Backs for the future

Online Ed: Jagielka and Cahill lined up, better late than never

Backs for the future

Gary Cahill: Deal close

I am not sure anyone puts too much store in pre-season friendlies, although the weekend’s Emirates Cup did suggest that the team’s ability to throw away winning positions has not been lost in the summer break. Arsenal need to improve at the back as everyone, including the manager, knows.

The word is that both Phil Jagielka and Gary Cahill will be announced as Arsenal players before the week’s out. That will allow the pair to form some understanding in the final pre-season workout in Lisbon next Saturday. Hardly ideal, but at least preferable to waiting until the team have negotiated a Champions League qualifier. Vermaelen will be moved to left back, where he sometimes played for Ajax, and the first choice defence, in terms of personnel, experience and ability to deal with Premier League opposition, will suddenly look a lot healthier. The club have bargained hard and so had to wait until now before these players can be secured, but at least we know they are ready to go in terms of the Premier League, and one imagines should form a quick understanding. It will also be good to see some more English players in the team. A spirit has been lacking in recent seasons and for me it is interesting that those players which the fans identify as having greater spirit tend to be either British or northern European (I’m thinking Van Persie, Vermaelen, maybe even Szczesny if we draw a line east through Germany). I’m not sure where Nicklas Bendtner fits in there, but he’s on his way, so that’s unlikely to trouble me for long.

There will be other arrivals further up the field. One assumes that Mata will be funded by the Fabregas sale. The Nasri situation rolls on, and it does appear that the club are going to make a stand with this player to send a message to the rest of the squad. They are prepared to take a loss to emphasize that player power is not totally supreme. It’s a decision that will stand or fall on the number 8’s contribution over the course of the campaign. For my money, it would be better to take what Man City are offering and replace him with a player we can get at least three seasons out of. That’s what our scouting network apparently exists for.

As for the attacking side of things, the pre-season games have been encouraging. Arsenal can score plenty of goals over the course of the season, that’s rarely been an issue. If they concede less, then things can improve in terms of achievement and trophies. With Denilson gone and Eboue and Bendtner apprarently close to the exit door, there is at least some moving on of players that have fallen short consistently. Rosicky doesn’t look like he is going anywhere, but you can’t have everything. Almunia hasn’t featured at all pre-season, so one assumes he will be allowed to depart on a free if he can find a club that will match his wages at Arsenal. So expect him to be lining up with the players for the annual squad pic this Thursday then, but only ever again for the first team in the event that the three ahead of him in the pecking order are all crocked. It took Arsene six years to realize what anyone else could have told him after the Man Utd 4-2 home defeat in 2005. He’s paid £6.5 million a year for that insight.

Anyway, he’s got Szczesny now, who will make errors as he learns for himself (he’ll learn little from Gerry Payton), but in the long term may well become an Arsenal great. He will hopefully bite the bullet and realize that quality in defence costs money, and with the two English signings, we have the makings of a vastly improved back four which won’t need the defensive coaching currently unavailable to younger players in the first team squad. The midfield is to be resolved, but there are options. Key is that Song and – presumably – Wilshere in front of the defence improve as a partnership when the team do not have the ball (and are not careless with it). With every season, Wilshere will improve with experience, so hopefully this will happen naturally. In attack there are many options. In the Fabregas position, Nasri and Ramsey are obvious contenders, and there are other players that could be tried there. As so little defensive work is required, then any one from Arshavin, Gervinho or Mata could be tried there. Gervinho looks good so far, let us hope that continues when the real thing begins.

Anyway, at least with the new defensive signings, things are looking up. Djourou, Koscielny and Squillaci have been tried and found wanting, simply not of the requisite quality. I guess only Koscielny cost significant funds, and doubtless both he and Djourou will be called upon at some stage during the season. Still, the Invincibles roster featured one Pascal Cygan, so the perfect squad is not required to achieve perfection…

This season’s first issue of The Gooner went on sale at the weekend and can be bought online here. Incidentally, last week was a little chaotic at Gooner Towers, but for the record, the competition we ran to win club level tickets for the Emirates Cup on Saturday was won by Sandra Marshall of Catford.

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  1. Merse-10

    Aug 05, 2011, 20:22 #10711

    cynical me thinks this was just a way to get traffic to the read negative drivel. Perhaps this article itself was done just so another artcile could moan about us not signing Cahill & Jagielka. Wish people would stop talking as if they know what is going on behind the scenes at Arsenal and know who we are buying. Bored of it all.

  2. Kevin Kong

    Aug 05, 2011, 3:11 #10682

    `The word is......` BS as usual.

  3. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 04, 2011, 22:45 #10678

    Well when this article is proved farcical, will the OG issue a apology for the crap wrote here. of all the sites to go all Transfer Tavern on us. not this one. Shame to get the fans hopes up but the cynical among us knew it was crap.

  4. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 04, 2011, 11:39 #10638

    ........1 day left.......bit of a 2012 feeling about this article.....

  5. Au revoir Wenger s'il vous plait

    Aug 03, 2011, 23:16 #10627

    "Omglol 21:35pm 2nd Aug 2011 Not tested with our high pressure style. Plus Koscielny is better then both of them, maby not experience like Jagielka but better and proven aggressive CB in Arsenal" - I despair, I really do. High pressure style? What you on about? Koscienly is shocking and as for aggression, I see more in Graham Norton sitting on his settee interviewing. Get a grip ffs.

  6. Stevesam

    Aug 03, 2011, 22:51 #10626

    Is August 1st the new April 1st ( fools )

  7. Up the arse

    Aug 03, 2011, 1:03 #10593

    I really, really hope you right mate. That would be an amazing back four and probably the most solid in the league with some excellent back up. But I just cannot see it happening at all. I think that its far more likely that he will sign no1 else and declare how happy he is with the current squad as "we were so close last year" as that is what has been coming out of the club lately. I have to admit though something tells me that Ed is not bull****ting.

  8. Kevin kong

    Aug 02, 2011, 23:00 #10590

    Just had a look at this weeks poll on the official website- Pretty much confirms what our centre back position is going to be this season. "Squillaci and Djourou your best centre back pairing??" Jesus Wept..this is the clubs idea of giving the fans their say...

  9. Jimmy

    Aug 02, 2011, 22:50 #10589

    People who are asking Kevin to name his source are nuts! No-one is ever going to do that. If you tipped off someone in the media about something to do with your job, would you be very happy if they then named you? I suspect not as you'd probably get sacked. Be realistic. And in Kevin's defence, he's only reported what he's been told. He's not actually claiming it's definitely going to happen. I suspect he's had it from a good source otherwise he wouldn't have bothered mentioning it, but nothing is ever certain in football.

  10. Viking

    Aug 02, 2011, 22:44 #10588

    Ed, name your source?! At least respond to say if this is total fabrication or has an element of truth to it? I can't see us purchasing 2 centre backs, as this, as many have said, would kill Squillachi and we wouldn't want to do that, plus Djourou (oo who some think is a quality player ). He is a good 4th choice, squad player, but should no way be playing week in week out in the Premier League. Kyle Bartley, has been outstanding for Rangers, why not give him a try?! He can't be any worse than the above?!! And please, I dont want either Kosielny or Djorou in the defensive midfield role, play Frimpong, he deserves a crack too. Who is our back up striker to RvP, Chamakh looks toilet? And I just cannot believe Eboue was allowed to take the pitch at the weekend, why? We know what he can do, usually role around the floor, pray to the referee, and generally run around like a headless chicken. Jenkinson already looks like a more reliable option. I'm not convinced we'll be signing anyone, hope I'm wrong, but we've been down thir road before, and every year, we end up disappointed, lets hope we pull some signings out the bag.......

  11. Omglol

    Aug 02, 2011, 21:35 #10585

    Why we will experiment in very hard season for us with starting 2 new players on our back line? Not tested with our high pressure style. Thats just stupid. Plus Koscielny is better then both of them, maby not experience like Jagielka but better and proven aggressive CB in Arsenal. I dont mind if we bring both, they are solid Defenders, but they will have to fight hard for first team, and no way starters.

  12. Byo

    Aug 02, 2011, 20:34 #10584

    Cahill and Jagielka in CD? It looks like the gods answered my prayers finally!

  13. north bank

    Aug 02, 2011, 20:28 #10583

    in arsene wenger i do not trust.Never been so disinterested in whats going on with my beloved football club

  14. RedRag

    Aug 02, 2011, 19:52 #10581

    I don't believe a word of it to be honest, just waiting for the transfer window to close and Wenger to say Oh we tried but run out of time and couldn't do the deal...............been there done that he thinks we're all a bunch of mugs that can't wait to hand our money over for the privelage to be served up a load of dribble.

  15. Ed enough....

    Aug 02, 2011, 19:29 #10578

    Stop kidding yourself....we are a few days away from AW annoucing he is happy with his current squad and that we have no more money to spend, as he has for the last 6 seasons after a pretty eventless summer.

  16. Merse-10

    Aug 02, 2011, 18:21 #10575

    Where will the money come from to buy both Jag & Cahill? That's about £30m in transfer fees, plus 2 4 year contracts of about £2.5m a year so that's another £20m on top of the initial £30m spent. I'd be shocked if there's £50m in the transfer kitty. I'd be more shocked if it was then spent on TWO centre-backs. The summer, likes the summers before, has been full of speculation, rumour, made up stories and general nonsense. The written press are full of **** and Sky Sports News is full ot it two. "sky sports understands" "sky sources say.." - that basically means "we have read on the internet that...". We should've bought 25 players and sold 25 players according to sources/speculation/journos/sky. We'll see who we buy. I'm not sure why fans get so wound up over the close season. But then again these are perhaps the same fans who fking booed on Sunday after a DRAW in a FRIENDLY. Oh dear! Oh dear oh dear! That's really going to help for the season ahead, really help our home form, help the players play without fear! It'll certainly help the opposition when they know our crowd will turn if we're not leading after 10 minutes. Bet the players wish they were still in Aisa considering the support they got out there. I'm home support is the worst in the prem and it's embaressing. My enjoyment at games is not spoilt by the team it's spoilt by the mugs that are now attending Arsenal games.

  17. GHGooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 17:18 #10571

    As a loyal and avid gooner reader for well over 6 seasons now,I have come to appreciate the credibility of Kevin Whitcher on Arsenal matters.To that end,I will be inclined to agree that his information rings more true than otherwise.Look, it will certainly help matters if both Cahill and Jaks signed,in fact it will be a breath of fresh air and provide some much needed variation to our ailing backline.For Wenger's sake i hope you are right Kev,I really do hope so.Last Chance Saloon For Le Boss I Reckon.

  18. Asan1960

    Aug 02, 2011, 16:52 #10570

    It's pretty much time Arsene Wenger to start the car.How can Arsene Wenger be so stubborn?Even if Nasri and Fabregas stays Arsenal will still need to strength our squad.

  19. Harv197

    Aug 02, 2011, 15:32 #10568

    Can Online Ed (kevin Whitcher) let us know where he heard about this please? I would love to believe this story but to be honest with you I can't see this happening. I think we may sign a new CB but I have doubts if it will be either Jagielka or Cahill. Anyway what happen to the rumour on here a few weeks back saying Fabregas was going to Madrid and Samba was signing for us??? :-)

  20. Two Owls

    Aug 02, 2011, 15:13 #10567

    This is complete and utter boondoggle. I do not wonder if you are the type of person who still places his tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy. This article is completely lacking in responsible journalism!

  21. Plymouth Gooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:38 #10546

    "The word is that both Phil Jagielka and Gary Cahill will be announced as Arsenal players before the week’s out." Wenger has faith in the pairing of Vermaelen and Koscielny, rates Djourou and won't give up on Squillaci after one season. He'd also say we have Song and Jenkinson who can play there too. Then he'd say he doesn't want to 'kill' Bartley or Miquel. I think we'll be lucky to sign one centre back, never mind two. I'd like to know where this 'word' of a double CB signing has come from, because everyone I ask tells me they heard it here!

  22. mike power

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:10 #10529

    I hope Kevin is right. But given Wenger's past record, I wouldn't bet my house on it!!!

  23. Brigham

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:05 #10528

    Having read through several papers this morning and looking online, it would appear we have made yet another typical Arsenal faux pa regarding Mata. The club missed the cut off date for his buy out clause and if we do now sign him (unlikely IMHO) then its going to cost lot more. Why is that our club cannot sort out such simple things? We continue to have an appalling transfer dealing record and I often wonder exactly what the board are paid for. As for us getting both Cahill and Jagielka, I just cannot see it at all, in fact, we will probably not get either of them, let alone both. The season kicks off in 11 days time and the club are still dithering. I thought we told Barca that if the Fabregas deal was not done by 31 July, it would not happen. Yet it continues to rumble on, as does the Nasri saga. FFS Arsenal, sort the bloody issue out.

  24. rohan

    Aug 02, 2011, 10:50 #10527

    are you willing to bet your reputation on this happening?

  25. Unbeaten 03/04

    Aug 02, 2011, 10:25 #10526

    I'll believe it when I see it!!! Until then I'm still pessimistic!!!

  26. tigerb

    Aug 02, 2011, 10:04 #10524

    ok you said both jag and cahill would sign this week and with seeming confidence...we will soon find out about that. if it happens, i will make your blog as my homepage...if not, i wont come again!

  27. Wylie

    Aug 02, 2011, 9:42 #10523

    Why are you posting transfer rumours on here without any source or substance???? there is ebough rubbish going around without a well respected fans site getting fans hopes up over events that are clearly not going to happen!!!

  28. john

    Aug 02, 2011, 9:18 #10522

    This article seems like a PR stunt to me. To show that effort was made afterall, so that when we all come to the reality of the usual no blame would be poured on Wenger. Watch it, no additions may be made afterrall. The man is more interested in his experiments than in winning trophies.

  29. SLG

    Aug 02, 2011, 8:50 #10521

    Richard Ansell, I too agree with the notion that wenger should of bought Given for 3.5 Million as our number 1 keeper, but then that would of killed, murdered or decapitated Szczesny.

  30. Seven Kings Gunner

    Aug 02, 2011, 8:40 #10520

    The editorials are normally measured and balanced, so I am waiting until Saturday before I start dismissing Gooner Ed's inside news. As I do not think TV is a centre back I have no problem with him at left back - then just get Keown back as a defensive coach and I might just think we can keep our top 4 position.

  31. Anna Mary

    Aug 02, 2011, 8:24 #10519

    This will happen only in our dreams! Please stop playing with our feelings. I was at the Emirates over the weekend & it was horrible to watch us concede those goals. When will we learn to DEFEND !!!

  32. Big Dave

    Aug 02, 2011, 8:09 #10518

    Yea like its going to happen dream on fool, we will have one signing and suffer the same crap

  33. Al

    Aug 02, 2011, 6:56 #10517

    I agree with Christof. Koscielny should be tried as a defensive midfielder. Song is not good enough to start. But, dream on, right.

  34. Highberry

    Aug 02, 2011, 1:20 #10516

    Breaking news: tevez and messi set to sign for Arsenal at the end of the week

  35. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 02, 2011, 0:06 #10515

    This article has stunk the website out...tabloid stuff from the Online Gooner though some of the summer articles seem like kids wrote them. suprised KW put his John Hancock to this.

  36. Another British Greek gooner

    Aug 01, 2011, 23:08 #10514

    How anyone can say that Koscielny and Djourou had good spells is beyond me. Yes, there's unanimity regarding squidgy - he's crap basically. 5m down the pan! Gibbs will flap and flounder, and may even surpass Clichy's error prone performences. Sorry guys, without investment our 'backline' is easily the worst of the top sides. Djourou is as bad as Senderos, and should've gone with him. In Wenger we bust!

  37. simon

    Aug 01, 2011, 23:07 #10513

    have just read re Mata price gone up by 10 million because buyout period expired. If that is correct and if we are interested in him then this is an astonishing state of affairs - especially since we appear to have no cojones sorting out Nasri and Fabregas.

  38. johnnyh

    Aug 01, 2011, 22:47 #10512

    i think jagielka would be an excellent signing,cahill though im not so sure about. you are 100% correct kev,we are crying out for a few decent english players. there are too many players at the club that are happy doing the bare minimum on the pitch safe in the knowledge that they will still pick up their handsome pay cheque win lose or has just been announced that joey barton is available on a free transfer. imagine him in our midfield chasing and harrying and winding up the likes of lumpard or van der vaart instead of that clumsy one paced waster alex song. personally i would sign him in a heartbeat and make him captain. whatever else barton is he is always prepared to get stuck in and tell others in the team to get the finger out and in my opinion that is the most glaring fault in the team. on a separate note congratulations to boca juniors fans at the ground for the emirates cup. there wasnt many of them but they really know how to back their team. maybe we could learn a few lessons from them.

  39. Farcelona

    Aug 01, 2011, 22:26 #10510

    AIN'T HAPPENING. I'll eat a jizz omlette if we sign two centre backs. Yes lets move our best centre back by a million miles to left back. Derp derp.

  40. Block G Gooner

    Aug 01, 2011, 21:44 #10509

    Don't make me bloody laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. GoonerRon

    Aug 01, 2011, 21:32 #10508

    I hope you're right, Kevin - just the sort of signings we need. Rob - you say Liverpool will pass us on our way down, yet I think they conceded 3 goals for the fifth friendly in a row tonight.

  42. Richard

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:59 #10507

    I hope your right about thf two new boys but knowing arsenal and thf useless gazidas I doubt it's going to happen. He can't do a deal to save his life

  43. Me

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:54 #10506

    You are obviously leaving in wonder land!For How long will people be fooled by Wenger and co.?WE WON'T SIGN THOSE TWO PLAYERS!We will even be lucky to get one of them.

  44. GunnerVox

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:53 #10505

    In my experience any transfer rumours relating to AFC, that seem too good to be true, however 'reliable' the source, tend to be just that. So what is being claimed here is that come NEXT Saturday, Arsenal's back four will comprise of Sagna, Cahill , Jagielka, and Vermaelen. Last month I had a dream that we stuffed the Magpies 4-0 in the opening game. If this is indeed going to be our back four. Then I'm betting my mortgage on that result. I remember. On waking feeling an intense disappointment that it was just a dream, about a dream start to the season. Let's hope this rumour, 'reliable' though it indeed seems, is not just the stuff of another Gooner's dreams. Somehow though I cannot believe that AW has made the Damascene conversion in having not one but TWO, rock solid, Premier league proven CBs. Next we'll be hearing that he's also signing Hangeland as cover! I await this weekend with child-like anticpation.

  45. Rob

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:46 #10504

    Ohh Kev ! I hope you are right on this. If we stick with the same defence as per the Emirates Cup, Spurs and Liverpool will both pass us on our way down. No doubt about it. So I really hope you are right.

  46. ArseChicago

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:46 #10503

    Isn't this the website that published the guy who was adamant that Cesc to Real Madrid was a done deal this summer?

  47. Lee

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:36 #10502

    I cant see us signing one of them, let alone both! The ONLY way anything is going to happen is when barcelona pay us the 40m for cesc which we can all predict will be at 23.59pm on 31 august and well get the "we couldnt stand in cescs way of returning home, but obviously we were too late todo any deals" crap! I think the old farts on the board have a LOT to start answering for!!!

  48. Objective

    Aug 01, 2011, 20:29 #10501

    Sorry Kevin. Your comment on Koscielny shows how little you know about football. Statistically, and with our own two eyes (anyway who watches the prem a lot), Koscielny is better than Cahill and as good as Jagielka. Better defender on the ground, good reader of the game and interceptor, and wins most of his one on one heading contests when the ball is lumped forward. So Arsene brings in 2 new central defenders and relegates everyone else to the bench, and ships his best defender out left. That would take a wrecking ball to the confidence of players he'll need later through injuries. There's creating competition for places, then there's slapping you players in the face. And as a writer, you have to do better then "the word is..." this or that. Facts are sacred. Show us some.

  49. JIm

    Aug 01, 2011, 19:54 #10500

    I hope you're right, but this makes no sense whatsoever. If he plans to play TV at left back, why not play him there in preseason? Instead, we will most likely sign one more player, and then hear such rubbish from Wenger as "nobody is buying anyone, or we don't need to sign a new defender because having TV back from injury is like having a new signing."

  50. JP

    Aug 01, 2011, 18:45 #10499

    And how exactly are we funding these deals? Oh that's right from the Cesc - Madrid money right...

  51. redboy

    Aug 01, 2011, 18:10 #10498

    cant we sell wenger that would be nice

  52. The pride of Tottenham

    Aug 01, 2011, 17:00 #10497

    Joke.Jags has already rejected the rumours.Cahill wont leave the club. In Wenger we trust COYS

  53. Mark

    Aug 01, 2011, 16:32 #10496

    if you are correct they would be major signings as apart from TV the others are error prone and not up to it. Djourou was not great at all last season and Kos is average at best. Tell me one centre back pairing the consistantlky played in the last 20 years that was worst ?

  54. Taner

    Aug 01, 2011, 16:31 #10495

    For someone who is usually so pessimistic about Arsenal achieving anything, I'm surprised you're so optimistic about us signing players we actually need. I hope you've got this one right.

  55. sparksy

    Aug 01, 2011, 16:15 #10494

    I hope you are right but Wenger has never bought in 2 high profile signings in one hit, let alone a third, so i'll believe it when i see it. Maybe you should however give us some idea of where you got this info to back up your story as i do believe that for the ed to put a piece like this out on air must have some basis to it. Just heard Joey Barton is leaving Newcastle on a free, now thats more like Wenger. Maybe you just got the players names muddled up??

  56. Dan h

    Aug 01, 2011, 15:59 #10493

    Would love them both to sign but until either deal is announced on the offical website i won't be getting too excited!It seems the transfer market is quite flat & i believe the rumours are mainly agent lead.I just don't see us spending big on two cb's one at most.Also AW said if we lose both Cesc & Nasri we would bring 'in a player'if that's the case we will also be short on midfield quality.We are going into the new season with too many distractions off the field which if not dealt with will no doubt effect what happens on the field.

  57. Jeff Lamp

    Aug 01, 2011, 15:52 #10492

    I'd like to believe you regarding Cahill and Jagielka mate, I really would, but I don't. Don't take this personally but thats BULLSH*T. What you are saying is 'The Big French Leopard has drastically changed his spots'. And he hasn't.

  58. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 01, 2011, 15:36 #10491

    mata desperate to join arsenal would have cost 20 mil give or take due to clause in his contract just heard on sky sports clause ran out today about to sign new contract and would now cost 40 mil plus somebody please tell me what's going on at our beloved club.

  59. Hughsey24

    Aug 01, 2011, 15:20 #10490

    More chance of me gettign a game for Arsenal than Wenger Buying these 2 players !! What people forget is that our 30/40 million budget includes money for fees and wages !! so cahill at 15m plus 60k a week 12.5 million wages and same for Jags then you are talking 55 million in transfer money !! 55m on 2 english CB's !! No way wenger will do that !!

  60. lee armitt

    Aug 01, 2011, 15:14 #10489

    What a load of rubbish you come up the end of last season you said nasri would never play for arsenal again well surprise surprise he is still here.

  61. aj

    Aug 01, 2011, 15:07 #10488

    Give the editor a break.I don't think he would publish this if he wasn't confident of his source.Gazidis seems to be putting Wenger under lots of pressure to buys it wouldn't be a total shock if he did.For those that quote Wenger,when was the last time he opened his mouth and told the truth?

  62. Mark

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:54 #10486

    you either have inexperienced GK or inexperienced CH but you do not have both, that would be suicide and we have seen that. I agree with Richard if you dont want to spend £20m on a top CH then spend £3.5M on Shay Given and let him influence the CH on their position and confidance which he can definitely do. either way i still say what is going on at Arsenal today is a total shambles. Directors and AW paying themselves a fortune, focus on annual profit to get their share values up and supporters being lied to on a regular basis

  63. matt

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:43 #10485

    Much as I'd like to believe you Kevin, Wenger wrote the following just last week in an article published in the Emirates Cup official programme:- "Thomas Vermaelen's return to fitness has been a big plus. We're always under pressure to buy centre-backs, but we have four already and Carl can play there too. Of course we are always looking to strengthen the team, but it's not an area in which we are especially short at the moment." So either Arsene is deliberately smokescreening there or your information is way off.

  64. Dave

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:39 #10484

    It wont happen... Mark my words...Wenger will not sign anyone else

  65. Gunner

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:37 #10483

    Bull****, it's never going to happen. We'll be lucky if we sign just one of them.

  66. wtf

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:36 #10482

    Cahill AND Jagielka? you realize that would cost between £35-40 million right?

  67. get lost boo boys

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:33 #10481

    any danger of a source for this?

  68. CD

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:21 #10480

    Hope you are right Kevin, because if not their won't be much to look forward to. If it did come about then great, and I for one would view the coming season with much more optimism, but at the same time would still be bewildered as to why the hell he did not sort his defence out years ago. Had he done so he would probably have been succesful, and not wasted 6 years with annual end of season capitulations! For this I can still not forgive him. My only fear is that Wenger would doctrine tippy tappy into any new defenders, and force them to pass their way into trouble when a row Z hoof is required as a last ditch line of defence!!!

  69. Highbury Boy

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:15 #10479

    If Wenger doesn't buy a couple of experienced defenders the boos at the Emirates will get louder and louder until the Board take notice and fire him. The squad photo has been much delayed and must be because of the anticipated departures of Fab and Nasri which for PR purposes will be linked to the signing of players. I also couldn't see the point of playing Eboue if he really is going. Not that I care too much but whatever happened to Eastmond? Also final point - bit of a kick in the teeth for Lansbury that he had to play in the Reserves rather than the Emirates Cup?

  70. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:08 #10478

    I can't believe the amount of stick that some are giving the editor here. He must hear hundreds of rumours and doesn't post them on here so he must be confident in reporting that these signings our on their way. Myles Palmer is also reporting three signng this week. I'm not saying it will happen but I'm sure kevin realises that his reputation is at stake so wouldnt put a load of non sense on here without believing the story has some legs. Would be great to see them both come in, i have also said a few times that TV should be played at left back. I think im right in saying he plays their for Belgium, although i wouldnt put my mortgage on it. But having him there would certainly make us more solid and he's more than good enough on the ball so "joining in" wont be a problem.

  71. HighburyJD

    Aug 01, 2011, 14:06 #10477

    this article seems to suggest either Wenger or Almunia (its unclear which) has been on £6.5M since 2005. I find it impossible to believe anyone at Arsenal has been...

  72. bedy

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:58 #10476

    English Sprit,English Sprit,English Sprit,you have just short yourself in the leg for that. The best English sprit partnership at CB have been taken to all competitions e.g. world cup or european cup did they win any thing,no they always loose with the english sprit bull ****. Did Barcelona or Spain have English sprit,no but they won so much. It is sad when hypocrite like you are rating Cahill and Jagielka above Koscielny,for your info according to stats Koscielny was the second best ball reader in all CB that play in the premiership last season but to you he is not English enough,so now all of a sudden Vermerleen should be moved to the left to make way for Jagielka,for the stats season before the last Vermerleen was best in the premiership as the forward surging defender,no wonder he had 8goals in his first seasonas a CB and Nasir the middfielder had 4goals. Finaly thank God Arsene is not myopic like you and he is not Anglophobia like you that is why we will not by the two at once but only one of the two.

  73. Rossco

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:57 #10475

    As much as I really really want to believe this is going to happen there's just that part of me that thinks the club will let us down again!!! Also I definately think we signed a good CB last year! People forget Koscienly was in is 1st prem season so had to adjust to a new life, team and league. I really believe that he will be one of our better players this season now he's settled!! Poor defenders don't have good games against teams like Barca, however next to Jack Kos was one of our best players in that home leg!!!!

  74. Ron

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:52 #10474

    Its maybe the oppresive heat thats got you i suspect, but if you genuinly think that Arsenal will sign BOTH of them, its not just ale youre drinking!

  75. chris dee

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:50 #10473

    It doesn't matter who we sign Cahill,Jagielka,Terry,Ferdinand,Vidic or whoever.If Arsene doesn't adjust his formation or tactics to protect our back four when attacking or defending then they would all become nervous wrecks just like Djourou and Squillaci. And people forget that just before his serious injury last year Vermaelan ,had changed from a tough uncompromising centre back into a stuttering indecisive Djourou clone. A little more work on our defence and defenders could make a big difference,but thats been the case for the last five season. Five pre season games and not one cleen sheet tells it's own story.

  76. Andreas

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:47 #10471

    It does sound promising with cahill and jagielka joining immenantly. I would like to see Djourou used in DM position. He had a good season until he got injured, and seems more disciplined than Song in holding his position. He'll win more in the air, is quicker, and dare I say it a better passer than Song. It appears that Wenger views the goalkeeper as irrelevant, as long as the 10 outfield players can maintain 60-70% posession, like Brazil '70, Ajax and Barcelona. I may not have worked a day in football but bring back Seaman (or Lukic) as gk coach, Keown as defensive and Parlour for character will certainly make this crop of players better.

  77. Greek Gooner

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:37 #10470

    Hello Kevin. I really appreciate your views, i've bought your books, and i love the Gooner. But since these are really Desperate times for our Defence, and for Gooners alll over the world, you should REALLY tell us where you got this info. To tell you the truth, signing both Cahill and Jagielka seems like a sci-fi senario to say the least, so, put us out of our misery and tell us how good and credible this info really is. Thanx

  78. Yanto

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:36 #10469

    I sincerely hoope ( and pray) that you are correct Kev, and that both CB's would not only be a HUGE Boost to the actual quality and solidity of our back line, but also a MASSIVE boost to morale in everything that is Arsenal - If (yes IF - I have now - for the sake of my heart condition and my sanity - adopted the stance that until I see the piccy of the player next to Le Boss holding up a Arsenal shirt then I don't believe it) IF they are signed then this will give a great lift to all Gooners. As for Koscielny, I think he has the ability to improve - it is that useless waste of space Squillaci that drags him down (further). I think Szczesny can be World Class, I realise AW didn't want to slow or stop his development, but if he gets injured we're going to have to endure the nightmare that is Flappyanski - surely we have suffered enough!? I too hope that clowneboue is gone for ever along with bendy bollocks Here's to hope, prayer and new signings that will at last give us a very decent defence.

  79. Matt

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:34 #10468

    You must be smoking on some good stuff if you believe for one minute Wenger will buy bot of these players! We would be extremly lucky to get one of these.

  80. PerryG

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:32 #10467

    I'd love to believe that we will sign these two players but i'll believe it when i see it. I'm still waiting for Real Madrid to announce the 45m signing of Fabregas as John Evans mystically told us at the start of the summer

  81. Rock

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:29 #10466

    lol..maybe one but certainly not both maybe you misunderstood your source. Wenger's already said gibbs needs to play so your theory on vermaelen is null and void. i think everton will ask for ridiculous money which will ensure we sign an unknown, unproven defender. Just what I think will happen. If nasri and cesc go and mata comes in - good. maybe chamberlain too as backup on the wings while he learns the arsenal way.

  82. Gooner SA

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:24 #10464

    Some teach Chamakh how to clear the ball out of the box as well and we're laughing!

  83. pradeep kachhala

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:24 #10465

    hi ed So you seem quite certain that Cahill and Jags are coming to Arsenal. Since I have never recalled this article in particular ever speaking so confidentally about potential signings - then I will happily take this as a done deal then. Think these are great signings and a back 4 or Sagna, Cahilll, Jags and Vermaelen suddenly looks v v v good. And Djorou, Kosc or Vermaelen to fill in during inevitable injuries suddenly gives us added depth at the back. My only worry is up front where Chamakh looks way off the pace - if RVP is injured I would unleash Theo down the middle, with Gervinho on the flanks these two could cuase havoc! If these 2 signings do occur along with Mata then prospects for the season improve substantially!

  84. Jumpers 4 goalposts

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:20 #10463

    I just hope you're right Kevin! This would make a massive difference to our expectation levels. My dad always told me that the best teams are built on a solid defence and he's not wrong. Even Wenger acknowledges it was goals conceded that cost us dear last season (and the one before) It only takes an article like this to send my hopes sky high. We can all cope with the inevitable departure of Cesc a little easier if we sign Mata, Nasri too for that matter, if he's really intent on going, but the thought of a solid defence that talks the same language (metaphorically as well as literally) and makes the task of defending our goal their first priority would give us the confidence to use our undoubted flair to full effect without having to worry about loosing the ball and rely on the likes of Squillaci?! With solid foundations we can find the route to goal faster in the knowledge there is a solid line at the back as well as giving our emerging goalie the confidence to develop too! I'll stay on this high as long as I can and hope that Wenger and the board don't let us down by haggling over the last few quid. All too often our hopes are dashed, by waiting too long and my blood pressure can't stand it much more. Don't leave it too long Arsene, as you know from last season (including the CC final) last minute shilly shallying will cost us dear. For now this is the best "news" I've heard for ages: - It really is not that hard to keep me happy- I just hope it's true!

  85. Cheshire Gooner

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:20 #10462

    The first decent, balanced article I've read on here for a while. Thanks. And thanks for the mention of Cygan. Too many people get caught up in the "we need 25 world class players" mantra. When no side, ever, in history have had that. The fact that Cygan played (and excelled) in the 5-1 win in the San Siro should be shoved down the throat of everyone who comes out with that clap trap. Every dog has its day. Well, except maybe Squiggles....

  86. James

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:12 #10461

    Really??? I hope so in a BIG way, but can't see Arsene getting both!?? What a day that would be if we wrapped them both up! I predict just Mata and Jagielka though, with Gibbs starting at Left Back this year!

  87. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:01 #10460

    I find it hard to believe that OGL will pay that much money for 2 defenders / English players. I just cant see it. He wouldnt want to "kill" Koscielny after all. And this would also make sporting sense, you know to get in 2 decent players for the back but for that reason I can't see wenger doing this as his logic is simply skewed.

  88. Richard Ansell

    Aug 01, 2011, 13:00 #10459

    I hope you are right about Jagielka and Cahill. I just don't trust Wenger at all and until it happens I refuse to be taken in by him again. Whatever happens it is a complete disgrace that it has taken Wenger (on £6.5M) to realise something virtually all us supporters could see six years ago - namely that we could not defend. Also as good as Szczesny may be I still think Given would have been a steel at £3.5M and would have provided that much needed experience between the sticks.

  89. mike barry

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:52 #10458

    I'd love to believe that Cahill, Jagielka and Mata are on their way, but I still don't think that AW sees the defence the way we do. One question from yeserday. Why was Eboue on the field if he's leaving? I can't see the logic.

  90. phillitbang

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:48 #10457

    Is this article a joke? Signing Cahill and Jagielka? Vermaelen at left back ahead of Gibbs despite Wenger already confirming the latter as first choice. Maybe get some solid sources for this 'information' or take a reality check. I thought running a blog for Arsenal fans gives you a responsibility to provide something other than tabloid based conjecture we can read from any other source.

  91. Jekyll

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:46 #10456

    Wow, you seem extremely confident on Cahill and Jags. It just sounds too good to be true - surely this is just Wenger trying to take the heat off himself, so when the deals strangely 'collapse' at the last min he can say 'I tried'? It just doesn't look, sound, feel or taste like Wenger at all to buy two British CBs like that.

  92. Alan O

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:43 #10455

    Have you got your information from a reliable source, good news if true about the Jagielka and Cahill, but Owen Coyle was on Sky saying that noone has put a bid in for Cahill, so cant see his move happening any time soon.

  93. OOKed

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:41 #10454

    "The word is that both Phil Jagielka and Gary Cahill will be announced as Arsenal players before the week’s out." --> What world do you live in ? BOTH ? .. haha .. stop playing Football Manager and get out a bit more, it's lovely weather outside.

  94. GD

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:40 #10453

    There is nothing wrong with Koscielny. His main issues last season always happened with Squillaci in the side - face it, it must be hard to concentrate when your partner head butts you in the side of the face!! When it was him and Djourou he mainly looked pretty composed. What inside info do you even have that we're signing BOTH cahill and Jags? - Seems like a massive outlay for us

  95. Dan

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:39 #10452

    God, those 2 would be great additions. However, your snide sneering tone is grating and unneeded. Koscielny and Djourou wrere great last season. Not surprised Djourou lost form when he was rudhed back from injury. Koscielony is an excellent CB and suited to when we play the more adept, skillful teams, not your stokes and wolves! Rosicky also looks reborn, so your slating him is unwanted thanks. Anyway, I am not going to criticise you, you aint worth it. This news is probably about as correct as the idiot on here who stated cesc was going to Real on July 1st!

  96. Christof

    Aug 01, 2011, 12:37 #10451

    I think it would be wrong to discard Koscielny. Why not play him as the defensive midfielder. He can pass and move well, his tracking and tackling is good (think Messi) and he's not a headless chicken like Song. He just falls down on the physical aspect of being a centre-back. Use him in the right place then.

  97. victor simpson

    Jan 20, 2011, 15:00 #1147

    Agree with ITV been bias. It seems ITV enjoy repeating that statement "Five years without Trophy" But at the other end, since it is the only station airing the game, especially for we fans who could only watch on TV, all I need to do anytime Arsenal game is ongoing is go for a cup of tea and some chats with my family during half time and switch to another channel after the game simple. Bentner, Arshavin and Charmach will be back, it is normal for players to have good days and bad days on the pitch. How many people are still calling Theo "A player without Football brain"

  98. Terry

    Jan 20, 2011, 14:51 #1146

    We may even equal what the great GG achieved 18 years ago.Chamakh was only denied a goal by a brilliant save by Schmeichel.Is it any wonder that his nose has been put out of joint having virtually carried our attck singlehandedly Have to agree on Bendtner though,one good cross cannot cover up the rest of his game.How many times did that Leeds winger nutmeg him 2 or 3 times? Szczesny had nothing to do put once again he looked a commanding presence in goal.He has to stay as No1.Its been a long road since Lehmann ut now it looks like we may have found his succesor

  99. Cam

    Jan 20, 2011, 14:22 #1144

    I watched the match on ITV and saw no bias or disrespect against Arsenal. I think ITV have really improved the quality of their coverage this year.

  100. John Royston

    Jan 20, 2011, 13:49 #1142

    100% agree with your comment re ITV. the bias and disrespect shown to The Arsenal is blatently obvious. It's been like this for some time and is also noticeable on Sky, Talk sport, and Five Live. Look at the example of the misinterpretation of Denilson, you'd think WW3 was about to start! I believe it is because we have a French manager who shows passion for the game in his own way and will not fall below his personal standards, long may he continue to express the Arsenals undoubted traditions.

  101. Rod

    Jan 20, 2011, 13:44 #1141

    What were the superb chants then?