In the boardroom of the blind …

… the one-eyed man is king

In the boardroom of the blind …

King Canute: Might as well pick the team next weekend

in the boardroom of the blind the one-eyed man is king. Or rather the man with the rose-tinted spectacles who takes no account of his surroundings is sitting Canute-like as the waves of defeat wash over him.

The coming week and certainly the days through to the closing of the transfer window will be the defining moments of Arsene Wenger’s career at Arsenal. Defeat on Wednesday to Udinese would almost certainly be followed by defeat to ManU the following Sunday. Nasri will be sold, and none of the quality players the manager tells us he would have liked to sign or got closing to signing will come to a team not in the Champions League. Imagine, if you will, that you were Gary Cahill – you have been linked with Arsenal all summer, you would probably like to come because of Champions League football and the great players there – but you have a year on your contract at Bolton, why not see it out, and move on a free to Chelsea or Man City, or ManU even, for a stoking signing on fee, and guaranteed Champions League football?

Before the season started I predicted that we would probably end August with 2 points and playing in the Europa League; I was probably too optimistic, as I suspect it will be 1 point (and no goals scored) to go with the Europa League. Before the AKBs write their ripostes, tell me this – in the absence of signings, who will play in the midfield at Old Trafford – Ramsey and Rosicky (assuming both stay fit for long enough), Lansbury and Eastmond perhaps? Enough to strike fear into the heart of the opposition I should say (not).

I came to the conclusion a long time ago that Arsene Wenger had lost it and it was just a matter of time before the board realised it too and gave him his expensive cards. When did I realise it? 2009, in fact, at that infamous shareholders' Q&A when the manager took great exception to one questioner who described Silvestre as geriatric. But it wasn’t that particular item that caused me to lose my faith in the manager – rather it was his response to my question which did not transmitted on the edited highlights I saw. I asked Wenger why he played so many players out of position, to which, as I recall, he asked me what I meant, with my replying mentioning Bendtner on the right or Diaby on the left. His retort to me, before Bob Wilson moved on to another questioner, was that Diaby had been trained on the left.

I didn’t believe him. The next day I got one of my French staff to phone Auxerre, PSG and Clairefontaine, i.e. places where Diaby learnt his trade; from that we learned that Monsieur Diaby spent a lot of his development as a young footballer playing as a “faux neuf” (literally “false nine” or in football language, the deep-lying striker, i.e. the no.10 …). Moreover, we were told, Monsieur Diaby was never given any defensive responsibility because no one at these august footballing establishments believed he had the concentration to play the defensive midfielder role and he certainly never played on the left.

I disliked being fobbed off in this patronising, dismissive manner, but wasn’t surprised. I hesitate to use the words “lie” and “untruth” but since that fateful evening in May 2009, I have found it very hard to take much of what Arsene Wenger says with much seriousness.

He says no one will leave (Fabregas has left and soon Nasri no doubt), he and Ivan Gazidis say they know what needs to be done to improve the team (where are the central defenders, cover in midfield and a new striker) and he does nothing to instil discipline and common sense into his players (2 red cards and a post match suspension already this season); and he clearly goes against the spirit of the UEFA ban on contacting the team during the Udinese match, never mind if he did not actually speak to them directly.

Before the Liverpool game I was offered 4 pairs of tickets to pass on (at NO charge in case someone at the club reads this!), but I couldn’t find anyone interested in taking even one pair. Several people I know had tickets on ticket exchange which they tell me they couldn’t sell.

We have now reached the end of August and the squad’s thin-ness and unsuitability in terms of mix, numbers and experience for the season ahead is all too clear; the stadium is not full for the first home game of the season, against Liverpool (when did this match not sell out before?), and the manager says it is not all doom and gloom. He is right of course – he may be able to turn this around, he may buy some players and the team may well get the result they need on Wednesday and scrape a draw on Sunday. It may happen, but I don’t believe it will.

Sometimes, in order to improve or sort out a number of problems, you need to sink to real depths. I don’t think Arsenal will return to past glories under Arsene Wenger, so either he stays until 2014 and we bumble along – selling players, bringing in more youngsters and watching crowds dwindle, while paying the highest prices in the country to watch the mediocrity we are served just now; or when we are in the Europa League, with 1 point and no league goals scored come next Sunday evening, Silent Stan will phone Ivan and tell him to sack the manager. By then it may be too late to buy the players we need for this season, but as our esteemed editor has said on many occasions on this site, a stronger manager, a more defensively astute manager, would be able to get more out of the current squad. George Graham as caretaker until Pep Guardiola gets bored of winning everything and decides he needs a real challenge?

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  1. Ronster

    Aug 25, 2011, 10:41 #11811

    Yanto.Disparaging a true Arsenal great like George Graham isn't very clever as Carlos succinctly pens above.'The Stroller' also made 308 appearances for AFC finding the net 77 times,winning a hatful of medals in the process.Now stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

  2. Yanto

    Aug 24, 2011, 17:38 #11780

    dpb is right: "An alternative set of theories: Diaby has trained at Arsenal as a left sided player, and has done so to 'learn his trade'. The board rather than AW is holding-up the transfers: AW wants to sign players and offer serious wages but is being hamstrung by politics on the board and/or board policies (such as the wage ceiling). " Wenger is the subject of a Witch Hunt by the media - and the 'mindless' have followed, rather than think for themselves...If AW went tomorrow we REALLY would be up shyte-creek without a paddle and a gaping hole in the canoe....George Graham.....Jeeeezussss...I'd rather have 'Arry the Spiv' than GG....

  3. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Aug 24, 2011, 15:10 #11777

    James Quinn, OF COURSE Whinger is "loyal" to the board. They pay him 6.5M pounds/year to win nothing, carry on with his vanity project, show outright disdain for fans, and talk bollocks in the media. They even throw in a gauranteed yearly bonus of 750k to him for the services rendered above. At that price, I too would be intensely loyal.

  4. Stevo

    Aug 24, 2011, 6:14 #11709

    Mo - David Moyes or Owen Coyle good enough to replace Wenger? Really? Yes i agree we in a hole at the moment and if we go out we are in for a long season, but i still think I'd like to have our most successful manger EVER to be the one to get us out of it. I love how some Arsenal fans "know" that wenger is the root of everything wrong with the club. He may be but he might not be, and you don't know any more than I do. So let's not throw our toys out of the pram before a ball has been kicked, just so we could say "I told you so"

  5. James Quinn

    Aug 24, 2011, 3:02 #11705

    It's the board holding back wenger but he's to loyal and professional to out them on it. He obviously wanted to play nasri for the udinese game, so the board sold him before he was cup tied for man city, so they could guarantee top £ for him. Must admit my faith in wenger was lost when we got done 5-1 by the scum. That night made me realise how out of touch he is with the fans.

  6. goonerwoody

    Aug 24, 2011, 1:53 #11703

    I seriously think you are taking it way too personally with what happened at the shareholders meeting. It goes without saying that Wenger has lost his marbles and I for one am going to feel so relieved when all this mess is over. Oh and George Graham as caretaker? You have got to be either joking or a complete football novice to think that will be the solution. Get rid of Gazidis, Wenger and re-instate Dein and get Hiddink!

  7. Carlos

    Aug 24, 2011, 0:08 #11702

    I really don't know if George is the answer. I do feel that the atmosphere, a combination of resignation and desperation is reminiscent of the time George arrived at Arsenal in 1986 with falling attendances and disorganized and heartless performances. However, anyone who is critical of what he achieved as manager, of the change he brought about in the aspirations of the club and the way in which the team played doesn't know what they are talking about

  8. Jolomi

    Aug 23, 2011, 23:53 #11701

    I am tired of these article's and their ridiculous claims that AW is done, Arsenal is in a slump and if any reasonable person made a list of managers capable of bring us back AW would be high on it. Granted he has made a few bad calls , but that happen's to the best managers, he had to adapt when he lost vital players back in 05 so he picked a strategy and went with, now that it is over am sure he recognizes it and will make adjustment, i mean this guy had a bunch of (talented)kids and still managed to hold it against Europe's finest for heavens sake, mind you players, though vital, are not everything, look at what happened to Liverpool or man city in previous seasons, best players, no good manager, poor performance in previous seasons while Wenger and his kids not only qualified for champs league but passed the group stage every year. Great players can always be bought on the market for the right price but great managers like the legend we have are not so easy to come by. he has made wrong choices, BUT HE IS ARSENE WENGER, and he is more than capable of righting his wrongs .

  9. Xnedu

    Aug 23, 2011, 23:03 #11699

    Wow! Why can't we read articles without resorting to petty insuts like 12yr olds?Isn't the writer entitled to his opinions?From the comments of those antagonising the writer of this post, it's obvious pple will make excuses for Wenger even if he were to (God forbid) lead us to relegation.So when is enough enough?

  10. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 23, 2011, 19:08 #11692

    Without going over old ground I agree the seeds of discontent were sown at that and previous shareholders meetings when Hillwood and Wenger basically told fans and shareholders to f off and how dare they question them? Saying that I split the blame between Wenger and the board who I think (the board) should shoulder most of it. Some for allowing their supposed cash cow Wenger to have total control and indulge his vanity project to increase their trousering potential and secondly for not seeing the writing on the wall when change on the strategy front was so obviously needed. If you are constantly told by your 'bosses' that you can do no wrong you will believe it!

  11. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Aug 23, 2011, 18:56 #11690

    Actually, we did get the players Gazidis and Whinger promised us - Jenkinson is the "super quality" defender we absolutely needed, Ramsey is the new, or like new, midfield signing and they gave us TWO strikers - Gervinho and Campbell. What are you on about, mate?

  12. Mo

    Aug 23, 2011, 18:12 #11687

    George would do us a job. There are loads of managers out there that could do the job - Owen Coyle, Carlo Ancelotti, David Moyes, etc etc. If Arsene won't change then he must go.

  13. Ronster

    Aug 23, 2011, 18:12 #11686

    King Georgie Graham...won trophy in first season,won trophy in last full season,won a European trophy,lost only one game in 1990/91 league campaign (a 1-2 reverse at Chelsea with an injury ravaged defence that day),won 6 pots in 8 full seasons,invariably got his teams over the line in the games that mattered,brought legends Seaman, Dixon,Winterburn, Bould,Limpar,Smith and Wright to the club,promoted and coached the outstanding youth available to him,continued to bag the pots despite an average midfield towards the end of his tenure,never dissed the fans,freshened up his backroom staff,instilled discipline and pride and had Wenger shown some humility and given him a role at the club (anything is possible) we could all be puffing cigars having seen every Arsenal trophy winning record torn to shreds. Gadaffi?.....Graham or Wenger?....think about it!

  14. Aj

    Aug 23, 2011, 17:01 #11680

    The mismanagement at this club,both on and off the field over the last few years is a disgrace.Now we seem to be having to put up with the the manager and the board briefing against each other in the press and via the Internet.All the time the fans are lied to and taken for fools.Whether we have supported Arsenal for 50 years or 50 days it doesn't matter.We are the club and it's about time we stood together against these parasites.

  15. Richard Ansell

    Aug 23, 2011, 16:14 #11676

    With you all the way Ian and I think your comment about having to sink further to finally lance the boil that is Arsene Wenger will happen tomorrow and on Sunday where we will undoubtedly get stuffed. Talk about self-inflicted madness, I just do not understand Wenger at all and do not believe a word he says anymore. A miracle tomorrow would be great in one way but of course will only serve to keep Wenger bumbling along for even longer.

  16. ArseFan

    Aug 23, 2011, 16:09 #11675

    Okie. Wenger is a "liar". We knew that since 1996-97 when he used to say, "I didn't see that". Was it fine until he lied to you? I am NOT a wenger apologist. Nor am I a naive person. I am not disputing we could be in Europa League tomorrow evening. Think about this team: Sczszeny Kos Thiago Sagna Vermaelen schweinsteiger Fabregas Jack Wilshire Nasri Aguero RvP Subs: Arshavin, Fabianski, Djouru, Theo, Gibbs, Ramsey, Song Unused subs: Frimpong, Ryo, Lanisbary, Iqnassi, Mannone, Bartley He missed the boat not this year, but last year. He should have sold off: Diaby, Bendtner, Eboue, Vela, Denilson, Almunia, Rosicky and clichy and should not have bought Chamak, Squlliaci. This would have saved Arsenal team about 420K per week (Approx) without Chamak and Squlliaci' contrib to the coffers of arsenal to the tune of 100K more. 420K/week translates to 22 million in wages alone and if all of them were sold last term then upwards of 60 million could have been realized. Which could have been re-invested with Kun and schweinsteiger were up for grabs last time with Thiago only settling in Milan's squad. This would have taken not more than 70 million last term. The wenger's problem is he waited a year too long. To be fair on him, he was trying to build something like this this year. But as I said, it is one year too late. It was really painful last term to watch arsenal start with kos, squlliaci and depending on Jack when Fab was missing. This year it is actually better, as my expectations are at all time low. One thing is sure though, come what may I am an Arsenal supporter and will encourage all the current players and staff to do their best as long as they are here. What more can you ask? PS: Forget Pep. We will never attract him, as we sack wenger(next year) we will appoint a care taker manager like Gus huddnik who will dismantle what is left of Wenger's team and philosophy of playing. Pep's most liekly destination would be ManU, who seem to have makings of a good future squad who can play expansive football.

  17. Matthew

    Aug 23, 2011, 16:07 #11674

    Wenger is Canute in reverse. King Canute was trying to prove that the waves would NOT obey him because some of his deluded courtiers thought he was all-powerful. Wenger thinks that he is all-powerful and his courtiers (us) aren't really buying that anymore.

  18. danalovAFCXI

    Aug 23, 2011, 15:46 #11672

    Pep Guardiola? ha ha dream on would be nice but by the time hes done over there Arsenal will be dog fighting the likes of Birmingham, WBA or Wolves for points at the bottom half of the league. George Graham is just not suited to the modern poncey footballer sadly. I think he would scare the **** out of these pussy players we are lumbered with and they would just bitch and moan and do even worse than they are now. We need a new manager that is clear but who it should be I have no idea. How bout someone who likes to spend some ****in money.

  19. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Aug 23, 2011, 15:34 #11671

    Oh, come on! Are you seriously saying in order to win the Champs League and the Premiership, we need to improve on the sensational forward line of Chamakh and Gervinho? The goal machines that are Walcott and Arshavin? The unpassable barriers that are Squillaci and Djourou? The experience of Jenkinson and Gibbs? The ever presents of Rosicky and Diaby? Get a grip, man!

  20. GoonerLad

    Aug 23, 2011, 15:04 #11669

    How do you know it's Wenger? Our CEO and largest shareholder also have a say. He is the real power broker - Ivan and Arsene are employees. Top players aren't going to agree personal terms with The Arsenal for the love of The Arsenal. Everyone knows football salaries are bringing down clubs. They are the difficult parts that most Clubs find to finance. A 5 year commitment for 150K a week is £39 million commitment. Now add the bonus payments - loyality, finishing in the top four, winning a competition etc...This can become a yoke around a Clubs neck. In a recession revenues fall but your salary level won't because that's been fixed for five years. I can appreciate the perspective the longterm survival of the Club cannot be threatened. We see the last six years as no trophy, the custodians of the Club see a new stadium and weathering the financial tsunami of messers Abromovich and Mansoor. Who would have predicated Abromovich factor, yes your multi-millionaires Sir Jack Walker but his spending at Chelsea has been on another level. Financial fair-play will it help??? I'm a gooner, I want us to win things. I'm no bilionaire, can't afford to buy a season ticket let alone the Club and finance a binge in the transfer market too boot. Obviously the property investments have not provided the profits teh Club were hoping for and they have has to cut the cloth accordingly. I hope we are able to bring in a couple of top quality players. I'm not talking the likes of Samba, Cahill etc. Manu got two defenders in and there was no link to them two.

  21. Lee Scratch Perry Groves

    Aug 23, 2011, 14:50 #11668

    So, if a major reason why you want Arsene Wenger to be sacked is because you don't trust him/think he's a liar, where's the logic in wanting to see him replaced by a confirmed thief?

  22. Chris

    Aug 23, 2011, 14:48 #11667

    This is simply a load of rubbish. One long sting of moaning and a complete lack of ability to look facts in the face. Yes there is chance that come September we'll be out of the champions league and behind in the league. So what? This won't happen to Chelsea, Man U or Man City because they can heavily outspend us (please do not overlook the difference in wage structure between us and Manure, it equates to a couple of top quality signings ever year). It happens almost every year to Tottenham and has happened on a few occasions to Liverpool, despite them both sailing close to the wind with their finances. So, it MIGHT happen, to a club that should be used to it. I for one am grateful for all the years of top quality champions league football. There is simply no one else that could do a better job than Wenger, I just wish people take a step back. Liverpool didn't get nearly this level of vitriol last season and they were flirting with relegation at one point!

  23. Jonathan

    Aug 23, 2011, 14:31 #11664

    There is a boardroom rift between Stan and Wenger, were stan is willing to meet the transfer fee but will not back Wenger by paying the player's wage demands. Wenger will not disclose this to the press and will not walk but you fail to explain this in your article. Wenger may not want to buy a lesser player which the board are stipulating Wenger to do. The board are loosing it's players because they refuse to pay them enough which Wenger has warned them will happen countless times. Who will win this battle stan or Wenger? well it looks like Stan has won. I personally have faith in Arsene, but whoever replaces him will have the same problems as Stan is unwilling to buy the best players because heb will not pay the wages.

  24. opio

    Aug 23, 2011, 14:10 #11662

    I think its unfair to pay a lot of money to watch a team performing like the current Arsenal yet the manager has the funds to strengthen the team .please learn to feed the cow you milk

  25. james

    Aug 23, 2011, 14:01 #11661

    Excellent article.I agree with everything you say.However i believe it is a long time away until Wenger is sacked.He makes a big profit for the board and that's all they really care about at the end of the day.In Wenger's Liverpool post match interview he really showed how hes lost it by moaning about referee decisions like a petulant baby and he looks like a nervous wreck on the sidelines.He's lost all sense of reality and is too stubborn to see the failures in his youth policy and current squad.He has not won a trophy since George Graham's men of steel moved on and now he has his own players and they just cant do it. He does not buy players with enough steel,defensive discipline,attitude and winning mentality like Adams, Keown and Parlour had.He has only bought two centre backs of real quality (Campbell and Vermaelen).Even if we were to get Cahill or Samba or Mertesacker we have no defensive policy or shape.Our mentality is too poor to win trophies. We need a [1] centre back,[2] powerful box to box midfielder who is tough tackling, defensively aware, experienced and has won trophies, and [3] we need a goal poacher in the Ian Wright mould like Darren Bent.[4] We need a stronger, more resilient winning mentality and [5] more defensive shape, discipline and work rate from the back four up to the midfield and forwards.

  26. SilverGooner

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:59 #11660

    Spot on Ian. Wenger's arrogance and his constant talking bollocks are allienating him from many supporters - myself included. A couple of weeks ago he stated "I do not listen to anyone". Well, maybe if he had, we would not be in the mess we are in. Wenger is clearly unable to handle the intense pressure he is under right now ("I do not feel any more pressure than normal") and his body language during the Liverpool game (to quote Mark Lawrenson on MOTD) was like Basil Fawlty. Failure against Udinese tomorrow could well decide whether Wenger carries on in the job. The decision won't be his though.

  27. young

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:53 #11659

    Wow,so close to the bone,and so frightening real. But Wenger may just be lucky enough and able to pull the last rabbits out of the hat yet. From more signing of youths,it seems the board is willing to sit out the crisis,no matter what,as there is no urgency YET from the book-keeping front. Wenger will still do his own thing.

  28. US Gooner

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:44 #11658

    I'm sure Guardiola's transfer plans at Arsenal would have been a huge success. Let's see, Ibra, Chygrinsky, Hleb and Adriano have all been stellar signings....Guardiola's lack of an eye for talent is even more pathetic than the credit he gets for piggy-backing 3 of the best players of the last 20 **** he's winning as per your phone calls to psg, auxerre and clairefontaine....i'm sure those clubs had nothing better to do than discuss Diaby's positional preferences with "your sources," and thanks for the input. Next time you want to sabotage the manager and post such useless garbage, don't do it on the eve of the biggest game of the year. you, sir, are a useless, fickle football fan who's had such great football to watch, that you forget what mid to lower level teams must feel like every single year. i hear man city and chelsea have great game-day atmospheres...i suggest you go watch those matches and leave ours to true fans and those of your "friends" who didn't want to go to the liverpool match and couldn't sell their tickets can **** off too US Gooner

  29. Arselicked

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:40 #11657

    Sorry, but I think you have lost it. George Graham!!!!!!!!! The problem of this team is not in defence, it is in attack. Sell pedestrians like Arshavin, Nasri, Rosicky and Bendtner and bring in players with hanger, who will be willing to run for 90m, who will not stop and drop their shoulders when they lose the ball and you have a winning team. Thats what Adebayor, Flamini, Cesc, Hleb and Eduardo were doing in 2008 and we nearly won. Maybe players are alrady there at the club like Miyaichi, Campbell, Chamberlain, Theo (no doubt), Gervinho, Song, Frimpong and Wilshire. If AW is fired, please don't bring in Graham. Times have moved on.

  30. John (Surrey)

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:38 #11656

    Of all the rubbish written recently this article takes the biscuit. Where do you get your thoughts. Arsenal have one of the best managers in the game. Make no mistake he is virtually irreplaceable. George Graham ??? You must be mental.

  31. dbp

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:36 #11655

    An alternative set of theories: Diaby has trained at Arsenal as a left sided player, and has done so to 'learn his trade'. The board rather than AW is holding-up the transfers: AW wants to sign players and offer serious wages but is being hamstrung by politics on the board and/or board policies (such as the wage ceiling). AW has brought in a combination of youth and quality this transfer window and doesn't see the need to waste the clubs money on over-priced players such as the various CBs that have been bandied round. Why would we spend £15m on a defender such as Cahill that would certanily be behind TV5, and almost certainly Djourou and Kosa? So you really want the club to spend £15m on a fourth choice CB? Sure ManU have just done so, but those fuorth choices are the eventual replacements for Ferdinand and Vidic.

  32. John

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:20 #11654

    Yawn - I said it years ago, been a seasonticket holder for 326 years, Wenger lost it, highest prices in the country, George Graham, yadayadayada. Try to say something original for a change. Pointless article, doesn't add anything to the garbage that has been churned out at nauseum.

  33. Colonel Mustard

    Aug 23, 2011, 13:19 #11653

    George Graham.....oh us...