Questioned Loyalty

All Arsenal fans are entitled to an opinion without being told to **** off to the Lane

Questioned Loyalty

Arsene: Should he be above criticism?

I have supported Arsenal since my Dad took me to my first game in 1967 when I was 4 years old. I am still as passionate about the Gunners today as I've ever been, which makes what I'm about to say so much harder. Our beloved club has completely lost touch with its fan base and is in danger of losing the love and loyalty it has built over 125 years by exploiting and ignoring the life blood of Arsenal Football Club.

I used to be a season ticket holder at Highbury but was priced out by the conversion of the stadium to all-seater as I settled down and got a mortgage. I still attended as often as I could and have continued to do so with my own son at both Highbury and Ashburton. This is why it makes me sick to see contributors on here saying that I am not entitled to my opinions regarding what happens at a club I've loved for 45 years.

Why is it if you do question what's going on you're told to ‘Shut Up’ and go down to the Lane? I have been a huge fan of Arsene. I appreciate everything he has done for us but I cannot sit back quietly while he refuses to see the problems with the team because he wants to prove his experiment with polishing rough diamonds has worked. We're told we shouldn't have an opinion if we haven't worked a day in the game but when every pundit, ex-player and Paul Scholes who have worked in the game can see it, you have to question why Arsene can't?

Refusing to give in to public pressure is noble but not when you are so obviously wrong! We desperately need big centre halves to deal with the bombardment that other teams rightly perceive to be our weakness but that still hasn't been addressed and we again faded at the most crucial part of another promising season. I would never single out players or boo the team while I'm in the stadium but I feel I have a right to voice my concerns on here and any other public forum that I see fit to post on. To be accused of lacking loyalty to the club for voicing an opinion good or bad demonstrates the same short sightedness we are seeing from the hierarchy of the Club.

I am a Silver Member and I had to endure a hike in the price of my membership this year. It was nowhere near as bad as the season ticket rise but, percentage-wise it was worse. To do this in the current climate when we are already one of the most expensive clubs in the world to watch is harsh in the extreme and is made worse by our lack of investment in the playing side of the club. I cannot imagine that any of us are happy to see extortionate wages being paid to players who are just not good enough for our club, which is probably another reason why we cannot compete in the transfer market.

Can there be any truth in the rumoured £40m transfer kitty when we are reluctant to spend an extra million or two to get the players we desperately need. In recent seasons several targets have slipped through the net because of Arsene's reluctance to loosen the purse strings. If you believe the rumours we tried to sign Xabi Alonso, Mark Schwarzer and Christopher Samba in recent seasons and missed out on all of them for the sake of a couple of extra million. The loss on the pitch was far worse, as we have squandered good chances to halt our trophyless streak. Would we have conceded half of the set piece goals we did in the 2nd half of last season if Samba had been in place? I think not. I also doubt his no-nonsense style would have led to the cock-up that cost us the Carling Cup.

I understand that the club are reluctant to pay over the odds for players, but surely the club’s value will only increase if the silverware begins to come through the door again. The risk at the moment is that the other clubs around us have started to invest large sums to strengthen their squads and if we do not follow suit the Board could lose their holy grail of a Top 4 finish. Will that finally bring them to their senses? I have my doubts. I had some renewed hope of an investment boost when Stan Kroenke launched his takeover bid, but he was quick to squash this optimism by saying we would continue with the same financial model! As much as I appreciate a financially stable club, I would welcome a risk or two being taken to increase our chances of winning silverware rather than seeing a Top 4 finish as a trophy in itself.

In conclusion, my love for the club will never be diminished by poor quality players, stubborn managers or pig-ignorant board members, but I will always reserve the right to criticise when I deem it necessary, especially when the people running the Club put money in front of winning trophies and enriching the history of the Club. Nobody is above criticism. Not the Club, not the players and definitely not Arsene. To criticise them does not make you any less of a supporter as long as it is done constructively and away from Stadium.

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  1. Andrew Cohen

    Jul 10, 2011, 20:26 #9827

    Gary (rather bravely in my opinion representing the AKB's) is right. He should be allowed to say what he wants. The easy surrender of hard won leads is unacceptable, because with the players that Arsenal can afford, it is avoidable through proper coaching. The number of unfair penalties received is surely a small number compared with those which arise from poor defending. This defensive frailty increases, is soul destroying for the creative players (which is why they are leaving) and is humiliating to all of us, given the traditions of solid defence at the club (ancient and modern). Football is all about opinions. The people responding to this article favourably are very long standing fans and have expressed their view carefully and calmly, and without any animosity towards Mr Wenger. It is the opinion of the vast majority is that our manager should politely, and with thanks for years of service, be asked to leave. Let's say however that Gary is right. By what standards should success and failure be measured? Would becoming a feeder club for 4 or 5 teams in our own league (as opposed to 3) be grounds for termination? Would 7th-10th place on a regular basis? Would finishing behind Spurs every year? Would relegation? Would a financial loss before tax excluding player transfer fees and real estate disposals? I genuinely have no idea how the manager’s continuing supporters would measure either decline or an unacceptable standard of performance which should result in dismissal.

  2. Jonathan

    Jul 10, 2011, 17:45 #9794

    Well said. A long as it's constructive and said away from the stadium fans have every right to discuss the club. I have friendships with fellow fans that is solely based on our love of our football club and we don't always say nice things. Booing at the ground and castigating players who are playing for the club is another thing all together. I'm a Liverpool fan and wish you lot all the best for the coming season. Let's hope it's better than the last one.

  3. Brigham

    Jul 10, 2011, 16:32 #9792

    @realist - you are correct, being a Gooner for over 40 years does not give our opinions any more ranking than others, as after all, we cannot help when we are actually born or who we follow clubwise can we? However, we have been around for a while, just like many of our forebearers and we all have one common goal - supporting THE ARSENAL, that is what we do and what we will continue to do. Please do not slight us who have been around a long while, for we have been there, done it and seen the bad times. For those who may not know, Arsenal have been around since 1886, not 1996.

  4. jjetplane

    Jul 10, 2011, 13:36 #9790

    Remember the night we all fxxxxd off down the lane to clinch a title! I do and some of you probably dont even know where it is! As for 60s arsenal there was no late comers then - we were in the ground 2 hrs before kick-off! Imagine that! Like you Mick - I was also priced out.

  5. Big Mo

    Jul 10, 2011, 1:07 #9781

    Too right pal, we've done our time and how dare Arsene Knows brigade dare question our opinions. BSM

  6. Brigham

    Jul 09, 2011, 16:52 #9774

    Ronster, you made an excellent point regarding our defence when Martin Keown was coaching them, he had that defence working a dream and no matter which back four played together, they worked as a well drilled unit. I have had a look back at that season and in the CL alone we only conceded 5 goals in the entire campaign, from group stage to the Final and went six games without conceding a goal, until the Final. In the league, we conceded 32 goals all season. Compared with conceding 43 in last seasons campaign. I never feel comfortable with our current defence, even with TV in with them. Until our defence is sorted I don't honestly think we will ever win anything. Especially as we are not exactly free scoring anymore.

  7. Loyal Gooner

    Jul 09, 2011, 12:59 #9771

    Spot on! Well executed! Im probably a mere baby compared to some fans been goin to The Arsenal since 82 remember the dark days or some of them, but it made me appreciate the good times that much more! Bit like women, have been all over the place cost me one! I love Arsenal not going to divorce her now we all have a right to an opinion its just that mine might be different! Arsenal was always like a family thats what made it so special! Not like the Skids from up the road, the Chavs and Manure etc Respct to you all!

  8. Gooner S

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:42 #9763

    I am a similar age to you. You're a bit older. You have every right to express your opinion. It doesn't matter whether you go every week or not at all, go to away games, watch from a pub, whether you're local or from India. I don't care. We support Arsenal. And you're right nobody is above criticsm but it needs to be done constructively. Some of the recent anti Wenger posts (mainly as replies in comments sections) have been abusive, foul mouthed rants. No sane person can defend that. Any Arsenal fan that calls Wenger a C**T - which has happened is plain wrong. Frankly they can bugger off somewhere else. I'm sorry if that view p****s people off but that kind of abusive comment is out of order. The present climate surrounding Arsenal blogs is toxic and currently if you dare to support Wenger or stick up for him you get far worse comments than you are referring to. Now the same applies in the reverse as well. If somebody wants to criticise the club or whatever they should be free to do so without receiving abuse. Regarding the price rises; Do I want to pay an extra 6% for my season ticket? No of course not. It is a lot of money. Money, frankly I could choose to spend elsewhere. I have a lot of sympathy with those that can't afford to go to games and wish to. When I was a kid my parents couldn't afford to pay for me to go to games. I know what it is like. Football, in the top flight, is a different beast now. The game changed when Sky TV came in. Some of it good, some not so good. There is more money in the game. When money goes in people want a return and it attracts greedy people too. When the returns are high, as they are in the top flight of football, those playing it (e.g Nasri) want to be compensated in a similar way. Just like an actor or rock star. Suppliers and partners to the clubs will want the same as well. It's business. It's also become trendy to go to football, when in the 70s and 80s it was frowned on by some. Those that were doing the frowning then, now bring money into the game. When we buy our season tickets we buy them to watch a season of football - it is not conditional on winning something. I would watch Arsenal in the 4th division ( I just can't call it the 2nd) and I think you would too! I do wonder about some fans though. Arsenal fans have been spoilt by Wenger. You're of a certain age, you must agree with that? There has been no better Arsenal manager in my lifetime, however you wish to measure success. There is no crisis. 1974 and 1975 was a crisis. We went from 71 to 79 without winning anything, 71 to 89 without winning the league. There wasn't this scale of dissent. Jesus fans even protested when Don Howe was sacked! We can dissagree and still be polite to one another. We are, after all, all Arsenal fans.

  9. Ronster

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:34 #9750

    Gary.It's now bleedin' obvious that Wenger doesn't have the know how to build,coach or motivate a defence that will put their body on the line to keep a clean sheet.Our back four has been pants since the last of King George's 'university schooled' defenders have retired.Before you get in,Keown coached the back four that got us to the CL final before being told his services were no longer required.Too much for Wenger's ego to handle I suspect.Wenger's ability to construct a team that can keep possession for long periods in turn means our defenders are often able to light up the old Cubans,yet when they have to defend that first assault from a set piece after 25 minutes,the result is too often a rippling of the old onion bag! Get my drift? Bloody hell...can you imagine the likes of Seaman,Dixon,Winterburn,Adams,Bould and Keown only having to deal with the occasional foray into our box!?Let's get one thing straight here,Wenger is an intelligent man.Why then hasn't he addressed this problem? What does Pat Rice do? Why hasn't he asked Bould to step up? What the f*** are Keown and Dixon doing on the BBC sofa when they could be sorting out this mess? Ego my son,ego,that's why.Hell I'd have got Georgie scouting for me in the lower leagues! Empires crumble because of over inflated egos...just look at the news this week! Wenger has had his time...thanks for your efforts Arsene but time to go I'm afraid!

  10. CD

    Jul 09, 2011, 9:24 #9743

    @Gary so everything is rosy and we should continue to trust in Arsene. I would love to, problem is I keep seeing players like Almunia, Denilson, Bendtner, Rosicky, Koscielny, Squillaci, Diaby, Fabianski, Traore, Eboue & Vela in our squad plus further players like Walcott, Arshavin, Gibbs, Djourou & Chamakh with whom I am not totally convinced. I accept that no teams supporters are going to be happy with all their players, unless you support Barca right now, and hence I have seperated some of the players into different categories. The point is most of these players have let us and Wenger down, yet all will probably be here at the start of the new season. It's the players whose names I have not listed, which are the ones of course which are mostly linked with leaving, because they are our better ones and they can see what you clearly can't which is that the future is brighter elsewhere. Does this not concern you in the least? I know you will argue that again it's only press speculation, but there is an old saying "there is no smoke without fire" and we are all worried that as our recent history has shown, our best players want out, leaving the overpaid dross in situ ready to scupper another season on our behalf. How can you be so oblivious to the reality that Arsene Wenger's project has failed, and will never in my opinion bear any fruit other than more rotten apples from the lower (cheap) regions of the French Leagues. One final question for you Gary please tell us for how many more years you are prepared to wait for Wenger's project to come good 1,2,3,4,5 years or God forbid more????

  11. Arsene is a fraudster

    Jul 09, 2011, 9:10 #9742

    Gary do bore off with the best run club comment. To be so bereft of reality when it comes to not facing up to our deity's mediocrity and for you to turn around and say that people who have lived and breathed the Arsenal all their lives must prepare to be told to **** off to the lane just shows you what a sanctimonious, up your own arse person you really are. There is a serious problem at our club and the board and wenger need to go. When they do, please for the love of god follow them and close the door on your way out.

  12. Migz

    Jul 09, 2011, 8:58 #9741

    A fantastic article which I have to say is one of the best and balanced ones I've read both on the website and in any of the Gooner editions sold at matches. Frustration is rife throughout the Arsenal fans and I think that sometimes manifests itself by fans talking nonsense, but I think that deep down everyone still wants the same result - getting back to winning things. Although we have been successful in periods, the club has always been to an extent, conservative, in how it is managed from the top and only does enough to keep with the big money clubs. That may be why it is now plainly obvious, what with the emergence of the billionaire owners spalshing the cash, that we are reluctant to compete. I know some of the prices for players are ridiculous, but then again some players we've bought have also been that. Squillaci wasn't exactly cheap, and is he worth it for example? I'm not sure what or who is to blame for this stagnation, and I'm not too sure what it will take to shake things up. I don't think it will be as easy as sacking Arsene Wenger, but I do think that eliminating some dead wood is a good place to start. Part of the problem is that we got used to lots of trophies in a short time period, and now it's agonising to see that a few shortcomings in the team are depriving us of winning things. We obviously don't have a right to win trophies, but when the errors can easily be rectified, and they are not, then it is easy to see why criticism arises and I can understand why booing occurs. Players get paid a stupid amount of money, and some people make a lot of sacrifices to be able to afford to go to games and some of the individual and team performances are just not up to scratch. It is everyone's right to have an opinion and to argue/discuss these with anyone that wants to. It is all part of being a fan.

  13. Poppet

    Jul 09, 2011, 8:42 #9740

    Great article. Gary, I love the idea of us buying the Lion King to improve our defence :-).

  14. Gary

    Jul 09, 2011, 8:12 #9739

    Mick - Please allow me to point out two holes in your argument. I'll start with the defense because that is the easiest. The pundits who hate us keep on telling us our defense is useless. They point to set pieces like you, but these include penalties. Take penalties out and it all changes. How many dodgy penalties were given against us this year? You can count them yourselves. End of that argument. Yes we made a few stupid errors in defense, but everyone does. When the fans start oohing and ahing everytime the ball gets near a defender it puts unneccessary pressure on them. So perhaps we need to relax and show the fans we support them. Why don't you rather answer the critics by pointing out that if manure did not have Webb and co on their team they would have conceded considerably more penalties, ie goals from set pieces? As far as rumours are concerned, you really show your ignorance. What would happen if Wenger came out and said I want to sign player x. The price will increase immediately and people like rednose who do their shopping in the tabloids will immediately make things difficult for us. Wenger is going about it the correct way by playing his cards close to his chest. The real problem lies with the tabloids who do the agents' work for them. How many players have we been linked with this summer whom you and I know Arsenal will never buy? Larsson, Heargreaves, Barton, Defoe,Doyle, and I would like to include Cahill and Samba but that is just my personal opinion (I will accept if we do sign them). The reality is that these players' agents are trying to find buyers for them or push up their wages. Because the tabloids have no respect for us they link these players with us, and enough fans get excited. Sometimes their may be truth in the link, such as Alvarez I believe. However, we do not know all the facts and it is impossible for the club to come out and say I want him. Perhaps the enquiry was to cover the possible loss of someone else. Whatever the case is it is stupid to expect the club to keep the fans up to date with what they are planning. It will be counter-productive. Bloggers have a responsibility to educate their readers, rather than spread negativity and doom and gloom. I have warned before about the example of Newcastle. How the fans became unreasonable and chased a number of managers away. You all know the end was relegation. Is this what you want for Arsenal? How many of you who are so clever about where everything is going wrong has actually played football or any other sport competitively and a high level. How many of you have any experience of managing a football club at the level of Arsenal? As I said before, by all means have your opinion, but when you start saying things such as the people who run the club do not have Arsenal interestes at heart, you must be prepared to be told to f** off down to the Lane, because that is an unbelievably stupid and spiteful statement to make. And I am entitled to my opinion like you, so should be allowed to say so. Or do I not have the right of free speech if do not spout hatred against Wenger and the people who run the club? Arsenal is by far the bust run club in the league according to everyone except the deluded Arsenal fans.

  15. realist

    Jul 09, 2011, 0:11 #9738

    Please enough with the "ive been a fan forever" title bollox like it gives your opinions more ranking than others. As you have the right to ram that rubbish down peoples throats, equally others can tell you to f*** off down the lane if they dont agree with you.

  16. johnnyh

    Jul 08, 2011, 23:45 #9737

    very well said mick .passionate arsenal fans like yourself have been here long before wenger came and will be around long after he is gone. when we see the same bloody mistakes made by the same players season after season coupled with the managers arrogance and ignorance it is our right and quite possibly even our duty to criticise.

  17. Matt

    Jul 08, 2011, 21:09 #9736

    Completely spot on article. Couldn't have put it better if I tried. In fact it was so good, I thought to myself there is no way anyone can disagree or try and find fault with it. That looked to be the case as I was reading through the comments until I got to Gary and the realisation that there ate still so many deluded Arsenal fans came home to roost. I have yet to hear a defence of wenger that doest have more holes in it than a tea bag and just can't get my head around how people can really believe in some of the crap they spew. These people who say f**k off to the lane if your not happy are the same morons who say that people who moan would actually hate it if wenger managed to win something with this group of players. Of course we would be happy. I would be over the moon if it happened. I'm just realistic enough to know it won't if we carry on down the same route. And no, I haven't worked half a day of football in my live Arsene, but I can see what you seemingly can't. So does that make me super intelligent or you super stubborn? Serious change is needed, I just can't see it coming!

  18. k eloquence

    Jul 08, 2011, 20:00 #9735

    It's not the criticism that I feel most people mind but it's the very personal and vindictive negative outpourings on these types of forum that are unacceptable. The club and the current team do deserve criticism but when we are telling our most successful manager in our history to 'eff off then it oversteps the mark. The press at the moment are having a field day with the negativity.Whatever happens between now and the start of the season we should be ready to pull together and support our club.

  19. Exiled-Gooner

    Jul 08, 2011, 20:00 #9734

    Every fan has a right to criticise there team if there doing bad or failing to live up to expectations of oneself,it's natural and every fan of same team should respect it and counter it with a constructive and civilised response instead of ''f**k off to chavski'' or ''follow that s**t at ****e hole lane''.Like you Mick i'm a gooner of over 40yrs and have been through the relegation battles of the mid 70's,slight rise during Mr O'Neill's reign ,mediocrity under Don until George put us back where we belonged etc etc and every time we moaned and bitched but we knew what our expectations were.As we all know football in them days was far,far different and there was more than 4 teams(more like half the league) fighting for the title as winning the league was the only European cup spot but there was 6 places geared for UEFA cup football,we all wanted european football has it still had a sense of of glory wether it be CWC,UEFA or European cup. Today's situation is different to those far off days as this time it was avoidable and self induced with stubborness,greed,penny pinching,ego's,lies,a false vision and bad management,i became a realist in 2008 after backing wenger to the hilt till then but when he didn't buy the 2-3 quality players i believe needed to enhance the squad of 2007/08 so win the title in 2009 that was our downfall and we have fallen behind ever since and only been for the fact that the rest of the league have failed to improve that wenger has constantly attained that cash cow C/L spot until now,though there have been a couple of close calls and with one of those resulted in a panic buy of Arshavin other wise would wenger have splashed out £15million if he didn't need too??.


    Jul 08, 2011, 19:09 #9732

    At last Mick, someone saying what all concerned supporters are feeling during this long 'inactive' summer. We all hoped that Arsene would make serious moves in the transfer market to get the signings required and address the problems we have had for so long, but alas we are still trundling along with the same squad that finished last season with what can only be described as relegation form !!!! I seriously fear for the start of the season as the opening fixtures are tough and as this summer grinds along I and I'm sure many supporters have lost any enthusiasm for the coming season. I have supported the 'gunners' avidly since I was ten and as I approach my sixtieth birthday,I have never felt so disallusioned for the start of a new campaign. I've said to my son (brainwashed since he was four) that what we need is a signing as big as a Denis Bergkamp moment. A statement of intent. I firmly believe that when Dein left the club our ability to get the players we needed disappeared with him. He was the real driving force behind the club and manager. The current board and indeed Wenger do not appear to have the abilty to close deals. Dein was more perceptive to the feelings of the supporters. I hate whats going on at the club and the malaise that surrounds it, and all the media having their usual field day at our expense. I will always support the team passionately from the outer reaches of North Wales, come what may, but like you Mick, our feelings should be made known as real caring supporters. It's our club, these people only come and go after a number of years. We, as life long supporters,are here for the full term !! How did we come to this after the great team of 2004 when the future looked so bright?

  21. NBN

    Jul 08, 2011, 18:20 #9731

    **** off down the lane if you dont like it. Good article!

  22. dartford gooner

    Jul 08, 2011, 17:51 #9730

    Well put Mick, i to started going in 67 and have been a season ticket holder for 30 odd years. Its not a crime to criticize something that is so close to your heart. Blind faith can lead to a lot of pain.Big changes have got to be made and made quickly. Arsene today said we have got to bring in one or two new players. If he thinks that is all we need no wonder the tide is turning against him . Gary if you think the board knows what the problems are why the bloody hell dont they sort them out.

  23. Theo's Underpants Designer

    Jul 08, 2011, 16:54 #9728

    Gary, And the problem with fans like you is that it seems you're always prepared to settle for promises of 'there'll be Jam tomorrow' whilst making all kinds of excuses for the dry bread we've been eating from 2006 until today. Arsene and the Board will be proud!! Meanwhile back in the real world, the respected and powerful force that used to be The Arsenal are being kicked from pillar to post by all and sundry and are now the laughing stock of English football.

  24. Ell's

    Jul 08, 2011, 16:51 #9727

    Great article Mike ,I totally agree that as fans we should be able to critize whats happening at our club, without being told to f**k off down the lane.

  25. Jayelljay

    Jul 08, 2011, 16:44 #9726

    Absolutely agree with your eloquent article, Mick. I've been a regular since 1963 and have held a season ticket since 1993. I cannot remember feeling more frustrated with 'everthing' at Arsenal than I do at the moment. We ARE entitled to criticise both manager and board. Just where are the new signings we need. Even those rumoured to be coming scarcely excite. and we certainly need to shift out the dross as everybody and his mate has been saying. We COULD do with a change of coach but I don't think the manager will go...unless he himself decides to. The interesting rumour I DID hear...was that that would happen next summer. Meanwhile Cesc stays...and Guardiola arrives for that following season. That would be Happy days

  26. non-smoking gun!

    Jul 08, 2011, 15:44 #9725

    Greed, greed, greed!!! Players, managers, board members and most definately owners, (Majority shareholders). Exactly how much money do these people actually need?!! It makes me sick! CAN WE HAVE OUR GAME BACK PLEASE?!!!

  27. Don

    Jul 08, 2011, 15:43 #9724

    Gary its not a rumour that we havent won a trophy for 6 seasons,that we havent finished in the top 2 since 2005,that our best players want to leave,that we pay usless players way too much,that we charge the higgest ticket prices in the world,that we expect teams who want to buy our players to pay top dollar yet when it comes to buying players we always haggle over the asking price and 9 times out of ten we miss out on players because of this.And things are going to get worse.Top post Mick

  28. Goonerpearty

    Jul 08, 2011, 15:12 #9723

    Standing ovation from me mate. COME ON YOU REDS.

  29. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:50 #9722

    The best piece I've read on this site so far. Don't worry about the "f**k off to Spurs" brigade - they consist of late coming glory hunters, sleepers from other clubs trying to stir the nest, below - average keyboard warriors, or in a reflection of current times, people who are so wrapped up in the social phenomenon of shouting into cyberspace, that they are unaware of the gradual erosion of their own social skills. All those elements support a worthy enough reason not to reply to such nonsense. Thankfully, most if not all of the other replies to your piece appreciate the balance, reason and thought you've put into this.

  30. Gary

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:50 #9721

    I would like to make another comment to show why I think the fans should just stop criticising the manager. How many of you thought we should sign Simba, before the tabloids started linking him with us. Not many I suggest. You just hear a name and you follow blindly, and then some even get impatient that we have not yet concluded the deal. To put it bluntly, you know f-all. There are pros who analyses the players in 100's areas. Yet some agent or tabloids says we are after so-and-so and when it does not happen Wenger is stingy or the board is greedy, or we dithered or something similarly stupid. Eventually I get tired of all this negativity from people who are not professional football managers. Why cant I give my opinion about you (ie ask you to go and follow another team if you are so unhappy?) After all, if you are allowed to moan about the club, surely I am entitled to criticise your moaning as long as I do it constructively? This I say with only the best of intentions. Let us unite behind the club and not fall for the divisive tactics of the opposition.

  31. TimG

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:40 #9720

    Great article. I like you, and a few others on here started going to Highbury in 1967 when my dad took me. I now have been a season ticket holder since 1981. As a result I feel I have right to voice my opinion on team matters and any other matters that the powers to be decide on our behalf. I think Wenger has been losing the plot since he dismantled The Invincible without adequete replacments. I do slightly disagree with you on one point. I would never boo the players during the match, however, once the final whistle has gone I feel quite entitled to vent my frustrations on this current lot of no hopers if I feel thier performance has not been up to it. Otherwise how are they going to know how we feel? The players and manager are not going to read sites like this. Giving them a good old fashioned 'booing' will let them know exactly where they stand with us.

  32. Mick Appleton

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:40 #9719

    Gary, The reason I mentioned rumour is that the club keep us in the dark, if Man U are linked with a player they generally get them but we have to endure being linked with hundreds of players every window but none of them are ever signed. With regard to the defence, we conceded more league goals than any of the teams that finished above us & we conceded the highest percentage of goals from set pieces in the top flight, I think those statistics back up a need for bigger & better defenders as we had in Arsene's successful years. Lastly you are deluding yourself if you think the people who currently run the club know best or have the best interests of Arsenal supporters at heart, as long as there's money in the bank they couldn't care less if there's success on the pitch.

  33. CD

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:32 #9718

    @Gary what planet do you live on? How on earth can you say that our defence statistically is not leaky. The problem with only viewing stats is, that you get a false perspective. If you believe in stats, how come you are not aware of the one which shows our club concedes the most goals from set pieces - approx 56% last season I believe. It is this very aspect we are all refering too, as yes we realize our defence is better than say Wigan's or Blackpool's but so what, they are not a big clubs trying to win the big prizes. We are in case you did not realize a very big club, although I would admit that currently we do not behave like one, which is why we are all so unhappy currently, bearing in mind the top prices we pay to watch our team. Couple this with the fact that for donkeys years it's always been the one thing we have had - a quality rock solid defence. The fact that we simply all now expect the worst, whenever a set piece is conceded against us says it all. In the past I could not have given two hoots whenever set pieces were conceded, as I had 100% confidence and faith in our entire backline which even surely you can't have today, can you?

  34. Brigham

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:23 #9716

    Gary, I am not sure how you can comment that the statistics do not show our defence to have been leaky last season. Are they the same statistics of a defence which allowed several two-goal leads to be dropped? Are they the same statistics which allowed a FOUR-GOAL lead to be dropped? Over and over last season, our wobbly defensive frailties cost us last season, including a cup final we should have won comfortably or letting a team like Villa take a two goal lead against us at home, a team who could not buy an away win. However, that did not stop me supporting my team, home and away last season and it will not stop me again next season. I just think, like many other old Gooners, we want our solid ‘they shall not pass’ defence back once again, among other things.

  35. BNG

    Jul 08, 2011, 14:22 #9715

    top quality article Mick and it's nice to feel i'm not the only old git (1972 debut for me vs Stoke as a 9 year old in toe with the old man)who feels totally disconnected with the manager/players/board.......myself i'm at the giggling stage as another transfer window disaster is upon us but my 18 year old son is in the anger stage as he keeps saying what OGL must do to sort things out and I keep saying Wenger wont ever admit to being wrong and it really doesn't matter who we get if it still takes 50 passes to get from one penalty area to the other without ever shooting anyway,having supported us through the dark days of the mid 70s and early 80s I understand you take the rough with the smooth......but I can't see anything other than half hearted performances from prima donna show ponies under the current regime ......oh well back to shouting at the clouds for me now

  36. Richard Ansell

    Jul 08, 2011, 13:57 #9714

    In reply to Gary's comment. What planet are you on? We have been waiting for the manager to sort our defensive shambles out for years now and have finally lost patience. How you can say our defence is not 'leaky' is beyond me. You say Wenger wants to win as much as we do? Well I would like to see some evidence of this please instead of his continual backing of players just not up to the job. What will it take for the penny to drop with you?

  37. GoonerRon

    Jul 08, 2011, 13:47 #9713

    Mick - I really like your article, in as much as genuine supporters absolutely have the right to voice their opinions, concerns and feelings without being told to f*** off to another club. I think where the lines get blurred is where people become disrespectful (I saw Wenger likened to Saddam Hussein in one article) or simply call those with a more positive outlook on our situation as AKB's, mugs, sheep etc. The fact is the vast majority of posters here care deeply about our club - we may differ on what we see as success, what we are prepared to tolerate in terms of results, league positions, financial models, players wages, squad depth etc - and that is exactly what these blogs are about. I do, however, get really frustrated when healthy, logical, fact-based debate is thrown out of the window and exchanged with purile, childish insults from both sides of the fence.

  38. Ron

    Jul 08, 2011, 13:44 #9712

    1967 eh? Mick, that was the year of my first 'Derby' Game at Highbury. 4 - 0 to the Arsenal. That was the year when we stepped from Spurs shadow after their wonderful teams of the early to mid 60s had quite rightly shown us to be inept by comparison. I tell you what mate. Supporting the lads then ie Furnell, Raddie, Armstrong, Neill, Court, Sammels, Graham, Storey and Co made the fans and me proud to be a Gunner. The year after, we lost to Leeds in the LC Final when dirty Jack Charlton and his thugs winkled a 1-0 win, but the loss was a loss with pride and passion nontheless unlike last February's debacle. This rabble today are a shadow of and a disgrace to players and teams like those of your own and my childhood. If i wasnt a long standing fan, i wouldnt like the modern Arsenal very much to be honest. Never did like cry babies, bottlers and whingers.

  39. Swerve

    Jul 08, 2011, 13:37 #9711

    Gary, rumours??? Short defenders Goal shy midefielders, outbattled Underperforming stars bought because they were brilliant in one position, but played in another at Arsenal and form has dropped off No true captain material Average players that we cannot sell due to their ridiculous wages No defensive strategy at set pieces whatsoever Summers of neglect when positions needed filling And on and on and on. Rumours?????

  40. Gary

    Jul 08, 2011, 13:04 #9710

    The problem i have with fans criticising the club is that most of it is based on rumours and not facts. How many times in your article do you use the word rumour? Off course we are unhappy about many things, most of all the way the season ended. Don't you think the manager knows that? Don't you think he wants to win as much or even more than we do? How much of our unhappiness is because of the constant bombardment from the tabloids who are manure fans? Take as an example the issue about our so-called leaky defense. The statistics do not support that point of view. Simple as that. Why can we not allow the manager, who-ever he is, to use all the knowledge and input at his possession to just get on with his job. Why do we feel the need so strongly to shout out that the club is being run by fools? Our role as supporters is to do just that? How many times have we been criticised for being too quiet at Highbury or Emirates? What are we doing about that? When are we going to get behind our team iso booing them? It is much easier to follow the Arsenal-haters in their constant criticism than it is to stand up and say let the people who run the club sort it out. They know what the problems are, better than we do - and you know that that is the truth. What do we accomplish with all the moaning - absolutely nothing constructive.

  41. Richard Ansell

    Jul 08, 2011, 13:01 #9709

    Well said Mick - from the heart by the sound of it and completely in line with my perception of our club and manager over the last few years. I go back nearly as far as you with Arsenal and although I can remember feeling anger and frustration many times in the past, my loathing of Arsene Wenger and the current board is on a different level. It is the complete refusal to address the blindingly obvious faults in the team that gets me, and the fact that all the under-achieving players (we all know them) are still there taking undeserved, ridiculous salaries and waiting again next season to f..k things up. The decline since 2005 has been unforgiveable and so unecessary. Wenger did the hard part in getting us to the top (and I thank him for that obviously) and then let it all wither on the vine instead of investing in the team every season with one or two quality transfers. That is what Ferguson does and Paisley at did Liverpool during their hey day. I hate the sight of the man now and can not bear to listen to his post match nonsense. I know my Arsenal mate (CD) feels exactly the same and to make two die hard supporters feel like we do takes some doing. We have had enough and I hope D day is coming soon for Wenger as our few remaining top players (like Nasri) finally see through the false promises of jam tomorrow and want to leave for clubs that actually have some ambition. Something has got to force change before it is too late and we find ourselves in the doldrums for years to come.

  42. darren mitchell

    Jul 08, 2011, 12:50 #9708

    thats a great couple of points you just made i totally agree with not booing the players or manager everyone is frustrated at this time and as you rightly said entitled to their own opinion without being told to f off down the lane

  43. kdmgooner

    Jul 08, 2011, 12:44 #9707

    Refreshing to see the voice of reason on here. I too come from a very similar background having started in 1968 at the age of 10 and now hold silver membership which I would never give up. So I remember the barren years before GG removed Liverpoll from their lofty perch and the AW invincibles were the best team I have ever seen. I am pained to see where we are right now and blame the board more than Wenger they show a disgusting lack of respect for us and are simply lining their own pockets. We dont expect to compete at the 50m end of the transfer market but to probably lose out on the likes of Cahill for the sake of being too slow to act or refusing to increase our offer a little is suicidal. especially when we have players in our ranks that we have payed as much as (or more than)for who are frankly the worst I have seen at the club in my 40 odd supporting years

  44. Gunner6288

    Jul 08, 2011, 12:41 #9706

    Agree completely, as long as people don't be a dick about it, any fan has a right to their own opinion.

  45. Pat

    Jul 08, 2011, 12:22 #9705

    Spot on article. I feel exactly the same way, criticising the team is part and parcel of being a proper fan. thats what you talk about in the pub or at home, who's good, who's rubbish, what's the manager doing? That's why it's worrying when you see most of the transfer rumours are with us linked to forwards and wingers, we all know that our defense is pants, vermalen or no vermalen we need to strengthen. and we've got plenty of attacking midfielders and only one defensive and he's average at best.

  46. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jul 08, 2011, 12:18 #9704

    I too thought we’d have a change of emphasis in the transfer market – but the (probable) release of 2 of our only 3 or 4 world class players and replacing them with cheap and untried French mediocrity is reconfirmation of Arsenal being simply run as a profit led organisation. Sadly we live in a time where the suits in charge of Arsenal consider finishing 4th better than winning the FA Cup and League Cup combined because share prices increase - but to those of us who love Arsenal and football, it’s just plain wrong. Sadly, it seems the only way this cancer that is eating Arsenal will only be treated when the inevitable drop down to 5th or even below occurs.

  47. Nick

    Jul 08, 2011, 12:00 #9703

    Brilliant piece i too have supported the club since 1964 in the days of Billy Wright and dont anybody tell me to sod off down the lane i agree with everything you said except for one point im begining to think the club is run by incompetents look at the sponsership deals,the silly wages and contracts for average players and the refusal to speculate to accumulate i also fear that the nessasary team strenghtening will not be done and well get the same tired excuses as before eienstein once said the definition of insanity was doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result on that basis the current incumbents are as mad as a box of frogs

  48. kieran feeney

    Jul 08, 2011, 11:49 #9702

    well said, constructive criticism is valid, end of, supporters are fed up, we seem to be split in the fans category, we must just live in hope, as all fans do.

  49. Yanto

    Jul 08, 2011, 11:22 #9701

    First Class article - You speak with great passion, articulation and TRUTH. I just wish that someone within the club would get both Arsene Wenger, the players AND the Board to actually read this and other such pieces, whether they would take any notice or not one can only guess, But at least they could never claim that they weren't told. I too am a Gooner of over 40 years standing (now sitting!) and it not only greatly angers and saddens me to witness what is happening, (perhaps that should be what is NOT happening) to our beloved Arsenal, but then when people do raise their voices in genuine concern, they are accused by what I consider to be mindless sheep of being disloyal...well I was a Gooner long before Arsene came and God willing will be long after he has moved on.....btw: I love the guy for whay he has done for Arsenal, and as much as I am critical of his actions and inactions these past 4 seasons, I still genuinely hope that he can and does turn things around this summer before it is too late, and that when he does leave it isn't under a cloud, but rather with the gratitude and love of the fans.

  50. Hugh jass

    Jul 08, 2011, 11:04 #9700

    Piss off to the lane mate ha ha ha only joking, great article I completely agree. Until we start to take a few risks and spend an extra few million we will not win trophies and with every one else spending and improving we run the risk of falling out of the top four and who knows finish below the scum

  51. chrisy boy

    Jul 08, 2011, 11:01 #9699

    good article mick, i agree with all your points, to pay an extra £1 million or so for the likes of samba is no risk what so ever, espiecally when you have a major shareholder worth £17 billion who is not even allowed on the board !! The nasri and cesc transfers are getting boring now, grow some balls wenger and tell whoever to put there money where there mouth is or to shut up, knowing the way the club seem to be working these days both will be sold towards the end of the transfer window, leaving us no time to sign ideal replacements.

  52. ppp

    Jul 08, 2011, 11:00 #9698

    If you "reserve the right to criticise" then surely you should be able to accept criticism?

  53. Loyal since 1980

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:47 #9697

    I agree totally, it seems that if you do not agree with the way things are run at our club at the moment, you are told to f**k off and go down the ****hole at N17, and usually these words of advice are given by the AWB. Everyone has a right to voice their opinions, my opinion is at the moment we are in bad state and it is because of AW's current project which has got us nowhere in the last 6 years. Our best players over the years have left, and the dross (we know who they are) are still there. AW must change his policy this season, he was a great manager in his early days, at the moment he is OK, but if he can admit he has made errors and willing to shift direction in his policy then we and he can become champions again.

  54. Stumpy Den

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:46 #9696

    Great article, good to see that long standing fans are still loyal and FANS. It makes sense that a club that is successful on the pitch and winning trophy's will be followed by others not only in this country but around the world. Why is it that we are now going to China. Reason;- there is a large fan base out there waiting to be tapped into. However if Man Ure were to go out there how many fans would they attract. Only because they are successful. I have always belived we are a far better side than Man Ure, because of our history and reputation, but a few trophy's in the cabinet would help to attract those people that dont know to much about us. No matter how many we attract, the board and manager should never forget the loyal base they have here and listen to our justified and warranted concerns.

  55. Ian

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:44 #9695

    I couldn't have put it better myself, also a very frustrated season ticket holder, though I love them through & through with all my heart as I have been going for over 25 years now (and I'm 32 by the way), have had a season ticket for over 14 years, there is no shame in constructive criticism, doesn't make you any less of a supporter! I will always support Arsenal no matter what they do.

  56. Gooner Sam

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:43 #9694

    Very good article Mick and couldn't agree more. I feel that the democracy side supporters views is unfortunately not only restricted amongst fans but also inside the club. No one can question Arsene, he is beyond reproach and that is wrong!

  57. Carlos

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:30 #9693

    Fantastic article, your view is that held by many.

  58. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:27 #9692

    Mick, I'm fully behind you and so are most Arsenal Fans. The ones that still believe miracle are from a different world. Arsenal have no right to wait till the transfer window closes to buy players since we haven't bought anyone (I mean decent or world class players, except Arshavin but proving not to be a really good one) for the last 7 years, so why wait till the end for good deals. People show respect to Clubs who just go and buy the players they can afford. Arsenal can or not afford the players they want but one thing for sure is that the Shareholders and the stingy board need to get paid either way!!! I too love Arsenal but right now I'm not in the mood to show any love!

  59. Beppe Grigio

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:25 #9691

    Excellent piece Mick - finally a reasonable and balanced article on the Gooner... Totally agree that fans must be allowed to criticise, especially when there are such exasperating and consistent shortcomings with the team and when the management is seemingly so short-sighted on such obvious deficiencies. But I think the most important point you make is about keeping the criticism out of the stadium. There is nothing more painful than hearing Gooners booing their own players and its not the Arsenal way although sadly we are becoming renowned for it amongst other Premier League teams.

  60. rvp22

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:24 #9690

    I agree. What scares me is that no performance targets appear to be set for Mr Wenger and this is effectivelhy giving him the freedom to run the club into the ground. The question I have been asking for some time is "when is enough, enough". When we can't compete for league honours, when we cant qualify for the champs league, when we can't qualify for europe or when we heaven forbit get relegated. I actually like Wenger but at some point he must change or be changed.

  61. Dave1969

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:08 #9689

    We are all entitled to say how we feel. That stadium is crying for a superstar and as the team behind the scenes has been improved we are now one of the big clubs. Every season we are losing players, in Arsene we trusted but alas I think he is coming to the end of the road as are the board .

  62. Abbram

    Jul 08, 2011, 10:01 #9688

    I agree with you on this. The problems the club has faced trophy-wise should have being avoided if only we spent an extra 1 or 2 million. The painful aspect is that the board seem less concerned with wat the fans have to say.

  63. The Hampshire Gooner

    Jul 08, 2011, 9:55 #9687

    Really feel that certain people posting on this site should read this post. Take note as it clearly comes from someone that cares deeply about how the club is being run and who has the opinion that current ambition levels being shown are just not good enough. An opinion I find it hard to disagree with.

  64. Loony Goon!

    Jul 08, 2011, 9:54 #9686

    Here Here!!! 100% agree!! I am not giving the club a penny of my money until they show the same passion and drive as I have! Its not about winning things, its about trying to win them! I could't give a toss about the clubs finances, we dont sing balance sheets from the terraces ! The rise and fall of the greatest manager we have ever had. Its sad that Wenger can not see that every day that passes he wrecks his legacy a little more !

  65. CD

    Jul 08, 2011, 9:50 #9685

    Well said Mick, couldn't have put it better myself. The irony is that it appears to be mainly recent Johnny come lately fans who dish out this ridiculous f**k off down the lane line, because they are the very ones whose attachment is more with Arsene than with Arsenal. Fans like you and me who have supported this club for over 40 years, have a right to express our concerns without being questioned about our loyalty, simply because we don't like the direction Wenger and this money grabbing board are steering us towards, which is forever into also ran status, whilst other more ambitious clubs take all the prizes.

  66. Inthealpesgooner

    Jul 08, 2011, 9:45 #9684

    Good on ya! It's just so frustrating.

  67. Brigham

    Jul 08, 2011, 9:40 #9683

    Mick, a cracking article and read and it echoes many sentiments I can identify myself with. We as a club are stagnating and unless it is changed very soon, we will fall away. Arsenal is run as a business and with any business, if you snooze, you lose! By the wayyou beat me to the ground by two years, as I was ushered along with my father in 1969 as a nine year old to watch us play Wolves.

  68. MarkH

    Jul 08, 2011, 9:35 #9682

    Quite right.People died for the right to free speech.This afterall is a public forum.Trouble is some people do not repect that freedom of speech. As a famous more eloquent man than I once said 'I do not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for you right to say it'