Isn’t the manager meant to manage the club?

Enthusiasm for the club is dwindling among some long standing supporters

Isn’t the manager meant to manage the club?

Arsene: Insert your own Paul O’Grady gag

With the possible exception of the much esteemed gentleman who has written excellent articles under various guises, including the Highbury Spy, I have probably been one of Arsene Wenger's most consistent detractors. Wenger was once much admired as a master tactician, but recently he has lost his way in this respect. His inevitable response to a lack of goals is to send on Bendtner or Rosicky in about the 72nd.minute; always too little too late. I used to love his banter and witty comments to the media, but nowadays I just cringe at his ridiculous comments about not seeing incidents. His myopia with regard to seeing action a few yards in front of him and his plain inability to watch the frailties of his own club are a growing concern. His only course of action in times of stress this season has been to kick or throw the water bottle like a petulant school kid; hardly the behaviour of a rational, competent manager. You get well paid to behave like that Arsene, and the fans are the mugs who have to watch your increasingly petulant behaviour and pay for it both financially and in terms of a lack of trophies.

My pent up frustration doesn't just go back a couple of years; indeed my annoyance really began in the 2003-04 season. Many of you will immediately respond "But we were unbeaten that season". That much is true, and it was an incredible achievement and one which cannot ever be beaten - maybe possibly equalled one day, but never bettered. However, my belief is that in that particular season this great club should have re-written the record books for all time. The lamentable lack of ambition shown in domestic cup competitions in recent seasons has been depressing. We were defeated in both the League Cup and FA Cup semi-finals with what I would suggest were less than ambitious team selections. Also, on one of the most disappointing nights of my life, we went out of the Champions League to an inferior Chelsea team, when the competition was there for the taking.

I still cannot understand this policy of "resting" players for big matches if we then fail to reach those big matches because players have been rested. I am sick of hearing about players on mega bucks wages being tired; I don't recall the boys of 1970-71 who had a 64 game campaign bleating about being tired. They got on with the job and had an incredible team spirit, something sadly lacking in Arsenal in recent years. For the record, Wilson, Rice, McNab, McLintock, Armstrong, Storey, Radford and Kennedy all put in over 60 game shifts that season; one can only speculate how many games they would have been allowed to play in under the present managerial regime.

I first sat down to write this article on Cup Final day in May, but realised that I could not then be objective with my writings. I was so angry and frustrated at seeing the club I love so much, publicly humiliated again by seemingly falling apart having promised so much for so long. I reasoned to myself that if I waited so that I could assess the close season signings and departures, I would be able to write a more balanced view on matters at the club. However, with the club now on an arduous pre-season tour of Asia, there are still no major signings as I write and the ridiculous uncertainty over who is staying and who is going rumbles on.

Personally, I do not like Mr Ferguson's abrasive manner, but he does his job well. If he sees a weakness in the team he sells the problem player and buys a suitable replacement. This summer, he saw his main targets and got on and signed them. No long speculative dithering which unsettles other clubs and the players involved. No, he simply gets on with his job making the signings required and clearing out the under achievers. No room for sentiment with him and he keeps an open mind about further possible signings should the opportunity arise. Then he can have some days at the golf, races or whatever knowing his close season job has been done well.

Contrast that with the situation at Arsenal. After one of the most disappointing seasons in the entire history of the club, all we get from our manager is inactivity on all fronts. We all know that the club desperately needs to make signings, we all know that Arsene needs to resolve the Fabregas situation, we all know that a constant failing has been for the manager to allow player's contracts to run down and talks take place too late to resolve the situation. We all know that there are some woefully underperforming players on the books at present who need to be sold as soon as possible. Yes, we all know these things, but the one man who can do anything about it is conspicuous by his apparent complete inability to do anything about the situation.

How many more years will we be asked to "Judge me in May"? Well I have been judging you in May for several years now mate and you have been judged a failure; you are not doing your job properly and I simply cannot understand why you are allowed to carry on in this ineffective manner. We are asked to have faith and belief and to pay top notch ticket prices, top merchandise prices, ridiculous prices for catering in the ground, etc., etc., but still we have to put up with this stagnant period of failure.

We put up with it because we love Arsenal football club, but I have never been as despondent about the club as I am now. I first saw the Gunners on a magical night under the lights in 1967 against Liverpool and I simply adore the club and avidly collect anything and everything I can to do with the club. There have been some mediocre seasons since then, but I have never seen my enthusiasm for the club dwindle as much as at present. The most frustrating thing is that Arsene has done 90% of the work and yet for some reason he simply doesn't go on to finish the job.

Quite honestly, to produce the standard of football seen at times over the past couple of seasons and yet win nothing tangible in the form of trophies is a disgrace. We could all see where the gaps were in the squad, we were led to believe money was available for signings and yet the squad remains largely unchanged, frustrated and de-motivated. Arsene may be happy to finish fourth in the Premiership each season, but I am more ambitious than that and I believe someone at the club needs to bring this stubborn man into line now. I am grateful for what you have done in the past Monsieur Wenger, we had some great times but you have failed to keep pace with the changes elsewhere. You have sat back content to see the "Arsene knows best" flags fluttering and you have rested on your laurels. Had you done your job properly last summer and made a couple of quality signings in defence and sorted out the goalkeeping situation earlier, then we would almost certainly have ended the trophy drought. As it is, with your continued lack of action, the turmoil continues.

We need action and we need it now. No more waiting to the last minute of the transfer window. Get on and do your job now. Sort out the Fabregas and Nasri messes now. Don't let these uncertainties carry on destabilising everything, deal with them, it is your job. The clue is in the job title... Manager, the definition of which is a person who manages, so get on with it. Then, stop messing everyone about over signing players. Identify who you need; if you need a hand then a simple shopping list of a decent back –up goalie, two quality central defenders, full back cover, a quality striker and whatever new midfielders are required to replace Fabregas / Nasri assuming they are allowed to drift away, should do to begin with.

Perhaps more of a problem for you will be to clear the sinking ship of driftwood. You have consistently stood by some players despite their obvious inability to perform for the club at the level required. As you seem unable to identify these under achievers, I will do this for you. This should be your job, but I don't mind you using this list as a template towards success. Almunia and Fabianski have not been good enough and never will be. The continued playing of these two misfits has cost us dearly in recent seasons. To top all of your failures to understand goalkeeping, you brought Mad Jens back to the club this year. If he was judged to be surplus to requirements some seasons back, how can you defend signing him now? Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but was this a forward step?

Koscielny and Squillaci were bought to bolster up the defence alongside the impressive Vermaelen. Unfortunately, their limitations were very exposed last year and urgent replacements are required in this department. Arsene has a history of miserable failures in central defence; Cygan, Stepanovs and even Senderos spring to mind and as for the re-signing of a bloated Sol Campbell, don't even get me started. The fact that he looked halfway decent when he played just shows the size of the problems in this department.

If Nicklas Bendtner was a quarter as good as he thinks he is, then I would advocate keeping him. He gets occasional quality and valuable goals, but is woefully inconsistent and will simply never become the player we need. Sell him now whilst at least he and his father think he is a footballer worth having. Carlos Vela is an unnecessary luxury. What we need is someone to put the ball in the net, not try outrageous lobs and flicks. He is no longer required in N5. The most definite seat booked for the departure bus is for Denilson. How on earth is he still at the club? He has scored a couple of terrific goals, but his ridiculously lazy way of jogging back when teams counter attack has cost us dear so many times. He must go.

Mercifully Man City have signed Gael Clichy who has become a liability in recent seasons and one can only hope that Gibbs will stay fit enough to step in. However, I suspect Gibbs is a bit lightweight and he needs to go to the gym with Alex Song and toughen himself up a bit. It clearly has worked for Song who, apart from his annoying disciplinary problems, continues to excel.

Another player who needs to go is Eboue, who sadly cannot perform at the level required. However, I wish this guy's love for the club and enthusiasm could be bottled up and passed on to other Arsenal players who clearly need to develop some team spirit and loyalty. The jury remains out on the likes of Abou Diaby. An imposing, almost impressive runner with the ball and yet year after year he disappoints. Another woeful under achiever is Rosicky who has so much talent and ability but simply cannot produce the goods when asked. Surely he has had enough chances now? Then there is the enigma that is Andrey Arshavin; undoubtedly a genius, but another who is terribly inconsistent. On his top form he is a world beater, but too often he is a waste of a shirt.

Of the rest, Sagna should continue to be trusted. Walcott must be given another year to try and show us what he really is capable of. I love Aaron Ramsey's indomitable spirit and hope he establishes himself as a first team regular. The Fabregas and Nasri situations need to be resolved, but obviously if they are in the right frame of mind to play football for Arsenal, they are vital team members... but that is a big IF. Vermaelen will be a most welcome sight back in the team. Van Persie is a great player and deserves better service. Song would now be the first name on my team sheet and I wouldn't have said that three seasons back! Young Jack has the look of a future club captain about him. However, he needs a fatherly arm from a decent manager to keep his discipline in check on and off the field. Djourou will remain at best a squad player. He is not top class but can fill in when required. Chamakh is a bit of a mystery man. He looked really impressive when he first arrived. I like his style, but his game has drifted away. I believe there may be reasons outside the game for this, but from all points of view I hope he can find his true form again. There is a really good goal scorer in there somewhere.

So there you go Arsene. I have sorted the players out you need to sell. Identified where in the team needs strengthening. Over to you now to sort out these matters quickly. Remember how early the season starts and we need a team that at least knows each other before then, otherwise there is a danger we could be in big trouble by the end of August. Enough is enough, we supporters have suffered too many false dawns and broken promises. Now do your job and manage!

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  1. Brigham

    Jul 19, 2011, 15:25 #10066

    @ Ron - Well said and something I agree with and in my opinion, he has lost the plot in all honesty. He has been great for our club, taken to heights I thought I would never see so many years ago. But, and its a big but, he has become clueless in just about every department of his managerial skills now. I think he has taken on too many aspects of 'running' the club and not concentrating on his own job - managing the team, the players and looking for fresh blood to freshen us up. Sorry Arsene, but I am becoming tired of watching you dismantle our proud club.

  2. Ron

    Jul 19, 2011, 12:47 #10063

    In truth guys do you not all agree that despite all of the arguments for and against Wenger, suggestions and endless debates that he prompts, that the truth is that hes just been there too long by about 3 years and as such has ran out of steam, ideas, incentives and motivation? In saying this, its not really a deep criticism, its just human nature. His day came and went didnt it guys? Time for a more vigourous, more driven and younger, fresh new broom.

  3. james

    Jul 18, 2011, 22:18 #10056

    good article mate. Wenger out - He's failing our club and never learns. He has just allowed Nasri to get within a year of his contract to the point that we are at the mercy of our rivals. And Wenger, by doing that you are not spending money like you claim, you mug! Also agree that a lot of our players are too lightweight and need to get down the gym!

  4. Marcus

    Jul 17, 2011, 20:58 #10035

    Mostly a very good article but how you rate Song is beyond me. Every week I watch him walk and jog around for 90 mins doing very little and offers no physicality whatsoever despite not being small by football standards. Either way, you are right in that Wenger f***s up every transfer window and yet again we will be holding out for something big to happen all the way to the deadline before the inevitable disappointment hits. Either start doing your job properly or leave Wenger.

  5. Joe S

    Jul 17, 2011, 1:03 #10032

    Point taken on this one Ramgun, Memory does decieve. I think the reason Paul Allen sticks in my mind is that at that time West Ham were an attractive team with the ability to come up with a stream of skillful players, while on that day Arsenal had been at their boring worst After that Cup final gloom it seemed like Allen would be their latest prodigy while Arsenal were going nowhere. He didn't do much considering his early promise and in the long term the Arsenal fans wre rewarded for their patience. It seemed then that the Liverpool dynasty would go on forever, while clubs such as Man. U., Spurs, Forest and Villa were much more ambitious than us. Mind you we do now play attractive football. Are we becoming the new West Ham?

  6. nugs

    Jul 17, 2011, 0:08 #10031

    @ppp so what is the criteria of being a true fan? being a gullible mug like yourself? its not the club the true fans have a problem with its the people running it.

  7. Sven

    Jul 16, 2011, 22:04 #10030

    Excellent article! Could not agree more!! Wenger has very poor man-managment skills and will never get it right. The only reason he enjoyed success with the team from 1998-2004 was the presence of true leaders on the pitch (Adams, Keown, Bergkamp, Vieira) and off the pitch (Dein). These people made sure that there were no slackers come match-day. Sadly, we now have to settle for a sad charicature of a so called manager who is simply giving the impression of a delusional old git when he fails to see the team's needs It is enough to listen to him to understand that something is not right under that thick grey head of hair.

  8. ppp

    Jul 16, 2011, 21:45 #10029

    whoever you are - you are not an arsenal fan anymore. if you have such a big problem with the team then go away. arsenal needs true fans.

  9. Ramgun

    Jul 16, 2011, 14:47 #10025

    I was at Wembley in 1980 and it was Brooking who scored. Paul Allen was famously fouled by Willie Young. Your general point is right though Joe S. In 1980 Brady left and Stapleton played out the last year of his contract without doing anything but make sure that his move to Man Utd was not affected by any injuries he might pick up. Stapleton was a great trier who cheated his way through his final season and that is why he always got such a hostile reception at Highbury. How much will the now completely ludicrous figure of Wenger get from Nasri if he keeps him? Once Wenger made the terrible decision to play Rosicky in the middle in the League Cup Final and leave Nasri out wide, even in the absence of Fabregas, Nasri's attitude was poor. What will it be like playing out his contract? Things are going to get ugly.

  10. Jekyll

    Jul 16, 2011, 12:56 #10022

    Wenger's latest comments really do defy belief. There is clearly no end to his delusion, nothing can shake him out of it, not even spending a third of the season in relegation form. It's clear he'd rather leave than give up on his current players and methods, so we all just have to wait for that time to come - hopefully next season.

  11. clockendpaul

    Jul 16, 2011, 10:17 #10018

    I see the next member of his greatest squad could be off next week...denilson the most useless piece of **** ever to put an arsenal shirt on. Only on a year long loan mind, does this mean that next summer he'll be like a new signing. The destiny of the team is there eh deluded one

  12. Joe S

    Jul 16, 2011, 0:59 #10012

    Haven't felt this low about the prospects of an Arsenal season since West Ham beat us in an FA Cup final back in the early eighties, I think. When Paul Allen scored the winning goal it felt like this football club was heading for an abbyse with no good news in sight for a number of years.At that time it seemed that all the competion had the best prospects, had sighned on the best available players and were making all the righr decisions while Arsenal seemed totally inactive. But things changed and we know the rest. Here we are ready for the new season and there is the same stale sense of inertia. The inactivity is frustrating and the above list of driftwood in the squad is overwlmingly depressing. how could so many ineffective players have been gathered on the books of one of the elite clubs. The need by management to acknowledge this and appease the fans with some sense of direction for fuure team building is crucial , however nothing seems to be being done outside of band aid solutions.Yes of course knowing the club's history there will be revival and regenaration. It is not going to happen until a mid table position seems inevitable and the financial implications lead to a certain manager being asked to clear outso that the rebuilding can begin.Forget past achievments I want to see Wegner judged in December.

  13. Kevin Kong

    Jul 15, 2011, 23:16 #10011

    So the `Vermaelen will be like a new signing` comment that many predicted has now been made, so i think we can forget about Cahill coming. More worringly is the news that Sol Campbell is back training at the club...I can just see the cogs creaking around in Wengers brain now...

  14. Ronster

    Jul 15, 2011, 21:27 #10010

    Should Wenger fail to revamp the squad as promised by Gazidis at the AST meeting and we find ourselves in the bottom three after our opening tricky fixtures,I predict serious rioting down the Blackstock Road!

  15. Chiedozie

    Jul 15, 2011, 20:57 #10009

    What an incisive post, you have read and spoken the minds of the majority of Arsenal fans world over. I just hope that AW sees articles like yours, and hopefully thinks about them. Thanks for a beautiful post.

  16. Arsene Apologist

    Jul 15, 2011, 20:56 #10008

    Great article. Anyone who paid for that 6.5%, hope you are enjoying being lied to and shafted by the dynamic duo of conmen that is Gazidis and Wenger. Wenger ain't a football manager, he is an accountant - and a sh*t one at that, willing to chuck £25 million Nasri fee??! Yeah poor Arsene must be sooo strapped for cash eh AKBs? Yeah that evil board give him nothing? Oh right. They're letting him chuck away £25 million transfer fee!!! The club is a joke, and it's no longer funny. Wenger disgusts me. Seven years without a trophy my friends and guess what? Next summer, GROUNDHOG DAY will return, with the saaaame mindless retard AKBs saying 'I will not judge Arsene until the transfer window closes'. It really is funny how that fraudster Wenger cons stupid people every summer. All it takes is 'I know where we are weak and we will be very active. We can sign Benzema' Then once renewals are in, Carl Jenkinson and some French-African tosser (Gervinho this summer) ends up coming in to stink out the joint. This club will not get a PENNY from me, until Wenger is gone. HE is the problem, he is the cancer FULL STOP.

  17. Delia Ferguson-Block112

    Jul 15, 2011, 20:31 #10007

    I too am a long standing supporter, going back to the 50s. I am with you on all the above comments.Arsene's China news conference confirmed all my fears that there are no further reinforcements in the pipeline.We have all the same defensive shortcomings that have been staring everyone in the face for the last few seasons.I fear for the Club's future,no one seems to want to grasp the metal,leadership is non existent.Someone please save us from sinking into mid-table mediocrity!

  18. Dan h

    Jul 15, 2011, 19:00 #10005

    AW has become become almost removed from seeing the cold hard fact's in front of him.A club our size should be going into a new season with optimism yet all the gooners i know believe we are going backwards.The implosion at the end of last season is being ignored & again the manager turns it round & honestly believes we were close to winning major trophies!The 7TH richest sports francise according to forbes but run with a local corner shop mentality.I have said previously imo money for transfers is being held back pending CL qualification the club again show no ambition.

  19. Nugs

    Jul 15, 2011, 18:14 #10004

    @Ron totally agree, i personally think wenger has needed to strengthen in this area just as much as cb if not more, this has been proved when song has been injured, he has improved but imo there is a lot better out there. who knows maybe frimpong can make the same sort of impact that young jack has.

  20. aj

    Jul 15, 2011, 17:58 #10003

    Unbelievably he has again come out and said we are good enough.The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same result. Am I the only one who thinks he may be going senile?

  21. PerryG

    Jul 15, 2011, 14:56 #10002

    I've resigned myself to the fact that Wenger will not sign anymore players this summer and it will be same old same old failings next year. I wont be attending games or buying any merchandise until the dictator goes. What a farce Wenger now is

  22. Mark

    Jul 15, 2011, 14:28 #10001

    Rosicky, Denilson, Eboue, Diaby should never again be allowed to wear the Arsenal shirt. totally ineffective footballers who take the easy way all over the field. i am totally certain Jack W must detest being around these losers

  23. Ron

    Jul 15, 2011, 14:03 #10000

    Nugs : Song is one player who has improved enough to be described as better than a 'sqaud' or 'back up' type of player, but who s progress isnt such as to imagine him ever bossing and imposing his presence on big games. In short hes OK, but one whos badly in need of better quality support alogside him so to compensate for his obvious deficiences. He ll never be a great player, merely a very adequate one.

  24. GoonerK

    Jul 15, 2011, 14:00 #9999

    Yeah that is the 1 thing I didnt agree with. Song has improved a lot, but I dont necessarily see him and Wilshere as the correct pair. The defence needs better protection, which a more mobile player than Song would give us I think. Someone like Tiote, or possibly Frimpong is in that mould. Last season I thought Wilshere had to do too much staying back because Song was going forward too much. Wilshere is the more gifted of the 2 on the ball, so it was back to front!

  25. Richard Ansell

    Jul 15, 2011, 13:58 #9998

    re 'happytab' Of course it is Arsenal's fault that we have so many crap players on inflated salaries. Who else's fault would it be - please enlighten me.

  26. Nugs

    Jul 15, 2011, 13:46 #9997

    agree with a lot of what you wrote but song first name on the teamsheet????? he can be as much of a liability as the next man with his poor positioning and lack of pace, imo walcott had his best season in an arsenal shirt last year and was more influencial then song. wilshere and rvp 1st names on the teamsheet all day long.

  27. Carlos

    Jul 15, 2011, 13:46 #9996

    He says he takes full responsibility for last season's failure - then does nothing to rectify or to prevent something similar happening next season. What was it someone said about the definition of madness?

  28. McG

    Jul 15, 2011, 13:38 #9995

    John so what you are saying is that an opinion is not allowed to be expressed unless it agrees with the AKB mantra. The bottom line is, if this was the first close season we had appeared not to be active in the transfer market (to strengthen the obvious weaknesses) I think most gooners could live with it but its the same every transfer window. Empty promises, no action and as a result the same issues popping up every season which stops us achieving our goals, which result in more empty words and the circle starts again. The sense of deja vu is overwhelming. And as for AW saying he gets stick for "spending too much money". WTF!!!!! When did either of those 2 things ever happen.

  29. Richard Ansell

    Jul 15, 2011, 13:04 #9994

    I have been contemplating writing a similar piece to yours, Gary, but Wenger has finally drained any remaining enthusiasm I had for the task out of me. His recent comments like 'we are not weak defensively' or 'I will let Nasri go for free next year' have left me convinced he is verging on insanity. Any Gooner with half a brain, especially long standing supporters like you and me, can see that Wenger has lost the plot, and John, yes we do not know what is going on behind the scenes but I think we can take a bloody good guess - NOTHING.

  30. Basics

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:35 #9993

    Friedel and Shay Given are both better than what we can muster between the sticks

  31. johnnyh

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:18 #9992

    very well written article and sums up just about all thats wrong at arsenal. unfortunately nothing is going to change under wenger. he is a conman who has become a mad dictator who runs our great club from top to bottom like it is his own property and because of this he is untouchable.

  32. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:17 #9991

    I see the apologists already crawling out from under their rocks. With plums like Uba ready to jump off cliffs for their deity, Wenger will continue swatting away fans pleas to do something constructive, and simply carry on with his failed project. Also Uba what does "I bet you're British..." mean? Considering that Arsenal is a club in the British Isles can you inform us how this is supposed to be some sort of put down? You are exactly the type of jcl / plum our once great club has attracted. No connection, no passion, no idea of our history pre Wenger. People like you have made our club a laughing stock. Sad times indeed.

  33. Sad but true

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:15 #9990

    Wenger is a serial liar and fraudster and not a true football man like fergy, kenny, harry. he is also a tyrant who listens to no one BUT we have a board who wants him to deliver PROFITS and NOT TROPHIES each year and therein lies the real problem. Everyone now smells this is the reality of today at Arsenal hence Wenger fits the current boards requirements.

  34. Mike S

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:14 #9989

    AN excellent article summing up how many gooners feel. If you havent already email it to Mr Wenger, not that he will read it!

  35. Dan

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:12 #9988

    Its funny how there is pretty much universal agreement on the players that need to go, the frightening thing is though according to some the reason we can't shift them is they are on big money. A bit ironic how everyone seems to say we are so well run as a business, yet we have 5-6 poor players on massive wages, that doesn't sound like such great business to me!.

  36. bobdenjy

    Jul 15, 2011, 12:07 #9987

    Damn right mate! I agree with everything you said. Be ready however for the 'missiles' from 'Arsene knows best' brigade who think Arsene is infallible. He is the only manager that never knows what his 1st 11 will be until the transfer window when any manager worth their onions would have identified his team's deficiency before the end of the season and got adequate replacements right from 'kick off' of the transfer window. SAF already did his own business briskly and has a fair idea who he will be using when the season starts, not AW who is still dilly dallying on his deadwoods and 'want aways'. We have been 'judging him' in May for the past 6 seasons and he hasn't done what he is supposed to do: root out the deadwoods and bring in the needed replacements. That would save us the money expended giving such deadwoods hefty contracts. I hope he remembers that we still need a decent centre back and defensive midfielder + backup goalkeeper else the season will be over before it is started. We wait and see!

  37. para

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:52 #9986

    I used to think that there must be some master plan that i cannot see, and continued to have faith in AFC. Now i see a team that has a Captain who has dedicated his love and heart to another team. I will repeat that in case it has not sunk in. Now i see a team that has a Captain who has dedicated his love and heart to another team. My god, is this real? I see a manager who can manage money, but has absolutely NO tactical ability whatsoever. I see players who are obviously concerned (don't let the comments from them fool you)at things going on at AFC, after all they are human and have the same emotions as you and I. AFC is destructing, and the main cause I think is the effects of the Cesc saga. Barca could not have planned it any better, to get rid of the only other team who could match them in skill. Or did they? Oh Arsenal where art thou? That said I will still be watching games(now with nail biting until the final whistle), where once i used to watch games with the quiet confidence that we will win, even if we were 2-0 down.

  38. AFC

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:45 #9985

    John - Is your comment satirical?

  39. 1 more year arsene!!

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:40 #9984

    Couldnt of wrote it better myself. Top stuff and all of it truth. Jus dont think he will do anything about CB. I honestly think he thinks Jenkinson will be good enough which is why he is starting him in this asia tour. To see if he can go straight into the first team thus saving us a possible 17m and wenger has 'found another gem' Not good enough thou. When the going gets tough, normally feb/march half our players are injured, go missing or just arent good enough. Im not putting another penny into the club untill i see some changes.

  40. GoonerMK

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:40 #9983

    Top article. Spot on. Wenger is a disaster. How much longer do the AKB brigade need to see what is happening to the club, both on and off the park?

  41. Happytab

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:28 #9982

    Arsen wants Nasri to stay and he wants Cesc to stay. How on earth do you sort those situations and sort them now? "Nasri please sign a new contract" "non" "Ok leave next year, but you are staying so crack on" "Cesc you are not going anywhere" "dagnammit boss I love Barca" "Tough" Thats all you can do and if that's the conversations that happen then all we get to hear is all we've heard. You can't take action to force these stories to go away. As for the underperforming players, you have to have a buyer in order to sell. Even if you give some of these players away the clubs buying them have to be able pay the current wages. these players are well paid at Arsenal and in reality might need to step down a level but they won't do it for less money so they go nowhere. Again none of this is Arsenal's fault. I think this blog is form someone frustrated that Newsnow isn't more exciting when he updates it every 5 minutes!

  42. dando

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:27 #9981

    For the most part a great blog, especially the 1971 parallel, it's what I've been going on about for months. Chamakh needs to wake up quickly and Wenger needs to admit to himself that the last 4 years is down to him. I can't understand why the board are so devoted to him. If, as we are continually informed, run as a business, not a football club, why hasn't Wenger been given the golden handshake because finishing 4th and possibly missing out on CL year after year will not produce a profit for much longer.

  43. John

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:08 #9980

    Disagree with almost everything you say. Haven't got the time to reply in full but wrt your "We need action and we need it now"; how on earth do you know what's going on behind the scenes? It's very easy sitting behind a keyboard and manage a team, the reality however... Why oh why do a lot of bloggers claim to have been supporters for many years and then write a blog which shows the life experience and brainpower of a 10 year old?

  44. AWS

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:05 #9979

    Agree with almost everyhing you write but have a few quibbles. The Invincibles. Yes they went through the season unbeaten but were they really that special. They did not score a record number of points, did not score a record number of goals, did not keep to a record minimum of goals against - they just managed to get a lot of draws (12 in fact - almost 1 in 3). The problem with Walcott and Bendtner not performing is that they are never played as strikers; everybody excet for Wenger knows they are not wingers. They may not be good enough but at least they should be given a chance as strikers. Finally was Wenger really that good? He has achieved nothing without George Graham's back 5 and others (Parlour, Wright),and Bergkamp - unless we count the penalty win against MU which must be the most undeserved cup win of all time, although I thoroughly enjoyed it. I do believe Wenger is a loser and we should not expect to win anything until he has gone.

  45. HIghbury Boy

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:04 #9978

    Unfortunately you can see from Wenger's comments in China that he will not change. He still believes his young squad (some like Rosicky,Arhavin,Eboue etc not so young any more) will improve. The new big defensive signings so far are as predicted, Vermaelen and Ramsey. Previously targeted players like Given will be passed over and at the very end of the transfer window we will lose either Cesc and/or Nasri leaving us with little time to spend on quality players. Wenger has already said something along the lines that going for the 4 trophies was too much so expect him to revert to all youngsters for the Carling and weak FA Cup teams. The only Double we will win will be for the Profit and Loss A/c and Balance Sheet.

  46. GoonerK

    Jul 15, 2011, 11:00 #9977

    Have to say your thoughts pretty much sum up how I feel. You are bound to get the 'In Wenger We Trust' groupies coming on here and telling you to go and support another team and 'Arsenal Til I Die', stop moaning and just support the club whatever happens. The fact is we do support our club, we care and that is why we have strong opinions on it. These people who prefer to think everything is rosey and not question anything obviously don’t share the same passion for the club to do well that we do. It goes without saying that we appreciate what Wenger has done for the club and the improvements we have made under his management, but that does not mean he is above criticism. The constant inability to deal with our problem defending set pieces is no longer just stubborness on Wenger's part, it is now neglect. Every set piece we give away there is a good chance we will concede a goal. How can Wenger sit on the bench and put up with that? I thought maybe he hadnt noticed, but then at the end of the season he said we need to improve that area, probably about 4 or 5 years too late, but at least it showed he finally was aware of it. Yet he still has not changed anything, and I now expect him not to this summer. There is a long list of players who have had enough chances and need to be shipped out, but we cant do that because Wenger doesn’t like buying so we would end up having about 15 senior players and the rest kids. The Fabregas debacle needs sorted out, and I see the only way to do that once and for all is to sell him. Nasri I think will stay this season, but he doesn’t appear to have any long term commitment to Arsenal, so he will be gone sooner or later, same goes for Arshavin. We have in theory the makings of a good squad. Szczezny, Sagna, Vermaelen, Wilshere, Ramsey, Song, van Persie are all top quality players in my view. Djourou, Koscielny, Traore, Diaby, Walcott, Chamakh are all decent backup players. Then we have the players who need to prove they are top quality, ie Gibbs, Gervinho, Frimpong, Emmanuel-Thomas, Lansbury, Miyaichi. We though need to add proven quality to that to take us up to the next step. I feel Wenger at the beginning of the summer could have made his mind up to sell the likes of Arshavin, Rosicky, Nasri and Cesc and then put in place a plan by re-developing the offensive areas of the team. Ashley Young an Arsenal fan as a youngster would have been an ideal addition, but once again we are left dallying and Man U have got him. Adam Johnson would be another. These are players who are England based and would not harbour the obsession with playing for Barca or Madrid that these continental players have. Would a Young, Johnson, RVP attack be any less threatening than a Nasri, Arshavin, RVP attack? I don’t think so. I just don’t think Wenger has a plan in place to bring the team up a level. His ideal summer would have been to keep all of our players and not add any. I feel he has only added Gervinho because he knew Bendtner wanted out, and he has added Jenkinson because he is a young player that he has good scout reports on.

  47. sam gooner

    Jul 15, 2011, 10:56 #9976

    one of the best pieces i have on. if any president of a country needs a spokesman,in the face of self inflicted poor governance,arsene wenger will fit the bill with his ready made excuses,which are always very annoying.Only him sees the games arsenal play.we shall see more bottles of water flung on the floor this season.

  48. Andi Foster

    Jul 15, 2011, 10:53 #9975

    Absolutely Superb. You have said what I've been thinking for months.

  49. Uba

    Jul 15, 2011, 10:40 #9974

    YOu need to find a woman..I love Arsenal more than the next guy..but this is pathetic. What team in the world has 25 worldclass players, who are satisfied to sit on the bench. I bet you're British or maybe carry your elitist bias in life towards everything. You don't deserve **** my friend. I'm an Arsenal fan when we go unbeaten..I'm an Arsenal fan when we go barren for 6 years.

  50. Judith Le'Strange

    Jul 15, 2011, 10:39 #9973

    To right the manager is supposed to manage his club and say who he would like to have join the club, not think about how the money is spent. Wenger seems to have been given too much control of the club and it's about time this was halted, but I doubt whether the Board would have the guts to do anything about it.