Pantomime boos

Is Emirates Cup the new Britain’s Got Talent?

Pantomime boos

Boos: Counter-productive

I haven't written about The Arsenal for a while.

A summer’s break has been just that, and I've felt no desire to analyse the Cesc and Nasri situations on a daily basis, wondering what the smallest detail means to the overall picture. We did that last year and it was dull then. Talking about it, examining scenarios to death with 'what ifs' and 'maybes' means f***-all to the outcome. Either the player will go, or the player will stay. That's that. Dissect it when it's done.

I've never been to the Emirates Cup. One reason was quickly evident, as a Mexican wave spread. Ugh. The other reason was that, having spent over a grand on a season ticket, a day’s attendance at the club’s pre-season tournament could have been gifted. The £3m raised over the two days are three million reasons why it wasn’t.

It is important that the club remains accessible. This weekend, and the Carling Cup, are fantastic opportunities for the club to usher in the next generation of fans who otherwise might not have the chance.

So what does the eight-year-old attending his first Arsenal game with his old man yesterday take away in memory?


I wasn't there, but I recognised the taste of negativity that is in danger of embedding itself at Ashburton. Its ingredients are six years of nothing on the back of six years of everything. Caviar and sausages, with a heapful of anger at price-rises and the perceived stubbornness of Arsène. It's hard to separate the end of last season from the verge of next, especially with the familiar stench of losing leads. But we have to.

There’s no point jumping to damnation now, before the expected comings and goings are announced and the squad is finalised. Booing is pantomime. It's embarrassing and it soured the return of King Henry, who himself must have been disappointed with the fans’ reaction to a pre-season draw.

As Andrew Allen tweeted: "We live in an X-Factor world. People can't do anything but boo and phone-vote. Cheers, Simon Cowell. You ruined football."

Perhaps the Arsenalisation of Ashburton could see each seat come with a 'Britain's Got Talent' buzzer, that tacky new crest embossed across it. It would cost, of course: self-sustaining, however. Buzzes replace boos, and each time a player who hasn't got the talent receives the ball 'Buzzzzzz'. 55,000 of them, and you're subbed. Off you go Eboué.

The team’s best performances at home last season came against the toughest opposition - Chelsea, Manchester United, Barcelona. Such opposition also results in the best atmosphere inside the ground. I've forgotten Spurs. Against lesser teams, some of the players didn't turn up, and neither did the fans - both expecting wins rather than thinking they have to contribute anything to achieve them.

Whilst the players have a duty to give the fans something to shout about, and are paid stupidly to do so, it is a two-way street. You are a supporter, not an expector (sic). Paying your money, even at our prices, doesn't entitle you to a four-nil win or the apparently-important Emirates Cup. You often hear fans of Northern clubs referred to as 'the twelfth man'. Imagine that at Arsenal! We could be that centre-half Arsène had better be looking for.

Our moans, our expectant quiet and our boos emit to the players and are counterproductive, especially if they are passed on to that eight-year-old and if his lasting impression of Sunday is of boos rather than Van Persie.

Don't write off the season just yet, eh? Maybe if we can leave behind the woes of last year the players might too.

Roll on the real stuff.

*Follow my Arsenal ramblings on Twitter @TheArsenal_

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  1. ian christopher

    Aug 05, 2011, 13:14 #10693

    Arsenal fans are frustrated with the lack of player commitment and the lack of spending by the club...what do you expect a round of applause?. It's early August and who have we bought ... no one.. bloody piss poor mate.

  2. Block G Gooner

    Aug 03, 2011, 23:36 #10629

    As a season ticket holder I have the right to boo who I like! I am the first to support this team but this current gutless shambles and that includes and our money grabbing board do not deserve to have such great backing if they are going to keep taking the piss out of us fans by over promising and always under delivering!!!!

  3. celine

    Aug 03, 2011, 20:30 #10623

    it comes down to whether you think the club have the money or not. Having trolled around club level on a matchday, I am of the opinion that the Arsenal REEKS of money. That we are apparently unable to bolster our playing staff with purchases on the same level of say Sunderland, appears to me highly suspicious. If you are the kind of person who trusts extremely rich businessmen and their various statements, then good luck to you. A great many of us, it appears, do not.

  4. Erik Mæhlum

    Aug 03, 2011, 13:59 #10614

    I don't quite understand how you think the boo's came from 1-1 against NY Red Bulls. If you study the team sheet, we weren't far off in quality. And THAT'S a serious wake-up call. Betting on mid table finish this year, and then we implode

  5. HowardL

    Aug 03, 2011, 10:52 #10599

    I agree with Andrew. I hate booing but we do have to get our views across somehow?

  6. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 03, 2011, 9:14 #10598

    I think that it's commendable that you are denigrating what would traditionally be seen as unsporting crown behaviour. Arsenal supporters adhere to a better standard. That's fine, right up to the point where our manager is dismantling not only any good he has done, but the good that George Graham did as well. The current stodge in the transfer market is not only down to the imbalance of very rich and potless clubs and greedy players and agents (as Monsieur complains). We are getting into territory where players no longer wish to come to our club. Jagielka thinks that a move here from Everton isn't a move up. If we want to keep what he and others have gained, we must get rid. It doesn't matter to Monsieur what we write on this site, he doesn't care what the press say, and he certainly doesn't listen to old pro's and journalists. No, the only place where he is publicly laid bare and made to account for his actions is at the Arsenal Stadium. So when, for the n'th time in succession his team fail to learn lessons that a sunday morning coach would have imparted long ago, we show our displeasure vocally. This time it has happened in a pre-season friendly with some old pro's from noo yok. I'm afraid that I want the noise to be so unpleasant, all game , every game, that it spoils the directors lunch, and they do what they should have done 3 years ago. Haul him into the boardroom, boo him for a solid 3 minutes and terminate his employment with extreme prejudice.

  7. fozzy's mate

    Aug 03, 2011, 8:00 #10597

    A good debate here. I too remember the infamous sunday half empty league game v wednesday when the booing was only temporarily stopped by wrightys goal on the end of a long punt. The issues were fairly similar a slow but steady decline following a period of serious challenge at the top of the table. As now the fans feared the slip back into obscurity. As an st holder since the start of the GG era the frustration has always been that when we reach the summit we do not have the stomach or desire to stay there and dominate. The difference now is that we are questioning the clubs desire to actually attempt to reach the summit again and the fact that it is clear we have the finances available to compete in the 15-25 million bracket of players. The next 2 weeks or so will reveal whether 4th is the height of our ambition. If so it will be a long hard season and possibly and sadly the last in the Wenger era but if the online eds post is correct could yet give us a new lease of life. Personally I think the lavish amount supporters pay allow em to say what they want and a post game rant is better than shuffling out not expressing any passion for fear of reprisal.

  8. AussieRussianGooner

    Aug 03, 2011, 4:38 #10596

    I agree with the sentiment to a degree, but unfortunately sometimes it's absolutely necessary to let Arsene and the administration know that we demand action. The club has the money - we all know that. Yet would anyone here be really surprised if no further notable signings are made? Sure, the season hasn't started yet and we all would like to feel some genuine hope right now. But we are also smart enough to know that unless at least 3 signings are made late on, we will be lucky to play Champions League football next year (or even this year), let alone win anything.

  9. GoonerBen

    Aug 03, 2011, 1:15 #10595

    The idiots booing at a meaningless pre season friendly are indicative of the new type of football fan that is now in existence. With all the hype and money that has come with the Premier League, everyone thinks that they deserve a win because they paid to show up and silently watch a football match. We sit in a beautiful stadium watching a club play incredible football week in week out and as soon as it gets a bit rocky we boo the players instead of supporting them. Then in the same breath we get all upset because players don't have any loyalty. I bet half those who boo wouldn't have a clue how to sing anything other than 'by far the greatest team'. Get real and get behind the team, through thick and thin

  10. Quillie

    Aug 03, 2011, 1:06 #10594

    If we can't boo, what can we do? It's the only thing that might actually have an effect on the board.

  11. Sven

    Aug 03, 2011, 0:16 #10592

    Thanks for a good article! However, as you mentioned, with Arsenal's best performances coming against world class opposition, one can only wonder what is going on in the dressing room before, during and after games against much lesser opposition. For Arsenal fans (and I am one of them!) I guess it is not only a matter of winning or losing anymore. I can tolerate losing. I can even tolerate if the club doesnt make it to the Champions League. But what I cannot stand is the arrogance and the deceipt (from the manager's side) which automatically follows any poor result. Listening to our managers delusional (at worst) or naive (at best) attitude is not only affecting the players, but also the fans (who thus now feel forced to respond in the same childish manner). I personally think a boo or two is proportional responce to the poo (sic) we in turn have been forced to listen to throughout whole of last season.

  12. Charlie Nick

    Aug 02, 2011, 23:08 #10591

    Great analogy around X-Factor, we do indeed live in an instant gratification society however I don't think that anyone can accuse Arsenal fans of impatience. People are worried about another 8 months of "same old Arsenal" (dead wood carried and bloody well paid to boot, unhappy players catered to, 2 trophies given away, 2 trophies achievable but bottled etc)I think it is a fan's right to show their feelings. Not everyone can get to the AGM and ask probing questions. As for "ruining" TH14's "homecoming" I don't think for one minute he didn't recognise the warmth and appreciation showed. The same appreciation that would no doubt be shown to DB10, PV4, the legendary back 5, Ray Parlour etc etc. It is a blindingly obvious contrast to the attitude that prevails towards the Eboue's and Diaby's of this world.

  13. Siggi Johnsson

    Aug 02, 2011, 22:14 #10587

    Good article mate. Let's face it if the malcontents get their wish of ousting Wenger through their booing, how long will the same people give any new boss before they start venting their spleen? I have booed Arsenal once, in 1993 vs Sheffield Weds at Highbury. I was pissed off with the absolute dross that was served up by Graham and let rip at the final whistle regardless of Ian Wright's last minute winner. A bunch of lads behind berated me and said "You aint a Gooner of you boo". I took this on board and haven't done it since. Pity there is no-one to teach the thousands of Cowellites the same lesson

  14. nugs

    Aug 02, 2011, 22:08 #10586

    as mentioned in other posts the boos were aimed at wenger more then the players at the end of the day he has had all pre season to get the right players in and to give them a pre season to gel, and here we are with 2 weeks till the start of the season with 2 of our best players unsettled and wenger arseing around in the transfer market. say what u will about ferguson but he identifies the players he wants and he gets them in early job done.

  15. boomergooner4822

    Aug 02, 2011, 20:20 #10582

    well said. the players get paid but the fans have an immense impact on home performances. too much negativity about the modern day gooner. if all that boo-ing energy went towards second half cheers against the scum maybe we wouldn't have dropped the lead. no one is saying wenger is perfect but for me, he's given us nothing to boo about.

  16. CD

    Aug 02, 2011, 19:51 #10580

    aj hit the nail on the head when he reminded us how Gazidis had told us how Wenger would only be ousted by us fans, which is why so many booed. This is exactly what I was going to say, but he beat me to it.

  17. celine

    Aug 02, 2011, 19:35 #10579

    er, the fans that make the most noise supporting the team are invariably the ones that also get annoyed and vent their disapproval when they think they are being 'had'. Its not as if theres a massive core of support fervently encouraging the team, then a few dissenters. The noisy ones are in a %10 minority, and the rest just sit there then shuffle out of the stadium at the end, keeping their opinions and thoughts to themselves. So dont pretend otherwise.

  18. Gary

    Aug 02, 2011, 18:48 #10577

    Empty vessels make the most noise. No matter how disappointed one may be, it is stupid to boo. And as Pitkin said "stupidity is the supreme evil" because the number of stupid people are legion. Other comments have said it but it is worth repeating - the fans should be the 12th man for the team. Arsenal fans are a hindrance, rather than a support to our team and should accept a big part of the blame for the poor performance of the team at times. Next time when things are going poorly, why don't you rather play your part in lifting the team. Be proud of being a supporter and you'll leave the ground a happier person irrespective of the result. Bring the best out of our players through your positive support for everyone's benefit.

  19. Andy

    Aug 02, 2011, 18:28 #10576

    I think the Cesc, Sami situation is making the club a laughing stock and with the ground having no atmosphere mainly because it's all seater and so expensive i don't see this season being any different to the previous five at the concrete bowl . Good luck to people spending a fortune and buying all that stupid merchandise you are clearly a much better supporter than i ever will be even though i went regular home and away for 35 odd seasons . In my opinion the club died when they moved from Highbury and i don't see anything positive about the new ground. I wish Arsene Wenger and Arsenal the best for 2011-12 season .

  20. Joe Mardon

    Aug 02, 2011, 18:20 #10574

    Cheers for the reaction, both in agreement and to say it's bollocks! At the bottom of it is the fact booing is just childish. The very act itself. 'Boooooo'. Also, has it been forgotten that it was a pre season friendly? If ever there comes a time I might understand the booing it would be when the final straw has been reached. However bad our collapse was last season, that is never going to reached at a pre season friendly. cheers.

  21. MGJ

    Aug 02, 2011, 18:06 #10573

    Booing is too often a thing now at the Emirates. I rarely get to go as I don't have a season ticket and can't afford most tickets but love it when I'm there and give the team 100% support. If you want to get to Arsene or the board booing won't do a thing. Hit them where it hurts them, the pocket and at the same time free up season tickets for those who would really appreciate them!

  22. Arsenal Pockets

    Aug 02, 2011, 17:54 #10572

    Mustn't hurt their feelings, the poor little lambs. What a load of old ****e. Joe, do you seriously think the like's of Eboue, Chamakh or Vela would let a bit of booing affect their game? They couldn't give a toss what we think!!!

  23. mark

    Aug 02, 2011, 15:48 #10569

    booing is one sure fire way to make arsenal manager and board realise there are people out there who need entertaining and who have an opinion. otherwise franky this current afc board will just go on and on further abusing the fans cant you see that ?

  24. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 02, 2011, 15:13 #10566

    I stayed up through the night over the weekend to watch the whole shebang on the net from t'other side of the world. I gave up a lot of sleep to watch something that was mildly amusing, totally predictable, and more than a bit ridiculous and unnecessary - all in all, the football equivalent of a 3rd Deuce Bigalow film, or a follow up to Zoolander. On a far more serious note, my 12 year old cat would have made more of an effort defending that ridiculous Red Bull goal than Eboue or Chamakh did, yet it was the unfortunate Bartley who was made to look the dick when the blokes in front of him did nothing. Finally, can anyone tell me if the general mood around the club at the final whistle of the Red Bulls match was better or worse than Coventry at home at the end of Don Howe's reign in 1987? That and the home defeat to West Ham in 1995 are my Arsenal "**** barometer", if it was worse than that then we're in a bit of bother, I reckon...

  25. Crimson

    Aug 02, 2011, 14:39 #10565

    When When Wenger stops acting like he is in a pantomime the booing will stop.

  26. Brigham

    Aug 02, 2011, 14:27 #10564

    I tend to agree with your post Big Dunk, but I can fully understand the booing as well. I was not there over the weekend, but I did manage to catch most of the Boca game and all of the Red Bulls one. My take on it is that those who booed at the end of Sundays game were not booing the players, more likely the board and Wenger. I really do think this season is going to be hellish for Wenger if we start off badly and there is every chance of that looking at the first few fixtures. He will feel the full wrath of an upset Gooner crowd, just as Don Howe did in the early eighties. Booing is not a new thing at our ground, just as its not at other so called top clubs. I feel that many fans patience is beginning to wear very thin coupled with the lies told to us each pre-season, along with the ST increase, the lack of activity in the transfer market and you have a powder keg sat waiting to explode. I said it on another thread earlier, the Cesc and Nasri saga needs sorting out now, not waiting until a few days before the window shuts, or is that the master plan? A dithering plan to say, "I could not stop zeem leaving and now I 'av no chance to replace zeem" I know where my money lies.

  27. Inspector Clueless

    Aug 02, 2011, 14:20 #10563

    my cunning plans starts to take shape... Barton is free so now i take him. i was so busy talking to myself on sunday that i didnt hear any booze, what are ze's booze ?

  28. Spectrum

    Aug 02, 2011, 14:17 #10562

    Joey Barton is certain to be our next signing. After all, you can't get any cheaper than free, can you ? "In Arsene we rust."

  29. aj

    Aug 02, 2011, 14:03 #10561

    Gazidis said a few weeks ago it's the fans who will decide when Wenger goes.Therfore many of the fans boo Wenger.They are not ready yet to chant 'Wenger out' because they still respect his contribution over the years.But if things go poorly before Christmas or he doesn't do well in the market,don't be suprised if you hear those chants. Gazidis has told the fans what to do if they want a change and a large percentage want a change.

  30. West Stand gooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 14:02 #10560

    Many loyal fans who havent yet been priced out see the same mistakes, insufficient discipline/organisation in the defence and no signings of players that are going to make a difference despite the promises made before our season ticket payments. Again. So will there be any positive change by sitting and politely clapping the same old same old? No. I used to say I would never boo but my tolerance of overpaid players who dont seem to care and constantly underachieve & a Manager who cannot bear the fans who have a view is at an all time low.

  31. GoonerRon

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:57 #10559

    I was personally really embarrassed by the booing. What a great way to give Cesc and Nasri the encouragement to stay - by booing whenever we concede a goal. Yes, the team and manager are not without failings but we need to take a long hard look at ourselves sometimes. It's no coincidence that our best two home performances (Chelsea and Barca) last year, not to mention the turnaround against Everton, all came when we were our loudest.

  32. Chris Gooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:43 #10558

    I was there on both days (glutton for punishment) and whilst I didn't boo myself, I can entirely understand why people did. How else would you propose they get their dissatisfaction across to the board and manager? I don't dispute that it probably won't make difference, but Gazidis said at the AST meeting in May that Wenger was ultimately answerable to the fans and this is presumably how people cast their vote, to use your BGT terminology. Boo-ing during the game is counter-productive and I would entirely agree if you were critical of people doing that, but I think it's OK at the final whistle.

  33. Spectrum

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:39 #10557

    First we had, and still have, a defensive midfielder needed that has not been signed. Then we had a goalkeeper needed that was not signed, and still hasn't be signed.The latest is a defender who (so far), STILL hasn't been signed. All these problem positions have been obvious to every man and his dog FOR YEARS. Yet Wenger signs even more youths, and attackers,and continually "overlooks" the areas that REALLY NEED attention. What is that, if not neglect ? Where else but Arsenal, would a manager be rewarded for that neglect, with a contract extension ? And where else would certain so called "fans" still support him ? "In Arsene we rust."

  34. Highbury Boy

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:37 #10556

    Boos were around a long time before X Factor. I remember boos (and especially boycotting games) getting rid of Billy Wright as manager. He always wanted "one more year"to get it right. Gazidis apparently said something along the lines that Wenger's future would be up to the fans. The board don't appear to take any notice of letters,emails,blogs etc.The attendance is always 60,113 or thereabouts so how else can fans express their frustration? It's after the game so you can't blame them for not supporting the team while playing. And please don't say "Go and support some other team"-Football is more tribal than religion.

  35. Ron

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:31 #10555

    Big Dunk Id agree with you 99% of the time, but in the here and now i can sort of understand it. The Club has a feel of sterilty about it but even worse, those who can do something to change it seems indifferent to it. Set this v the cost of going and you have a powder keg. Perhaps the EC was the 'start of the end'. The Club needs change in so many respects.

  36. Gman

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:25 #10554

    Pull yourself together man, take those rose tinted glasses off and take a reality check. The boos were a result of the same old frailties at the back letting leads slip away and it will be a familiar sight this coming season unless Wenger stops prevaricating over the odd million pounds for Jagielka etal. The Club wants us to pay top prices at the ground but go out shopping on the cheap and miss out on players because of haggling to save the odd million pounds whilst fleecing their own fans. That’s why we boo, it’s the only way to show how pissed off we are.

  37. lee armitt

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:23 #10553

    all those people that booed should remember that they still got to do the mexican wave so be grateful.what more do these people want from a game

  38. Cheshire Gooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:20 #10552

    Totally agree. The "support" currently is just as much of a problem as Squillaci. We know there are problems in the team but no one performs at their best whilst being moaned at, critised and booed. I'm not saying don't criticise. But save the whining for the forums or the street marches and get behind the team at the games. Absolutely correct to point out our best results were the biggest games where the atmosphere was at its most supportive. Also worth pointing out our away form for most of the season was much better than at home - far from the maddening crowd....There might just be a message there.

  39. Gee

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:16 #10551

    The situation at present is a complete and utter mess and is only Wenger/The boards doing. They can not get rid of the deadwood. Eboue, Bendtner and Almunia all will not go because other clubs will not pay their astronomical wages. Denilson is only out becuase it is a loan. we have 11 days until we travel to Newcastle and all we have done to the defence is sell one of our most expereinced players in Clichy. We have bought yet another attacker to play in around 4 different positions. Cesc and Nasri saga will continue until Aug 31st. It seems, going by pre season only we are refusing to use width and are continuing to thread the ball through the eye of a needle. Still we see the reluctance to actually shoot the ball and the continuation of pass pass pass. i bet Ramsey got a bollocking for his scorcher against Boca and long may it continue. I just can not get optimistic for next season at present, that said I will still give my all to supporting the club every week and did not hesitate to renew my ticket. I am addicted to Arsenal. For my sins.

  40. @blacksheep63

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:10 #10550

    great post. I went Saturday (so missed the boos and Henry) but the ground was full of people but few arsenal fans IMO. Lots of to-ing and fro-ing worse than the carling cup cheap nights. A few people were on Nasri's back before he'd had a chance but overall it was nothing to do with football. I wish they would all go and support citeh or the chavs - real fans only: glory hunters not wanted should be the sign over the door

  41. sparksy

    Aug 02, 2011, 13:09 #10549

    You fail to see whats in front of your face. Without spending money and bringing in some top experienced talent we are again facing another dire season. You sit in hope that it will get better without the investment. IT WONT. I am a ST holder and don't feel the need to boo myself but that is the only way fans feel they can vent their anger at the manager and the board over their lies and lack of spending for the past years, which is where the anger is being directed.

  42. Big Dunk

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:46 #10548

    Well I was there and I was appalled at the booing, always have been and always will be. How would you feel if you were RvP or any player and left the pitch to that (because the board won't do what you think is right)? No wonder Fabby wants out (not that he'll ever say that - he's got too much respect)... If you turn up and boo because we don't win then you're a muppet, if you boo because the board won't spend then you're a muppet to. If you don't like it don't go - I'm not asking you to support someone else as it clearly doesn't work like that but think of the negative affect you're having on the team and how it lifts the away team... Lastly, I know I'll probably get the usual 'we want silverware, not just CL football' moans but so do I, we all do. I don't think AW is right all of the time but there is a right way and a wrong way to show your feelings - and in my opinion booing is, and always will be, wrong.

  43. Richard Ansell

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:45 #10547

    Normally I would agree with you, Joe, as I have never jeered at Arsenal, no matter how poor we may have been. Now though I am so fed up with Wenger, the lack of transfer dealings, the fact that any deals always have to be last minute, the crap defending and the failure to put right so many obvious flaws in the team that I was actually pleased to hear that the team was jeered off. It is not their fault, I know, but how else do we get through to that idiot manager of ours that we have had enough of him, his 'experiment', his tippy-tap-no-shoot-football, his one track tactics, and his woeful ideas of how a team should defend. Sorry - rant over.

  44. bunch

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:35 #10545

    "Don't write off the season just yet, eh? Maybe if we can leave behind the woes of last year the players might too." The problem is Joe, it's not just last season is it? And I'm not seeing any change. He's signed a kid, yet another French African from Ligue 1 and we are throwing away leads on the back of 60% + possession. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

  45. delgooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:32 #10544

    I was there with my son, 5 year old grandson, 2 other adults and a youngster aged 14. We were in the North Bank and it was very quite. My grandson (first time at Arsenal)lapped it up and was clapping and cheering as so was all the kids who were around us. The football was dire but I didn't hear any booing at the end from around me! And we stayed to clap Thiery at the end. The Arsenal players know why they get booed - cos they're **** basically and just producing exactly the same as last year - there's nothing improved at all!

  46. indian gooner

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:22 #10543

    man are you people for real? The fans have waited for 6 years.Meanwhile AW threw away cups for fun.We waited for the season to end and new signings were promised.But zilch has happened.We as fans are seeing a familiar pattern and had to warn wenger and the board to not take us fans lightly anymore.You ask me not to be an expector(!), but if AW and the board treat AFC as a business then we are the customers.They better deliver the goods else these boos shall ring in the ears of AW,IG, PHW and silent Stan. We better get some movement in the market.We dont want to hear AW come up again on the last day of the window saying how he "tried" to sign some players.hes already said that prices are dizzying. So shut it. And saying that these players need to be encouraged than booed, i again say **** it.These cotton wooled players need to be shown what fear means...they have been mollycoddled by wenger and have turned out to be pussies.And they have turned out to be like nasri and i dont care if a 8 year old thinks badly about a fan booing his own team.there needs to be a change in the club and it is going to happen.up the gunners

  47. Badgerhead

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:18 #10542

    I was appalled by the booing yet part of me completely understands and sympathises. I'm not sure if I had been there whether I would have been able to stop myself. I see it as an outpouring of frustration against the manager and the Board. Tactically nothing had changed, can't take corners, free kicks, won't shoot, can't defend set pieces, vulnerable to the long ball over the top. Listening to Keown on ESPN, his articulacy, his determination and intelligence show up our inadequate defensive tactics for what they are. So to a large extent I don't think the players matter so much, what would a new manager be able to do with the same players? Having said that I did not expect to see Vela, Eboue, Squillaci, Traore at the club anymore so to see them on the pitch was a letdown. Add the inability to conclude transfer dealings, why are we waiting for Fabregas and Nasri to be sorted out? Why not get our business done and show the players that no one is bigger than the club. How can it be that Man Ure complete three signings early, building on strength, and yet we seem to have gone into the close season with no targets other than supposedly not to pay over the odds. Who cares whether Cahill is £12m or £17m, it is paper pride only, a successful team recoups the difference in a very short space of time Trying to be positive the two new signings show what a difference can be made. I thought Gervinho and Jenkinson both stood out. Ramsey looks back to his best. RVP and TV both fit. Frimpong and Afobe look like first team squad members to me, and both Arshavin and Rosicky played well

  48. Ron

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:11 #10541

    Youve never been to the Emirates Cup. Sensible man. Keep it that way if you want my advice. Its an utterly total, farcical rip off and nothing more.

  49. Fats Thumper

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:03 #10540

    It's Groundhog Day at Arsenal. Nobody seejms to care though. I'm a realist, I know the club had to pay it's stadium debts and cannot compete with oil money - but the same old problems are appearing and nothing is being done to address it. It's literally like nobody cares.

  50. Theo's Underpants Designer

    Aug 02, 2011, 12:02 #10539

    You speak as if Arsenal teams and players in the past hadn't been booed. The major difference though was that those players used the 'disapproval' to up their game and put things right. Don't you remember the reaction of some of the fans after the home defeat to Blackburn in Dec 1997? And what happened after that? The players went on to win The Double!! This bunch of metal midgets on the other hand, apparently **** themselves at the first sign of adversity and the majority have proven unworthy of having the honour of wearing a first team shirt for The Arsenal. All this despite earning well in excess of their more talented predecessors despite having half the ability or spirit. And the poor little souls need to be given our sympathy?

  51. Naz

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:58 #10538

    Booing is the only way fans can get across their views to the club. Problems of last season have not been fixed despite us so close to the season. Signing defenders will not solve our problems, a defensive coach will.

  52. Stroller

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:51 #10537

    The best Arsenal article I've read for a long time. The air of negativity around the place is more worrying than individual coming and goings (or not). Where are the supporters these days as opposed to the day-trippers, consumers, and disgruntled pundits ( expectors in your terms) who now populate the stadium?

  53. GunnerZim

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:49 #10536

    I totally understand where the boos are coming from. They are borne of frustration and desperation at the same mistakes being made over and over again. The majority of Arsenal supporters in my opinion are resaonable and mature people. They have however, been pushed to the limit and are running out of ideas as to how they can bring about the much needed change at the club. The booing is not their fault. Blame it on Arsene,Gazidis,PHW and the rest of the Arsenal hierarchy!

  54. HowardL

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:42 #10535

    Agree - booing will not help anything at all - totally counterproductive. But I think TH14 took it as a backhand compliment by comparison with his era.

  55. Tony

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:40 #10534

    Eboue is Wagner,Koscielny and Squillaci are Deadwood(i mean Jedward)

  56. afrogoon

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:37 #10533

    I agree totally with the much as we know things are ****ed up abt the club,ie, playing staff n all, we do have the worst atmosphere in the ground also......we are all in the **** together...we demand commitment from the players and yet show none in our support inside the stadia.....the boos are becoming more audible than the 'we love you arsenal chunes'.......i hope as much as fan groups want more investment in the playing staff and a change of tactics n all that, The AST are also be actively seeking ways to improve the atmosphere because quite frankly we have the worst amongst our competitors.....i know people are going to go the 'we have won **** all route'....remember liverpool are just a year less trophyless...this is a chicken and egg situation..instead of waiting to find out which one came 1st, both parties should resolve to play their part to the best of their abilities.

  57. notasucker

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:34 #10532

    Its fans like you that allow Wenger the freedom to keep his job at any cost to the club. I'm sorry but I completely disagree with your anti-boo rant. The fans that truly want whats best for Arsenal are the ones who have the sack to boo. Wenger and the board are more interested in making money than winning games. The lies are the worst part of it all. Judge me in May, summer overhaul, etc......

  58. RedandDread

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:28 #10531

    Thank you. The level of our support has long been called into question at The Grove. Why go to a stadium just to be negative........

  59. Lucky Trev

    Aug 02, 2011, 11:23 #10530

    The boo's were hopefully aimed at Nasri. Make up your mind and off you go to City. I'd be happy to see Barton come in in his place, you know he will give his best and will tell it how it is open and honest. Maybe a little rough around the edges but I'm sure many fans would love to see Wilshere and Barton lead the team by example. And if Nasri went to City I'm sure most fans would love to seem him get Bartoned!!