Wenger – Back to the Future?

J’Accuse author returns

Wenger – Back to the Future?

Dein: Time for a return?

A great second half performance against Udinese and a good win, but let’s not kid ourselves that everything is going to ok this season. Some of you may have read the J’accuse! article that I wrote immediately after the Liverpool match when all my frustrations built up over the previous four years suddenly erupted. Judging by some of the comments it attracted, I have not been living alone with my frustrations.

Now, I am not a new supporter who has known only success while supporting Arsenal. I was Highbury born, and raised within a five-minute walk of the old stadium. I attended my first Arsenal match with my father in the 50’s, and my first full season of continued attendance was when Billy Wright was appointed in 1962. I have known and witnessed both the good times and the dark times since then. Now in my 50th season with 10’s of 1000’s of hours and £10,000’s invested in my club, my loyalty cannot be questioned.

If you read “J’accuse!” the one thing you would have noticed is that there was actually no demand for the head of Wenger. But do I want this particular version of Arsene Wenger in charge of my team? Absolutely not! No, I want the return of the original Arsene Wenger. Which is why I suggest the way forward is to take some of the following points and go - Back to the Future!

While I appreciate not all the following points could be put into action immediately, the first one certainly could, because right now there is actually nobody in a position of power at Arsenal to offer advice or challenge the Manager on any matter relating to football. The immediate appointment of David Dein as Director of Football would offer Arsene Wenger that advice and counsel from someone he trusts, and just as he did during our most successful period, Dein could immediately begin assisting the manager in the identification and purchase of players, and just as importantly the re-negotiation of existing contracts.

It should also not be forgotten that Wenger is now into his 60’s. Alex Ferguson has understood as he has grown older the benefit of surrounding himself with younger vibrant minds, so I propose that at the end of the current season, the younger more abrasive winning mentality of an Adams, Vieira, and/or Bergkamp could come to replace some of those long-serving personnel currently holding way too comfortable senior positions amongst our coaching staff.

No matter what, the backroom staff definitely requires overhauling. Replacing the fitness coach, making Gary Lewin “an offer he cannot refuse” to return as our Chief Physio, and bringing in a new club doctor should be a high priority. Our never-ending list of soft-tissue injuries and tediously long recovery times over the past few seasons has been catastrophic and suggests that between the existing fitness coach, physio, and club doctor, something is currently going very wrong.

Those are my thoughts; I hope those who were ubercritical of “J’accuse!” accept these suggestions as a form of constructive criticism. You see despite your suggestions, I am not a Spurs fan, that really would make me the “complete c***” suggested, nor am I a potential City fan, or some kind of “arrogant extremist”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

All of us that submit articles put ourselves up to be shot at, and by all means criticise our views, or the style and content of our articles, but never make the mistake of believing that any of us are somehow less of an Arsenal supporter than you. Got that, sunshine?

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  1. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 30, 2011, 17:33 #12215

    @JJB adding one’s Arsenal supporting history to an article can give credence to it if one is trying to paint a picture of one’s supporter experience in relation to the present malaise of the club, but of course you are right to state there is no point in trying to prove one is a bigger Arsenal fan than anybody else. That certainly was not my intention. I was simply supporting my position and responding to some of the abuse disguised as criticism of “J’accuse!” However, the tone and nature of your comments make it seem “abuse as criticism” is something with which you are already quite familiar.

  2. Shayan

    Aug 29, 2011, 11:01 #12084

    I admit that the team need reinforcement and I am angry that it hasn’t happened yet, but remember that we lost 6-1 to Manutd in 2000-01 season and we won double next year!

  3. Zbizz

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:53 #12081

    Please, to anyone going to matches in the future, long relentless chants of sack the board. Might give kroenke some message and if you can squeeze in some chants of David Dein maybe Kroenke will take notice - you never know!

  4. andy

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:32 #12071

    Can someone tell me where this yank is....? David Dein is a must and Usmanov seems the only one that really cares, lets face it he has made enough offers and he is richer than Abramovich and i trust deins judgement. So basically its Dein and Usmanov in and yankee, hillwood and all the rest get the F##k out of ARSENAL.....!!!

  5. Gooner S

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:02 #12064

    Yesterday's game - Humilating? yes! Surprising? No! The performances I've witnissed so far this season suggested that a good team would really put us to the sword as defensively we are not good enough. This was the case yesterday. Well played Manchester United. Despite the number of players missing we were shockingly poor, dreadful, awful.etc, But after yesterdays result I have no intention of running and hiding with my views. Before the start of the season I genuinely believed that there was no sense in changing our manager, I still believe that now. I agree with the original post that some things need to change but I don't think the manager is one of them. I don't believe all of the guff coming from the likes of Talksport, John cross at The Mirror and so on. This isn't all down to Wenger and his perceived frugality. That is not how companies work. That doesn't absolve him of blame and he is as culpable as the rest of the board/management at the club, both footballing side and non footballing side. We will get through this. Perhaps it's blind faith or optimism on my part, perhaps it's loyalty, perhaps it's stupidity on my part, perhaps....just perhaps I've called it right. Time will tell.

  6. HowardL

    Aug 29, 2011, 8:31 #12046

    I'm truly sorry it had to come to this - such a public humiliation - but I think it would be kindest to end it now. Such a sad day for Arsenal.

  7. Steadfast

    Aug 29, 2011, 8:03 #12041

    Just dumbfounded!! Arsenal FC now has nowhere to hide..I am taking a break from supporting this club for the last 10 years (i am 24 BTW). Resigned to the fate of the club, where nothing is changing for a good. I would say at this nadir, ignorance is bliss...

  8. ryan g

    Aug 28, 2011, 23:47 #12015

    top article mate !! your so right we need dein back and a top physio ..the injuries are a joke ..i think our doc and physio need checking up on ..seems our players are out for ages now ...as i write this we just got spanked 8-2 by utd ..painful viewing ..but to watch wenger just sit there !!! hes lost soul and needs a helping hand asap! or he may just say u know what **** u all im off !!! i know i said it was his time to go in earlier comments i made ..but i reckon hes trying his hardest with no support from a backroom of yes man to the board ...get dein back ..get a new physio..cos i think gary is not returning if we are totally honest with ourselves ...get martin keown in as defensive coach ..then maybe we have a chance of getting back to what we where !!!

  9. Louis

    Aug 28, 2011, 23:10 #12010

    Enough is enough!!! AW is now more interested in making money for his bosses than in Arsenal's success. Time for him to clear the way before we get relegated.

  10. mark from aylesbury

    Aug 28, 2011, 22:33 #12005

    Miles Palmer makes a good point that we Have a two week international break. So lets get rid of wenger now. Sorry But worst result in arsenals history there Is simply no credibilty left. We simlply Have to have regime change.

  11. clockendpaul

    Aug 28, 2011, 22:25 #12003

    When i saw the side, that defence... shocking. Anyone that watched that shambles and then saw the joker after, you surely can't still support him, he has to go, we need new ideas, what a mess. This will be a season we've not seen for a long time and it was all so predictable and people like myself don't get 6.5m a year, its just incompetance on a gross scale. United , liverpool, chelsea have players bought and playing, us well we're waiting for 23.59 on wed to try and save 50 quid, just banked nearly 60m but still trying to pay 6m for a 12m player. Can't wait to hear what his braindead clergy have to say.

  12. chrisy boy

    Aug 28, 2011, 21:49 #11994

    i expected us to lose today, but not in that manner, what that defeat did prove even to wenger is that this squad of players are clearly not good enough and in some cases not fit to wear the shirt. But with 3 days left of the transfer window it would be crazy to sack wenger , who would we get in his place and how soon, surely not in time to sign new players, and given the choice i think the need for new players is greater than the need for a new manager. The time has also come for kronke to make some kind of statement of intent, but i wont hold my breath on that one, not even sure he knows we lost 8-2 today. I am so fed up of having our club dragged through the mud like it has ever since the league cup final, this has got to stop and that mr kronke is where you come in, either put up or **** of back to america and let usminov and dein take over, just wish i could make that choice for you !!

  13. Graham v wenger

    Aug 28, 2011, 21:37 #11989

    Has anyone spotted the fact that George Graham had a better return than wenger in terms of time and return. Graham 6 trophies in 9 years, wenger 7 in 15. Also wenger's first few were built on Graham's defence. BTW I have been a fan and a regular since 1977. All the pundits say don't wish for wenger to go as you may get your wish, but I'm wishing. He has completely lost his ability to motivate anyone, in fact its the other way now. This has got nothing to do with money or signings anymore.

  14. Mark Rice

    Aug 28, 2011, 21:09 #11976

    Dein should be chairman, after all it was his idea to bring Stan K in that got him booted off by "let them eat cake" Hill Wood and his board room pals in the first place ... Work that one out!!

  15. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 28, 2011, 21:01 #11972

    a disaster waiting to happen for some years now. The next 3 days are the most important in arsenal's recent history. In our current predicament the signing from Monaco simply rubs salt in very sore wounds. A club which states it is a fantastic financial position that has just sold its 2 most valuable assets for £57 million, yet scrapes around for bargain basement deals and is run like a regional mid table championship side. Our medical staff are a joke along with our transfer policy (whoever is truly responsible for it) buy cheap and sell dear fills the coffers but to what end. On the club site OGL announces improved commercial income will help us compete, like hell. We could have a billion in the bank and with the current strategy it would not matter. if we persist with this strategy we are finished as a major club as no decent player will come to us. A laughing stock!

  16. gooner40

    Aug 28, 2011, 20:31 #11958

    Compassionate with arsenal of its opponents. That's the worst that can happen. I'm hibernating now and wait for better times

  17. AndoverGooner

    Aug 28, 2011, 19:41 #11929

    I read "J’accuse!" and although I didn’t agree with everything said I am happy to defend your right to say it. We need to be critical of the team we support as that is part of supporting. We as fans have a duty to support The Arsenal and if that means we need to be critical of the team and manager then so be it. Fans will be around long after players and managers have left. I’m writing this after the 8-2 thrashing by Manure and supprisingly don’t feel like blaming the team or Wenger. Our problems are much deeper than that, so it’s time people got off of Wenger's back and started looking at the bigger picture. One man can't run a football club and can't be the sole reason for its success or failings. The board need to start investing in the team, coming out publicly and supporting Wenger and telling the fans the truth about available funds. Jenkins showed great character today let’s hope the board were watching and do the same.

  18. bergy

    Aug 28, 2011, 19:13 #11927

    I think the drubbing at OT was just what we needed.if this doesnt force change then nothing will. We all knew a day like this was on the cards but unfortunately those who matter didnt think it possible. No excuse, a lot of us didnt know half of man utds team before a couple of weeks ago so no depleted team excuses. I doubt we will do any meaningful business in the next couple of days especially since everyone knows how desperate we are now so the prices would go up even more. Again mismanagement and lack of foresight all the way. Given wengerstrack record at monaco, are we really surprised it has come to this?

  19. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 28, 2011, 19:04 #11926

    I may be the first article writer to write the first comment on his own article, but the 8-2 trainwreck we witnessed live on TV came as absolutely no surprise to those of us who are not in the AKB camp, even so it doesn’t make it any easier to bear. Make no mistake this is disaster by design, these are the types of players Wenger wants, at the price Wenger and the board are prepared to pay, and earning only their limited levels of wages. If we are not careful, this season is going to spin out of control and Arsenal are going to struggle to finish in the top half of the table. It is absolutely urgent that the hapless Dick Law, currently the club's fixer on transfer deals and the re-negotiation of contracts for existing players, is replaced immediately! “WE NEED DEIN!” “WE NEED DEIN! “WE NEED DEIN!”

  20. Danny

    Aug 28, 2011, 18:50 #11925

    8-2. surely theose AKB idiots must now say he should go.

  21. Jenari Exar Kun

    Aug 28, 2011, 18:19 #11924

    Wenger has to go and go now!! Every season you look at the other teams and decide who are your rivals for the title - usually 2 maybe 3 teams. Now it's a case of how many teams are we cable of finishing above!! This season in Europe will be our last under Wenger and our last for a very long time - who the hell would want to join this side!! R.I.P. Arsenal Football Club

  22. the dartford gooner

    Aug 28, 2011, 18:18 #11923

    thanks for the memoirs but its time to go. Its a sad day

  23. Shambles

    Aug 28, 2011, 17:36 #11922

    shambles, embarrassing / Arsenal fans please wake up to what is going on at your club !

  24. Nick

    Aug 28, 2011, 14:48 #11919

    Ive been a supporter since 1964 and all i have to say is well said mate excellent piece

  25. JJB

    Aug 28, 2011, 14:48 #11918

    Please can the authors on this board stop trying to validate their insecurities as a gooner by continually espousing the same line of "I was born within 5mins walk of highbury, I went with my dad on the 1880's" !! It doesn't add any credence to your point, most of us actual gooners are born around the ground so please give it up! Any fool who constantly needs to mention that they are somehow a bigger arsenal fan than the rest is obviously a goon without the er! Well done on having an opinion, in my eyes your just another whinging pub fan who thinks they know better than the rest.....you muppet!!

  26. jhlf

    Aug 28, 2011, 14:31 #11916

    totally agree in regards to the injury situation. the fact that gary lewins brother got the job smacks of nepotism at its worst. should have had a total clearout in the summer

  27. MalcyN19

    Aug 28, 2011, 13:33 #11914

    Gooner Goal Spot on mate, as before...I live Downunder these days..but like you born there and brought up with it and into my 50th year...what is going on??...AW has seriously lost the plot...only saw him in bits but Mata seems alright..missed out there then..but he's not obstinate.....Korean guy looks like a world-beater...saved us a few quid though....Cahill just effing buy him...AW is testing my patience...but since going to my 1st game...Metropolitan League 56...am busting a gut to get to E.....s on 23 Sep to see Notlob By the way...food for thought..was watching Ervidisie yesterday Ajax/Someone...dream team...Frank de Boer/DB10...bring it on

  28. Ramgun

    Aug 28, 2011, 13:16 #11913

    I beat you by a few years - I actually saw Tommy Docherty play for Arsenal and he is now in his 80's! It is very peculiar that those who still have total faith in Arsene Wenger feel the need to spout piffle along the lines of 'go and support Spurs/Man City (expletives deleted)' to people who have given a lifetime of emotional commitment to Arsenal. I admire your forbearance in still thinking that Wenger can change and it will still come good under the present manager, but I fear that you are wrong. We are currently 24 trophies without winning one and at the end of this season it will be 28. At the end of Wenger's contract it will be 36. Wenger has already blamed the matches we played last season in domestic cups for our dreadful fade-out. In other words we are not going to try to win the two trophies that we can win and will concentrate on the trophies that we can't win. That is my opinion and I could be wrong, but please don't come on here spouting mindless insults. I have 56 years of supporting Arsenal behind me and, given good health, plenty more to come.

  29. the dartford gooner

    Aug 28, 2011, 13:05 #11911

    If any one needs to be included in the coaching staff it surely must be martin keown. I agree that david dein returning would be a good move for the club. Arsene said again yesterday that his summer had been taken up with the players who were leaving the club, this left him with little time to bring in replacements? He knew and everybody else knew fab and nasri were going so the deals should have been handed over to someone else to deal with allowing arsene to get on with finding top class replacements.Arsene cant do everything and someone up top must tell him to concentrate on the first team. Good luck to the boys today

  30. HibeeGunner

    Aug 28, 2011, 12:58 #11910

    I to have followed the club since the Billy Wright days and agree with your comments.The club need D.D. back at the club as A.W. is a lost sole without him.Had we signed P.V. in january I don't think we would have caved in like we did.We need leaders on the park and there does not seem to be one in the squad at the moment.Good article.

  31. I support Arsenal not Arsene

    Aug 28, 2011, 12:19 #11905

    The AKBS just cannot stand their hero being criticised. Can they not see how much damage AW is doing to our once proud club. Save our club! Wenger Out!

  32. Lyndon

    Aug 28, 2011, 12:10 #11904

    Wise words indeed, but even the few changes you mention, are so obvious to those that know the club well, you have to wonder why they haven't been done over the past 3-4 yrs! Thus, what chance now!?!?!? :-/

  33. Gooner S

    Aug 28, 2011, 12:07 #11903

    I criticised your original article. There are some some good suggestions in here: Gary lewin, revamp of the back-room. I happen to know that Tony Adams wont return until Pat Rice leaves. There is some sort of issue there - I don't know why. I can't see David Dein coming back with the present board in place....that's a shame.

  34. wenger supporter

    Aug 28, 2011, 11:43 #11900

    Also get rid of kronke and his sidekick hill-wood. Its a disgrace stan had remained silent on arsenal after all these years whilst not winning anything, instead enjoying his us sports clubs who also never win anything major- see the connection?

  35. John

    Aug 28, 2011, 11:40 #11899

    Isn't there a story going around that Campbell may return in a coaching role. Bergkamp would be a great choice to return because he is currently doing a great job at Ajax. I would rather have Tony Adams returning as coach then manager. Ray Parlour has to return is knowledge is being wasted at Talksport and could be used at Arsenal. You are right that the physio and club doctors have to change but to be honest after last season some of this should have been done at the end of last season by Wenger. David Dein should return and bring his son into the club who seems to have nearly all our players as their agent and inherited his dads will to get the best deal and get it done quickly.

  36. ThomasPoland

    Aug 28, 2011, 11:36 #11897

    Everything started to collapse the day David Dein resigned.. I wish he was here with Arsenal but I don't believe it is possible. Bergkamp as assistant manager or at least coach, Gary Lewin as our physio again.. Dreams, dreams... but hey - dreams do come true sometimes! [wink])