A history lesson for moaners

In defence of Arsene Wenger

A history lesson for moaners

Turned a sleeping giant into a European force

The Gooners used to be such a good set of fans. I remember standing on the Clock End when the North Bank was being rebuilt with a number of contributors to The Gooner – Matt and Charlie, the now legendary Amy Lawrence. Back then it was about Arsenal. It was about turning up in the cold, wet, hail, snow or sun and supporting your team. It was about camaraderie, and about being a fan.

It wasn’t about thinking you could run the club yourself. It wasn’t about thinking you could do better than the manager or the board.

I distinctly remember a fans’ protest when we sacked Don Howe. Don Howe, the man who hadn’t won anything for years. The protest was about stitching up an Arsenal legend, and a man everybody in football had absolute respect for. In came George Graham, and many people muttered that he hadn’t done much in the past, and what is an ex-Millwall manager going to do to change things? He was pretty laid back in his playing days. Do we need a manager like that to get the club moving?

How stupid that would seem now. GG was the man who came and toppled the Liverpool domination. He won the title for the first time in 18 years. Yes, 18 years. Makes complaining about six years a bit stupid doesn’t it. The football wasn’t pretty. But we won a few things. It was horribly dour on so many occasions. But we won a few things. Such a shame when he got the boot for the bung. Although in reality, we know that was just an excuse. We knew he had lost the plot slightly (Chris Kiwomya). We also knew that his way of grinding out results was not going to take us into the elite of the new Premier League.

Then in came Bruce Rioch. Yes. Bruce Rioch. He did alright. He got us into the UEFA Cup, just. He was only a stopgap while we waited for Monsieur Wenger. David Dein knew this. He knew we needed someone who could come in and do a job for a season while Wenger saw out his Grampus 8 contract.

Then came Wenger, anyone heard of him? Not at the time. I would suggest that 90% of Arsenal fans knew nothing about him. But have we looked back since? I remember it well. He came in as we lost to Borussia Monchengladbach. He could see we were lacking flair and ingenuity. He solved this by making several signings in his first pre-season. Petit and Grimandi amongst others. Anyone heard of them? I would suggest that 99% of Arsenal fans knew nothing about any of them. He changed the way we played and the way we were presented to the now global audience the Premier League attracted. He won the double. He turned a once sleeping giant into a European force. He changed the way all Premier League clubs trained, fed and treated their players. He won the double again. He built a team that went the whole season unbeaten in the league. A whole season unbeaten!!

He was mocked the season before ‘the Invincibles’ for saying we could go a season unbeaten. Remember that? The press was on his back, the mocking t-shirts, the general ribbing by other fans. AS IF Arsenal could go a season unbeaten. Then we did it. One of my favourite memories after the 03/04 season was Wenger holding said T-shirt (based on Comical Ali, the Iraqi press officer during the Iraq war) aloft with the biggest of grins on his face. He then won us a cup final we had no right to win. The biggest stitch up in FA Cup final history. Wenger knew that Wengerball wasn’t going to win that final, so he pulled a swift one by reverting to the GG style of play and Fergie had no answer on the day.

He then got us to the final of the Champions League. The FINAL! When had we even got close to the final of the Champions League before? Never, is the simple answer. Mad Jens did a nutty one and then we were left playing with 10 men for 70 minutes. We still almost won. Had Henry smashed it home when clean through at 1-0 up we would have. Can’t blame Titi, he was knackered like the rest of the team, having run his socks off for the last hour a man down.

He built a new stadium. He built a new stadium costing 400 million quid whilst keeping us in the upper echelons of European football.

He keeps finding players, some 10, 20 million pounds cheaper than the ManUres or the Chelskis and now Citeh will spend on a player of similar ability.

We have a treadmill of fantastic youngsters constantly coming through, holding their own. You think Jack Wilshire’s good? He’s the first. The first player to come through the ranks entirely under Wenger’s reign.

This is just the start people. Anyone calling for Wenger’s head has no idea about the real world of football. We have no right to win things. Just because some teams act like they do doesn’t make a difference to anything. When Fergie goes, Utd will not be the same force, no matter how much money they have. Chelski will never have any history, and in the same way they almost went bust when Harding fell out of the sky, the same will happen when Abramovich gets bored. You can only play Championship Manager for so long. Citeh will be a good team. They’ll never be a great team. Who wants to fight when you get 200k a week regardless of the outcome. Too often they fail purely based on effort. Take Tevez out of last season’s team and they are mediocre.

So it’s about time all you moaners took a lesson in the history of football. Maybe watch the centenary video (yes, video) as I would suggest this will give you an idea of what we really are. We are a team. We are Arsenal. We have always done things our way. We are the only team in English football to keep coming back. The only team in English football to sit at the top for such a sustained period of time. We are Arsenal. We are great. And we have Monsieur Wenger to thank for keeping us there when we could so easily have fallen by the wayside. We will be at the top again. He will make sure of that. We do not need Uzbeki billions to do that. We just need Wenger. I am blessed, because I have witnessed the Wenger era. And all I hope is that he stays at the helm for the rest of this contract, the next contract and the one after that.

The Gooners are still a good set of fans. But it’s the fans I’m talking about. Not those who continually tell us what we should change, who we should sign. You have no idea how to run a football club. You sit on the outside making sweeping claims that you can never back up. Leave it to the professionals and start supporting your club. Stop moaning about how much it costs. Everything cost these days. If you don’t like it then go elsewhere. Orient or Barnet is still pretty cheap. Just get behind your team, because a unified team is a winning team.

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  1. Jollyface

    Jul 10, 2011, 15:52 #9791

    hmm!words of wisdom from a great thinker.

  2. Gooner S

    Jul 07, 2011, 22:29 #9675

    Well said. Not much more to add really. The fact that we are arguing amongst ourselves is a pretty poor show really. And the abuse that is directed at Arsene Wenger is really quite shocking and in some instances disgusting. No excuse for the abuse whatsoever.

  3. Luke

    Jul 07, 2011, 19:13 #9671

    Finally a brilliant article on this site. These Wenger haters need to wake up and realise that without him we would never even touch a uefa cup spot. He has kept the club at the top on a ridiculously low budget FACT. Give the man some time, 5 years is not a long time in football. Just look at how many years City waited until they beat Stoke in the cup final. Get behind the team and stop telling our most successful manager what to do with his team.

  4. west stand Rob

    Jul 06, 2011, 20:00 #9618

    Our history is one of success (before Wenger), dignity even in defeat (Wenger embarasses and shames the club in this regard regularly)and having teams with passion and respect for the club (Wengers current lot - all his this time - lack this). Arsenal teams of the past, even poor ones, would not allow themselves to be bullied as this lot do, they shame the names of past great players. The Manager and Board think so little of the fans and have gone their own way (arsenal plc) and bear little resemblance to the club of the past.

  5. Exiled-Gooner

    Jul 06, 2011, 18:24 #9616

    HAHAHA,i'm not going to waste my breathe as what i wanted to write has already been said but this article IS TRIPE!!!!.Wez get your head out of Wenger's arse and see the reality it's echoing of Wenger's time with Monaco,arrived as a unknown splashes the cash on top players like klinsman and Weah and has success for a few years then starts his ''project'' and guess what....there finish ninth and he's sacked,deja vue don't you think??.

  6. Ron

    Jul 06, 2011, 17:27 #9615

    These people who trot out the media myth that GGs teams were boring over his entire reign make me spew. His teams from 92 - 95 went stale no doubt abaout that but i suggest that you look at the players from 86 - 94 and ask yourself if they didnt play damn good football. If you say they didnt then you simply werent at most of the games.

  7. Ronster

    Jul 06, 2011, 15:59 #9612

    Anyone who still harbours hope that Wenger can turn things around after 6 years of total negligence needs their head examining.Thanks for the early years Arsene,but get out now with some dignity still intact....!

  8. Gooner Boy 76

    Jul 06, 2011, 14:23 #9606

    In amongst all the dire predictions of doom and the suggestions that buying a defensive midfielder 'killing' Denilson (isn't this the best way of getting shot of him by the way?) can I suggest a song for likely new signing, Gervinho? To the tune of the old Subboteo adverts: Gervinho Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Gervinho Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Gervinho The Champion The Champion of them all

  9. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 06, 2011, 13:59 #9605

    I see Alvarez has signed for Inter whilst Wenger once again dithered and lost...I wonder where that will fit into your Politburo - style history lesson for us "moaners"?

  10. Gunner6288

    Jul 06, 2011, 12:40 #9599

    Just a note: -People who stick on the Arsenal shirt, go out, get pissed, rock up at the stadium to drunk to know what the hell is happening on the pitch, start swearing at anything that moves, vomit on the ground and head home aren't fans. They are tossers. -People who think that because someone doesn't think their team is gonna do the treble this year, there not a "true fan" aren't fans. They are deluded. -People who are permanently looking for transfer rumours, and want Arsenal to spend 150 million buy ourselves a trophy aren't fans. They are glory hunters. Everyone's entitle to their own opinion, doesn't matter if you've been a fan for 30 years and been to every match or just came last year because you like they way we play. But lets remember that above all else we are here for the team. We are the Arsenal family, and families stick together, whether we agree or not.

  11. honey

    Jul 06, 2011, 11:25 #9596

    hurry good for you wez hunter.. i agree with you.. we the fans outside the changing room and the training ground do no know anything what is really going on inside and how WENGER inter act and work with the player... good for you and least someone then at last say something to those who always complain...

  12. Chris

    Jul 06, 2011, 9:31 #9587

    Great article. The problem is, as this article says,people criticising Wenger can say whatever they like without knowing a) what it would be like if he wasn't aroud and b) ever having to show why, if they know better, they are working behind desks / in shops / whatever and not managing a Premiership team. Take Myles Palmer - fiercest Wenger critic for years - who said last summer "Capello is a genius and great manager becuase he's just picked the same World Cup squad I would have!" One month later and what was he saying....?! Exactly. Talk is cheap. Now eff off to Orient!

  13. HowardL

    Jul 05, 2011, 23:49 #9585

    Whatever the rights and wrongs of everything written here, one thing stands out for me. If our defence isn't strengthened in this transfer window, like Angelo I can see a winter of discontent and possibly even a relegation struggle. Think how Arsenal played in the last weeks of last season - then take away Fabregas, Nasri maybe, Clichy (yes, he's not THAT bad), perhaps even Andrey, and replace them with no one or nobodies. And tell me, what do you have left?

  14. Block G Gooner

    Jul 05, 2011, 22:20 #9584

    Barry Bethell - 'first teamers wouldnt want out if they were loved more by the fans'....my god, what team have you been watching...do you ever even go to the Emirates!!! Have you seen that shower of ****e who we are supposed to 'love' try and defend a corner, free kick or even a 4 goal advantage....unloved....what a comment!!!!

  15. WestUpperRed

    Jul 05, 2011, 21:45 #9583

    WTF is this? Why dont you go and help AW and the board count their money mate! The missing link for the rose tinters is the contradiction that AW and the club moved us to a clinical/characterless stadium in order to challange the best in Europe. Hello? The Arsenal you refer to Wez is presently being raped by Wenger and the board. We could have run a club built around young talent, sensible transfer fees/wages and mental strength out of Highbury. Arsenal are about your $$$ now not winning championships. MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG MUG

  16. smee

    Jul 05, 2011, 19:55 #9580

    Why is it that as soon as anyone has the audicity to critisise anything about Arsenal, the usual cries of "go and watch another team" always comes about. I am a 62 year old lifelong gooner, if i dont agree with something said, am i supposed to forget my love of Arsenal?. Do we all have to accept all that is done to our club and have no rights to have independant thought.

  17. Suzagooner

    Jul 05, 2011, 19:31 #9579

    Show some respect to Mr wenger all you knockers,shame on you for having such short memories or,maybe you just don`t know much about Arsenal.He was the driving force behind our new stadium.Good article.

  18. Nugs

    Jul 05, 2011, 18:39 #9578

    The abuse generally starts if you dare say anything negative about our current boss as far as i can see, we are all entitled to our opinions as long as you can back them up, and in my opinion wenger and especially the board have been found wanting and i am not a plastic fan and i will not **** off and support spurs, chelsea or any other club.

  19. Vishal

    Jul 05, 2011, 16:26 #9577

    One of the best articles I have read so far at least in this transfer window.... I am proud to be a gooner and will support our club "THE ARSENAL" whatever be the outcome.... In Arsene We Trust!!!

  20. Lindsay Sheehan

    Jul 05, 2011, 15:48 #9575

    I am absolutely sick of the way some people are talking to each other on here. "F*** off down The Lane?" "Loser?" Comparing Wenger to Saddam Hussein? Sadddam Hussein????? “Baaaaa” We are all entitled to a different point of view but why are we talking to each other and discussing our manager like complete c****? Why has everyone got to be on one side or another - being labelled AKB or AA or whatever? I’m not either - I’m Arsenal. Always and forever. Manager, board, players - they come and go. It’s us lot that’s left. And this is how we speak to our brothers? The are issues, big big ones that need resolving one way or another. Clearly we all disagree on how these issues can or will be rectified. But by far the worst issue for me - the disrespect, rudeness and blatant dismissal of fellow Gooners. We give it to the players for not showing loyalty to the club or its fans and yet here we are hypocritically ripping apart anyone for having a differing point of view. Where is your loyalty to your own? Have the debate, discuss whatever but this s***, this is more divisive than anything else going on our there. The media are having a w*** fest at our situation –we should be sticking together. That is what makes this sad times - not the rest.

  21. Ron

    Jul 05, 2011, 14:39 #9573

    A nice sentiment, but the logic is the same as somebody telling any fan of any Club not to bother wanting their Club to strive for better things on the basis of having had a few mediocre Coaches in the past compared to the mediocrity theyve got at the moment! Its romantic but your view supports the notion that standing still is acceptable. That approach is OK for a mundane mid to lower tier Club not Arsenal i hope.

  22. Robert Exley

    Jul 05, 2011, 12:58 #9569

    Thanks for the history lesson, however please inform whether during the Don Howe days anyone paid in excess of £1000 per year to watch Arsenal. Shallow consumerism breeds shallow attitudes and sadly the club can't have it both ways. If were supposed to expect less on the pitch, then lets have less of an admission fee

  23. Andy Marcou

    Jul 05, 2011, 10:17 #9562

    Here here, no truer words spoken. All these New Kids on the Block remember nothing. He is and will always be a legend and yes legends pass but its not Wengers time yet.

  24. ForeverGooner

    Jul 05, 2011, 10:10 #9561

    Great article! I think as fans we need to show a statement of intent in our first home game against all this negativity surrounding the club atm.

  25. Sven

    Jul 05, 2011, 1:33 #9537

    This makes for such sad reading. How can anyone with a true love for our club, for our ARSENAL, state that 6 years without a single trophy is acceptable?? This kind of mentality which is the cause of the current situation at our beloved club - board room members who see things just as clearly as the article's author. I am sick of seeing "wannabie-clubs" rising up the ladder in the premiership while this "sleeping giant" is becoming more and more comatose. Try loving Arsenal instead of Arsene!

  26. codchops

    Jul 04, 2011, 23:37 #9535

    Excellent article, without question the best one I've read in a very long time. Good to see that there are still some proper Arsenal fans left! Keep up the good work.

  27. Highbury Boy

    Jul 04, 2011, 23:15 #9534

    This is a spoof article ...................isn't it?

  28. L Andreou

    Jul 04, 2011, 23:06 #9533

    What a load of tosh! Old hat, yawn yawn. Remenber the slogan-NO FEAR? At the moment, NO FAITH, LOTS OF FEAR. Usmanov may be our only hope.

  29. johnnyh

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:56 #9532

    nobody can argue with what wenger has acheived in the past but that is history.what all AKB should remember is the only thing that has kept him in the job for the past 6 seasons is the fact that a top 4 finish guarantees champions league football and the money it brings with it.it is his get out of jail free card.i have completely lost faith in the guy,so much so that i refuse to even watch him be interviewed on tv,whereas i once listened attentively to every word he said. the club is standing still and a new manager or a complete overhaul of the coaching staff is required. preferably both.

  30. usb

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:43 #9530

    So your only reasons for supporting Wenger are past distant glories and 'We are the Arsenal'. You really are a sheep my friend can you not think for yourself, this is without doubt the silliest and stupidest article I have read in years. You try to defend the indefensible and have spectularly failed to give one coherent reason why Wenger should not be sacked immediately for negligence and gross incompetence.

  31. Rock Hyrax

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:41 #9529

    If you're going to start an article with "The Gooners used to be such a good set of fans" you might want to avoid making sick references to Matthew Harding's tragic death.

  32. GoonerRon

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:38 #9528

    Why is it that everyone is pigeon-holed to be an AKB (or rose-tinter) if they have something positive to say about Wenger? If people choose to be supportive of the manager (really good article by the way, Wez) then that is their perogative. On the flip side, those who wish to be more destructive with their comments should be able to do so without being told to **** off to Spurs. I prefer to find some middle ground - Wenger needs to wise up to our defensive deficiencies and bring in the right, experienced players to improve our defensive balance. We should also show some respect to the manager who has always showed his utmost love for the club and remained loyal to us when his stock was highest after the invincibles year. A couple of other things: Can anyone show me proof that our tickets are 'the highest in world football?' I see it plastered over this site all the time and have never seen this claim coroborated. Can anyone prove what Wenger earns and that he is the highest paid manager in the PL - again, this gets slung alot. Lastly, does anyone have a list of what our players earn per week? I see alot of 'we play Eboue & Denilson £60k a week' but find this hard to believe.

  33. Angelo

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:26 #9527

    Deluded Wengerists. The team is about to enter the meltdown/exodus stage. If we go on like that we will fight to avoid relegation. The crap players are anchored in the team and no new arrivals. Which serious player would come to a team where all the good/better players are leaving and the club does not show any ambition? The Gervinho deal tells us the whole story (his arrival alone would not change much anyway, if the best players leave). They said he would be announced in 2 weeks. Later than that Lille announced that not even an offer had been made. The Wengerists can moan, but everybody I speak with tells me I'm right. And the facts are showing the same. I wish I wasn't right.

  34. Jamie Hunter

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:21 #9526

    Absolute drivel. I cannot believe any Arsenal fan in their right mind is still up for letting Wenger dine out on what he achieved in what has become another era. He is a loser who lost the plot some years ago and can't even hide behind the 'attractive football' routine anymore, because the past 2 years has seen us become, IMO one of the least attractive teams in the league. Arsene, if you really love the club, just go, and let someone else have it. What hurts most is the likes of Cole, Gallas, Adebayor and now Clichy, Nasri and Fabregas have been right all along: this club is dying.

  35. jim

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:15 #9525

    you talk rubbish. Wenger has done some excellent things for this club, but the fact remains that he is too stubborn and can't seewhere we have gone wrong. for that reason,we lose all of our best players to our biggest rivalsand have to start again.Wenger out

  36. fred street

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:13 #9524

    ac milan, ajax, real, byern, liverpool..... These are true european forces. Finishing 4th in the league and being eliminated at the 1st knockout stage of the champions league is medicore.

  37. Jenari Exar Kun

    Jul 04, 2011, 21:05 #9521

    I very much fear that we are heading towards mid-table mediocrity - I hope I am wrong but it's not looking good!

  38. Gray

    Jul 04, 2011, 20:31 #9520

    whilst a very nostalgic piece and all was very true about Arsene this is all what happened in the past and it would seem that Arsene is also still living in the past as he is failing to adapt and take the club forward on the pitch and address the problems we have,the blinkered stubborn approach that he has taken on over the last few years,surely if everyone else can see these players(bendtner,denilson,eboue,squillaci etc etc)are just not good enough for The Arsenal why cant Mr Wenger ?? he has totally changed his transfer policy from when he first came to the club look at the type of players he bought then strong both mentally and pyshically and skillfully why did he alter from this policy if he had carried on in this way we would of continued to win silverware every season

  39. Harry

    Jul 04, 2011, 20:29 #9519

    Oh the classic line "When Abramovich gets bored" yeah he really is bored isnt he.He sacked a double winning manager and has spent more money than ever this year.2nd place is not good enough for Roman unlike Silent Stan who is happy with a 4th place manager.Since Abramovich arrived Chelski have finished behind us just once, the Invincible year

  40. cam

    Jul 04, 2011, 19:52 #9516

    Middle ground people. Noone is happy with Arsenal or Wenger at the moment. It's got to get better. Some say Wenger needs to go - fair enough. But what is beyond the pale is all this "**** off Wenger you ****" attitude. NO true fan would aim kind of comment to one of the greatest, if not the greatest manager, in our history. And a loyal manager and a gentleman to boot. Maybe you think he's run his course - as I said fair enough. But anyone throwing the vile curses at this great Arsenal man should truly hang their heads in shame. Give your opinion but show some respect god damn it.

  41. aj

    Jul 04, 2011, 19:34 #9515

    For the record the football we played in the 1990-91 season, when we lost only one game, was some of the best I've ever seen Arsenal play.They had fight and determination.Paul Merson had more drive than most of the current lot put together and he was pissed most of the time.

  42. Poor soul

    Jul 04, 2011, 19:04 #9512

    Ha ha ha. What a pile of ****e. So the summary of thisbrainwashed piffle is that 'Arsene was once great, so give him as much time as forever to become competent again'. Ooooh right. I might try that in my job...ya know, doing sod all for six years but reminding them that I did well in 2004. Ha ha ha. WENGER OUT.

  43. clockendpaul

    Jul 04, 2011, 18:55 #9511

    You sound like a proper wenger clone, people like you are one of the reasons we're in such a mess, bet you've only been going since your god arrived, if you do actually go! Have wasted my time replying to you.

  44. Ronster

    Jul 04, 2011, 18:46 #9510

    Listen to the Clichy interview on the Man City website. ''I have come here to win trophies.'' ''It's important to have a group of ENGLISH players and we have it here.'' Clichy already sounds and looks like a different man and player. FFS Arsenal Football Club WAKE UP !!

  45. chrisy boy

    Jul 04, 2011, 18:35 #9509

    so clichy has signed for citeh, and he tells the mcfc website and i quote " im so happy to be joining such a great club " let me translate that for you gael to what you realy mean, " im so happy to go to any club thats going to pay me more money " well gael judged on your performances over the last few seasons you should be taken a pay cut... Another day another phone in on talk sport, there was 3 last week alone, one of which the great adrian durham said will arsene take arsenal down like cloughie did at forest, now we all know the problems with wenger and the club at the moment but to be relagated dont make me laugh,

  46. Patrick L

    Jul 04, 2011, 17:35 #9508

    I admire loyalty, but this is the Emporers New Clothes at its best. Its upsetting that things have turned sour and that some can't see what is in front of their eyes. Your "history" lesson condemns todays supporters for thinking they know best, and then cite the protests against the sacking of Don Howe. Surely the same thing. Then you write, "Such a shame when he got the boot for the bung. Although in reality, we know that was just an excuse. We knew he had lost the plot slightly (Chris Kiwomya)". Does this ring any bells with people- a manager coming toward the end of his tenure, buying players who would struggle to get in any top ten side. You also criticise Man City saying players on high wages will be unmotivated. Please, I contribute to the weekly wages of Bentner, Rosicky, Diaby, Song (who has the worst body language I have ever seen) and Arshavin. We are in a real problem situation which needs to be addressed. lets hope vic ackers has the answer this season along with the rest of our oh so vociferous bench to make the neccessary motivational and tactical changes. It is a shame, but people need to recognise problems and address them. Change is needed. Now.

  47. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 04, 2011, 17:35 #9507

    "He built a new stadium"....what by himself? Didn't even ask little Denilson along to help, with a little toy spade and a mini - hard hat? How rude of King WengerLear...

  48. Gare Kekeke

    Jul 04, 2011, 16:54 #9505

    Silly AKB mug. Don't tell me as someone who has worked in football since the age of 19 (I am now in my 30s) that I need a lesson in 'football history'. If you know you're history, then you'll know we cheated our way to winning promotion to Division One back in 1919 and one of the reasons why Tottenham hate us so much. Oh yes, very much the 'Arsenal Way'. A 'treadmill of fantastic youngsters'? I can only think of Wilshire who was produced by us. We'll know more about Frimpong in the next two years and granted he's a talent. For every Fabregas, Ramsey & Szczesny we also have Denilson, Bendtner & Diaby who have all prevented OGL from signing top quality players regardless of cost because he didn't want to 'kill' them. Most of our youngsters have been taken from other clubs. Still, let's not have that as fact shall we? Let's pretend we produced those players ourselves and have helped us win a few things like George Graham's boring Arsenal. People like you have got to stop judging OGL from 1996-2004. A fair bit has happened since then and not all good to all who see the bigger picture and not 'didn't we do well in 1998, 2002 & 2004'. I do agree with you however we do not need Usmanov's money to get us going. That really is cheating. We just have stop paying under-performing players £60k a week when they have 1 good game in 10 in their first season. But I accept that's a long shot. Keep on supporting OGL and his failed project. When it all finally goes tits up (but hey, I'm prepared to eat humble pie if it all goes well), don't say we told you so. I care just as much about The Arsenal as any AKB, but unilke you and you're kind, I'm not afraid to tell it as it is. And as long as OGL remains at the club with his failed vanity project and his refusal to change the way we defend as a team and bringing in the required personnel and not who he thinks makes a great footballer, we will not progress. Either Wenger has to change (and I'm not holding my breath on that) or be changed. No manager in the world should be bulletproof, regardless of past successes.

  49. au revoir wenger

    Jul 04, 2011, 16:10 #9503

    if you and wenger put your heads together you could build a wooden hut

  50. Loyal since 1980

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:37 #9501

    I'll have my two pence worth on this, Wez Hunter, wake up and smell the f**king coffee! There was an Arsenal before AW they had won 10 league titles, how many have we won now, 18, 19, 20, NO! we have won only 13, so that means that AW has won only 3 titles in what, 5 years, 6 years, NO! He has won 3 titles in 15! AW has this project in place in which he will spend (our money)what the club earn through tickets sales and merchandise sold. Which basically means we will f**k all, while AW is in charge and on top of that we have the f**king the most expensive proced season tickets for the cheapest seats in the whole of the footballing world! We will nothing next season and then will be the turn of RVP to say he is leaving, while the likes of denilson and diaby, eboue are still there. Wez, you need to wake up my friend, we are on a downward spiral, and before yiu come out with the quote, 'go and suport spurs' i've been loyal since 1980, every home game for 31 years!

  51. Marcus

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:24 #9500

    All the things you laud Wenger for happened 5+ years ago. Nobody on this site would even try to claim Wenger WAS not a great manager, what we are saying is that he has lost the plot and has gone down a route with youth that he thought would show the world his genius but has backfired spectacularly. Before anyone says "well he had to buy youth cuz of the stadium etc" don't forget that he has not spent any less money than he used to, it's just he spends it on completely the wrong type of player these days so that he can continue his vanity project.

  52. Tom

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:19 #9499

    Brave article Wez. You're going to get a lot of abuse but not from me. I'm bored of moaning Arsenal fans. Things might not be great at the moment but they could be a good deal worse. Lets wait and see who comes and goes this summer and get behind the team come the start of the season. The best news I heard tooday is Clichy might be leaving! I used to think he was great but now he is a liability.

  53. Mark

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:10 #9498

    Hi 'Wan the wezker', you know your wrong most fans are happy to just support their club and dont moan, this dying breed thing is rubbish. I support my club but that doesn't make me a AKB, Wez is an odd sort because he is a arsenal fan who uses these awful arsenal fan websites. These sites are just here for moaners who think their bigger than the club. What makes a football club is the football players and manager and coaches, not angry fans. I hate these bad fans that dont support the club and just moan and moan. WTF "goonatic" talking like that doesn't sound like you are an arsenal fan, and I bet you never go to arsenal, if you did all you would care about is every other week going and watching a footy match, that is all supporting a club is, watching football and supporting your club, none of this hate that you seem to have. If your lives are so bad that getting this angry about a game, I deep down feel sorry for you, truly.

  54. Ramgun

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:06 #9496

    Sadly for the author, I don't think that he is being ironic!

  55. GonnerKY

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:03 #9495

    pull yourself together man, why are you not as frustrated as me? Im paying over 100 extra for my season ticket this year and for what? its time arsenal fans got what they pay for and expect, a little bit of respect from the club and stop treating us all like idiots

  56. quiet observor

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:58 #9493

    Your point about how many "fans" act as if they know more about football than professional managers is excellent. In modern sports, with sychphantic radio and television shows catering to the loudmouthed, all opinions are given equal weight. It doesn't matter if there is no knowledge or reason or even common sense involved - each rant is somehow equally valid. It's refreshing to see some actual comment that doesn't depend upon peronsal insults.

  57. roo

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:40 #9492

    Howe was only in charge for less than 3 years. Good coach, so-so manager. You mention 18 years, but that wasn't under a single manager. Six years without a trophy is the longest a single Arsenal manager has survived since pre-WW2. You can't say he hasn't had his chances to fix the problems. The frustrating thing is that we have squandered an almost great team by being complete skinflints over successive seasons instead of having controlled expenditure.

  58. Gunner6288

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:34 #9491

    A great article. I mean, we al will play armchair manager, and I'm not suggesting I agree with everything Wenger has done. But short of SAF (who is arguably the greatest manager of all time) who else could have brought up a team through a period of moving stadiunms that has constantly been up there, even if we never make the final hurdle? Liverpool fell out of the top half earlier this year - it could be worse. And who would you "experts" have replace Wenger? How many top class managers do you see flaoting around? I for one am happy that we don't resort to buying titles (even if we could loosen the wallet a little) because earning a title is where the glory lies. A cup is simply a metal jug - its the story that comes with it that counts.

  59. Tom

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:20 #9490

    Once you are reduced to listing past achievements, your time is almost up. The whole purpose of building the Emirates was so that we could compete with the top clubs in Europe. That hasn't happenend. Instead, we're spending less than we did even at Highbury. To claim that this represents an 'achievement' is hilarious.

  60. mkherd89

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:16 #9488

    ok goonatic who would you have,remember its still the same board,you ****ing prick

  61. BNG

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:14 #9487

    Wez watching a master builder at work for 10 years constructing a property that was everything we asked for was a fantastic time in history.........but then watching the same builder inexplicably knocking down his masterpiece brick by brick and putting up a dogs dinner of a monstrosity in its place but all the time telling you how wonderful it is to behold and how much better it is than his first effort for the less gullible amongst us gooners is too much cr@p to swallow

  62. bigdave

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:07 #9486

    yes wenger did that all on his own and no one done anything

  63. David

    Jul 04, 2011, 14:00 #9485

    Wez, an excellent, rational, fact based argument which is so hard to find on this site nowadays. I too have dared to mention on here in the past that Arsenal have no divine right to win trophies and you would be surprised at the illogical comment posted in reply!

  64. Stoph

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:56 #9483

    YES! It's about time somebody mentioned all this rather than everyone reading the sun

  65. MaidenheadPete

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:56 #9482

    Bloody brilliant lol sounds like your happy with us finishing nowhere again . Been going since 1970 before you tell me to go and watch someone else. All things have to change at some point , believe that time has arrived and reading the media , so do some of our players

  66. James Lee

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:53 #9481

    Oh dear! Another person who thinks Anti-Wenger fans dont know anything about football. Im afraid we do and the last 3 seasons have been an utter failure. The author has is head in the past and the article alluding to fans paying for a season tickets for the future is far more accurate. And to top it off you bring out the classic comment of going somewhere else. To even think this statement proves to me you know less about football than you would like to think. The reason so many fans are disillusioned is that we cant go somewhere else and Im sick and tired of that argument being brought up.

  67. Kev G

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:40 #9479

    Alot of AW's success was down to the heart and Desire of players he inherited. Players with enoemous will to win at all cost. Characters that would drag the team over the winning line when it looked impossible. He never replaced the characters in the side unfortunately. We are a very good footballing side but not a winning team becuase we lack the characters that you need in the English Premier league. Technical football will win you titles in Spain and Italy where referees blow for any contact. In england where set pieces and physical challenges are what alot of teams play for you need an extra dimension. Wenger has not got it and the last 6 years have shown it. We've lost the last three finals we've been in. And in that time lost also lost two semi finals.

  68. ed enough

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:36 #9477

    Blah, blah, blah, same old AKB's preaching the same old crap we have heard for the last 6 years...Arsene did this, and Arsene built that. He has taken Arsenal as far as he can. Everyone knows this, and it's time to start dealing with it...

  69. bade the gooner (bernard)

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:18 #9475

    problem with people like you, generally kalled AKB's are the denial of facts. you never face the truth do you? you always live on the past, don't you? no one deny the great legacy arsene made in his first 7 yeras at the club. but since then, we are already on verge of another half period with 0 achievements! you stated so mant twisted facts that i can't address all of them, it would take me a long post. but let's deal with the last 3 years at least, shall we? we were already making profits, arsene had the money to spend, he didn't, he saud he believes in the squad, but what did that squad do to us? **** nothing! he saud year after year, we have the quality, judge me in may... do you remember that? or is it hard to face facts.... wikk the same thing happened already for 4 years or more, the team crumbles coming march, and the rest is history..... is it moaning when our manager fail to sign a 2-3 million keeper? them we lose vital points due to lack of proper keeper? is it moaning when all the world, apart from arsene, knew we needed a centre back, and he didn't sign, then he came moaning about too many games the boys played? do we really have that great young academy? are we now a europian power? how that come? we made only 2 europoian finals in 15 years arsene in charge. go check the scousers & mancs..... let me sum it up this way: i new some very beautiful lady, she married a nice fella no body knew, who turned to be a great husband. for several years he was the best thing to happen to her. but then something happened. he lost it & went crazy, he started to beat her up, believing genuinely he is acting upon her favour. he started to rape her when he thought he actually making love to her. so does his beautiful years vindicate any of his recent crimes? well, hell no!

  70. Paul Heaton

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:18 #9474

    So you "distinctly remember a fans' protest when we sacked Don Howe. Don Howe, the man who hadn't won anything for years". Er, is this the same Don Howe who was appointed manager in January 1984 and resigned - he wasn't sacked - in April 1986 ? Less than 2 and a half seasons in charge but the board, despite handling things appallingly badly, showed some ambition and approached Terry Venables because they could see that we were going nowhere fast. I may have no idea how to run a football club but I would suggest that the current board don't either. And don't tell those people who don't like it to go to Orient or Barnet. Some of us have been going long enough to actually remember how poor we were under Don Howe and yet I've never felt the disconection and frustation with the team that I do these days. Arsenal used to have ambition, not a load of sheep who just repeat Wenger's mantra that 4th place is like a trophy.

  71. Chris

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:04 #9472

    You have actually made my day. I knew that there are some true fans at the arsenal still. I support arsenal, I go to as many games as I can and I enjoy myself because I love football, the result is not the important thing. Thank you Wez for making my day, and I'm sorry for any abuse you get from some of the awful fans you get on this site, who I bet have never been to a single match.

  72. Richard Ansell

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:04 #9471

    Thanks for reminding us how good it once was under Wenger. Having supported Arsenal since 1970 I had to sometimes pinch myself that such wonderful performances were actually happening and it was not me dreaming. Now the flip side - those great memories only emphasise how far Wenger has allowed the current team's quality to slide. You have to admit that today's first team could not hold a candle to the 2004 team and yet Wenger says they are even better. This makes no sense at all and although it is probably meant as a psychological boost to the team it just makes him look like a laughing stock. The lack of trophies since 2005 is not the main issue. It is the way Wenger has the team playing now. They are a 'powder puff' side and the pretty football has become boring too, as all too often there is no end product. Arsenal teams were always respected by the opposition, yes, we have been short on flair but we were always a tough side , now we are seen as something of a joke and I do not recognise this current lot as my team. As a supporter I need to understand and respect the man in charge at my club and sadly after years of keeping the faith I now fail to see where Wenger is going with this team. I do not trust him to get things right anymore and that is why I and many others want him out.

  73. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:02 #9470

    I feel ashamed - please forgive me. I'm a disloyal, myopic fool who knows nothing about football and my comments are worthless. I now know that since AW arrived we haven't looked back and we should be happy to pay the highest ticket prices in club football as everything costs these days - in fact, I'd be happy to now pay even more. The manager's brilliant record of finding new home grown players like Jack Wilshere and...er...mean he's a real visionary. I now know that when AW says he'd be happy to always finish 2nd, is in fact, the sign of a truly great man. I'm now off to throw myself under the next Aston Martin that leaves the Highbury development. Farewell all, and remember - you're in the best of hands!

  74. Dan

    Jul 04, 2011, 13:00 #9469

    And the first AKB makes an outing! He is also the man that built the unbeaten squad and then for an unknown reason demolished it. He is also the man who bought 31yr old Mikel Silvestre in on a 2 year contract but wouldnt give Bobby P a 2 yr deal because he was 30! Most of all HE IS THE MANAGER of Arsenal. Not the director, not the accountant, not the chairman or the finance officer, he is the manager. He has to take some blame, not all of it by any means but some fo it. I just fear that if this all crumbles his entire achievements will be forgotten. Personally I blame the board, and I think in time to come it will be seen that we do need Usmanov on board. I know it's hard to face but we are currently a club in decline. We fans will always be Arsenal through and through but with Sky already pulling out of showing the Emirates cup the writing is on the wall.

  75. Chris Dee

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:51 #9468

    Nice try but no gigar mate. None of us dispute what Arsene has achieved and yeah the 'we are Arsenal''we are a team' is very stirring but we live in a different world from the Don Howe,Terry Neil era you mention. We are living in a world where instant results are required whether we like it or not. Many fans and many future fans will not be interested in how stoic and tolerant Arsenal fans used to be in the 'good old days'.They see United and Chelsea for example, always but always winning something every two years and demand the same from Arsenal. I think that the fans were basically understanding regarding the move from Highbury for the first five years but last season something snappede between Arsene,the club and many fans. We saw a level of laziness,indifference,arrogance,selfishness and a general lack of commitment from some players that is simply not acceptable. Step forward the manager who has bought,coached and instructed these players. Hopefully this season Arsene and Arsenal become as ruthless with the teams results and players as they are in their financial dealings.

  76. no. 1 is perry groves....

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:49 #9467

    i suspect if you look up rosetinter or arsne knows best in the dictionary it will have "wex hunter" next to it. Yes, historically we have done well and the youth development idea is in prinicple the correct way to do things but the rules of the game have changed, it is now the club with the biggest cheque book that suceed, we simply will not keep pace with the other big clubs if we carry on with the frugal spending policy. We will not have champions league football next season as we will be shoved down the pecking order. Will the club adjust their ticket pricing to reflect mid table mediocrity - i very much doubt it! Most of us are loyal arsenal fans and in return we are being mugged by the club we support, if arsenal want to carry on with their business model then fine i'll still supprt them but ticket pricing should refelect this. it difficult to buy the argument about fan loyalty/camaraderie/just get behind the team when you dont receive that back from the club

  77. Badgerhead

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:47 #9466

    God bless you my son, i needed that. Coherent and passionate, I can think of a few buts however that's not the point is it? Remain strong, positive and unified

  78. Bob

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:46 #9465

    I don't dispute the majority of the facts that have been presented here. I just dispute the conclusion. The author is correct to say that Arsenal supporters have been loyal to incumbent managers in the past, when the likes of Howe and Graham were sacked there were howls of protest. With hindsight, the changes were not only necessary but hugely beneficial. The case is no different here. Wenger was exactly the right man to leave Arsenal in the last 90s and early 00s. He isn't any longer. The game has moved on, and to be successful now requires a totally different philosophy. I would love to think that the likes of City and Chelsea will simply vanish any time soon. But they won't. United and Liverpool may not have foreign owners with bottomless pockets, but they are showing far more ability to adapt to the reality that you need to invest in quality players to be successful. Finally, you can't compare the Arsenal fans of the Don Howe era with the Emirates customers today. The Club has alientated most of its traditional, loyal fanbase and priced them out. People paying absolute top dollar to watch their football are going to have less tolerance of mediocrity. You sow what you reap.

  79. Hughsey24

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:45 #9464

    Arsene!! Is this you ?????

  80. About time

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:45 #9463

    Best thing I've read on this site for months, well done

  81. Charlie

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:25 #9461

    We are Arsenal and we charge our fans the highest ticket prices in the world.And in thw worse reccession for 80 years we put ST ticket prices up by 6%.Yes we are Arsenal.Yet out under achieving manager is paid £7m a year.Talk about rewarding failure.Why are we moaning.FFS get your head out of Wengers arse

  82. Gary

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:21 #9459

    Thanks for a really great article. Perhaps you can add to your history lessons the story of Newcastle between 2004 and 2010. How the fans thought they knew better than the managers and chased them off - and the consequences. Maybe many fans have forgotten or just never learnt the lesson. We never have all the facts (not even AST!) so please do not act as if you would do a better job than Wenger or the board. Guarantee you won't.

  83. rishgoon

    Jul 04, 2011, 12:12 #9458

    Brilliant write up. Good to see some sense amongst all the negativity on the blogs at the moment.

  84. gabzevo

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:41 #9455

    Here Here !!!!!! i wish more people could come out and write decent pieces like this instead of all the "crisis stories" fact is even if we loose some of our best players , i think Wenger as always has a plan, its not by chance that every season after so called big players have left, that we have managed to have good seasons 2006-CL final after Viera, 2008 almost won League after Henry left, still a bit short but def no Crisis, even though the media wanted us to believe it then and now

  85. Mick Appleton

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:36 #9454

    I too feel blessed to have have seen the Wenger era but I take issue with several other points you have made. He has done a great job in difficult circumstances but has also made some glaring errors. His record with goalkeepers is very poor & this has cost us opportunities to win trophies in recent seasons. Another thing is it's not just the fans that are saying we should sign people, Arsene has said it too, he knows that we desperately needed another centre back in the January window but we failed to get one which left us with no choice but to play Squillachi who is obviously not good enough for PL level, this again cost us. I think the biggest stitch up in a cup final was when Liverpool scored 2 late Owen goals to beat us after being totally out played, I was embarressed to win that day against Man U where we totally abandoned our footballing philosophy in a win at all cost stategy that should have back fired. Lastly, Jack is a great player, Frimpong also looks like he can make the grade but who else is coming through? I watch our loanees last season & I didn't see anything that would suggest they will make the step up to the first team. I have been a supporter for nearly 50 years & I have been through much leaner times than we have now but you cannot expect people not to complain when we've had to put up with some very gutless performances in recent seasons. I hope Arsene can turn it round as I do not want my fond memories of him to be tarnished for want of a few experienced players who could lead us back to glory. That said I'm Arsenal til I die & we should get behind the team to push them onward & upwards.

  86. Blackie

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:29 #9453

    I fully agree with u, however the manager is making An increasing no.of errors season after season. The Decision to go with Almunia, selling Vierra (to make way For cesc) not buying in jan for last 3years (remember The affect Reyes had on the team and the statement it Was to everyone else) , 0-4 up not changing formation When the best player of first half was sent off, 0-1 at orient Not making any subs in last 5 mins, being outplayed in Cc final and claiming we were unlucky, the way we started Against villa when all we had to do was keep it tight for 30 Mins, the game meant nothing to them. Keeping cesc, still keeping rosicky. The list goes on and on. I expected Mr Wenger to fall on his sword after the fulham Match and in some ways wish he had. I would never boo any AFC team and hate people who do particulary when they might be right xx

  87. Ronster

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:27 #9452

    Wenger has yet to build a title winning team from scratch and should pray at the altar of Georgie Graham for bequeathing him that back four which TOTALLY underpinned those early successes.Wenger has lost the dressing room,the fanbase,the press and the respect of ex players.He has arrogantly abandoned the backs to the wall ethos that has always served this great club so well.The Brum capitulation and his abuse of the fans and of a legend like Dalglish should have been enough for him to be given his P45.

  88. g00ner

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:20 #9451

    Amen Bought my season ticket yesterday after 8 years on the waiting list - I don't intend to turn up to moan. If you dont like it cock off elsewhere

  89. Chris H

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:20 #9450

    Fantastic Blog. You'll get slatted by the AA but even they must see the truth in the article. Any Manager that keeps a club with the transfer budget of Sunderland in the champions league knock out rounds, year in year out, is nothing short of a genius. In my eyes Ferguson and the Portugese madman, great managers though they are, are a distrant second. In an uneven fight (and yes competing with a Russian mulit-Billionaire, an even richer Emirati multi-billionaire and the richest club in the world is not really even) we keep punching well above our weight. Sure, we don't have a perfect team. But neither do Man City, and they've spent hundreds of millions on it. We don't have hundreds of millions. Man City have unlimited money, Chelsea have loads of money, Man U have some money and Ferguson. We have Wenger, that's it. That's the only reason we are where we are.

  90. Paul

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:13 #9449

    Great article, one which is easily summarized: Perspective.

  91. Joe S

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:10 #9448

    So we all hang our heads in shame because we know nothing about football and the needs of a professional team competing at the highest level. Of course we are not playing fantasy football where you can build your dream teams. It doesn't disguise the fact however that the coaching staff need to turn around a losing team. Moral is low and there are too may players in and around the squad who provide little value for money and do not deserve to wear the shirt. So with all the best will I wish Wegner another successful top five finish hoping that at season's end the doubters had it all wrong. But unfortunately outside of the obvious candidates, and hopefully a few juniors breaking through there is little to get excited about at this moment in time.

  92. Gordon

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:06 #9447

    We live in a cruel world and by now, you ought to realise no job in the world rewards you based on effort only when you are not producing any results which is mind-crazy when you think about it as Arsenal rewards Denilson, Diaby and Bendtner and SO MANY OTHERS with huge raises in extensions. And now we are aboslutely struggling to offlaod any single one of them. Not even those who wants to leave! Let alone those who doesn't. That's crap mannagment and any normal employer will know it because that's when you are just asking for your company to close down on its own, sticking with dross and not hiring new recruits to stay competitive. Doesn't need a genius or rocket science to understand that. I can name Nottingham Forest as a club with history and wow, look at where they are now.

  93. Euan Boyle

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:05 #9445

    Thank good for some sensible reasoning, clear thinking not to say factual intelligence instead of the drivel written up to this point

  94. mahesh

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:00 #9444

    good read.....after following gunners for last 14 yrs...this season...m vry disappointed...but after reading this article...motivated to support..wenger and arsenal....thnks

  95. aaaa

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:59 #9443

    saddam hussein was a good leader in the past so wat lesson does that teach you? okay so he gave us trophies, he gave us a new stadium and all that... but the point of development is to progress and not regress... when a leader turns senile you still want him to be in power due to the fact that he has got u as far as he could? things change and so do ideologies and thus if people who are leading dont change their own ideologies than they are prone to criticism and getting the booT!!!

  96. The Dec

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:49 #9441

    How deluded can one man be to what our club has become, still, i suppose Ivan and Arsene love this sort of fan..please let me give you more money Arsenal please....i have the centenary video...What?..you have a dvd now....19.99 cha ching....no wait...whats a blu ray....29.99 cha ching, ok ill take a jersey with them...cha ching cha ching cha ching...6% aint enough...no probs mate ill pay more...im a deluded arsenal fan!!....get a grip....it will save you in the long run!!

  97. ollyarsenal

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:48 #9439

    good article, win,lose or draw,support your team and manager!

  98. Rob

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:45 #9438

    Sorry 'Wez' ! you'll have to do a lot better than that. Your hero is a busted flush. His assurances have turned to ashes and dust and as Cliche Fabregas and Nasri depart, we can contemplate a side with Eboue, Rosicky and Denielson still in harness. It makes me pine for the Don Howe era let alone George's. And if I hear one more lazy piece of rubbish about the Graham era being 'dour' - I will scream. Anfield '89 - Dour ? Copenhagen CC Winners - Dour ? Standing on the North Bank to watch us claim the title in 1991 with an Alan Smith hat-trick - Dour ? Perhaps you weren't there. But some of us were. Yes it was dire under GG some times. But just how good was last season - for example ? Carling Cup - Riveting ? Newcastle, Villa, West Brom at home ? Enjoyed it ? I think not.

  99. Limpar_Assist

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:37 #9436

    Woah. Nice one, Wez. Couldn't agree more. Well played, sir.

  100. Colonel Mustard

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:36 #9435

    "If you don’t like it then go elsewhere. Orient or Barnet is still pretty cheap"... no I wont...and I will complain about bad managment and tactics because any fool can see thats whats happening not sit like a sheep and say "baaaaaa". Not to even start on player motivation. This is Self righteous bull. I suggest you watch the video of the AST meeting but i suppose they are not "real" fans like you. This is the reality. Wegners zealous policy is alienating fans. You have the away fans who are as hardcore as it gets chanting "spend some **** money". Why is that?

  101. Angry Dave

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:33 #9434

    Thanks for the history lesson but thats exactly what it all is - history. The facts are we are falling further behind Chelsea, Man Ure and now even Citeh becuase we haven't moved with the times. Just looks at these reasons - Every summer it seems, our best players want to leave, increased season ticket prices on already over-inflated prices, continually being linked with mickey mouse players all the time, our squad getting slowly worse each season, a manager who is now so stubborn he can't see anything other than his own failed 'vision', need I go on??? Any real Gooner knows this article is a waste of time as the real issues are what I have just mentioned and need addressing immediately before we slide into the Europa League for the foreseeable future.


    Jul 04, 2011, 10:28 #9433

    Great article. More of our fans need to look at where we were,where we are now and where we are going instead of casting envious glances at other clubs who are spending money like they printed it themselves. Wenger has given us a fantastic stadium and a great foundation that will keep us in good stead for many years to come. When we do win another trophy it will be because we earned it not bought it and it will be all the more satisfying gooner4life

  103. bunch

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:21 #9432

    Are you being serious? I'm not sure. saying we have a treadmill of young talent then citing Jack as the first seems a bit contradictory given Wenger has been at the club for 13 years. Also, by your definition a Fan is someone who doesn't think or reflect on what he/she is seeing on the pitch. Just turn up, pay up and cheer. Sorry, that is not a fan, that's a moron. But I agree that unity of the fans is required, because I think the fans in the stadium need to unify to get rid of Wenger.

  104. Andy Mack

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:09 #9431

    A+. Too many short memories or new supporters with big mouths.

  105. The Hampshire Gooner

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:08 #9430

    Unfortunately you should be prepared to get roundly slated for writing this article. The reason why you are about to get slated? The clue is in the title of your article.

  106. Spectrum

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:02 #9429

    I was waiting for the punchline, until I realised you really are serious about what you wrote. "In Arsene we rust."

  107. Sarge

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:54 #9428

    What you fail to omit from your rather patronising history lesson is the context. The 80's under Don Howe saw average crowds of about 25,000 people, a rag tag squad that was never going to win a thing and the fans knew that and accepted it for what it was. GG was a breath of fresh air and rejuvenated the club by introducing the spirit of 71 for a few seasons. However, GG failed to move with the times and was on borrowed time as key players were sold and replaced with nobodies. Yes we have to be thankful for what Wenger has done no-one denies that. But we have been in a holding pattern for a few seasons now and I don't believe that there is anyone at the club at any level who knows how to move us on to the next level. You can quote history and take a retrospective view of our manager's achievements all you like, but as the old addage goes you're only as good as your last game. It's the here and now that matters not 5,10,20 years ago. Like I said I don't think there's anyone at the club capable of taking us to the next level including OGL.It's all about progress and we're not making enough - on the pitch and off of it. By the way I remember standing in the North Bank in the early 80's with crowds of 11,000 and 13,000. Difference was as a youngster I was happy just to be there, but some of the older generation around us were as disparaging then as we are now. This is not a new phenomenon. The key difference is the emergence of mass media and communication to allow people to vent their views to a wider audience

  108. Andy Kelly

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:53 #9427

    What have the Romans ever done for us? For those that haven't been around for too long, I strongly recommend that you buy a copy of Lawrence Marks' "A Fan For All Seasons". This brings into stark reality what it was like supporting Arsenal between 1994 and 1998. Having started watching Arsenal in 1975 when climbing up to 13th position mid-season filled me with great joy, I have no beef with Wenger's teams not winning anything. We are there or thereabouts and still playing elegant football. I'm willing to "suffer" a few more years of this as long as we don't go back to the days of our season finishing in February and playing European football in fits and starts, and travelling to Winterslag.

  109. mike

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:49 #9426

    A highly bias and subjective post. Also, whilst the past has its merits. What everyday people are concerned about are what's happening Now that will get them into a prosperous position in the future When things don't look great they have everyright to question their approach and is what u call moaning I presume.

  110. MarkH

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:47 #9424

    At long last some sense being written.When GG won us 'that title' it was little Arsenal against the biggest team in Europe.We are not brash and we dont follow the trends, we make our our own path. We are still the 3rd most sucessful team in the English top flight,wihout being a rich mans plaything or bankrupt. Things need changing but not to the extent some are calling for.

  111. Christopher Smith

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:47 #9425

    Hear Hear. Finally some sense.

  112. CD

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:46 #9423

    You have put forward a robust defence of Wenger, and I applaud you for this Wez. However you fail to mention the reason we have come up short for the last 6 years. Defence, Defence, Defence!!! If only he had addressed this problem area, which traditionally has been the cheapest part to address, he would still have the backing of the majority of Gooners myself included. In my opinion the trophies would have continued to arrive, and Wenger himself would not have damaged his reputation with us, with his blind stupid denial of his undoubted achiles heel. The continues backing of players over the recent years like Senderos, Cygan, Silvestre, Squillaci, Almunia, Fabianski etc let alone Clichy and Eboue is what has caused us to turn against him, because despite most of us not having more than half a days experience, we all clearly know more about defence than Wenger ever will. As a club we can carry players of the ilk of Bendtner, Denilson or Diaby, but only if you have a rock solid defence, which you would have to admit is not the case. Everybody and his dog can see where Wenger has failed and it's not as if we have not been patient, but for how much longer are we to wait for the bleeding obvious to be addressed? He may do something this time round, but it's probably to late as the quality players now all want out, and hence his midfield and forwards would then become our problem. Wenger has dug his own grave with his stubborn refusal to act on what we were all asking for (commanding defenders and holding midfielder with an over my dead body attitude coupled with a competent goalkeeper), by trying to prove a point that he is always right, over and above us being succesful again. In summary Wenger deserves 100% all the abuse he is now getting, because he did not need to blow a fortune for quality experienced defensive players, especially if he had acted sooner and hence would not now be in the undoubted hole he now finds himself in!!

  113. JamesLT

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:43 #9422

    Intersting and impassioned article, BUT you write "The Gooners used to be such a good set of fans... Back then it was about Arsenal. It was about turning up in the cold, wet, hail, snow or sun and supporting your team. It was about camaraderie, and about being a fan... It wasn’t about thinking you could run the club yourself. It wasn’t about thinking you could do better than the manager or the board." Then what do you do? You immediately undermine your own argument and start writing about fans' protests at the dismissal of Don Howe and their doubts about the appointment of George Graham... In other words, EXACTLY the same as now: fans thinking they could run the club better than the board or manager. Clearly some things never change and it's ridiculous to suggest fans were less critical or less opinionated then than now... ?

  114. Codchops

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:43 #9421

    Thank you. Good to see that there are still some proper fans left. Best article on Arsenal I've read in ages.

  115. Mark

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:40 #9420

    you have given a recap of the past - the distant past when in fact the recent present and the present and therefore likely the near future, look much much bleaker than the distant past and that is the reason 75% of fans are not happy and they are right not to be happy. Wenger and the board are paid more than any other manager+board. fans pay higher prices than any other fans. however the club has stopped reinvesting that in trophy hunting and 75% of fans want their team to win trophies the rest is not interesting to them

  116. Stumpy Den

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:37 #9419

    Very Good article, some people need at bit of history to remind us of who we are. However I do wish he would change thigs the way we all know need changing, sooner reather than later. Chavski are now interested in signing Cahill from Bolton, we need to get the players we are after before the rest, even if the price is higher due to others also looking. The biggest thing though is not to forget who WE are WE ARE THE ARSENAL.

  117. danalovAFCXI

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:31 #9418

    Wake up Wez its all over for Wenger. baaaa baaaaaa baaaaaaaa follow like a sheep weeeengaaaaa baaaa. Lets all get lost in nostalgia shall we. Remember when snickers bar was called a marathon? they were great days them werent they? A! A! dont worry about whats happening now that doesnt matter we still have our "videos" dont we. Wake up Wez its all over for Wenger.

  118. Magneto

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:30 #9417

    Excellent article. Blog of the summer so far.

  119. george hall

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:28 #9416

    I could`nt of said it better, true arsenal fans will get behind there team and stay there no matter what, i really cant see what all the complaining is about i`d rather see us finish 4th in the epl than 4th in the campionship, I did`nt pick arsenal to support arsenal picked me and for that reason i`ll support arsenal no matter what, so come on all you arsenal fans just remember exactly were we were before wenger came, would u really still want to be there instead of fighting for the title and cups every year and in the champion`s league every year and NO other team can say that, just remember there`s only one winner and every team is trying to be that one, just keep beliveing and it will happen, in wenger we trust

  120. stephen

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:26 #9415

    very true Wenger is the man . all of use must start supporting the arsenal.and not the press.

  121. Royal Gooner

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:25 #9414

    What a bullcrap of an article. You are a supporter of a once good manager,who has lost the plot and is on a plan to prove his doubters wrong at the expense of the club and interests. Why dont you **** off to the lane down, and support those scums who would be delighted with midtable mediocrity. Loser

  122. Flegly

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:24 #9413

    Nice one, puts it into perspective nicely, unfortunately your final comment about going elsewhere means the rest will get ignored.

  123. Barry Bethell

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:21 #9412

    Top comments, I feel exactly the same. Far too many people play championship manager and think they are the real thing. Perhaps we wouldn't have so many first teamers wanting out if they felt more loved by the fans.

  124. mcon

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:18 #9411

    finally a true supporter who can see our beloved arsenal for what we are, excellent post. proud gooner for life.

  125. goonerstan

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:17 #9410

    Wow how did u come up with that...a sleeping giant into an European force? We won the UEFA cup in the early 90s for pete's sake. that was way before wenger arrive! Dude get your facts right. Yes we are the arsenal and we ll continue to be long after this frenchie is gone. God bless the gooner nation. One and all!

  126. JOSEI

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:16 #9409

    Fantastic writing, i love it hope all the moaners heard you

  127. wan the wezker

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:14 #9408

    Terrible article. I seem to remember us winning the cup winners cup and getting to the final the year after. Very poor AKB article. You are a dying breed my friend

  128. goonatic

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:12 #9407

    Morons like you do crack me up! "He built a new stadium"!! Wtf are you going on about?? The stadium was in the pipeline in the early 90s long before your master turned up. People like you are the reason we will finish 6th next season. All this Wenger is a genius crap needs to stop. We've gone backwards for 6 years, every player of quality with any ambition has figured it out and wants to leave. So how about you and the rest of the rose-tinted brigade wake up as well! We're now more intrested in making money than winning trophies! And for that the lovely people at AFC. now charge me £120 a season more! Great!

  129. Swearse

    Jul 04, 2011, 9:09 #9406

    Love this. We are the Arsenal. Ens of story.