The beginning of a beautiful anti-climax?

New season - so time to shed the angst?

The beginning of a beautiful anti-climax?

Overmars: Signing in ‘98 heralded exciting times

The first day of the season used to be one of my favourite days of the year. Football was here again after the three or so barren months after the close of the previous season. For a football lover they seemed interminable.

That situation altered years ago and now the football season never ends. The Under-21 tournament is followed on by the Copa America and we can’t even remember which season is which. So in recent seasons the anticipation of the beginning of the new season depends on how good you expect it to be for your side.

It always helped if your side had brought in some exciting new players in the close season. Arsenal rarely do this (although history proves that when they do it is usually the precursor for a successful season). But remember the 1995/6 season when we signed Bergkamp and Platt – how exciting was that? I still remember as a kid in 1962 the excitement around the signing of Joe Baker and in 1997/8 the buzz around the new side that Wenger had assembled with Overmars and Petit and lots of exotic new reserves we thought might be great.

I am writing this some weeks before the season opening but I can’t ever remember being less excited about the first game. As I write we still have no idea about what will be happening with Fabregas and Nasri and Wenger has completely failed to deal with ANY of the problems that bedevilled us last year. Hopefully this piece will be overtaken by events and even if the two wantaway stars depart maybe Cahill, Jagielka, Mata and Benzema will have joined us but I write much more in hope than expectation.

Often the first game of the campaign is a barometer of how well you will do in the coming season. Our two titles under George Graham followed thumping wins at Wimbledon (in the days of Plough Lane) on the opening day. A very mediocre season in the early 80s was ushered in by a 1-0 defeat at home to Stoke (I think Lee Chapman scored for them). On another occasion in the days of the mural we were cruising 2-0 up against Norwich and thoroughly justifying our position as favourites for the title. I think many of us remember with horror the eventual 4-2 capitulation in the second half. (Don’t let anyone tell you the great back five never had nightmares!) Even worse was the day we proudly opened the North Bank Stand only to see Mickey Quinn nab a hat-trick for Coventry to condemn us to a 3-0 defeat ! (Another Back Five nightmare!) We went on to have (what was then classified) as a decent season but that sort of defeat takes a bit of getting over although stuffing Spurs at White Hart Lane in the last minute two days later helped us rather a lot!

When you become as old as I am first games blend into one another but some stand out. My first game as an Arsenal fan was in 1958 and we lost 2-1 at Preston. I remember that Tommy Docherty played for Preston that day and joined us immediately afterwards (no transfer window then). I also recall us playing Tottenham in the late sixties at White Hart Lane on the opening day. We beat them 2-1 and it heralded in a new era of progress and excitement at the club. I remember us thrashing Chelsea 3-0 at Highbury in the season after the double and I still remember Ray Kennedy scoring against Manchester United after two minutes as we went on to beat them 3-0 at Highbury in 1973. That’s a great way to start the season but as I recall it went on to be a lousy one. So first games can be misleading.

For me the increasing hype around football is actually stripping the game of its appeal. Football is such a big ticket item now it has lost a large part of its charm and that incredible excitement that I used to feel at this time of the year. It’s not just a function of age - I really wonder if the unceasing focus on money has not stripped the game of its wonder. All the close season is about now is ridiculous transfer rumours, bloated contracts and diminishing player loyalty. The internet is a wonderful thing in so many ways but it has spawned an industry that functions without logic or reason and which seems to an Arsenal fan to be always bringing bad news.

So am I right to be pessimistic or will Arsene and his men surprise us all again? At this distance I cannot really be sure but my faith in Wenger has diminished because I see no real sign that he is learning from the past and his great obsession with fielding a team of brilliantly creative pre-pubescent midgets shows no sign of abating.

But maybe we ought to make a resolution to try to enjoy our football more this year and shed the angst we’ve been storing up during the summer. The reason I say this is because thinking back to those early days when the beginning of the season felt like Christmas Day it was enough just to be able to watch my team again. In reality for a very long time they had much less chance of finishing close to the top than they do this season but somehow that didn’t seem to matter. Arsenal, my Arsenal were starting out on a new season and I wanted to be with them. I was certain that things had to get better if we began badly and that this was THE season if we began well. Those days have gone in the Premier League/Sky hyped/success is everything days but we still have a great club to support and maybe this year it is more important than ever that we make the powers that be at Arsenal realise that at the end of the day the essence of a football club is its fans and the love they have for their club. May Messrs Wenger, Gazidis, Kroenke and the whole of the team ensure that our love is reciprocated this year!

This season’s first issue of The Gooner went on sale at the weekend and can be bought online here.

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  1. Peter Le Beau

    Aug 07, 2011, 21:57 #10821

    What a lot of terrific comments.Nostalgia certainly is what it used to be! Delighted I stirred up so many (mostly) happy memories. So much of what was said by Adrian et al was spot on.I have had the privilege of getting to know Bob wilson,Frank McLintock and George Graham in recent years.There was something very special about that team and meeting guys of that calibre it isn't hard to sense what it was-a real pride and belief in the club. I sense the same sort of feelings exist in people like Martin Keown and Steve Bould but Nasri and Fabregas,our skipper are not cut from the same cloth.Perhaps it is naive to think it but perhaps a large part of our great club died when we left Highbury.What I wouldn't give to be back there now

  2. Tony Porter

    Aug 06, 2011, 13:00 #10742

    A great article and great correspondence. Re Arsenal 0 Liverpool 1,I still have the letter Peter Hill-Wood's father wrote to my father about the Baker sending-off. In it he observes("confidentially") that the referee was very anti-Arsenal and the club had put that in their report. Nothing much changes! My father had writen in commiseration to Joe as well as to the club, having been incensed by the fouling Yeates had been handing out all afternoon.

  3. Redwith Whitesleeves

    Aug 04, 2011, 18:47 #10666

    Thanks for a great article Peter. jjetplane - I thought I was the only one scarred for life by The 'mighty' Jim Furnell putting the ball into his own net against Birmingham in the FA Cup. As I recall this gave Brum a draw in the dying minutes and they won the replay courtesy of Barry Bridges. I also remember being shocked that anyone could 'take' the Northbank but it was such a big occasion for the Brummies that they arrived at about eight in the morning and set up camp! Thanks to you both for the memories.

  4. jjetplane

    Aug 04, 2011, 16:23 #10663

    the day Brummie took the north bank and Furnell fell in our net with the ball! why do I always remember that one! I hear Arsenal moved away from highbury ..... Oh Well pts 1 & 2 ...

  5. jayelljay

    Aug 04, 2011, 14:36 #10662

    Excellent article and it seems to have prompted a great response by many of us old boys reminiscing about our early heroes. My first game was home to Bolton in 1963. Three one down at half time to eventually run out winners at 4-3. Brilliant stuff. I was hooked. Like many, and being a schoolboy back then, my probable all time hero was Joe Baker. What would he be worth today ? And George Eastham ? what a magician. On saturday I was honoured to be the guest of a friend (who scouts for a championship side) at the Emirates and in the dirctors box. I found myself amongst Wenger, Gadizis and all the other dignitaries and guests from Boca, New York and Paris. Wenger is so tall and impeccably smart that he dominates the room when he's in there. You can see that he is held in such awe by all those around him. I am one of his critics and was itching to get a quick word with him but no real chance. PSG had a guy playing centre back who would have done us a treat. I wanted to explain to Wenger the frustrations of many of the supporters of my generation. I have never felt so uninspired before a new season. Last season was a kind of watershed moment. I very nearly didn't renew my gold membership. I fear next year I won't because the likes of us cannot get our opinions through to him. I can't believe we haven't signed a centre half....or why we did't get Shay Given.

  6. ed enough

    Aug 04, 2011, 11:55 #10640

    Great stuff....I also feel indifferent about the start of the new season....I fear the worst before we have kicked a ball.

  7. Ron

    Aug 04, 2011, 9:21 #10633

    Isnt it great when us old gits reminise! All the talk of Joe Baker really sets me off. I loved him and guys, yes i well recall when he dropped Yeats too. I wasnt there, but recall my late Dad loving it.He was a big lump of lard was Yeats! Dad laughed about it till i lost him back in 2003. I loved the 60s as a kid and the team (as has been said on here) was so like todays in terms of some of the results, but we didnt have the bottlers and chokers clogging up the Club then as we do now. Geoff Strong was another big fav of mine then in the mid 60s and the two Georges of course, little Geordie and Eastham. Fingers Furnell Ha. What a liabilty he was. Still no worse than todays clowns though.

  8. Adrian Wagenaar

    Aug 04, 2011, 9:01 #10632

    Shropshire Lad - That game against Wolves was amazing, I chewed through my match programme as the nerves got to me. My main memory of Joe Baker's goal scoring was a brilliant "hat trick" he scored against Villa in a evening match in Sept 63. We won 3-0 so the nil was an achievement. His 3rd goal was a beautiful little back header over the advancing Sims from what I am sure was an Eastham free kick. He also scored a great goal against the Spuds in March 65 in a 3-1 home win that I can still clearly remember. Pete you have certainly stirred the memory banks with your delightful piece.

  9. Brigham

    Aug 04, 2011, 8:16 #10631

    @ Adrian - what a fantastic post and something I wholeheartedly agree with. You have touched on much of what is currently wrong with our club, we used to be a team of great tradition and 'doing it the right way'. I hate tracksuits being worn to the ground and I dare not think what the likes of GG would think of it!

  10. JJ Williams

    Aug 04, 2011, 1:39 #10630

    Not forgetting at the start of the 2001/02 season, when we brought in Sol Capmbell, Van Bronkhurt, Wright and Jeffers. We ended up doing the double. Van Bronkhurt, Wright and Jeffers didn't play key rolls, but it gave the place a lift and gave the rest of the squad a kick up the arse.

  11. CaGooner

    Aug 03, 2011, 23:21 #10628

    I love the following poaragraph. It sums it up for me. But I still love my Arsenal. And I naiively have hope that Jack represents a new loyal breed! So am I right to be pessimistic or will Arsene and his men surprise us all again? At this distance I cannot really be sure but my faith in Wenger has diminished because I see no real sign that he is learning from the past and his great obsession with fielding a team of brilliantly creative pre-pubescent midgets shows no sign of abating.

  12. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 03, 2011, 22:07 #10625

    Uplifting article in a depressing lead up to the new season. Thank you, Peter. Ah, Joe Baker, my hero (still have an action picture of him scoring on my office wall!). I remember vividly the home win against Wolves 5 - 4 when he scored a hat trick. Great memories. It's the Fabregas and Nasri scenario that is the most irking at the moment because of the lack of apparent respect and loyalty for the club that has changed their lives for the better. Bad players we have taken to and made them a cult from 'Fingers' Furnell to Eboue. Nasri and Fabregarse deserve a bloody good verbal kicking and Wenger should find the balls to do it.

  13. JackL

    Aug 03, 2011, 21:22 #10624

    My first match was in 1963 v Blackburn-3-1-Fred Pickering and Mike England for them! I would get the players autographs when they came out of the Wimpy Bar at Finsbury Park.I have been going since then to virtually every game, now with my wife and 3 children. I have not felt so much pessimism for years and really think making the top 4 will be a struggle. While I do wonder about whether AW is beginning to 'lose the plot", my biggest gripe is the fact that AW always talks about 'mental strength', That is the one thing we didn't show (mostly) last season. We are a better side than Man Utd but their attitude is 100% better than ours, and that's why they are finishing above us. If AW can't see this and do something about it then his time may be up! All 5 of us will still be going to every game this season though!! (mad or what?)

  14. mike power

    Aug 03, 2011, 20:23 #10622

    Sorry - but Ron and Tommy have made me take a trip down memory lane. I'm coming up to 58. I saw my first Arsenal game when I was seven. Arsenal 3, Man City 0, on September 9, 1961. I remember my dad telling me about two great goalkeepers, Jack Kelsey for us and Bert Trautmann for them. The Arsenal team of the early 60 mirrors the current side in so many ways. Joe Baker was a great centre forward, brave, mobile and a close range predator. I've never forgotten either the way he laid out Yeats that afternoon, after Liverpool's so-called 'colussus' had brought him down on the edge of the box. Can you imagine any modern Arsenal forward showing that sort of passion?! George Eastham was a brilliant midfield schemer and we used to score 90+ goals a season. Trouble was, we had a succession of rubbish goalkeepers and a defence which couldn't defend for toffee. Arsenal had to be 3-0 up going into injury time before we felt the points were safe. Does that remind you of anything modern?

  15. 6ooner Pete

    Aug 03, 2011, 18:38 #10621

    Ron said "The Arsenal i grew up supporting died years ago though (before we left Highbury actually). I still enjoy some of it but its a cash and media driven circus now. I actually pity todays young fans. They ll perhaps never know what supporting a Club is and should be about " I agree 100%. My first game was in October 1968 against Liverpool in the league cup (when we used to take it seriously!). It was a night that changed my life. That we won made it even more special. Since Sky took over those feelings have gradually been drained away. They said it was going to be a whole new ball game and unfortunately they were right.

  16. Cam

    Aug 03, 2011, 18:22 #10620

    Unfortunately there are literally only two things the current board cares about, and they are: A top four finish (ie: money) A full stadium (ie: money) Perhaps we can take comfort from the fact that when we do eventually drop out the top four, be it this season or next, and attendances for the less glamorous league games start to drop below 50,000, the penny will finally start to drop that things are not being done right...

  17. Adrian Wagenaar

    Aug 03, 2011, 18:12 #10619

    Excellent article Peter - remember signing Joe Baker and saw him score away at Leyton Orient in a 2-1 win at the start of 62-63 season. Ron, I think you will find Joe Baker had one of the best goals to games ratio's of any of our strikers but the best strike I ever saw was when he whacked Ron Yeats in a fifth round tie in 64 at Highbury - big Ron as he was known was out cold - my father, bless him, talked about that day for years after. The moment that finally made me lose faith in AW was the 2-1 defeat at Stoke a few years ago, we had 4 or 5 players who were frightened of Stoke that day and any manager watching that capitulation would have made sure certain players never again pulled on an Arsenal shirt - he did n't and that's when I knew the game was up. Players do not dress properly, are not led with any passion on the field, it is very upsetting. I have witness some very poor Arsenal sides over the years so I cannot say this team is in the league of the mid 70's sides or mid 80's sides, it is just we have regressed so much in such a short space of time. I would like to see a dress code brought back and a leader on the pitch emerge who the fans can really rally behind. Watching a disinterested, smirking Nasri and our club captain attending a grand prix while his team mates are playing for the club that pays his wages has made my blood boil - I want a manager to pull the pair of and tell them that as professionals, and until you are sold you are going to give a 100% to this club. I would also prefer said manager to hold them by their throats as he is telling them some home truths! I then think of dear Geordie Armstrong and know that the game is truly up.

  18. Jools Zauscinski

    Aug 03, 2011, 17:08 #10618

    Been an Arsenal fan since 1959, loved some of the old stories from seasons gone by. Only just discovered this site, will be a regular now!

  19. allybear

    Aug 03, 2011, 16:35 #10617

    Great article Peter and as an Arsenal fan for 35yrs im resigned to there being very few signings as i think money is tight at the Emirates and i also think that Wenger believes that his team is good enough.Of course we all know that it isnt and im sick of listening to him but im just going to watch the team without any expectations. Maybe someday when AW is gone we will have a decent defence!

  20. Tom O'B

    Aug 03, 2011, 15:50 #10616

    Lee Chapman did indeed score that goal, North Bank end. First game of 82/83 v Luton and the introduction of one Charlie Nicholas. Same season as the Spartak Moscow spanking/dazzling display.

  21. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 03, 2011, 14:01 #10615

    Brilliant stuff Peter. My first ever match at Highbury, as a 7 year old Aussie on a family visit, was Coventry at home 1981, a 2-2 draw. I'd been to the MCG in Melbourne, and VFL Park, the purpose built Aussie Rules stadium in the suburb of Waverley, but nothing in my short life to that point matched walking up the steps under the West Stand to the top, and looking down on the Highbury turf for the first time. Second time around was at 9 years old, first match of the 1983-84 season v Luton Town, where I stood on the North Bank with my dad for the first time. I reckon I saw about half the match ducking in between gaps created by the continually moving crowd. I had serious cramp by the end but I loved every minute of it. I'm sure the view at the new ground is perfect wherever you stand (sit by force?), maybe that's why the ticket prices are so silly...that Luton match was my first exposure to the "piss where you stand" rule as well, but luckily I wasn't anywhere near the drop zone....

  22. Ron

    Aug 03, 2011, 13:52 #10613

    Lads Some lovely posts on here. It seems like a century ago when players turned up, shaven and in suits and when us kids could approach them upon arrival at Highbury and at away venues and be spoken to and given time and autographs just outside of grounds. I got most of the team's auto s one day v West Brom (and most of theirs). Still cherish Raddie's signature and im even more pleased to say that i can still have a few words with him today from time to time. Peter - Heres one for us oldies. I still rate Joe Baker as maybe the best striker we ve had. Whats your take on this point? He was dynamite. Not big, but great in the air and a heart of a lion.

  23. Dave

    Aug 03, 2011, 13:48 #10612

    I dont enjoy the start of the season either and like people have said on here it hasn't really got to do with no new signings etc. Football is now a business sadly so the whole aspect of why i fell in love with football and Arsenal have all but gone. To be slightly controversial I actually think the beginning of the end came after the Hillsborough disaster when everything became far too corporate and the real fan who supported their team not for money but purely for love was squeezed out. Sad but true.

  24. Gee

    Aug 03, 2011, 13:42 #10611

    Gazidis has been very smart saying ARsene is accountable to the fans. The board are giving OGL enough rope to hang himself with until his situation becomes untenable with the fans. That way Gazidis can not take too much blame for firing the most successful managers of all time. He can use fan pressure as an excuse etc etc

  25. Mark

    Aug 03, 2011, 13:24 #10610

    i enjoyed this piece thanks. i really do not think this arsenal team will be suprising us at all and we are in for a volatile season - by that i means ups and real downs and of course as we now know there will be LOTS OF POSITIVE SPIN and i think its that as much as anything which has created the huge chasm that now exists between the older Arsenal fans and the manager+board. we are the ones who see through all of the bull****

  26. Chris Gooner

    Aug 03, 2011, 12:57 #10609

    To Len (post 11677) - The friendly against Juventus you have mentioned took place on 26th November 1958. Great days when you could run on the pitch and not expect to be banned for life!

  27. Richard Ansell

    Aug 03, 2011, 12:36 #10608

    Really enjoyed reading your article, Peter, and thanks for sharing some of your memories (both good and bad). I have air-brushed most of the bad memories from my mind but a few like losing to York in the Cup refuse to go. Good ones include Supermac's hatrick in a 5-3 home win against Newcastle and the 5-0 drubbing of the Spuds at ****e Hart Lane. I agree that this 'new' Arsenal are completely foreign to me, with so many players that I have no real affection for. The shocking complacency and lack of ambition that exists at our club coupled with Wengers continual dithering and lack of respect for supporters genuine concerns make being a Gooner very difficult for me at the moment. I am not excited by the prospect of the new season and I think Wenger has finally driven the magic out of me. We may be a much more exciting side than some of the teams I used to go and watch in the seventies and eighties but at least I felt then that this was 'my team' and I just don't feel that it is anymore. I yearn for the day that Wenger goes and hopefully takes his influx of foreign midgets with him.

  28. Gooner 48

    Aug 03, 2011, 12:08 #10607

    Best opening home game for me was 1970 - after two away draws (Charlie having broken an ankle up at Goodison) we thrashed Manure 4-0 with Raddy scoring a hat trick.

  29. Brigham

    Aug 03, 2011, 12:06 #10606

    A great post and also a wonderful reply from Tommy. I do not go back as far as you two guys, but I am old enough to remember some of the things you have written, particularly marble halls, cannon on blazers, cup final suits worn with pride, as was the red and white shirt. Too many fancy dans now, with no pride for the club they play for and represent. A great shame really.

  30. Ron

    Aug 03, 2011, 12:01 #10605

    A smashing article Peter. My first game was away at Villa Park in 1963. We lost 2-1. Tony Hateley scored twice after Johnny McLeod had given us a lead. Hooked ever since. The Arsenal i grew up supporting died years ago though (before we left Highbury actually). I still enjoy some of it but its a cash and media driven circus now. I actually pity todays young fans. They ll perhaps never know what supporting a Club is and should be about. Ive lost faith in Wenger now, but accept that what he has become is down to the ground move and the Boardroom culture to a great degree. I'll look forward to his book and hopefully we ll have some real explanations about what what the last 3-4 years have been like for him personally and about generally. Whatever it is, he and the Board are (to use an of quoted word of Wenger's) 'killing' our Club.

  31. Mick Appleton

    Aug 03, 2011, 11:45 #10604

    They say love is blind but I think love has to be a two way street as unrequited love only ever ends in tears. No love or care is being taken with my team or it's loyal fan base by the powers that be at the club. Promises of jam tomorrow for many seasons has made it harder & harder to keep faith with the club. No doubt some one will be on here telling me to go to the lane but how much longer can we see profits & share prices put in front of success on the pitch. We're told that the debt is now under control so why are we still nickel & diming in our transfer dealings? If we sign 2 centre halves before the big kick off I will be much more inclined to be excited even if we do lose Cesc & Nasri. It's time to put up or shut up, we were told by Gazidis & Arsene there were going to be lots of comings & goings this summer, well it's time to get going on both & until they do no one can be looking forward to the new season with any optimism.

  32. Simon F

    Aug 03, 2011, 11:20 #10603

    Fantastic article. I am with you 100%. We live in a Football age where Money is everything and forms the basis of success (ie Chelsea and Man City). Arsenal cannot spend the ridiculous sums that these clubs are paying and i dont want them too unless AW finds someone he genuinely wants. (eg How can Henderson be worth £20m & Carroll £35m??). Also Arsenal should not be held to ransom by players. If they want to play somewhere else let them go!!! Look at Hleb, Flamini, Adebayor who all became journeymen after leaving Arsenal for wealth!!! If we get players who genuinely want to play for the shirt fans will be able to identify with them and support them fully and we could then all look forward to a new season with true optimism about our club!!!

  33. mark from aylesbury

    Aug 03, 2011, 11:16 #10602

    Ive got the feeling that change is going to come sooner or later Meanwhile ive made a promise to myself To try and enjoy it a little more and stress about it less

  34. Len Etheridge

    Aug 03, 2011, 11:11 #10601

    I enjoyed Peter's article very much and Iagree on all points a man after my own heart, he said his first game was against Preston in 1958, my first game was at Highbury in the late fifties it was a friendly against Juventus and the great John Charles was playing for them I ran on the pitch before the game and got his autograph which I've still got to this day but I can't remember the exact year, would you or anybody there know? Keep up the good work all the best, Len Etheridge.

  35. Tommy

    Aug 03, 2011, 11:04 #10600

    Lovely article and some great memories. I wish I could look forward to the season like I used to, it's not even the lack of signings and evident lack of ambition the club has shown in recent times to succeed that really upsets me - "Arsenal, my Arsenal were starting out on a new season and I wanted to be with them" except to me they don't feel like my Arsenal anymore, a brand new club since its move to the emirates, no empathy towards a single player, I don't recognise anything that made me fall in love with the Arsenal, the clubs crest, new kits and the way the stadium has been decorated with graffiti style lettering that would look more at place at tottenham or west ham. Gone is the old stylish art deco beauty, marble halls, tiles with the beautiful 1950s crest embossed on them, the team in suits with a canon on the breast pocket when they reach a cup final. None of it exists, its all brand new. When you used to walk in the marble halls you first had Chapman then pictures of Arsenal greats, new players would arrive and want to learn the stories and history of the club, now these over paid men enter the emirates and see pictures of themselves hanging up? Why is there pictures of Arshavin, Nasri and co hanging up in the emirates? They have achieved nothing here. It's upsetting