Arsenal on the precipice

Online Ed: August shower symbolises decline

Arsenal on the precipice

Arsene: Knows… time is running out?

I think the realisation that, after the defeat against Liverpool, the question I was asking myself was ‘How will we manage at Old Trafford now we’ve lost Emmanuel Frimpong?’ kind of sums up Arsenal’s situation right now. They are like a punch drunk fighter bouncing back off the ropes to receive another volley of blows. The early season form has not been encouraging, but the thing that must be remembered is that the team have now won two of their last thirteen league fixtures. It’s not the kind of run that suggests this is a start of season blip.

Arsenal were a little unfortunate to lose against Liverpool. The own goal was a bit of a fluke, although borne by attacking pressure, even though visitors were marginally offside in the build up. The second was scored late enough for it to be academic. Arsenal were in the game as long as they had eleven bodies on the pitch, not least due to Frimpong’s impressive work in the Alex Song position. However, indiscipline cost the club once more, and this seems to be becoming a regular habit. Sure, I like to see a bit of Frimpong’s passion and attitude, but it’s easy to go over the top. Controlled aggression is going to do his side more favours in the long run.

However, in spite of a few decent displays dotted around the side, Arsenal never really looked like a cohesive unit, and little wonder given the amount of absentees through injury, suspension and a desire to play somewhere else. There has been a lot of talk about this particular offering on Arsene Wenger and the board not seeing eye to eye, and some of it tallies with what I have heard, although I have never been party to the kind of forensic detail ‘Eduardo’ goes into. On one level, you can see the logic of the revelations to explain the current predicament. On another, you think – well if Wenger wanted to buy superstar players and pay them superstar wages, surely he wouldn’t waste half of his wage budget on some of the deadwood that have been collecting tens of thousands a week in return for very little at all. You can’t have it both ways. Pay Diaby what he’s worth and you can afford to match Chelsea’s wage deals for the names that count.

Juan Mata has been signed by Chelsea and in a competition to see who pays the highest wages, it’s a toss up between them and Man City. But the clubs funded by what Ivan Gazidis refers to as “petrodollars” cannot buy every player going. They have only so many squad places. This is where Arsenal’s scouting system should come into its own, spotting the genuine talent and acting quickly to secure it. And by talent I am talking about players in their early 20s who are obviously improving. It seemed to work in the early years of Wenger’s reign at the club, but it’s a policy that has been allowed to drift south towards genuine youths.

So we end up buying Cesc Fabregas – who was wonderful but did not stick around the fulfill Wenger’s dream – and Theo Walcott – who, if he does not sign a contract extension this season will have one more year left on his deal next summer. Knowing our luck, he’ll sign the bloody offer given to him and we’ll be lumbered with him for another four years. Oh glee. There’s an article in the current issue of The Gooner by Andreas Kokkinos which reveals that with Walcott on the pitch, Arsenal are more likely to score and less likely to concede. If ever that phrase about ‘lies, damn lies and statistics’ needed proof, there you have it. Theo might have scored Arsenal’s only goal of the season last Tuesday, but I’d venture the performance against Liverpool might be his worst ever in a Gunners' shirt. If he hasn’t got it by now, the reality is he’s never going to. Stick him in Team GB for London 2012 and see if he can do anything against Usain Bolt, although a bit of me thinks Theo’s actually lost some of his pace so it’s conceivable that even the one weapon he has might be on the wane.

Wenger may want to buy super quality whose wages the board won’t ratify on the basis that he only wants to improve on what he has in his first choice eleven, but I have news, as Alex Oxlade - Chamberlain’s great grandfather once said. It’s a squad game these days Arsene, not least because the London Colney sick bay is standing room only much of the time.

I actually felt a bit sad for the manager over the weekend. It’s slipping away and he knows it. Those who have watched a lot of football can see it. There is no coming back from this. Just as we knew the title was gone after the 2-2 at Birmingham back in 2008, the signs are all too familiar. Not only is drastic surgery required on the playing squad, a new approach is needed. Wenger has not proved able to adapt to the fact that the game has caught up with him and overtaken him. He can curse the petrodollars all he likes, but he decided not to stump up the cash for Xabi Alonso in the summer of 2008 and he refused to buy a centre back in January. He kept Manuel Almunia at the club for seven years, when he’d have lasted six weeks at Old Trafford.

The Fabregas departure was always going to come, but it doesn’t soften the blow one bit. There, in one fell swoop, went Wenger’s dream of building a third great side to dominate football. You can afford to lose a Hleb here and a Flamini there, no problem. But once the crown jewels start walking out the door, you are left looking around at the reasons they could not wait to join a winning team.

Arsenal are a team in decline. There is a sense of malaise at the club and amongst supporters. Many feel they are about to get another dose of the early 1980s again, with Fabregas and Nasri as the equivalents of Brady and Stapleton. The only way the board can arrest the slide is to change the manager and get in someone who can motivate this group of players to perform better as a unit. The promptings of Vermaelen and Van Persie are cries in the wilderness. Half of the team will no longer pass willingly to Theo Walcott because the outcome has become so predictable. This time next week, Arsenal could be out of the Champions League and in the relegation zone. How the mighty have fallen…

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  1. M

    Aug 24, 2011, 22:51 #11785

    Just so negative. The grass is rarely greener on the other side.

  2. Mr Argent, Ghana.

    Aug 24, 2011, 12:47 #11761

    We didn't deserve to win the game with the team we selected. Very very predictable.

  3. simon

    Aug 23, 2011, 22:41 #11698

    nice piece kevin. its over and someone needs to make sure wenger and the board realise it. the days of paying under the odds are over and to get back up there will be nigh on impossible thanks to the same uefa rules wenger's been praying for as once you lose the champs league cash, the club level revenue and the big time sponsorship money the only way to get that 50mill back is from a sugar daddy. oh the irony of it all. hard to believe arsenal have been so naive as to take citeh's dirty dollars and kill themselves in the process. the yank will sell up in due course i reckon but by then it may be impossible to bridge the gap funding wise on the big champs league and big sponsorship earnering clubs. arsenal need to realise they are now competing against liverpool and spurs. they had a huge financial headstart but that gap will soon disappear. first thing to go must be the salary cap and salary structure. its also ironic that whilst wenger clearly couldn't cope with running a top money club he is ideal for getting the most out of limited resources which is again what we now face!

  4. Scooby1

    Aug 23, 2011, 14:13 #11663

    What i find hardest to fathom is why did wenger move away from his successful formula of a blend of experiece (english core)coupled with a few class overseas stars, who mind you were all around 6foot plus. Where we are today is solely down to wenger and his ego of ripping up a winning formula and starting again with a new type of player and changing the style of football from essentially a quick counter attacking team with a strong defence to a style of having loads of possession (tippy tappy football) and not going anywhere coupled with small defenders who cant defend.

  5. Chris

    Aug 23, 2011, 12:37 #11652

    If the stories about conflict over wage / budget constraints are true, Arsenal will not get close to a manager of Guardiola's calibre. I doubt anyone could do better than Wenger under the current board. Consistently behind only two (now three) teams who pay much bigger wages. If the wages had been there, we wouldn't have lost key players, could have brought in BETTER ones, would WON TROPHIES, kept FABREGAS HAPPY. Yes there have been some strange deicsions - like Almunia - but Wenger has been FAILED by the BOARD. Not given conditions in which he could be successful. Kevin's interpretations are borne out of frustrations / results - but Wenger should be viewed as the HERO he is. Infidel's (and the board) be damned. In fact, when Wenger leaves, your hopes of the tropihies you crave will be.

  6. Benfleet John

    Aug 23, 2011, 12:29 #11651

    Agree with everything Kevin has said. Wenger is entitled to a view on how much transfer targets are worth ie Jagielka 12 million, Samba 6 million etc but Gazidis should be saying dont worry about that we can afford the 15 or 18 million for Jagielka or 12 for Samba etc. If we cant afford to pay over the top as every other club does including the likes of Stoke, Sunderland and Villa (Darren Bent) then where has all the money gone.

  7. Aaron

    Aug 23, 2011, 11:53 #11650

    The average age of Man Utd’s team against Tottenham was 23 last night, who they beat comprehensively. Wenger can’t even claim to have the best youth project in the Prem. Neither can he claim any sort of moral high ground given we steal youngsters from other clubs and spend vast sums (above market rate) on the likes of Oxlade-Chamberlain. Talk about a failed experiment

  8. Any Old Iron

    Aug 23, 2011, 11:21 #11649

    Once again, a voice of truth, and undeniably so. Look, I go back to the game at Anfield in the Champions league a few years ago when Walcott raced ciear a la Barnes in the Maracana in the early 80's, fed Adebayor who tapped in, 2-2! We went on to lose 4-2, never have I been more disappointed. My point: Wenger has come ever so close in commiting 'the great rock'n'swindle. Meaning, collecting the most with the least, trophies won at a premium cost. The football gods forbade it. Who will ever forget our brave boys in that accursed game at St. Andrews. That was some team Arsenal had. It was really a title side, and everyone knew it. But, once again the fortunes were cruel to us. Flamini should've stayed, whatever it took, Hleb too. We even came back from that catastrophe and could've won other titles since. We are generally an unlucky side, and that is a bitter pill to swallow. But I feel Arsene has made continuous serious errors which have now hit us hard. Not enough investment! Defenders should've been brought in after that Anfield collapse at all costs. Now, we can't score goals. Arsene, you have been great for us, i've slated you many times before, i'm sad to see you suffering though, we have stood by you, and many will continue to do so, even knowing that we may go down with you. As an Arsenal diehard I say '' women and children first i'm staying behind even if it means we perish.'' I have every faith that this very great club wil rise again because it's in our history and who we are. Tin hats on, flak jackets too, ready for a stormy time. Arsene i'm with you, even though I, as do others, know you're wrong.

  9. pebblevulture

    Aug 23, 2011, 11:10 #11648

    OUCH...the truth does hurt

  10. Steadfast

    Aug 23, 2011, 9:31 #11646

    Reading Mata's comments today sums up everything. In the current circumstances, none of big players who want to win anything, look at us as a potential destination. This is a vicious cycle we are entrapped into. Some serious changes are needed in the club's philosophy which of-course does not mean sacking AW. He has to be there but change need to come as well.

  11. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 23, 2011, 9:05 #11645

    I can't be bothered to go into it again, all I will say is that no one is talking with the benfit of hindsight. Most, all except the loyal AKB's and Wenger himself, could see this coming a bloody mile off three or even four years ago. Replacing players like Pires and Freddie with Rosicky and Hleb should have been a clue and since then things have got progressivly worse. Wenger sitting in on the interviews to appoint the CE is an absolute joke. I wish I could help appoint my boss. I'm sure my mum would think her little soilder was doing a fantastic job and give me a pay rise!!

  12. ed enough

    Aug 23, 2011, 8:20 #11644

    Time for gooners everywhere to accept that we are no longer a top 4 club and our decline into europa/mid table is now a reality...Wenger has now taken us full circle and if he remains I fear even our place at footballs top table could be under threat. The inevitable awaits....defeat on weds night and a thrashing at Man Utd on sunday should be enough for the board to realise what everyone else did months ago...Wenger must go....

  13. Steadfast

    Aug 23, 2011, 7:54 #11643

    Its game over for us guys...three days after the defeat and not an iota of sign of any movement whatsoever on the transfer front. This is so frustrating!! we deserve better to support this club. The club is doomed....

  14. Gooners FTW

    Aug 23, 2011, 3:17 #11642

    Doom and gloom is one thing. Relegation zone? Really? What's funnier is you talk about dropping out of the Champions League (ok more than possible) and then falling into the relegation zone after 2 tough games in the same sentence. I swear some Gooners are either secretly Spuds supporters here to wage psychological warfare on the fan base and team, supreme emo masochists or they are just quite dim. Relegation? Really? Have you seen the bottom tier of this league? Why don't you go support one of them.

  15. ian

    Aug 23, 2011, 2:39 #11641

    Grat Article. So true and bang on the head!! I don't think anyone can argue what you have said!! It's sad to see our famous club on the decline. I think we lost some of soul when we moved from our home at Highbury to the "Corporate Emirates Stadium"

  16. win AFC

    Aug 22, 2011, 23:43 #11640

    I hate to think that the big spenders such as Chelsea win this seasons champions league, the first london club to do so or the spuds ending up higher than Arsenal in the league it will be a F**KING nightmare for us Arsenal fans. I know its the start of the season but unless Wenger spends and gets the players we need our season might be great.

  17. chrisy boy

    Aug 22, 2011, 23:26 #11639

    first of all let me tell you a story, i wont name names but will let you guess who im talking about. Recently an arsenal legend was holding a charity golf day, amongst the many celebs taking part was a current england player who at this moment in time plays in the championship, this player goes up to the arsenal legend and says " please have a word with mr wenger i realy want to play for arsenal and i think i can do a job for your team. Now the arsenal legend phones up a member of the coaching staff who he used to play with and tells him of this convensation, and guess what....there was never a call made back to this arsenal legend. Now all this took place 2-3 weeks ago , on sunday when this player was in action a scout was sent to watch him, perhaps a bid may be in place for january !!. With so many of us gooners making our feelings felt on these web sites perhaps the powers at be at the gooner should arrange a meeting where we can voice our opinions and thoughts, we all know there are problems at our club and to be fair on wenger its probaly not all his fault so lets try and get something done. Over to you the gooner im sure there would be many fans willing to turn up and try and make OUR club great again.

  18. AFCasap

    Aug 22, 2011, 22:56 #11638

    great article especially wenger wasting the wage budget on all the deadwood that have been stinking up the club for years now with zero returns.....self sustaining is a joke....we are not well run at all we have/are being ripped off....but the skiver players are very happy to carry on failing courtesy of wengers new contracts and the fans money

  19. dom..n.ireland

    Aug 22, 2011, 22:55 #11637

    so dis-heartening watching a virtual reserve quality team being disguised as our first eleven...when i travel to london i am usually beeming with anticipation but since the stadium move the excitment has turned to almost fear and disrespect for the once astute gaffer who was so in tune but now is in danger of bringing the team down to a villa or everton level...not acceptable for arsenal...whoever rules the roost i say you cant ignore the fans for fans we love this great club, lets not lose our future fans by being ignorant

  20. Gooner from US

    Aug 22, 2011, 22:22 #11636

    do you guys have the nerve to watch Man U vs Arsenal game. I am worried for my heart.

  21. Dr. simeon

    Aug 22, 2011, 20:37 #11634

    well. I thank you so much kevin whitcher and my fellow gunners fans for all you have just said about the progress of our team. I overheard someone saying arsene wenger should be eradicated from that post and bring in someone else, that's a good suggestion, and if am not mistaken he's also a share-holder, what i acknowlegde there is that he will not agree guit so that some wil continue and bring joy to the fans. It's amazing people hustle to make life better, while wenger hustle to bring sadness, hypertension to us the fans. am very very disappointed in the ambition of wenger. Six good years trophyless is not a day job. am wandering wether it is curse laid to him by fore-fathers or by God. Pls and pls let see what wil happen at the end of the transfer window..

  22. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 22, 2011, 20:30 #11633

    Concentrate on getting rid of Silent Stan. Septics are not culturally suited to 'Soccer'. banners in the ground 'Go home yank' PLEASE! Bob Bradley - presume this is some sort of joke. Mind you it would suit Gazidis!

  23. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 22, 2011, 19:09 #11632

    Bob Bradley's team defended like their lives depended on it and attacked with orthodox efficiency. Early balls in, proper headers on target. You know, football, as opposed to blancmange. Despite having a team of limited ability, they dealt with the fulham broadway and salford scatological association, otherwise known as England, as well as many other teams that were in theory better than them. We have a tendency to get sniffy about who we might be graciously pleased to let take over from Wenger. We shouldn't be. We aren't an attractive prospect. The only thing that I have to look forward to football wise, is a new broom coming in, giving the players some proper coaching, kicking certain individuals where they need to be kicked, and giving us all a new sense of purpose. I love the idea that we are being led astray by the press. The press have been almost the last people to wake up to this.

  24. Jim

    Aug 22, 2011, 18:58 #11631

    The trouble with this article is that you want to have it both ways. You post an article, with which you seem to agree, which claims that Arsenal's lack of transfer activity is due to the board's reluctance to pay top wages. Of course, this doesn't fit with your world view that everything bad that happens at Arsenal is due to Wenger. So you are left to make silly claims that the board might pay higher wages if Diaby, and players like him, weren't paid so much. Yeah, that's why the board is unwilling to pay competitive wages, Diaby's salary. If this logic was even remotely true, how do you explain why we don't pay higher wages now that Cesc and, soon, Nasri have cleared room in the wage budget?

  25. Viking

    Aug 22, 2011, 18:53 #11630

    Its all very depressing. Where is the planning and strategy. There is no plan B both on the field and in the boardroom. Why do we insist on putting high crosses in for RVP to contest? Why did Ivan not have other signings identified in case Cesc left? And why are we continuing to play Theo and Shava who just don't have a clue, both such frustrating players. Worse still, we needed a goal and the boss decides Chamakh aint up to it and throws on Bendy. Thats a huge vote of confidence! However that was one decision Wenger did get right! Although you wouldn't want either in an ideal situation. Let's hope we pull out a couple of signings that will lift the team, cos they need belief and winners to look up to. 10 days to go, we were promised new signings, we got Alex ( who will be good and better than Theo ), Gervinho and Jenkinson, but to throw a bunch of kids in together is cruelly exposing them and totally unfair.

  26. Unbeaten 03/04

    Aug 22, 2011, 17:48 #11629

    First, Wenger is a stubborn manager but only to a point where now the board are keeping it tight with the money. Arsenal FC is a business now! They've a built a massive stadium for more income. Wenger was and is still the best manager for them as he is saving them money. With the stadium a new block of flat was built but guess what those who have been at the Ground recently will notice the massive building at the back of the emirates is getting built where a new block of flat is being built!!! and yes the money needs to come from somewhere! So now I wonder why the money we supposedly have are not getting spent!!!!

  27. Adil Elaouad

    Aug 22, 2011, 17:41 #11628

    Calm down Kevin...i hear your anger but seriously....calm down!

  28. Chapman

    Aug 22, 2011, 17:04 #11626

    SO VERY SAD! How has it come to this? Arsene you're still the best we've ever had but the time has come for you to face up to what you have done, turning our brilliant team of 'Invincibles' into an average team that in its present state will never again challenge for the league. At the end of last season you knew in your heart that the master plan had failed. You knew that you would lose Cesc and probably Nasri too and you knew major investment in several 'top class' players was required. You knew all of this but you did NOTHING about it and this is what damns you. How can we be at the end of August and you now start to speak of bringing players in? Why have you waited so long? Regardless it is too late and unless you bring in another 4-5 top class players (including at least 1 CB) we haven't a hope in hell of turning this around. SO VERY SAD.....

  29. Gman

    Aug 22, 2011, 16:20 #11625

    At this moment in time we should get behind the team and the manager, the only anger and frustrations we have should be directed at the board who are a bunch of self serving morons. Wrong move selling out to Stan Kroenke, the yanks takeover helped to prevent David Dein getting back via Alisher Usmanov, which would have reunited AW back with his old ally and someone who goes about getting the players the manager wants. When Americans get involved with English clubs it usually ends in tears. With Usmanov we could have competed with chavski and cheati with the uzbecks billions. If we don’t buy any players by the end of the deadline we should make the board feel very uncomfortable for the rest of the season, then we can only hope for Kroenke to sell up to the Russian and go.

  30. Westie

    Aug 22, 2011, 16:18 #11624

    Merse69 - So we are supposed to feel better by comparing ourselves to teams who haven't done very well in recent history? Wengers ultimate downfall is the fact that he raised the expectation level of the club and failed to build on the fantastic teams he created. If we are all disappointed, its because we now expect more and our frustration level is further compounded by the fact that we could all see what was needed and Wenger has refused to do anything about it. I have to question if Wenger is working for the good of the club or his own ego project. Its Arsenal FC not Arsene FC.

  31. sparksy

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:53 #11623

    Unfortunately for us all, we knew the result was coming on Saturday just as we have seen what was coming these past few seasons. I also think Wenger has left it too late in this transfer window to make the significant number of top quality signings we need to make even the top 4. Yes we will win more than we lose and we will be be in the upper reaches of the table but forget the title and competing with Chelsea, Utd and City. We are many seasons away from challenging for that. Our competition is now Spurs, Liverpool, Everton just as our only hope of silverware is the league Cup or FA Cup. Looking at Van Persie (wait for the transfer rumours) now and his face tells you everything. He knows as well as us.

  32. Ron

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:42 #11622

    Its worth mentioning that when we went to OT in 2007, we were 17th and won, courtesy of our old mate and would be spud Adebayor!Just thought id mention it guys.

  33. David Carthy

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:39 #11621

    As ever, Kevin, difficult to argue with any of your article. Board and AW equally to blame for the this summer's shambles (let's not revisit the last couple of summers). We knew that it was going to be even more difficult to keep Cesc this summer and we knew that Nasri only had a year on his contract and had been giving 'misquotes' to L'Equipe. With most of the £40m from Toure and Adebayor (at least I can still laugh at that) in the bank we should have gone and bought Mata anyway before his buy out clause expired. Board made a big mistake after sacking Dein when they allowed AW to take on total control of player signings and contracts and, up until now, there has been no one to hold him to account. If/when AW does go, who on the board is going to oversee the recruitment of his successor? There is not one 'football' person on the board. BTW, in response to one of your other contributors I believe that AW's last contract extension takes him thro' to 2014.

  34. ryan g

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:34 #11620

    i have went full circle ..i kinda feel for wender now ..i dont think he can win at the moment ,after all he has done alot for our club ..but at the end of the day the players we should be signing have all been snapped up by city and chelsea who i think just have them for the sake of having them ..wenger will sign players thats a cert ..but will they be able to turn our fortunes around ..that depends on what he gets ..eden hazard is a quality player ...i really wanna see samba in an arsenal shirt by the end of august ..we need his no bs defending..get parker set him in there with song or frimpong and ffs sell arshavin hes a wanker and a waste of wages ..higuain wants out of real madrid ..go get him !! im praying we turn this around ..

  35. Rob

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:22 #11619

    It's the last paragraph that really cuts. And cuts deep because it's so painfully true. We went to the Emirates to "compete with the likes of Real Madrid and Man Utd" and that is what every Board member from Hill-Wood to Dein promised - so did Wenger. But instead we are going south on and off the pitch.

  36. SilverGooner

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:06 #11618

    A depressing but accurate read on what is an unbelievable state of affairs at Arsenal. Whoever is to blame for this mess (Wenger or the board) we may never know, but one thing is certain - time is fast running out for Monsieur Wenger. I wonder if the bookies are offering odds on him still being the manager by the end of the year?

  37. Ramgun

    Aug 22, 2011, 15:00 #11617

    D, I think that you will find that Wenger has just started a new three year contract.

  38. jay

    Aug 22, 2011, 14:35 #11616

    The worst part about Saturday was how we kept hammering away with the same predictable tactics, never changing, assuming that our sheer "quality" will undo whatever team we are up against. How many times have we seen that in the past -- players out of position and not playing to their strengths because the system dictates they cannot. Yes, Theo and Arshavin were awful but you can at least understand their frustration. Arshavin, for one, looks like he's past caring. On the other hand the best part about Saturday is that, for most of the match, we were equal to the task and actually edging ahead of Liverpool until the sending off, and this with so many players missing. Prediction: we will beat Udinese easily if Wilshere is fit. Then our season will most likely be a repeat of 2005-06: big investment in January (by our standards), a decent run in one of the cups and a desperate scramble to finish 4th.

  39. Jose

    Aug 22, 2011, 14:29 #11615

    Couldn't agree more! The problems have been glaring for 6 years yet the manager has stubbonly refused to buy qualified players because he is incapable of managing mature, experienced ego ladded internations so he fills the team with upcoming younsters. Wenger is also tactically naive. What is more important is that Wenger lacks a winning mentality which has resulted in the obvious decline. A winner would have replaced the likes of Almunia, Bendtner, Diaby soon enough and certainly woudl not buy a washed up Silvestre, Campbell, Chamakh, Squilachi. Just go Arsene! Christ!

  40. abiy

    Aug 22, 2011, 14:23 #11614

    I THINK the board have the responsibility to shape this problem in addition to the manager. finally they do not have respect for the fans an d the club as well simply they worry about money {gaverom} . long life to the gunners fan !!!!!!

  41. Gooner SA

    Aug 22, 2011, 14:23 #11613

    Project youth has failed. Just pay Everton the £20 million for Jagielka, Wenger for God's sake!!

  42. jjetplane

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:59 #11612

    as someone who has seen the arse over 40 yrs but has never been to emirates because i cant afford to, what is happening now i saw coming years back. This is not like past failings - this is an insult to a once great club. Its so awful the only thing to look forward to is city overhauling united. Again - its all money and dislocation from what footer used to be about.

  43. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:56 #11611

    Ironic that we seem have found the tightest billionaire in world football to buy us. ffs

  44. Fozzy's Mate

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:54 #11610

    Kev - I agree with the comments re the malaise. As you know I have been somewhat critical of Wenger on these pages but very critical of the board. For the situation to deteriorate to the level it has I now think something has gone seriously wrong at board level and that while Wenger has to shoulder a sizeable share of the blame, the board must be held to account. The piece by Eduaurdo linked to this is interesting. I agree with the boards alleged stance in that you need to have a middle ground between absolute stellar names and untried kids and that is what we have lacked in recent years. Anyway the next 10 days are in some way the most important in the clubs recent history. I agree that mid table mediocrity is not far away and what is needed is the kiss of life that significant investment would bring. This could be in the form of 2 stellar names or 4 or 5 of the next tier down, the likes of Parker, Jagielka or Cahill. Neither and this season will be painful viewing. But even if the worst happens Wenger deserves our full support as to attack him further and let the board escape scrutiny is just plain wrong.

  45. cam

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:48 #11609

    Please will someone explain how this total disaster of a manager has kept us (minimum) in the top four for EVERY SINGLE YEAR of the past decade? He has done this with the 4th/5th highest wage bill in the league and often whilst being outspent by the majority of other teams. Please explain how a useless manager could achieve this feat, of finishing top 4 every season and reaching cup finals, whilst having his hands tied by the clubs wage structure. How is a new manager, also with hands tied due to our stingy, unambitious profit before league position board, going to improve on this situation.

  46. Farai

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:46 #11608

    Kevin, good post. The story on the board not seeing eye to eye with Wenger should be taken with a pint of salt. If they are frustrating Wenger, then why is so distraught when the team fails time and time again. Shouldn't he be having a face that says 'I told you so" to the board. I tell you he is in it with the board. Infact i think this is more of Arsene's doing. He is trying to prove to everybody that he is right in his ways and wont change. He is loyal, thats one thing for sure so he wont walk away. I am gutted every time Arsenal loses , but this may be just what we need to convince him to change his ways. Imagine if we had won the Liverpool game, we would have been told "i am right and everyone else is wrong".Okay he may not have said that out loud but he would have said "the team is in good shape, there is no need for reinforcements"

  47. g clarke

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:46 #11607

    you have been brainwashed by sky sports it is going to be harder with arab russian money being tipped in no thought of getting it back but arsenal will fight on change the manager for who ? oil rich guy to buy money hungary nomads

  48. gunner

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:41 #11606

    the manager isn't the problem...the board is. If they told wenger to spend he would.

  49. Rawr

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:30 #11605

    Perhaps we are wrongly blaming Wenger? Before, when Alan Sugar was looking at football financials, he talked to Harry (Tottenham manager) and Harry said that all the manager can do is tell the owners what positions they need to full, and the owner gives them a spending budget. So if perhaps the owners were giving Wenger a low spending budget he has nothing to do other than buy cheap players and hope they become decent like Wilshere and Frimpong.

  50. Dan h

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:30 #11604

    It's not looking good would be an understatement with a squad of young players bad results will certainly lead to a quick loss of confidence.Wednesday night is massive i honestly think money is being held back pending CL qualification to me it's the only logical reason for such a lack of incomings.The whole of the management is to blame we should never been in the position of qualifying in the first place such was last seasons collapse.The club has been in a malaise for a few years now where talk is cheap & the transfer dealings even cheaper!IG came in & was quick to point out his vast experience of dealing with MLS player contracts so far im afraid he looks out of his depth.The fact he has overseen contract extensions for Cobi Jones & Alexi Lalas doesn't really compare to sealing deals where large transfer fees are involved?The strange thing is as well with American sports they really like to have what they call a francise player obviously this helps with sponsorship & advertising so the reluctance to invest in large salaries & a reasonable transfer budget is even stranger!Can't wait for the transfer window to close the talking can stop the WHOLE of the management will then be judged they can't say they havn't been warned.

  51. D

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:25 #11603

    One small point that has slipped under the radar is that Wenger has only one year left on his contract. It may make it more difficult to get players in on that basis. We must however have money. The board have said so. The manager have said so. With the revenue being brought in every match day, plus the money we have had coming in from the likes of Henry, Hleb. Toure, Adybaour, etc etc, we should have plenty of money washing around. Wenger does not want to make the club bamkrupt, but the money is there for him to spend. He doesn't need to worry about spending it. My fear is that he can't now use the excuse that players are youmg and sometimes they need time. Thats well and good if the team are still playing well and winning - but if they are losing then the policy looks flawed. Wenger has had a mixed track record at his more expensive signings, e.g. Richard Wright, Francis Jefferes, Reyes to the point where I think he may now be reluctant to spend.

  52. JFT96

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:21 #11602

    Gents - seeing the Arsenal line up on Saturday reminded me of the Liverpool line up that lost to Spurs on the opening day of the season a couple of years back. The squad is threadbare. I genuinely hope you can turn this around. I have a lot of respect for your club. Whether you do that with Arsene in charge is the big question. I'm suprised that your board doesnt appear to have lined up Cesc's (or probably Nasri's) replacement. You'll need to act quick and its not easy to get the right player under increased pressure. You need to be careful about allowing the press to have their man. They've clearly marked Arsene as their primary target this year - and they're relentless once they do that. But the big question is who could you replace him with if he did go - would it be a step forward or not?

  53. TFG

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:20 #11601

    Regrettably, I cannot anticipate the coming week with any confidence. In the worst case scenario, should we face Swansea City after two damaging reverses, that game would in normal circumstances be a final opportunity for redemption. I can think of very few clubs who would continue to support a manager who failed to win that game in light of costly sucessive defeats. Question my support all you like - I am merely saying what I see, based upon current evidence. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, but if Arsenal are in the bottom quartile of the table after the Swansea game and effectively out of Europe then the Board will have a choice: condone the current trend or make changes. By 1 September, our season could be verging towards a prolonged agony - which would be an awful shame considering the obvious potential of many of the youngsters. This will only be realised by introducing experience and quality to mentor and encourage. No, it's not an original idea, but one that apparently bears further repitition.

  54. danluvsafc

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:19 #11600

    Great article once again Kev.You might just want to copy and paste this article for the next 38 editorials as its going to be more of the same dross served up on the field week in week out this season im afraid.Just read Wengers latest comment about how hes brought in great players in the last 15 years and we shouldnt forget it.So tell me King Wenger where these lot fit in....VELA,BISCHCOFF,ALMUNIA,DIABY,BENDTNER,FABIANSKI,SHABBAN,CYGAN,EBOUE,JEFFERS,INAMOTO,SILVESTRE,STEPHANOVS,SQUILLACHI,CHAMACKH,DANEVICULUS,DENILSON,DIAWARA,MENDEZ,BOA MORTE,MUNTASSER,CABELLERO,MALZ,TAVARIDIS

  55. dan

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:17 #11599

    times up arsene,thanks for all you have done,it's time for a new chapter im afraid...

  56. Kevin

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:16 #11598

    A Liverpool win was the only result likely. The Liverpool defence was not under any real pressure and it was a matter of time before they scored.

  57. Nick

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:13 #11597

    Unfortunately i agree with every word of the article , i can only see more heartache around the corner but the the most painfull realization comes from KNOWING we were only 3 maybe 4 players away from a truly great side sadly now we need at least that amount just to compete in my view whethet it be wengers fault or the board it doesnt really matter anymore untill theres change at the top were going to continue on a downward spiral i hope by all thats holy im wrong, and arsene finds his magic hat again, but i fear were in for a season of struggle ,as shakespeare once said "now is the summer of our discontent made miserable winter by this son of gaul" ok he didnt actually write that but it fits.

  58. Yap

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:11 #11596

    Excellent article, and very realistic. The AKBs will loathe this! Arsenal under AW has become a joke. A big Joke club. There is only one way and that is to sack Wenger as soon as possible. I would think about a short-term solution until the end of the season i.e. getting in someone like Ancelotti to manage us this season, or appoint Van Gaal (who is outta work) until the end of the season. Next season, Guardiola leaves Barca and we MUST at all costs go for him. He is made for this job. Problem is, those two c**s Kroenke and Gazidis are as retarded as Wenger, and cannot be trusted. In any case, the first priority HAS to be getting Wenger out. His number is up and he knows it. So do the AKBs. Which is why they are desperately crying more than ever!

  59. kdmgooner

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:10 #11595

    Here I sit reading this on Monday. Two more days have passed since the collapse against Liverpool and still not even a rumour regarding any new signings. After what happened on Saturday they should have been on the phone to Bolton/Everton and others first thing after breakfast on Sunday. Arsenal fan for 42 years my heart is bleeding out with whats going on. I want my Arsenal back.

  60. Rawr

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:06 #11594

    I would like to point out they were double marking Theo nearly all game, so if he started to run up the wing he had to bodies pressuring him within seconds, and Walcott isnt Messi, so if hes put in that situation he might win 1/100. Kenny pretty much planned it that way, i feel Arshavin has been letting the team down astronomically, failing nearly everytime he touches the ball, i think its time Miyaichi gets his first team slot.

  61. Merse69

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:06 #11593

    The form of Szczesny and the swagger of Frimpong suggest Wenger might know what he's doing after all... Here are some facts (Benitez style!) to cheer up all you doom-mongers and hopefully provide some perspective. Since the start of the Premier League, Spurs have a won a grand total of two league cups... and appeared in the champions league once. They haven't won the league for fifty years or even the FA Cup for twenty years. Will all those calling for Wenger's head just get a grip. Even Liverpool haven't won the league for twenty years and they used to virtually own the trophy. Yes, the league (and league cup) we're there for the taking last season. We all share the disappointment and frustration, but if you want a fast track to the footballing wilderness - that's the Europa league and trophy less seasons measured in decades - keep up your campaign to get rid of Wenger. We're never going to compete with Man City, United and Chelsea on transfer fees and wages. So let's keep our flawed footballing genius and hope the financial fair play rules eventually level the playing field.

  62. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Aug 22, 2011, 13:05 #11592

    Up until about 2 years ago I wouldn't have a thing said against Wenger. To me he was someone who had my total and utter respect - a genius who gave us unbelievable football and The Invincibles. But I'm afraid Wenger has used up all that good will I had for him. He alone is responsible for providing us with a team that will have us finishing behind the likes of Stoke all because he wanted to prove a point. Wenger - Arsenal is not your project, it is our football team, our love, our pride, our history. To paraphrase Kevin Witcher: What the hell has it come to when the Arsenal rue the fact that an untried teenager is unavailable for a game at Old Trafford.

  63. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 22, 2011, 12:59 #11591

    Would you realy trust the board in its present form to change the Manager and get it right? No me neither, especially when former US Mens Soccer Coach Bob Bradley is currently out of a job.

  64. Richard Ansell

    Aug 22, 2011, 12:53 #11590

    Kevin - I am numb with disbelief at how Wenger and the Board have behaved so far this summer. How can we be only days from the end of the transfer window with so many players still required? Why was the Nasri / Fabregas saga not sorted in June? Wenger appears to have put his head in the sand and is now a complete liability, a mere shadow of the once great manager we so admired.

  65. nicky

    Feb 19, 2011, 16:09 #2480

    Keep dreaming, Messi's disallowed header was a goal. Go and look on YouTube... if Arsenal had the same disallowed header (or any other english team) for that matter you would be screaming murder... just sore losers. Wait till the Nou Camp where your luck (yes supreme luck) will run out

  66. Jekyll

    Feb 19, 2011, 13:15 #2477

    The author's best point is that it hopefully draws a line in the sand, no matter the 2nd leg result. If we don't stop the regular capitulations after coming back against Barca we never will. Surely they'll have overcome that psychological weakness now. This is the time we really find out whether this team has got it.

  67. Feb 18, 2011, 22:44 #2467

    Messi did score and was incorrectly ruled offside. Cannot help wonder what that would have done to the rest of the game!

  68. EborGooner

    Feb 18, 2011, 16:25 #2465

    Great post and pretty much spot on. Whatever happens in the second leg this side has shown guts, bottle, nerve, tenacity or whatever you want to call it. Barca are unbelievably good in possession and we had to tough it out. My fear after the Newcastle capitulation was that whilst we play great football ourselves, when put under pressure this particular group of players buckled. This shows just how wrong I was as I bet most sides at 1-0 down to Barca and being outplayed would have crumbled. Special praise to Jack, who despite his youth, refused to be overawed and was probably our best player on the night.

  69. Apollo

    Feb 18, 2011, 15:31 #2463

    Excellent submission mate. Clear and lucid, which is more than I can say from a lot of the pundits and self proclaimed experts out there. I have one niggling issue about Barca. I have to admit that I love to see them play but as an Arsenal supporter I obviously prefer Arsenal's comparatively more direct style. SOME of the Barca players Xavi in particular were touting that they were the better team etc. But see my problem is this. The shots on goal were almost equal, territorial possession was almost equal, sure we didn't have nearly as much possession but the main point is this, how can a team, including US at times say that they were the better team if they don't put the ball into the back of the net despite their chances. Ok there are some situations of mad referee decisions and general sporting unfairness where one can claim that, but for a relatively fair and even match (baring possession) if one team wins, surely they were the better team on the night. Just a thought.