Fortune doesn’t favour the brave

Online Ed: Udinese undeserved losers in North London

Fortune doesn’t favour the brave

Something missing?

In terms of chances, in my view Udinese deserved to have beaten Arsenal last night. The home side had about three excellent chances to increase their early lead, but wave upon wave of attacks from the Italian side fashioned even more. Szczesny had a great game and kept his team in the tie. What a difference a quality goalkeeper makes to a side.

As for what was in front of him, this was particularly alarming. The first half saw the first choice defence out there and the only defensive change in front of them was Aaron Ramsey playing alongside Alex Song instead of Jack Wilshere. Arsene Wenger was watching from the directors’ box. If he is serious that he will only bring in players that will improve the quality of what he already has, all I can conclude from this display is that he has plenty to choose from before August is out.

For a European tie with the stakes as high as this one, it was critical that – at home – Arsenal controlled this game. They did anything but. Worse still, the team selection hampered Arsenal’s chances. Chamakh was totally invisible while Bendtner warmed the bench. The Moroccan striker’s form shows no sign of improving and – if Bendtner is sold – one assumes that Joel Campbell will be the replacement when Van Persie inevitably gets injured. But remember, the manager will only buy if he can improve on what he already has. And if he can’t improve on Marouane Chamakh, then we are in serious trouble. Maybe Campbell will set the Premier League on fire. He will certainly get the opportunity given the new captain’s injury record.

Arsenal got lucky, and in cups, sometimes, that is what is needed. The club’s last trophy owed a fair amount to fortune. On paper 1-0 looks like the scoreline of a typically tight European encounter, but this was anything but. Udinese cut through Arsenal’s ranks with so much ease that the club have to act now with the remainder of the season in mind. Of course it will be too late for the second leg, but Arsenal are well capable of netting one in Italy, and that will at least make life trickier for their opponents. For me, the tie is very much in the balance, although the Highbury Spy informed me that 80% of teams that win the first leg in Europe 1-0 ultimately go through. Here’s hoping. Can you imagine if we played Barcelona with that line-up?

Of course, you could argue that the second half saw two injuries and subsequent re-shuffles to the back line, but the chances fashioned came both sides of the interval.

I was emailed something which had been posted on facebook (by a Norman Lin) after the game, and it’s an interesting conversation point to relay. I’ve tidied up the grammar a little, but he wrote –

A Japanese channel started covering the game 15 minutes before kickoff and they showed Arsene Wenger taking his seat next to Ivan Gazidis just before kick off. The two did not seem to have good chemistry. For quite a while after they were seated they weren't even talking... and AW was actually leaning away from IG. It wasn't until Boro Primorac came and IG moved along a seat to allow BP to be seated next to AW that the latter started talking again. So who is upset with who now? Does the body language suggest all is not well on the transfer/negotiations front....

Food for thought, but then again, you’d expect Wenger to discuss the match with his assistant coach, but not necessarily the CEO. So I would not read too much into this, although I have no doubt that both the manager and Gazidis are all too well aware that money needs to be spent. The question is whether or not they will manage to screw up the negotiations or not. One thing last night confirmed is that the back-up boys are not up to the job and some of the first choicers – such as Song, Koscielny and Walcott (in spite of his goal) – are not of the quality required if Arsenal have serious aspirations of challenging in the league.

Robin van Persie will have a year left on his contract next summer. Vermaelen to write the captain’s column this time next year? Arsenal, going into 2011/12 are weaker than they were a year ago look like a team in decline. That the match failed to sell out and many season ticket holders did not bother to attend should tell the board that what’s needed is substantial change in personnel both on and off the field. I do not like to make conclusions from one match, but given the importance of this one, Arsenal were wretched. The team visit Old Trafford on Sunday week. This may be Arsene Wenger’s final season, but that will not be his final game. Granted, the team have kept two clean sheets, but if you watched last night’s match, can you honestly believe that is the shape of things to come?

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  1. overspill gooner

    Aug 18, 2011, 17:58 #11427

    I take it Lordylordy had his rose tinted glasses on for the Udinese game ?

  2. Paul Wade

    Aug 18, 2011, 13:08 #11410

    This was the most depressing performance by the worst Arsenal team since Wenger took over.I was watching the game with my daughter and asked her how many fundamentally top class players were on the pitch playing for Arsenal.Separately we both came up with the answer -two.And they were Vermaelen and Song.Maybe even that was generous.Wake up Mr Wenger you have much to do-everywhere in the team.Jack Wilshere will not solve all of your problems.

  3. TheRussianAussie

    Aug 18, 2011, 7:27 #11390

    At times we made Udinese look like Barcelona out there.

  4. Brigham

    Aug 17, 2011, 22:00 #11387

    @ Lordylordy, I am not sure what game you watched last night and I can only assume you had Sky Sports 2 on. Tell you what, next time, leave the red button alone and you will be able to see the right game. You are more clueless than Wenger. Walcott did next to nothing aside from his goal and missed two very good chances, as he does a lot. As for Song, he has turned the clock back to Fulham circa November 2008. Still, I doubt you were there that night eh?

  5. simon

    Aug 17, 2011, 21:45 #11386

    well i actually enjoyed last night! We won (FFS) and kept a clean sheet and the players on the pitch bar the number 9 i thought did well and played with heart. I thought the crowd could have done more second half but weren't too bad so i was pleased and a bit relieved. i think we fans need to stand back from this media maelstrom and tidal wave of illfeeling towards our manager and players as its not as bad as they'd have you think and we can do our bit to help honest passionate young players like ramsey, frimpong, gibbs, szcheny etc by getting behind them. Lets be honest about last year. Fabregas was anonymous in all bar two or three games and certainly didn't grab our team with his passionate leadership (remember the spurs game), nasri was a shadow of the player he was pre xmas and denilson, eboue and bendtner were on every gooners get lost list. In all honesty, those wanting to see passion on the pitch again can hardly despair at the changes. sure we can be aggreived at how long they took, at why nasri went cold on us and at why arsene hasn't lined up replacements but i think we all need to get real. lining up replacements ain't easy, certainly when its not sure the players they'll replace will actually go and change on such a scale is bound to take time but the key thing is arsene has made change and big change too, abandoning nearly all his pets and picking at least a few with heart so please guys can we support the players we do have especially when they are clearly giving their all.

  6. GoonerRon

    Aug 17, 2011, 21:17 #11383

    D - how can you say Walcott hasn't improved in 5 years? I know some fans are more blinkered than others but that is utter crap. Anyone can see that his finishing has improved significantly.

  7. Petrovic

    Aug 17, 2011, 20:54 #11381

    Dont know what the Joey Barton fuss is all about. He has all the disciplinary attributes that Wenger has condoned in his time at the club. He would be perfect.

  8. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 17, 2011, 20:31 #11380

    So the great Arsene who is now questioning our support for the players says he will only buy players with more quality than the current squad. Is he seriously saying Cahill is not quality and better than all but Vermaelen in his defenders? Oh, and were Kos and Squelchy great quality improvements last summer! I smell and it's because the club cannot admit ( financial suicide) to being broke for years to come until the ground debt is paid off and we do not have a Board that wants to put their own money into the club. They bought shares like others in the real world to make money on dividends. Admit they are broke, share price plummets, players do not want to join ( even less than they do at this time) downward spiral. Watch the Board react when we are out of Europe and in the bottom 5 at the end of Sept cos that's when their pocket is threatened - not a nice little earner anymore. I have tried to support Wenger in this difficult time but he is treating us like idiots. Respect for Nasri and co, how about respect for the fans that pay their wages and support through thick and thin?

  9. johnnyh

    Aug 17, 2011, 20:24 #11379

    totally agree kevin,if we had lost by two clear goals we could have had no complaints. the ease with which an average team like udinese ripped through our defence was truly for chamakh words fail me,i have never seen a centre forward so poor in his attempts to hold on to the ball. i for one am dreading our trip to old trafford in a few weeks as i fear an absolute has changed since wenger arrived and trophies can no longer be won on the cheap. there is too much competition and too much quality in other teams. i think wenger has run his course with arsenal and it is time for a younger person with modern ideas. he should go now before we let him buy more rubbish like squillaci or chamakh.

  10. lordylordy

    Aug 17, 2011, 20:16 #11377

    Is this article about whining and being a martyr? Who whines about winning a champions league tie with a clean sheet? How many teams want that problem? Also any one that assumes that Robin will be hurt for long stretches is obviously a huge pessimist. That should have been my first sign. BUT LORD ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!??! Walcott and Song are not of the proper quality?!?!?!!?!?!? You have to be kidding me. Seriously I can't believe your an Arsenal supporter because any one who honestly believes that can't be watching the same games I am or make those judgements.

  11. Overspill Gooner

    Aug 17, 2011, 20:00 #11376

    how can dumdumdum say Walcott had a great game. His goal was good, but the next chance he had was more like the boy usually produces, terrible. He had three good chances, scored one, totally screwed up the second with a terribly hurried and unconvincing shot and the third one was a weak shot to the wrong side of the keeper. He is simply not of a high enough quality for us to get back to where we used to be, a typical Arsene player. I agree that after watching the game last night Udinese were unlucky. I really fear as to where Wenger is taking us. He has not replaced the world class players we have had over the last ten years, if he had replaced the likes of Vieira, Henry and Cambell as they were leaving the club we would not now be watching a very average, very lightweight team as we are now. What happens if we get knocked out next week ? On a plus point his statement of only buying players better than we have should make it easy to spend some money during the transfer window. Considering we had our first choice back five playing and only Wilshere missing in midfield, we looked totally disjointed and clueless as to how to defend or deal with what was a totally average team against us. We have played qualifying games for the champ league on more than one occasion, Wenger does not mention these pre qualifying games when stating our great record on qualifying for the last 13 years, do you think a team from a few years ago would have struggled like we did last night ?

  12. Objective

    Aug 17, 2011, 18:57 #11375

    pssst. Kev. We won! "Udinese deserved to have beaten Arsenal", is not only grammatically suspect, but a weird sentiment coming from a gooner. I'll bet that if Arsenal end up losing 1-0 to any side they outplay this season you'll be hammering them for not taking their chances.

  13. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 17, 2011, 18:40 #11373

    The players have not been given a chance to show what they can do under a proper coach and manager. Muttering under one's breath that players ought to run around a bit and pass the ball in an existentialist manner doth not a confident team make. The players and the press have lost confidence, and so have the fans. We now have the japanese coverage of body language. If Wenger is not talking to him, it may be because Gazidis is trying to bring the manager into the real world, as opposed to the planet Wenger, where everything is marvellous. The huge boost in confidence that will ensue from the appointment of almost any half competent coach and manager cannot be over estimated. These young men need direction and guidance. Whether the board really are only interested in money or not, AW must be dismissed before we go out of the Champions League and the transfer window closes, not afterwards. If they can't summon the gumption to do it, then I am sure that there are many of us who would be happy to volunteer for the task. "you're fired and these nice men will be escorting you from the building". Only if you want to shout a lot after watching your beloved football team be turned from one of the giants of english football into an embarrassment would one need to say anything more.

  14. D

    Aug 17, 2011, 18:24 #11372

    Howard - Walcott has not improved in 5 years. the boy just does not have what it takes. The miss controls, bad passes, runs and leaves the ball behind too manytimes, another one on one with a keeper missed something that Walcott does to often. As for his goal he could not miss from 2 yards could he?

  15. HowardL

    Aug 17, 2011, 18:06 #11371

    "Walcott done all his best work in first 5 mins, nothing after that." ...apart from 2 good runs which almost produced another goal. D - I'll give you that Theo is not quite back to full speed but obviously you just can't please some people!

  16. D

    Aug 17, 2011, 17:43 #11368

    Walcott done all his best work in first 5 mins, nothing after that. It's the same every time he plays. Move him on, would not miss him (Walcott) and those point less runs.

  17. GoonerRon

    Aug 17, 2011, 17:31 #11367

    A reasonable summary of the game, albeit with your usual douse of pessimism. As far Szez keeping us in the tie, I can remember him making the one-on-one save and one from a free kick but other than that not much else to do. They way some people talk you'd think he's made save after save for 90 minutes.

  18. Taner

    Aug 17, 2011, 17:28 #11365

    The last two times I have seen Wenger interviewed, he has made a point of outlining that he alone is not responsible for transfer dealings. This is the closest I have seen him come to pointing out that he is not being helped by certain members of the board.

  19. Brigham

    Aug 17, 2011, 16:56 #11363

    For me, last night was an insight into what we can expect this for the rest of this season. We were woeful in all areas, except for our keeper, who kept us in this tie without any doubt. Chamakh is clueless up front and I counted him making at least seven misplaced passes alone, he does not shoot and does not bring any other players into the game - get rid! Walcott needs to play through the centre, Song needs dropping (Quite literally at times) and Gibbs was like a little lamb lost. This was against a Udinese team who can probably be compared to the likes of Bolton or Aston Villa in the skill stakes, yet they caused no end of problems and we were lucky to come away with a 1-0 win, be in doubt about it. I fear more and more for our season as I watch each game and a peformance like last nights on Saturday and the bin dippers will maul us.

  20. au revoir wenger

    Aug 17, 2011, 15:55 #11362

    this is wengers worst ever Arsenal team.Idont see the board giving him any money now they know the fans and players no longer believe in him a change of manager is on the cards

  21. GunnerZim

    Aug 17, 2011, 15:01 #11359

    Its insulting to us readers when you call a Moroccan player French! Get you nationalities right please.

  22. SLG

    Aug 17, 2011, 14:24 #11351

    As Sparksy alluded to, if we could only finish fourth with our two best creative players playing last season, what the hell is going to happen this season without them. Worrying times ahead! how could wenger let things get so bad?

  23. Ugly Goon

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:47 #11348

    I never thought I'd be so disillusioned watching the game. I actually felt awful. Not just because of the performance but for the sickening pressure that AW is putting on these players. Frimpong and Jenkinson will be good players, however, to blood them in a game of this importance is nigh-on neglectful. This was in no way an occasion to use these players and there is only him to blame. I also feel that there will be very little money spent to add to the squad. If we get Dann (the cheapest of all options) then I'll be surprised and I'm convinced there will be no additions in midfield. If we look at how long Arshavin and Gervinho took to join us (and they really wanted to!) then we have no chance of getting any first-team ready players in 14 days. This money will then disappear by January and the club will continue to be the textbook example of how to run itself as a business model whilst doing it's best to alienate the senior players in the squad. If we feel bad, how does RVP feel? Played with some of the best in Premiership history and now has to rely on players who have not played regular Premiership football for 2 seasons? Apologies for the rant, but it feels like I have been making excuses for an alcoholic child. They are totally compelled to behave in a certain manner, then they say they will reform and learn from their mistakes... and do exactly the same thing. Is it time for the Goons to enforce cold turkey?

  24. steve the gooner

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:39 #11346

    What summed it up for me was seeing Gibbs a few yards away from Sagna on the right wing during one attack. players The team has no organisation at all and the above said it all for me. If one full back goes forward the other stays in defence full stop. Its not difficult is it, but it happens every time. Its obvious to all us Gooners who watch every game so its no surprise that the oposition preys on our weakness every time. Get some organisation Arsene its so simple!

  25. Dan h

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:19 #11344

    Chamakh was woefull so slow & his touch is awfull as for the midfield they were pulled all over the place.The squad is unbelievably thin.The lack of signings imo must be linked to CL progress there can be no other logical reason.We need at least 3 decent quality signings or this season really will fall apart quickly.I just hope Wilshere can come back quickly massive hole in the midfield .Looks like a 19 year old will be asked to become our midfield general been there before with a recently departed spanish player not right or fair imo.Szczesny had another fine game commanding & vocal made a couple of important stops looks like he may get a lot to do this season.

  26. CD

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:13 #11342

    Not feeling very hopeful re our next three games, and if our worst fears are realized then Europa football on Thursdays awaits, in addition to being in the bottom three come Sunday week with one point. How on earth can Wenger watch our opening two games (despite not losing either) and not realize he needs to act today, not tommorow or the day after, but NOW. As I have mentioned previously words like stubborn, deluded and blind in any future dictionary should simply have the name Wenger next to it, and everybody will instantly understand the definition. We are all pulling our collective hair out because it's so incredibly obvious what needs addressing, but still Wenger dithers or worse still believes we don't have a problem and refuses to budge from his flawed youth project. Re the possible cold relationship between Gazidis and Wenger it would make sense as surely Gazidis whatever else we may think of him is no fool, and knows the s**t will hit the fan in mighty dollops come Sunday week if our worst fears become reality, and I wonder if he is as exasperated as we are with Wenger's blind deluded penny pinching stubborness.

  27. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:11 #11341

    Hand on heart, I genuinely think Walcott needs to be played up front. I really do. He was pony on the wing as he always has been and over the last couple of years has shown real composure in front of goal (I know he fluffed up once last night, but generally he is good in front of goal, much better then his crossing anyway). What the hell is Wenger doing keeping him on the wing when he is the closest we have to anyone being remotely like Henry. If he has bought pace to the team via Oxo cube Chamberpot and the Japanese geezer then he needs to start exploiting Theo's potential before he gets sold to Villa. I thought that's what he wanted to do when he bought him. Wenger just does the opposite of everything that is obvious. Along with that, he needs at least 2 defenders now (considering the injuries) and a creative midfielder obviously. He gets those players then maybe we might, just might do something / do anything this season. Otherwise this season is ****ed this team and potentially the club is ****ed for the next few years.

  28. Gee

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:07 #11339

    Just some quick calculations on what money we have. The swiss ramble blog analysed the accounts and came up with £50m transfer kitty to spend. This was based on very logical and careful analysis. If you take this and be ultra conservative, by trimming to £35m, let's assume that is the available budget before any sales. The sales thus far are Cesc £25m, Clichy £7m, Eboue £3m, JET £1.1m. This sub totals £36.6m added to the conservative £35m opening gives £71.6m to spend. So far he has spent £11m on Gervinho, £7m up front on Oxlade, £1m on Jenkinson, £1m on Campbell. This subtotals £20m, thus giving £51.6m left to spend. Factor in the wages that the ins and outs are on, coupled with Vela and denilson wages being paid by loan clubs - which is happening despite people claiming we are paying it. I calculate this at around £250k per week cost reduction, again a very conservative estimate. This is before we consider the £20m transfer of Nasri and wage reductio of this £40k a week minimum. so all in all we'll end up with a budget of £70m remaining and approx £300k a week cost reduction to wages to play with after nasri sale. As I say this is all pretty conservative estimations as it is more likely to be £90m budget and £500k a week cost reduction. If the bloke fails to get at least 1 top CB, 2 top CM's and a striker he has failed. Or indeed a mixture of these 4 players with a minimum of 1 in each position. I'd advocate Cahill £15m, Jagielka £15m, Hazard £25m, Benzema/Higuian £25m. This is £80m with probable change to spare and the wages to cover all of this. Szczesny Sagna Cahill Jagielka Vermaelen Gervinho Wilshere Ramsey Hazard VP Higuain/Benzema

  29. Oliver Chessis

    Aug 17, 2011, 13:05 #11338

    I don't think it was too bad for a game so early in the season. The goalie and defence are there to do a job, which they did. Yes it got scrappy in our box and times, but the ball was cleared. And I mean wellied, which is an improvement on trying to play it out. I would agree though that the midfield was cut through too easily, but Song has always chased the ball rather than followed his man. For me it is him we should be looking to replace, be it with Djourou or Frimpong, or even a new signing. We cannot expect to dominate every game. On the whole, I can only think of the free kick and one on one that Szczesny had to deal with.

  30. Andreas

    Aug 17, 2011, 12:57 #11335

    Ed, think that is a bit too negative. We had the better of the first half and i thought Theo was our most dangerous forward. He had 3 clear chances, scored one, totally fluffed the second and great save by Handanovic on the third. Defensively we looked vunerable when Djourou came on, it was a blessing he got injured and TV5 was put back in the middle. 1st half Kos and TV5 played like a proper CB pairing and although Jenkinson had a very nervy start, he cleared it when in the box and didn't try to pass his way out, which I thought was refreshing. Song has still not learned the discipline needed for his role and he left us vunerable, that needs addressing. Going to the game with low expectations, left pleasantly surprised. I still cannot understand how we never have 2 players in the box when we play 3 up front. We Cesc gone, 442 is the system we need to revert to.

  31. sparksy

    Aug 17, 2011, 12:47 #11334

    A decent European result, a win and a clean sheet. However, that only papers over the huge cracks. I think Udinese were very wary of us at first but when they realised we were not as goog as they thought, they grew into teh game and should have won comfortably. They cut through us so mant times and we can only thank Chesney for keeping us in the tie. A Premier League side would have taken us apart. We all know the issues. We needed big investment before Fabregas (and Nasri?) left. Now they've gone we need a whole lot more. I just understand how he can say he has such a big squad when it is glaringly obvious it is very thin and weak. Very worrying times.

  32. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 17, 2011, 12:20 #11330

    Don't know why anyone is remotley suprised by another insipid, flat performance from some very average players that think they are world beaters. I actually felt sorry for Gibbs as his positional play is so bad that he has obviously never been taught how to play LB. What is the point in Song? If he's supposed to be playing a holding role then well!!! he is absolutly all over the place and not in a good way. When our centre halfs came out of the back four with the ball all three of our midfielders tried to join in the attack, not one thought to sit in. Basics. Kos is a time bomb waiting to happen but the defensive ethic as a team is the problem no matter who we buy (yeah right) at the back. Gazidis might be in a better position place than Wenger to judge our players as he has no emotional baggage tied up in Arsenal as he's not a fan or ex player and hasn't invested a considerable amount of his life building this team of dross like Wenger has. We now have basically one forward at the club and he's made of glass!! I keep thinking that we were missing a lot of players last night but apart from Jack & RVP (who will miss alot of the seaosn anyway) we're not, thats it. Two top class players don't get me wrong but not enough to sort that lot out.

  33. shane

    Aug 17, 2011, 12:15 #11329

    instead of strengthening the squad as promised, it has actually been significantly weakened.we need a left back,cb, at least two midfielders(who are not likely to be as good as fab and nasri)and a back up for rvp.last night's squad was the most threadbare i've seen in the wenger period.something is badly wrong somewhere, either at board level or wenger himself.

  34. ed enough

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:59 #11328

    Unreal.....Walcott is suddenly the best thing since sliced bread....despite the fact he missed a sitter towards the end which would have unfairly or not, put us into the group stage...The boy still has much to learn and he needs to toughen up as he spent most of the second half on the floor moaning at the officals...sorry, but the season will be over by sunday week and you all better get to grips with this FACT!!!

  35. .Danny

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:56 #11327

    The midfield was an absolute shambles.Song Rosicky and Ramsey were clueless.How is Rosicky getting picked,he hasnt had a good game since 2007.What made Cesc a truly great player was ability to make a pass out of nothing.These three couldnt pass water.Everyone has been banging on about buying a CB but in midfield we need a destroyer and a creater.I know a lot hate Barton but for free he has to be worth a gamble and dont tell me Song is better than him.As for upfront when not if RVP gets injured we are f****d.Chamakh brought back memories of Lee Champman in an Arsenal shirt,Bender is off as is Vela.The only reason we are still in the tie is because of Szczesny but look who is back up if he gets injured.Depressing stuff.Next 3 games 3 defeats methinks

  36. Spectrum

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:55 #11326

    Jon Toral Harper Hector Bellerin Serge Gnabry Carl Jenkinson Gervinho Oxlade-Chamberlain Joel Campbell Seven new players in. And six of them are under 19 years old. What does that tell us ? We have 100 million to spend, but Wenger intends to continue with the failed Project Youth. And you really thought he'd change ? " In Arsene we rust."

  37. Unbeaten 03/04

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:52 #11325

    Nice article, bu tI don't think we can even make anything with that line up come Liverpool or Man U. They will cut through us like paper!! Now it's panicking time to buy a player quickly!! Or not! I hope Arsene or Arsenal read your article but I guess is they don't even know this website existed!!!

  38. Viking

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:43 #11324

    Chamakh was simply awful. The guy has zero pace, I've yet to see some skill where he beats a defender and gets on the end of a ball and smashes it home convincingly. He just doesn't inspire me with confidence. They cut through us so many times last night, we got of jail. Second leg will be tough. We got lucky when Djourou got injured, he did make one good tackle, but he looked shaky too. Kosielny looked assured, however he has the ability to make a mistake during the game and gifted the Italians with a decent chance during the 2nd half. And our keeper is going to be great, but why when he is preparing to take a free kick does he insist on leaving some much space on one side of his goal. Surely he should position himself more centrally? Ramsey played well, couple of good key passed, one crucial for the goal too, with better players around him and more games under his belt he will come good. We need Jack back asap! Nice one Wenger, shipping out Bartley, we now have the thought of Seb as our 3rd choice centre back......!

  39. Cam

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:43 #11323

    you could argue that a draw would have been a fair result - although they did not receive any refereeing injustices, early game injuries etc. The thing is we get a decent result in Europe and some of our fans say how "lucky" we are (very mild sort of luck if you ask me - could well have been 2-0 and good night at then end) And yet how many time in the past seasons have we hammered teams for 90mins in terms of possession, shots, chances, bad refereeing decisions going against us. Too many to count. Funny how when we do that in the eys of these same fans its not that we are unlucky, but rather that the team/Wenger is crap. Wenger is berated for saying we had a bit of bad luck. Yet when WE finally get a little break (eg the freekick againt the bar last night) so many fans and media point to our amazing "luck" rather than praise the team they profess to support. You cant have it both ways. You ask me a win is a win and a loss is a loss. Like many, I dont like hearing excuses frim Wenger when we lose but I don't like hearing others whinging about good luck when we win either.

  40. Paulyt33

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:40 #11322

    I'm v worried , we were v lucky last nite and i can't see us progressing and also our squad just looks so weak we need 4 good solid players ..

  41. Jeff

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:35 #11321

    I thought that, goal apart, Walcott had the same game he has had many times. He is an average footballer with blistering pace but showed several times that he lacks composure. For me he is not good enough for Arsenal. Having said that I think h is the least of our problems which run very deep. Deeply worrying times I'd say.

  42. non-smoking gun!

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:22 #11320

    This side looks so far short of what is going to be needed in the upcoming campaign it is really hard to see how the possible signings being bandied about the press can help? It is obvious to all that what we need is steel, grit and leadership! not another lightweight attacking midfielder! Some may laugh but I think we could do alot worse than Joey Barton!! no wait hear me out... I know as well as you that he is an idiot, but with him scaring the **** out of the flakey side we are curently putting out at least we might go down with a fight!!! Oh yeah and he's free Wenger!!!

  43. Mark

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:21 #11319

    all is not well all over the place Kevin this is very clear. AW said in many press conferences that he didnt know what was going on. maybe he really didnt. maybe the board and the yank are putting their foot down as they see a chance to make £60-70m this year and pay off most of the company's debt. the company then becomes worth a £1BN when the yank bought in at £750k about so they will all be happy. football did i hear you say ?? that is secondary at arsenal today dont you all now get it ? for Arsenals future see Aston Villa..

  44. Teddy Bass

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:15 #11318

    The usual doom and gloom from Kevin...Got to say he's right on most accounts though.Please .please,pleaseget some experienced players in to bolster things up Arsene.

  45. dumdumdum

    Aug 17, 2011, 11:11 #11317

    Walcott had a great game- even if he hadnt scored. He's coming back from injury and his blistering pace is pretty effective to say the least- most experts agree with me x

  46. Sammy Mooner

    Feb 10, 2011, 10:49 #2233

    Spot on Simon. Good to see also that the AMG's are still able to rant and talk out of their arses at the same time. Neat trick lads.

  47. Gooner13

    Feb 10, 2011, 7:52 #2231

    Barca have said any deal is off for now. Their president says they can't afford it right now. I think Cesc will only leave for Barca and I'm sure they will comeback sooner or later for him. When it happens he WILL go. As Tommy Gooner points out our squad contains too many below par players who end up playing more than they should mostly due to the fact our key man get injured so often and so easily. I also struggle to see us winning many League or CL titles in the near future. i.e at least 3 league titles in 5 seasons.

  48. Tommy Gooner

    Feb 09, 2011, 12:41 #2200

    Why the fuck would he stay.With a manager who wont buy quality.To play along side Denilshit and Diaby.When he can join the best club in the world.Belive it or not he wants to win trophies and like Henry he aint going to win the CL with us

  49. chris dee

    Feb 09, 2011, 10:17 #2195

    Right now I don't give a crap about the future of Cesc,Arsene,Bendtner,Arshavin or the tea lady. Right now the only thing that matters is that we win something this year ,the rest will sort itself out in the summer when during the summer break with no football being played, we will have acres of newspaper talk about transfers. Lets get this straight, if we can't win the Carling Cup this year ,then there is a serious flaw running through the club. We suspect it ,cause the frightened rabbit surrender shown by the team in the Newcastle match has been seen many times in the last few years. The future of Captain Cesc,who did not exactly rally his troops against Newcastle when the shit hit the fan,can wait until the summer.