The Arsenal way of shopping

Come on then Arsene. Surprise us!

The Arsenal way of shopping

Wal Mart – Time for some shoes?

Alex Ferguson/Roberto Mancini/Andre Villas Boas/Kenny Dalglish walk into a designer shoe shop on Bond Street. They try on a pair of the most fashionable and expensive shoes in the shop and simply pay the exorbitant price that the shoes are listed at because the shoes are exactly what they want. The designer shoes tick all the right boxes and are the shoes that absolutely everybody wants to have because they are the best shoes made from the highest quality material that money can buy. The gentleman then says, "Thank you very much." Paying for the shoes on their platinum credit cards, they smile warmly at the attractive blonde sales assistant, who looks more like a model than a sales assistant, before going on about their daily business.

Sounds all very simple, doesn't it? Far too simple, in fact. To do things in such a fashion just would not be the Arsenal way now, would it? Let's take a look at how we all know (as Arsenal fans) it should be done then.

Arsene Wenger walks into a discount store (maybe Kroenke's father in law's very own Wal Mart?) He sees an item that takes his fancy. Let's say for the sake of argument that it's a new pair of shoes.

Arsene asks the spotty teenage shop assistant, "How much are these shoes?"

Shop assistant says, "£40 sir."

Arsene Wenger: "I will not pay your ridiculous over inflated price just because you can clearly see that my current shoes are old, battered and full of holes. I am not an idiot. I will give you £20 instead."

Shop assistant: "Sir, the stores prices are not negotiable. Our margins are already wafer thin. None of our other customers are complaining about our prices."

Arsene Wenger: "Ah! I believe that overall you are a very skilled young negotiator with unbelievable mental strength. I will give you £25 and my current shoes as part exchange. I'll have you know they once had the potential to be very good shoes."

Shop assistant: "Sir; your shoes are full of holes. They have no laces and you've clearly stepped in some dog's mess. The price is £40, take it or leave it"

Arsene Wenger "You must be joking! I cannot pay £40 for a pair of shoes! My current budget doesn't allow me to pay anywhere near that price for a pair of shoes. I've got a very expensive mortgage to pay off on a large property in Islington."

Shop assistant: "I understand that sir, but these are Italian leather shoes already discounted from £60 in our summer sale. May I enquire as to what you are willing to spend today?"

Arsene Wenger: "I suppose could go as far as £25.50.”

Shop assistant: "Well Sir, you are clearly in dire need of a pair of shoes, so for that kind of money I could maybe sell you a pair of our store brand trainers instead?"

Arsene Wenger: "Ok, you win! What a brilliant young negotiator you are! I could use someone with your raw potential and mental strength on my staff. How much are they paying you here?"

Shop assistant: "£6.30 an hour, Sir."

Arsene Wenger: "I'll double that if you come and work for me, son. Then when you've learned all you can from me you can just move on to bigger and better things and leave me in the lurch. Don't worry about hurting my feelings. I'm used to it now."

I know there is a long way to go in the transfer window, fellow Gooners. It hasn't even really started properly yet, but the names we are being linked with so far do not exactly have me pissing my pants with excitement. Am I alone? I think not.

Gervinho, Samba, Alvarez and Joey Barton might be decent players but they are not going to fix the problems that we have at the moment because they are not elite world class players. What we need are elite world class players whether we lose Fabregas, Nasri, or both of them. Even if we somehow manage to keep both of them we still are not going to win the league signing these second rate players that I've mentioned.

Consider the fact that Chelsea are rumoured to be thinking of offloading Didier Drogba. He would stroll into our first team, easily. Andre Villas Boas is rumoured to be pursuing Falcao from his old club Porto meaning that Drogba could be facing more time on the bench unless he forces a move elsewhere.

Manchester United have already signed Ashley "I'm an Arsenal fan" Young from Aston Villa meaning that either Nani or Valencia could be relegated to the substitutes bench. All three would walk into our first team.

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  1. Ron

    Jul 07, 2011, 15:50 #9662

    Just to clarify this, are the posters who mention Adebayor suggesting we buy him back?

  2. Ali Ahmad

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:18 #9489

    I am sure Wenger will surprise Arsenal fans by bringing back Selvestere, Sol Campbell and Robert Peris and Lehman from retirement and signing two other freebies as replacement for Nasri and Fabregas. In Arsene we rust

  3. Richard Ansell

    Jul 04, 2011, 8:32 #9404

    Wenger's crazy project is about to fall apart big time. The writing has been on the wall for ages now but the stubborn fool has just gone blindly on regardless. I am desperately sad for my club but as for Wenger it damn well serves him right.

  4. Viking

    Jul 03, 2011, 21:47 #9403

    I think we need a sense of perspective here, Vela is staying, what a lift this is to the rest of the squad. And Denillsons agent also said he'd be back for pre-season. I for one am very relieved!! No bids have come on for any of the players we want to see offloaded, we're stuck with the same dross next season. Almunia is still here for gods sakes?! Every supporter has identified the same players that need to be shipped out, we all know there names, yet they remain and our about to come back to pre-season ready for the next campaign. Although no clubs have done any serious transger business, this is not an excuse for us, it was apparent last season and in prior seasons that major surgery was required, and with us losing potentially 3 big players, this is even more important now. A marquee signing is needed, it sends a message to the squad, opposition, and gives the fans a lift too. And it generates increased commercial / marketing opportunities too. Gervinho, Alvarez and this other French lower league players are not getting me too excited. People have mentioned Anelka, Petit, Pires etc. but these players joined a team of men, there aren't too many hardened men in the squad now.......... And finally, Wengers mantra was to watch this group of players develop, get stronger each year, believe in each other, and see their undoubted mental strength, looks like they've clearly had enough and don't believe the hype either!!

  5. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 03, 2011, 8:29 #9398

    Joe Fitz and CD, thanks for your feedback. I think a sense of humour - and perspective - is critical at a time like this when half the Gooner Nation despairs at King WengerLear's madness, while the other half are trying to prove that he does indeed have new clothes. And thank you CD for reminding me of Helder - the Lionel Richie of Dutch porn. Apparently he used to play football too...I guess GG must have picked up his long dirty old man's overcoat as part of the deal when he hopped over to the Dam to sign Sexual Chocolate's lead singer (watch Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America" if I've lost you)

  6. Joe S

    Jul 03, 2011, 1:06 #9396

    Any hope that the off season would help ease the after taste of the soulless rubbish Wegners team dished out at the end of 2010 -11 was obviously in vain. As we watch the men,, the real achievers Man. U and Chelsea refusing to believe that complacency is justified and build on the future, here at Arsenal land we get this murky aura of stagnation centred around a smug ,self deluded manager and a board which based on their poor decision making and what looks more and more like skimming to line their pockets, lacks the passion to correct mistakes, take risks and revive a dynamic club. As we head into July with a new season seven weeks out, it is galling to think that a broom hasn.t been passed through the club. Yes, I do want to see beautiful football played by this club, but it has to be purposeful with an actual game plan beyond simply maintaining possession. Like the majority I don't think, Arsene has it in him to reinvent himself and find a new hunger to compete with the other top managers. Also, judging from their comments, the board are about consolidating steady profits and not much more. That Hill - Wood character in paarticular sounds like an idiot, whenever he opens his mouth to defend some non decision. At this stage the only thing to look forward to is the self implosion and blood letting that will be inevitale should our worst premonitions come true, and let's face it most of the people who send their comments are reaistic knowledgeable, appreciate the past achievements, and are not always comfortable with the idea of back stabbing Wegner. However his salary alone justifies the need for him make the effort to compete with the best, pick out the players he needs, persuade them as to why Arsenal are the best option if they want to win trophies and fast track their futures. The way this transfer window is looking we only look forward to losing our best, and gaining a group of average players to plug some holes, in other words more overpaid deadwood. Bring out the broom, but Mark Hughes, and a team which plays like Stoke City: No No No No No.

  7. CD

    Jul 02, 2011, 21:46 #9394

    @GaryFootscrayAustralia Continuing this theme GG also acquired Glenn Helder from the red light district in Amsterdam, presumably when he was "strolling" the streets looking for talent!

  8. GoonerRon

    Jul 02, 2011, 20:01 #9393

    Joe, you say "Crucify me. I am 100% certain that without a marquee signing, Arsenal WILL FINISH OUTSIDE THE TOP FOUR next season." What has a marquee signing got to do with anything? What exactly is a marquee signing anyway? To be honest I couldn't give a **** how big the names are that we buy, as long as we buy the right players to improve the first team and the squad.

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 02, 2011, 19:38 #9392

    Garyfootscrayaustralia- "..but we've been here before haven't we? After all, GG bought McGoldrick, Pates and Carter off a market stall in Croydon..." LMFAO!! Top comment!!

  10. Joe fitzpatrick

    Jul 02, 2011, 19:17 #9391

    Bored- ok mate, if you think you have seen the same article 500 times then tell me... What would you write about? Seriously, if you have any amazing ideas I'll be happy to nick them off of you.

  11. clockendpaul

    Jul 02, 2011, 16:24 #9390

    Sidney.. football clubs are there for one reason, thats to win trophies, not to breed accountants. No one is asking to spend what we hav'nt got just whats there, the whole of arsenal's transfer buget, whats the point of keep finishing third or fourth and being told that there was 30m we could have spent. Agree with you on one point i would love wenger to leave as well, maybe then we could get someone that did'nt insult the people that help to pay his massive salary.

  12. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 02, 2011, 15:43 #9388 could have added Matalan and Primark to your statement...but we've been here before haven't we? After all, GG bought McGoldrick, Pates and Carter off a market stall in Croydon...

  13. John

    Jul 02, 2011, 13:06 #9386

    To Sidney. How would you say manure and barcelona are being run then. They are winners, both in massive debt , but they still spend big in transfers because winning things recoups the money back , you clown.

  14. John

    Jul 02, 2011, 12:40 #9384

    It really amazes me how some fans posts mention that we havnt the money to spend on top quality players and then mention that we have BILLIONAIRE owners in the next line. Listen you dumb retards (simon and co) we are in the top 5 richest clubs in the world and we can buy anyone we want. Joe is absolutely right about major signings needed or we will be out of top 4. To be honest i dont really care as much as i used to anymore. Football now is about making money and Arsenals aim is to reach top 4 and keep the finances right and the board will be happy. Manure maybe in debt but its manageable. They are winners and winning recoups the money anyway. Greed has overtaken Arsenal and the board and most fans (donkeys) will still buy the dearest st,s in the world and the new outfits and all the merchandise. Thats the way it is. Its customers we have at the Emirates now paying to watch a bunch of bottlers and losers. A bit like the AKBs and the fans who cry for change but buy the tickets anyway.

  15. Bored

    Jul 02, 2011, 11:24 #9382

    Every year it's the same, 'we're not going to finish in the top four'. Yes we will, FFS why do we have to read the same article 500 times?

  16. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 02, 2011, 10:21 #9379

    If anyone seriously thinks that our club is being/ has been run properly... What you have to understand is that I don't want a sugar daddy to buy success for us but I want someone like USMANOV or Kroenke or both of them to invest in the playing squad with a view of recouping their money in the long term by negotiating better commercial deals from a position as Trophy winners rather than nearly men. Speculate to accumulate my friends because the fans will not be fleeced forever. Football economics 101.

  17. crazygooner

    Jul 02, 2011, 8:55 #9377

    Is any player at Arsenal allowed to earn more than our Prudent pennypinching "Judge me in May" manager who earns £6m+ a year?.I somehow doubt it. Wouldn't be good for the mans mahooosive ego would it.35 years a gooner and i've never felt so FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!

  18. Borehamwood Gooner

    Jul 02, 2011, 8:13 #9376

    "Look at the stats" you cry, that's exactly how AW works, I bet Denilsons stats are excellent, this is the real thing, not a flipping computer game, this squad will finish sixth.

  19. CD

    Jul 02, 2011, 7:59 #9375

    Wenger would never shop in a Wall Mart it's far to upmarket for him! I think you will find poundland is his only shopping experience!!


    Jul 02, 2011, 7:25 #9374

    we at arsenal dont have a sugar daddy to pay our credit card bill so yeah we have to be more mindful of our budget and how we spend our money Adebayor left arsenal thinking the grass was greener and look what happening to his career, james milner adam johnson squad players at best and i can only imagine what our fans would be saying if we spent £20 million on jordan henderson and 35 million for andy carroll interested to see how that works out for liverpool i understand we have a lot of digruntled fans at the moment but we are not man utd chelsea or man city and we cannot afford to spend 100 million pounds to try and buy a title so if that what you're waiting for you're gonna have a long wait

  21. Sidney

    Jul 02, 2011, 2:19 #9373

    This is why Arsenal fans don't manage a football club- they don't understand the sad reality that: a. Football is a business. b. Your long term stability is more important than your short term success. I would love Wenger to leave purely to show Arsenal fans what they're actually criticising here is the proper way to run a football club.

  22. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 02, 2011, 2:01 #9372

    Aidan- as a good catholic boy I'm gonna say... I find it easier to believe that the Lord created the earth in six days than Arsenal are going to win the league without a marquee signing. Please God, I pray that I'm wrong.

  23. Joe fitzpatrick

    Jul 02, 2011, 1:31 #9371

    Ok... Crucify me. I am 100% certain that without a marquee signing, Arsenal WILL FINISH OUTSIDE THE TOP FOUR next season. If we somehow get Benzema/ Sneidjer/ Schweinsteiger..... I will eat my hat. I hope I'm wrong!! Write this down!!'

  24. TC

    Jul 01, 2011, 23:28 #9369

    Arsenal coups spend 100m this summer and it will still win us nothing because we have a negligent and incapable fool in charge of the team. Until Wenger goes, Arsenal will keep going on their downward spiral. The man is a stubborn, myopic fool.

  25. aidan

    Jul 01, 2011, 22:32 #9368

    Might as well say the earth was created in 6 days, like a fundamentalist would, that is how oversimplified this drivel is.

  26. gooner67

    Jul 01, 2011, 22:17 #9367

    what way do you want to be an Arsenal supporter? most of the Arsenal greats over the last 10-15 years have been signed unknown and then made great by the club. Milner, Adebuyer and Johnson are on silly money wages which make make them out of most clubs reaches. a small pecentage of the Gooners are so fickle, i.e. pay top dollar for a 'top name' and then pay him £120k a week then moan about the 6% increase. Of course its frustrating to see results and events of last year.....but come August if AW hasn't signed the players that deserve to wear the red and white......get vocal...get annoyed...protest, but firstly, lets see what happens in the forthcoming weeks before a world war III begins.

  27. Biplob

    Jul 01, 2011, 20:26 #9366

    Today, you think "James Milner, Adebayor and Adam Johnson" are second-rated player. But, they were among the top-rated players (except Johnson) when they were signed at City. And just look at the amount City paid for Adebayor ad Milner and what they got in return. Do you want Wenger to follow the same way of 'spending extravaganza'? If so, then first find out a oil channel across the Arab sea and make sure oil is always available there so that Wenger can use that to bring in 'top-rated!' player at Arsenal.

  28. Block G Gooner

    Jul 01, 2011, 20:16 #9365

    Our beloved board and manager do live in some wonderful houses though, surely that is the most important thing....not throwing money away on footballers...

  29. Ogban

    Jul 01, 2011, 18:42 #9362

    Wenger shopping for cheap shoes. Is it out of choice or necessity? Does arsenal have what the teams you mentioned have? Or are you my mine-worker neighbour's son who wants his father to buy a Royce so they can cruise around town like the Jones. Wake up from your dreams or go support another team

  30. shame

    Jul 01, 2011, 17:27 #9359

    its seems your understanding of football is limited. how can drogba be starter at arsenal he is not better than robin. nani Valencia walking into our first team oh my god you are a fool if you think like that. you should look at the stats fo these players first. Danilson has better pass completion than Adam Johnson, nani and Valencia i can even throw in stevie g and frank lamps there.

  31. Kansas Gunner

    Jul 01, 2011, 17:17 #9357

    Perhaps Payless Shoe store would be a more apt analogy. Or, as my dad calls it, "Pay Less, Get Less." Sums up the past five years of Arsenal's transfer activity in four short words.

  32. k eloquence

    Jul 01, 2011, 16:56 #9356

    Really poor analogy of a shoe shop and the football transfer market. I don't know who I'm more dismayed at, Joe Fitzpatrick or myself for reading this nonsense.

  33. Simon Gooner

    Jul 01, 2011, 16:37 #9355

    what a load of Tosh ! Marquee signing for the sake of it ! you see i love arsenal dearly but fnas like you just simply irritate me ....i cant even carry typing .........

  34. HIghbury Boy

    Jul 01, 2011, 16:18 #9354

    Good post.I wouldn't even mind if he bought the Irish shoes he was trying to buy last year. They are still excellent quality and at £4m are a bargain in todays market. Given would also be of great help to our young gk.

  35. yannn

    Jul 01, 2011, 16:07 #9352

    I thought I was the only one in the world who thought getting drogba was a good idea... However I see another upside. Getting Drogba might also mean getting Romelu Lukaku. Drogba probably has another 2-3 year left at the most. By then Lukaku will be absolutely ready for the first team spot next to RVP

  36. datbwoy

    Jul 01, 2011, 16:03 #9351

    Wait a sec.. When was Henderson, Young, Phil Jones,David De Gea James "elite world class players"? none of them have proved that in a top four club, Phil Jones was fighting relegation just three months ago, but now that Man u have bought him he's world class, really? Milner, Adebayor, Adam Johnson are all on stupid money, and if they cannot make into a team that are in direct competiion with us then what is the point of us taking them on only for us to pay them as much as RVP or Cesc? In Adebayor's case MORE than those two. All the stuff that is out there is speculation, rumour and agent led propoganda. Only Man utd, Sunderland and Newcastle have bought more than one player so far No other team has Really made any waves in the transfer market, Liverpool have spent 20m on Henderson but that is a player criminally overpriced. I think people forget that Daglish has a history of signing duds for everyone of his stars. Gervinho had a better pass completion , assist rate and goal rate than Young last season, admittedly in a different league but he helped his team win the league for the first time in over 30 years. Chris Samba had better defensive stats than Phil jones last season, and Kozzy had better stats than him! I have to say I was not pissing my pants with excitement when we signed the Verminator, Viera, Ljungberg and Pires. i can remeber people taklking about Wenger losing it when we sold Anelka, Overmars and Petit, turned out ok didn't it. I agree that we need some investment but at the same time you have to remember that in two years all clubs have to get in line with FFP.

  37. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:49 #9349

    For those doubters out there.... Adam Johnson, James Milner adebaywhore and Ashley young would walk straight into our first team without fabregas and nasri. Sorry but the truth hurts. Barring any top signings we will not finish in the top four... Sorry but it's true.

  38. Ctwovaat

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:48 #9348

    Hilarious and Funny ...Though I would disagree that valencia or milner could get a first team place ... they might be up the pecking order to Denilson and Co... And ADebayor .. the less said the better .. Adam Johnson might have got a chance .. and Nani would have been sold for $25 million to Mancity by now .. ah well where are the designer shoes ..

  39. Richard

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:40 #9346

    At least Rosicky wants to stay.

  40. ataf

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:22 #9344

    Great article without being overly cynical like some do.

  41. nottingham gooner

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:11 #9343

    Great article, which would have been funny had it not been true. I am always amazed how Wenger and the board dither and haggle over paying the price for a new player ie (Alonso, Schwarzer, Samba etc) whilst letting their own players run down their contracts so diminishing their resale value ie (Nasri,Clichy, Wiltord, Edu etc) Together with handing out inflated contracts to very average under-performing squad players who then become extremely difficult to move on ie (Denilson, Bendtner,Rosicky etc). It makes no business sense to me whatsoever and you have to ask the question " who at the club is responsible for wasting millios of pounds with these basic financial mistakes".

  42. Steve R

    Jul 01, 2011, 15:09 #9342

    Great article - So true!!

  43. Oliver Chessis

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:58 #9341

    If Jordan Henderson and Phil Jones are your idea of 'designer shoes', then you really are deluded.

  44. Shrek

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:55 #9340

    I had no idea that Ashley Young was an "elite world class player". The biggest issue with Arsenal is regardless of transfer fees , the wages being paid to most of these players is over the £100k in wages per week . We simply don't have that much money to pay any one particular player , much less a squad of 11 top players. Unless that one player is particularly influential/great like Henry , I don't see us paying that . We do wish that the Billionaire owner might splash some cash but the guy seems to be into self sustenance , we can't really hope for the elite world class players , we can only hope to develop them.

  45. Kunle

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:42 #9339

    When you mentioned that Valencia, Milner and Johnson would walk straight into our first team, i stopped taking you seriously..your first story was awesome, but the rest is just dire....maybe we should ask what loserpool has won after signing £25m torress, or £35m Carroll..lovely story. senseless ending

  46. rellends

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:36 #9337

    it's a ****ing joke. all the while the akb crew waffle on about how it's only july 1st and judge the man by the end of the transfer window. by the end of the transfer window we could be dumped out of the champions league and 6-8 points off the league leaders. i was resigned to losing fabregas, that was a given, but to be losing nasri as well just illustrates what kind of idiots are currently in charge at the moment. next summer van persie will follow and the summer after that it will be vermaelen. i notice the club were very vocal when it came to phoning people up to remind them to sort out their season tickets but their silence now is absolutely deafening. i wouldn't mind but not one penny of £50m we raise from the sale of our crown jewels will go towards the kind of marquee signing every arsenal fan craves - a benzema, a ribery a hulk or a higuain - and it will be the unheard ofs and the potentially craps from the 2nd division that we end up with. we don't buy superstars we make them. and then we sell them to our rivals because we can't match their ambition, won't pay the going rate and won't put any proven quality in to the team for them to play alongside. i am a fan of 35 years and have been the staunchest defender of wenger. not anymore. "trust me" he'll say and then come the end of august it will "we tried but the players available were not available at the right price and no better than the players we have here now". the man has gone stale and the board are just a bunch of dinosaurs. usmanov was right. still, at least we are linked with john o'shea today.

  47. Joe G

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:22 #9335

    Man walks into a shop and sees a pair of designer shoes that he likes the look of. He checks the price and realises that, although they are exactly what he wants, the price tag is simply ridonkulous. Man ponders the mortgage he has to pay off. Man leaves and goes to another shop. Man sees another pair of shoes, almost identical. Man checks price. Man is pleased that they cost half of what the others cost. Man buys those shoes instead. Man is a little disappointed at first. He really liked those designer shoes. Especially after all those shinny magazines had been promoting them so fervently for so many months before. But soon man realises that his new shoes are actually pretty good, maybe even better. Plus man is able to pay off his mortgage. And feed his kids...

  48. The Hampshire Gooner

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:21 #9334

    I feel we could well see one marquee signing made by us this summer especially as it looks more and more likely that Cesc, Samir and Gael will all be leaving us this summer. If this does not lead to a signing in the bracket of a Benzema then nothing ever will.

  49. shankj

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:18 #9333

    You are one of those superficial fans who think " big price, better quality".....think of arsene signing in the past.....henery, viera, fabregas, nasri, sagna, clicy, sagna, piers, toure, song, verminator, anelka........ Ashley young better than Gervinho, a winger who scored 15 goals and helped his team to secure 1st position??....Are you nuts "James Milner, Adebayor and Adam Johnson"......they will also unable to secure a starting spot at arsenal.

  50. Arsenal Action

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:11 #9331

    Fantastic and bang on the money

  51. Richard Ansell

    Jul 01, 2011, 14:09 #9330

    Joe - you are definitely not alone in feeling completely underwhelmed by the players we are being linked with - though I can't take anything associated with Wenger seriously anymore anyway.