want whats best for our club. There is no need for name calling and labelling fans as 'plastic' just because they are feeling very negative at the moment about many issues with Arsenal: Wenger's daft ideas, the lack of ambition, players of dubious quality on big fat contracts, the cost of season tickets, having to pay 'membership' just to be able to (possibly) buy a ticket, the inability to defend, one dimensional tactics, and I could go on. If we were not proper fans we would have turned our back on the team years ago. Yes the Online Gooner site is predominately full of doom and gloom but unfortunately that is how most of us see things at Arsenal now. I have never known my best mate (CD) to be so down about Arsenal and I feel exactly the same. We can't all be wrong and it is nothing to do with just not winning trophies it is the whole ethos which exists at the club now. Something has got to change or the chasm that exists between the club and us fans will just become wider.

  47. GoonerRon

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:53 #9045

    For crying out loud the transfer window isn't even open yet and most players will still be on holiday. Also, I would prefer not to spend £20m on an overrated young player simply to signal an intent. Like it or not we have always been coy on our transfer dealings and I'm absolutely sure that we are pedalling hard behind the scenes to make some deals happen.

  48. DJADBMc

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:43 #9044

    Why do some fans think that purchasing footballers is like a trolley dash around Tescos? Granted the lack of activity is disappointing but remember the international window does not open until the 1st July. The press have a lot to answer for as we are constantly linked to every Tom Dick and Harry irrespective of the clubs intentions. Subsequently when the rumours prove to be false, some fans go ballistic ranting that how incompetent the club are on the transfer front. IMO the most important aspect of this summer will not be playing staff but whether AW decides to address the teams inability to defend - especially set plays. It is no coincidence that when Keown was doing his coaching badges at the club in ‘06 the defence set a CL record for clean sheets. That was with a back four containing Eboue, Senderos and Flamini…

  49. tegisha

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:35 #9042

    Do u know what all the players whom we are linked with are cheap (i.e not good enough)& it is likely that wenger is gonna sign those players startin with gervno but the qeustion is are they gonna solve arsenal's problems?absolutly not

  50. Loyal since 1980

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:15 #9039

    I personally beleive that Wenger's project at the club is to make the club debt free, he will then leave the club at the end of 2011/12 and we will then be within the new Uefa rules of the finacial fair play. This was the project given to him by the board and he will have succeeded. The lack of signings is because AW really doesn't want to sign big name players, he wants to buy potential,or if he's lucky he can sign a big name player on the cheap,as the selling club no longer have faith in them, like he did with Overmars (knee problem) Kanu (heart probelm). I think AW will leave next year, with a big pat on the back from the board for leaving the club debt free, he will get acknowlegdement from me as I have witnessed the best football I have ever seen from any Arsenal side from 2001 - 2005. However I will no shed any tears when he leaves, the last 5 years of tippy tappy football and watching average players pull on the famous shirt for big wages (bar one or two)has been shocking!

  51. Jekyll

    Jun 23, 2011, 12:03 #9038

    You would have thought after the end of season debacle an early signal of intent would have been imperitive. Instead one gets the impression that Wenger is doing the same old thing of refusing to pay the going rate for players. You do indeed suspect that really he doesn't want to buy anyone and will just use the excuse at the end of the summer of nobody being available at 'the right price', i.e. the price that exists in his imagination and nowhere else.

  52. Kharadonha Mbalu

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:54 #9037

    We all know Arsenal like to do things the Arsenal way and lets put trust in Wenger that there will be players coming in. and on top of that we never boast about whom we sign and tell the world about our future plans. Better like what Arsenal are doing or go somewhere where you'll be happy to see clubs go crazy on transfer market. fyi, we already signed players and it is a matter of time b4 they are unveilled to us Gooners. do what you do best Arsene but try to listen to our advise as you can see or read on our comments that we still have faith in you. South African Gooner

  53. Gerardo

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:54 #9036

    I was surprised the international transfer window has n't opened yet (post 9916). Could the lack of anything happening on the domestic side mean AW's not going for any EPL based players ? .. maybe he wants to move some players on first .. time will tell. Like you Adrian, no transfers in does n't feel like a good plan. Keep it balanced Adrian W (lol) and don't let your hate of AW get in the way. Keep all guns blazin' my friends.

  54. Kev G

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:51 #9035

    It is frustrating but we have to give the bloke this transfer window to sort the problems. If he doesn't then that is the end for me. City, Chelsea and United will be stronger next season. We will be competing for 4th only with Liverpool and Spurs if the boss doesn't get our house in order asap We've also got to try and ship out players too. I predict we end up cost neutral in the transfer window with the departures of Clichy, Bendtner and Denilson funding Gervinho and Samba. I don't expect any other marquee signings and feel Cesc and Nasri will both stay on for at least one more year

  55. Damac

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:46 #9034

    Not only do you stink of plastic, but you're a mood-hoover to boot. Remember 1996? Negheads to not change the world, optimists do. I'm going into this season believing we can win it all.

  56. angelic beardy

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:43 #9033

    Some fans are an absolute joke. Just because people don't want Arsene as a manager anymore we are told that we are not fans and to support anouther team. Sorry but i've gone to watch Arsenal since Terry Neill was manager and have spent quite a few bob on AFC home and away so as a fan i am entitled to an opinion like any other person is. I'm sorry but Arsene Wenger is not Arsenal you know the club has been around a lot longer then him - i think it's time people get a grip. I think Wenger's time is up, there does come a time when people do outstay their welcome and fresh ideas often rekindles companies and teams.

  57. Ananta

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:43 #9032

    Cant Agree More. They are just waiting for some crap players to have no contract so that they can buy for free. If intent was there then atlest one of Samba or Cahill would have already signed

  58. MIke

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:17 #9031

    I love this so much and for you dumb arsenal fans that disagree with him wake up and open your eyes. Wenger wants to wait until every other team wants our targets then he wants to put in the bid which is gonna be to late e.g. Phil jones. Samba asking price is just up the longer wenger takes to put in a bid. we need about 5 players even more and i doubt wenger will do that. so arsenal fans dont expect silverware next season.

  59. Small one.

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:14 #9030

    I had one of those wots-a-name enlargers once and day after day after day after I would wake up and couldn't wait to take an eager yet apprehensive look downwards in anticipation of some kind of result. After a while I realised nothing had or was ever going to change.

  60. Jack

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:07 #9029

    Don't call Adrian a idiot, he's just putting his point of view, you might not agree with him, which i do not, but don't call him an idiot, he's probably just frustrated like many of us.

  61. Mandy Dodd

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:06 #9028

    Give him a chance, as posted earlier, the European transfer window opens 1/7, with our anticipated complicated web of arrivals and departures, may not expect to see anything major before then unless it involves a UK based player. We now know he has the money this summer, in previous recent years we have not known this. If he refuses to strengthen this summer he leaves himself open to serious critisism. BUT Give him a chance and lets see what he does, you may even be pleasantly surprised. He created the Invincibles not so long ago, with proper backing, there is no reason he cannot create something special.

  62. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:03 #9027

    I totally agree, I'm with Adbester Chauma on this one "shop early to buy the best" probably also fresher one too. I take it those who disagree think that Man U don't know what they're, since they've already confirmed one 1st player and lined up another in the bag awaiting confirmation!!! Arsenal just want to buy cheap players - my hopes are down and that was judged on the last 6 years!!!

  63. Carlos

    Jun 23, 2011, 11:02 #9026

    I think you are beibg unfair, but I understand your concerns. The time to have an informed opinion is when the window closes, by which time ironically, it's too late to do anything about it. That said we should have indicated some clear intent and have not - as usual.

  64. Gooner2

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:57 #9024

    Am waiting till july 1st to judge him regarding this window

  65. The Happening

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:56 #9023

    Mmmmmm.....perhaps he does Adrian? The thought had never occurred to me! What's happenned to our club? 3 senior players in our 1st 11 are pissing us about over whom they wish to play for next season? Anyone remember David Rocastle not wanting to leave? fAnd the hurt he must have felt when he was told? F*** this lot!

  66. Robin Hood

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:55 #9022

    What a load of ****e, it's negative tossers like you that we don't need associated with our club.

  67. Jimi

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:52 #9021

    Its all too quiet on the Arsenal front at the moment, you can bet your bottom dollar that something is actually happening behind the scenes, action that we are not privy to at the moment, all this commotion is with desperate web using fans thirsting for transfers, the window is far from closed, movements will occur. IF THEY DONT.... I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, BUT...... Most of the team is currently on holiday, most player contracts are not yet over until the 30th, the back room staff may well have already sorted a couple more signings in Gervinho and Alvarez which may be publicised on the 1st of July. Frimpong is chomping at the bit to push Alex Song for DM. Denilson and Bendtners own words have pretty much ended their Arsenal careers (Woohoo) soon hopefully a buyer will come. Ramsey is just getting back into the swing of things, and I'm pretty exited about that as I believe he's gonna be as good as Stevie G. Vermaelen should be back and fighting fit, which pushes the Squishy Squid Squillaci to fourth choice CB (Woohoo). Nasri hasn't left us and Cesc hasn't left us. It ain't looking that bad, YET, so chin up and like the good old english slogan "KEEP CALM, AND CARRY ON"

  68. GoonerDave

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:49 #9020

    Absolutely pathetic, and typical of how low this blog will sink. Manufactured headline, and nonsensical content. The Online Gooner used to be a worthwhile blog, but its become utter rubbish. The worst of all Arsenal blogs, and Im now happy to block it. Shame on you for treating your readers like idiots. Nobody in their right mind would believe the crap you write.

  69. Dave Button

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:47 #9019

    I agree with every word you say. The players need to hear a different voice so when Pat Rice said enough we should have said thanks. There are a lot of footballers who play for money only, there are some players that simply aren't good enough to wear the red and white. We will never ever see the likes of Dennis,Thierry , or there like again at our club. I am reminded of supporting Arsenal in the 80,s before Georgey boy came. We are a nearly team who just beat off spuds and we just qualified for the Champs League. We won't at the end of next season and I am starting to think has le boss gone on too long.

  70. Ron

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:42 #9018

    Hes not on his own then. I dont want a lumbering carthorse (Samba) at the back either and Cahill isnt quite the Franco Baresi clone that Owen Coyle paints him up to be either. I tend to agree that Wenger is playing out time till he ups sticks next Summer and would quite happlily have gone with no new players. Arsenal really do need to clear off Fabregas (35-38 Mill is fair for him) and Nasri(if hes going and i dont care if he is) and try and buy some quality, not the Samba's of this World. Its a fact that nobody decent seems to want him, only Arsenal and thats worrying!

  71. Terry

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:42 #9017

    I totally agree: Wenger has gone stale. It happens - especially when someone has been in the job a long time. Also, Wenger doen't 're-invent' himself the way Alex Ferguson does...it's just not Wenger's way. We've got some tough times ahead - for all our financial solvency there is little or no football vision ahead. That went with David Dein's sacking.

  72. Adam

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:40 #9016

    "clearly running on empty". Quite!

  73. Bazi

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:39 #9015

    Wenger would not buy either Samba or Cahill as they are beyond the budget limit (max 10 million ). He'd probably target some unknown french players. However, the minimum eligibility criteria are 1) the player should be injury prone 2) Must be from french (English players are too expensive you know) 3) Must be age between 17 and 21 (so that at the end of the season tell some f#$king excuses).

  74. N7 Gooner

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:39 #9014

    Sorry but I disagree - wait for the end of the transfer window!

  75. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:38 #9013

    Arsene is a Fraudster, Arsene is a Fraudster, La La La La, La La La La, Arsene is a Fraudster, Arsene is a Fraudster, La La La La, La La La La *Repeat*

  76. D Waters

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:37 #9012

    Adrian this article is a load of waffle TBH. The club are clearly active behind the scenes Gervinho, Samba, Alavarez. Its is Gazidis responsibilty to make these deals happen.

  77. Adbester Chauma

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:36 #9011

    It is sickening, to say the least, to be linked to a million players and eventually buying none. Mr Wenger, assure the fans and the players that this club will challenge for honours next season. Wake up and do business. Remember, shop early to buy the best.

  78. Jay

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:34 #9010

    You spoke my mind, and every true gooner's mind! But unfortunately, in a lil while, you gonna meet up with the 'AKBs' calling you all sorts of names for stating the fact that Wenger is old and senile and unfit to run our club anymore!

  79. joe

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:33 #9009

    shut up u idiot. atleast wait till the transfer window opens globally on july 1st. you idiots are just injecting unrest among the fans... are you getting paid for this?

  80. Hater

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:32 #9008

    Contracts with clubs dont finish til' the end of this month...could you of atleast waited until the real transfer period starts for your doom and gloom splattered up the walls of this proverbial toilet cubical?

  81. angelic beardy

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:31 #9007

    I do agree, it feels to me that the Wenger years are coming to the end the board are stringing it out for one more season while the team stagnates much like what was happening before George Graham was sacked. The are waiting until there is mass protestation from the fans as there will be next season if we carry on the downward trend which afflicted us at the end of last season. I feel Wenger should have stood down on his own accord and let a younger manager with fresh new ideas come in and take over. Time will tell if Wenger has the ability to change but this summer feels the same as any other and in my opinion the problem with Arsenal at the moment is Arsene.

  82. Sandeep

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:31 #9006

    U can stop supporting the club..arsenal don't need plastic fans like u

  83. Tom

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:26 #9004

    They like to do it slow & steady so in the event Man C or Chelski come in & snatch it from us, AW & the board can start their expertise - c*$# talk...

  84. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jun 23, 2011, 10:18 #9003

    Ever since Wenger has been in charge all our better players, ones he has brought to the club and nurtured, have always looked to leave for bigger things. For example, Overmars, Petit, Cole, Henry, Vieira now Cesc and Nasri. Surely that has to do with the atitude he has installed at the club. The club is viewed as a training camp, an academy, to go for a few years and then leave for a proper big club to win trophies.