Ivan Gazidis talks about pride

Online Ed: CEO faced questions from AISA members yesterday evening

Ivan Gazidis talks about pride

Gazidis: Talk is cheap

There are other reports online about Ivan Gazidis’ meeting with AISA members at their annual AGM held in the press conference room in the bowels of Arsenal’s stadium last night. He talked about self sustainability and ‘petrodollars’.

However one thing that struck me was the emphasis on pride in relation to Arsenal. At the same time, there was apparently trouble going on at Finsbury Park. Although the media focussed on other areas, I have read since that there was some looting.

And looking at footage from the troubles in London over recent nights, it struck me how the representatives of Arsenal Football Club turn up for matches wearing clothes not dissimilar to those kicking in shop windows, looting and starting fires. With headphones in their ears. Jose Mourinho doesn’t allow this at his clubs, and Andreas Villa Boas has laid down the law at Chelsea. Manchester United players, when on duty, wear club issued suits and ties.

The way Arsenal players turn up to matches is no indicator of any sense of pride, of self-respect, of giving a damn about the fact they are representing a once proud footballing institution. For some it may only be a small thing, but for this observer it is hugely symbolic of the gradual decline of Arsenal as a football team. Where was the pride in the performances in a large number of matches last season? Where was the focus, the discipline?

The CEO can talk about pride, but as long as the club’s players, when on duty, wear the same apparel as a looter in Finsbury Park or Hackney, it is so much hot air. The rot has well and truly set in and it’s time some direction came from above. Arsène Wenger is an employee who should take instruction from his employers, and he should be told in no uncertain terms that the message being sent out by players arriving at the stadium for matches wearing casual wear with headphones stuck in their ears is no indicator of pride. Indeed, where has our Arsenal gone?

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  1. sg

    Aug 11, 2011, 11:36 #11034

    did you moan when the lads that were wearing there own clothes when not in the team were winning trophies?

  2. Colin Stride

    Aug 10, 2011, 22:01 #11020

    This George Graham everybody is talking about can't be the same one who took £425,000 in a brown paper bag for signing two terrible players from Norway and Denmark is it?! The article is rubbish but the comments underneath are worse. Must be bankers writing this, ok to steal as long as you wear a suit!

  3. wolfgang

    Aug 10, 2011, 18:25 #11010

    This is important, but rates about 1000 points behind the other issues we have. The biggest being commitment and strength. We heard AW talk about "mental strength" so many times, then what happens is for the past 3 seasons the whole team capitulates in 2 weeks!!! To see Fabregas go is a sad end to what could have been a great period, but he was not a captain and could not uphold the morale of the team as a good captain should. The trouble is that any player with the tough mental strngth of an Adams or Gerard or Terry, would not suit our manager, so we get a "nice guy" like a Fabregas or indeed like our assistant manager, Pat Rice, who will just do as they are told, and replicate that feeling within the team/on the pitch and the grit(if ever there was any) turns into foie gras. Sad but true, we will have pretty football, but if you want "winners" you need a captain who will fight till the bitter end, and you know what, that type of character will not be chosen for Arsenal. So adios Ceth and can we expect another "nice guy" captain who follows in your boots? Arsene must adapt to a gritty captain who will lead the team with pride and yes success.

  4. N20 Gooner

    Aug 10, 2011, 17:39 #11006

    Give them a blazer with a pound sign on the chest, more appropriate.

  5. N7 Gooner

    Aug 10, 2011, 13:05 #10994

    Ridiculous post. Arsenal's squad are regularly seen invovled in charity work and are often interviewed about their values etc. Is Wayne Rooney a good example to young people because he wears a suit....oh.....well apart from when he's swearing into cameras and hiring prostitues.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 10, 2011, 13:04 #10993

    did the invincibles wear suits while meeting fans?i remember Henry cole lauren wearing earphones tracksuites different trainers to name just a few.They may have had more pride yes but wearing suits is certainly not going to make them better players and thats where the problem lies.

  7. GoonerRon

    Aug 10, 2011, 12:23 #10992

    It just gets worse on this site. Using serious civil unrest as a ridiculous way to bash Wenger. Words absolutely fail me.

  8. kdmgooner

    Aug 10, 2011, 12:23 #10991

    Spot on. George Graham for all his latter day failings had the players turned out looking like professional footballers not hooligans. This may seem a trivial thing to some but pride in what you represent starts with this type of thing. You wouldnt turn up for a job interview wearing headphones or maybe you would now that standards in society in general have slipped so much. A lack of respect for others, authority or even yourself is sadly evident now all around us and is reflected in the behaviour displayed

  9. bring back the pride

    Aug 10, 2011, 11:23 #10990

    spot on seeing that muppet bendtner strutting around chewing gum does my nut in,

  10. jamie hunter

    Aug 10, 2011, 11:16 #10989

    Totally agree with you Kev, as usual. It's only a small thing in the scheme of things, but we as a club should be chipping away at these things to improve. Some of the comments on here make me laugh. A bunch of AKB ****s that are scared of change as our increasingly ridiculous manager.

  11. SLG

    Aug 10, 2011, 10:00 #10986

    I get your point but to be honest there are bigger problems at the club that need addressing!

  12. Gunner6288

    Aug 10, 2011, 9:20 #10985

    I really think its whats on the pitch that we should be concerned with, not whether they chose Armani over Adidas.

  13. no. 1 is perry groves....

    Aug 10, 2011, 8:46 #10984

    a good point well made, smarten up arsenal!


    Aug 10, 2011, 6:39 #10981

    Spot on. There is no pride. Bob Wilson often speaks of the pride in we ring the cannon on your chest. It used to be drummed into the players to remember what you are,who you are and what you represent. Bring back the club blazers when on club duty and not this street crap

  15. Xristos

    Aug 10, 2011, 5:52 #10980

    What the hell... are players not allowed to be relaxed.. what a joke! Lay off them .. fake blind and oblivious as to how things really work!

  16. Shaun

    Aug 10, 2011, 5:02 #10979

    Agree completely kev,something as simple as putting the players in suits would be a big step in the right direction for the club however gazidis is all talk no action..a politician

  17. Objective

    Aug 10, 2011, 1:41 #10977

    Kevin is the guy who reported, though an "impeccable" source, that Arsenal was about to make 2 defensive signings. When that did not happen, Kevin blamed the club. What do you expect? This posting is in the same league. This was a huge missed opportunity for some reporting and analysis of the meeting and issues. It signals a wider problem with OG (note to editor) which has descended into a moan fest. Something illuminating on Oxlade-Chamberlain? An examination of Nasri's history of discord with clubs and colleagues? A discussion of the probable formation with our without both/either Cesc or Nasri. Comparative analysis of the defenders we're looking at? No. Consistently cheap journalism kicking Wenger (who deserves some of the flak, frankly). OG needs to take a leaf out of the book of other excellent blogs such as Arseblog and A Cultured Left Foot. I will keep reading in hope.

  18. Cawillemat

    Aug 09, 2011, 23:26 #10973

    I'm sick of hearing about 'petrodollars' or financial 'doping'. Arsenal is owned by a foreign billionaire, same as Chelsea, same as City. If he won't invest then thats our problem, stop blaming others Gazidis/Wenger. Oh, agree 100% with the point re the shellsuits Kev.

  19. Block G Gooner

    Aug 09, 2011, 23:20 #10972

    Our club lost its identity a long long time ago!!!! It we are not going to get it back as we have a yank majority shareholder, a yank ceo and a delusional frenchman for a manager......come the revolution!!!

  20. Yanto

    Aug 09, 2011, 21:37 #10969

    BTW Kev what happened to the TWO CB's we were supposed to be signing and presenting to the worlds press last friday...I took the day off work i was sooooo excited, I mean you seemed so sure that it was going to happen...I really thought you had some insider info..... So can you reveal your source on that particular bit of info/gossip/rumour or have you already put them in a cement coffin?? ;O)

  21. ryan g

    Aug 09, 2011, 21:13 #10968

    kevin are you for real mate ?? you cant judge someone by the clothes they wear !!! its like saying a bloke with tattoos is a hells angel !!! this post was a load of ****e mate ..you seem intent on losing whatever following you have here ..i agreed with you the other day but this post is utter rubbish on your judgement on people by what they wear !!! if we had won back to back titles would the thought of what the players wear be printed on a fanzine ?? get a grip of yourself ...bet this dnt get printed !!

  22. ebouefan

    Aug 09, 2011, 21:02 #10967

    Absolutely pathetic.So casual clothing is riot gear?Hey,the mafia wear suits,why not ban them too? Let the players be comfortable before the match as they see fit.Our players are the best behaved in England.

  23. JHLF

    Aug 09, 2011, 20:59 #10966

    when the players turned up at the CC final in tracksuits and headphones on, i knew we where in for a shocking performance. Turning up at a cup final without blazers on sums up the lax, lazy can't be arsed attitude to the club

  24. Chris Dilley

    Aug 09, 2011, 20:32 #10965

    Too right KeV. Georgia Graham wouldn't stand for it, Wenger is too lax & the players know it, we're a soft touch from anxious Wenger down? There's no fun at Arsenal anymore

  25. RDT - 4

    Aug 09, 2011, 20:17 #10964

    Yeah, cos George Graham's boys were model professionals both on and off the pitch weren't they? You seem to have forgotton the drinking, brawling, falling out of nightclubs, gambling, drugs, upsetting cab drivers, fire extinguisher incidents, prison, car crashes, abusing refs, V-signs to the crowd. I bet they listened to their Sony Walkmans on the coach aswell! You may argue that was ok because they had more passion/will to win etc, but we still finished 10th in 1992-93, and if it wasn't for Ian Wright we'd have been relegated.

  26. Mark Mywords

    Aug 09, 2011, 19:43 #10963

    I can remember a time when Arsenal players had to tuck their shirts into their shorts on the field. On one occasion at Watford, George took Michael Thomas off for refusing to. In defence of Wenger, it's a well known fact that he will call a team stretching session at the drop of a hat. Not easy in a jacket and tie.

  27. Adrian Wagenaar

    Aug 09, 2011, 19:35 #10962

    Fully agree Kev - It is part of being in a team that you prepare properly before a game. Turning up correctly suited & booted looks professional and would be a good starting point to get some pride back into the club's overall image.

  28. pookins

    Aug 09, 2011, 18:45 #10960

    Im cant recall Thierry, Freddie et al ever turning up in club suits and it did them no harm. Telling these players they suddenly can no longer wear what they like will only lead to morale dropping even further no?

  29. gee

    Aug 09, 2011, 18:37 #10959

    I've seen all other clubs turn upto the match in tracky bottoms and t shirts with headphones. It's not only arsenal

  30. Merse-10

    Aug 09, 2011, 18:28 #10958

    Jeez, this goes from bad to worse. Are you really comparing Arsenal players to that mindless scum who are looting and burning london. This is another pathetic, negative, waste of time article trying to have a go at Arsene Wenger. Shameful and pathetic

  31. Ronster

    Aug 09, 2011, 18:06 #10955

    Kevin,I was sitting a few rows below you.The readership may also want to know that when the distinct lack of silverware was raised by an AISA member,Gazidis retorted Arsenal Football Club is more than just about winning silverware.He cited how our self sustainability model is lauded by sporting bodies and governments alike;cited our work in the community and cited the pleasing brand of football we showcase.Throughout the Q&A session he was bland and predictable when towing the party line.He answered each question at length to eat up time and therefore minimise the number of questions he had to face in the alloted time.The room was full of hard core savvy Gooners who know the score yet Gazidis failed to respect and properly address the concerns that have been raised on this website over the summer.Some will argue it's his job to deflect criticism from Wenger.Others will say it cements the view of a club that has lost its way and is heading for a spectacular autumn 'fall.'

  32. Big Dave

    Aug 09, 2011, 17:39 #10953

    Looks like you've been listening to some back podcasts of the Tuesday Club they were saying this months ago, Get up to date mate. Arsenal lost their pride when David Dein was booted out the club. So will the Gooner do anything about our decline or just moan ?

  33. George

    Aug 09, 2011, 17:11 #10951

    Bit of a clumsy comparison (and a massive over reaction from Uler56) but the point you're making is of course correct. It's only a small point, but it's all about discipline and respect, and Arsene's overpaid underachievers clearly don't have enough of either.

  34. chrisy boy

    Aug 09, 2011, 16:54 #10950

    i agree with the issue of our players wearing club blazers and ties etc, we are known throught world football as THE ARSENAL, we have more class than the likes of that lot in west london or the scum from up the road, it would be just a small step in bringing a bit of pride back to the club, but there are so many issues concerning our great club, where do we start !!

  35. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Aug 09, 2011, 16:06 #10947

    1000000000000000% agreed. They look like absolute mongs with those silly headphones. And to think that the Mancs and even the hairdressers of SW3 who we always call classless wear suits to matches yet we dont...... but OGL wont have it and will allow these pompous players to continue with their aloof ways. No doubt you will get some plum on here berating you for some reason or another but you are absolutely spot on.

  36. Mark

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:53 #10946

    wenger is a substantial shareholder, key management personnel and not an employee. he wields far more influence and power than you give him credit for so if he wanted all his squad to speak french because it was good for their brain and therefore their body, with this board he will always get his way so wise up its currently his club

  37. CD

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:38 #10945

    Where do you even get the motivation and energy from to write articles Kevin? I am so disillusioned with what has been happening at our once great "Bank of England" club that it feels like I am mourning the death of The Arsenal. The attire of our players is merely the tip of the iceberg with what's currently wrong. Our whole identity has gone, in our new soulless bowl, replaced by money grabbing owners and players all under the watchful eye of OGL. It's hard to believe that currently the only light I can see on the horizon is the possibility of Usmanov gaining control once Kroenke sells up when he has also made his millions out of us. Never thought I would want the rather dubious background of the Russian to take control of our club, but that appears to be our only chance to get footballing minded people back onto our board eg DD, and one day restore the club back to being in touch with it's historical fan base, by not over charging and under investing in quality players in all positions. Not just never ending buying of promising 16/17 year olds who may or may not one day come good years down the line, but will then leave to seek out a more ambitious trophy winning priority big club. Wenger and the board clearly have underestimated the deep resentment, anger and frustrations with the majority of us Gooners and if the season starts badly, which many are predicting then they will discover our true feelings as the s**t will hit the fan big time, especially if no quality defenders (note plural) have been purchased.

  38. Rob

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:34 #10944

    Excellent post Kev. I have been saying this for ages. They look like refugees from a Hip-Hop Convention and it's a disgrace to the Club that Wenger allows this. The first thing George did when he came in was to insist on Club Blazers, Club Ties and white shirts. Wenger should do likewise. He won't of course as he doesn't want to cramp the style of his precious little darlings but it is one further example of how there is little control at Arsenal, on or off the pitch.

  39. Loyal since 1980

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:26 #10943

    I thought it was tradition tha players wore the club blazer, just like it one of the traditions (and still is i understand) that the capitain chooses what type od shirt sleeves the players wear on match day. I believe that under GG the players had to wear the club blazer to the ground and the key word to players in those days were 'Remember who you are and who you represent'.

  40. Dubaibury

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:20 #10942

    Damn right. This has been something that's got to me for years. Where are time honoured traditions that the Arsenal Board claim the club exudes and upholds ? The team should be made to wear suits, shirts and ties. Pride off the pitch might JUST instil some form of pride on the pitch.

  41. Slaine McROth

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:11 #10941

    I understand what you're saying, and I agree that the players need to show a bit more humility. I am not sure, however, that any sleezy generalisations about the way people dress is helpful. Dr. Harold Shipman routinely wore suits and ties as he murdered many helpless elderly people. Are we to infere from this that suit wearers are murderers?

  42. Highbury Harold

    Aug 09, 2011, 15:08 #10940

    Liking that last line, Kevin! Unfortunately though, while Wenger is at the club our players will be allowed to do this because apparently it makes them feel 'comfortable'. I'd say that it makes them feel TOO comfortable to the point they lack the required focus and attitude to win matches. George Graham would have never allowed his players to turn up in tracksuits. You knew what it meant to play for The Arsenal, and you were properly attired because you're an ambassador to this great club. Where Has Our Arsenal Gone?

  43. Shaun

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:59 #10939

    Seriously? This is what's bothering you? GAFL

  44. Steve Walters

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:58 #10938

    Cant add anything really, very good article Kev and i agree with everything you've said

  45. ppp

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:54 #10937

    i don't alwaya agree with this guy - but i agree about this.

  46. Why

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:43 #10936

    Your mental. So because our players where tracksuits they're going to kick in shop windows. I better throw mine away too, I tend to wear trackies at home when I'm lazing around, I better bin those quick because anyone that wheres trackie bottoms is a thug and a de-generate. Get off your high horse

  47. Petrovic

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:31 #10935

    Maybe its mirroring the falling standards of society in general. Agree with your sentiments entirely.

  48. jambo

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:24 #10934

    bore off mate, firstl our players dont turn up to matches dressed with their hoods up and scarves around their faces, they wear a club issue tracksuit. secondly, if you really believe there is a link between our players not wearing suits and our lack of pride in performances you really are a tool

  49. Brigham

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:15 #10933

    Kev, very much an article I agree with and I posted a reply to another article which bore similar resemblance to this one a few days back. I can remember when Arsenal players ALWAYS wore smart trousers, a white shirt, club tie and the famouse dark blue blazer with the embossed 'cannon' on the left breast pocket. The current trend is for training tops, tracksuit, trainers, beanie hats and headphones or ipods. As you say, United are always smart, their appearance matches their obvious determination to win. It says; "Look at us, we are focused, we are ready for whatever you have to throw at us, bring it on" Ours on the other hand says: "Dem sounds on ma ipod r da best and I is ready for anuvver kick abart, get me muney man and den relax in da big 'ouse wiv me Julie"

  50. HD

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:02 #10932

    Agree 100% Kev. Fans travel the distance of the country and further afield to see these players, you'd think the least they could do would be a wave or a smile when they get off the team coach, or indeed to look presentable. For years now the smiling, waving and signing of autographs has been replaced by players who won't look anywhere other than at the ground when getting off the team coach, won't dignify the voices of their audience either, preferring to instead indulge themselves with 30 more seconds of french hip-hop. So yes, welcome to Arsenal Alex Oxlade, you're going to have a real education here, they'll show you the Arsenal way - how to always treat yourself as number one, pride, forget about pride, it's just something that hurts your pocket. Just ask the captain.

  51. Gerry Gooner

    Aug 09, 2011, 14:02 #10931

    Often thought this but never said it- maybe cos I'm an old git who's not 'with it' but our players dressed like gangstas with baseball caps on sideways- ridiculous

  52. Andy Kelly

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:59 #10930

    Good point. You could see the difference in the team when George Graham insisted that his players turn up for games (whether or not they were playing) in suits.

  53. Ron

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:51 #10928

    Its a fair point, but the wider view is that the slobby appearances amongst footballers, be they Arsenal players or whoevers players, is indicative of a general malaise in society here stretching well beyond football circles. You have to remember too that Wenger has created a relaxed,weak disciplined, laid back and 'cool and trendy' culture in and about that dressing too. Its hardly surprising that the players reflect his 'cafe' society attitude. Trying to weld pride, bottle, desire, heart and a hard work ethic now is like trying to shut the gate when the horse has well and truly bolted. Its ever likely, he presides of a bunch of shrinking violets as soon as the going gets tough (or even when the weather becomes inclement).

  54. Dom

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:51 #10927

    Love this article. It shows just how bad the rot has set in, on the pre-match video before every home game one of the ex players talks about how back in the day it was both an honour & youre job to wear the sacred shirt with pride, those days are long gone now, Wenger has too much power in the club & the board dont have the bottle to give him a kick up the jaxy & untill that changes then its going to be more of the same s*it

  55. SF Gooner

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:51 #10926

    When did Phil Brown start writing for Online Gooner? I know it's just an opinion piece but this is just trash.

  56. JubJub

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:51 #10925

    Yeah, that's the biggest concern the club (or the city) has: players turning up to matches wearing headphones. Give me a break.

  57. DV

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:50 #10924

    Yeah, of the problems we have at the club I'm pretty sure that not one of them stems from wearing a tracksuit, maybe it indicates a lack of respect or determination or togetherness but if so it's purely symptomatic rather than a cause.

  58. Adam

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:44 #10922

    Why not have them wearing full Military uniform? That might instil a sense of discipline.

  59. Lee Bedford

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:43 #10921

    As usual Kev, SPOT ON!!! Get them blazers back on the players and start brining back the PRIDE into the club! Make them all know what it means to wear the famous cannon on their chests and that when they step out onto the pitch anywhere, they know what is required of them and that nothing less than 100% will be tolerated! THIS IS WHAT WINS TROPHIES! Over to you Rocky Rocastle....."ITS NOT WHO YOU ARE, ITS WHAT YOU REPRESENT"!

  60. Uler56

    Aug 09, 2011, 13:40 #10920

    That is without a doubt the worse post you have ever made (and that is saying some). How dare you twist the frightening events in London as something to beat Wenger and the club with. You have no shame.

  61. Ray loga

    Feb 03, 2011, 9:49 #1484

    The defence looks very shaky and I hope nano is injured if we stand a chance to beat untd