Explanation required

Some confusion over the rules of the game after Saturday’s draw

Explanation required

Barton: Saw red, but not the way he should have

Following the Newcastle game, I am just trying to understand how the referee took the course of action he did regarding the Gervinho/Barton incident and would be grateful for anyone who actually knows the rules to set me straight on this.

1. Gervinho went down in the box. Rightly or wrongly, no pen given.
2. The referee didn't blow so the game continues.
3. Barton picks up Gervinho two handed from the floor by the scruff of the neck.
4. The referee cannot see this as he has his back turned.
5. A scuffle ensues in which, we assume, the referee can see Gervinho “strike” Barton.
6. The referee sends off Gervinho and yellow cards Barton.
7. The game restarts with a Newcastle free kick.

My questions are:
A) If Barton is given a yellow, what is it for?
B) If for grabbing Gervinho, does that not mean that foul happened first? If so, is that not a penalty since the ball was in open play at that point?
C) If Barton is given a yellow for being involved in the contretemps, what are the criteria by which he receives a yellow and Gervinho a red?
D) If the referee has not seen Barton act two handed in dragging Gervinho up, does he have ability to refer to panel for further judgement?

Finally a question related to the input of the other officials.
Given that the referee has not seen Barton dragging up Gervinho, what role have linesmen and 4th official played in giving the referee the information he needs to make a decision? In which case, can they be called to account to clarify why two handedly dragging someone up from the ground is a yellow whereas a half hearted face slap is a full red?

I’m just seeking to understand how these things are decided since it seems to me that in February Diaby was sent off for two handedly grabbing a Newcastle player by the neck and am keen to help the FA and referees apply their rules with some semblance of consistency.

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  1. tp

    Aug 15, 2011, 15:46 #11243

    Another explanation is needed, what was being sung to or about Sami Nasri at the weekend?

  2. Exiled-Gooner

    Aug 15, 2011, 14:42 #11241

    To be honest there was contact on Gervinho and we all seen 9 times out of 10 them given BUT what was the linesman doing??Barton man-handled Gervinho whilst play was continuing so penalty is it not?.Thought ref was pants and didn't see the incident so how could he show a red unless he referred to linesman or 4th official?.Same evening watch MOTD and a similar tackle was committed in QPR v Bolton game and it was given so it's down to consistency and depends what ref you get.

  3. Ron

    Aug 15, 2011, 14:31 #11240

    One of the poorest Ref's in the League he is. He needs demoting. This can apply to most of the Premier League Refs i accept. The ref in the El Classico last night had genuine match pressure to contend with and while he missed the odd offence, he was a shining beacon compared to that oaf at St James Park. He was basically too scared to send off Barton in light of al of the recent media stuff about him as were his linesman too scared to tell him truthfully what happened. Officialdom stinks in that Premier League. It really does.

  4. Nick

    Aug 15, 2011, 13:03 #11234

    You can talk about the pros and cons of the incident till your blue in the face but ask yourself this if you had been the one grabbed by the scruff of the neck/shirt and pulled forcibly to your feet with that no brain tweeting twat spitting and snarling in your face what would have been your reaction? personally id have have PUNCHED him in the mouth and given him something to fall over for yes song was an idiot and will pay for the "stamp" on the cavedwellers leg but why wasnt barton cautioned for leaving and then returning to the pitch without permission from the ref? if he had have been i doubt he would have grabbed freaky fred gervinho in the first place for what he lacks in intelligence he makes up for with animal cunning and would have known a second yellow would have seen him off as well but more to the point why wasnt all the team told in no uncertain terms that any reaction that cost the team to the all too predictable antics of the nutter with the hitler hair cut would result in a fine of a months wages it seems to me that that would hurt the mercenary hearts of the little darlins more than a ban on full wages yes id have poleaxed the little scouse git but then im not a proffesional on an obscene amount of money a week so ive got an excuse.

  5. Tony Adams

    Aug 15, 2011, 12:50 #11233

    The ref made some mistakes but we need to question the discipline of the players - we have now lost important players for important games. Saying that the FA should retrospectively ban Barton too, he should not be allowed to assault players like this.

  6. Jamie

    Aug 15, 2011, 12:43 #11232

    To 'No'...Fans aren't making an issue out of the Song stamp because everyone knows it's a foregone conclusion that he'll receive a retrospective ban for it. Shame there's no retrospective ban for such dreadful over-acting as well.

  7. Tommi Gooner

    Aug 15, 2011, 11:39 #11229

    I was at the game and I was sat amongst the Geordies in the Gallagher End (the end where the incident happened). The ref 100% did not see Barton grab Gervinho as he was running full speed towards the half way line. But a good analysis and some genuine questions that need answering. Not just from an 'Arsenal point of view' but from a footballing point of view. The ref was absolutely shocking - he had a terrible game which got summed up by the sending off decision. I 100% agree Gervinho had to go, everyone know's you can't raise your hands. The linesman, Taylor and Barton didn't help the ref, either. Particularly the linesman who should of spotted the incident. One last word, why are people going on about the Song incident (for which he should of gone as well in my opinion. I seriously can't believe he did that when he was on a yellow already, he really has the IQ level of some of the readers who have posted on here), the Rosicky tackles and such? You've asked legitimate questions and some people are just spouting off other stuff.

  8. Brigham

    Aug 15, 2011, 11:03 #11227

    In my opinion, there should have been three red cards and a penalty to us (Arsenal) on the day. Song should have seen red for his 'stamp' on the irksome one, he will probably be awarded a retrospective one anyway once the FA get involved. Gervinho was correctly red carded, simple as you like, but Barton should also have gone for his behaviour, which was far more than just grappling or helping Gervinho up. That should have led to a penalty for us. Barton did what Barton has always done, stirred up trouble and he is well known for courting trouble and it seems to follow him around.

  9. Limerickjack

    Aug 15, 2011, 10:51 #11226

    Arsene, buy Barton!!!!

  10. Gooner or Later

    Aug 15, 2011, 10:43 #11225

    Another thing about the incident was that the Newcastle player Steven Taylor was wholly instrumental in the red card being given, he went to the referee and the linesman to 'help' them understand that Gervinho had elbowed Barton (a lie) and the ref acted upon this as the officials couldn't confer because their ear pieces were not working so presumably the ref believed this as none of the officials could corroborate. Later Barton explains to RVP that he was punched (another lie) when in fact Barton was slapped because Gervinho was rightly totally incensed by the assault Barton made on him when he had been clipped and should have had a penalty. The post match interview with Steven Taylor on ESPN was so embarrassing, I hope he watches it and sees what an obvious lying twat he is, in the interview he refused to answer the question about it even though at the time he couldn't tell enough officials that Barton was elbowed. he does actually apologise for not answering any questions but he is rightly shame faced and the interviewer bottles it and lets him take the 5th amendment.

  11. Andy Strudwick

    Aug 15, 2011, 10:14 #11224

    Great point well made. Also annoyed at Bartons hypocrisy, he drags Gervihno is dragged off the ground because Barton is angry at his supposed simulation, he then gets a slap and goes down as if shot and fails to see the irony.

  12. Dave

    Aug 15, 2011, 9:52 #11223

    From what I could see, the referee was abysmal all game. He got quite key decisions wrong and the game was always just bubbling under as a result. He should have sent Song off - it was a stamp. However how he did not see that given his position baffles me, and if they do (which they will) retrospectively punish Song, I think he could legitemately ask the question how the referee, who was around 5 yards away and looking straight at them, missed it. Secondly, Barton left the pitch after being stamped on to "discuss" with the 4th official - is this not under new directives etc dissent to the officials? Thirdly, he missed the fact that Gervinho was in fact, brought down by the Newcastle defender for the "penalty". It didn't help that Gervinho had dived a couple of times before this, but there was contact. Fourth, he was running away from the Barton/Gervinho incident, and didn't see Barton's actions. However his assistant should have done, as he should have been looking along the line to see Barton "help" Gervinho to his feet. The assistant should have flagged straight away. Fifth, Gervinho was rightly sent off - you are not allowed to raise your hands. However, Barton if correctly booked earlier in the game for point 2 would have been sent off either straight red for the manhandling, or for 2 yellows. Sixth, play should have restarted with a penalty. If what Barton did was seen as foul play to warrant a caution, it should be a penalty restart. It was also noted that the 4th official could not communicate with the ref, as the batteries had run flat on his comms pack - for the first game of the season! Really? Amateurish refereeing which led to poor decisions and an interesting undercurrent for the return at the Emirates.....

  13. Aug 15, 2011, 9:52 #11222

    @john. The ball was practically next to Barton as he was the one who left the ball to grab Gervinho. On the Song "stamp" issue,if you watch the replays you can clearly see he just steps on him. I'm not condoning the action by any means but I'm just saying that Song didn't exactly lift his leg into the air and stomp on Barton's leg. So I would hardly call it "vicious". Concerning the Gervinho slap: I was watching the Madrid vs Barca match last night and Keita lightly slapped Pepe,with Pepe retaliating with a slap just as light. Everyone saw it but nothing was made of it. Neither player was cautioned and neither player dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes writhing in "pain". Would have been a different story in the EPL.

  14. GoonerRon

    Aug 15, 2011, 9:15 #11221

    Song should definitely have got a red and will definitely get a retrospective 3 game ban. Gervinho was stupid to react but raised his hands and was right to get red too. For the 'dive' (which I thought was a penalty) the ref did not signal an advantage (which means he didn't think Gervinho had infringed), therefore the ball was in play after the penalty claim. When Barton dragged Gervinho up it should have been a penalty and a borderline red card for him. The FA should take a look at Stephen Taylor's conduct throughout the incident in my view - originally acting as peacemaker he had his back to the contact on Barton and could not have possibly seen what has happened, yet clearly said an elbow was used to the referee and also ran to his assistant for the same thing. Now I'm pretty sure when Eduardo dived against Celtic he was charged with delberately trying to deceive the referee, so Taylor should be hit with that charge.

  15. John

    Aug 15, 2011, 9:13 #11220

    The Barton / Gervinho incident was completely off the ball as play had moved on. There was never going to be a penalty given. Both players should have gone though.

  16. Goonerdad

    Aug 15, 2011, 8:41 #11219

    A) Ungentlemanly conduct B) Yes - penalty C) Red is for violent conduct D) Unlikely - as he has already taken action with the yellow.

  17. GaryFootcrayAustralia

    Aug 15, 2011, 4:55 #11217

    @Ben, maybe Newcastle fans don't have an internet forum of their own? We should take it as a back handed compliment that there's heaps of barcode fans on here, same goes for any other visitors. They all clearly think and care enough about Arsenal to put their own time and energy into finding this site and getting involved, time and effort that could be used debating the merits and pitfalls of their own club with their own fans, but there you go. Like breeding, everyone is entitled to use social media, whether it's a good idea or not. Like you, I don't care for trolling other teams' sites, as it's just not interesting enough an idea to put my time into...apart from the mighty Boreham Wood F.C. of course...

  18. Domhuaille

    Aug 15, 2011, 0:57 #11215

    Here is a basic and simplified resume of what Law 12 says and intends: 1)It deals with fouls (a foul, may only be committed by a player, and only against an opponent when the ball is in play.) and misconduct (Misconduct may occur at any time, including when the ball is out of play, during half-time and before and after the game, and both players and substitutes may be sanctioned for misconduct.) 2)Serious misconduct is as follows: Serious foul play, Violent conduct, Use of abusive language and/or gestures, Spitting at an opponent or any other person, Denying the opposing team a goal or an obvious goalscoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper inside his/her own penalty area), Denying an obvious goalscoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick (known as a professional foul) or Receiving a second caution (yellow card) in the same match. 3)fouls are broken down into direct free and indirect free kick punishments as follows: Kicking or attempting to kick an opponent, Tripping or attempting to trip an opponent, Jumping at an opponent, Charging an opponent,Striking or attempting to strike an opponent,Pushing an opponent, Tackling an opponent, Holding an opponent, Spitting at an opponent,Handling the ball deliberately (except for the goalkeeper within his own penalty area)are all direct free kicks. Indirect free kicks are awarded when a player plays in a dangerous manner, impedes the progress of an opponent, prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his hands,or commits any other offence, not previously mentioned in Law 12, for which play is stopped to caution or dismiss a player. Therefore if we go by what was shown in the videos: 1)Gervinho may or may not have been guilty of simulating (a cautionable offense) when floored by Tiote. The referee ignored it either as a foul or a penalty...deal done! 2)With the ball still in play, Barton dragged Gervinho to his feet, which is, at least a cautionable offense under Law 12's provision- misconduct offense. 3)Barton did not hit or assault Gervinho but did manhandle him, a direct free kick (penalty) normally against Newcastle. 4)Gervinho did slap Barton lightly and Barton acted to the hilt,and with the aid of his teammates,convinced the referee to eject Gervinho....which was the technically correct decision. 5)The referee failed to punish Barton correctly and also his linesman failed to signal Barton's actions to the ref, thus both officials failed badly.Who do they answer to?

  19. Ian

    Aug 14, 2011, 22:10 #11209

    I have checked the rules and as far as I can see here is the explanatio A - Barton got the yellow to ensure the fa panel are unable to review the incident B- It is not a foul if you assault an Arsenal in the penalty area C- Barton yellow see point a. Gervinho red - it is mandatory to send an Arsenal player off on their league debut each season or the assessor marks the ref down. D- The referee cannot refer the incident as he would have to admit giving a yellow card without seeing the incident. Hope this clears it up for you

  20. Ben

    Aug 14, 2011, 21:36 #11207

    Clearly the ref made a number of wrong decisions. Song should have been sent off. Gervinho the same. Barton should also have gone. But why are there so many non-Arsenal fans on an Arsenal forum? Why are they even interested in what Arsenal fans think? I couldn't care less what the Geordies think of the incidents, game or anything else. I don't care who the Spuds might or might not buy. If you don't support Arsenal please don't write stupid comments on the forum as it is childish and pointless. This website is for Arsenal fans to be able debate issues that are relevant to Arsenal. Thanks.

  21. Stu

    Aug 14, 2011, 21:33 #11206

    Arnie - Unfortunately the Ref did not stop play before he intervened. As a qualified Ref, and a fan of neither team... It should have been two red cards, both players physically man-handled one another. The morals of whether Barton as right or wrong are irrelevant, he laid two hands on an opponent and physically dragged him, red card. Whilst Barton committed the first offence the Ref allegedly pulled the incident up for, I do believe he gave Newcastle a free kick for Gervinho's dive. Which was the Ref playing the advantage, as Newcastle brought the ball out of play, the incident then meant he had to go back and give the free kick. However, if the Ref had sent Song off as he should have been. The above would never have occurred as it'd have been a sliding doors scenario.

  22. Austin

    Aug 14, 2011, 21:26 #11205

    I was in the Gallowgate end and saw the incident plainly. Have to agree with GEG on all points, we got off lightly.

  23. Michael

    Aug 14, 2011, 21:10 #11203

    All I know is that if Barton had grabbed a little old lady the way he grabbed Gervinho, he'd be behind bars. Poor Gervinho must have been stunned to have a player pull him off the ground by the neck and his rather feeble slap didn't really merit a red card. Welcome to the Premier League.

  24. Sour Grapes

    Aug 14, 2011, 21:07 #11202

    Blah blah blah........ Arsenal are in trouble (everyone can see this). Clutching at straws like in this article is a little bit sad. Arsenal were not good enough to beat Newcastle with or without Gervinho. We can debate this incident all day long, it's not going to get the 'mighty arsenal' 3 points is it? Man up, and except that arsenal are not good enough anymore. Alternatively, we could debate Song's stamp on Barton? No?? Didn't think so. Print this, I dare you.

  25. arnie dunn

    Aug 14, 2011, 21:02 #11201

    a) unsportsmanlike behaviour b) ref stopped play before he interverned c) Gervinio struck barton d) no but the raking earlier on will be reviewed and a suspension quite rightly awarded e) Barton is experienced in the premier league and Gervinio isn't that was the difference here. Get over it

  26. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:55 #11198

    Well could it be that the first offence was simulation, but the referee played the advantage, and when none ensued because the fracas had, he then dealt with Gervinho for the slap, and Barton for his foul. Gervinho had already committed an offence in his own right and so merited the greater penalty irrespective of the fact that he struck another player, which is a red card offence in itself. I admit I'm just guessing. In a properly disciplined club, a fouled player would get straight up and get on with the game, (unless incapacitated by a "shawcross" situation). It is however, accepted wisdom that unless you roll over and play dead if lightly brushed by an opponents hairdoo that you won't get your fair share of free kicks. Our pathetic lack of discipline, especially when responding to deliberate provocation, has handicapped us for the entirety of Wenger's reign. Since we aren't very good at cheating anyway (other Ivorians come to mind here), playing it straight might be an option to be tried. As for the game, we did well to get nil.

  27. Tom

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:50 #11197

    I think the ref would have given yellow to both players for the scuffle if they had ended it there. (remember he didn't actually see Barton picking Gervinho up.) He however saw the slap for Gervinho and then decided that's worthy of a red card. Why the linesmen and 4th official did not help the ref since they should have seen this, i dont know. They did not help out when Song stamped on Barton either. One point is that Arsenal should have had a penalty. The ball was in play and Barton started a brawl inside his own area worthy of at least a yellow. But none of the officials somehow didn't see that, and the foul was given to Newcastle. For the record, i am a Newcastle supporter.

  28. filthyreds

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:46 #11195

    Considering video footage has vindicated the ref made the correct calls according to the Premier League why the whining? How was Song not sent off for 4 bookable offences and one worthy of a straight red?

  29. Pat Whelton

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:45 #11194

    Nice one, don't think anyone knows what the officials were doing, including the officials!! Think they sometimes guess to prove that they are aware of everything. If we have Assistants and 4th officials, why don't they play a greater part in the decisions? And why aren't decisions changed if mistakes are made? Referees would get greater respect if they admitted to the occasional error.

  30. StaffsToon

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:43 #11193

    Barton is a complete tosser, we can't even get rid for free!! He went down easier than my 5 year old daughter would have. I think Gervinho was naive to raise his hands but Barton definitely did a Drogba.

  31. scorp

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:43 #11192

    spot on! diaby did the same as barton on barton to get sent off.. when did the rules change?

  32. richard morgan

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:43 #11191

    well I can see your point but it made no difference to the result. However, clark carlisle on talksport is talking rubbish when he says it was not Barton's fault that Gervinho got sent off. In one sense Gervinho did get himself sent off by raising his hand, but would he of had Barton not hauled him to his feet by the scruff of his neck and to be honest Barton went down like he'd received a right hook from Klitschko brothers. The problem is the referee played play on so if no foul and he stops play for the ensuing influence the resulting restart should be drop ball. One thing at least we defended the set piece better yesterday though defensively things were not quite right in open play but that will come and newcastle were more inneffective than us going forward though we did create half chances and there will be better opportunities against the better teams. Gervinho had great game until getting sent off. What would help everyone is if after every match a referee gave reasons for controversial descisions. and why did ryan taylor not get a yellow for waving his hand at the referee to get gervinho sent off. though we should thank our lucky stars we were not down to ten with songs stamp on barton which was stupid.

  33. TheGooner

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:37 #11190

    It seems to me as though Barton just picked the guy up a little rougher than he should have. Gervinho should never have reacted in the way he did. Slapping is a guaranteed red card so the barcodes were gonna get the ball back after the event was over.

  34. Monkey

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:36 #11189

    I think it was the same lino who was on duty in the 4-4 last season and who disallowed RVP's would be winner.What are the odds of that if it wasn't a deliberate appointment. No suprises we didn't get the pen and also ended up with even our keeper getting carded - at the insistence on the lino.

  35. ididntseeit

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:34 #11188

    Two handed from the floor by the scruff of the neck? you must mean football shirt? barton didnt raise his hands to hit someone or attack them with violence, he just helped him get up. If you were there you would have seen the referee discuss the incident with his assistant and barton got a yellow card on the same par with song not getting a red.

  36. giimpsey

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:34 #11187

    As far as I am aware the ref did not speak to the linesman or fourth official since the batteries in the earpieces wee flat. Joey barton was yellow carded for unsporting behavior for picking up Gervinho and remonstrating with him. Gervinho was sent off for violent conduct. The game restarts with a newcastle free kick for the Gervinho "dive". Good luck getting the Refs and linesmen to act consistently when the cant even remember to charge the batteries up!!

  37. MC

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:32 #11185

    It does not matter how many hands Barton uses to pick Divinho up, that is all he did. Song stamps on Barton, nothing given even though the fourth official has a clear view. Their job is to hold up a sign to show subs and how longs is left. Divinho takes a swing at Barton and connects, more of a connection than any time he himself felt a breeze and fell over. Get over it, just like you got over giving away a 4 goal lead last season, oh wait, you haven't. Is it true that the cannon on your badge is going to be replaced by some sour grapes?


    Aug 14, 2011, 20:30 #11184

    SPOT ON ANALYSIS, TALK ABOUT POOR DECISION MAKING. I believe that because Arsenal have the tag off, They dont like it up 'em - Teams try that crap on us when they can't compete. Then if the players stand up for themselves they get the thin edge of the wedge!!! Shocking happens every time. Im not saying SONG was right to STEP, (NOT STAMP) on Barton. But I would find it hard not to do that to him especially as he has just comitted a foul on me and wrapped both legs round mine in a scissor motion and put some umff, malice into it! IF Song had stamped on his leg he wouldn't be walking. Also if it was a weaker opponent (Perceived by Barton) Barton would have probably decked him, he knows it's Song and thinks im gonna roll around for this then take out my frustration of not seeing the ball, being out played, getting my team back into this and run over to the fourth official - He stamped on me!!!!! It's unfair Boo Hoo! - NO HE NEVER - IT WOULD HAVE BROKE YOUR LEG! And Whilst Song was wrong Bartons lucky Song hasn't the mentality to cause intentional harm! 1st game gone and already controvesy of the fairness of the decisions made by refs! FFSAKE

  39. Seed of the Toon

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:28 #11183

    Some fine points - I think in the way of things Barton should of been given red as well. Now what do you say about the Song stamP!

  40. Ars ein-hole

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:27 #11182

    Like your manager, you fuss over such petty sh*t...."blah blah blah, it's everyone else's fault that we haven't won the title in a couple of years..." Do you know how much rubbish from the FA, managers and owners other clubs have had to put up with without even a sniff at glory?...more than Arse fans I can assure you. Stop complain about the little things!!! get on with enjoying the massive club you have....it won't last forever, i promise!

  41. Goal Mouth

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:26 #11181

    Er...explanation required...how come you've not seen song on Barton? Or gervihno blatantly diving without being touched in the first half? Maybe why he was a judged to have dived second half? How come rosicky didn't get 2 yellows, for his 2 rank 'tackles'? Questions, questions? All the best for the league though. you play some great football. [wink])

  42. Andy

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:26 #11180

    i think you'd probably be better off sending an email to the fa as how can anyone but the ref and his team answer this. Same for song incident

  43. Corkbarry

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:25 #11179

    I can only assume that the Ref forgot that the first foul was commited by Barton and was therefore a Penalty. I can't remember how the Ref restarted the game. will someone enlighten me.

  44. RedandDread

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:23 #11177

    when you get your answer please advise us all. Absolutely ridiculous and I hope that FA explains. Complete and utter buill****!

  45. MR no name

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:22 #11176

    Barton did not raise his hands towards gervinho he grabbed him by the shirt while gervinho felt the need to slap him in the face you cant raise your hands but yet you all forget to mention the stamp on Barton it's all about gervinho getting sent off and Barton was in the wrong song was in the wrong even more as he knew what he was doing he should have also been sent off!!

  46. Guy Maxwell

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:19 #11175

    Simple. According to the laws of the game to receive a red card Barton would have had to shove or slap or punch Gervinho, none of which happened. Barton was booked for aggressive behaviour, which without any of the aforementioned acts is worthy only of a caution. Gervinho did strike Barton, albeit it withe ferocity of a 3 year girl, but the very act meant that the referee had no option but to send him off.

  47. No

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:19 #11174

    He struck Barton in the face, its a red.... Players grapple each other all the time and always receive a yellow.... Rio did the same to Torres last year, pulled him to his feet after a blatant dive. Why aren't fans making an issue about the vicious stamp on Barton?

  48. StuartL

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:16 #11173

    The easiest way to deal with this sort of thing is to either have a 4th (5th) official watching tv for incidents that the match officials cannot see and alert the ref - let him view the incident 2/3 times then make his decision. The argument that it will slow the ganme down, is nonsence as it would take no longer than it did on Saturday but would give the ref the advantage of seeing it clearly, as often as he required and not being manipulated by play acting (Barton)or downright lies (Taylor saying it was an elbow) Gervinho deserved to go for slapping Barton,who for such a supposed tough guy is a real embarrasment and Song should have gone off earlier on, so no excuses - we obviusly didn't learn from their antics last season did we ?

  49. SocArbitro

    Aug 14, 2011, 20:15 #11172

    Agree an explanation is needed. The ball was in play when Barton committed a foul against Gervinho in the penalty area. Gervinho rightly should have been sent off, and you can argue the same for Barton but the restart should have been a penalty kick for Arsenal. It was a foul plain and simple. We can debate the color of the card all day but the referee clearly botch the restart!