Don't call James Randi yet

But there’s a lot to be said for blind faith!

Don't call James Randi yet

Arsene: We might as well believe!

Ed’s note – for those of you who don’t know – James Randi is a debunker of those who claim to possess paranormal powers, such as Uri Geller, and stage magicians.

I was wondering about the current mental strength of the Arsenal fan base? It seems to me that as a group we have far less than the team.

Often when you're watching a football match you can see a goal coming. It doesn't happen every time, but most avid fans who watch the game can spot when something is about to happen. I think that the crowd at a game can play a big part in events such as these, they get excited and all but the most tunnel-visioned player would notice. The crowd are revved up by something a player does and in turn the player feeds on the confidence boost the excitement provides.

So where am I going with this? Well I think many Arsenal fans are creating an atmosphere that, although seems justified by the frustration felt, also conspires to perpetuate events that add to the frustration. When Chucky McLongarms or Hoofy Von Clogfoot send a ball randomly into the Arsenal box, the collective mental "oh bum" thought by a large section of fans must surely have the same effect.

It happens on a micro scale for individual events in a game and it happens on a macro scale for Arsenal too. The fans expect the "inevitable" February collapse and so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You only need to look at the Liverpool revival last season after Kenny was appointed to see that blind faith instead of negativity may have had something to do with it. A few of my Liverpool supporting friends thought that Kenny could get them into the top 4 last season and they think he'll even do better than top 4 this year... not based on any real facts but just that "Kenny is a legend".

Arsenal aren't about to sack Wenger, so what can they do? Arsenal just signed a young talented footballer who seems like he's very excited about playing for Arsenal, but a lot of blogs and comments were at the best a bit meh, and at worst descending in to rants about him not being an overpriced, slightly better than average, English center half. When fans can't see a positive in the club signing a player (even though he's not a defender) after we've been calling for transfers for the last few windows, it appears that Wenger and the board can't win with us. So when (and i do think when, not if) Arsenal sign a defender I predict that there will be a small happy minority, and a clamouring mass of fan spewing the virtues of the ones we didn't sign and vitriol at Wenger and his new recruit.

Of course bringing Kenny back to Liverpool changed the mind-set of their fans but it doesn't have to be this way round. The Arsenal fans could pay a little more attention to some of the positives and have a little more patience as the transfer window is still open. I'm not saying that people shouldn't have their opinions or that there aren't things that Wenger needs to address, but some Arsenal supporters need to be reminded that they should also "support" the club. The team don't need a Hoddlesque hippy guru to realign their chakras, but some fans need a swift kick in the pants for doing counterproductive things like booing a friendly which is no better than going down the park and booing some kids. The booing was pointless and frankly a bit embarrassing. You don't invite guests round for coffee and then boo your wife for replacing the gold top with semi-skimmed.

I'm as guilty of negative thoughts as the next fan. I've called Fabianski Flapihandski, I've felt the sinking feeling when a ball drifts in the box at an easily clearable head height, and I've groaned when the ball is walked to the edge of the opposition box and no shot happens. This season I'll be thinking of the good things about Arsenal; Wilshere is already excellent but will be called world-class before Christmas, RvP is lethal in front of goal, Ryo and Walcott are too quick for defenders to handle, Vermaelen will play a lot more games, Scezney will keep 20 clean sheets, Gervinho's mighty forehead will score 5 of his 15 goals this season... I could go on and I will in private. It may be delusional but there isn't a Liverpool, Manc, Chavski, Citeh or Spud fan who doesn't carry a belief, however large or small, that their team will win the league and I'd encourage all gooners to do the same... only more so as we are the ones who will win the league. Hoorah!

Ed’s note – Just a note to let those of you that partake in the Gooner Gambling Scheme that we will have a bet for the weekend which we will be running tomorrow morning (Friday)

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  1. Greybeard the Gooner

    Aug 12, 2011, 11:49 #11083

    Highbury Spy , calm down you're getting too exciteable. Taling of 5th from bottom is plain silly. I predict we will finish 5th purely because currently I think our squad it not as good as Man U, City , Chelsea , Liverpool and on a par with Spurs. So we could end up 6th but if we sign some quality defenders and a possibly an experienced midfielder we could challenge for 4th and maybe. It has been a frustrating summer but keeps things in perspective. Wenger is one of the best coaches in the world, who would replace him ?

  2. Steve

    Aug 12, 2011, 11:45 #11082

    I have to agree. I'll give you an example at the Sunderland game last season. I was sitting with my brother behind two old boys - must've been in their 70s - and I thought that's OK, a couple of old sweats, probably season ticket holders going back a while - I'm in my 40s and can go back to the bad old days of the post 71 break up myself. Anyway, if you remember, we were still in with a title shout at that point and had a perfectly good Arshavin goal disallowed for off side and a stonewall penalty shout turned down when Bramble rugby tackled the Russian. I make no excuses about being rather vexxed about both decisions and was out of my seat expressing the same at high volume. Well, you'd have thought that I'd just murdered someone with the look I got from these two old "fans". One said something about being glad he hadn't put his hearing aid in today. I couldn't believe it - my brother said something along the lines "we'll all keep quiet and come 2nd"! OK we blew it big time and came 4th but the level of support at home games now is pathetic - everyone sits there and waits for something to happen, rather than rousing the team with a vocal support and maybe making something happen. It's all plastic now and the "supporters", such as they are, get the performances their negativity deserves. Not everything in the Arsenal garden is rosy, far from it, but FFS, support your team. Give me standing on the old Clock End terrace any day. Up the Gunners.

  3. Munitionsman

    Aug 12, 2011, 6:59 #11078

    things improved at pool cos they got rid of a ranting lunatic who signed players based on passports and was trading for far too long on his history. He had obviously lost the dressing room. Sound familiar? We can only expect revival when we ultimately dump our resident lunatic. Would be nice if we could find a legend wouldnt it...

  4. cam

    Aug 12, 2011, 5:50 #11076

    The fact is that over the past decade we are only around the 5th or 6th top spending team in the league (factoring wages and transfer fees). And we are not a little behind the Chelsea, City and even Man Utd of this world in terms of spending. We are leagues behind. Therefore realistically a top 4 finish IS already a good season. In this new world of Man City, Chelsea, and an ever dominant Man Utd, winning honours takes some doing and therefore SOME of the criticism aimed at Wenger is way OTT.

  5. ChelseaFan

    Aug 12, 2011, 4:39 #11075

    As an Chelsea Fan , i can say that Arsenal fans are too negative minded. You have a gem of a manager and a team which is delight to watch, ask a Chelsea fan how much he would like to trade the places with you. Show some respect to your club what good a fan is who just loves his team but only when it wins. 6 years or 12 years are nothing in the history of a big and mighty club like yours.

  6. ppp

    Aug 12, 2011, 1:34 #11073

    this article is absolutely correct and frankly most of those whinging booing so called arsenal fans should read it and weep.

  7. Sven

    Aug 12, 2011, 0:57 #11072

    What utter rubbish! I dont even know where to start but here goes. 1) Collective consciousness? Yes, agreed, but I dont believe there was booing or even a "collective sigh" which caused the utter mental collapse (certifiable collapse, even) at Newcastle or the Carling Cup Final. It was a result of errors, managerial and individual - PERIOD. Whatever problem we, as Arsenal supporters, have with the players and manager is a result of their performances, NOT the other way around. You make it seem like we suddenly lost a trophy and have turned "mental" on the club. Mind you, it has been going on for quite some time now, and our two best players are leaving the club. So, there is no sign things will change as long as we are being told the same BS week in week out. If you have to pay 1000 pounds for the cheapest season ticket, you're entitled to boo. Even at a friendly (yes, I know that it is not covered by the season ticket... thankfully) 2) As for the whole wife-analogy: ridiculous. It didnt even make sense, let alone bring out any laughs. You might want to have another go at that one after asking someone...

  8. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 11, 2011, 23:03 #11069

    Not all of Liverpool's signings will work out, but that happens at every club. What Dalglish HAS done by signing a raft of players is increase competition in their squad for places, and a kick up the arse for any Pool players who were coasting. Glen Johnson was a shambles last year under Hodgson but kept getting picked at right back. Dalglish turned up, put Kelly in Johnson's place, played Johnson out of position on the left, and the message was very clear: you want your proper place back, you f***ing well earn it. There's not enough competition for places at AFC to keep the best - ever squad players on their toes. They KNOW they can cruise through the season, play 10 -12 matches in cup comps and Champs League dead rubbers (maybe Europa this year), and still collect. This piece kicked off with a reference to James Randi, and I thought it might lead to reading about the dismantling of Gazidispeak regarding financial stability and the Wengerspeak mental strength mantra, much as Randi cracked the mantras of Uri Geller and John Edward. But no....I'm reading about how the nasty and ungrateful (but highly charged in more ways than one) Arsenal support are sending negative vibes on to the field, psychologically affecting our defender's ability to clear the ball. I'd have to be Uri Geller or John Edward to believe that. High balls from visiting hoofers + inadequate Arsenal defenders failing at basic tasks = pissed off Arsenal fans. Cause and effect...and just in case anyone wants to suggest I should shuttle up to the Lane, I can say that in all the years I went to Highbury, I never once booed The Arsenal team. Not even after Walsall at home in the Milk Cup. Sorry to be so blunt Simon, but AFC are not in a position to pussyfoot around, on or off the field, and that is no fault of the supporters.

  9. Highbury Spy

    Aug 11, 2011, 22:30 #11068

    God I hate that phrase 'Support Your Team'. What does it mean? Blindly sit there clapping and hoping whilst Wenger, Kroenke and Gazidis take us down to the Championship? Arsenal displayed relegation form since February last season and this term we're even worse off. Wenger should've been sacked in April when he lost the dressing room. Support the team? What poppycock. Gazidis said ultimately the fans would decide Wenger's fate, well he obviously doesn't read the blogs where a majority of fans wanted him out three months ago. What are you rose tinters going to do when Newcastle beat us on Saturday and we are in the Europa League in two weeks time? Support your team? Fat lot of good that will do. And to those who think we'll finish fifth this season, how on earth have you come to that conclusion? If Wenger stays in charge it will more likely be fifth from bottom (if we're lucky). Revolt! We want our Arsenal back.

  10. JJ

    Aug 11, 2011, 18:09 #11062

    We do not pay to go see kids play down the park and my wife does not get paid 7 million a year to make coffee. Your analogies are ridiculous. Saying that AW can't win with us is also not true. If Wenger did his business early and brought in the necessary experienced defenders everyone knows we need, then the fans would have got behind him again. Gazidis said that Wenger is accountable to the fans and the fans are booing to let management know that they are not happy. We could have done it by not buying tickets but we were lied to with the promise of an active summer transfer period so that option has now left the barn. Let's see how optimistic you are after we lose Cesc and Nasri and fail to qualify for CL.

  11. Dan h

    Aug 11, 2011, 16:55 #11056

    Well looks like we will lose both players Nasri contact situation & the fact he probably can't manage on the 100k a week on offer.Good take the money make a deal & lets move on.Cesc was happy to sign a new deal if you didn't laugh you would cry the fact that some of the proposed transfer deal being made up of loyalty payments owed.If that fact is correct AW & IG should have called his bluff if you want to leave put it in writing.I don't like the fact player power is out of control but it's now part of the game.Our club treat it's players better than anyone.I think we will sign a couple of players who no idea!If i have a hope for this season it's this whichever 11 pull on the shirt especially at home the young players need encouragement.I believe the management are to blame so whichever players play let's get behind them what else can we do?

  12. Jekyll

    Aug 11, 2011, 16:06 #11054

    The fans react to what they see. It is the club's, and specifically Wenger's role to be proactive in order to change that reaction. It can be a positive or negative dynamic between the team and the fans - it's up to the team to shift it to positive and the fans will react positively, and so they feed off each other. Some people are so desperate to defend Wenger they resort to anything - blaming fans, refs, financial doping etc - to try and justify his blatant negligence of certain areas of the team.

  13. Mick Appleton

    Aug 11, 2011, 15:40 #11053

    We can sign talented 17 year olds until the cows come home but that won't address the problems we have in defence for this season. We need at least one centre half, a left back & an experienced keeper to help bring Chesney on. We also need cover for RVP who has already got his first injury before a ball has been kicked in anger. We all want to be positive but the only thing I'm positive of is we'll finish 5th with the current squad.

  14. lee armitt

    Aug 11, 2011, 15:31 #11051

    Why can't we put in for titus bramble he is much cheaper and has loads of experience

  15. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 11, 2011, 15:23 #11050

    I'm sure many involved in armed conflicts convince themselves that the other chap will get it, but not them. However, the power of postive thought never altered the path of a single bullet or shell. Nor I fear, will it affect our keystone cop defensive habits during the coming season.

  16. Can0n

    Aug 11, 2011, 15:19 #11049

    Thank you for writing this. It needed doing and not only I, but every Arsenal fan out there, needs to read this.

  17. JJB

    Aug 11, 2011, 14:32 #11047

    Good to see some positivity! I think we all have the right to be frustrated/angry but the fact is we have two of the best young midfielders in Europe in JW and AR! Liverpool paid nearly 40mill for Henderson and Downing - I know who I would rather have!! On mass we are a terrible set of fans, Liverpool fans do my head in because they live in the past, they haven’t won the league for over 20years!!! Yet they still think they are a big club and they remain positive somehow! Where we are united in our anger is that we keep seeing the same mistakes being repeated, the same costly errors and what makes it worse is that if we signed some quality at the back then we can fix it, it’s ironic that Wenger pioneered a change in the mindset of football in the 90's yet he has not evolved with the game, he cannot be this myopic! This month will tell us all we need to know, if we fail to qualify for the champs league then he has to go, and if the board don’t sack him then ALL Arsenal supporters will be united in our condemnation and we will make his position untenable! Conversely, if he signs some quality and we make it through August unscathed then we can be setup for a great season........we are on a fine line and time will tell very soon for the fans, the manager, the players and the board!

  18. Mike

    Aug 11, 2011, 14:13 #11045

    It is general consensus that the team as it finished last seson needed an additonal two good centrebacks and a goal keeper to compete effectively for any silverware. Since then we have lost an experienced left back. What has or is going to happen, is that from the same team that finished 4th, we are going to lose the two world class midfielders, who have not been replaced. So now, we need a goal keeper, two decent centrebacks, a left back and two world class midfielders to stay competitive. One must remember that even though RVP was heroically putting the ball into the back of the net every game he played during the latter stages of last season, the defensive lines were letting in twice as many and we were losing those games. So to offset this problem which is now far bigger, we have bought in two forwards and an inexperienced defender. I will always support Arsenal but am resigned to the fact that we won't challenge for too much this year.

  19. Greybeard the Gooner

    Aug 11, 2011, 14:11 #11043

    I nice optimistic post Simon, written with the heart not the head, which is n't always a bad thing without emotion football is nothing. What irks me and most of our supporters is that WE knew 18 months ago we needed another CB , and nothing happened. TV gets injured in September and we expect a signing in January and nothing happens. If we had signed someone decent , even if it cost £20m, we would have finished 3rd maybe 2nd, and probably would have won the CC (not that I rate very highly but any bit of silver seems to excite some of our fans ) All through this summer no CB signing. If we can see why not Arsene ? I'm not an " Arsene must go " fan tbh he's been our most influential manager since Chapman but I think he has got that wrong. I agree that the booing is out of order, I think any booing of your team is wrong, how will that help matters ?, but Arsene needs to address the obvious weaknesses in the squad, which he has failed to do. Once fan always a fan and we need to get behind the side - players come and go but the club remains but I have to be honest given a guaranteed 4th place now I would take it. Come on you Gooners !!!!!!!!!!

  20. monk

    Aug 11, 2011, 14:09 #11042

    Sanity at last. I wonder what those so called fans would say if we signed some of the scouse players? Carroll, Henderson, Downing anyone for a combined £75m?? Let's all just calm down & see what happens, Wenger hasn't become Phil Brown overnight!

  21. Nimalan Christopher Rajah

    Aug 11, 2011, 14:06 #11041

    much needed perspective...common Arsenal!!!

  22. Ron

    Aug 11, 2011, 13:53 #11038

    Good points. Trouble with Arsenals supporters is that we ve watched the same old unaddressed errors and calamities repeat themselves time and again for too many years and too much blind faith by the boss in too many mediocre players who clearly werent good enough to raise their own bar. Back in Feb 07 when we all went to Wales to lose to Chelsea, it was all positive about the young player revolution. I d say by mid 08, it was clear that certain players werent going to fulfil 'promise'. Theyre still there now commiting the same cock up s and shying from the battle, nearly every time theyre asked to step up. A pub team boss wouldnt put up with it, never mind one who earns 5 or 6 Mill pa.

  23. usgooner

    Aug 11, 2011, 13:39 #11037

    Great to see the positivity! Thank you! Reading some of the Arsenal blogs this morning is like a roller coaster ride of emotions. You and Goonerblog sum up the positives nicely. We have signed players who want to play for Arsenal. If/When Cesc and Nasri leave we might be a little thin in depth but the starting 11 is excellent. Wilshere wants to play. Ramsey wants to play. Theo, TV5, Gervinho, Scezney and more...all want to play. Its going to be a tough season, but a good one. Especially if 2 or more reincforcements are brought in.