Optimism for the New Season

How to avoid high-blood pressure in the off-season

Optimism for the New Season

No need to pull your hair out just yet

As this week saw the first of many possible leavers exit the club this summer, I thought it would be a good time to add some realism to what has been going on at our club over the recent weeks and months.

Some people seem to think that it is all doom and gloom at our club these days and by the time the season kicks off, we will hardly have any players left pulling on the red and white jersey. Some papers would have you believe that there has been a revolving door installed at the club’s training ground and that some players want out as soon as they arrive at Arsenal on day one. Some fans are even insisting that we will be involved in some sort of relegation battle come next spring.

Let us get real for a moment or two here. We are not going to collapse as a club suddenly just because one or two players decide to leave. Ask yourself a couple of questions to put it all into perspective. Question one - What have any of the players currently looking to leave the club actually won whilst being at the club? Question two - Have we not lost more important players than these in the past without the ship sinking?

Gael Clichy has left the club and joined Man City. We got a minimum of £7m for a player that had one season left on his contract and did not want to sign another one as he knew he could get more money elsewhere than Arsenal were prepared to offer him. He has made too many mistakes as a left back and had very poor positional sense for a defender. Will we miss him? Not really.

If Samir chooses to leave the club, will it really be because he wants to see us make a few more top signings or will it be more down to the fact that other clubs might pay him the six figure weekly salary with the fat signing-on fee that he craves? Is he any different to our good old friend, Mr. Adebayor? I think not. What has Samir won at Arsenal? Nothing. Where was he for the final five months of last season? Nowhere. Will we miss him? Not if we buy an adequate replacement.

If Cesc does decide to call time on his Arsenal career then what should we do as a club? Get the best price possible for him and move on just as we did when we lost the likes of Henry, Vieira and Pires. We will need to spend wisely to get anything like a worthwhile replacement in for Cesc, but with Ramsey already in the squad and money to spend, Cesc leaving isn’t really the end of the world. Let us not forget that last season he wasn’t really at the races anyway and we still managed to be in with a shout of the title up until early April.

I can see a summer transfer kitty of a minimum of £60m being made available after these players leave for pastures new and I for one actually find this quite an exciting and refreshing prospect. Why should we be afraid to lose players that have won us nothing over the past six seasons? We will at last be forced as a club to spend some proper money. You can be sure of that. And I feel confident that one or two of the bigger names on the potential target list might be lured this way with that sort of kitty to spend on them. For me, if we could pull off a signing or two in the mould of an Eden Hazard and or a Leighton Baines then this will more than make up for the disappointments of losing Samir and co. It is this calibre of signing that we should be aiming for as a club this summer to freshen things up a little and to give some optimism back to the fans.

It is one thing trying to bring in the likes of Gervinho, Samba and Oxlade-Chamberlain, but in the real world these signings will not be enough to appease the fans after a lacklustre ending to last season and the real possibility of losing one or two of our bigger names this summer. We need to make our intentions as a club clear, so we are not seen as simply a nursery for players to come to and enhance their reputations before leaving for the real big boys a season or two later. We cannot allow this situation to develop any further as in recent years the quality of player wanting to leave seems to have gotten higher and higher.

In the earlier years of AW’s reign at the club, it seemed as if no one who had been at Arsenal wanted to leave. It felt like a family unit at our club for most of the players at that time. After a few seasons of enhancing their reputations further, the likes of Vieira were linked with summer moves to bigger clubs. These moves never took place at that time though and you were reasonably assured that all of the big names would still be at the club come August every year. In recent times this trend has changed as our on field achievements have nose-dived. It now seems an age since the likes of Vieira, Pires and Henry left the club. What we have seen over recent seasons is the likes of Hleb, Flamini and Adebayor declare their desire to move on to bigger and better things. Are these players in the class of Vieira, Henry or Pires? The clear answer is no and let us be honest, we only let Vieira, Henry and Pires leave when it was right for us as a club to do so. We had seen the best years of all of those players at our club and then sold them on for decent amounts of money (Pires aside) when they were in the latter years of their careers.

When you get to a stage where mediocre players are declaring a desire to ply their trade elsewhere then you have to start asking questions as to why this is starting to happen. Should a player of Clichy’s abilities really be in a position to decide for himself that Arsenal are no longer meeting his own needs as a footballer whether that is on a financial basis or otherwise? I personally would like to think not. A player of this quality should feel fortunate to be pulling on the jersey every week as in years gone he wouldn’t have been deemed good enough to do so and that is a fact. Gael only got his chance to be a regular when Ashley Cole left all those years ago and in all honesty he has hardly proved himself to be Mr. Consistent, has he? My answer to him is good riddance.

What we shouldn’t do is rely on Kieran Gibbs as his replacement as he is unproven and injury prone (not a good combination in my eyes). We should instead set an example and go and out and buy a better replacement than Clichy in Leighton Baines of Everton. We need to blow them out of the water with an offer they can’t refuse and show some ambition with the balls to go with it. We have got the money coming into the kitty, so why not use it on proven talent that will instantly improve our side?

If we bought Baines, Hazard, Gervinho and Samba or Cahill, then this would show an intention to genuinely compete with the best. Whereas if we stick to the last two or three names on that list I feel it would be a big step back compared to last season’s squad and we proved to be not good enough then, so how could any of us then get excited about the upcoming new season?

The time to procrastinate has been and gone. Now is the time for us to start showing the ambition that got us to the point of needing a new stadium in the first place. We need to do this now and not in January when we are struggling to gain a top four spot for next season. We will have the money, we will have the stadium and we will have the Champions League spot to attract the big names to us for the upcoming season. More importantly in my eyes, we are coming off the back of some real criticism of the way that the club is being run for the first time in a long while which makes the need for change even greater. Arsenal are beginning to wake up and take notice of how frustrated some elements of the support have grown with how things have gone over the past three seasons or so. It is this fact, in my opinion, that makes the chances of quality new signings happening this close season greater than summers in the recent past.

I feel the club will show ambition and we will see some major signings over the next month or so. For if we do not and Samir and Cesc leave us as now appears likely, the unease and frustration within the fan base will only grow and grow and get more vocal with it. The club we all support surely cannot want that to happen as it will make certain people’s positions at the club virtually untenable.

Therefore let us be patient and see what happens over the next month or so before we start pulling our hair out. I feel confident that by then we will be looking quite a bit stronger than the media would have you believe. That is for certain.

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  1. ching

    Jul 14, 2011, 14:44 #9956

    Having won absolutely nothing since joining Arsenal, i don't mind Cesc, Nasri or Clichy leaving except for 2 reasons. 1. will Wenger sign a better replacement, HELL NO. 2. If we want to improve the team, why not get rid of the weeklings and replace them with better options.(Denilson, EBOUE,SQUILLACI,BENDTNER,ROSICKY,ALUMUNIA,TRAORE) imo if Cesc and Nasri leaves and Wenger(against all odds) finds adequate replacements, we'll only at best remain at the same level as last season. which wasn't good enough. The only way we can improve is to ship off the dead woods, keep Cesc and Samir and the bring in quality players( Gervihno is a good start, but not enough)to compete. With Da Gea, Ashley Young and possibly Sneijder, the CHAMPIONS will be a lot better than they were last year. how on earth can we compete with them, if the only thing we've done is to sign Gervinho. You can see why Nasri and Cesc want to leave, bcos it's all talk and no action,Wenger won't buy any quality player.Period

  2. mikeyb772001

    Jul 11, 2011, 17:23 #9867

    Are you ****ing stupid? As if we will sign players that are as good as Nasri or Cesc. If we sell them we wont replace we will just do teh usual and go primark shopping whilst making huge amounts of profits If i knew we would spend the 45 mil available now and the money from the sales of Clichy, Bendy, nasri and cesc then i would be happy Sadly we wont spend all of that money or anything near

  3. Xnedu

    Jul 11, 2011, 16:39 #9864

    @Bob Smith, 'Whoever left us and went on to bigger things?' Well, Ashley Cole for one.Flamini just won the league in Italy.What have we won since they both left? ......... (insert answer). Those waiting for a major influx of players are Waiting for Godot. Wenger promised us a busy season and what has he done so far? Signed Don Whathisname, the hottest,world classiest,talent oozing from every pore Under 21 from division 1. Happy days are here.

  4. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jul 11, 2011, 15:21 #9862

    Similarity between the greedy rats (Clichy, Nasri, Greedybayor)? All french speakers, all plied their trade in france, all we average before coming AND remained average other than one season(greedybayor) and samir(half a season). Yet,has this stopped Whinger from buying more average, french speaking talent from France? Nope. Gervinho. Same stats as Chamakh and the outcome will be the same - utter failure. Look at the guy's slight physique. He's 5 feet 10 inches. The first kick from Shawcross or Vidic will send him running for his mommy like Chamakh after November. And in the case that he beats all odds and has a good season, he'll be agitating to move to Citeh like Greedybayor. The problem is Whinger. The problem is always looking to buy french speaking players.

  5. Gee

    Jul 11, 2011, 13:24 #9857

    Good points The only real dip we had when we sold a top class player in recent years was when Vieira went to Juventus in 2005. The 2005-06 season was a real struggle that went to the last day to see if we could get in the top 4. However we did hammer a Juventus side, containing Vieira that season on the way to a CL final. So a bit of silver lining there. After this Pires went in 2006, and then Henry in 2007. The 2007-08 season was the closest we came to winning the league since 2004 at this point and was derailed largely due to the Eduardo leg break. So as you see post sales of our top drawer players have not chucked the club into a downward spiral as most would suggest. As long as funds from the possible sales of Cesc and Nasri are reinvested in quality I have no issue in them going. As you quite rightly say, they have won the club nothing what so ever despite being deemed our most influential. I now think the current mix of british and continental players we have is the best for a while. All we need is to supplement the squad with Cahill and I think we are on nigh on ready. Cahill, Gibbs, Wilshere, Ramsey and Walcott. That is a decent British contingent that will serve us well next season

  6. Richard Ansell

    Jul 11, 2011, 12:37 #9856

    I hope you are right, but I do not trust Wenger at all, and can not see him splashing the cash. Even if he does will it be on the right players - DEFENDERS, GOAL KEEPER, DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER. I very much doubt it!

  7. Exiled-Gooner

    Jul 11, 2011, 3:01 #9844

    Aaron has brought up a good point and that is how our,as fans,expectations have dropped.He lists 6 quality players which WE SHOULD BE GOING FOR but some Arsenal fans are happy to see us linked to Samba of Blackburn who just avoided relegation,Cahill from Bolton who finished a place above samba's lot but no clamouring for the likes of Mertesacker,Sanchez,Kjaer etc etc and it saddens me.To me it points out that our club is going to drop out the reckoning unless changes are made or we end up like we did in the early eighties buying has beens or average players just to maintain a position and no chance of challenging for anything.

  8. Block G Gooner

    Jul 10, 2011, 21:24 #9832

    Danish Gooner = very well said!!! Is it no coincidence that wenger always tries to sign players that he is well aware he cannot sign but can then roll out the usual bulls#it that he 'tried' but did not have enough time left and upon reflection they would not improve and already strong squad.....and Ramsey will be like a new signing!!!!!

  9. Confused gooner

    Jul 10, 2011, 17:58 #9795

    Problem with all of the above is that dont think the French Economist is down with signing top names with a transfer fee more than 20M. If not, we would have signed Villa last year. We always lose players on few millions difference and this has remain since Wenger took charge

  10. Brigham

    Jul 10, 2011, 16:54 #9793

    Its a money issue without doubt. Just look at how many of our 'stars' we have lost over the years because Arsenal have the pay structure they enforce: Brady, Stapleton, Vieira, Henry, Cesc Nasri? We are a joke club in the transfer market, always have been and always will. Ever since David Dein was pushed out, its gotten worse. Wenger is utterly clueless in the market, he dithers and misses out all because he wants to save the odd million. Get rid of him, enough is is enough.

  11. chrisy boy

    Jul 10, 2011, 13:03 #9789

    if we are to believe the bbc website this morning at 09 41, nasri as agreed to join citeh for £185,000 a week and he is just waiting for the 2 clubs to sort out the transfer fee, if thats the case then how can Arsenal possibly match those kind of wages and if we are all being honest then we shouldnt even think about paying that kind of money to a player that had a great half to last season but thats all, i live in hope that this uefa fair play will make it a more even playing field, but can u honestly see man u, chelsea, barca, real, and the likes being kicked out of the champions league because of there debt, no it just aint going to happen, so where do we go as a club from here ?

  12. Cesctastic

    Jul 10, 2011, 12:30 #9788

    Good article thanks. Problem is cesc and sami are gonna go and wenger is not gonna replace them... more to the point all this rumour and speculation is allowing wenger to avoid addressing the serious frailties in our defence! I honestly feel he will sign gervinho and perhaps one more. The centre backs are so bad he should have already bought someone to play alongside the verminator. if he hasnt already what leads you to think he will with a month left to go?

  13. Moving on

    Jul 10, 2011, 12:24 #9787

    I wish they'd just end it so that we can all move on. Ramsey / Wilshere midfield combo is fine with me. Lose 2 of the more creative types and we might also lose the tippy tappy rubbish.

  14. Aaron

    Jul 10, 2011, 12:04 #9786

    Seem to have a very high opinion of Leighton Baines? he is not of high enough calibre to bring in and because Moyes does not get given all of the money and has negotiated top money for the likes of Rooney and Lescott he thinks all of his players are worth double what they are. We should go out and buy proven quality in their prime. That means Maarten Stekelenburg (GK), Nevin Subotic (CB), Ally Cissokho (LB), Eden Hazard (AM), Juan Mata (Winger) and Karim Benzema (CF)

  15. Nugs

    Jul 10, 2011, 11:11 #9785

    optimism? just seen the asian tour squad, denilson! need i say more.

  16. Exiled-Gooner

    Jul 10, 2011, 10:37 #9784

    A good article Hampshire but i'm afraid i don't share in your optimism,as already stated we been down this road for the last 4-5 years and always had our hopes dashed accompanied with the same worn out excuses.I hope Wenger has a list of players to go for,commonsense really,and has been ,like manure etc, trying since the end of the season trying to get them but as everything is behind closed doors we never know and that also goes for our transfer budget. I expect Cesc to go but he has already said few years back that his wish is to return to Barca and is not about money but ambition.It is with sad circumstances that he will leave disillusioned with The Arsenal and only a FA cup winners medal after,what i can only see why he stayed,what wenger promised but failed to deliver.Nasri is about ambition and actually winning trophies otherwise he would have signed the £90,000 pw contract offered and be guaranteed 1st team football without the consequences,so i wouldn't put these 2 in the same boat as Greedywhore. If these 2 do go then it's about the QUALITY of the replacements and the additions and that's been the argument since we moved to the Grove,before wenger replaced like for like and the strength and quality of the squad continued but now it has dwindled and to me Wenger has only brought 3 QUALITY players since the move the rest have been investments for the future,who's future i don't know,or cheapies to fill the gaps and add to that we not attracting the quality players we need or even being linked to them unlike we use to in Wenger's early years.That's the crux of the matter QUALITY and that's why again i'm not excited when all Wenger seems to be interested is players from the french ligue 1 ,to me is on par with the SPL 2 stages below us, while our rivals search the world our scouts are lost in France.It's due to this restriction that Wenger alone is guilty of stumping our youth develop and ''killing there learning'' as their have no-one of quality to learn from and simoustainly lowered our clubs ambition due to the fact of the lack of quality players. It's early doors yet so Wenger could surprise us all or it could be same old summer let downs,i'm banking on the latter as Wenger doesn't like change.

  17. Mark

    Jul 10, 2011, 10:27 #9783

    arsenal are finished we are in a mini league with spurs, liverpool, villa, everton to see who can finish 4th and we are not strong enough to win any of the cups

  18. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 10, 2011, 10:10 #9782

    In the positive sense I agree but let's say if we were Man U for example that didn't win the CL then may be we can wait. But we have waited for the last 7 years and like saomeone said do we have to wait till the end of the transfer window so as to save a fiver. I don't recall Arsenal saying to start the tickets increment at the start of the season but as soon as you received your bill. Arsenal and the board are a joke and they are taking a p**s out of fans!

  19. Joe S

    Jul 10, 2011, 0:10 #9780

    If this.. and should rhat , it's the same wishful thinking blah blah with no real substance or grip on reality. If Arsene and his staff were pumped up to turn things around they would be aggressively chasing for new players, giving take it or leave it ultimatums to those wanting out, and sending I'm sorry letters to a certain group of players, enphasising that their performances last season were not up to the expectations of a top flight club.As it is the club appears to be hanging around in limbo leaving the other clubs to make choices and then looking for last minute scaps to appease the fans. pesonally I think next season will be a very interesting one if not for all the right reasons, I really think this club has reached a point where some blood letting is necessary even if it is going to occur in the middle of the season. Change is good.

  20. usb

    Jul 09, 2011, 23:26 #9779

    You claim that "We cannot allow this situation to develop any further as in recent years the quality of player wanting to leave seems to have gotten higher and higher" Your solution to this appears to be to sell our two best players!!! Bonkers doesn't even come close to describing your logic.

  21. wrag

    Jul 09, 2011, 23:08 #9778

    peter killick ,ask yourself why we running wenger down my friend ?...ohh yeah the 6 years without trophies try that one ? the blinkered view he has of his poor squad that he wont improve ? i can tell you now when cesc and nasri leave we will find it really hard to attract quality players to our club anymore !! who wants to play in same team as fabianski,eboue ,christ i could name a whole team now i think on it ...the sad thing is wenger no longer can attract the players we need and i think his time is up !

  22. Chapman

    Jul 09, 2011, 20:33 #9777

    Haha! Be great to get 60m for our 2 best players but if you believe for one minute that Wenger will spend that much on new players then you are living in a dreamworld. Even if those 2 go, he'll sign max 2 players but they will be cheap, untried players not the top-class players we need. He has never gone on a spending spree in 15 years at our club and he aint going to start now. Every player that we sign now should be top-class, proven talent that will take us forward and who is his first one he signs? Gervinho who scored a massive 15 goals playing for the champs in the French league! It's pointless saying "Cesc was rubbish last year he won't be missed!" The fact is Cesc is the ONLY world class player we have and he will be missed, even moreso when Wenger replaces him with Frimpong! It's ok though Arsene cos we were so close to winning 4 trophies last season!

  23. Arsene Wenger

    Jul 09, 2011, 20:20 #9776

    I feel that we can only add players of exceptional quality so I do not expect to sign more than 2 players this summer. People who have not worked half a day in football say we should buy players to replace Clichy, Fabregas and Nasri but that would kill the progress of Gibbs, Frimpong and Denilson. We were super close to winning trophies last season due to our exceptional mental strength and outstanding attitude but this year I feel we have grown so I do not need to change things. Judge me in May.

  24. Dave in Essex

    Jul 09, 2011, 18:49 #9775

    i really hate man ****ty, now look im a die hard gooner and whenever Arsenal win trophys its because weve built a squad from scrath alot like fergie at united, i no we hate him and his club but really on the face of it, its only ever been Arsenal and united that have won things with spendings millions for example chelski did it, city have done it, even blackburn did it back in 95, so is it no that only Arsenal and united are to two respectable clubs in England??

  25. Ramgun

    Jul 09, 2011, 14:55 #9773

    You say we moved on after Vieira, Pires and Henry left. Moved on to what? We have moved on to zero trophies and utter gutlessness whenever put to the test. You say be patient, but we have shown patience for 6 years and all Wenger has done is allow Dein, the Carr brothers, Lady Nina, the Fitzman family and the dreadful Hill-Wood to take hundreds of millions without putting a single penny back into Arsenal fc. Your article did not give me any reasons to trust Wenger with the spending you say is coming.

  26. mkherd89

    Jul 09, 2011, 13:16 #9772

    great call,now lets all get behind arsene stop giving the media and talksport the ammo to slag us everyday,oh by the way all you who wants arsenes head ,you cant say who will replace him still going to be the same board,**** sake we finished fourth not 10th ,if you follow footy you will know there are 5 to 6 quality teams competing,for some reason a new breed of fans have arrived and i expect they only know arsenal from arsenes time,collymore is going to have field day listening to you lot

  27. Ronster

    Jul 09, 2011, 12:46 #9770

    Respect to Perry Groves. George Graham's first signing for £75,000 (not enough to meet Nasri's weekly wage demands) 120 full appearances - 83 appearances as sub - 28 goals. Set up Charlie Nic for the winner vs Liverpool in '87 League Cup final. Scored in away leg of League Cup semi in '88 at Goodison Park to help us on our way to Wembley. Title winner in '89 Title winner in '91 As a pundit,now staunch supporter of all good things Arsenal. Thanks Perry me old son!

  28. simon

    Jul 09, 2011, 12:24 #9769

    Don't understand the goings on. Take Nasri, only issue is how long or how much or what new signings to help him help club to win something. First two get sorted out in a day or so and if he not gonna sign two options - overseas mate asap for the highest sum or reserves for the rest of next season if he wants to see out his contract. As for 'one or two signings' that aint gonna persuade him that staying here will get him a euro player of the year award. This will he wont he and lack of transfer activity suggests this summer will be like any other summer. Oh and the fact that they cant shift some of our fringe players suggests massive judgmental errors; they not good enough and we pay them too much. REGIME CHANGE or we play for third to fifth place in the league.

  29. Wenger out

    Jul 09, 2011, 12:05 #9768

    wenger should be fired as he has hijacked arsenals great name and he is the reason these good players want to leave. he is spin doctor in chief so dont believe a word he says anymore. nasri and cesc are goners you wait and see. aw is a loser he cant even get it right anymore in the transfer market and thats because beit david dein or comolli are no longer by his side and left on his own he doesnt know what he is doing

  30. fozzy's mate

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:58 #9767

    While I agree with this positive article anyone who has watched the way Arsenal have operated over the last 5 years or so, like a mid table regional club fears the worst as I do. I have constantly disagreed with those who said we sold Vieira, Henry and Pires etc at the right time. Frankly this is bollocks as even if slightly over the hill selling great players who are simply not replaced can never be the right thing to do. My fear is that all we get is the likes of Jenkinson, Oxlade and Gervinho. To say nobody does business before the end of July is crap as our rivals are all signing players now to bed them in for the new season not wait until the last second in an attempt to save a fiver. I am desperate to be proved wrong but recent evidence does not fill me with hope.

  31. Billboy

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:54 #9766

    Will somebody please show me some impirical evidence that demonstrates "Arsenal are beginning to wake up and take notice ofhow frustrated some elements of the support have grown.....". Was that in the way they responded to criticism of the ticket price hike? Was it in the way they have ripped into the transfer market? Or was it the way they have unloaded all the dead wood ? Or am I missing something?

  32. no more spin

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:51 #9765

    still optimistic? wenger is back again offering his usual dose of bollocks. 'we will LOOK TO BRING IN ONE OR TWO players'. that is right my friend so forget the changes you are dreaming about. once again 'vermaelen is a new signing'. and those of you who were glad to see the back of clichy, what do you think now that gibbs is lining up for left back. doesn't the script seem familiar. promising signings and then saying we went very close and don't need to add much. so quit dreaming about 60m being spent because the likes of gibbs 'need' to play. TIRED OF THIS **** FROM AFC

  33. chris dee

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:43 #9764

    Defensively it doesn't matter who we sign,it could be John Terry,Vidic,Ferdinand or a 25 year old Tony Adams. If Arsene persists in not installing a better defensive strategy in front of the back four and goalkeeper together with dealing with freekicks and corners better, then they would also turn into stuttering nervous wrecks like the current bunch. So yeah, some signings would be great but unless our defensive organisation and the feeling of indifference and lack of enthusiasm shown by many of our players is sorted out it will be goodnight Vienna again this season.

  34. YOZZA

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:34 #9762

    @Bob Smith....errr Nik Anelka-champs league,Van Bronkhurst-champs league,T.Henry-champs league,Ashley Cole-many titles n cup winners medals,Marc Overmars-Spanish title...need anymore?

  35. Dan h

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:30 #9761

    The frustration comes from the fact we have been down this road before.I don't then want to hear about who we nearly signed,finding solutions from within etc.identify transfer targets & lets actually spend the money no excuses.If we are seriously going to go into the new season with Gibbs as first choice left back i can tell you for now Vermaelen will end up filling that slot Gibbs injury history tells you that. In a summer where we all hoped some deadwood would be moved on to lose three first team players would tell you we are not just stagnating but going backwards.IMO it's about pushing ourselves forward as a club too much focus about how other clubs do their business let's just worry about ourselves.

  36. shauney

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:26 #9760

    even if we do get 60m for cesc and nasri you can bet your bottom dollar that all of it wont be reinvested in the team

  37. The Hampshire Gooner

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:14 #9759

    BNG - We have been more than patient as fans over the past three seasons or so and that patience seemed to snap towards the end of last season for many of us. Which is exactly why I feel change will now begin to happen and we will see one or two fairly major signings over the next month or so as Cesc and Samir eventually leave the club. If the club fail to show any ambition under fan and player revolt then when will they ever? The time for action is surely now.

  38. Gooner S

    Jul 09, 2011, 11:02 #9758

    Finally somebody with a sense of perspective. This is a well balanced critique.

  39. phillitbang

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:57 #9757

    I lost you at 'if we sign a player in the mould of Hazard'. The truth is if we lose fabregas and nasri but replace them with, as Arsene was quoted as saying, 'one or two quality signings', it will be a massive step backwards from last season. Especially if those signings are defenders as we expect. Losing the most influencial midfielder in Europe in Cesc is inevitable, but losing Nasri as well would only prove that top arsenal players are losing faith along with the fans. If you believe in player loyalty any more you are simply niave. You only have to look as far as the egotistical Rooney as an example of a player who flirted with leaving for more cash, got what he wanted, was hated for a day by his own fans, then reinstated as god when he scored an overhead kick. The bottom line - this is Wengers last chance to prove his ambition and repay fans for our patience instead of peddling the same tired lines and excuses every summer. Do I think he's capable of that? Yes.

  40. UpDaArse

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:56 #9756

    The big worry is we let players leave and do not properly replace them. Arsene has already said Gibbs will be our left back next season, which many feel is a mistake but let's hope Kieran can prove us wrong. I still have faith in the current manager and staff but Its glaringly obvious we need some serious strengthening and if that doesn't happen and next season is the same as the past 4, then it may be time for serious changes in the backroom staff. It would be great to see gervinho, Cahill, baines and mata signed. And if cesc goes Vidal looks pretty handy, but I guess we'll prob only get 2 at the most out of those.

  41. au revoir wenger

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:55 #9755

    wenger is a compulsive liar who treats the fans with contempt

  42. Rawsy

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:51 #9754

    Good Post. All I wanted to see was 2 centre halves and a goalie coming in. All we hear about is the daily medical for Gervinho. Strange stuff indeed.

  43. Ronster

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:48 #9753

    This article has reminded me I need to go out and buy a colander.

  44. cajetan

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:45 #9752

    This is the most reasonable piece i have read in a long while since this whole media bias about us.Its so soothing,matured and objective.Thanks....come rain or shine am Arsenal till death.I dont see myself supporting any other club.

  45. BNG

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:35 #9751

    Hampshire Gooner if you wish to keep swallowing OGL's snake-oil and "being patient over the next month or so" fill your boots my old mate......as supporters we've been patient for the last 6 years.......but it's pretty damn obvious that OGL doesn't have the faintest idea what he is doing and hasn't for at least the last 3 seasons, it really doesn't matter who comes into the squad because his tippy tappy never shooty can't defend tactics are taught from youth level to senior level and next season is going to be one hell of a long slog........Almunia or Fabianski,Gibbs,Eboue,Traore,Squillaci,Djourou,Diaby,Denilson,Rosicky,Vela,Chamakh,Bendtner........all these are paid a shed load of monies and aren't going anywhere soon.....if RVP decided to join Fabregas and Nasri in wanting out who could blame him ?

  46. Hughsey24

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:08 #9749

    The reason nasri and cesc havent won anything is that we havent bought players as good as them to help them! So selling them will only make things worse! 60m war chest?? If they go i would expect a minimum 100m! 40m already plus 60m if they go then bentdner and denilson to go should be quite a bit! Need to buy on top of keeping nasri and cesc! If they go wengers gonna have to buy 5 or 6 players!

  47. CD

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:06 #9748

    Hope you are right, but we have been here before a few times now, and I fear only unheard of players playing in France will arrive, with Wenger then saying for the umpteenth time "judge me in May". Not much point him saying that, as we have judged him already, but he just keeps going down this same dead end road, with no one taking him to task with his words at board level, each time the month of May arrives potless.

  48. omahsunny

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:03 #9747

    thank you for contribution i wish the manager follow as you said

  49. Bob Smith

    Jul 09, 2011, 10:01 #9746

    Bang on the money comments, who ever left us and went on to bigger things? If they dont want to be Gunners, out them.We all know what we need and its not whingers who put themselves before the team. We'll still be supporting when their careers are long forgotten.

  50. peter killick

    Jul 09, 2011, 9:55 #9745

    Great post, i agree 100% i am fed up with reading the same old rubbish all day every day and people keep running Arsene down, lets wait and see what happens and if Nasri and others want to go let them, we don't want players who are not committed to the club.

  51. Danish Gooner.

    Jul 09, 2011, 9:54 #9744

    I can tell you right now.Fab and nasri will be offloaded on the last day,Wenger will use his tried and tested excuse off "we didnt have time enough to find replacements,even tough he had since early june to prevent this from happening,then he will be smiling all the way to the bank after having secured around 65 mil Euros for his greeedy board and Frimpong will be like a new signing.