Why did it have to come to this?

Money in the bank won’t win points

Why did it have to come to this?

Steve Bould: Not allowed near the first team

I’m not going to any more Premier League games until Arsene Wenger has gone. I have better things to do with my time at the weekend. I’ll go to the Champions League group games, if my work schedule allows it, but only because I don’t expect to see any Champions League football after the end of the current campaign (probably in December) for a long while.

Our esteemed editor’s words are so right; but it was all so avoidable. Before the ManU game, Wenger said words to the effect that he had spent so much time dealing with the departure of players that he hadn’t been able to sign players, but all the same he was quite happy with where the team was just now.

Excuse me? Happy with the team just now? And dealing with departing players? What was he doing? Packing their bags, kissing them goodbye? Give me a break.

At the end of last season, the manager and the CEO said they would strengthen the team, implicitly assuring us that this would focus on the defence. Now, some may say the departure of Clichy and Eboue is an improvement to the defence, as is the non-appearance of Squillaci this season. But really, relying on Gibbs to stay fit for an entire month is a bit much, never mind an entire season, and Johan Djourou – for all his sterling efforts on occasions last season – has regressed so badly so quickly this year that I wonder if he has had the ghost of Philippe Senderos crossed with Pascal Cygan transplanted inside him.

We hear that we are close to signing a new striker (a Korean, who according to some reports will have to disappear in two years’ time to do national service; but don’t worry, I am sure the club will give him a nice long contract, longer than two years so we’ll end up paying him while he’s in the army), and the manager wants to sign a defender and a midfielder. Apparently, according to Pravda (sorry arsenal.com), he has 20 people working on signing players. What? 20 people? Who are they and what are they doing? More to the point what have they been doing all summer?

All the money earned from the sale of Nasri and Fabregas will sit in the bank, but it won’t score goals, keep out goals, clear corners or put in crunching tackles. Of course, the money won’t actually stay in the bank for very long – it will carry on subsidising Denilson’s wages while he is in Brazil (come on Arsenal tell me I’m wrong!), it will carry on signing players like Galindo, Wellington and Joel Campbell who haven’t got work permits and who I don’t believe we will ever see in the Arsenal first team and it will be carry on paying Almunia, Diaby and quite probably Bendtner and Squillaci for the rest of the season.

Maybe we will sign a defender, and a midfielder, but it will be too late for this season; 8 points behind the leaders, with a -8 goal difference, yes minus 8, after three games. Oh how I pine for those joyous, carefree days of boring boring Arsenal grinding out another 1-0 win under George Graham. Hard Times? Too right they are. If Arsenal get 4th place again this season it will be truly remarkable.

The board might surprise us and sack the manager. Then again, the sun might rise in the west and set in the east; and pigs might just fly by my window (but not before I’ve sunk a couple more bottles of red). At 5-1 during the ManU game I sent a text to a number of fellow Gooners saying “P45 for Mr Wenger” – a senior AST member replied, quick as a flash –“no one with the balls to do it”; and he is right. Ivan Gazidis will wax lyrical about backing the manager, Peter Hill-Wood will spout some waffle to his friends at The Daily Star (I don’t know whether we should more embarrassed by our chairman using The Daily Star as his mouthpiece than any sane Bolton fan would be their chairman’s tweeting), and dear old Bob Wilson will probably be wheeled out on Radio5 Live to say how hard Arsene works and he deserves the chance to sort this out.

Sorry, Bob – you were my hero when I played in goal for my primary school – but you are wrong. Arsene Wenger has had years to sort this out. He could have kept Cesc had he bought quality players to support him, Alonso for one three years ago. He could have brought in Martin Keown as full time defensive coach, or promoted Steve Bould. He could have kept Pires and Gilberto as chaperones to the younger players, just as Fergie kept Giggs, Scholes and Neville while their successors were trained and brought through. When he knew – as he surely did (unless he is really dim-witted and blind to reality) that Nasri and Cesc would leave – he could have bought replacements at the beginning of the summer; just as he could and should have bought a proven striker, a proper defensive midfielder and at least one, if not two, proven Premiership defenders. But he didn’t; he left the problems we all knew existed untouched and he let experienced players go without replacing them and now he is finding it difficult to find players to fill the gaps we already had, let alone find replacements for the souls of the departed. Too fussy by half, too stubborn by half. Too blinded by the light of the halo over this head, placed there by the board.

Right now the Arsenal team needs new direction, new thinking and above all new players; at this moment in time (almost) anybody will do; we have so many injuries and suspensions that if RvP is injured playing for Holland in the international break (2-1 says he will be), what’s left of our attacking threat will have gone.

The current situation is the logical consequence of the manager being given way too much power, and a board and a CEO who fail to control the manager. Arsene Wenger is accountable to the fans, or so said Ivan Gazidis to the AST in May. Well, Mr Gazidis, if he is accountable to the fans, put him in a room with the AST, with AISA, with RedAction, with the bloggers from Le-Grove, Arseblog and the others, all of whom care more about Arsenal than you do, and more than you can ever understand and let him answer their questions, truthfully and honestly (and that means not telling us porkies like Diaby was trained as a left sided midfielder). We’ve heard all about mental strength, football intelligence and how we are a young team; and it’s all hot air. As Bob Dylan once sang, Arsene, it’s an “idiot wind blowing every time you move your mouth”.

To end, a few more of the replies to my “P45 for Wenger” text:
• “It’s a bloody joke”
• “He must be phrasing his (resignation) letter right now … surely …”
• “Long overdue”
• “Shows up the lack of any proper strategy … v sad”

And one from my optimist friend … “A bad start is not necessarily a bad thing …”; well, Michael I do hope you are right. If it leads to a new manager being appointed that is.

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  1. The Baron

    Aug 31, 2011, 16:03 #12239

    Wow quite a rant and you're quite clearly hurting sir, know the feeling. This tonking at old T has been coming. But it's a repeat scenario of the 6:1 drubbing back in uhm 2001? remember? an inexperienced defence (including Ashley Cole and Igor!)due to a chronic lack of strength in depth, the Arsenal disease, and wham!. Oh the insanity of doing the same action and expecting a different result Arsene. It's a shame and we fans have been shamed. But every dark cloud Ian. We scored two goals in a league game at Old Trafford for the first time since 1986. And you could hear the Gooners singing for the whole 90+ minutes. Now THAT is shameful for Old T's prawn Sandwich brigade. Small consolation I know but still. I think the mistakes still keep coming from the manager. Santos for 6.2 million (check Wikipedia BBC sport, then you don't have to write 'undisclosed)'. I'd probably say he is in the vein of Squillaci et al on the ability front. Since March, Arsenal have been on relegation form. How many league wins is it since Jan 1st? three? this is bad and the league game against Swansea will soon enough tell us about Arsenal's destiny this season. Ridiculous? perhaps. I don't know of many teams who can get away with 3 league wins in a (soon to be)9 month period and not suffer the consequences. A new manager certainly would be under pressure to turn things around quickly but who is up to the task?

  2. Richard Ansell

    Aug 30, 2011, 14:55 #12201

    The powers that be at Arsenal will be desperate to sweep the Manure humiliation (worst result and performance I can remember in over 40 years of support) under the carpet ASAP but we must not let them. Don't be fooled if we get a few half decent results against lower sides (although that is not guaranteed by any means) because we all know that the next disaster is just around the corner. Give the Board and Wenger as much stick as possible because they are a disgrace to our once proud club.

  3. Mike

    Aug 30, 2011, 12:03 #12176

    Latest transfer talk posibilties - Arteta, Dempsey, Cahil,Malouda, Mertesaker, good players all at reasonable prices. Get the lot - or am I getting too hopeful here.

  4. Martyn

    Aug 30, 2011, 10:39 #12173

    There is no getting away from it that any signings now will be seen as panic buys. If the scoreline on Sunday had been less devastating I believe Wenger would not be making any signings before Wednesday.

  5. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 30, 2011, 5:13 #12167

    Look, if Arsene really gets that disillusioned with it all, he can probably jump ship to PSG, who are shaping up already as Ligue Un's version of Chelsea / Man City. They're cashed up and seemingly willing to spend it judging by their signing of Pastore, which is only the start for them. He can still sign his quota of Ligue Un players every season, safe in the knowledge that those players are accustomed to the league they've been asked to play in, as well as having wealthy club custodians who are actually willing to spend their pots of cash. There's enough dough sloshing about as PSG for Arsene to make a radical appointment to the coaching staff, such as a tactically astute no.2 - I know that sounds like a crazy suggestion, but it might just work - leaving Arsene with more time to make butterfly patterns on the floor in amongst the paper stuff...

  6. Jeff

    Aug 30, 2011, 1:13 #12162

    There is no "blame the board, OR wenger" Both are equally guilty in our great clubs demise.. In 2006 we got to the CL final, utilising Keown as a defensive coach. Why on earth would wenger stop doing something that resulted in 10 clean sheets at the highest level? Arrogance? Pride? My way or nothing? We don't know, but it really doesn't stack up. The club needs a massive lift. Imagine if he'd brought in Bergkamp as 1st team assistant. But no, he won't be told, or overshadowed and Pat (bless him) is a yes man, it would appear. Tactiacally wenger is left wanting. We've seen it for years. Players continually played out of position, ie bendtner. Continually failing to address tactical flaws, no re-active subs. He came out last season and said "we defend well in open play, but need to address set piece defending" Christ, how long has that been obvious? What has been done about it? Now, since the humiliation yesterday, he says "they were special circumstances" OK, injuries, How long has that situation been occuring? What has been done about it? Suspensions also contributed to the "special circumstances" 3 games, effectively 4 red cards (if you include song)Who guided Gervinho and song before the newcastle game? Barton got diaby sent off there last season, leading to a spectacular collapse. Shouldn't, during the "preparation" of the team, someone point out lessons from this? "Wenger also said he'd only buy "super quality" but they're not available. Ribery, Schweinsteiger, Cahill, Mata, Hazard, Benzema,Enrique etc etc. He's apparently got 20 people working on it. Really? and they can't find replacements? Staggering!That list was off the top of my head. He also said the summer was taken up with cesc and na$ri, that's why we haven't done business yet? WOW!20 people looking after cesc and na$ri all summer? What on earth were they doing to or for them? But, Dick Law can spend a week folowing Joel Campbell around costa rica, only to find, once signed, can't get a work permit. Yesterday has been coming for some time.Anyone who attends regularly knew that. The board don't give a toss, as long as the dough keeps rolling in. PHW got rid of Dein because of "silent stan" remember the "we don't want his sort here" comment. Now they're happy to sit on their fat arses and help themselves and the wallmart kid get richer. Losing Dein was pivotal. Wenger is no doubt trying his best, but he can't see the wood for the trees, he's weak tactically, but I believe he works as hard as he can. His failure though to learn from his mistakes is staggering for such an erudite man. It doesn't have to be all or nothing though. He could stay if he appointed a new 1st team coach, who is tactically aware, say Keown, Bouldy, blimey George Graham to coach the defence, anyone who knows how to set up a team tactically for that matches opponent. I really felt that yesterday may finally bring some action, some positive sign of intent. Now I hear we're in for benayoun...FFS!!!Just shows what i said at the start, it's the board and wenger. It's not a football club anymore, it's a plc. Buy potential, sell them on for a profit, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. I summed it up to my mate after the liverpool game, it's like ready aim, aim, aim, aim, aim...FFS, sometimes you have to shoot, physically and metaphorically! Love you Gunners and always will. To arsene and the board, CHANGE THINGS NOW!

  7. Any Old Iron

    Aug 30, 2011, 0:03 #12161

    A scathing and caustic assault on OGL. I said that I would lay off him recently, but sorry I can't help myself after yesterday's debacle and debunking. He(Wenger) sends out a team like that, like lambs to the slaughter. Ambushed ain't the word for it. Again, when caution should be the modus operandi, he plays the same **ck**g ****e tippy tappy cack. Merson was unequivocal in his condemnation of the tactics(non) employed. This isn't the first time versus Man U. They'll all see us coming now. We could've got Ashley Young as he's an Arsenal fan, Micah Richards too in the recent past. That would've been a signal of intent, oh but would've cost a bit more. So instead French clubs get our cash from their outremere benefactor. ''Oh so that's what it's all about. is it?'' He comes to face the camera incredulously after that. We've had enough. In god's name go, please.

  8. win AFC

    Aug 29, 2011, 21:47 #12156


  9. Derbyshire Gooner

    Aug 29, 2011, 21:27 #12154

    Good article. It is painful to say but Arsene should have gone two seasons ago. He didn't bring in the quality players that every fan and player had been asking him to do. We all knew that sooner rather than later, our best players would jump from a sinking ship. Promises were broken every season about buying new players to strengthen the squad. Average players should have been sold a long time ago. Blame should have been directed at the players that didn't give 100% to each game rather than patting them on the back. As for this season? Too little too late. No point getting rid of Arsene now with two days left to the end of the transfer market. Move him up at the end of the season and bring in new blood to start a new era.

  10. Oxy-Moron

    Aug 29, 2011, 20:48 #12151

    As I write this, we are linked with Benayoun and Alex of Chelsea. So, potentially another aquisition of cast-offs from our once-were rivals. Not good enough Arsenal, and it all points to one thing I'm afraid - Wenger never had any intention of taking the transfer window seriously. He should not now be allowed to sign any players, and the transfer budget reserved for his replacement. As the Ed has said: Enough is enough, Wenger out!

  11. non-smoking gun!

    Aug 29, 2011, 20:17 #12148

    I have been a very vocal opponent of wenger at times but i'm afraid after yesterdays debacle... no lets get it right, absolute disaster, the lowest ebb of our great club!! I have stood back and looked at the situation and i think you will have to agree sacking wenger will not improve anything! look at it this way, wenger signed up to this financial lunacy! He, like it or not is the best equipped to steady the ship and put it on a new course, as he knows exactly what constraints the manager, (any manager) is under! Therefore any manager that replaces wenger, (and if it does happen my backing is for Owen Coyle!) will be in precisely the same position wenger is in now!!! I say SACK THE BOARD, YANKS OUT!!! then and only then we may see some change!

  12. usmanov

    Aug 29, 2011, 16:34 #12134

    Arsenal has been converted into an incubator for "premature" footballers. The board should take full responsibility for this. Over the years, they have gotten used to selling star players at a huge profit and replacing them with youngsters and/or cheap bargains from the French Ligue 1. The end result has been mountains of cash in our coffers but a woefully depleted squad. The Old Trafford result has been a long time coming. To the Arsene Knows Brigade: I told you so.

  13. Brigham

    Aug 29, 2011, 15:16 #12130

    Until Hill-Wood, Gazidis and that dumbass Yank are removed from our club, we will not be moving forward at all. Wenger needs to bring in some proper coaches, especially someone like Martin Keown to work on our shambles of a defence. We have gone backwards even quicker than I first feared. If the rot is not taken away from the crumbling foundations then I fear for us this season and a mid-table finish is the 'highest' we can expect. It saddens me to see a once proud club in free-fall. I will be there for all of our home games and some away, voicing my support as I always do. One last thing, a huge big up for the 3000 Gooners at Old Toilet yesterday, you were magnificent all game. Just a pity those on the pitch did not perform as well as you did.

  14. PrestonIan

    Aug 29, 2011, 14:57 #12128

    Very good article Ian obviously spoken from the heart and with emotion. Agree with everything except I hope you keep going to games. Two words almost sum up AFC since 2005 and they are - permanent transition. You can't expect to progress and win trophies if you keep selling your best players every summer. Add to this a manager who cannot organise a team to play properly when they haven't got the ball means disaster. I know Manu are the best in the country but they don't score 8 against anyone. A half decent manager would have sent that team out yesterday and not conceded half as many. But AW only has one way of playing and that was the result, embarrassment and humiliation.

  15. Gooner S

    Aug 29, 2011, 14:44 #12127

    Yep, that's the way to go...sack the manager 2 days before the transfer window closes and 3 games into the season. Cracking idea. Stunningly brilliant. Astounding. Wonderful. Sublime. Stupendous. Amazing. Breathtaking in its logic and originality.

  16. It ALL Money (OFA)

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:38 #12112

    Don't you all realise that its all about money. Mr. Stan is very happy with the way Arsenal is run. He has made an investment that is growing in his pocket. Wenger's job is to do that for Stan. The problem is it's getting to the point where wenger might loose his job if we do not finish 4th for 2-3 seasons, not even just this one. Don't you all realise that non of them are true fans of the club. Silent stan does the same in all his other sporting club's in the US. He lets the board and managers get on with it as long as his capital is increasing. Then he either sells or fires and replace with someone else to make him money. Actually its very simple, what do owners of any business want if they are not true fans. Abramovich is a true football fan, the Arabs that own Man C are just playing fantasy football but for real, they really don't care about making money from football trust me they own Abu Dhabi the richest emirate in the emirates (how ironic), they are worth 100's of billions. And Man U are lucky because they have Sir Alex (the greatest manager of all time who motivates a donkey to be a winner, trust me without him and with the teams they have had they would not have won half as much) So Mr. wenger has two choices, 1. Say to the board that I can't earn you money and not care about success on the field, as I have my reputation to uphold, I tried my best to do both but really its getting ridiculous now with the new trends of football and footballers, and I have lost my belief and enthusiasm. or 2. collect his big wages and become selfish and part of the problem where money talks as he is nearly 60 and I cant see him earning the same anywhere else. So my fellow Arsenal lovers, our situation will only change if actually Stan goes, get replaced with a football lover, or at least a consortium that cares about the club's success on the field. I don't know if Ustonov is a fan but if he is then at least he is kind of there already. To prove my theory further, why did Stan not get the man who brought him back in (Dein) once he took control. Because Dein is a fan. How did he convince the board (Hill-wood's) and all the others to let him have control? Because he promised them lots of personal riches. I really hope I'm wrong and suddenly things will change with the current set up, but if you all think that loosing 8-2 to Utd. will make things change then you are so wrong. Also all of us will continue to renew our season tickets because as humans we are creatures of habit and hope. And the few that don't will be replaced easily for a long time to come. That is why they always announce the attendants at 60K even though its half empty. And that is why they send the renewal forms so early. So the only way of change is continued failure of not being in the CL. I actually would have preferred not to qualify against Udense so at least we can make the changes happen quicker. Now we have to wait for at least 2 more years. Once agin I hope I'm wrong because I love Arsenal and I will still go to the games as I'm a human. But the worst thing I heard this week, which really made me sad, is when my 11 year old boy who goes with me to games said "I hope we relegate Dad, as a least we will win some games in the championship" can you believe that. Of course I put him straight and reminded him of the good old days and assured him that he too will be in a big venue watching Arsenal lift a trophy soon. (I don't usually lie to my son, but I had to this time, as we will always be gooners.)

  17. Indigooner

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:28 #12107

    Ian- very well written piece . This summarizes every fans frustration at present. But now after seeing the way the entire summer window has unfold, I am dead sure that nothing major is gonna happen. Probably a player here and there but I get a feel that the board and manager are indifferent to the perfomance on the pitch. They very happy to retain maximum of that 90 mn pool. All these Ass#%@es are interested in making money on their investment. As long as we keep buying their over priced merchandise and keep filling those super expensive seats in emirates they are happy. Fans make the club much more than the manager or players & right now fans are the ones who are being told that they dont understand football or AFC's legacy. Stupid. i think all of us should be prepared for one long embarrasing season.

  18. Gman

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:25 #12106

    Andy you’ve hit the nail on the head, there’s more going on in the back ground than Wenger losing the plot. When the shares were sold to silent Stan it was not done for the good of the club it was done by self serving directors to block Dein getting back on the board, even though Usmanov offered more money at the time. Kroenke has bought his way in to cream money off the club without giving the manager a war chest to go out and compete with other clubs with billionaire owners. David Dein and Usmanov are Arsenal fans and would give Wenger the money he needs to buy proven players that would enable us to challenge for the league title. GO HOME YANKEE your every where but no where, Hillwood time for you TO GO.....!!!! Gazidis waste of space and time, your scared of Wenger and you are just a belboy for the yank...OUT

  19. Lies, Damned lies and Statistics

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:00 #12102

    Thr fan base have had the piss taken out of them by the club for approx 4 seasons now, but this close season has been blatantly rude and arrogant. The Yank is asset stripping (looting) the club, a club with alleged tradition, of which is just a cash cow for a non-supporter. The fans need to fight back. The fans need to continue to support the team on the pitch and help them out of this mire. We need to hit the franchise in the wallet before they will take us seriously. The purchase of expensive tickets are already banked, I'm advocating that we the fans boycott the refreshments sold in the ground (watered down beer, gristle burgers etc) and the banal matchday programme. We need to smoke the ineffective and smug Gazidis out to face the true supporters. None of this, it will be misinterpreted by the media crap. We are currently a laughing stock and I for one want something done to address the mess we are currently in. This is organised crime, say your going to spend to get people to part with their hard earned cash on season tickets. Keep your two best players until the very end of the transfer window knowing full well that you were going to lose them in May and quelle surprise no time to spend the accumulated cash. That joke isn't funny any more.

  20. Mike

    Aug 29, 2011, 12:53 #12100

    How the mighty have fallen - I have always been an advocate for Wenger, but now it is beyond a joke - I fully expected to see a flurry of activity in this mornings news pieces - what is there - Traore is going to leave and Spurs making a bit for Cahill - nothing coming in. Maybe he is going for a new formation - Goalkeeper - no backs - 8 accross midfield -2 strikers

  21. Moses Watasa

    Aug 29, 2011, 12:01 #12099

    To arrest the septic rot at Arsenal FC, the club should take a Bould decision - and fire Arsene Wenger. At this rate and level of greed for cash, Arsene Wenger might as well sell the Emirates Stadium! Let the Frenchman go and make his profits elsewhere.We want some silver-ware - yesturday!!

  22. AndyT

    Aug 29, 2011, 11:38 #12093

    When interviewed, Wenger seems to have conveniently forgotten about the last 10 games of last season. He needs to add these to the 3 at the start of this season. Seems we've just carried on that terrible form. He knows the positions we're weak in but has bought players who are just not up to the job. Last January's transfer window was critical for the club, everyone knew it, except it seems Wenger. He's blaming midweek games for being 'tired' on Sunday. We shouldn't have been playing those midweek games in the first place. Next he'll blame the international break for upsetting his training schedule and 'squad togetherness'. I've been going since 1975 and will be giving it one more transfer window and if nothing changes my season ticket won't be renewed next year. If things carry on like this the only logical conclusion i can draw is that the owners are just reducing the debt (using our hard earned cash) for a big fat sale in a couple of years time. Unfortunately and it pains me greatly to say that I might be watching my local Ryman League Div 1 North team instead.

  23. Tony

    Aug 29, 2011, 11:32 #12092

    What I cannot understand is the lack of reaction from anyone on our bench. When we went 3 down it was obvious to a blind man we were in for a hiding and the coaching staff just sat there. Any other manager/coach would have go Arshavin off as he was lucky not to have been sent off. Brought on Miquel to play in front off Jenkinson and changed the formation to 4 5 1. But no lets keep playing 4 3 3 and leak more goals.Djourou is now another Senderos or Hoyte overpaid and simply not good enough. Wenger keeps these type of players far too long when it is plain for all to see their failings.Who in football would give a player like Bentner £52000 per week it is crass stupidity. Now we cannot give him or Almunia away.No other club would waste their money.It is time for a drastic clear out and not just the playing staff. Why have the medical staff waited all summer to tell Diaby at the beginning of the season he requires an operation. Everything at the club has gone so wrong.

  24. jives

    Aug 29, 2011, 11:19 #12088

    great post i enjoyed it very much. I`m still in shock after that defeat even though i had time to prepare for it- it's horrible watching our beloved team in free fall

  25. Abe

    Aug 29, 2011, 11:12 #12087

    Well said, this Big-nose arse is still in denial, we need to find out why we sold Nasri, who pushed for the sale? Board or Wenger or both? I was so sure Fab departure would entice Nasri to be the main play-maker. I think, I might be cynical, Board needs to feel the pressure, re-organized, bring back Dein, I am ready to see big changes even it means no trophies for another 6 seasons, board members all they care about now is $$$$$ as said by Loyal gooner 8. They don't feel any pain, they've lost passion, direction, and now there is no strategy, as long there is $$$ accumulating interest to pay debt for other subsidiaries. I fear the end is nigh, EUROPA he we come.

  26. arsenal vet

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:59 #12083

    I got a text from a manc saying "i would 8 2 b Arsene wenger right now". This is a very dark time for us gooners. Surely this is the worst it can get surely!

  27. Andy

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:45 #12078

    David Dein and Usmanov in with Wenger ...!!! GO HOME YANKEE your every where but no where, Hillwood time for you TO GO.....!!!! Gazidis waste of space and time, your scared of Wenger and you are just a belboy for the yank...OUT

  28. Peter Wain

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:44 #12077

    Whilst there is a large amount of truth in what you say I do not think we can sack our manager now. We should wait until the end of November and then replace him. This will give the new manager 4 weeks to assess the squad and get a list of players he wants to the board so that they can be purchased in the first week in January always assuming that they will come. If someone needs to be sacked it should be Gazidis. He has not won us 2 doubles or sorted out contracts for Nasri or told Wenger he must but in June/July.

  29. Loyal Gooner 8

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:40 #12075

    Usminov and Dein IN get rid of these c$$$$ (notice the dollar sign). Lady Nina was right! 6% increase consistently selling the prized assets replacing them with bargains (i use that term loosely). We could not attract a Dennis etc anymore we wont pay the f$$$$$$ money! Moving to the Grove we led to believe we so that we could compete so we didnt have to punch above our weight! Yesterday was a f$$$$$$ embarrassment! We are a laughing stock! Man Ure arent even that clever! We wont be signing a Benzema or Subotic in the next 3 days my friends! Anyway the damage is done and nothing is going to change under this present regime the Yank has got to get his money back! It breaks my heart it realy does! N ote bring in Seaman Bergie and Paddy as well onto the coaching staff keep Bouldy and Brady! WE LOVE YOU ARSENAL WE DO...............

  30. HowardL

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:35 #12074

    I used to be a big fan of Wenger - a true AKB - but, hard as I try, I really cannot see how anyone can support him any longer. For everyones' sakes - fans, players, even AW himself, AMG. ASAP.

  31. JAMES

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:26 #12070

    you can talk and talk but there is nothing like reality check-we have a useless arrogant egotistic manager called wenger, an inept greedy board but most importantly worst supporters in the world. They the supporters should continue worshiping wenger and patronising his teams football matches-NOTHING WILL CHANGE BUT ONLY THE LOSS OF THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY FOR A USELESS TEAM. We have not seen nothing yet this season- mark my word.

  32. May2689

    Aug 29, 2011, 10:12 #12065

    Brilliant read!!! I agree with every word. To see our once great manager become a laughing stock is truly heartbreaking. Please Mr Wenger do the right thing and walk away. The club needs a new beginning, a new philosophy, new players and more importantly a new man at the helm. The decline has been going on for a considerable amount of time! It makes me sad!

  33. jumpingjack

    Aug 29, 2011, 9:49 #12061

    The ManU result is useful (honestly!) in that if finally shatters any tiny amount of hope that we are still in the big league - the gap has been there for all to see but it needed the brutality of Old Trafford to make it real for everybody. The reality is that we are in the second tier of clubs in the Premier League now and will be for a while. We need to think of ourselves alongside Villa, Everton and god help us....Stoke. Even with a full strength team and some additions we won't be challenging the big boys for a while and we need to get used to it. More importantly we need to start reflecting that reality on the pitch - not assuming we can play any team off the pitch, building a decent home record, intelligent away tactics (Villa won't let in 8 at Old Trafford). Even I hoped against hope that it was not as bad as I feared - maybe Udinese was a turning point (it wasn't) - but the reality is there to see - we are 6 goals worse than United - at least. The run of matches after the break is not as bad as it could be (though any bad result against Swansea will surely be the end for Wenger) but even if those results go well it cannot hide the truth which will be back like a big clunking fist at the end of October when we go to Stamford Bridge. It's sad but it's true now it's just a matter of getting used to it.

  34. bobdenjy

    Aug 29, 2011, 9:47 #12060

    You just said it all. Brilliant piece. For the life of me, I cant believe that he said he has always made the right decisions for AFC! Blimey, like: 1.knowing our weak areas for 6 seasons and doing nothing about it 2. letting experienced players go without replacing like for like 3. keeping dead woods on huge fat salaries knowing fully well they were never going to cut it at The Arsenal? 4. Blaming each abject performance on midweek champions league or FA cup/carling cup matches/replays on physical fatigue for players on salaries we poor fans can only dream about 5. more shockingly, allowing the transfer window to pass us by without making any meaningful signings(save Gervinho)and letting cesc/nasri sale drag on forever! I genuinely think its time for him to go. He did the same thing at Monaco, built a good team, but then stagnated them and got sacked. He has not only stagnated us, he has actually regressed us considering recent happenings! And the Board? What is the point having 2 billionaires as major shareholders, yet we deal financially like a basement club! Peter Hillwood and all the other dead woods should go with AW please. We need vibrant soccer administrators to handle the reigns and give us back our ARSENAL!

  35. Mark

    Aug 29, 2011, 9:43 #12058

    part of the problem is the various supporters clubs who have interface with the club are just not calling it as it is. perhaps because they do not actually understand the game the club is playing

  36. Arsenal

    Aug 29, 2011, 9:30 #12056

    Frustrations have reached boiling points but to blame only wenger i beileve i a bit wrong i dont think he wanted samir to leave the board sold him and he had a fantastic game for city but 8 first teamers out playing with coquilen who i think hasnt even featured in pre season was all out of desperation...i was praying for us to loose by only 2 goals but what matters now is for us to bounce back and complete our transfer business