Random thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Pre-season opinion from regular contributor

Random thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Brooks: Mistakenly arrested instead of Ray Parlour?

For those who finally managed to catch the Malaysian game it was very much an anti-climax for a number of reasons. Firstly, the stadium was barely 2/3 full - but Arsenal players will be used to this as soon as 80 mins goes at the E******s. More importantly, I used to like watching pre-season games to catch a glimpse of new players and how they fit into the team... and, no, Jenkinson and Myachi do not count, before anyone gets clever! Apart from that, there is very little comment to make other than (as I will probably repeat continuously over the next season) let’s see what happens between February and May 2012 as historically - even with the Invincibles squad - this is where we have fallen away.

Is anyone else absolutely fed up with reading gossip columns as to how close we are to signing defender X - usually Cahill or Samba? Why does it take us so long to do business? However, this is more of a historical trait rather than one of the many things Gooners are placing the blame for at Wenger's doorstep. I recall the days when Les Ferdinand (Sir Les to his mates) was perennially linked with Arsenal (during his QPR days): the prospect of Ian Wright (repeat surname 3 times) and Ferdinand upfront was what many Gooners felt at the time would be the catalyst to take us back to the top. Which is rather ironic, as in those days we craved flair players to complement our defensive steel, while now the reverse is very true.

Have Bendtner and Almunia left yet? How about that Denilson - what a cameo in Malaysia! Subbing the sub is the funniest thing that Wenger can do to a player - do you think he took him on tour as a cruel show of public punishment? Apparently he threw a tantrum - much like he did in the Sun newspaper two months ago. My argument is, why on earth did we fork out for his flight and accommodation when this is the state of his attitude? Surely taking a Lansbury or JET would have been more deserving. I will put this under point number 1628 in the things that are so wrong with this club...

Last season was Wenger's toughest as a manager. My friend, have a bad start to 2011/12 (and we have a tough August) and this season may be much tougher. At least even Pravda admits that he looked more than a little tetchy on the touchline last spring. Keep water bottles well away from Le Boss - for someone so frugal, he does waste a heck of a lot of water. Amusing Wenger comment of the week - " We are not frail defensively" ...ok, just like Ray Parlour doesn't look anything like Rebekah Brooks of "News of the World" fame... We were only bad at set pieces - really Arsene? Just last season? And why do we give away and concede from so many set pieces? Do the maths - we are particularly poor mentally and it does seem a backtrack from comments he made at the end of the season where he openly criticised our defence.

Anyhow, Gervinho "manwhosoundsbrazilianbutisactuallyfromivorycoast" has signed and apparently is just like Theo Walcott, take that as you will. He might actually be quite good, and he has the same hairdo as Sagna so perhaps he will help confuse opposing players as our next cunning tactic.

Finally Patrick Vieira has retired. An unbelievably good player for AFC - for me he always used to do the job of two midfielders at once. A shame he has chosen to stay at Man City rather than return to London, which I hope he does in the future in some capacity. Patrick, we missed you when you went and if Wenger can find another like you in the deepest darkest parts of the world with his extensive scouting network we would have a real chance of silverware next season.

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  1. Depression

    Jul 19, 2011, 22:41 #10070

    Peter Hill wood go away. you spoke. you said nothing. what is it that you do apart from receive a huge cheque each month ? Arsenal dont seem to have a board who are taking this club forward. crap sponsorship deals. lack of innovative marketing. dont think like a big club. dont woo their own fans. put up with a morose non stop complaining manager. crikey no wonder people hate us

  2. SilverGooner

    Jul 19, 2011, 22:00 #10069

    Not only are there some accurate comments made in the article but so are many of the comments above from various Gooners. You are right Jekyll - the freezer is stuffed with ice cream but Wenger goes and buys more when we are desperatley in need of milk and bread. Which begs the question - if we can see all the flaws, how come the board can't? The fact that the only way we can get shot of Denilson with a season-long loan just about sums up the appalling mess that Wenger has got the club into. Oh, I almost forgot our unbelievably tough start to the coming season.

  3. Andrew Cohen

    Jul 19, 2011, 20:08 #10068

    We actually have no idea how well or badly these players would do if properly managed and directed. What we do know is that Mr Wenger's "coaching" turns players with spark and know how acquired at other clubs into numty's. I think that they reach a state of simple despair at the directionless nature of the non-strategy in place. The first step to seeing what we can actually do with these players is to get rid of the man at the top and see what can be salvaged. We must get rid and the only way to do that is to shove him out of his comfort zone with verbal challenge to his competence. Les Moutons de Wenger are a problem, but, as others have written, lots are coming round. As they never tire of telling us, the team needs our support. It does. We need to liberate them by making the Manager's position totally untenable. The board won't do it. Mr Kroenke doesn't appear to be alive to the issue at all, despite the fact that Monsieur W is about to throw away the same sum that it would take to buy his contract out on compelling Nasri to stay. If you want one single shining example of his failure to think correctly, neither Henry nor Fabregas have performed well when asked to stay beyond their desired date of escape. Undeterred, OGL is going to make the same mistake, the same losing play, all over again, by making Nasri stay.

  4. Clueless

    Jul 19, 2011, 18:40 #10067

    when you have a situation where the board doesnt put pressure on the manager after a bad run of 6 years without a trophy then you have a recipe for disaster. the fact that they are signing from the same hymn sheet is very worrying and i think confirms all our worst fears about profitability coming before success. arsenal are almost too sensible theyre now too boring. AW despises the media and doesnt want to give his own fans anything to get excited about. we are all meant to shut up, wait and trust. this is so so arrogant and tyrannical and shows a frightening disdian for the people who pay to follow the club. arsenal isnt a club where the cameras and the fans are all seen outside welcoming a new signing. AW hates all of this. Arsenal fans are all meant to be above all of this. he blows of Sky despite his club is more than happy to take the money that Sky provides but giving us juicy sports news. i love and hate arsenal these days

  5. Brigham

    Jul 19, 2011, 15:18 #10065

    As the late and great John Laurie of Dads Army fame would no doubt utter..."We're doomed! We're all doomed!" I have never honestly felt so sceptical about an up and coming season in all my years supporting The Arsenal. The Nasri and Fabregas need sorting now, not waiting until the end of July Mr Wenger, because by then it will be too late. Sort it out like the manager you are supposed to be or sod off!

  6. Mark

    Jul 19, 2011, 13:23 #10064

    Ron, 1 of the most depressing things has actually been waking for AKB's to wake up and smell the coffee but i sense it is finally starting to happen about 6 months after you would have thought it would

  7. DC

    Jul 19, 2011, 11:45 #10062

    Dan H and chris dee i totally agree, i am fed up with the nasri crap - please arsenal just bloody sell him! How can you justify price rises and not spending on quality players and then say it is no problem to waste approx.25M on one years half-hearted service from a player who isn't even a half of what pires or freddie were. Big clubs do not get bent over backwards by only decent players. starting to get seriously angry now.

  8. Ron

    Jul 19, 2011, 10:58 #10061

    Big Dave Very true, but i do think the fans are gradually turning. The rest will remain the same though nontheless.

  9. Big Dave

    Jul 19, 2011, 10:15 #10060

    Good Article, Lets be fair we have a board of directors who are on the take, a manager that's gone mad, and a bunch of players who are spineless, And most of all fans who put up with any old rubbish

  10. Ray Parlours Twin Brother (Roy)

    Jul 19, 2011, 9:26 #10059

    She looks nothing like me !!

  11. bill

    Jul 19, 2011, 3:14 #10058

    No way are we going to win the league this year unless that mug signs someone at the back. FACT. And with his recent comments, its obvious that we aren't going to sign anyone, what with Vermaelen coming back.

  12. tom

    Jul 19, 2011, 1:02 #10057

    unfortunately sums alot of denilson up for the last couple of seasons - passenger

  13. MarkH

    Jul 18, 2011, 21:25 #10055

    Agree with chris dee's sentiments about getting top dollar.There is however a problem.The systers and scumbags that surround certain clubs do not want to give top dollar.They want top dollar for their castoffs, but dont want to give it.They brag about how much they want a player but don't want to pay it.If Fabregas wants to go,and Barcelona actually want him,then tell them unless the full asking price is meet by the end of the week ,then forget it.I can just see it now,two days before the end of the window, they come in, offer the money knowing we have no way of getting in replacemments. We refuse then we are the bad boys.

  14. Nugs

    Jul 18, 2011, 20:28 #10054

    @starting over according to the jcl wenger bum boys we are a minority! i think not. agree with this blog in regards to why he took denilson on the tour instead of lansbury but why cant we count jenkinson as a new signing? he is and he looked ok.

  15. Starting Over

    Jul 18, 2011, 18:35 #10053

    its so bad now that well over 60% of fans want Arsene to go and leave us alone. unfortunately i think we are going to have to suffer some bad defeats, humiliations, histrionics and all sorts between August-Dec for that to happen so brace yourself !

  16. Viking

    Jul 18, 2011, 18:06 #10052

    We're still waiting, for some strange reason I keep reading the stories from Newsnow in the faint hope there might be an element of truth to the gossip. But I know I'm as we all do, that we're simply clutching at straws. There is no signing, we'll buy some cheap, unknown, unproven, takes time to bed in and adapt player who has no heart, commitment or passion for the team. I'm sick of these players, we all know them, who are simply not good enough. Seb Squillachi is a joke, why is he allowed to continue playing for us, it's scary, Djourou is a 3rd choice at best, he makes too many mistakes and if we have ambitions of challenginf for the top honours he should be demoted to 4th choice, with Kos at 3rd choice behind a proper defender to compliment TV. I've had enough of Andre Arshavin and his laziness, but I know, lets give him another chance, how many times does he beat his defender, not very often. He's lazy, doesnt protect his left back but he is a luxury we can afford, I think not! Clueless, you were spot on with your remark mate, no one wants our players, it's the sad truth... I'll continue reading the gossip columns in the hope that we manage to sign a proven, man, winner, leader, and someone who is prepared to get stuck in and put a rocket up his team mates when required.

  17. Gooner1711

    Jul 18, 2011, 17:57 #10051

    Sadly an all too familiar pre-season. The talk from Gazidis and Wenger about an "active pre-season transfer market" was all talk and just that. I fear that Cesc and Nasri late departures and then that would leave us in deep......it is worrying. I fear for this season.

  18. Dan h

    Jul 18, 2011, 17:18 #10050

    The live within our means element is fine but we never spend the money we have in the player trading account.The whole point being if we had even partially spent the £35m we have in cash available i can't say for sure we would have won something last year but we wouldn't have had to endure the lottery of the CL playoffs. It imo then makes a mockery of the likely decision to keep hold of Nasri we should cash in on him & re-invest.If fans were disappointed with him at the end of last season do you really think that Nasri is going to be commited with a big fat bosman contract waiting for him? They talk about a self sustaining club but let a £20m asset walk away for nothing it makes no sense to me.

  19. Jekyll

    Jul 18, 2011, 16:12 #10049

    If the club has to be so careful with the cash, as Gazidis says, then why are we still stock piling unknowns and kids, as well as the £10m Gervinho - yet another attacking midfield type. When money is limited then you spend on what's urgently needed - Wenger is the householder who buys ice cream when his freezer is already full of it, but he's out of bread and milk. As Gazidis just said, Wenger is the 'voice of Arsenal' and clearly the only decision maker as well. He continues to indulge himself in his own interests, disregarding what the club urgently needs. Let's hope he finally gets his comeuppance this season and AFC can start over.

  20. Oxy_moron

    Jul 18, 2011, 15:52 #10048

    Agree with "Mark" - November will be this year's February!

  21. Clueless

    Jul 18, 2011, 15:29 #10047

    i think theres been no purchase because theres been no sales. theres no sales because nobody wants the players that we want to sell for the price that we want for them because this time AW has been totally caught out. Others see what bottlers they all are (rosy, diaby, eboue, almunia) so why on earth would anyone else pay them what AW pays them ! his business model has collapsed and we are in trouble now as we have to keep dead wood

  22. Ron

    Jul 18, 2011, 13:56 #10046

    Its right i reckon that the news coverage for Arsenal must be comparitively the most mind numbingly tedious and inane drivel. The Clubs name is always in the news but only in such a way as it betrays the Clubs obvious sterility. The appearance of the hapless Gazadis, slavishly towing OGLs line just makes it worse (if thats possible). Hes clearly a toothless, chinless PR man and no more. I bet Wenger must fiendishly cackle and laugh his backside off every evening before hes made it from the car to the front door. What must his Mrs think as he walks in, doubling his spindly frame up with mirth before hes even asked her what Japanese slushy garbage she's serving up for dinner this evening? I would strongly suggest to Mr Gazadis if he really wants to sell Denny, Bendtner, Diaby, Rosy, Almunia, Eboue, Fabianski and Co (im sure theres a few ive missed here that merited inclusion and if so i do apologise) that he cuts the Clubs losses and tries either the £ shop or he hawks the lot of them around a few Charity shops. I cant see any serious Club wanting to pay decent money for any of them to be honest and the unsuspecting ones who might fancy a loan type deal can always chuck them back in the said outlet once theyve suffered enough and cleared their eyes after seeing the sheer. carefree ineptitude each will inevitably bring.

  23. Richard Ansell

    Jul 18, 2011, 12:26 #10044

    I think most real fans are in a state of total bewilderment, listening to Wenger's increasingly idiotic comments and inaction in the transfer market. I know I certainly am and as for the coming season - obviously I hope we do well (huge doubts with this) but if we don't I will comfort myself that another poor season must surely spell the end for Wenger. It will just be a pity he had to take the club down with him.

  24. Herts Gooner

    Jul 18, 2011, 12:15 #10043

    We have no chance of silverware next season, though it pains me to say it.

  25. Mark

    Jul 18, 2011, 11:17 #10041

    this season you will not have to wait until Feb before we ''fall away'', it will be over for us long before that this time

  26. GunnerPete

    Jul 18, 2011, 10:31 #10040

    Good article. Although Ray P would never bed his way to the top. would he? Nice to see we are still overfilling the front line with runners. Just wish we had signed 3/4 6'6" C backs, and a solid Mbia type CMF, but this is Arsene's way ie. sign one partially know (gervihno) sign 2 slightly known (jenkinson & Campbell) and two unknown kids Toral & Beline? Now arsene get you arse into gear and get the defenders we need.

  27. chris dee

    Jul 18, 2011, 9:48 #10039

    If Denilson,Bendtner,Almunia and Rosicky are still drawing wages at Arsenal next season then we know that the club has lost it's way. Why the p*****g about with Fabrigas and Nasri?Let the f*****s go.Get top dollar for them and replace them with people who want to be at the club. The last thing we want is to see Fabrigas and Nasri shoulders slumped on a permanent strop during games. Tevez wants to go? City will let him goand replace him. Ronaldo wanted to go th Real Madrid? United let him go and bought two other first class players to replace him.. What Wenger said about not being a top club if we let them go is dogpoo.It shows we are a small club that is petrified of losing players and do not have the confidence in replacing them. Arsenal fans are ready for a fight with the manager and board this season because there is only so much 'we know best ' crap we can take from them