A View from West Africa

Nigerian Gooner writes

A View from West Africa

Xavi: Barça are well covered for the future

You will pardon me if, at the end of this piece, it seems that I have no clear direction; confused at the end of the day, you might say, but isn't that the state most Arsenal fans are in today?

I have been an Arsenal fan since 1999, which was about the year when every match in the Premier League was beamed to these parts, and the major attraction of Arsenal was the team’s willingness to play football and the fact that our dearly beloved Kanu was in it. Kanu left, but I have remained. AW knows how football should be played. Good vision, magnificent passes, fantastic movement, excellent teamwork above individualistic plays: you name it and that was Arsenal. The Invincibles season highlighted what you could achieve with such style, and what a season that was! Almighty Manchester tried it last season, only to be brought to earth by the team at the bottom of the table. I mention all this to praise AW and to let him know that, indeed, he has brought sheer joy and delight to us as fans, and he is almost indispensible. In fact quite a number of young Gunners grow up today thinking the club was named after Arsène.

Then came the E******s stadium project, and we have been unable to recover since. The only way to stay sane is to keep telling myself how much more intelligent AW is than I am. Hence, he knows better and knows exactly what he's doing because I can only imagine what would happen if the same team that faced Udinese came up against Barcelona in a champions league match up? Guesses, anyone?

I'm incredibly polarised when thinking about the departures of Samir Nasri and Cesc Fabregas. While at Arsenal, Cesc showed incredible commitment. That was never a doubt, but while I review Thierry's heartfelt departure clip on Arsenal TV Online and compare it with Cesc’s disappearance on Sunday, I come up short. This leads me to believe that Cesc was so desperate to leave, he not only part-funded his transfer, he forgot to say goodbye. Whether I like it or not, he's an excellent player, a testimony of the AW project and, as I said a long time ago, if Cesc were to leave Arsenal, it was going to be the climax of a big flaw in the AW project. Cesc embodied the vision, he was the flag-bearer, the symbol of that project and if he, the light of the idea, were to call it quits then aren't we all fooling ourselves?

The Fergie fledglings were a comparable project, and Sir Alex was able to manage the five of them till he got the very best out of each one of them. The club was always attractive to them and they wouldn’t dream of leaving because there was always that balance of youth and experience to achieve their goals. I see Kieran Gibbs two years down the line, getting better and big, and Real Madrid come knocking. Then he totally forgets the heartbreak he put us through when AW put so much faith in him - an untested, untrusted teenager - to play in a Champions League SEMI-FINAL against Man Utd and committing that blunder that put paid to the match as a contest and killed off the dream of lifting a Champions League trophy. We have never come close since then. Would we blame him at that point in time? A lot of arguments for and against but we would lay that aside and return to our ex-Captain Fantastic. I have ambivalent feelings towards his departure but AW contributed most to the circumstances.

Samir Nasri, however is another case entirely and I cannot seem to comprehend it. His quality is undoubted, but four months of performance and suddenly the club is not good enough for him? I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, and would wait for an end to the saga before rendering any opinions, but the underlying truth of our predicament is that the E******s is a ground for rough talents to come, make all their mistakes at different times, perform half a season and exit for greener pastures. That is the signal everyone, both fans, neutrals and 'enemies', now receive and believe, and I think that is really a trend AW urgently needs to address and reverse, because, at the end of the day, he might end up undoing all his good works. He would be remembered as the man that took us back to oblivion. He says he has quality and would not add average players to his squad, only quality players. What escapes me is the idea that Oxlade-Chamberlain is a quality addition, so he would make every attempt to get him into the squad, but Juan Mata is not, so there is no need to spend £20 million on him??? He said himself that no-one is leaving as it would be difficult to convince anyone that Arsenal is a big club if it allows its best players to leave. Inevitably he has pronounced Arsenal the opposite of a big club as its best players either have left or are on the verge of leaving.

This season has bothered me the most, because not only does it seem we are trying to do the same thing the same way and expecting a different result, but AW has reneged on his promise to strengthen. We feel depleted, we feel out of our depth. And only a miracle would ensure a top-four finish. A recent interview with AW sees him saying that success would be a Premier League triumph while a top-four finish would be acceptable. Why would a treble not be seen as success while a Premier League victory be acceptable? If that shows how much expectation our Manager has, then who am I to dream of a treble?

I admire the Barça model. The spine of the team is built around the same people, Xavi, Iniesta, Messi but yet every season, one or two quality players are purchased for a lotta cash and added to the team to maintain that standard. Even when they made an obvious mistake with Ibrahimovic, they won La Liga and made corrections afterwards. Currently, there are three generations of Xavi: Xavi himself for now, who is a local product; Fabregas for the near future, local product but purchased for a lot of money; Alcantara for the far future, another local product who would not leave anytime soon.

Why can't Arsenal be like that?

I want to believe that there is something we don't know about the whole picture. A man doesn't just suffer unnecessarily when he has the resources to make himself happy. AW is being denied some things and is just putting up a bold face for us. He wants to make Arsenal the best in the world but his hands are tied.

Not confused, totally delusional. Right?

Always a Gunner.

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  1. shrek

    Aug 25, 2011, 19:52 #11850

    Great article. Delusion is quite scary, I would prefer to be confused. Arsenal has a football club has lost his priority and a miracle is needed. As one of baord member said " let the whole board go". Based on my knowledge, the issues lies from stubborn AW to the greedy board Pls do a research, if arsenal wins the league what is financial benefit compared to if they don't. Also tell me what happened against BHFC, was it board, AW or history. The solutions are in your blog. Great Job

  2. Joe S.

    Aug 23, 2011, 10:53 #11647

    This one says it all doesn't it. Lucid and with an open heart. There is not much to add on here except to hope that all true Gunner fans will stick around for the long run.

  3. Mike from Mali

    Aug 22, 2011, 12:05 #11587

    Brilliant article - well written. I believe that Arsenal is the biggest supported club in Nigeria - Kanu factor again. There is one thing I think that people are overlooking. This weekend, all the Spanish footballers were on strike - why I asked? I was told that they wanted sustainable futures for the lower clubs who were going bankrupt. I looked at this lot and thought that they are the problem. Here we have a bunch of players who demand unsustainable salaries, some from the biggest club in the World demanding that the smaller clubs have economic protection. How do you balance that? Arsene has managed to so far. The big spending clubs are busy doing their parts to ensure that in several years time, the EPL together will the lower leagues will be on the brink of financial collapse. One day Abramovich will be bored of Chelsea and he will throw in his lot there - then what? It will drop quickly..very quickly into oblivion.....credit crunch?....what credit crunch?. Once the credit card is gone and the club has to self finance the debt then maybe the will realise. Alternatively, I might be short sighted and be missing the plot altogether. Maybe we should spend and see how many trophies we can buy in the shortest time possible and not worry about the future - much like the reasoning for the state of the world economy today

  4. Daddy Pig

    Aug 21, 2011, 22:06 #11574

    Truth Hurts, I agree with your points, but as a pedant, I feel the urge to point out that Arsenal were founded by Scottish munitions workers, not Irish. David Danskin, the main man, was from Kirkcaldy, Fife. In Scotland. As a fan of some thirty years standing, I did not boo the team yesterday, although I joined in with `Spend some effin' money' chant. I felt we played well enough, with an understrength team, against top 4 challengers at full strength. Had we been as lucky with RVP's chance as the Scousers were, we we would have taken the lead, and probably won the game. I feel it is curremtly a bit premature to call for Wenger's head, although I may feel differently if we lose in Italy on Wednseday night.

  5. Nick

    Aug 21, 2011, 11:40 #11539

    Heres a thought 6 trophys in 8 years inc 2 league titles and a european sucsess and in 1991 0nly losing 1 league game when the league was considerably more competitive than now also leaving mr wenger the basis of his glory days with the famous back four /five 7 trophys in 15 years see where im going with this ok we play better football now but in the early years under gg we played some exciting stuff and had some class players rocky thomas davies merson limpar wright, and we had no more money than we have now and dont forget wenger also had the luxury of having the best (in my opinion ) player ever to wear an arsenal shirt in situ Dennis Bergkamp its my opinion that wenger is overated hes good but no god and of late his refusal to address our problems and tactical ineptitude is tantamount to deriliction of duty i for one have had enough

  6. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 21, 2011, 10:20 #11529

    I don't see AW being sacked and he will never walk. I did not boo yesterday and will get behind whoever plays or runs the team. I do however seeing it turn increasingly ugly this season. No meaningful investment in the remaining time while our rivals all continue to invest. Our owners and as ever supine board led by the old Etonian fart will count the cash and allow Wenger to take all the flack where their non existent management have allowed their employee to take over lock stock and barrel. Wenger is now a desperate and isolated figure with no support either from his invisible, ineffective and utterly pointless backroom or his alleged bosses. A descent into mid table mediocrity is inevitable with ugly scenes to accompany it. Meanwhile Kronke and co count their cash. To summarise it may be kinder to end the Wenger era before the impact of the inevitable car crash to come.

  7. truthhurts

    Aug 21, 2011, 9:59 #11528

    its people like gary wright who epitomises all that is wrong with some arsenal supporters. So its Akinlolu's fault that he lives in a thirld world country like Nigeria where it was virtually impossible to support AFC pre-satellite TV broadcasting era. May be tribalistic, and I cringe to say, probably xenophobes like you will realise this is modern, globalised economy era. English premiership is what it is today thanks to the influence of foreigners. Alas the best 3 players in most premieship clubs are foreigners, the Drogbas, Vidics, Teves, Suares, modrics of this world. The bulk of the revenues come from TV broadcasting rights sold to the foreign countries. Yet the JCL do not and should not have opinion just because AFC founded by Irish factory workers in Woolwich SE london in 1886 happens to be in North London. May be people whose opinion should count were those Irish men of 125 yrs ago. ALL GUNNERS OPINION COUNT irrespective of where they reside. Its not called a global village for nothing.

  8. Any Old Iron

    Aug 20, 2011, 22:17 #11518

    One of the best posts in a long time.,What you allude to so ably is that Wenger is the master of spin. He is an expert at contradictions, and is really now since the E******s only interested in the balance sheet. The team sheet only interests him in so far as to how much it improves/enhances the balance sheet. Oxlade-Chamberlain is an investment. Wenger has not bought him because his acquisition is good for the team sheet This is not immediate, it's a work in progress. Man City buy for efficacy, as do other ambitious clubs. Wenger specialises in sell-on value, and mark-up. That's his forte. My friend we are a selling club because Wenger is hell bent on improving Arsenal's financial status, paradoxically damaging the club on the pitch. A pyrrhic victory indeed. Well done for 'outing him'. What a shambles today - more reds, more injuries, more desperado defending, more boys in a man's world, more bad luck, more threadbare squad, more inevitability, more humiliation. This club has no rudder, the shallows of Udine await, running aground there is a strong likelyhood.

  9. oseyi paul

    Aug 20, 2011, 21:59 #11517

    I was looking forward to a forward Arsenal team this season that can compete favourably both in the premier&champion leagues,a team that has the mettle to confront Man U,Chelsea&Man City,with their newly signed players&coach,locally&Barca,Real&others Int'lly,but am taken aback&also not allowing myself unnecessarily emotionally attached to a team that may parade mediocrity rather than beautiful football.My problem is am an Arsenal fan&I can't leave because despite its heart wrenching failures,I believe Arsenal will rise from the doldrums of failure its enmeshed in! Gooners 4 Life!!!

  10. Gary Wright

    Aug 20, 2011, 15:30 #11504

    I'm sorry, but I can't validate opionions from people who have only supported the club since 1999. Your short duration as a fan does not allow for you to have a true view of perspective. I go back with Arsenal a long time, and in all my time supporting the club - this is it the real nadir, rock bottom. I predict 1 point from 9 and out the champions league before our 4th premiership game - I even predicted we would lose 2-0 today. I take no pleasure in this at all. But now is the time to dismiss Wenger. Let's get being knocked out the champions league first. Don't let Wenger spend a penny in the transfer window. Let's acceppt we will be mid table by January and then let the new manager spend big. Sadly Wenger looks like a man on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and is no genuinely isolated at the club - no allies at all. Sadly he uses this not to reach out to people, but isolates himself even more by his stubborness. He would have been a great captain on the Titanic. Thats's as generous as I can be about him - for the sake of the club - SACK HIM NOW.

  11. Ali

    Aug 20, 2011, 11:05 #11497

    You don't think Ramsey and Wilshere are comparable home-grown products as Fabregas and Tiago?

  12. Olumide

    Aug 20, 2011, 7:50 #11486

    The most baffling thing is that we don't know what's going on between the board & Wenger.

  13. sahal1988

    Aug 20, 2011, 5:30 #11484

    LOVE IT! your piece sums up everything! from our glory years to our disastrous years! once a gunner, always a gunner! I totally agree with what you had to say. i'll be gutted if Chelsea get mata! How about yall? peace n love from kitchener, ON

  14. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 20, 2011, 5:20 #11483

    Akinlolu, take a bow. A well balanced, well researched, thoughtful and eloquent article. I'm interested to know whether English is your first language or not - either way, you've produced a piece that would put many "professional" print journalists to shame. You're right about Arsenal being a development / selling club now, in the mould of Ajax or Valencia. For anyone who would want to label you a JCL, all i can say is that it wasn't them living in Nigeria before satellite broadcasting. Respect to you for respecting Kanu as well, a true maverick. Your "spine" argument is valid. Modern Arsenal's trophy years, 1987 - 2005, started and continued with the following names - Davis, Thomas, Rocastle, Adams, Merson, reinforced by equitable or superior purchases such as Bould, Dixon, Smudge, Nutty, Wrighty, Limpar, Seaman etc. Even the so - called average players like Marwood, Groves and Richardson made telling contributions because their performances was raised by those around them. That's not happening right now, I can only hope, with fingers crossed, that Ches, Jack and RVP can now show the way. To Arsene's credit, he blended his first two phases of signings with the veterans from that aforementioned core group of "true Arsenal" players perfectly, and no coincidence that the trophy run continued. Unfortunately that level of investment has dropped off sharply to the point where players returning from injury are new signings, and the only way of improving the quality of the club's best - ever squad is by signing teenage wingers and defenders with zero top flight experience. Such is the club's current predicament.

  15. The BearMan

    Aug 20, 2011, 4:27 #11481

    Man I sense your pain, however you are not the only one watching the comings and goings at Arsenal and wondering, "Who has lost their marbles"? Is Wenger plotting his own downfall? How can he field a team with so many youngsters, some we recall from recent seasons picked up long injuries? Are we to witness a modern day David v Goliath story played out at the Emirates? Can a Manager of his quality be so reckless? Maybe as he said, we Arsenal fans know nothing of football? Perhaps the choruses of Boos is the welcoming songs Stan, the new American owner wants to hear across the pond.

  16. AL Sesay the real gunner 4 life

    Aug 20, 2011, 2:49 #11479

    It is true what my African gunners brothers are saying that MR. Wengers hands are tied but my question is,Is he forcefully tied or tied to his consent?This man is sleeping on a post rather than motivating his position.He has let lot of fans down who are majority to the club's existence than himself and his reluctant idiology (idea).He is nothing better than Gadaffi in Libya or Assad in Syria who are stupidly and reluctantly dwelling in a senseless and unwelcome idiology(idea).He should pack off now and go before it explodes into problems.He should take a look at the Arab world presently to see how human beings behave when they are fed up with the same **** over and over again.

  17. Mohamed

    Aug 20, 2011, 1:37 #11475

    Definitely a good read, I enjoyed. Your analysis is a good reflection of the predicament our current club is in. I agree with that we need to nurture young local talent and bring them into the ranks of first team. This is the only to instil loyalty and avert future fabregas-like saga

  18. IanWrightWrightWright

    Aug 20, 2011, 1:14 #11473

    Agree totally with everything you said! Our ambitions now seem to be achieving 4th place - with the reward of £25m (sorry, Champions League qualification) and maintaining our 'sustainable model', basically increasing share prices yr in, yr out with no real desire to really dominate domestically! The whole point in moving to the E******s was to be ABLE to compete with the Man Utds and Chelskis (and now Man Citehs), however, our manager's recent comments regarding this season's ambitions and our transfer activity, or lack of, in terms of quality additions, despite AW's constant "we will buy if we see quality" statements goes to prove that actions do speak louder than words and that we are unfortunately in danger of going backwards, at best standing still! I'm no 'johnny come lately' and have been supporting the Gunners since the days of Wrighty and GG! (Imagine GG and AW working together!) However, this growing frustration amongst gooners and the feeling that AW won't address the areas that desperately need strengthening is perfectly understandable because AW is adamant (some say stubborn) that his philosophy WILL work, despite 6 yrs of evidence it WON'T! Despite the symbol of this philosophy, personified by Fabregas, going 'back' to Barcelona in search of honours! As with Clichy, and as appears to be so with Nasri, this is evidence the players themselves do not believe they can achieve AW's dream! I would NEVER ask for AW's head, simply because, who else is there? Who else is there who will guide us to the top, to glory and help us see off our big spending rivals funded by foreign billionaires? No-one! No-one, who would even guide us to Champions League qualification, and even if possibly premature, a challenge for the title, whilst we are unable to match the ridiculous transfer fess and even more obscene wages for 'established' or 'experienced' stars, let alone said English players! You were spot-on RE Ferguson's ability to keep hold of and manage all his fledglings, watch them mature, develop and grow together, as opposed to AW's! See Flamini, Hleb, (Henry and Vieria not so much so), Cesc, Clichy and almost certainly Nasri leads me to only one conlcusion! These players do not love The Arsenal! Not like we do! Not unconditionally! Barring Pat and Terry, unsure about Cesc, but absolutely convinced that most our unearthed talent only have love for the money they earn and the lifestyles they are able to live, and the fame and stature within the game whilst at Arsenal and under the tutilege of AW! This is why i think AW's philosphy has failed, at least so far anyway! I I believe he has now realised this and is trying to construct an English core to this side! A vital ingredient present in every single Tile winning squad! Why he's promoting Wilshere, Gibbs, and most recently Frimpong! Why most of his recent buys have been British! Ramsey, Jenkinson, AOC! And he's reportedly looking at one or more of Cahill, Jagielka, and Scott Dan! ARSENE, all we want is the TRUTH! HONESTY! Tell us what's going on? How much money's being used to pay off the E******s? How much money is there to spend? Why aren't you spending, or at least on experienced players? What's our actual set targets and ambitions? Are the players told to aim for 4th place??? Are you simply waiting for 2/3 yrs to be completely debt free before we can actually compete? Tell us please Arsene!

  19. Jammathon

    Aug 20, 2011, 0:57 #11469

    Arsenal can't be like that because we haven't rorted the entire TV rights deal that ensures Barca and Real are the only two teams with any money in their league.

  20. hassan

    Aug 20, 2011, 0:55 #11468

    fantastic piece. I think Arsen didnt have the resources before. But he has now and I think he will spend. The problem is Hill-Wood and directors of the company. They did not want to spend money at all even if we sold our best players. So please dont blame Arsene without him we wouldnt even finish forth.