I am not yet looking forward to the new season

But I haven’t given up on Diaby… yet

I am not yet looking forward to the new season

Clichy: Departure was a no brainer

On the face of it after last season everything seemed very simple. Get rid of the deadwood and make four or five signings. Clichy going was a no brainer. He always did his best but his performances over the last four years had steadily declined. I hope his comments upon joining City were merely poor interpretations or taken out of context. One of the reasons we remained without a trophy was Clichy's erratic performances and errors often at crucial times. For him to supposedly say he was fed up with Arsenal falling short each season when he was one of the prime reasons why is ironic. I can only hope he continues at City in the same vain. Denilson & Bendtner both want to leave but there are obviously no takers at present. They need to be shipped out as soon as possible. Eboue has become a liability at the back with his schoolboy positioning and antics. Almunia - nice bloke but thanks and goodbye. Rosicky no longer has what it takes. I like Vela but he could not get into West Brom's team and early promise has long since evaporated. Arshavin is not going to get any fitter so we simply cannot carry him.

There are one or two players I would give a last chance. Diaby if he can remain fit can prove his critics wrong. He has never eclipsed his Carling cup final performance against Chelsea when he tore them apart in the first half. If he cannot stay fit in the first half of the season he needs to move on by January. Walcott has flattered to deceive and really owes Arsenal a big season. He has not reached his potential even though he scored more goals last season. Every Gooner would be afraid that if we did let him go he would take off elsewhere. No one can blame Fabregas wanting to join his boyhood team but if he stays will we get the best out of him? If there is any truth that Nasri is not going to sign a new contract I would let him go. He will be off next year anyway and again will we get the best from him in the coming season? The knock on effect could be that we fail to attract players if we lose our best ones. I am not convinced with Chamakh. He started fairly well, but any forward looking to pass to a colleague when in the opposition’s six yard box, does not instil confidence. He does on the positive provide an aerial threat we have generally lacked.

We still need to sign a couple of defenders. Traore is simply not good enough and needs to be sold or given a free transfer. Squillaci I would keep as third reserve centre back. Djourou looked to have solved a problem after some excellent games especially at the Nou Camp. He looked fragile later in the season with several costly lapses in concentration. A new centre half is therefore vital for the new season.

I have to say for the first time in over 44 years of support I am not yet looking forward to the new season. I have pushed it to one side in my mind perhaps not wanting to face the fact we may not challenge for major honours in the coming season. The disappointment of recent years have led to optimism being replaced by a real fear we will no longer be one of the major players in the Premiership.

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  1. Andy

    Jul 21, 2011, 21:37 #10139

    Dont forget under his Arsenal shirt Diaby is wearing a Sperz shirt.Not even Cashley did that

  2. MikeP

    Jul 21, 2011, 20:09 #10137

    agreed up until you mentioned Diaby and second chance, but come on mate, we'd all love to get rid of the crap and start again, but its not going to happen, so just get behind ur team, if u have been a fan for 44 years there must have been worst periods?

  3. dando

    Jul 21, 2011, 12:20 #10120

    The reason Chamakh started so well and then flopped was because it took him 6 months to understand tippy tappy football. Before then he played like a striker should play, however, each day, little by little the strikers role was passed out of him, and he became the football equivalent of a stepford wife (a Wenger protegy).

  4. ed enough

    Jul 21, 2011, 8:52 #10105

    I suppose you would have any players that remain after your mass exodus shot? No wonder your not looking forward to the new season....you sound like your on the verge of suicide!!!

  5. Jimmy

    Jul 21, 2011, 7:16 #10104

    Glad that so many Gooner havent forgotten Diaby saying he walks around at home with a Spuds shirt on.And he we pay him 60k a week.Dont let him forget that next season if god forbid he starts any games.

  6. Charlie Nick

    Jul 21, 2011, 4:28 #10103

    Diaby struggles to attain the average. For every positive game changing performance (Villa away) there is an equally negative game changing performance (Utd away) the rest of the time he is lazy, tactically inept or just plain anonymous. What glimmer of hope are we hanging out for here? As someone else said he would not get within a country mile of the Man U 1st XI (Kleberson anyone)I like Rosicky, at least he tries. Ship out Diaby along with Eboue, Squillaci, Vela, Almunia, Mannone, Traore et al especially if we are short of funds to buy players.

  7. Peter

    Jul 20, 2011, 23:49 #10102

    Obviously I would love Fabregas & Nasri to turn round and commit themselves fully to AFC.The rest of the players mentioned are not 1st choice except Walcott.If we buy another centre half you are not going to get a better 3rd reserve than Squillaci.Don't forget that is four players ahead of him Maybe the young Spanish centre half will come through and Squillaci can be on his way.In my opinion Diaby has talent but has been injured far to often.Maybe he will never fullfil that talent.We can all give opinions which will vary of course but it is the manager who ultimately makes the decisions.As for doom & gloom I genuinely am not looking forward to the season ahead.However I have renewed my season and will be giving my full support to the team.

  8. johnnyh

    Jul 20, 2011, 23:26 #10101

    our biggest problem is our manager has no interest in defence .particularly positioning in open play but also at free kicks and corners. until this fundamental flaw in the teams make up is addressed,NOTHING will change,no matter who we sign. get ready for another season of wenger blaming referees,linesmen and opposing managers.

  9. Brigham

    Jul 20, 2011, 20:03 #10100

    Quote The Ghost of Tommy Caton "We pay top dollar to be made excited by the worlds best. I feel that I've just paid to get into Spearmint Rhino to be told that Pat Butcher is on next!" One of my favourite lines for ages - I tip my hat to you sir.

  10. Howard

    Jul 20, 2011, 19:55 #10099

    Diaby, Squilacci, Eboue and Traore all not good but will continue to ply their trade at the Emirates. Why? They are all French or French Africans. Wenger likes to keep hold of his own. Anytime he says he's not got a player that can improve the team he means French/French African player not being available. He's turned Arsenal into French national team training ground.

  11. matty

    Jul 20, 2011, 18:43 #10098

    Don't give that lazy muppet Diaby another chance! He is always injured and has never performed consistently. Should have been put on the transfer list the moment he admitted he wears a S***rs shirt round his house, total farce!

  12. Aron

    Jul 20, 2011, 16:54 #10096

    just wondering the motivation behind wanting to keep squillaci... he is shocking

  13. Mark

    Jul 20, 2011, 15:31 #10095

    Howard: Eboue is hammered for having a jovial attitude dont we need more of that in this squad. NO we ****ing dont thats the big problem too many ****e players strolling around laughing and joking when we lose and picking up £60k a week.Eboue is one of the worst Arsenal players ever.Would Ferguson have the clown within a thousand miles of Old Trafford?Thats why Ferguson continues to win trophies and Useless Wenger wins F**k All

  14. Chiedozie

    Jul 20, 2011, 15:13 #10094

    I agree with most of your points, except that Squillaci must be sold out immediately or let to go on free if no club wishes to buy him.

  15. The Ghost of Tommy Caton

    Jul 20, 2011, 14:08 #10093

    While the man in the street is faced with austerity, there's no such problem in the AFC boardroom. Hill-wood looks upon the average fan as a peasant. Kroenke has not bought a major shareholding for the love of the club. There is a cash cow at The Emirates. Gazidis talks the talk, but walks like Douglas Badar. His mantra of I can't say too much because it will be misinterpreted by the media makes me so angry. You are Arsenal's PR guru, do the job that you are very well paid to do. Nasri's contract negotiations or lack of. You are guilty Ivan. Nobody hates that mob down the road more than I do, but hats off. Modric is not for sale at any price, now FO. Why haven't Arsenal shown similar opposition to the Catalan Pykkies pursuit of Cesc. We pay top dollar to be made excited by the worlds best. I feel that I've just paid to get into Spearmint Rhino to be told that Pat Butcher is on next! Why are we not the ones trying to pursuade Benzema, Sneijder or Schweinsteiger to come to The Emirates. Ramsey, Vela and TV are not new signings. Do not insult our intelligence Mr Wenger. Granted, over the history of Arsenal Football Club things are not that bad. We need to remember that previous managers/boards did not have the luxury of Sky funding and/or corporate income.

  16. Clueless

    Jul 20, 2011, 13:50 #10092

    its funny but when i now hear AW critiscise someone or something i tend to be in the opposite camp. beit stuart pearce, mancini, xavi, etc i can well understand how AW pisses them off because he has turned into one introverted, sulking, negative, loaner with the complete opposite personality that one actually needs to be a football manager !

  17. Tony

    Jul 20, 2011, 13:47 #10091

    Lets get things straight Eboue Diaby and Rosicky are all crap.So i go mad when i hear some Gooners say keep one clown or the other because they are better than the other clowns.Is that how we judge our players now on who is the least worst?Its like judging Almunia and Flappy they are both clowns.None of them should be at a club with title ambitions and picking up £50k a week.What more do these clowns have to do to get some gooners to realise they are useless.As for Diaby he is the biggest joker of the lot The new Vieira my arse.If PV played untill he was 100 he would still be better that that fraud

  18. Highbury Boy

    Jul 20, 2011, 13:36 #10090

    If Howard (Post 11122) likes watching Eboue because he's got a smiley face I suggest he stops going to football matches and goes to the circus.

  19. AdeTool

    Jul 20, 2011, 13:26 #10089

    Diaby?? What you mean Spurs shirt-wearing Diaby! He's had FIVE YEARS and earns £60k a week. And yet you "wanna give him another chance". Is this a football club or a f*****g youth centre?! Squillaci! You obviously know sod all about football. Seventh most valuable sports team in the world and we're getting blanked by Costa Rican kids and talking about keeping Diaby and Squid. Biggest problem at Arsenal aside from the incompetent overpaid Wenger? Ambitionless fans. Get some bloody standards and a backbone. Or have you forgotten how much an ST costs?

  20. Richard Ansell

    Jul 20, 2011, 12:40 #10088

    I am feeling the same way as you, Peter, apart from giving Diaby more chances to prove himself. He can look a good player but it is all to infrequently, couple this with his injury record and he has to go. You can forget about signing any decent defenders this summer - Wenger thinks we are fine defensively! Also wait for Nasri and Fabregas to be sold at the end of the transfer window which will give the French buffoon the chance to say that he did everything to keep them and now hasn't got time to replace them. He is taking all of us for mugs, but if he thinks he can get away with more 'judge me in May' comments, he will be in for a surprise because at last it seems more and more supporters are seeing through his empty promises and he will face huge critiscism when we start to falter next season. I am living for the day that he goes.

  21. Howard Davies

    Jul 20, 2011, 12:26 #10087

    Agree with most of your assessment Peter. I think you're possibly kind on Diaby, are we surely not past the point now where we know he has talent, but cannot deliver it for whatever reason. I personally believe it's partly down to terrible coaching as well as an appalling injury record. He's been played in countless positions, he doesn't seem to know whether he's an attacking or defensive mdifielder any more, and Wenger himself seems to change his opinion from game to game. How can that help any player? I also think everyone is overly harsh on Eboue as well. He's hammered for having a jovial attitude, don't we need more of that in this squad, I'd rather see happy faces than Cesc's depression any day of the week. He's a poor defensive full back, agreed, but a very dangerous attacking full-back on his day and he's given no credit for that whatsoever. He's the polar opposite of Sagna. As poor an option as Eboue can be when we're trying to defend, Sagna can be just as troublesome when we're tasked with breaking a team down at home. I think there's room to use Eboue as an attacking option in those games. But at first sight, Jenkinson looks as if he might be a mixture of both, so whether his introduction / progression will render Eboue surplus, we'll have to wait and see. But personally, I think Eboue brings much more to the squad than Rosicky. He's going to help Gervinho bed into the squad, and we can do without losing any more "characters" from this squad at this point in time.

  22. Mark

    Jul 20, 2011, 11:35 #10086

    Brigham, i remember those days, 1981/2-1986 as the dark days but then David Dein got into gear and got a young agressive manager from Millwall who was an ex Arsenal player. George Graham. and the rest is history. GG/DD then made AFC very succesful, competitive and hard to beat and allowed DD to to then bring in AW in 96 on the back of GG's squad and this lasted AW through to 2003

  23. Brigham

    Jul 20, 2011, 11:16 #10085

    In my mind, we have a board and manager who treat us Gooners with utter contempt and think we are all fools who do not understand the full history of our great club. Gazidis, Hill-Wood and the rest of them are in it for profit and have very little interest in taking the club forward anymore. They spin a good dit about purchasing players, but nothing ever happens does it? For the last five or six years we (Fans) have constantly being lied to by the board and of course, Wenger. There is without doubt a large amount of uprising being stirred up and it would not surprise me if us, the fans, made it quite plain come September if the situation does not improve. Gooners are a patient lot, but patience can only last so long. I fear we are being taken back to the dark ages of Don Howe or Terry Neill. (For those of you too young to remember, that was the late 70s' and early 80's) [wink] Come on Arsenal, sort out the Cesc and Nasri saga now and lets move on.

  24. graham

    Jul 20, 2011, 10:25 #10084

    Diaby is usless end of.Its the likes of him and the other deadwood who have been holding the club back as well as dopey Wenger.He's had his chance get shot of the tosser

  25. SilverGooner

    Jul 20, 2011, 10:22 #10083

    I have to agree with Joe here. Diaby has more than long enough to proove himself and he is just not up to the job. Woefully inconsistent. Would Fergie have put up Diaby had he been in their squad? Not a chance! And I'm afraid that Sqillaci isn't even good enough for a third choice central defender. That aside, a good article Peter and I have to agree with you that I am not looking forward to the new season either.

  26. Dave

    Jul 20, 2011, 10:10 #10082

    I dont think I can take this article seriously...Diaby a last chance? How many chances has he had?? And when you mentioned 'keeping' Squillaci my god the thought of him pulling on a Gooner shirt fills me with dread. As per usual Wenger has let us all down with no major signings and not getting rid of the deadwood. The only World Class players we have want to leave, what sort of statement does this send out? We are almost finished as a club unless radical changes happen and we have absolutely no chance of winning the league this season, I wish the board woke up and realised this FACT

  27. CD

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:47 #10081

    At this stage not much point looking forward to the new season, as I'd rather not contemplate my blood pressure rising again due to a lack of problem solving by OGL with our squad. Whether or not this will change who knows, but going on previous years experiences I am with you Peter and have little if any optimism, but plenty of fear and pessimism that the coming season will be the one where we just become another Villa, Spuds, Bolton etc. May be it's what's needed to finally end the torture of Wenger's youth/bargain basement policy, as going into a seventh year of this is already far to much for me, and long for the day we have regime change, even if that means falling out of the top four is the catalyst to achieve this!

  28. herbzoverrum

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:43 #10080

    morning,i feel the same. the club has once again used the barca-fab & now nasri hype as a smoke screen the incompetance of the board & manager. once again we hear wenger has money to spend & once again wenger does jack****! i really cant belieeve anything that come out of wengre/gazidis mouths any more. to be honest i dont think we can even attract descent players to the club again. we are full up with players who nobody wants to buy. who would be mad enough to buy almunia,squilachi,rosicky,bendtner etc?would you? i think at the end of the day we are no longer a top four side & it will make the board sit up if we did not qualify for the champions league..sad state of affairs. we have been talking about cahill,samba,melo since the last transfer window & they still are just diverring over what? all wengers hot air about belief..pfff,his top boys are even looking to jump ship.amaising.. maybe we can turn the emirates into a high tech nursery coz all i see is kids & more kids joining. sell fab nasri replace wenger sack the board & get people who want to achieve for & with arsenal. we were arsenal long before these people who have their own agendas. oh yeah,theres the emirates dodgy cup & one of these days we wont even win that with this current squad of chokers

  29. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:41 #10079

    I totally feel the same way and I just wonder that how come the club does not make sense like this, not one of them ever think of anything like that!!!!?

  30. Ron

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:34 #10078

    Diaby - Has some talent BUT hes ill disciplined, unreliable, as injury prone as they come and most importantly its clear to whoever sees him that he lacks heart. Its the latter that screws any athlete form making it. Hes flotsam and needs selling as much as ever the Bendtners, Denny's, Almunia's and Eboue's et al do.

  31. Matt

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:24 #10077

    That's what we like to see - good, positive, unequivocal support for the team!

  32. Joe

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:22 #10076

    Why would you give Diaby another chance?? He has been with us 5 years and got worse each season. Sell him and let Ramsey have a run in the team as his performances were way above anything Diaby produced all year at the end of last season

  33. dupiaza

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:21 #10075

    Agree with everything you say in this article. I like you am forty years supporting Arsenal but now no excitement about a new season weeks away. Absolutely no confidence in the management or the board and even the players all disgusted with the performances as though they weren't responsible for it. I personnaly was disappointed when it was announced that Kroenke was taking over the club, because i thought that all the american owned clubs (except Villa perhaps) have all proved to be problematic.I would have preferred Usmanov to take us forward. How do we keep accepting these promises of big players coming when we all really know that they won't.they play for time and at the last minute they'll bring in a second rate journeyman, and then complain that everyone we go for is snapped up by Manu, Mancitu or chelsea. Surprising that we can't get rid of players? i'm not. Keep up the good work and maybe someone may take notice, (though don't hold your breathe.

  34. Karenich

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:19 #10074

    Get a life, mate with all this doom and gloom, the transfer window is still wide open so we have time to sort things out

  35. Uba

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:17 #10073

    How about we sell everyone and have perfect robots instead.

  36. widge

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:15 #10072

    Sweet Zombie Jesus mate, would of been a shorter article to say what players you would keep!

  37. Mark

    Jul 20, 2011, 9:10 #10071

    its best to focus on how did we get here and who is responsible and what should be done about it. in the real world when people screw up they lose their jobs. changing the definition of screwing up (as arsenal have done) isnt an option in the real world. most top clubs live firmly in the real world except ours that contents itself with being nice and fuzzy and charitable and moral and rule following and this is why our support is not growing because this club does not excite people. No dynamic personalities in our club any more, just a clean cut profit machine hence the old traditional support of Arsenal will undoubtedly fall away as just wearing red shirts is not enough, we needed the club to hold to some past traditions and in my view they have all been jettisoned out of the window