Gunners earn their luck

Online Ed: Champions League income is salvaged

Gunners earn their luck

Szczesny – Giant performance

Of course, it should never have come to this. Arsenal’s players should have had their feet up on the couch back at home watching Manchester City endure the tension of a qualifying tie. However, having dug themselves into a potentially deep hole in the concluding matches of last season, Arsene Wenger’s players dug themselves out of it with their best performance of the season so far.

Udinese can certainly count themselves unlucky over the two legs, and Arsenal’s good fortune should in no way be allowed to disguise the ease with which opportunities were created by their opponents. But sometimes, a dose of fortune can do wonders for a club and it must be hoped that this is the consequence of winning in Italy. We know damn well it can have the reverse effect, as the debacle of Birmingham’s Carling Cup winner and what followed has shown.

With the income of Europe’s premier competition secured, there is absolutely no excuse not to go out and splash the oceans of cash the club are currently swilling in. As ITV anchor Matt Smith put it, “Earn it, bank it, spend it”. The fear is that it will be a case of two out of three ain’t bad the way Arsenal go about their business. Sure, selling clubs and avaricious agents are going to hold the Gunners to ransom, but that, sadly, is the price that has to be paid for not doing business in June and July when it should have been. Manchester United did not hang about and their new boys seem to be settling in quickly enough. If you have aspirations to be a big club, sometimes you have to act like it and pay the premium. The CL money should buy some breathing space and allow for a couple of million on top of what the manager considers a player worth.

One position that most fans are less concerned about is the goalkeeper. In the first part of 2010, regular contributor Ian Tanner was raving about the Wojciech Szczesny, then on loan at Brentford. With the failure to purchase a keeper in the summer of 2010, there were a number who felt that the club’s best option was to forget Almunia and Fabianski and promote the younger Pole immediately. The manager took about six months to catch on to this idea, proving he hasn’t the first clue about keepers. There’s no way he would have kept Almunia at the club for such a long time if he did. Szczesny is a big personality who did not let the Carling Cup final debacle affect his confidence. I have written before that he could become an Arsenal great and the performance in Udine certainly suggests so. Quite simply, his penalty save would not have been pulled off by many other keepers, and his command of his area was total. It was a man of the match performance, and one suspects he will be required to pull off a display of similar quantity if Arsenal are to get anything from next Sunday’s visit to the reigning champions.

There were other notable performances last night. Given his lack of experience, Carl Jenkinson did well. He was certainly under pressure from Udinese’s left winger but he coped admirably considering. Gervinho was a constant thorn in the side of the Italians. What significance that the three best performers (Jenkinson considering how many matches he has played in his career) have only been first team players for a matter of weeks or, in the keeper’s case, months? Arsenal attacked fairly well, with a number of shots from outside the area and a lot of cutting in from the byline highly encouraging to see. That they are porous at the back is not news, but over the two legs, they got away with it. Naturally, if this is not addressed, there is trouble in store, and it is difficult to envisage Manchester United not picking the team apart this weekend. Even when Frimpong and Song are available, it was interesting to witness that, rather than one of them electing to hold, the lack of understanding means that the defence can at times be exposed. It is a new partnership and Frimpong is very raw, but is Song actually capable of giving guidance? Against Liverpool with Ramsey playing further forward there seemed less confusion and Frimpong, positionally, looked a better midfield wall than Song usually does. Very disciplined in that respect although obviously his temperament is another matter entirely.

Which brings me to the conclusion that the three players Arsene Wenger must buy are those in the mould of Tony Adams, Gilberto and well, here’s the interesting one. I was going to say Ian Wright, but last night provided more evidence that if Theo Walcott is going to be utilized, he should be given a forward role. If the formation is not going to be switched to 4-4-2 to accommodate him, then it would make more sense to allow Van Persie to play as the shadow striker. If the manager accepted this idea, and then accepted that RVP will get injured, then the third signing should be a creative midfielder/half forward who can allow for variation when injury occurs. So if Theo is out injured, RVP plays up front and the new man behind him. The concept of signing Kaka is fantasy island stuff, but that is exactly the kind of boost Arsenal need. Dennis Bergkamp was having a torrid time at Inter Milan and did ok for the club, so who is to say Kaka cannot turn his career around? He is familiar enough with Arsenal’s stadium and would certainly help to market the club a lot more than Fabregas and Nasri could. He is simply a world star on the level of a Thierry Henry and Arsenal need a bit of that now.

However, a solid base is ultimately more important and that is what the manager has to concentrate on now. He is not going to coach his young team how to defend as a unit, and he sure isn’t going to let anyone on the coaching staff do it either. So he needs to bring in wise heads who can do it for him on the pitch during the 90 minutes. A kind of learn as you play crash course for the younger players.

The hope is that last night’s win was a turning point in recent Arsenal history. The fear is they just got lucky and that nothing will change. As someone once said, “Get your chequebook out”.

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  1. Jason

    Aug 26, 2011, 11:01 #11864

    Great result on wednesday.Something to build on for Sunday's match.I hope!

  2. bk

    Aug 26, 2011, 0:19 #11853

    martin keowen,defence did alright in 2006 when he was hanging around the training pitch doing his badges.Even thou wenger will never admit it

  3. Big Dave

    Aug 25, 2011, 23:18 #11852

    The only direction the money will be going is in the pocket of the directors wise up guys we ain't buying jack ****, and it will be the same season we've been getting the last six years

  4. Adrian Wagenaar

    Aug 25, 2011, 18:52 #11849

    The caution in "the Ed's" blog is merited and I think he got the game right. This game was unwanted due to our collapse at the end of last season and we got through it and I hope it means we can attract at least 3 new players before the end of the month. My fear however is that encouraged by the result, signings that we need will be restricted to perhaps just one player and that will probably be in midfield. I think we need to judge our improvement by how we perform in the much tougher game on Sunday.

  5. Objective

    Aug 25, 2011, 18:43 #11847

    @Andrew Cohen. It's one thing being happy that the team won AND realising we have much to do to build a weak squad and Wenger is to be blamed for that-- that's a position I support. It's another thing to root for a Udinese win, or be downright churlish in the face of an Arsenal one, just because it eases some pressure on a manager you want out. I mean that's twice now Kevin's sounding wistful by telling us how unlucky Udinese were. We don't give a monkeys, kevin. When Arsenal get "unlucky" failing to beat teams we dominate, you hammer them as toothless. Arsenal won. Our problems are not over, but all good gooners should cheer the team.

  6. danny

    Aug 25, 2011, 18:40 #11845

    we got lucky. i was praying for a loss. wenger got lucky we need tyo get this guy out of the club fast. he will never buy proven players. fab & nasri left because they saw the light. hell even vieria told nasri to go

  7. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 25, 2011, 18:18 #11843

    If Wenger's pointed praise of Rosicky's 45 minutes is anything to go by, 30 minutes of which was against a tiring, stretched midfield forced to gamble after Van Persie's equaliser, then I think he's already answered the question of who he expects to play the Fabregas / Nasri role from now on. I expect one new addition to the squad at most. I hope to be proved wrong.

  8. Gare Kekeke

    Aug 25, 2011, 17:38 #11842

    @ Andrew Cohen. Spot on mate. Why cant these AKB's see it I don't know? Great article as per usual Kevin. Sadly, I'm of the opinion that Wenger will use the win in Italy not to beef up the squad with the nesscessary experienced additions as he wouldn't want to 'kill' messrs Jenkinson, Frimpong et al even though though they need these players for help and guidance. If you had any sense, you should not be fooled by the win. The real tests for this squad will come at places like Old Trafford, Anfield, Stamford Bridge etc..

  9. CD

    Aug 25, 2011, 17:05 #11841

    Obviously a vital win last night, and well deserved. However before some of the pro Wenger supporters get carried away, was it not disconcerting watching the opposition carve out chance after chance in the first half? Udinese played an incredibly open game last night which is highly unusual for an Italian outfit. Any team which does that against Arsenal regardless of who our personel are on display are asking for trouble from us, and naturally we thrived on all the open space provided. Now the reality check, no team in the Premier League is going to stand off and give us all that space, and we will soon be back to struggling to break any one down, but will remain porous at the back unless Wenger strengthens his defensive options, with quality PL experienced players before the window closes shut tight on Wednesday. We really struggled v Newcastle and Liverpool to create chances let alone convert any, and I think this is more of a barometer of where we currently are than the victory last night, although obviously it was very welcome for so many different reasons.

  10. Andrew Cohen

    Aug 25, 2011, 16:11 #11840

    The Editor wants the club to win. The point is that he wants it to win for most of the games, in all of the season. For that you need a full squad, properly trained. We don't have either and we won't win anything. We could do so, but the manager won't. Goodness knows why. Some of us think that isn't good enough and want it to change. That's all.

  11. Objective

    Aug 25, 2011, 15:04 #11834

    Why can't guys like Oxy The Moron be happy that the team won? Your disappointment is palpabe, poor lamb. Kevin you said, "What significance that the three best performers (Jenkinson considering how many matches he has played in his career) have only been first team players for a matter of weeks or, in the keeper’s case, months?". I can answer that for you very easily. Wenger bought well. Credit where due?

  12. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 25, 2011, 14:33 #11833

    Before leaving Udine, did anyone from The Arsenal think to ask Di Natale if he fancied playing Champion's League football THIS season?

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 25, 2011, 14:15 #11831

    agree with you kevin after last nights performance all the doom and gloom negativity etc,etc,surrounding our club it can all be salvaged with two or three top class signings i dont need to mention what positions but will it happen ? god i hope so. If it dosen't there really and truly can be no more excuses.

  14. Greeneman

    Aug 25, 2011, 14:08 #11830

    You have to admit progress has been made. Szechezny looks the part, TV5 back and young Jack W will return. And some signings will come, even if a little late. We need to buy a captain. Jack W is still too young for captain. For me the big thing is the clearout. No more Almunia, Bendtner, Denilson, diaby, Eboue, Vela, Squillaci, Arshavin. Too often we have gone into big matches with the likes of these and sufferered the consequences. While neither Cesc or Nasri were captains, they are huge losses. But they can be replaced. Last night was the first step in a long re build. We might have a bit of steel now. Lets get some leadership and we can be a challenge for anyone. Note: ignore Man U Man C and Chelsea. They are not run as sustainable organisations. When our success comes it will be all the sweeter.

  15. Brigham

    Aug 25, 2011, 13:48 #11828

    I thought we did enough last night, but I must add that defensively, we still looked a tad naive at times, with some panic clearances now and then (several balls headed up in the air and into our own box in the second half). Still some work to be done on the training ground in that deparment. A big plus for me was CJ adapting to this level of football very well and it can only have done his self-confidence some good. Some good work in midfield by Ramsey, Song and Rosicky when he came on, who turned it around for us I thought. I am not getting carried away by it though and the need remains for some fresh blood to come in and SOON. Walcott through the middle, as many others have stated, would be a good move and would bring us more goals and also give us other options. He does love running onto through balls so much and we all know that he struggles to actually beat a man through trickery. Mancs on Sunday will be a whole new game and I will settle for a point up there.

  16. Carlos

    Aug 25, 2011, 13:36 #11827

    Judge him in May. We are in the CL group stages and will bank a pretty penny and the team put in a decent performance so we must be happy, if we have any reservations which we dare to make public, then we should go to the Lane and support Spurs. And he who dares to question Wenger's eagle eye when it comes to spotting goalkeeping / centre half quality just doesn't know what he's talking about. There will be no decent signings, the youngsters will be run into the ground and get injured and come February/March Wenger's disciples will be nowhere to be heard or seen.

  17. What ws the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 25, 2011, 12:41 #11824

    Trennon, you seem like a welcome addition to the sight. I find your argument well thought out, completely rational, articulatly put and opinion changing. Please keep up the good work when your not writing for the Times that is. Honestly, what a div!!! Anyway funny to see all the AKB's coming out now we've beaten a team that finished fourth in a **** league and have just sold all their best players, a bit like we have. Thought we done alright last night. Still miles to open with plenty of chances for both sides. Remember they hit the post twice in the first half and missed a penualty in the second although we did have chances too with Theo missing three sitters over the two legs. JD marking for their goal sums him up. My only problem with last night is like in the past Wenger seizes on a win to justisfy his madness. In fact i went cold when i heard him say in the build up to the match about promoting from within. He's right that is what we do however he has failed to notcice that we go backwards every year, the penny still hasn't dropped and wins like last night only allow him to become more entrenched. However, I'm sure United are about to serve us up a dose of reality at the weekend. I'm pleased we're through as I think it's impossible to rebuild without Champ league football and I do think there has been positives this season. The keeper is impressive, so is Frimpong and I like young Jenkinson so far. I don't mean to sound so negative but I just can't see how this seaosn isn't going to be downhill again. We needed to add quality to the squad after last season instead we have lost our two best players and are seemingly (I hope I'm wrong) no where near bringing anyone in to at least get us back to square one. Why hasn't the defensive issue been addressed? Surely this alone is serious mismanagement!! Anyway we beat Udinese so everything is ok.

  18. danalovAFCXI

    Aug 25, 2011, 12:24 #11823

    @Trennon you moron. I have been sitting in an office surrounded by spurs and liverpool fans all giving the big one how we are ruined and the seasons over we wont qualify blah blah well last night proved them wrong. I have taken the time out to remind them we are through. You accuse me of Anti Arsenal! what a prick you are. I support this club through thick and thin no doubt you just showed up a few years ago when we won shiney trophies you pubeless tit.

  19. bunch

    Aug 25, 2011, 12:23 #11822

    Very happy with the result. Hopeful that Jenks, Pongy and Shez can become Arsenal legends. AW still on notice. We won't win anything this season but if we can bring on the young lads and mainain a CL position, then OK. Not too shabby.

  20. GoonerRon

    Aug 25, 2011, 12:14 #11820

    I know we have issues but this is such a negatively-slanted piece. Absolve Wenger of any credit for Ches all you like but you can't say in one article Wenger has complete control of club and then in the next not give him credit for bringing good players into the club. Also, no credit for the tactical change at half time by swapping Rosicky for Frimpong. The forum went into meltdown when that happened yet it certainly gave us a better balance and control of the midfield as the much maligned Rosicky played well. Also, why can Udinese count themselves unlucky over two legs? I seem to remember their keeper making two really good double saves last night and one in injury time in the first leg. Yes, they hit the woodwork etc but that happens. If Wenger came out and said 'we were unlucky last year as we hit the woodwork more than any other team in the EPL' would you accept it? No, thought not.

  21. VSK UK

    Aug 25, 2011, 11:51 #11819

    I can' believe how the negativity is pouring into every article on this site. We had most of the posiession, most shots, most shots on goal, won away in CL, a rarity even WITH Cesc and Na$ri. Get behind the team for god's sake!

  22. Adrian Wagenaar

    Aug 25, 2011, 11:40 #11817

    A strange game in many ways - when we looked comfortable we conceded and when we looked out of it we scored. However a couple of points I noted, Walcott had tried to curl the ball past the keepers left side a few times during the game and then when through on goal, with keeper poised to dive left he "mugged" him beautifully by lifting the ball to his right. A sign of things to come? I do hope so. Now a bit left side, to all those who never saw Joe Baker in the flesh playing in his pomp - Di Natale is the nearest I have ever seen to a player like Joe, the header was typical Baker and his movement for the shot he pulled across the face of goal was so reminiscent of the free scorer Gunner. If Di Natale had an Eastham feeding him he would double his tally each season. I really like Natale but I think he would get murdered in the PL but it would be interesting to see if him and RVP could work together.

  23. Dan h

    Aug 25, 2011, 11:30 #11816

    Really pleased especially for Szczesny fantastic penalty save which you could see galvanised his team mates & broke their spirit.Massive result for us which we can now have no excuses for not strengthing the squad the players themselves are saying it!

  24. Mike

    Aug 25, 2011, 11:30 #11815

    Funny how two of the three players he was complimentary to were Arsenes news signings. The third was the goalkeeper, who has given rise to massive critisism aimed at Wenger for not getting in an older keeper for experience. If Wenger manages to sign two or three more players then I think total faith will be restored. Mertesaker and or Cahill, plus a recognised midfielder - Arsene knows....

  25. Merse69

    Aug 25, 2011, 11:16 #11814

    The usual feint praise from Kevin. No doubt through gritted teeth. If I was a Spurs fan, I'd have these match reports bookmarked.... they'd cheer me up after reading all the positive stuff in the press.

  26. ex AKB

    Aug 25, 2011, 11:13 #11813

    Well done to Arsene and the Team last night. Now get an established centre half and midfielder(s) who can hit the ground running, and maybe you can shut a few more football experts up.

  27. Oxy-Moron

    Aug 25, 2011, 10:22 #11807

    A bit of a double-edged sword last night. On the one hand some decent (and surprising) performaces, most notably for me Jenkinson (a young Lee Dixon anyone?), and obviously the result iteself. On the other hand, ironically, probably the worst thing that could have happened in terms of making signings. I have no doubt whatsoever Arsene has woken up this morning with a spring in his step and will allow himself a sly thought that his squad is good enough, but never is the saying that one swallow doesn't make a summer more true than Arsenal FC. NOW is the time to speculate to accumulate Arsene - you are bankrupting nobody, and killing nobody. DO IT......PLEASE!!

  28. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 25, 2011, 10:16 #11805

    One swallow does not make a summer, neither does one fine day - similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy. Aristotle (No, not the one who owns the Kebab Shop in Green Lanes!)

  29. Trennon

    Aug 25, 2011, 10:15 #11803

    @ James & danalov. First class turds, both of you. We all know there is still work to be done but you can't even take 5 minutes off from your anti Arsenal ravings to enjoy a super victory in the face of immense pressure. What sad individuals you are! Grow up james? get a ****ing life asswipe!

  30. Richard Ansell

    Aug 25, 2011, 10:04 #11802

    Of course we all should be happy about the result last night, but it comes with plenty of reservations, the chief of which is will Wenger finally spend some money? I am afraid that if he continues with his blind faith in youngsters, coupled with the loss of Fabregas and Nasri (assuming no replacements), last night's result will be quickly forgotten amidst a sea of mediocrity. I have a nasty feeling, judging from Wenger's comments last night, that he will again try and get away not buying the quality and experienced players required. I hope I am wrong but with less than a week to go I have grave doubts.

  31. Any Old Iron

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:53 #11801

    Yes of course we still need new players, but as the window edges ever nearer closing, it seems we've got to go with what we have, again. The team were brave last night, showed spirit, and Szczesny lools like he wants that jersey for good! For the moment though Arsene has something to cheer about, as have we, lord knows he's been under a barrage for a while now. I for one have realised that I don't want any harm to come to him at all costs! So, the bombers didn't turn up last night with their deadly cargo. gives us time to gather our forces and strengthen our defences for our next game. That's the spirit!

  32. MarkH

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:52 #11800

    Did it occur to you that Wenger wanted to give Szczesny a few months more rather than not knowing anything about keepers. You sound just as disappointed as the clowns at ITV that we managed to win. As one idiot put it we were 1-0 down at half time. No we weren't,we were 1-1. If ManUre or Chelski had done that over two legs everyone would be raving about 'doing the buisiness in Europe'

  33. ify

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:49 #11799

    I have to say it again. AW has been in the job and knows what he really want. so we should give him a chance. congratulation my fellow fans- Gunners 4 life

  34. Ron

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:48 #11798

    Good win and a welcome tonic. Those players you mention did do well and so did Tomas Rosicky. Credit due as he really set about his task. Its right about the defence. We did get lucky at times and the interplay betenn midfielders and the defence is poor. That has to be a coaching issue as much as a personnel issue. Like you, i do feel that we could be well rolled over at Old Trafford sadly because of the defensive frailties, but then most of us thought this before last night too.

  35. Jekyll

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:45 #11797

    We scrape past a mediocre Italian side in a CL qualifier we should never have needed to play and the AKBs are out in force again, telling us all is well and not to criticise. The fear is that Wenger will use this as 'proof' he doesn't need to buy, just as not qualifying would have been reason not to buy. His comments yesterday suggested he just wants to keep promoting from within, an endless merry go round if you will, young players get on, experienced players get off, more young players get on... and so on it goes. Money in the bank, being siphoned off to... where? And so it will continue like this whilst Wenger keeps getting that CL qualification. Maybe some people like that reassurance of the familiar.

  36. danalovAFCXI

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:40 #11796

    Dear Spuds and Liverfool We will send you a postcard from the Champions league. Please water the plants whilst we are away. Cheers

  37. Fonz

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:40 #11795

    What? Typical arsenal fan and typical post off this board! All this talk of "we were raving about this keeper but Wenger does know what he is doing with keepers", your an idiot mate! You lot on here think you know it all, but Szczesny came of age last night! Remember the Carling cup? Cant you just b e happy we are through for f**ks sake! Today is the first day of our season, fans like you can do one! I dont blame Nasri for what he said about our fans, because he is right, we dont have passion we have little bitches!

  38. Sarge

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:30 #11793

    The result and performance will seduce and fool some people into thinking that things are not as bad as they seem. It was a game of two halves. We opened well but were wasteful. Udinese had a 20 minute spell in the first half where they could have buried us and perhaps a better team would have. Sagna failed to cope with the right winger's pace and he got sucked into midfield too often leaving his flank exposed. Djourrou's positional sense and awareness leaves a lot to be desired as time and again Di Natale played him on his blind side to find space behind and between the CB's and we opted for early balls into channels from deep for Gervihno and Walcott purely because there was no cohesive link between midfield and front 3 to transition the ball, resulting in a lack of numbers and ideas in and around the box at crucial times. The second half was much more controlled and balanced partly due to the half time switch. We looked better when we stretched the play and allowed the two wide players to exploit the spaces (something we should try at home more instead of 5-a-side triangles in tight areas, make the pitch work for us and tire teams out like we used to at Highbury). All that said we are in desparate need of a solid CB, a creative midfielder and a left back (Sagna performed OK but his lack of a left foot told at times) and all first team starters. The squad balance is wrong and ultimately this is where we are falling down. It was wrong at the start of the summer and is more so now. We keep shoving square pegs into round holes to cover deficiencies in the hope that things will work out. Well, there is no longer room for the wing and a prayer method of managing. It's time to stop cutting corners and gambling with what he's got and deliver on what is needed. To do nothing is to stand still or worse.

  39. James Hemmingway of Croydon

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:29 #11792

    David and Trennon where were you the first 3 games of the season? FFS grow up.

  40. Trennon

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:11 #11791

    `You dumb bitch. Lucky? More shots, more chances, greater posession and bigger heart. Try supporting the squad. FFS! We won and deserved it. Nothing but a GLOONER aren't you.

  41. David

    Aug 25, 2011, 9:09 #11790

    Kevin, I can really sense your disappointment in Arsenal beating Udinese last night.

  42. Wombledin

    Feb 27, 2011, 23:05 #2654

    "Instead, as long as Szczesny, Djourou and Koscielny play, I stay confident that they will help us to be strong enough to handle Birmingham’s plans." Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Where does all this misplaced confidence come from - a single good result against Barca? The polish kid has played 5 minutes and looks promising but today he looked like Flapianski at his worst - flapped at their first goal, didn't shout at Kos and spilled the ball for their second, lucky not to get red-carded v Bowyer. Koscielny has no brains and was playing French second division two seasons ago. A handy journeyman at best, like Squillaci.

  43. dan

    Feb 25, 2011, 16:35 #2642

    this is our onl chance of winning something,and now it looks like we won't

  44. Gerard

    Feb 25, 2011, 12:43 #2636

    Spot on about our defensive duties mate, only chance they have will come from set pieces. Dean will be pointing towards our goal at every opportunity he gets! The team needs this cup, losing not an option. Keep the head up Cesc and Theo.