Fancy a free photographic print of your Arsenal shirt?

Pose for a snap and you’ll get one

Fancy a free photographic print of your Arsenal shirt?

An example from Chris’s ‘Back Chat’ series

Right, we’ve been contacted by a reader for a bit of help, so let’s go straight in with his first email to us…

Hello OnlineGooner,

My name’s Chris and I'm a 27 year old photographer / video director, Crouch End born and now Finsbury Park based. Last year was my first as a season ticket holder and I really wanted to do a project around Arsenal, something personal that would help me remember the games etc.

From taking photos at games and around the ground these particular shirts always stood out to me and I've taken photos of them since. I want to develop the project, reach out to as many people as possible and if possibly build a huge archive of images? I was wondering the possibility of putting a post out calling out to people with personalised replica shirts? I could promise to provide a print to everyone that was willing to pose for snap and the final goal would be to have an exhibition showing all of the shirts at the end of next season.

I know it's not the kind of thing you guys usually post so I totally understand if you guys don't go for it but I hope you see the positivity in the underlying message and give it a chance!

Kind regards,


Ok, so the idea is that if you or someone you know has a funny, nostalgic or plain unusual collection of numbers and letters on their replica shirt please get in touch with Chris by emailing him on [email protected]. Chris has also asked if this appeal can be retweeted, plugged on facebook and that kind of thing, so that “as many of these great shirts can be documented as possible”

Sounds suspiciously like social networking to me, a minefield yours truly stays well clear of (The Gooner twitter feed is the responsibility of publisher Mike Francis). But feel free to do the necessary for Chris’s benefit. It would be good to get as many shirts featured in this project as possible. Maybe the club could even give it a plug or offer to stage an exhibition of the results.

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