Thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Accepting the inevitable

Thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Cesc: Yet another captain departs…

(Ed’s note – This piece was submitted before the weekend)

As I write, the Cesc deal is going through and so, it seems, is Nasri's move to Man City. Part of me wants to breathe a sigh of relief, as there is an upside to this for three reasons: first, the high fees involved, and, although of course Arsenal do not require £57m (£35m for Cesc and £22Mn for Nasri), they will allow us to put substantial investment in rebalancing the squad over the next few days, not to mention receiving £22m for a player with one year left on his contract. Second, we are selling players who no longer want to be at our great club, and, whatever has or has not occurred this summer, this is Arsenal football club and it is a privilege, not a duty, to play for us. While Cesc's move is understandable, it seems that Nasri, like Adebayor and others before him, has joined the "next big thing" bandwagon. Finally, these are players who have won nothing with the club; by removing those synonymous with failure, perhaps we can move on...

Wenger's project of putting Cesc at the fulcrum of his team has been a failure. Yes, there were great nights: away at Milan in the Champions League springs to mind immediately, but six trophy-less years tell their own story. Of course, Wenger failed to surround Cesc with more capable players, especially in defence, but I would see the Cesc era now almost as a transitional period: moving to the Emirates from Highbury was a financial strain from which the club has emerged. During this phase, Fabregas, Nasri and even Clichy kept us competitive but would always fall short of sustaining the distance. Let us also not forget Fabregas' injury record and those decidedly dodgy hamstrings – perhaps, as Ferguson once pointed out, the warmer Spanish climate will help cure such ailments. However, while Cesc was a great servant to this club and always gave his best for the team and fans, the length and process of this saga has left just a little sour taste in the mouth.

It is another tale of captains of this great club departing, and the record since Tony Adams has been embarrassing. Vieira, Henry, Gallas and Fabregas have all departed within three seasons of leading out the team. One can argue that the role of captain in a football match is not akin to that in other sports such as cricket, but there can be no doubt that the captain is seen as the embodiment of the club, both on the pitch and to fellow club players. It seems that Robin Van Persie is next in line, and please don't call me a cynic to suggest that his name will join the list above when the likes of Real Madrid and Barça come calling next summer.

So who do we purchase with the funds received from our player transactions? This is not an article where I suggest targets via browsing through second-rate gossip columns. However, consider the following: for the past two seasons, we have had between £50m and £60m at our disposal. Added to all of our summer sales this season, the number may stand at close to £120m at least. UK Inflation is now estimated to be at 5%, with no immediate sign of receding. This means that proceeds kept from player sales left in cash will have an eroded purchasing power, or, to put it another way, it will be gradually worth less. Now, also evaluate the rise in transfer fees over the past two seasons exasperated by Chelsea and, to a greater extent, Manchester City: the £60m held on deposit will have less value in the transfer market the more such Petrodollar teams spend excessive amounts on players, which in turn inflates the market further. So, spending the money now rather than waiting must be the only option, especially if we are to remain competitive.

There is much to be happy about though! I have said repeatedly that I am convinced AFC will purchase players before August 31st. I sincerely believe the club knows the feeling amongst fans, and additions to the squad will be made. However, we are now in a position to build our midfield around two of the most promising players in England, Wilshere and Ramsey. While once again we are putting our hopes in the potential of youth, they remain our best hope. Put your faith in them and the next step forward in the history of this club. If you need further things to be happy about, consider the following: no more Almunia, Eboué, Clichy, Bendtner or Denilson!

Did anyone else chuckle during the Charity Shield last week, when - once again - Clichy failed to deal with a bouncing ball. I always felt this was a major weakness in his game and, while De Jong took the blame, watch the goal again and see how our former left-back actually runs away from the ball rather than deal with it. Mark my words: Clichy will not be a first-team regular at City next season and, come summer 2012, he may regret his move, even if Arsenal fans will certainly not!

I am thinking of suggesting Arsène change his name to Arsène Winger. How many wingers do we actually have at the club now following the purchase of Chamberlain. Arshavin, Rosicky, Walcott, Vela, Miyachi (who now has a work permit), Gervinho and Chamberlain? Seven wingers (not counting Nasri)! It is slightly ridiculous, and points to the obvious lack of balance within our wingers and, at the moment, barely one competent central defender. I can understand the apathy amongst fans after the signing of Chamberlain. Why pay almost £15m (based on appearances etc) for a Division Three talent in an area where we have a glut of players, but still haggle for central defenders whoever they may be? Chamberlain may well become an Arsenal legend, and, based upon my limited YouTube viewing of him, he certainly has some talent, but you will forgive me if I question whether the money could have been better spent.

Anybody been watching the Sky Sports best 20 games over the last 20 years? It features a number of great Arsenal moments (and some not-so-great, like Fowler's 4.33 hat-trick or the 4-4 vs. Spurs). I actually become quite sad looking at the likes of Pires, Vieira and Henry. It just reminds me of how great we were, especially at Highbury, where the fans literally breathed down opposition necks. It’s one of the things that we failed to replicate when building the Emirates, as it was truly a unique atmosphere. Game 20 features a certain Brian Clough, a genius in his day who played great football but who then slowly but surely declined and became a wee bit mad. Remind you of anyone?

David Dein was in the papers last week, speaking of unfinished business. David, your role when you worked with Wenger, and the way you steered the transfer market, have been greatly missed. While it is not the dominant factor in our recent decline, his exit surely must be considered as a reason, however small.

So, Newcastle away on Saturday and a chance to extinguish some bad memories from last season. They are a team who have lost a number of players but the first day can be very unpredictable. A win is vital, considering how tough August is for us. Will we be regretting our slip to fourth spot last season? Put short, by next Tuesday - if all does not go well - the fans may start to turn on the club, especially if signings are still not in sight.

Where do you think we will finish this season? As our current squad stands - i.e. no more signings, and with Nasri and Cesc departing, I believe we will struggle for fifth. While the future is Ramsey and Wilshere, they lack experience to bring success in the short term, while an inevitable injury to RVP, Vermaelen or even Sagna and Song, and we may struggle. The next few days will be crucial: I really hope that next week's post is on the whole more positive than negative, as AFC lies at a crossroads - become a breeding ground for young players who will move on, or rebuild and challenge once more. Wenger, Gazidis, Kroenke, over to you, sirs!

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  1. Abu

    Aug 16, 2011, 11:15 #11292

    Being a die-hard Arsenal fan, it has been really disappointing to see the state of affairs this transfer season. AW talks about quality, was he mentioning about Squillaci?? The team has faltered whenever this guy has come on the pitch, without fail!! With a heavy heart i am predicting, that we will be out of the C-League tonight and will not end up above 7th. With Cesc gone, all hopes are over now and i am resigned to the dismal Gunner's fate, this season will bring.

  2. fozzy's mate

    Aug 16, 2011, 8:41 #11268

    Not confident re the signings after wenger yesterday saying we have quality in Jenkinson, myachi and Joel Campbell. He says they will play a big part this season. Who is he trying to kid? When our quality signings are a guy who has played 10 games for Charlton and a few games in Costa Rica it shows the level we are looking at. Plus we have been turned over in the Cesc deal 25 million upfront for a player who has his international pedigree is pathetic when he had 4 years left. But the jokers running our club my particular nemesis Hill Wood and Gazidis will consider it a great deal while silent Stan counts the cash. My only hope is that this crazy policy of stuffing the club with cash and ignoring the team will lead to the share price escalating so high that he sells to the Usmanov who has so much dough (reportedly much more than Abramovich) and has said he will weigh in. The signings made have astounded me in how low level they are and the fact that wenger announces Gervinho as a great player after 1 good season in the French league. Let's hope he is great for us but such pronouncements say it all as how low Wengers level of greatness has dropped. A miracle is needed, can Arsene really mould this rag tag outfit back to greatness?

  3. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 16, 2011, 0:41 #11265

    If we don't go through against Udinase then all will be revealed as the Board will have lost a shed load of money by being knocked out and suddenly players will not come because Arsenal cannot offer European Cup football . The downward spiral will begin and it will hit the Board where it hurts - that's whenbyou will see change. Suggest a big banner is made for the Silent One and unfurled at home matches 'GO HOME YANK' By the way I really don't know why anyone expected Gazidis to be anything but a politician. Look at his CV - trained in law and his big job before joining Arsenal was in 'strategy' - that's a real go getter then! A South African with no bollocks - almost an oxymoron!

  4. chrisy boy

    Aug 15, 2011, 22:27 #11262

    yes cesc as gone, but no i dont wish him all the best and thank him, he was never injured at the end of last season,That was just another lie coming from inside the club , just like the lies made to us when we moved into the emirates, like the lies made to us about this transfer window, like the lies wenger made in fridays press conference. A message to stan, ivan and wenger , stop trying to insult us real fans with broken promises and more lies because in the end fan power will be the winner you have been warned !!!

  5. Brigham

    Aug 15, 2011, 22:03 #11261

    For me, today has been a very sad day as a Gooner as is has been the day we said Adios to our one true great in the current squad. I actually feel as though I have lost a close family member today, it really does make me feel that sad. I wish Cesc all the best and I thank you for the great memories you have left me with. I just wish you could have won the Premiership with us, you deserved to.

  6. the stoat

    Aug 15, 2011, 20:32 #11260

    today is a great and sad day rolled into sons birthday and the day we as club have let down another great footballer in cesc.if the mad french man had backed cesc with some GOOD footballers rather then the average crap that mr wenger keeps telling us has mental strength and won something he may have stayed?i think after the game last year wenger said we will learn from this!and i do believe he came out with the same crap after this game,so what have we learnt arsen F**K ALL.[we don't have the squad to beat a very poor side]as for us finishing in the top 4 i just cant see it,dare i say that the dirt down the road may finish above us, so be prepared for a long hard season if wenger does not strengthen the glass is always half empty not half full so maybe the god that is arsen will prove me wrong i hope so.come on you gooners!

  7. Dan h

    Aug 15, 2011, 18:51 #11258

    Well all summer we have waited for the 'super quality' signings to come in & improve us.We are already into a new season the required signings have not arrived me as well as many others are not surprised.I agree with comments comparing us to Ajax produce young players move them on for profit & the cycle begins.No real investment in the squad only through transfers generated & the squad is woefully thin the bench at Newcastle was the weakest in recent memory.For the hardcore away support to voice frustration after 1 game tells you all you need to know what real ambition have we honestly shown it's a joke.

  8. Unbeaten 03/04

    Aug 15, 2011, 18:29 #11256

    Where's Gazidis comments saying that we will spend!!! I watched the Man U game and for me they got their money back from Young. Call it own goal or lucky but it went in! You can see the guy gave all for the team and he was bought months ago! Why the board so F*****g arrogant and for once let's try Man U's style of buying. Where's the 40M, not spent? I would like to see where the fabregas money or Nasri go? I bet you in the boards pocket. On top of that they want the Fans support?!!! The board are definitely taking a piss out of us, that's for sure!!!

  9. The Ghost of Tommy Caton

    Aug 15, 2011, 17:35 #11253

    AFC have become the new Ajax. Once competitive on the world stage, but now a feeder club for those with bigger wallets and possibly more ambition? On the basis that we pay the most inflated ticket prices on the planet, the disdain with which the board treat their paying customers is lamentable. According to Hill 'The peasants are revolting' Wood we should not have a voice. Gazidis voiced that this was going to be a very busy summer. I didn't realise that he meant he was painting his kitchen. I'm not advocating that Wenger gets the sack mainly because we can't trust them not to employ someone of the ilk of Steve MaClaren or Sven. All of this uncertainty and lack of decision making has had a knock on affect to the playing staff. The performance at the Geordies was abject and they are a poor side. I appreciate that we don't have bottomless pit of cash, but quality additions who can perform this season need to arrive soon. We need to get people who support Arsenal and understand what that means at the helm. Arsene, up the dosage of your medicine and make a full recovery. please do not take us back to the Hawley, Hankin and Howard days.

  10. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Aug 15, 2011, 17:30 #11252

    Agree with Mark. Also the board have decided to completely destroy the core support and bring in a load of plums with no clue of Arsenal's rich history. Shame.

  11. Ron

    Aug 15, 2011, 17:12 #11250

    Quite right where you say that the 'Cesc era was transitional' In many ways all of the players at the Club since the move have been just passing through and keeping places warm for better players. My fear is that what Wenger has done and how he has worked under the natural limitations imposed upon him in this period has changed his philosophy on the way Clubs are managed ie he seems to have embraced frugality to a degree that was never meant to be when we left Highbury. Its become akin to a 'crusade' for him and in my view has damaged him. Hes now impervious to any other view and is in his own mind omnicompetent, a bit like a tyrant of a banana republic.Its this that tells me that his work is nearly done. Hes done it well too, lets not forget. Top 4 each season and pushed for titles and Cups too, albeit only to fail at the last hurdle. A new man and a new fresher, unscarred and unhindered mentality is now required. Its no slight on Mr Wenger to say it. Nothing lasts and his reign has been excellent. I think he ll go next Summer, whatever this season brings and my guess is that Arsenal may even already know whos taking his place as will Mr Wenger.

  12. Clueless

    Aug 15, 2011, 16:58 #11249

    David Dein, with Usmanov in tow, is the only chance this club has if there can be a way back for him. Hill Woods are an utter disaster, not football people and need to be sent packing. Kroenke the new owner got the club off of the Hill Woods because he told them ''as long as you keep Wenger, you will make money year in year out'' and the yank liked the sound of that. Now it will be the fans that suffer because it will all be about ''buy em young and cheap, train em up and sell em on at a profit !'' and it will not be about trophies. would be nice if all gooners would please wake up to this...

  13. Alan

    Aug 15, 2011, 16:41 #11248

    Re your comment on David Dean I could not agree with you more I for one would like to see him back at the club and perhaps Gazidis could become an MP because he is great at not answering questions.

  14. The Noise

    Aug 15, 2011, 16:39 #11247

    It's been 'over to you' for 3 months and they've done diddly squat! Hope you are all bracing yourself for Thursday night footie next season Goons... IF WE'RE LUCKY!

  15. Mark

    Aug 15, 2011, 16:09 #11244

    got the building/design of Emirates wrong. got the sponsorship deal wrong. literally accepted AW was a demi god who could do no wrong - got that wrong. got the financial planning wrong. you are far too kind - AFC board royally screwed up and now we will all pay the consequences