Danger of Arsenal sinking to level of Spurs and Fulham

Anyone for a bit of Thursday night Europa League?

Danger of Arsenal sinking to level of Spurs and Fulham

Wenger – Only dipped a toe in the transfer market so far

What is the matter with this club? Whilst our opposition have started strengthening and with the promise from our CEO that this would be the busiest summer the club has had in the last few seasons with people heading in and out, all we have to show so far is a 19 year old from Charlton.

We should at least have one big signing by now as we have now in July and pre-season training has begun as the team prepare for the tour to the Far East. Hopefully something will happen before then as it’s better that a new signing starts pre-season with the squad rather than join halfway through.

The Board and Wenger need to get their skates on and get the chequebook out, give Nasri his £110k a week, he deserves it, as if Cesc goes, he’s our creative hub in the team. Diaby is on about £50-60k a week, does he deserve that??? Cesc looks like he’s off and good luck to him, we get £30-40 million for him and he'll be warming their bench. Also I would want somebody like Seydou Keita or Eric Abidal, not a "one for the future" youngster, we’ve got enough young players to get us into the next millennium.

If Barca want Cesc that badly, they will get him, but on our terms. It’s at times like these when you wish David Dein was still at the club helping out with the transfers as since he left we haven’t been able to attract that many quality players or negotiate better terms with current ones.

Wenger says he’s ready to change his philosophy a little bit but we’ve seen the same old sh*t so far. Does he really have an idea who to replace? Or is he going to wait and see who wants to be the first to leave like he usually does? The bottom line is that there are players in the current squad who are simply not good enough to wear the sacred shirt, physically, tactically and mentally.

Wenger needs to stop this childish stubbornness before the fans start to vote with their feet. If he had any sense then he would have seen by the end of season protests that something needed to be done quickly to appease the fans and what do the club do? Raise ticket prices and our chairman brands the fans "stupid". He should look in the mirror and he should have resigned the silly old fool.

It’s clear that it’s profits not prizes that the club wants and this has to stop otherwise we will be lucky to make the Europa League at best. And we don’t want to be in the same category as the Spuds or Fulham.

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  1. Jack (LFC Fan)

    Jul 12, 2011, 4:15 #9873

    You will still be in the top four, potentially title contenders. What is wrong with you people? A few weeks ago you were linked with Mata and Hazard who is better than you have. Arse have just signed Gervinho who is an upgrade on Bendtner. And you have the hottest youngsters in England - Ramsay and Wilshire. Just short a keeper and another centre back and Arse's first team will be as strong as anyone's in Europe.

  2. bernard jackson

    Jul 10, 2011, 19:08 #9810

    I agree with you fully about we need to start signing players as we all see man u have signed three players this summer,all of them young and talented.The problem with arsenal in my opinion is that they are going for the wrong type of players.Arsenal's interest in players so far has all been in wingers,strikers and midfielders.We need to a strong backbone in the team (scott parker,gary cahill).I think if arsenal signed these two players and formed a strong foundation in the team the we could move on to the creative players.I am not saying don't buy creative players but just form a solid team you can build on.

  3. jjetplane

    Jul 08, 2011, 19:49 #9733

    Looking at the way Sunderland are shaping up we could be spared thursday night 'lights' as we mix 8th place with 'how much did that move cost?' in real football terms.

  4. matt braddock

    Jul 08, 2011, 17:23 #9729

    David dein, didn't he refuse to give ashley cole £5k extra per week and thus started the rot? - clichy was the answer? oh yeah, did a cross of his ever find an arsenal player in the last 6 years? i thi nk not....

  5. Mark

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:24 #9717

    the club is sunk. mis management, crap sponsorship deal. lack of ambition, were well screwed up now and some fans decided to sleep and play dead while this all happened and now well pay the price- more people should voice their discontent

  6. MarkH

    Jul 08, 2011, 7:50 #9681

    A couple of responces to Kelvin & Brigham. I too am sceptical of the fair play legislation.I can just see certain teams already employing expensive lawyers to find ways around the legislation.Experience tells me that whatever a lawyer writes,another better lawyer can ride a bus through. On the subject of rewarding failure.It all depends what you consider failure.I know many small companies that think that at the present, surviving from month to month is success. Stockport County supporters know about failure. I have no doubt that if the rules are adhered to then we will be the club that leads the way. It might not bring us the trophies we all desire but it should stop the ridiculous situation at the moment. I have to congratulate Mr Levy(that might not be popular)for standing up to the money men.You may not like him or his club but he has balls. If Barcelona and the spivs want Cesc make them pay,if not and he really does go on strike,fine.But do what all other employers do if you decide to withdraw your labour.Dont pay him! NOBODY IS BIGGER THAN ARSENAL!

  7. ed enough

    Jul 08, 2011, 6:15 #9680

    Nothing we have not heard again and again and again. To compare us to Fulham and Spuds is crazy....We're far worse of under the dictator Wenger...

  8. Joe S

    Jul 08, 2011, 3:09 #9679

    For all the optimists and their in Wiltshire we trust ranting, it all makes the big picture more gloomy. We all want the lad to succeed but aren't you all putting your eggs into an untried and fragile basket. Even Liam Brady surrounded by a core that included O'leary and Stapleton, finally wanted out. That team also was one or two players away from a championship, however lack of serious ambition at Highbury sent him to Italy.It's obvious that this board and their mouthpiece Wegner are only interested in consolidating profits and do not have the balls to take risks.So yes we have become a feeder club and like a lot of feeder clubs there is a danger of facing a slippery slope - it could be very difficult to become contenders again when you are always trying to plug gaps with other team's discards and assorted deadwood.

  9. JM - LONDON

    Jul 08, 2011, 1:00 #9678

    Thanks Mr Optimtic Gooner - I certainly hope, and suspect that you are spot on, we certainly wont be any worse in that eventaulity (if they do go?). I do though remember an old, old back cover of the Gooner, 'the future is bright, the future is orange', it heralded the arrival of the Bergkamp era, top proven talent mixed with young promise - if only we could bag a player like Schiender (or similar) to complement our young Wilshere & co?

  10. Tig

    Jul 07, 2011, 23:29 #9677

    Oh shut up OG. You've been spouting out the same **** for the last two months, give it a rest already. Board blah blah this Wenger blah blah that.

  11. JM - LONDON

    Jul 07, 2011, 22:48 #9676

    I'm feeling well down in the mouth of late. The Arsenal PR machine has been dreadful just dreadful, I check the clubs website hourly - lots of great pictures of the team in pre season especially Bendtner and the young new guy from Japan, but it just looks ridiculous with you know who (or who's) missing from those pictures. Also lots of what used to be?. If CESC goes and either Ronaldo or Schnieder (or similar?)aren't unveiled as an Arsenal player to replace him by the start of the season then all hell will break loose - it will be busy times at the Gooner. But lets just wait and see eh, I live in hope there is some serious dealing being done in the background, if there's not then it should be a really, really entertaining season - and we're not talking football??

  12. Jack the Cat

    Jul 07, 2011, 21:18 #9674

    OP post:10603 Check the stats before you post.When Cesc was in the team we won more games than we he wasnt.So to say he wouldnt be missed is just B******s.Ant eam would miss a world class player.And we are still waitin for Sol PV4 Henry and Pires to be replaced.Great players dont come cheap thats why we end up with rubbish playing for us,And c***s like Denil**** Eboue Diaby and Billy Useless B******s getting £60k a week

  13. Brigham

    Jul 07, 2011, 21:09 #9673

    @ Kynsna Gunner - Are you for real? Arsenal the best managed club in the world? I am a die hard Gooner who has been around a long time and I can tell you this old son, we are currently not that at all. We are a selling club who have a board and manager who have become inept, overstayed their welcome and have no idea how badly they are treating the fans who ARE the club.

  14. chrisy boy

    Jul 07, 2011, 20:53 #9672

    what is worrying me is that wenger is going down the same line as rafa did at liverpool, he would only buy spanish players and most of those were 2nd rate, 3 years on and wenger is only looking and buying from the french league, i wouldnt mind if we went for a henry, pires or vieira, but wenger is still trying to find a bargain at a cheap rate. Its simple mr wenger, buy expierance, buy players that have been there and won things.

  15. clockendpaul

    Jul 07, 2011, 18:48 #9670

    Knysna gunner... i would be more than happy to drive wenger to psg, notice that you only mention RvP and TV as they virtually the only top players left now nas and cesc have had enough of the inept tactics and managerial bull****. Won't be long before those two and jack will follow, top players want to win, and have top players along side them. Funny how its denilson, eboue, rosicky, almunia, diaby,fabianski,scillaci,bendtner,djourou that still believe! Stick to your playstation

  16. luke harvey

    Jul 07, 2011, 18:17 #9669

    to the level of spurs and fulham? how disrepectful to other london clubs! Im a fulham fan and would give everything to make sure fulham play in the europa league every year and i am greatful and thankful that we are in it only for the second time. be greatful of what you've got. sucsess cannot be bought. if you beat birmingham in the carling cup then this post wouldn't be up and the demand for wenger to spend whould be significantly less.

  17. Highbury Boy

    Jul 07, 2011, 18:06 #9668

    I think that "Optimitic Gooner" and other such fans are whistling in the dark. Without Cesc,Nasri and Clichy at the back end of last season our form and results were relegation material. You can't just take out 3 players whose names are first on the team sheet and expect others to step forward and take more responsibility,though that seems to be what Djourou is today saying/hoping. When Wenger was saying it would be a busy summer for transfers I was hoping that the dross would be shipped out,not the best players.How galling to see the happy smiley faces of Bendtner, Eboue etc back in training and featured on the official Arsenal site.

  18. Knysna Gunner

    Jul 07, 2011, 17:47 #9667

    This is such a load of crap. Inspector Clueless, i bet you are a spud or manure fan. Arsenal is the best managed club in the world. If you lot keep up your moaning you may just manage to drive Wenger to PSG, with him the top players like RvP, TV, and others who believe in him. The future of Arsenal will then be the same as Newcaslte 5 years ago. You are idiots. Dont allow the manure fans at the tabloids to form your thinking - think for yourselves.

  19. John Martin-Smith

    Jul 07, 2011, 17:29 #9666

    How can Arsenal ever be like Fulham? Fulham are punching way above their weight, and good on them. They are a successful small club. Arsenal aren't punching at all...

  20. mark

    Jul 07, 2011, 16:33 #9665

    cesc on strike, nasri prefers man u and some fans still think wenger is right for arsenal ? you must be nuts, wenger is a loser and the players smell it

  21. non-smoking gun!

    Jul 07, 2011, 16:25 #9664

    I have just read the newest instalment of this worrying transfer window... BENZEMA to ARSENAL!!! Now excuse me while I stitch my sides back together, but we all know how this one is going to end... Madrid have offered Benzema to Arsenal, (although I doubt whether he is exactly extatic about it!) for a reasonable price (in the outrageously overpriced european transfer market!) Arsenal admit their interest but then drag their heels trying to haggle the price down to a ridiculous figure REAL are never going to go for considering they don't really need to sell in the first place. meanwhile a more ambitious proactive club, (could be anyone really,) notice the player is available and step in with the full asking price!!! Madrid except, Benzema is thanking his lucky stars he hasn't been lumbered with us and signs and all before Wenger and Gazidis have finished counting their piggy bank! Haven't we been here before?

  22. Alex

    Jul 07, 2011, 15:56 #9663

    You could do a lot worse than being in a category with the oldest team in London. When did Arsenal join the likes of Liverpool, West Ham and Villa in the 'divine right' club?

  23. From the Arse

    Jul 07, 2011, 15:01 #9661

    Whether you agree with the contents of this article or not it largely reafs the same as every other article on this site. It's not saying anything new and it's not put in a particularly good writing style. Never mind Arsenal falling down in standards, this 'article' section is in grave danger of just been like the forum with some nice pictures. Ranting with nothing that you'd actually want to spend time reading

  24. Inspector Clueless

    Jul 07, 2011, 14:54 #9660

    i am shocked that there are still fans who dont get what has happened to our club and like lambs to a slaughter just trust along to what aw and board say. amazing given the clear evidence last season and last 6 years. we are close to finished as a top club now and it is because we have been totally mismanaged - please arsenal fans we all need to wake up and start making more and more noise before its too late

  25. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 07, 2011, 14:32 #9658

    "Optimtic Gooner?" Dyslexic Gooner, more like...now on the the subject at hand. Abidal is no better than Clichy or Koscielny, he just looks better because he has Puyol and Pique to cover his arse. I'd take Keita over him every time. Keita is a more tactically and positionally aware version of Song or Diaby, and much more intuitive when it comes to knowing when to go forward, not haring up the pitch dribbling excitedly into a blind corner like the greediest ball hogger in the school playground, as is the wont of Messrs. Song and Diaby. In short, a team player, not a narcissistic individualist - we have enough of those already.

  26. David

    Jul 07, 2011, 14:15 #9657

    Less that two years ago, Dominic wrote this following our 2-1 League Cup win over Liverpool: "I must admit these kids surprise me everytime". "....so long as the boss keeps his current group together then in about 2 years time the squad will be quite strong. It's a shame Wilshere & Vela were absent as I think we would have won by a bigger score had they been playing. The performance of the players on duty should have a few 1st teamers looking over there shoulders". Well, only Merida, Gilbert & Randall have left from that day. 9 of the kids in that squad are still here. It seems Arsene has done exactly what Dominic wanted and yet he attacks him for it in this article!!

  27. James Belushi

    Jul 07, 2011, 13:57 #9655

    Seriously It is clear that Cesc and Nasri want out. Just Sell them then. We've already got £45m to spend. Now add clichy £7m, Cesc £40m and NAsri £20m. Sub total £112m. Chuck in Bendtner £7m, Denilson £5m. That is £124m total Now Arsene take that £124m and spend the lot of it. Gervinho £10m, Cahill £17m, Samba £12m, Parker £6m, Mata £25m, Benzema £25m still got £29m to spare.... Szczesny, sagna, cahill, samba, vermaelen, ramsey, wilshere, parker, gervinho, walcott, van persie

  28. Gerald

    Jul 07, 2011, 13:47 #9654

    think this IN ARSENE WE TRUST obsession should wear of the minds of board of directors, man i have never seen people who are so damn stingy.man its not just about how much profits you get into your pockets, think about the fans as well, besides without the fans there would be no money in their pockets. for how long are we going to wait? another astonishing thing is that wenger is just too reluctant about signings, when other clubs are busy, all our wenger does is raise our hopes with his fake promises. WE ARE FADE UP!!!

  29. Dutch Peter

    Jul 07, 2011, 13:44 #9653

    to Nick, I don't care what Spurs do or don't do. I care what Arsenal do and we don't DO much. It's all very well geting into the Champions League so what. When are we going to win something.

  30. Yap

    Jul 07, 2011, 12:40 #9652

    Top article, agree. Oh but you forgot we have a big name signing coming...GERVINHO! LOL...yep French African clown who's never played CL and has less international experience than Eboue! Pay up your 6.5%, there's a good little sheep! What else... Oh yeah remember what Arsene said. No club is making moves yet so no good players will move. Except Ash Young. And De Gea. And Coentrao. And Phil Jones. And Clichy. Losing Nasri to Manure will confirm what a joke Arsene FC has become and frankly, I can't stand the sight of Wenger. Makes me sick with his arrogant comments about finishing second for twenty years!! We'll be a force again once this clown leaves. Youth project? Farce project, none of the players believe in it! Errrr apart from Rosicky, Eboue, Diaby, Song, Chamakh, Almunia and Vela!! Says it all...

  31. Richard Ansell

    Jul 07, 2011, 12:35 #9651

    Gary wake up please - Dominic is right on the ball with what he saying. Just compare our current team with The Invincibles, you wouldn't want most of them even on the subs bench and the one or two that might get in the side want to move to more ambitious clubs. I am quite frankly amazed that Arsenal supporters have not been more vocal in their opposition to what Wenger and the board are doing to our club.

  32. GoonerRon

    Jul 07, 2011, 12:01 #9650

    Everyone needs to calm down a bit. Yes, it would be ideal if we had our new signings in place before pre-season started, but transfers / contracts etc can be complicated and take time. Let's face it, we read what is whipped up in the media and take it as gospel. Let me ask you this - how many transfer rumours have been printed in the tabloids since the end of the season? Hundreds, possibly thousands - based on the number of actual transfers a lot of them are complete fabrications by agents to instigate some activity or journalists with nothing else to write. Whether we like it or not, we have always held our cards relatively close to our chest when it comes to transfers.

  33. Brigham

    Jul 07, 2011, 11:42 #9649

    Arsenal Football club must have the only business model in existence where failure is rewarded with a new contract, each worth a few million pounds to the losers employed there. I fully expect Wenger to continue with his normal transfer window failures, after all, it has been the same for the past 6 or 7 years.

  34. Wolfgang

    Jul 07, 2011, 11:41 #9648

    Fab was convinced to stay last season after Wenger gave the assurance he would bring in players.Sad to say these guys fell apart in the closing stages of the season. Nasrii would want Wenger to show the quality players before he commits himself. I say he is wise. Wenger cannot be trusted. He would bring in 2nd rate players because they are cheap. I aint convinced his philosophy will work . In fact Wenger could be a danger to Arsenal with his foot dragging and penny punching/pinching.If Arsenal fail again last season he should be removed.

  35. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:59 #9647

    Great Article! Totally agree! The fans had enough of lies being trested like dumb and dumber! I remember Arsene said JUDGE ME IN MAY (except he didn't state what MAY!!!). It seems that Arsenal don't even want to spend the 40m they supposedly said they have available. They want to sell firts so they could buy and try not to touch the 40m. The players (the important ones) are leaving as they themselves don't believe about the waiting game and rightly so, as they have been waiting as long as we have.

  36. Tom

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:46 #9646

    Judge Wenger in May Judge Wenger at the end of July Judge Wenger when the window closes Judge Wenger at Christmas Judge Wenger in May Same old, same old. We finished only 6 points ahead of Spurs last season. Our form in the find 1/3 of last season was relegation level. We'll receive £60+million for Nasri and Fabregas and then spend the rest of the window haggling over 1 or 2m. After all, we wouldn't want to 'kill' Denilson or Diaby or Almunia or Rosicky or Squillachi would we?

  37. Ron

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:44 #9645

    There are those of us who feel that Nasri and Clichy are no great loss. Im one of them. Clichys last really good game was .... .... ...??. I simply cant recall its been so long! One decent half season in 3 doesnt a £110,000.00 per week player make in my view. Its granting too many unearned and undeserved fat contracts to underperformers thats half the trouble.

  38. lee armitt

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:37 #9644

    Nasri deserves it dont make me laugh

  39. Nick

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:34 #9643

    To dutch peter you sir, are an arse, the same level as the scum and fulham indeed, firstly the scum are a different level to the cottagers and secondly the crap from ****e fart lane have qualified ONCE for the cl we have done it repeatedly for years and even got to the final where we were only beaten after going down to ten men and an offside goal so get a life

  40. Anna Mary

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:26 #9642

    Ridiculous thinking & writing. Please don't go with the media speculation. The Brit press is going crazy behind Arsenal. It was Liverpool last season now its Arsenal!

  41. TimG

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:11 #9641

    Comment to Wally West:- Wenger also said "Judge me in May". That judgement was pretty damning in my view.

  42. Rob

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:07 #9640

    If you look at our 'Form' over the last dozen games played Spurs and Fulham are well above us. We concluded last season in relegation form - whether people on here are prepared to admit it or not. I don't know how the next nine months will pan out but it's not looking too clever at the moment, is it ?

  43. Fulham Jules

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:05 #9639

    You would be lucky to be in the same category as Fulham....if like Fulham you had been in the 3rd Division 15 years ago!!!!

  44. Dutch Peter

    Jul 07, 2011, 10:04 #9638

    new players with no experience fighting for trophies, is that going to make any differnce. We have players with experience fighting for trophies and still end up with nothing.

  45. non-smoking gun!

    Jul 07, 2011, 9:58 #9637

    Its all very well saying get rid of the dead wood but who in their right mind would want them? Especially if, as you say, some of them are on silly money! why would they want to leave? We all know that cash is a players number one motivation these days!!!

  46. davey

    Jul 07, 2011, 9:32 #9636

    The Spuds are actually stronger in terms that their chairman stood toe to toe with a player and said you are not going anywhere.....Pity our spineless CEO could'nt crawl out of Wengers arse and be as strong

  47. Sheriff

    Jul 07, 2011, 9:01 #9635

    I agree 100%.But having spent the last 4years waiting for the supposed Professor to fix the glaring issues that everyone in football knows, even my gf who knows nothing about football and until she met me a few yrs ago started supporting Arsenal, knows what the club needs to do..The only people who dont are the £6M a year man and the £2m a year CEO...To move forward next season we needed EXTRA 4 players (1 CB, 1 DFM/CB, 1 WG and 1 CF) but now Clichy has been sold, Cesc and Nasri are going to go..We need 7 new players, can anyone see our Manager buying 7 new established players?? The answer is NO....And FFS, when are we going to stop buying FRENCH Players!! I am african but comeon, enuf is ENUF..We need some English backbone FFS..We are an English club playing in an English league and not a French club playing in an english league...

  48. Stevo

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:55 #9634

    I totally agree. The fans told Wenger to get the cheque book out. Has he fxck! The board need a good kick up the ****ing Arsenal!!

  49. honey pot lane

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:52 #9633

    oh dear the typical arrogance of a stupid goon. I think Spurs and Fulham should be more worried about falling to the level of Arsenal

  50. Fozzy's mate

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:49 #9632

    Dom - as one who has been very critical of our supine, arrogant and complacent board and to a lesser extent OGL over the last 5 years, I agree with you. I cannot see why AW wishes to wait unbtil the end of July to see what the market is doing while our rivals set the agenda. However all we can do is wait and hope. If AW and his alleged bosses fail to deliver the very busy transfer window they have promised and the leavers are not replaced or replaced by kids, has beens or never will be's the vicious start to the seasons fixtures will soon expose those running our club. Either way the charade of the last few years will not continue, we are at the crossroads, either we go forward and flourish or continue to stagnate, making the current strategy unbtenable. If OGL cannot change he must fall on his sword, if he can great lets all get behind him. Ivan the puppet said last year that the clubs policy required incredible patience, well the agonising wait is over in my opinion, one way or another.

  51. I.P. Freeley

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:19 #9631

    Wind-up like Spuds or Fulham?? Mate, don't insult other smaller clubs. the Gooners are setting their own unique standard of mediocrity.

  52. Optimtic Gooner

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:16 #9630

    HERE IS WHY ARSENAL WILL AGAIN SURPRISE THE DOOM & GLOOMERS, THE XENOPHOBICS AND FERGIE'S MERCENARIES IN THE MEDIA THIS SEASON: -Fabregas played disastrously for the most of last season (when he played, played a few great games as well) SO HIS DEPARTURE WON'T WEAKEN ARSENAL COMPARED TO LAST SEASON -Gel Clichy (my favourite gunner for the past 4 years) had really gone down in form. Once he used to make Ronaldo disappear, now he gets embarassed by Nani or Odemwenge SO HIS DEPARTURE WON'T WEAKEN ARSENAL COMPARED TO LAST SEASON -Nasri played excellently last season, it is true, but his physical size and his very poor and not team-oriented attitude were clear disdadvantages IF WE ARE SMART AND SELL HIM TO CITY (AND NOBODY ELSE), HE IS UNLIKELY TO DO AS GOOD THERE, AND WE CAN GET A TOP REPLACEMENT HOPEFULLY WITH MORE GRITT AND PHYSICAL PRESENCE -Almunia, Denilson, Bendner : Replaced by ANYONE, would mean a good degree of improvement AND ARSENE'S SHOPPING HAS NOT EVEN STARTED! Now to United: Ashley Young for 18 M (hands up anyone who thinks he is more dangerous than Nani or Valencia!). Phil Jones, a 19 year old inexperienced addition, and a 20 year old inexperienced keeper replacing arguably the world's best keeper Let's stay on substance gooner friends, and ignore the Arsenal bashing epidemic: THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT, THE FUTURE IS WILSSHERE!

  53. The BearMan

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:07 #9629

    All Arsenal fans must not buy into speculation theories. As in this current transfer window, many of the BiG Clubs have not played their hand as yet. Some BiG players will come available soon and it would be foolish for Wenger to buy players he just do not want, simply to appear that he is doing something. Nasri and Cesc appears to be on their way out, but a wise manager would delay that process until he gets adequate cover. Not sell and hope something come up.

  54. jeremy smith

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:03 #9628

    IF Nasr and FAb are sold,Wenger is going to get players from the Fench or other leagues. These guys don't have the epl experience so crucial for a team fighting for trophies. Wenger has lost the plot and if his new signings don't fire the gunners,he is in danger of tarnishing his legacy. Oh btw most fans don't think the gunners can win the epl or cl.The bookies seem to agree.

  55. wally west

    Jul 07, 2011, 8:01 #9627

    he said wait until the end of july so shutup

  56. Dutch Peter

    Jul 07, 2011, 7:59 #9626

    What do you mean we don't want to be in the same category as Spurs and Fulham. Wake up you are allready.

  57. Gary

    Jul 07, 2011, 7:55 #9625

    Another crap article. Your headline has nothing do to with your article. There is a much bigger danger than Arsenal slipping to the livel of the spuds. We are going to go the way of Newcastle if the fans don't back off. I suggest you read a bit of their history between 2004 and 2008 and see if the Arsenal fans and especially bloggers can learn a lesson. You ignorant doom and gloom articles are going to ruin our great club.

  58. Kelvin

    Jul 07, 2011, 7:52 #9624

    Wenger is slowly weakening Arsenal. You don't sell your best players.If Nasri goes to MU,don't be surprised the red faced wins the cl. It's time the Arsenal board face reality. UEFA"s fair play is supposed to level the field. When the time comes ,MU/MC/Chelsea/Barca/Rm will have all kinds of excuses and could even break off to start a super league with the gunners outsiders. Some tings need to be changd at Arsenal or the gunners will be another team of the same status as Everton/Fulham or any other mid table team.

  59. Manu

    Jul 07, 2011, 7:46 #9623

    That is where arsenal is heading,A feeder club to next season's top four,chelsea,man utd,liverpool n man city

  60. hillary orazulike

    Jul 07, 2011, 7:44 #9622

    guy i really love your comment but it's left to see if this touts can change their selfminded mind and yield to supporters plea