Removing the well entrenched

Dictators can take a lot of shifting

Removing the well entrenched

Is the regime tottering?

Whilst of course it would be quite wrong for Arsene Wenger to be compared with such stalwarts of longevity in office as Mubarak and Gaddafi, there is something about the taking down of a long standing irritant that excites.

For those of us who view OGL's continuation in office as a serious error of judgment, the signs that his regime may be tottering are most welcome.

In months gone by, with the exception of Patrick Vieira's obvious attempt to try and return to inject some sanity on the field, no ex-player would publicly criticise the manager. Perry Groves has now done so. Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith has added something to the debate by making remarks which may appear to criticise the Board.

Wednesday's Daily Telegraph reports that Fabregas is about to go to Barca (no surprise) and that Nasri will be going to Manchester United rather than go there with no transfer fee when out of contract next year.

When these two go, our remaining international players of genuine strength will not be far behind. Like us, they will be wondering what they are still doing at Arsenal.

This "heart sinking into the boots" scenario might go away of course, should the owner pick up the telephone to a credible managerial replacement (Mark Hughes for example), make him a sensible offer, and then haul Mr Wenger into the sort of meeting that can only be described as a "Lord Alan Sugar - contract of service (termination of) interface type situation".

I don't consider that being frogmarched out of the building by large men in dark suits with dark glasses on would be appropriate, but, like many others, I'm getting there.

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  1. Gunner6288

    Jul 06, 2011, 13:37 #9603

    Just saying, Usmanov said he would write a check for 100 milllion pound snad gvie it to the board, but they refuse to be involved in him. David Dein's good work has amounted to nothin. (Personally, I don't want to buy a trophy, but at least the Uzbek shows some passion unlike Stan "Not Really the Man" Kroenke)

  2. Ron

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:56 #9442

    Changing the boss alone wont move Arsenal forward. The root, branch and the top of the tree all needs serious surgery change. You could have whatever top boss wanted the job and under the Clubs present modus operandi not much would alter. Its riven with its own stale culture from the top downwards that hasnt even been questioned never mind disturbed for so long. A new Coach wouldnt change much alone. Mark Hughes is a plum. Hes unemployed via his own stupidity and arrogance and if you reckon hes done remotely anything to earn a job like the Arsenal job, you need to re start your Counselling and medication as clearly you stopped both far too soon.

  3. Russell

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:48 #9440

    Mark Hughes? Do me a favour!!! it was mildly good up to that point. MARK HUGHES????? Stay of the crack mate, seriously.

  4. Gooner S

    Jul 04, 2011, 8:52 #9405

    The Gooner is really going down the pan with tripe like this. You want Wenger out but offer zero sensible alternatives other than moans. Mark Hughes! That is just plain daft. Did you have a bang on the head before you wrote this drivel? The Gooner is really digging the bottom of the barrel with some of their recent postings but this has got to be the worse posting by some distance.

  5. steve tulett

    Jul 03, 2011, 19:48 #9402

    mate your talking out your backside,id rather eat my own sh*t then let that prat manage my go and sit in a darken room and smash your nuts with a hammer.

  6. Slow death

    Jul 03, 2011, 16:13 #9401

    so pleased rreinforcements in the form of 16 year olds Alex Ox and spanish hector plus lille's centre forward + charltons centre half are arriving to replace clichy, nasri, cesc and possibly rvp. way to go Arsenal youve thrown down the gauntlet to your competitors

  7. fozzy's mate

    Jul 03, 2011, 15:48 #9400

    The Mark Hughes idea is a non starter but the rest I concur with. When we sold Vieira and Henry and did not replace them I foresaw a day when a naked lack of ambition would lead to any star players jumping ship and other stars laughing at our paltry offers. It has even according to some papers got to the point of RVP who has never managed more than half a season questioning his future. OGL has turned us from the invincibles everyone wanted to play for to the team nobody wants to play for. Even his mollycoddled embryos want to go now. In 2006 and 7 I started asking why 4th place was suddenly considered satisfactory? Because our gutless board had by then bowed down to Lord Wenger and his dream of a 1000 16 year olds shipped in from all corners of the earth passing sideways to each other from 2 yards. But as I have previously said this summer will be where OGL starts his journey back to the summit or continues a terminal decline. If I could see this coming so long ago, how did he get it so wrong that it really is now rats leaving the sinking ship?

  8. Marcus

    Jul 03, 2011, 2:32 #9397

    The best part of the article was the Mark Hughes joke. Oh you weren't joking? Oh...oh dear.

  9. johnnyh

    Jul 03, 2011, 0:27 #9395

    dont agree with mark hughes becoming manager but it shows just how fed up some fans are with wenger. to be honest i have no idea who i would like to see take over as i cant think of too many creditable candidates.

  10. Inspector clou-less

    Jul 02, 2011, 16:14 #9389

    (french accent). bonjour tout le monde, i am making lots of pheune calls so please stop panicking - i have a cunning plan. by 2015 fergy will be dead and abramovic in a gulag and we will rule the world with 16 year olds !

  11. Nutty's Right Peg

    Jul 02, 2011, 14:16 #9387

    Hughes ?? Manager of The Arsenal, now I like a giggle but, please, come on. I remember well as a Welsh fan how he threw away our chances of Euro 2004 glory by playing Hartson up front on his own in the 2nd leg of the play-offs against Russia. I'm more than a little concerned about just where our great club are heading, direction wise, but surely things haven't got so bad.

  12. Mike

    Jul 02, 2011, 12:52 #9385

    Mark to be kidding. Can't hold a candle to Wenger. I agree, the time has come to question Wenger, I cannot for the life of me think of anyone better than hime at the moment.......Ancelotti couldn't win anything and look what was at his disposal....Big Sam's club was in relegation mode the whole time.......and as for Mark Hughes...well we might as well try....I can't think of anyone worse right now

  13. Gooner40

    Jul 02, 2011, 11:13 #9381

    another summer where we had to make at least two marquee signings and instead are selling our best players and can t sell the overpaid dross we ve got, worrying times at our club. It shows you how inept they are when they let contracts run down to final years- rvp and Theo next year? the board didn't t listen to the booing at the villa game or the A S T concerns or that song at fulham did they? afc arsenal anyone?

  14. Andrew Cohen

    Jul 02, 2011, 11:11 #9380

    I know, I know, you all wanted Sam Allerdyce, but he's gone to West Ham to try and teach them how to defend.

  15. Hector's house

    Jul 02, 2011, 9:59 #9378

    im so so pleased weve signed another 16 year old and cant wait for his impact on the EPL next season how exciting..

  16. JM - LONDON

    Jul 01, 2011, 23:39 #9370

    Sorry mate, I only got to the part in your article when you mentioned that buffoon Mark Hughes as a future Arsenal Manager!, a man who virtually spent Icelands national debt on a load of treble priced, overrated players (and yes, we did rather well out of that particular buffoon who signed that other buffoon Adebayour which Citeh are now trying to offload to a second rate team (Blackburn) for half the price!). Your havin a laugh mate, I expect better from the 'Gooners' contributers.

  17. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 01, 2011, 20:04 #9364

    Sack the board! I kinda shame now to tell people who I support. I have stop all my payments and anything to do with Arsenal, until they get back to normal. I hear chelsea is after Cahill now. FFS what is this Arsenal club doing. 40m to spare + with sales of players we will not spend f all. I have lost complete confidence in this club!!!! Again it reminds us why Man U buy theior players ealy so that the price does not go up with other clubs bidding more for the player they want!!!!

  18. Chris

    Jul 01, 2011, 18:55 #9363

    Just get Wenger out and replace him with Ancelotti who hasnt become a bad manager overnight.While Clueless Wenger has.6 years of the same is long enough,As long as Wenger remains you can throw away the keys to the trophy cabinet.How the **** does Wenger remain in a job?

  19. wenger out

    Jul 01, 2011, 18:29 #9361

    It was all going well until the ridiculous reference to Mark Hughes. That idea is laughable. Get Wenger Out!

  20. redhead

    Jul 01, 2011, 17:18 #9358

    O come on people for the last 4 years the media has tried to make it sound that it would be that summer that arsenal imploded. One of the reasons for this is not that its arsenak football club but its manager is wenger. They hate the idea that most supporters are not influenced by the garbage they write so they try to make it more dramatic every year that goes by that arsenal do not win anything. They make it sound that arsene runs everything and he tells the board what to do. But if iam not mistaking peter hill wood has come out time and time again stating that arsenal will not be a big spending club. Therefor what do people expect wenger to say or do , he can moan about it but he knew what he was getting himself into when he took the job. Saying that he is not winning anything because he isn't getting enough money is a excuse because its not the pound notes that win titles but the quality of players regardles of the price of the money spend on them. As they say there is more than one way into a castle. This is what distinguishes great managers from poor managers they are able work within there means very well. Arsenal situation is the way it is and the way the media thinks is that you do not improve without spending certain amounts of money regardless of what you buy with it. Although i want arsene to dip into the market for some players i do not think he should buy any players just to make the fans happy. If he buys tit has to be quality not quantity. Believe me thats the hardest thing to do. Also for those who think that everything is wengers fault and keep pointing to the 6 years we havent won anything remember that the only team that has won the premier league for consecutive years is man united. The closes to them are arsenal and chelsea and even they have only won it three times. So the illusion that arsenal are the only failing time is exagurated to say the least. Yess we do need to improve to win the league and yes we may loose some players this year but dont we losse some every year and we havent imploded before. There are only a tiny minority of players that are unreplaceble and they are ussually part of a hugely successfull team and since these players havent i do not see the great fuss unless people have certain eotional attachments to these players. Players that leave do it for there own personal reasons which sometimmes have nothing to do with the manager or the team which makes it hard to convince tem to stay even furguson was unable to hold on to ronaldo when he decided he wanted to go to barcelona. So the reason that people just point the finger at arsene is that he is a easy target as he will always blame himself and is never satisfied with himself so wont defend himself or look for excuses. Although everything is not always his fault and does not care to potray himself in a positive light to satisfy the media. He has his opinions about certain things and because the media do not agree with it they look for every opertunity to belittle him. Therfore do not believe everything you read as its designed to induce panick amongst gooners and turn toward there manager and there club. I would rather want so see it before i believe it

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 01, 2011, 16:17 #9353

    mark hughes? you'r an idiot i'm going to pub tonight tell us all what your drinking if it has that effect on you will stay well clear.

  22. Richard Ansell

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:56 #9350

    You will get some stick for suggesting Mark Hughes. Not a manager I would like to see at Arsenal myself, but the gist of what you are saying is right - Wenger has to go before he wastes what money we are prepared to spend on more tippy tappy midgets.

  23. Goonerpearty

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:45 #9347

    Im bored of wenger and theborad now.bring in usamov and dein back to the club.SACK THE BOARD AND WENGER.

  24. Goona

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:25 #9345

    Mark Hughes great player that he was is not a future Arsenal manager as he's a loser in management more often than not.

  25. Marce

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:39 #9338

    Mark Hughes?!!! You on crack?

  26. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:27 #9336

    Please take that pic away. I'm genuinely scared.

  27. rellends

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:15 #9332

    come on, why so glum? today we are linked with proven international john o'shea. i say a straight swap for him and nasri. if utd play hard ball then i'm sure we could offer some cash or maybe chuck in wilshere. as a supporter for 35 years i find the whole situation absolutely farcical. we have 2 billionaires who own 90% of the club - one of whom appears to be a mute and the other isn't allowed a place at board level - and yet every summer we are quite happy to let our domestic and european rivals stronger by flogging off the crown jewels. all the while, we feed off the offcuts. it's a ****ing disgrace. hang on though we've got some teenagers from barcelona coming in to either vanish in to obscurity or cut their teeth here, before returning back to their previous club because its dna is in their veins. what the **** is gazidis and the rest of the board doing? their silence is deafening. usmanov was right all along.

  28. P-MG

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:05 #9329

    Mark Hughes? You are an embarrassment to yourself.

  29. Joe G

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:02 #9328

    Mark Hughes a credible managerial replacement??? You're having a laugh aren't you. Yet more drivel from the Online Gloomer.