We need Dr Who

Wishing your Arsenal supporting life away

We need Dr Who

Sign him up?

In my opinion OGL should not be given as much as a penny to waste on transfers this summer, because all we're are doing is prolonging the inevitable. Any new purchases by our glorious leader on senior players (untried in the Premier League) again or his favourite (fruitless) youth policy automatically gets him the 2011-2012 season as a write off with his loyal band of followers able to claim the 'it takes a year to bed in' rule.

This takes us nicely into the summer of 2012 with the Olympics and the European Championships as two perfect acts of diversion for another depressing summer of a couple of Bosman signings and whoever is left after ManUre, Chavski, Citeh and Liverpool Stealers have had their pick.

His flock of sheep can then bleat themselves to sleep with the mantra that 2012- 2013 will be the year as surely his group of show ponies will finally prove that they're ready for world domination.

When this fails again OGL will only have one year left on his £6.5 million a year contract. 2013-2014 can't come quick enough. Does anybody know if time travel is due to be discovered any day soon?

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  1. Ronster

    Jun 30, 2011, 19:21 #9313

    Kev G....absolutely spot on mate! P.S. The regeneration of 'Arsene Who' is well overdue!

  2. Kev G

    Jun 30, 2011, 16:53 #9309

    Never let AW go upstairs. Get a fresh strong manager in . I would have loved Villa-Boas but we were never going to pay £13m for him plus wengers compo. We should never have had offered him a 3 year extension before this 2010/11 finished. What a terrible bit of business that was. We should have forced his arm to produce this year and if he didn't then bye bye Weak board ran by Arsene. No other club has this kind of figure at the club. People may say fergie but he has been successful nigh on every year at the club. Winning trophies appeasing fans and making top notch signings. We are a joke of a club that needs to get this bloke out of the system. HE inherited a back 4 and british core that got him trophies after he'd added a bit of continental flair. But now he has ignored those core values and ideals and opted for a spanish playing side in a 100mph english league. Was never going to work

  3. Yulu

    Jun 29, 2011, 21:27 #9278

    Does anyone writing on here actually support arsenal?

  4. clockendpaul

    Jun 29, 2011, 15:30 #9276

    Its the same thing i've been thinking, ever since he decided to keep pat rice on for another year you knew nothing would change. I hope he spends nothing simply don't trust the guy,and what he's done to our club the last few years is disgusting, i want him out so much had enough of the bulls**t as much as the inept tactics and substitutions and constantly finishing third or fourth and then being told there was 30m we could have spent. I don't even want him upstairs where he can f*** the next manager up.

  5. The Hampshire Gooner

    Jun 29, 2011, 14:42 #9275

    Possibly harsh but fair (ish) You can hardly place a transfer embargo on your current manager though so I don't see the point in wishing for a time machine. If things are really that bad surely it would be better to get rid of the man in charge rather than wish your life away waiting for him to go? I personally wouldn't be overly surprised if this campaign turns out to be his last with the club anyway. If the levels of stick get worst and worst does he really need it? I know he has a salary of £6.5m a year to worry about but does he need that money enough to take more and more abuse from people who used to idolise him?

  6. Kev G

    Jun 29, 2011, 14:41 #9274

    HArsh article. Let us see if he can strengthn in the areas we need. And not bargain basement £3m signings from Ligue 2. Spend £15m on cahill and £23m on Mata (if/when cesc leaves). Maybe make a statement like launching a £25m bid for Schneider if Nasri AND Cesc go. Stop faffing around the edges of a deal for Samba when he aint all that anyway. The problem is I do not see Arsene doing much other than Gervinho and one or two we haven't heard of. Uninspiring stuff

  7. Ronster

    Jun 29, 2011, 14:37 #9273

    Well,didn't Arsene Who's Tardis materialise in '96! :-)

  8. aj

    Jun 29, 2011, 14:25 #9272

    I've been negative on Wenger for three years now.But I think next season will be more interesting than you think.It looks like he will sell Fab and completely change the shape of the team to 4-4-2.Out goes tippy tappy and in comes fast wide players like Gervinho,Alvarez and Chamberlain. It's a huge admission by him that he's cocked up the last few years and he's going back to what made him successful. It's also a big last throw of the dice.If it fails he'll walk and go to PSG next year.

  9. Simple Simon

    Jun 29, 2011, 13:48 #9269

    Superb. Agree 100%. Let's just wait for the numpty sheep to pipe up now with their predictable, boring insults. Yawn. Wenger is the Cancer, aided and abetted by Kroenke and Gazidis and the disguting liar on the board who have let the club slide thus. Every year Arsene Wenger is manager is a write-off until 2014. Your club has won nothing in six years and you think GERVINHO, some piece of trash French African with less international pedigree than EBOUE, is going to make a blind bit of difference??! It's a joke. No wonder our policy is such a joke: Cesc and Nasri want out. Denilson and Bendtner spoke a big game about leaving but NO ONE has made any offers for them as they refuse to match their stupid salaries....so they will remain at Arsenal, content to pick up their wages for nothing. It's a joke, and I'll have no interest in this club until Wenger goes away.

  10. cootas

    Jun 29, 2011, 13:07 #9263

    All this talk by Wenger about being self sustaining is all very well and good but we have to stop haggling over stuipid amounts, 2 mill here 2mill there, its absolutely ridiculous....does he not realize he is being to extreme in his penny pinching attitude. We could easily have won the title last term if he had only strengthened in the obvious areas, cos Manure where the crapest team ever to win the Prem last year HE'S DOING MY NUT IN!

  11. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jun 29, 2011, 13:02 #9262

    Dunno about a time travel machine, but time plays its part in the saying about 'History decides'. If Wenger's managerial record continues in the same vein as the last 5 or 6 six years, will people say in 10 - 20 years time that he was a great manager? With 3 domestic titles and no european success, I think I already know what my answer will be.

  12. Richard Ansell

    Jun 29, 2011, 12:08 #9260

    Anything that would shorten Wenger's time in charge of our club would be good. The last few years have been nothing but torture and whatever else Arsenal may have been during my many years of suopport we have never been the laughing stock we are now.

  13. CD

    Jun 29, 2011, 11:39 #9259

    You echo my sentiments 100% BigNose. I simply don't want any new manager hampered by more lightweight tippy tappy sideways dont shoot players on fat contracts which we are then unable to shift, and hence ties the hands of this possible new manager, as he would then have no money to spend on the players he wants!!

  14. Ron

    Jun 29, 2011, 10:52 #9257

    This is a view that does carry so much weight and reason. Ive heard a few say it (not on here). Its a very persuasive view too i have to say. Cash spent on more lightweight duds now is less in the kitty for later after all.

  15. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jun 29, 2011, 9:43 #9255

    All very sad. But all very true. It's our deity's band of disciples that make this club a true laughing stock. You'll be getting a verbal twatting soon by the Wengerphiles but dont worry BigNose, because you are spot on. Roll on 2014.

  16. Website Editor

    Jun 29, 2011, 9:12 #9253

    For those of you unaware, OGL = Our Glorious Leader