So all ready for the start of the season?

Online Ed: Statements about a busy summer in the transfer market prove to be hot air

So all ready for the start of the season?

Gervinho: Is that it?

So let’s deal with the non-arrivals of Messrs Cahill and Jagielka, as relayed last Monday. My source was good enough for me to trust, although sadly I can’t compromise them by saying why I placed credence on what they had to say. I admit I was inclined to trust the information because I simply could not believe that Arsenal would begin the season without addressing the issues with their defensive personnel. It simply does not make any sense. The manager himself has admitted improvements are required, and yet he has failed to take decisive action so far. If he does now, it will be a case of better late than never, but with five key fixtures before the end of August, it is a huge gamble to leave it until this time to bring in new faces. Still, the alternative – no change to the roster of centre backs – does not even bear thinking about.

So, although I hold my hand up and take the flak for revealing info that did not come true, the conclusion has to be that the deals did not occur because Arsenal failed to do the business. And the only feasible reason for this is the financial penny pinching that the club call the ‘self sustainable’ model. The notion that Financial Fair Play is going to make everything all right is cloud cuckoo land. It’s time to speculate – responsibly – to accumulate. No-one is asking Arsene Wenger to spend £50 million on a Fernando Torres. What fans want is for the manager to get close enough to the asking price for proven Premier League players to secure their services and strengthen the squad. But his inability to do the business the club require has become a long running saga. What influence the board has on all of this is questionable. If Ivan Gazidis had any balls, he would remove the manager from any transfer negotiations on the financial side, but maybe he is happy for his to mess it up once again this summer so that they have justification to sack him. His compensation payment of circa £20 million would be a heavy one, but at some point, the club has to move on, as opposed to the slow predictability of tortuous decline. Is it better to suffer the £20 million cost of dismissing the manager or does financial prudence mean the fans have to endure three more years of purgatory?

Ivan Gazidis faces a Q&A session tomorrow evening as a part of the Arsenal Independent Supporters Association AGM at the stadium. He will agree with all the frustrations of the questioners before stating that he cannot reveal any details about what has gone on this season because it will be picked up by the media and sensationalized. However, there is no dispute that both Liverpool and Manchester United were able to do the business they felt required in the early part of the summer, and the question Gazidis has to answer is what Arsenal are doing differently to leave them in the current situation. To me, it’s a case of Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Penny pinching may have been a necessity between 2002 and 2006 as the new stadium was constructed, but the days when the club cannot afford to splash a bit of their cash are now well behind us. Yet the obsession with financial prudence in the transfer market is stifling Arsenal’s chances of success.

Having said that, such conservatism does not exist when the players at the club renew their contracts. This leads to the situation where Manuel Almunia is on offer to anyone who will take him off Arsenal’s hands, but no mug is willing to match the wages Arsene Wenger decreed he was worth. It has proved impossible to sell Denilson for similar reasons, and one wonders how much of his wages at Corinthians are being subsidized by the Gunners. So Wenger is willing to splash the cash in some regards, buying loyalty, although it generally seems to work with the less talented members of the squad. Funny that.

The Fabregas situation should have been given a concrete deadline of the end of July. The notion that he is not fit to play is a joke. The player should be made to realize that his beloved Barcelona do not want him badly enough to pay what he is worth, and knuckle down to do his duty for his employers. Start by playing him in matches starting from St James’s Park next Saturday, and take him off after an hour if he cannot play 90 minutes yet. And if fielding him in the Champions League qualifier means he cannot represent the current holders until 2012/13 in said competition, that’s tough. Arsenal’s making the group stage is more important than worrying about the Catalans matching the asking price. The player is under contract and is handsomely rewarded to perform for his club, so get your boots on and start earning your money. Face it Francesc, Barca don’t want you as badly as you want them.

Nasri is different. It makes no economic sense not to accept Manchester City’s bid. With that money, a player could be secured that would give the team a guaranteed three years instead of one. No player that is not interested in renewing should be allowed to enter the final year of their contract unless there is no sell on value. It ain’t rocket science.

Arsenal were defeated in Lisbon last night in a stadium which should have felt very much like home, as their own was based on Benfica’s, which opened for business three years before Ashburton Grove. The second half demonstrated that the strength in depth one would hope for from the manager’s ‘best ever squad’ is not quite there. Sebastian Squillaci’s inability to deal with forwards is particularly alarming. Sometimes, you get what you pay for, and so it is with the Frenchman. One imagines the plan is to pair Vermaelen with Koscielny next weekend if the latter is fit. There are those that rate Koscielny, however, I remain unconvinced. Assuming no new centre back does arrive, the hope is that the pair can form a partnership that will improve the goals against column, and in that case, remain free from injury. Johan Djourou has turned into a liability and no-one wants to see Squillaci in an Arsenal shirt again. Ignasi Miquel is too young to do a job. Arsenal are seriously lacking in this position, even if you do have faith Koscielny will come good.

The bottom line though is that an Arsenal squad in need of change is being allowed to slowly continue rotting away. Gervinho and Carl Jenkinson in, Denilson out. Vive le revolution? Wenger is optimistic that he will announce a signing this week. I wish I could share that feeling. With the season not even started I have tried to keep an open mind about the club’s prospects. It’s getting progressively tougher…

Right, on a lighter note, we’ve been contacted by the people from Pizza Hut, and I must have been in a good mood to agree to this, but here goes. By using a print out of this downloadable coupon, travelling Arsenal fans can get 25% off their pre-match meal next Saturday in either of Newcastle’s Pizza Hut branches – which are located in Grainger Street and The Gate (which I assume is the one in Eldon Square). Just google ‘Newcastle pizza hut’ for locations. Remember that this applies to food only, and is valid for both eat in and takeaway. They have asked me to inform you, “If you didn’t already know Pizza Hut offer free unlimited salad with every meal and some fantastic desserts including their world famous Cookie Dough”. So the salad bar is at your mercy. On the pizza front, mine’s a Blazin’ Inferno, although I could be talked into a Seafood Selection.

This season’s first issue of The Gooner went on sale at the weekend and can be bought online here.

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  1. Gooner SA

    Aug 08, 2011, 22:56 #10905

    You've gotta love the way Gazidis said that Wenger wants to bring in experienced players at the AISA meeting tonight right before the Chairman said "We've just signed Oxlade-Chamberlain" (17 years old! Bet Ferdinand, Terry and Lescott are ****ting themselves!

  2. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 08, 2011, 14:35 #10877

    The whole thing is a circus. Wenger sole job with transfers is to identify the players he wants then back off until the board have agreed the deal and then he can talk to the player about his potential role at the club. The money side has got **** all to do with him. The board should say we have this much to play with plus any proceds from player sales, its there job to balance the books. I'm sick of hearing about "our valuation", who do we think we are at times. If someone knocked on my front door and asked to buy my house but they reckon it's only worth x amount I would tell them to **** off. If however they offered to pay me abit above market rate as an incentive to sell then maybe theres a deal to be done. It doesnt seem hard to me. It also not like we're trying to sign world class players from big clubs either, we're dealing with southampton, bolton and small French teams. I said it before I don't think we are seriously trying to buy players either. The Jones and Downing bids were made safe in the knowledge that they already agreed to sign for other clubs. The bid for Jags was a joke as it less than the bid last year which was rejected. You wait for the sob stories come september after we have just sold cesc and nasri just as the window slams shut on our season. Stan the Stealer has to be taking money out the club to pay back his loans. There is a kind of miscerlanous section in the accounts which are never explained but account for about £50M per annum. The increase in ST sales amounts to about £4.5M per season. I wonder what The Stealer's repayments tot up to?

  3. Clockend Charlie

    Aug 08, 2011, 11:43 #10847

    Blimey hold up! What are you lot hauling K.W. over the coals for? It's common knowledge we've been sniffing for Cahill/Jagielka for a while & now Scott Dan...Christ buying him would solve it all eh! Mr.Whitcher in his time as Ed has never echoed my thoughts so closely in his stoic attack on Wenger. 17 years as a Season ticket holder & 10 yrs 'walking up' to games before that (some of you might recall that), gives a bit of objectivity as a supporter. From 80/87 we won sweet Fanny Adams but back then the expectation of fans was quite different. People like 'Doubl98' forget that when GG 'left' we had won the league twice in 6 yrs & what back then was a major European trophy,plus the league/Fa cup double...finished 10th in that year ' cared about that so much back then.My point is there was life pre-Wenger.Never thought I'd say this but if we're 6pnts down & in the Europa by Sept he's gotta go. Finally Merse10,you sure you're not back on my namesake mate? Keep up the good (but thankless) work Kevin.

  4. Simon F

    Aug 08, 2011, 11:41 #10846

    Can't really see the point of shooting the messenger!! KW wrote the article that proved to be wrong but i feel thats the least of our concerns: - Some Facts 1) We capitulated last year from the Carling Cup onwards with what can only be described as relegation form. 2)Since then we have sold a defender Clichy (£7m) and bought Jenkinson (£1m) (accepting not in same position). We have been defensively inept for two to three years now and yet we are starting the new season weaker. 3)Midfield - Nasri and Fabregas to leave or possibly stay and be very unhappy. Denilson cant find a club who wants to buy him and goes on loan?? Diaby injured and no prospect of leaving ? Arshavin and Rosicky who have failed miserably over the last season remain ? We are starting the season weaker in Midfield too!! 4) Forwards - RVP hopefully will stay fit, Walcott already injured and still remains inconsistent, Gervinho is positive and may be useful, Chamakh best form was when he played every week when RVP injured. Unlikely to get long run in the team therefore still to be inconsistent. and Bendtner another player whom no other club seems in great need to purchase. We failed last season, we have failed to invest to improve over the summer and in pre-season we are still seeing the same glaring errors and shortfalls. 2011/12 here we go with hope that a miracle can happen but with little optimism. Come on Arsenal prove us wrong because one common factor is that none of us wants to see us fail!

  5. Mike

    Aug 08, 2011, 11:19 #10833

    I wonder who the Club will be able to afford once they are no longer competing in both European Competitions? With the current complement, Europe may be a thing of the past.I wonder for that matter, which decent player would then want to join a club that is at best mid table? By the way - English defenders may not be the way to go - when was the last time the English National side progressed to somewhere of significance in International Competition with their Bulldog determintion? Look to Germany - very good defenders there.

  6. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 08, 2011, 10:08 #10832

    Yes. Fabregas came because of Wenger, stayed because he believed in Wenger, and stayed on, long beyond any other player of his ability would have done, because Fabregas had faith and because he is a person of character. His faith was misplaced because Wenger cannot bring his scheme to fruition (who could - it's bonkers- no defensive imperitive - in ENGLAND!), and his loyalty was misplaced because, the scheme having failed, Wenger will not let him leave. It's all very sad.

  7. simon

    Aug 08, 2011, 8:47 #10830

    There must be a way of making our discontent known. We aren't going to boycott games (especially after the recent price hike)so something else is required. How about buying black scarves etc instead of official merchandise?

  8. aj

    Aug 08, 2011, 7:33 #10829

    Gross mismanagenent.Let's take £20m for Nasri,pay off Wenger and install Ancelotti on a one year contract with bonuses if he achieves something,to save this season.We will have all season to look for a long term replacement.Let's face it if someone can coach us to defend a set piece it would be a bonus.

  9. Gooner 48

    Aug 08, 2011, 0:28 #10828

    Richard Law and Ivan Gazidis clearly couldn't close a door never mind a deal. I still think Dein was a money grubbing count (or something similar) but he could organize a transfer. Surely not even the hardcore AMG's can blame this all at Arsene. I for one believe he gave them a very long shopping list.

  10. Ron

    Aug 07, 2011, 23:37 #10827

    Mate. The only 'source'you had for the so called inside info about signing those two was the bottle of HP in your kitchen cupboard.

  11. Ian

    Aug 07, 2011, 23:25 #10826

    First time in my life that I am dreading the start of the new season!!! In all my 39 years of supporting the club, I have always loved the pre season hype, but for this season... Nope...

  12. chillDudes

    Aug 07, 2011, 23:02 #10825

    some you need to calm down- people who write these things do have feelings. I knew we wouldnt sign either of those players but geez some you are like a bunch of sensationalist Daily Mail reading proles.

  13. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 07, 2011, 22:38 #10824

    Did anyone believe the promise of a busy transfer window? We've been conned window after window with the incompetent Gazidis not fit to be in his job. The real crack in the wall is that we have two outstanding players in the first team who do not want to play for us and one of them our bloody club captain! Thats what will cost us this season. Eboue, Squillaci and Kos at least looked distraught at their frequent balls ups. I sincerely hope the smirking Nasri gets the treatment if he is still at the club for the new season. Oh and tell Fabregarse to bloody grow up, knuckle down and do his job. don't remember any of the Invincibles being cry babies.

  14. JM - LONDON

    Aug 07, 2011, 22:07 #10822

    Thats a nice touch by 'Pizza Hut', does Mr Kroenke own that as well? (I doubt it since there's a special offer to the fans) - I have however found the 'Toon' a generally friendly bunch, a shame the club owner treats the club with such contempt. I have to disagree with you on AW (as Mr Dein has reiterated today). I think AW would truly love to have spent a reasonable amount of money year on year, the owners (new or old) just wont let him. Unfortunately, this has not happened for a several years and now we are in the much documented 5 players out, 5 players in scenario, as such a £100 million or so spend is now required (those figures not based on keeping Cesc, so add another X amount of million if he leaves). AW stated this week there will hopefully be some good news on the transfer market this coming week, he was a little tongue in cheek when he said it - which means we will get our defender (that goes without saying) and the surprise addition will be say, - Wesley Schiender! who will raise the roof at the Arsenal, double shirt sales and allow the 'Gooner' to do an updated re run of 'The future is bright, the future is orange'. To be honest tough I'm not holding my breath, but this is exactly what is needed right now in the very least.

  15. HowardL

    Aug 07, 2011, 21:53 #10820

    I hate to be so negative, but even if we bought Cahill, Samba and Jagielka tomorrow we could hardly face Newcastle and Udinese with a defence that had only just been introduced to each other. All we can help is that the Italian side have also failed to replace Suarez and which ever other talent they lost over the summer. Otherwise it's the abyss of the Europa League.

  16. SL

    Aug 07, 2011, 21:34 #10819

    @Andrew Cohen Thats ridiculous. The only reason why Fabregas joined Arsenal and the reason why he's stayed here for so long is because of Wenger. I dont think anyone can dispute that.

  17. Stephanie

    Aug 07, 2011, 21:19 #10818

    Kevin, did you hear Philippe Auclair on the radio a few weeks ago, as he seems to believe Wenger's new contract has exit clauses which could allow him to leave at the end of this season. Not sure if I believe this, but AW is usually very keen to point out in his interviews that he won't countenance such clauses for himself or his players. It's noticeable that he hasn't made such a statement about his current contract. If this is true, it could explain alot, particularly the rather relaxed attitude of the manager to the current transfer travails. Why worry when you'll be sunning yourself in Paris come June?

  18. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 07, 2011, 20:51 #10817

    You know I actually have more respect for the transfer rumours slinging if people came out and said you know we have'nt a clue whats happening at Arsenal and neither does anyone else because nobody does bar Wegner and gazidis and they are'nt up to much. Id tell Gazidis leave now before Wegner drags him over the cliff. But as I said Wegner will be removed soon. He has put himself in an unbearable position where every goal conceded, point dropped and mistake boo'd, scrutinsed and analysed. he has lost it.

  19. SL

    Aug 07, 2011, 20:48 #10816

    @bgb If Mata is 20 million and a far better player than Nasri, then why are Man City not buying him instead? Either way, we cannot compete in the transfer market, so why not keep hold of the players we already have? Fact is, Mata is a good player in the Spanish league, but how many players who were good there have done well in the Premier League. Remember Reyes? top quality at Sevilla, but ultimately an expensive failure at Arsenal. Mata may well become an excellent player if he comes and settles in, but to assert that he is better than Nasri is nonsense. Nasri was one of our best players last season and he is one of the few players in our squad who is almost certain to score goals in double figures this season and create many goals as well. I would like Mata to come to the Arsenal, but not as a replacement for Nasri - we simply cannot take the risk of going into the season with an unproven player over a world class player. Our squad is thin enough as it is.

  20. Any Old Iron

    Aug 07, 2011, 20:34 #10815

    Your assessment of the forward/defence ratio is correct. When TV is paired with one of them, our fear has to be that he will decline to their standard rather than raise theirs. In Keegan speak: I'll loov it, just loov it, if Wenger's perennial crowing about qualifying for the Champions league hits the buffers in north eastern Italy. All the early season indicators suggest that last season's frailties are not ephemeral. Failure to address these will garner the same ending.- 'Shipping goals'. Darn, more tippy-tappy tripe being served up. Yuk! Wenger out still!!

  21. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 07, 2011, 20:02 #10814

    There is a reason why Fabregas wants away. The club has a poor and failing commander. Fabregas is too much of a proper professional to come out and say anything derogatory but players talk amongst themselves. It is now as clear as it can possibly be that the loyalty he has shown to the Wenger project is being rewarded with an unwanted stay. Other players are taking note. No one wants to come. If I were good enough to play for the club I love, I wouldn't play for Wenger. He's become clueless and useless. A danger to himself and to others. Wenger's regime will however come apart because although he controls Arsenal, he cannot control the ability of other managers to outthink him on the field. In case no one has noticed, the nosedive in form has continued unabated from last season into this season. It isn't going to improve until the general who no player wants to follow anymore, is replaced. The majority of posters on this website think so, the players obviously think so, and the journalists are beginning to say so.

  22. Chapman

    Aug 07, 2011, 19:29 #10813

    All I can say is how could you possibly believe that Wenger after years of penny pinching and cheapo foreign signings would shell out nigh on £35m on TWO english CBs! If you really believed that mate you're a complete idiot and you have no business being editor of this fanzine. Every year we are fed the same old sh*te by Wenger and Gazidis and what happens? FA! If he dosn't get someone in now things are going to get messy very quickly!

  23. guyfrmars

    Aug 07, 2011, 19:15 #10812

    Let me get this right, you had a source that stated we will be after cahill and jageika, which started the ball rolling on the media circus of linking Arsenal to this said names, divided an already fractured fan base disgruntled by last season. When it turned out those deals never happened you conviniently blamed Arsenal for not doing the businessp required to secure these names and posioned the atmosphere, which should be a fresh start to a new season. You sir should step back and read back your past columns. Wasn't it you who used to say no one is bigger than the club, you who persuaded us readers to be positive and look at the overall picture, what Wenger has done to revitalize the club instead of seeing things in short term. You were the one who shook me out of my childish notion and learn to love Arsenal as a great club regardless of its fault. Youp said and I quote " At least we aren't battling delegation or midtable mediocrity or be a Spurs". I love your articles because they generally represent an honest view of the club and well thought out ideas and passionate views tempered with rationality. But that first paragraph isn't your best work.

  24. speedy

    Aug 07, 2011, 18:40 #10811

    Arsenal are a joke. What's happening with the keeper situation? Nothing. What's happening with our defence? Nothing. Wenger should be sacked for allowing the club to decline into this situation!

  25. Gee

    Aug 07, 2011, 18:24 #10810

    Nasri is a ****ing bottler so just sell him for £20mil. I swear we'll be better off without him and stick young Afobe in his position instead. At least he is up for it and will bust a gut. I'd advocate flogging cesc as well, even for the cut price £35m. It is already wrecking our season and I do not care if Barca have got what they wanted. This is about Arsenal football club. Just sell the clown and he can rest his hamstrings on barcas bench for the foreseeable. Replace both and actually pay £17m for Gary Cahill and £12m for Samba. Chuck Vermaelen at LB and all of a sudden a back 5 of Szczesny, Sagna, Cahill, Samba, Vermaelen looks decent. Go and get Scott Parker for £6m and play him next to Ramsey and Wilshere in Midfield. With the other £20m I'd look at buying another striker. Chamakh is absolutely not the back up for VP. This isn't rocket science and spending the above is merely spending the funds we receive for Cesc and Nasri. Not even touching the cash we already have available. £25m-£30m. We all know Wenger will just not strengthen and we'll end up with a squad that will be even younger next year and also threadbare. I said when last season ended give Wenger time to rectify. Well there are 6 days left to our first game and he's done very little. 24 days untik the window shuts. If he hasn't strengthened then he has to go

  26. bgb

    Aug 07, 2011, 18:24 #10809

    sl, nasri is only worth 20m mata, a far better player, could have been got for that. nasri has had half a good season out of 3. 20 million max is what hes worth so it would hardly take 40 mill to replace him.ashley young would have done. merse 10, what an idiot. so what the kev got the rumour wrong, this in no way takes away from the fact arsenal, despite the fact they said it was going to be a busy summer, and acknowledging weaknesses, have yet again failed to do anything whatsoever about them for the 4th year running. the likes of you merse 10 are the reason this clubs ambitions are limited to 4th place. Based on yor comments, i take it your happy with whats hapened this summer and look forward to the new season that arsenal can mount a serious title challenge?????????

  27. ryan g

    Aug 07, 2011, 18:12 #10808

    i agree with everything you have said in your article kevin..wenger has bluffed us all ..his constant lies about signings and the gutless board backing his every word sick of it ..i along with atleast 3 of my mates who are in arsenal supporters club will not be travelling to any games this season as a result of downright lies and wengers views on his **** players he thinks is great ...all i can say is WENGER **** OFF !! and take nasri with you ..god dnt forget the talented diaby and sebastian ****ty pls..

  28. Susie

    Aug 07, 2011, 18:07 #10806

    I can only imagine there are an awful lot of people who visited the Gooner site last week for the first time in the desperate hope that Kevin's story was true. My reason for thinking this is that it's not common for this site to publish transfer tittle-tattle and if you were a regular reader, you'd know this. That suggests to me that Kevin must have thought his source was reliable because I'm sure he hears loads of rumours, but chose to mention this one. Yes, his credibility has probably taken a hit as a result (at least if he doesn't still happen), so why would he have taken the risk if he didn't think it had pretty good chance of being accurate? Just for hits to the site on one day? I doubt it. I've been reading Kevin's columns in the fanzine for over 10 years and despite the fact he is criticised for being negative, he speaks a lot more sense than most people and has seen the situation which we now find ourselves in coming for a few years and has said as much. Give him a break.

  29. Double98

    Aug 07, 2011, 18:06 #10805

    So... Do we compete with Man City or Chelsea for transfers? or not? Does Wenger continue to take gambles on lesser know players and hit the jackpot once in a while or does he blow money on guaranteed quality? 5 of man u's top buys are **** and 3 are good and 2 are great. should he go out and spend 20 million on gary cahill, 20 million on jagielka and 15 million on samba who are playng at bolton, everton and blackburn? lot of money for players who have only arrived at mid table teams in their mid 20s. its as much a gamble as 8 mill on some french guy or 30 million on vidic the big problem wenger has is fabregas and nasri. fabregas should be hawked around europe for the highest price and nasri should be sold too. the next is squilaci, almunia, eboue and chamackh - release them all and hang on to bentner. wenger is not the problem... the doped competition is forcing him to take bigger and bigger risks. he is the iron in the glove that has allowed us punch above our weight for 13 years...

  30. afc callum

    Aug 07, 2011, 17:51 #10804

    We are not exactly a club in crisis but definitely in disarray. We have a captain who doesn't want to be at the club, hasn't played any pre season games thus not fit, and this just days away from the start of the season, unbelievable. I will be disgusted if he is sold at the last minute on 31st aug. and Wenger says "unfortunately I haven't got time to buy anyone." And then puts the money in the bank.

  31. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 07, 2011, 17:38 #10803

    Kev, I latched onto your Cahill and Jagielka story purely because following the unbelievably bad defending from set pieces and Wengers comments of the last 2 end of seasons, it is utterly unfathomable that OGL and Ivan the terrible CEO have not managed to sign a top quality proven international centre half (this season) and a keeper (last season). How can an alleged giant of the world game declare what the weaknesses are and fail to plug the holes which are so glaringly obvious. Our insipid leaders would prefer to save a few quid and risk our season being derailed immediately by entering the inevitable last day scramble without buying at least 1 cb and resolving the Cesc and Nasri saga, particularly in light of our usual pathetic and long injury list. Gazidis will play the straight bat tomorrow night for fear of upsetting OGL but must now answer for his lies re the busy summer ahead and reasons for the price rise (to compete with competitors in the market). We may add 2 more babies to the incubator in Oxlade and the Costa Rican embryo but as the Barnet supporters used to sing to opposition subs in the conference "what a difference they will make". Adding more strikers who can play on the wing to the existing bulging list while ignoring the need at the back is sickening, yet sadly appears inevitable. However if you aim to finish 4th while spending like a mid table regional club such as West Brom or Wolves, you get what you deserve. This lot try to run Harrods like Joe Bloggs mini market, whilst charging the worlds highest admission fees. I will save my own contribution/rant and keep my powder dry hoping things change by the end of August. If nothing happens prepare for a scrap for 4th place at best, a startling lack of ambition.

  32. GoonerRon

    Aug 07, 2011, 17:30 #10802

    I'm going to post an article saying a source I know suspects we will buy Messi and Vidic next week, then the week after when it doesn't happen blame the club for penny pinching, when in reality I have no idea what is going on behind closed doors. This site is going downhill fast.

  33. johnnyh

    Aug 07, 2011, 17:25 #10801

    to not have resolved the nasri and fabregas situations over the summer is nothing short of disgraceful.i cant understand what the big deal is, if a player doesnt want to play for us then sell him,no matter who it is. the main problem at the club is the manager.lets not forget this is the guy who couldnt organise his team to defend a 4 goal lead with half an hour remaining at newcastle. for me that was the tipping point and he should have been sacked immediately following that game as it exposed his total lack of tactical ability,the guy is a conman and there is no prospect of arsenal winning anything while he remains.

  34. Jim

    Aug 07, 2011, 16:52 #10800

    Your announcement that Arsenal would sign Jagielka and Cahill was a joke, and puts this fanzine on a par with the Daily Star. Good job. You've done wonders for the credibility of this institution. Few people in the comments section of that piece bought it, so why was the editor of the Gooner so gullible? "I just really, really wanted it to be true. It made sense." Pathetic. Stick to making snide remarks about, leave the bollocks to the media.

  35. GN

    Aug 07, 2011, 16:26 #10799

    Why blame Wenger for the transfer policy. Arsenal's problem reside with the greedy Board who are only interested in investing in themselves instead of the team. If Arsenal get a proper Board they would be able to compete with other top clubs for the best players in the world.

  36. Lawsongooner

    Aug 07, 2011, 16:12 #10798

    I think that if there is no money in the club they should have the decency to come out and tell the fans. We need to add depth to the squad immediately and will continue to suffer as a club and as fans unless drastic action is taken. We have never been so light defensively in as long as I can remember, I love arsene wenger and believe that he is doing what he feels is best for the club however football has changed so much since he come in and I do not think that sourcing good players on the cheap no longer works like it did in his early reign. Maybe it is time for a change in personel.

  37. Bee Jee Wee Jee

    Aug 07, 2011, 15:54 #10797

    Kev, it's you favorite commentor. I actually agree this summer has been a mess. How long ago did the fixture list come out? Everyone could see how tough / imporant mid August looked. The fact that they have left the business so late is naive and criminal. A loss to Udinese might just be the shot heard round the boardroom that finally alerts the Suits that dreamland is crumbling around him. That being said, I can't give you a pass on the Cahill / Jags post. That was sloppy rumor slinging. Leave that to less creditable blogs. The Gooner has a rep to maintain. I struggle to understand how we find ourselves in the position we are in a week before the season starts. Every direction you peer is a goddamn mess. Fabregas saga: mess. Nasri situation: mess. Selling deadwood: mess. Busy summer of signings: mess. I understand the games are played on the pitch and that's what really matters, but I find it hard to believe that our results will not be a MESS too. So, I head up north next week and I have no idea what to expect. Usually, the first match of the year brings such optimism. This year it's much fear.

  38. Gordon

    Aug 07, 2011, 15:51 #10796

    Tony nail on the head mate.The champange only flows when the profits are announced.Wenger is the only manager in football who is not judged on results.Ancelotti in 2 seasons he won trophies finished above Wenger yet Wenger is still in a job.Kroenke only came over to make sure the Nasri deal goes through he aint going to throw away £23m.Kev there's no way Kroenke will allow that.We are in a position where we were at the end of GG's reign.We need a change at the club.

  39. Warren

    Aug 07, 2011, 15:23 #10795

    We are haggling with Barca over another £5m for Cesc yet are willing to let Nasri go for free.Is that good business management?.Kev i dont blame Cesc he was let down by Wenger last summer and this with the lack of quality signings.We are so poor in so many positions.LB Gibbs is Clichy lite.Dont start on the CB's Djourou and Kos are hopeless SS18 is as bad as Stephanovs.We lack steel in midfield.Parker or Barton are miles better than our headless chicken Song.And upfront when RVP has his usual 4 month holiday on the treatment table we have The Invisible man and Vela to replace him.One of them will start v Udinese.But our £7m a year manager cant see this.The season will be over come Aug 31st.Then the anti Wenger protests will start

  40. Adam

    Aug 07, 2011, 15:20 #10794

    We were never ever.... EVER going to sign Jagielka and Cahill. It'd be almost £40m on two centre backs for fooks sake. I cannot believe you fell for that crap from your "source". Your site just looks like complete ****e now, that'll just post any old rubbish to get some views.

  41. Tony

    Aug 07, 2011, 15:06 #10793

    Wenger and Gazidis are like a couple used car salesman.There will be loads of transfer activty.But thousands of Gooners fell for it and renewed their ST even with a 6.5% increase.After the last 5 years of transfer windows why do the fans fall for it.When are the fans going to realise we have ceased to being a football club.We are a business which a £50m profit is celebrated in our boardroom more than winning a trophy.As long as the fans keep giving this shower their money nothing will ever change,The future of our club is in our hands lets get our club back

  42. Merse-10

    Aug 07, 2011, 15:05 #10792

    Rubbish! Like i said about the original article it seems that it was made simply to give the club more stick when these players did not arrive and stir up more negativity amongst the fans. Heaven forbid your 'source' was actually plain wrong, no of course not it's all because the club were 'penny pinching'. What a joke. Good way of getting traffic to the site though, so you've done your job that way and while people are here they can read negative drivel all designed to stir it up. Only the club know what is happening behind the scenes, not blogs or fans or journo's - it's all mindless speculation

  43. Jekyll

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:47 #10791

    There is a week to go and the situation at Arsenal is a farce. The squad is chaotic, no one knows who'll be there in a week, the issues from last season quite simply have not been addressed. This is poor, poor management, I fail to see how anyone can defend Wenger and the position he now has our club in.

  44. Dazzy90

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:47 #10790

    good post - as usual. I (like most readers I suspect) are disappointed to see your comments on the forthcoming signings this past week turn out to be as you state - hot air. We all should be used to the 'hot air' by now where Arsenal/Wenger/Transfers are concerned. What total bullsh1t we get fed every transfer window about signings. I cannot understand why we haven't made at least one addition to the weakest defence in recent AFC history??! It is SO obvious to everyone where our weak links are. New signings and targets should of been indentified and talks begun at the start of May FFS!. The new season ahead looks to be a long and difficult one for all involved with Arsenal, our squad is way short of winning anything. The back line is so weak, WTF is Sqillaci doing anywhere near the Arsenal??! Nasri should be sold for the speculated £20m+ to whoever as he clearly has loyalty to the club, the money could then be used to buy Mata. Our supposed interest in Samba/Cahill/Jagielka - any 2 of those 3 will do, should be done asap, they will add some steal and defensive nous to our current keystone cop defence. I was at the Member Day last week, after which I (and my son) attended a players Q&A session. I got the chance at the end of the session to ask a question as there was some time left.... My question I put to all (TV, Fabianski, Sagna) was > "it is widely acknowledged within the English game that Arsenal are a soft touch and lack fight when the going gets tough. what are your thoughts??" < TV mainly answered the question and believed we did have fight - proven by beating the teams like Stoke who kick us all over the place, but didn't want us to adapt that style of play... at which point I cut in and agreed but added that when the tackles and elbows are flying in we do not dish it back. It was then the 'compare' (the host off Arsenal Media TV) cut in and the question was ended! Typical eh??! Still, the panel shose my question as the 'question of the day' and I won a signed 1st team home shirt! :-) Maybe after watching the 1st half of the Ben(efit)fica game last night they took my question and comments on board as there seemed to be a bit of 'fight' about us and willingness to win the tackle?! If as many predict we make no more signings this summer then Wenger and Gazidis really are in last chance saloon. What was the season ticket increase supposed to be for??!

  45. SL

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:41 #10789

    @Sarge My point is that if we let Nasri leave for a free, we lose 20 million. How much will it cost to find a player to replace him? maybe 40 million? If we did that, we'll be paying 40 million for a player worth 20 million. So, we'll be in effect, 20 million down either way. I'm not defending the club in any way - we should not be in the situation. But at the moment, keeping the players we have is the better option. As for the defenders, who do you suggest? Jagielka for 20 million as its been quoted is madness. Cahill is going to be much more than that and he'll want to play as first choice - as you said, we want quality players who will be squad players, not automatic first choice starters on high salaries. For me, Scott Dann is a more likely option - good premiership quality at a reasonable price. He might be slightly less established than the other two, but he's cheaper and will develop further. As for squillaci, he was cheap, but remember when we bought him, he was first choice for Sevilla and Lyon previously - not really different to what Jagielka is. He clearly did not work out, but just because a player is more expensive do not make them automatically a better choice. Just remember our most expensive signings were Arshavin, Wiltord and Reyes. Can anyone say they are any better than some of our cheaper signings?

  46. Buck Choclit

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:38 #10788

    Tottenham High was set ablaze last night, police suspect Arsene. We know that can't be true because Arsene would still be haggling over the price of petrol. At this point it seems the right thing to do would be to offer the asking price for Cahill, he looks like the type (along side the Verminator) who could drag us to the title. We don't need Nasri so take him to city and get the bus to Bolton while you're there. That'll save a few quid on fares. Looks like we've splashed out on another yoot from 'Southampton, nah, I can't see the point either, not when we're short of defenders. What's the point in having the most creative attack in the league when the back line is built from straw and twigs. After letting Clichey go we now need a LB as well as a CB, Gibbs just isn't going to last the season. It's not all doom and gloom, we do still have some of the best attacking players, but without a solid back line there's no need to book Islington town hall for any time next may.

  47. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:32 #10787

    Im not going to lay into KW over the Cahill - Jag debacle. we all get it wrong. But its obvious the misinformation about transfers is a smokescreen to continue Wegners maniical attempts to succeed with the bunch. Its beyond a joke and WILL result in Wegner being removed by the men in white coats in the next few months. Mark my words. Get in Ancelloti and an coach like Keown and get back to Arsenal not being a laughing stock

  48. John

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:22 #10786

    @objective: exactly. The writer blaming his fail on Arsenal is very poor form. Typical though, people are way to gullible, believing everything they get fed by trusted sources, gutter press and haters' blogs.

  49. Sarge

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:15 #10785

    @SL - What kind of logic is that? First off, the signing of a CB is to start not 'warm the bench'. Looking for cheap options is what gets you players like Sqillaci. Secondly, Nasri might be worth more but right now in the last year of his contract, no-one is going to pay full value. Come January he is free to negotiate with any new club then he is worth nothing. 3 weeks is a small window to cash in but enough time to get a replacement in who 'wants' to play for us. Lastly, we should be buying players capable of competing for first team places not just stocking fillers. Jeez we have enough of those already! That's our problem - one to eleven we're OK but beyond that we have a real dearth of quality and experience who are truly pushing for first team places. Thank f*ck you're not running this club. Or are you?

  50. Objective

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:07 #10784

    Kevin, you say: "although I hold my hand up and take the flak for revealing info that did not come true, the conclusion has to be that the deals did not occur because Arsenal failed to do the business.....". You're way to kind to yourself. The reason it didn't happen is that you got sold a bag of shee-ite. Heard of fact checking. Suggest you give up writing, mate. It's not for you.

  51. Rakariyan

    Aug 07, 2011, 14:02 #10783

    Wenger is too cheap.. When we succesfully sold Adebayor and Toure to Man City, we have like 30m to spend, right? Instead he only chose to buy Vermaelen with the cost of 10m.. SPEND SOME ****ING MONEY, ARSENE! I almost lost my faith in him.. In Arsene we trust? No i don't think so..

  52. SL

    Aug 07, 2011, 13:37 #10782

    So, you'll want to pay 20 million for a 29 year old defender that is only really worth at most 10 million but will be willing to take 20 million for a player worth much more? Surely, if we want trophies, we should keep Nasri even for just one year and look for a cheaper defender. After all, we are really just looking for additional squad depth rather than first choice starters.

  53. rellends

    Aug 07, 2011, 13:35 #10781

    why do i feel like i'll be having an arsenal end of season party before the month of september?

  54. Nozzer

    Aug 07, 2011, 13:28 #10780

    We are being conned its as simple as that. Every year there is talk of players coming in but it never materialises. I do not have any faith in Wenger to get it right, I say sell Nasri and use the money to pay Wenger off. We are not title contenders and Udinese is a huge banana skin. This is like the mid 80's prior to George, over paid wasters and some young players with potential, funny how history repeats itself.

  55. abbs

    Feb 09, 2011, 21:39 #2218

    im a south london gooner, apparently we'r the 2nd most supported london team in sth london, (1st is Chelski), As far as im concerned, wimbeldon dont exist anymore, they moved 2 milton keynes, if the spuds move 2 stratford, Tottenham hotspur will no longer exist, they will have to change their name, I think it would be a shame from the history point of view, (even though shite fart lane has got 2 be the most awkward ground 2 get 2) but then again barnet and enfield would be loving it, progress is progress my friends, I say ship them up 2 scotland!!! LOL jokes, I dont know.

  56. Anon

    Feb 09, 2011, 13:34 #2203

    Fantastic post mate.

  57. jason baines

    Feb 07, 2011, 21:46 #2055

    A great article.As someone who lives in Romford,20 minutes form Stratford,its bad enough with West Ham fans creeping out of the woodwork on the rare occassion of a win.Virtual claret and blue everywhere.If tottenham got the stadium it would be a lot worse.The thought of people turning to spurs for their fix of footie in the east end is a frightening one.They should have been blocked from entering the bidding process.As we say in Romford,,they should stick to their own manor and keep out of ours.

  58. c

    Feb 02, 2011, 0:56 #1442

    so spurs get powerful, who cares? why should we fear this, and not look to the challenge?

  59. Vince Huntley

    Jan 28, 2011, 18:27 #1315

    Yes, overall I think this is about right as a long term view. Spurs would have various obstacles to overcome to redevelop the lane and to be fair I do think West Ham should get it as they are East London. Interesting that all of these years Spurs have derided Arsenal for moving from South East London to better themselves and now they are trying to do the same.

  60. Simon

    Jan 27, 2011, 22:25 #1294

    get out of here, Spuds could move to Mars and get backing from the richest Martian Millionaire and they still wouldn't be even half the club Arsenal is! Man up, be confident, trust in the class and might of our club. the piss take value and the immense historic victory their move would mean is sufficient for me - we moved onto their Manor, we dominated them for decades then they ran away - eff off to Stratford, North London is ours priceless ha ha ha bloody ha...!

  61. nugs

    Jan 26, 2011, 13:32 #1231

    to my knowledge we are nearly as well supported in and around the tottenham area as what sperz are so i dont think them moving out of north london is going make their support grow,and more to the point like i said in my last post the vast majority of lifelong spud fans are not gonna follow them out of north london in fact i think you will see a new club formed much like afc wimbeldon and fc united. whatever happens they are scum so fuck em.

  62. Tony Attwood

    Jan 26, 2011, 10:23 #1227

    While I appreciate that this is an article about Tottenham's move today, (and an excellent and well argued piece it is too) and not about Arsenal's history, may I offer a word about the 1913 situation and our move north. The issue of why Woolwich Arsenal moved has been glossed over with a few stories about poor transport in and around north Kent / south east London, but recent research has revealed that the situation was far more complex than that. Woolwich Arsenal got into financial trouble around 1906, and undertook an experiment in playing the transfer market which gambled on the growth in transfer fees seen between 1896 and 1906 continuing. It didn't, and the policy failed, with the club going into administration in 1910. By the last season in Plumstead Arsenal were getting crowds as low as 3,000 for first division games, in a stadium that could hold ten times as many. The local area had fallen out of love with the club and really didn't want to know. Indeed the final game in Plumstead was another 3,000 affair - the first game at Highbury was around 25,000. Tottenham ****ed to the move - just as they had ****ed to the opening up of Chelsea in 1905. But in reality Arsenal's move to the north helped generate an interest in north London football, and it helped Tottenham, and Arsenal. Whether they are still helping us by being up the road however is another matter. In case anyone is interested, these affairs are explored regularly on the AISA Arsenal History site

  63. Seven Kings Gunner

    Jan 26, 2011, 9:16 #1224

    If the Spuds do not become "Stratford Hotspurs" they could just as well become "Harlow Hotspurs" They are going to move from WHL whatever happens because they need the revenue that they would raise from selling off the properties they own in and around Tottenham High Road. Roll on the day it happens!

  64. Two

    Jan 25, 2011, 19:38 #1223

    What a load of rubbish this article is there already in the champions league,already out spend us in the transfer market. It will make no difference where the are in London fans will travel plus there a plc so they can take there name with them. Why worry about them let's get on with our team

  65. nugs

    Jan 25, 2011, 17:59 #1222

    There gonna move to a bigger stadium anyway so what difference does it make, do you honestly think the majority of spud fans are gonna keep attending games if they move out of north london? im not so sure

  66. ann onamous

    Jan 25, 2011, 16:34 #1220

    well said m8 am spurs fan , your lot moved like you say thats part of your history if spurs do go os whl will become part of spurs history and the benefits of moving outweigh staying in tottenham , london hotspurs got nice ring to it coys

  67. Willard

    Jan 25, 2011, 13:21 #1217

    Absolutely spot on! As funny as it would be to see them become the "Nomads" it would only make them stronger as a football club and that cannot be good for Arsenal. A further worry is a pending legal case that will prevent them from taking the Tottenham name with them. This would mean that they could take the title of "London Hotspurs" rather than "Stratford Hotspurs" we have given them. Imagine how lucrative it would be to be the only London club with London in the title. Their overseas market would improve immeasurably as the new Asian and Yank fans would be inclined to follow the team from the biggest city with the name of the biggest city. Imagine all the shoddy marketing deals they could do with the likes of London Underground because of the London name they would gain. Be afraid! Support the West Ham bid!

  68. rajeev

    Jan 25, 2011, 12:04 #1215

    brilliant article