So nearly and now too late

Jam tomorrow promises now spread a little thin?

So nearly and now too late

Nasri and Fabregas: Unhappy ending whatever is decided

I am guessing that most of us spend far too much time wondering what on earth is going on in Arsene Wenger’s head, and none of us will be any the wiser for it I am sure. It is only my long association with Arsenal that is driving my interest now because I have given up on Wenger and expect nothing to change until he has gone.

We have had lots of winless streaks, many during my support of the club, but it is this one that has really got under my skin. The closest I can remember to it was under Terry Neil when we were just short of being a title winning side, and then instead of seeing decent players coming in we had to watch first Brady and then Stapleton quit the club. These departures of course spelt disaster and we then endured some of the worst players I have ever seen pull on an Arsenal shirt – who remembers the Hankin / Hawley strike force? I am afraid that we are about to see a similar pattern emerging now with the Nasri / Fabregas fiasco.

It is the fact that we have been so close to greatness that really irks me because it is just completely frustrating. We watch the same players let the team down week in and week out, we all know we need some decent, experienced defensive signings, an experienced quality keeper, and a big centre forward to give us that much required plan B, and yet NOTHING ever seems to happen to improve matters. Now it is like déjà vu and for Brady / Stapleton read Nasri and Fabregas. Of course our better players have had enough, just like we have, of Wenger’s jam tomorrow promises. We have heard it too many times now and don’t believe him anymore.

Based on past experience my bet is that both Nasri and Fabregas will be sold near to the end of the transfer window and Wenger will claim that he did all he could to keep them and will then say of course there is now no time for replacements to be brought in. The alternative is that he forces them to stay; Nasri runs his contract down, losing the club £20M, Fabregas’s value falls and we have two players at the club that don’t want to play for us. Either way it is a mess of Wenger’s own making.

I don’t expect to see any proper defensive signings, and predict that Jenkinson (just out of short trousers) will be our only addition in this respect. Clichy was no big loss but Gibbs for me still has a lot to prove, and I don’t think Traore is up to it. Then on the right we still have Eboue waiting in the wings to f**k things up when Sagna is injured. It will be great to have Vermaalen back but overall we will be no better than last year defensively because we know that the defence is not up to the job. Song is no Vieira and Frimpong, although promising, is still very much work in progress. In goal we have Szczesny who looks good, but how about Given for £3.5M as back up rather than Fabianski or God help us Almunia if we haven’t managed to loan him out somewhere.

We can all see what needs to be done, even though we have not had even a half day working in football, but Wenger seems oblivious to it, continues to back all the under-achievers (though at least the penny seems to have dropped with Denilson – although of course it had to be a loan, because no other manager would be stupid enough to actually buy him and pay his ridiculous salary) and his recent comments seem even more deluded than at the end of last season.

I hope that history does not repeat itself and that somehow we will do alright next season but I cannot help but think it will get a lot worse before it gets better.

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  1. Ali

    Jul 26, 2011, 10:27 #10262

    Please Wenger and his blind supporters leave Arsenal FC and go to a loser French team.

  2. David

    Jul 25, 2011, 12:55 #10237

    Arsene is a Fraudster (post 11214) - You claim that you write nothing that can't be backed by fact. Well, I suggest you start using some facts to support what you write rather that just opinion backed by insults. It would give your comment much greater strength. As they stand, they pack very little credible punch.

  3. Richard Ansell

    Jul 25, 2011, 8:34 #10230

    Wengersupporter - the mess of Wenger's own making is the fact that Fabregas no longer wants to play for us becuase he wants win trophies and is fed up plying his trade with wasters like Denilson. Yes I know eventually he would end up with Barca anyway but not this way with nothing to show for his outstanding ability other than the FA Cup. As for Nasri no decent manager would allow a player's contract to get to the final year, and as for saying he would force him to stay and risk letting him go for nothing!!!

  4. clockendpaul

    Jul 24, 2011, 14:42 #10217

    Gooner ron... maybe i should have put 3rd or 4th does it really matter, my point is that we keep finishing 3rd or 4th with millions lying unspent in the bank AGAIN and AGAIN. I think the amount we pay to watch the same mistakes season after season we have every right to spout doom and gloom, i notice you could'nt answer my main question.

  5. AfroGoonieGooner

    Jul 24, 2011, 12:57 #10216

    Maybe it's because I have read too many articles predicting the worse but I am now starting to find it quite boring. I understand that we as arsenal fans bye into the culture of our great club and become emtionally invested in it, but I can't understand the pain we put ourselves through trying to predict what is going to happen in the transfer window. I know we use Wengers past actions to predict how the transfer window will play out but perhaps we need to save ourselves a hernia and enjoy the football and the players who are around that do care for the club. I am genuinely looking forward to the start of the season so i dont have to deal with all the speculation and predictions.... wait for it "You have no Ambition..Go support Spurs then!"

  6. GoonerRon

    Jul 24, 2011, 10:39 #10210

    Clockendpaul - you say we'll finish 4th or 5th again - in the intervening period between us last finishing 5th Wenger was won us 3 titles including an unbeaten league season, so not sure where your 'again' comes from. As for the rest of the negativity, I think we need to take a step back and realize that Wenger isn't perfect, yet that is how he is being judged. You could make a list of failings that every single manager has made, Inc. SAF, as nobody is beyond criticism. This man lives and breathes Arsenal and will take us back to the top, which, despite the doom and gloom bollocks which is spouted on here far to often, we've not been that far away from in any case.

  7. Vineet

    Jul 24, 2011, 9:00 #10204

    Mr Richard - Well drafted. Couldnt agree with you more. Wenger of 2000-2004 (I am a late convertee from India) was worth worshiping. This one is not. He has become victim of his image. Only god can make out what he thinks. May thats why people say common sense is so uncommon to find and thats why perhaps its absent in AW. Sickofthehaters - Love your enthusiasm but wonder if you can see any reason. If you can buy jokers such as Squilacci and Kosc in vicinity of 10M and not buy Samba and Mertasacker in the same range then you are not a great coach. Neither you are one if you pay likes of Diaby, Eboue, Bendtner in range of 50K per week. AW had done well till Invincibles. His youth project should have been wounded up after the team lost the plot post eduardo injury. Remember we were leading by 5 points at that time. Learn to respect well constructed point of view.

  8. wengersupporter

    Jul 24, 2011, 1:54 #10193

    there is a real problem at the club - it's not wenger, it's fans like you. You descibe the cesc and nasri situation as a "mess of wenger's own making". That's right he bought cesc for a token million, and now we may be forced to sell him for around 40m - after years of service. Wenger has a track record in the transfer market that is the best in the game. No other manager would be providing champions league football on these resources. Anyway its hardly worth arguing with you. Please - when he's gone and our club is mid table - remember how ungrateful you were.

  9. Adrian M

    Jul 23, 2011, 17:14 #10192

    Ron Interesting what you say about Billy Wright. This is what Jon Sammels told me in an interview I had with him for Backpass magazine: “I feel a bit sorry for Billy Wright and the way he’s remembered,” he (Sammels) says. “People tend to discount his time as manager of Arsenal but he had a big input player-wise in the team that won the double. “He gave several members of that squad their opportunity - George Armstrong, Peter Simpson, Peter Storey, John Radford and me. “He also signed Bob Wilson, who became one of the best goalkeepers in the country, and Frank McLintock. He was a great captain and a big factor in us winning the double. It would have been a lot more difficult without him as captain. “Don Howe was another of his signings. Whether he signed him with a view to becoming a coach, I don’t know. If he did it was a great signing because we were very lucky a coach of Don’s calibre took over when Dave (Sexton) left. He took on all Dave’s good work and added to it.

  10. kissthebadgecozyouloveit

    Jul 23, 2011, 13:48 #10191

    i guess ashley cole has been vindicated.i dont even hate the guy anymore.the real ****s are the manager and the board that couldnt pay an england international and possibly the best english left in a genaration back a wage that reflected that.but they can pay eboue,denilson,rosicky and all these other rubbish so and so's exhorbitant wages.they should be ashamed of how they have treated and continue to treat the fans.but the fans are the biggest mugs of all coz we continue to allow to happen.all i'm saying is we dont own the club but we are the club thereforewe should make ourselves heard by more middle eastern style protest.ALUTA CONTINUA!!(may the struggle continue)

  11. Not now kato

    Jul 23, 2011, 13:33 #10190

    ronster that was excellent so well put. i genuinely think we need to increase the volume on our views in the hope the owners and board might do something....? wenger aka inspector cluless has singlehandedly killed this club. spurs and liverpool fans are more optimistic than us for next season because they trust their managers. arsenal fans no longer trust arsene. to the tune of '' theres only 1 arsene wenger'', i now propose we sing '' its time to go arsene wenger, its time to go arsene wengggger''

  12. clockendpaul

    Jul 23, 2011, 13:16 #10189

    Just seen on Cahill, Samba and jagielka all mentioned, no different to xavi as far as i can see bull****ing hypocrisy, as well as inept tactics and not spending the money availiable AGAIN. We will probably finish 4th or 5th AGAIN with anything in the region of 50m+ in the bank AGAIN, whats the point of having money not spent, just don't understand that. Quality costs, if you're not going to use it why put the price's up. Nothing will change until he goes its that simple.

  13. Terry

    Jul 23, 2011, 12:52 #10188

    You're absolutely right with all your comments. We'll be lucky to end up 6th in the league next season - probably nearer 12th if he doesn't sell Nasri and Fabregas quickly and bring in some replacements (who are experienced and battle-hardened).

  14. Den

    Jul 23, 2011, 12:28 #10187

    I used to buy every issue of the goner, I then started reading the blog. about a year ago I stopped because your negativity and anti wenger stance began to annoy me. I just decided to pop back and see what you are now up to and lo and behold you've got worse. Close your blog and magazine down now before you have to anyway. Wenger will be around WINNING trophies when your gone. Unless off course some Russian money is finding it's way to you. Bye for last time.

  15. arsenal aidan

    Jul 23, 2011, 11:52 #10186

    i just wanna now why he hasnt signed per mertesacker. 29 years old german international 6 and a half foot tall. massive experience and a steal around 8million. him and vermaelen would be a great duo for 2-3 years with dijourou waiting in the wings watching learning. makes perfect sense to me. that one signing mr wenger would save ur bacon. with ryo looking a great prospect gervinho lookin good respectively on the left and rite nasri wilshere in the middle van persie up top could easily achieve a prem winning attack. wenger give the players thier freedom back let them enjoy the game again. i wanna see a smiling arsenal squad again.

  16. Clueless

    Jul 23, 2011, 11:30 #10185

    i dont understand why we did not go and buy shay given ? given and friedel are both better than what we have on our books

  17. HowardL

    Jul 23, 2011, 9:02 #10184

    I used to be a dedicated Wenger supporter but he has clearly lost the plot. It doesn't mean fans who are saying that don't love AFC. Just that our team's failings are there for all to see. And why didn't Arsenal buy Shay Given? At the start of last season he could see Joe Hart was No 1 and was desperate to join us.

  18. Herts Gooner

    Jul 23, 2011, 8:21 #10183

    Why do the players wear tracksuits to games? We used to have some class.

  19. Munitionsman

    Jul 23, 2011, 0:34 #10182

    sickofthehaters its a toss up between wenger and supporters like you for who is to blame. truly either could have acted to rectify the problem but neither have. Fortunately both, like the Dodo are almost extinct.

  20. CD

    Jul 22, 2011, 22:46 #10181

    @Fossie foster I will now give you a nightmare-Rapheal Meade!!! @Ronster well said, it amazes me how some can still be under Wenger's spell. They clearly don't have the mental capability to have there own thoughts, and were Wenger to say to them jump off beachy head, low and behold they would!!

  21. Ronster

    Jul 22, 2011, 21:24 #10180

    ppp(post11218).A great manager doesn't bad mouth the fans,doesn't diss legends like Dalglish,doesn't persist with a dodgy defence,doesn't reward average players,doesn't go along with the unveiling of a bust before he's left the club,doesn't sell Cole to Mourinho,doesn't purchase Mickey Mouse defenders,doesn't consistently break his transfer promises,doesn't say there isn't anyone who can come in and improve things,doesn't say there isn't a player at Coventry who can help our situation,doesn't allow his squad to turn up at Wembley in tracksuits,doesn't totally abandon the footballing traditions of a club,doesn't have the same number two for 14 years,doesn't make crass comments like finishing second for 20 years is ok....etc,etc,etc...the anti Wenger rantings are no knee jerk reaction.Arsenal fans are a knowledgeable and tolerant species,but enough is enough.

  22. Fossie foster

    Jul 22, 2011, 20:51 #10178

    I totally agree.But did you have to mention Hankin and Hawley I completely blotted them out of my mind.Now I am going to have to get hypnotised again and include Bendtnor and Densquarepassson. O no ive just remembered Lee chapman.

  23. ppp

    Jul 22, 2011, 19:02 #10177

    wenger is a great manager. its fine to doubt him but really you just make yourself look stupid when you moan he hasn't signed a bunch of 20 million numpties like liverpool or tottenham. saying things like "he killed wiltord" is absolutely amazing and shows no understanding of the game and its players whatsoever. Arsene's not perfect but he's doing a great job. If he wins something next year you'll come back and say you were wrong will you? I doubt it.

  24. jef

    Jul 22, 2011, 17:33 #10176

    @ sickofthehaters People are paying top dollars to go through the gates and you are telling them to support other clubs b/c they disagree with the current manager? Arsenal fc is NO YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM! The club had history of getting trophies with experienced and matured players.

  25. gooner30

    Jul 22, 2011, 16:54 #10175

    Why do people always say go and support spurs, just because you have an opinion!!! I bet most of the AKB fans don't even go to the games. We can't live on the past when Arsenal were a great side and Wenger a great manager, its time for a change. Thank you Arsene for everything that you have done but we need to look to the future now. A

  26. Nutty's Right Peg

    Jul 22, 2011, 16:15 #10174

    The article is oh so depressingly right on so many counts. I fail to understand how we can not have at least shown an interest in Shay Given, the guy's absolute top quality & would have been a steal. I'm all for the club going about their "apparant" transfer targets on the quiet when possible but there has to be a balance. It seems we've laughingly offered Everton £2m less for Jagielka than we did before, how on earth can we criticise Manchini or Barcelona ?? I still live in hope a couple of quality signings will be unveiled before we travel to Newcastle, but do I expect it ? Nah !! It's bodering on the farcical that Wenger seems prepared to allow Nasri to "play out" the final season of his contract, if he ain't gonna sign a new one, ship him out, the only plausable reason for not doing so is knowing full well Fabregas is off. So we'll be in effect, two top drawer midfielders down with a struggle to fill their boots, let alone the problem of new players finding their feet. Two people share my season ticket & it pains me to say i'm not missing it in the slightest.

  27. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jul 22, 2011, 14:22 #10173

    David Post No. 11213. Oh dear. Where do we start. "So would you prefer Arsene to manifest his frustration more like say - Avram Grant perhaps and be emotionless?" No but how about the cool calculated man that was Arsene Wenger the first 8 years of his career? "What are his "ridiculous & bitter ramblings"?" Wow, have you been living under a rock? Every defeat or draw snatched from the jaws of victory is greeted with his legendary blame the ref routine. If you cant see that this man has turned into a bitter twisted old man then you have bigger eyesight problems then he has. Finally you wrote this: "As for his "non-existent tactical nous" what a bloody stupid statement to make. You don't finish 4th in the premiership without any tactical nous. That is such a pathetic critisism to make" Oh dear. The delusion is complete. If playing the same system, regardless of oppostion or indeed constantly playing the same players out of position such as Bentdner is showing us great tactical nous then quite frankly your knowledge of the game is extremely "pathetic" to borrow your term. You have given me no reason to doubt any of my comments whatsoever, except the part about Arsene's apologists being a blight on our once great club. I have written nothing which isnt true or cant be backed up with facts. Your post on the other hand.....

  28. David

    Jul 22, 2011, 13:27 #10172

    Post 11197 Arsene is a fraudster. So would you prefer Arsene to manifest his frustration more like say - Avram Grant perhaps and be emotionless? What are his "ridiculous & bitter ramblings"? True, his English is not grammatically perfect but he certainly isn't ridiculous. As for his "non-existent tactical nous" what a bloody stupid statement to make. You don't finish 4th in the premiership without any tactical nous. That is such a pathetic critisism to make.

  29. SilverGooner

    Jul 22, 2011, 13:15 #10171

    Interesting that the longer the close-season goes on without any serious sign of transfer activity, the more frustration there is among the majority of supporters. Andrew is right in saying that the only way anyone at the club will take any notice is if fans stopped going to matches. If things don't change - and change fast - I shan't be shelling out £40-50 a ticket to watch a team of average players making basic defensive errors. Arsene and the board - you need to sort this out otherwise our stadium is danger of having more empty seats than last season. And many of those that do attend will be disgruntled supporters - or should I say customers. The danger signs are there - you have been warned!

  30. Richard Ansell

    Jul 22, 2011, 13:14 #10170

    Thanks for all the replies. It is always interesting to hear what other supporters are thinking, especially now when most of us have so many doubts about the coming season. Chris - I am also perplexed at Wenger's insistance on playing strikers out wide. I am no fan of Bendntner but he is never really given a chance to prove himself and Walcott is no winger but could be a great pacy forward if only Wenger would give it a go. Ron - I was lucky enough to miss the sixties and picked a good year (1970) to support Arsenal, although I would not have enjoyed the success as much as you in 1971 because you have to go through the bad times to really appreciate the good don't you. Finally Mark and Ron - I do miss the old Arsenal spirit and the never say die attitude we used to have. Even during the lean times we had some backbone. This lot couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.

  31. Wenger Out

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:45 #10169

    Top article. Arsenal need Wenger booted out and then we will regain our identity. He is a joke, an overpaid one at that. What a talentless squad of clowns he's assembled. More mercenaries than Chelsea then he dares speak of "financial doping"?! Though he's been stealing a living for the past four years! We have a squad of Bogardes: Eboue, Chamak, Diaby, Rosicky, Denilson, ****achi, Almunia, Fabianski. Chesney is rubbish, love the way he's touted by some as the solution...or have you forgotten the Carling cup final. Song is whack too, slow, poor passer, positionally atrocious. Oh but he's on £60k a week too! And he speaks French of course! Pathetic players, rubbish soulless stadium, incompetent manager, spineless board and ridiculous brainwashed AKB zealots. Well done Arsene. You've truly ruined this club!

  32. MGJ

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:41 #10168

    @ Sickofthehaters - people are allowed to have opinions of players or managers that don't correspond with yours. Nobody is asking that he spend stupid amounts of cash, however it is clear that players need to be brought in to replace those who have come up through the ranks that just aren't good enough. It may well be that some can still improve, as let's not forget that most of the guys are under 25 but right now and for the last 6 years the team hasn't been good enough. It's Wenger's fault as he decides who plays, who stays, who is sold and he has upto now chosen to stick to his "I'll win something with kids Mr Hansen" philosophy. The board wants profits, they are getting that for the time being so I expect it will keep on going until they stop coming in.

  33. Pradeep kachhala

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:38 #10167

    News of the World hacked a recent phone call indicating the Arsenal art of negotation..... Arsenal : Hi Everton can we have Jagielka for £10Mn? Everton : Ummm.. that is £2Mn less than what you offered last season? So no! Arsenal : Umm about £8Mn? Everton : No you're really not getting this - you need to bid MORE not less Arsenal : Oh I see...£5mn then? Everton : Something tells me you don't really do a lot of transfer business Arsenal : Ok give us him for free and give us £20Mn for Bendtner Everton : Ok I'm going to hang up now...oh did you hear there is a new 12 year old defender from Timbuktoo who may be really good in 10 years Arsenal : Really? Wow we are on it! See ya! (Put the phone down) Everton : hmmm looks like our scouse neighbours may get Champions leage football after all...

  34. Mark

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:27 #10166

    agree with your points Richard. pity the new younger afc fans just dont get it and arent that ambitious for our club. i feel the more experienced fans are the ones who miss some of the old arsenal. the backbone, the fight, the spirit of the place. even watching chelseas new manager give a press conference this morning there is a spring in his step and a confidance and a passion when he rolls off the names of his team (fernando, didier, nicholas..). Arsenal is so corporate these days it has lost its identity completely and AW is no longer being judged in just footballing terms as he should be

  35. Dan h

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:22 #10165

    It is very hard to take any comments coming out of Arsenal seriously these days.The loyal support has had enough of the soundbites coming out of the club with regard chasing transfer targets.This should have been the summer of actions not words.Is it me or the fact that people listed 13,000+ on the season ticket waiting list being offered tickets coincides with the CEO talking about 'substantial transfer budget's''being actve in the market'etc.etc! I used to be really positive going into a new season at present i am worried. The squad hasn't been improved glaring problems obviously exist. I agree with a lot of the article but Given wouldn't have come to us to be a back up a fine shot stopper but wouldn't help our set-piece woes as he doesn't like coming to collect crosses/corners. Finally i remember a couple of seasons ago at Fulham near the start of the season transfer window still open AW tried a central midfield of Eboue & Denilson.I hope we don't have to suffer similar 'solutions within the squad'this year i have my doubt's.

  36. Richard Ansell

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:15 #10164

    Mick - yes I didn't know about the £10M Jagielka bid. Not a player I know too much about, but would be delighted if he is the commanding central defender we so desperately need. The amount of the bid is suspicious, as it is £2M less than last year apparently. It straight away suggests to me that no deal will be achieved and that Wenger has no intention of signing him in reality. I am cynical about anything to do with Wenger now, trust him not a jot, and can not understand his stubborn way of prioritising his players over the club he is supposed to be managing. All this talk of 'killing' this players career or that players career is just a joke. Life is tough Arsene, you are not their dad for christ's sake and if they are not good enough they go, simple as that. It pains me to say it but Ferguson's ruthless streak and confidence in his transfer dealings puts him on a different level to Wenger and that is why Manure are successful and we are not.

  37. Dave

    Jul 22, 2011, 12:02 #10163

    Sickofthehaters & Goofygum PLEASE WAKE UP!! I have never been as disinterested in Arsenal FC as I am right now and I have supported the club since 1987, a lot of that time as a season ticket holder. No chance of me going this season though as I refuse to pay to watch jokers such as Eboue, Diaby and the rest of the dancing circus. Even when we've been bad like in the early 90's at least we played with some kind of spirit and I was proud to be a Gooner. But now Wenger has turned our club into a laughing stock and to be honest I dont care about all the crap about 'clearing debts', we haven't moved with the times. We aren't a poor club and whilst I respect our wage policy (about the only thing I do respect these days) Wenger and the clowns who are running the show need to show some ambition, some intent. Its just not happening and I agree with most of the Gooners on here who have seen enough and this isn't a knee-jerk reaction either its been brweing for 2 or 3 years. In Arsent We Rust.

  38. Frank

    Jul 22, 2011, 11:53 #10162

    Gooner S the Jagielka bid may have been a smokescreen but its the same old story.If Everton want £18m pay it, the same goes for Samba and Cahill.But dont haggle till the transfer deadline day then miss out because of 1 or 2 million.Surely we should have our business done now so the players can have time to pratice defending set pieces in pre season.That last bit was a joke of course

  39. Carlos

    Jul 22, 2011, 11:51 #10161

    The apologists trot out the same old arguments: "Give him time" (how many transfer windows without seriously strengthening the first team is it now?, "he knows best" (how much are the usual wasters paid?), "we have no god given right to win things" (but we pay the highest prices - if you shop in Harrods what do you expect?) "we don't have the resources of ManU/Chelsea/Liverpool/Man City/Spurs" (Check the net football spend on wages and transfers over the past 7-8 years - value for money?) - "we have a young squad" (is that an excuse? if it is, then the question must be "whose fault is that?")"they will improve / have potential" (who says they'll improve? and if they do they'll want to go somewhere where they feel they have a chance of winning things) "**** Of down the road to support Spurs if you don't like it" (Is that the best you can do?)

  40. Andrew

    Jul 22, 2011, 11:22 #10160

    Couldn't agree more. Only my lifelong love of Arsenal is keeping me interested now. The only way things will change is if us supporters stop going to matches and taking a stand. If Wenger doesn't deliver in the transfer market before the season starts, it's time for him to leave.

  41. Mick Appleton

    Jul 22, 2011, 11:17 #10159

    Jenkinson was bought to play centre back & right back so he may be Sagna's understudy next season. I am presuming your post was submitted before our bid for Jagielka was made public, I think even Arsene knows we cannot go in to next season with the 4 centre backs we have (specifically Squillachi). I would like to see 2 additions in that position but I would take one if he is a big ball winner. That would allow us to play Djourou with the new player & TV at left back when we play the Stoke's of this world. Maybe then we will cut down on the quantity of goals we concede from set pieces, that would at least be a start of the rebuild we obviously require.

  42. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jul 22, 2011, 10:15 #10158

    I wouldnt hope too much Richard. Until his contract ends it will be more of the same. We will still have to endure Arsene's erratic touchline behaviour, his ridiculous and bitter ramblings, his non existent tactical nous and of course his legions of apologetic mongs which fill that horribly bland sporting white elephant in Holloway. How sad that someone who gave us so much to begin with has turned into such a sore loser. Great shame indeed.

  43. Gooner S

    Jul 22, 2011, 10:10 #10157

    Wow Hankin and Hawley: posts like this should carry a warning to those that can recall that deadly duo. I seem to recall a midfield of McGoldrick, Selley, Carter and Hillier on a freezing cold day. Have some patience. The world and his army knows we are out to buy. When you know that somebody wants to buy you, as the seller, jack the price up. Some clubs need to sell to buy (e.g Everton and Bolton). they are trying to sell high and buy low. This will go to the wire of transfer deadline day. I think the Jagielka bid is a smokescreen as it is 2 million less than we bid last year - they knew it would be rejected. Let's wait and see.

  44. Ron

    Jul 22, 2011, 10:03 #10156

    I console myself with the knowledge that when i started my support in the mid 60s, we had David Court, Ian Ure, Jim Furnell, Jimmy MacGill and Co to suffer but had Joe Baker and George Eastham plus Geoff Strong to stop us kids going totally insane at the sheer ineptitude of that team. Wengers Arsenal today are higher placed in the league but until these last 6 years ive never, ever seen an Arsenal team so full of bottlers, chokers, posers and backsliding skivers. The much maligned Billy Wright started a young player 'project' after 1965 and got the sack for its failure. His 'kids' however formed the nucleas of the 1971 double team. Wengers 'kids' end up as loaness or sold for being poor and over rated. Therin lies the massive difference. Wenger out. His time has been and gone.

  45. CD

    Jul 22, 2011, 9:36 #10154

    What's going on inside Wenger's brain, now their is an interesting question. I suspect he is only thinking about one thing, which is his legacy. The reason I say this is because the money the club makes primarily due to Wenger refusing to spend in the transfer market, is building up a huge cash reserve which could be used to pay off the stadium debt in one go very soon, if the board and probably more likely if Wenger decided to do this. That would then be his legacy-a brand new stadium, debt free and still a top 4 side, and any new manager would have in theory large funds available in the transfer market each season. It might explain his reluctance to spend a penny ever since the move from Highbury, although he could have possibly achieved this goal a lot sooner had he not sanctioned some ridiculous wages on our collection of deadwood players. The problem with my theory if accurate is that we as fans have had to endure the most frustrating last 6 years I can ever recall as an Arsenal fan, as we were very close as you said in your article Richard if only he had bolstered the obvious gaps in his team with quality. His legacy may come to be, which we would be thankful for in the fullness of time, but for now his image has been severly tarnished. The other problem of course is that with a new American owner who wants a return on his investment, that all the additional profits are syphoned off and hence we would be no better off, I guess time will tell. Just a thought I am putting out there, because in reality no one knows what goes on inside Wenger's brain. Although one thing which I know doesn't, is the thought or anything to do with defence!!

  46. Goofygum

    Jul 22, 2011, 8:28 #10151

    We do not want fans like you. You are best of supporting man city or maybe getting off the couch and seeing if you can actually achieve something for yourself. You are unrealistic and deluded! Next you will say we should pay £18 for phil jag. Or Cahill Just cause he is British. Talk about being over priced. Let Wenger do what he wants he will do the best for the club. Don't ask what the club can do for you, ask what u can do for the club. And what you can do for the club is support and shut up or get out!


    Jul 22, 2011, 8:26 #10150

    I Hope You are Wrong (^ ^,) and Wenger get some class CB(Cahill or Samba),CM(Hazard or Mata),and maybe Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain I would also liek to see a good Striker like Karim Benzema but i don't belive wenger would buy somebody for more than £25Millions,and I hope that Nasri and Arshavin will stay,about Fabregas(the one who break the team chemistry last season)I would like to see him go to Barcelona,He may learn a cold lesson on a bench (^ ^,)COME ON ARSENAL ps. IN WENGER WE RUST

  48. Chris

    Jul 22, 2011, 8:21 #10149

    Good article. I tried to find something to disagree with but, to me, every assessment is spot on. The only point I would make is that Denilson has been made to play in a defensive position he can't handle. Others have been messed up to by Wenger fixing on rigid system and then forcing players into it. Arshavin and Bendtner cannot play on the wing - not could Reyes and Wiltord. He wrecked all these players. He has this thing about strikers must first prove themselves out wide ??? Walcott ?

  49. BNG

    Jul 22, 2011, 8:17 #10148

    Spot on Richard, things will get very interesting during the coming season as OGL has now lost the majority of supporters who have seen through the smoke and mirrors and his ego trip is exposed for exactly what it is...........but the hard of thinking will still blindly follow the pied piper of hamelin whilst chanting the mantra of AW knows best.......I can't see him lasting till xmas........perhaps his bronze statue will be torn down of it's plinth like Saddam Husseins ?.........this joke of a squad has been FIFTEEN years in the making......what a scam

  50. Danish Gooner

    Jul 22, 2011, 8:16 #10147

    Wenger is beyond his sell by date,remember how he started out saying we would be active in the transfer market then he said end of July,let us watch what he does the coming week will be defining.If new players must gell we have one week of doing it.

  51. aj

    Jul 22, 2011, 8:14 #10146

    I've always believed we would have won the league in 1981 if Brady hadn't left.It was typical of Arsenal,letting our best players go.The same as the break up of the double team in the 1970's. Football is pretty simple,the team with the best players wins and the team who sells it's best players goes backwards.

  52. Sickofthehaters

    Jul 22, 2011, 8:07 #10145

    Go and support spurs then.G et things in perspective no manager would have won the league with our resources. We are lucky to have wenger with a long term attitude. We are punching above our weight look at Liverpool and spurs they have spent miles more than us. One day all you doubters will look back on what he's done and realise what dicks you are.