Yanks Out, anyone?

It’s time for the Americans to state their intentions

Yanks Out, anyone?

Kroenke: Is Silent Stan in charge of transfer policy?

Did you see the gaunt, haggard appearance of Arsene following the United defeat? My heart goes out to the man who has done so much for our club. This forward thinking genius cannot have become a hapless loser who completely lost touch with reality overnight, although recent (non) decision making and lack of targeted activity in the transfer market and tactical naivety would suggest this.

No, I still stand by our man. A comment in the online Gooner by the editor, quoting a report in ‘The Independent’ sticks in my mind. That is that apparently Stan Kroenke told the Board that they must sell Nasri rather than lose £20m + by losing him on a free at the end of the season. There was another comment in the same issue of the paper. That said that ‘we had to sell before bringing replacement players in’. Why? If that was the norm, no transfer business would be done at all. No, this suggests to me that it is the American way of doing business. It would appear to me that they want everything on their terms with minimum risk and exposure.

The downside of all of this of course is that we become the last to able to do business as the other clubs have had the pick of the market. Also, it suits the Man City’s of this world if they are aware of our predicament as they can delay dealings with our players until the last minute but in the meantime, any transfer targets that we may have (???) have been snapped up. Let’s face it, a majority shareholding by any one person means that they control the club. Kroenke is a businessman, he controls other franchises, (how I hate that word). He may be looking at the large sums of money due to the club from the sale of Fabregas and Nasri with greedy eyes with the intention of holding on to £30m or so, thinking that Arsene will continue to transform ugly ducklings into star players again.

The least Arsenal fans can expect is for Silent Stan and Invisible Ivan to make a statement of their intentions. This proud club has become a laughing stock. When Alex Ferguson becomes condescending things really have hit rock bottom. Surely the Chief Executive should be a football man who can advise and intervene. I feel that Gazidis is a ‘plant’ to run things for Stan from within, when a firm hand behind Arsene to guide and assist him to make difficult decisions is necessary, such as replacing Pat Rice with Steve Bould and get him to sort out the defence and tackle our on-field indiscipline for a start.

It is laudable that Arsenal wish to keep to their self-sustaining business plan whilst others are able to use a bottomless pit of petro dollars and roubles but we are in danger of being left behind and fighting a rearguard action against relegation and staying in the Champions League. If we do have to be controlled by one man, I think that it would be better that it was a Russian oligarch who would spend their largesse to sate their vanity than to be part of an overseas cold blooded franchise empire, who have no roots and seemingly little interest in our club. Perhaps David Dein sold his shares to the right man after all. Yanks out anyone?!!

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  1. Cassandra

    Sep 03, 2011, 19:47 #12444

    Wow! That's a really neat aenwsr!

  2. mark stanley

    Sep 01, 2011, 4:18 #12267

    Yeh this is a complete an utter joke, not happy stan! He should just sell up now go back to Denver and take the board with him! aint welcome at arsenal! He may have done inexorable damage on the club. May loose our spot in champions league with this squad unless big names are brought in jan we are in big trouble and its kroenkes fault!

  3. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 30, 2011, 15:39 #12205

    The so called genius hasn't lost his marbles over night its been a slow erosion over the past 6 years or whenever he made the hairbrained decsion to break up the Invincables so quickly

  4. Dan

    Aug 30, 2011, 11:32 #12175

    I was absolutely smashed for protesting about the Kroenke deal at the time on every Arsenal blog out there. I was for Red and White Holdings from the very start and I am even more convinced now that Usmanov in control would steady the ship and the inevitable comback of Dein would again move us into the realms of the top 4 and winning trophies again. Until Kroenke goes, along with the corrupt useless board that Kroenke reinstated (4 days after Hill-Wood called us fans silly) then we are going to continue to slide. SACK THE BOARD

  5. Fasthare

    Aug 30, 2011, 9:53 #12171

    I totally agree.the yanks have no interest in soccer,they are in it only for money.the biggest injustice that buffoons like PHW did was to sellout to Kroenke. Just look at his sports teams. None of them win anything.His Denver Nuggets sold their only major star rather.than pay him a higher salary.We would have been better off selling to Usmanov.

  6. Taf-exgooner

    Aug 30, 2011, 8:58 #12168

    The day news broke that the board has sacked David Dein, I knew this meant disaster. Why sack the man who has brought so much to Arsenal??Legendary players, our General, our Owner...Why?Because he was the only one to have foresight enough to see how the world of football was changing.The rise of the cash rich 'benefactor model' who aren't shy to invest chicken change amounts of their billions to help their club succeed through the hard times.To pay the clubs fans back for their loyalty and support.To pay the players and staff more than enough to feel valued and can hold their heads up high when faced with their rivals. Many of you will think...they're getting paid loads of money! Well their wages are nothing compared with other TOP clubs..Why do we lose our best players because of money or lack of spending it?And then hate on them, when if faced with a similar situation at work..most of us would go for the money and the position at a company on the rise.We would absolutely love it if Usmanov poured half a billion into the Arsenal..I'm sure i speak for all gooners when i say 'we are tired of being the so-called rich kids who are always skint'. For half a decade we have been getting drunk on a cocktail of blind ambition and appeasement. We have been made to believe in catchy slogans like: In Arsene we trust..Arsene Knows..The Professor..we have cesc fabregas..Also our concrete stance on our youth policy and wage structure..Now we know that Arsene can't be trusted with everything.Now we know he obviously doesn't know it all.Now we know we don't have Fabregas.Now we know that the professor's formula is flawed..i never thought i would be saying this..but many thanks to Fergie and the Man U boys, they did us a favour.Because if they didn't HAMMER us to that extent,we probably would still be trapped in that hypnotic trance that Wenger put on us making us believe our squad is ok.(I wonder if we drew with Man U whether Wenger would buy)..if the formula worked then he wouldn't be running around like mad trying to get last minute deals when all that's left is dodgy traders waiting for desperate mugs to come along so that they can take advantage of their situation.How can you put your trust in someone who lies to your face continuously for years on end.Remember when he was working for Castrol and FIFA during the world cup...He helped them create a performance index of all the players!!Can't believe nobody caught his eye...Suarez,Van de wiel,Forlan,Sneijder,Juan,Toulalan,gourcuff just to name a few. When DD brought Kroenke to the board, they spat in his face and turned their noses up at Kroenke.Mean while DD brought in Usmanov in response to their actions and probable Anti-American sentiments(Liverpool and Man U), what did they do,they got into bed with the yank and sacked him.I mean..for someone to pull out two billionaires out of his address book and bring them to your office...i would think he's worth keeping!!Hill Wood then made a full 180 and now worships the yank after saying he doesn't like 'his sort' around the club!what does that say about the type of people who are the custodians.. I'm not after Wengers head here,for me he is the man for the job but he needs help!!He can't be in charge of everything!! There must be strong checks and balances.If no player can be bigger than the club then no manager should be as well!He has to accept that his 'blue print' needs some changes here and there.He needs to have a strong, well connected business savy guy to be his director of football.Someone to take care of transfers and player acquisitions. I love the club that's why I'm writing this. WE WILL HAVE NO VICTORY WITHOUT HARMONY!

  7. Event Horizon

    Aug 30, 2011, 3:34 #12165

    The problem is, Usmanov won't be able to get in until Kroenke decides to sell. It could take a while, and a complete basket case of a club for him to decide to finally speak to Usmanov about the sale.

  8. Ramgun

    Aug 29, 2011, 21:27 #12155

    People who have, against all logic, continued to support our Great Gallic Ego as manager are now trying to come up with something - ANYTHING- to avoid having to say that they were wrong and have been wrong for ages. Wenger's mad management predates the involvment of the vile Yank.

  9. Any Old Iron

    Aug 29, 2011, 21:04 #12152

    The people who sold to Kroenke hang your heads in shame! You fools sold to the wrong man evidently. WHY? The problems though go deeper than ownership, though cause and effect must apply. Merson was correct when he said a lower league team would've done better. Wenger sent them out to get a hiding. I hate his incredulity when being interviewed. Call it by it's true name Arsene, Four competitive games played and we are devoid of so many players already. We have become a pantomime. Why do I think that Wenger as an economist loathes spending? Kroenke and cronies out! The club I love is dying. Please help us Mr Usmanov, and fire the lot of them!

  10. Shropshire Lad

    Aug 29, 2011, 20:31 #12149

    Get real Kronke does not give a f.....k about football or Arsenal as a club it's an investment with a recent history of a good return on shares ( something unusual in the sporting world). He will only respond when the value goes down (relegation for the first time in our history - god forbid- would do the trick). That would make him 'care'. Anything else, protests, abuse etc will not affect him, it's 'soccer' to him and just business. And of course Ivan 'No Bollocks' from South Africa having no interest either in the club except to receive a high salary out of the limelight (leaving Wenger to take the crap) is The Yanks eyes and ears. That's his job for christs sake, that's the job description of a CEO/COO - to do the day to day running on behalf of the Board. The fact that his cv shows him to have no operational experience is blindly ignored by a Board because guess what - they have no operational experience! No Bollocks has been a 'strategist' and a lawyer in his previous life - that's 'advisory' in essence not decision making. On top of this we have shareholders at war, the loss of Fizman, the neutralization of Dein (two people who were/are respectively Arsenal football club lovers) and you have a dys****al 'team' now being reflected on the pitch. The miracle is that Wenger managed to hold it together in playing matters for so long last season before it fell apart. Replacing Wenger is not going to do it because the Board and its Officers are clueless operationally and no Manager will be given the mandate required for dealing with the modern day ( and in the majority, mercenary, greedy, feckless) footballer. We are lucky to have exceptions in RVP, Jack, TV5, Frimpong and possibly a couple of others I may be doing a disservice to but in the main it is business as usual for the likes of Diaby, Walcott ( by the way did anyone else feel like me that when Evra banged him in the back of the head that would bevthe last we saw of him - and we didn't), Arseshavin ( this clown has got to go), Djouru and Chamakh (makes No Bollocks look well hung). Until the Board realizes it needs a a world class COO and a thorough revision of it's operational, HR, and PR policies, things are going to get a lot, lot, worse. Happy Days!

  11. Kat

    Aug 29, 2011, 19:34 #12145

    I totally agree. However the grass always looks greener on the other side. I don't think the Russian would b any better. Basically we r screwed.


    Aug 29, 2011, 18:19 #12142

    Well said "lets get rid of "silent stan" NOW". B4 Swansea game and until he goes along with Gazidas, Hill-Wood etc we MUST PROTEST IN LARGE NUMBERS !!!! These people are only interested in making a fat profit whilst poor Arsene takes the flak, although i will admit he takes responsibility for our "non tactical nous" at Old Trafford. He needs the help of a fresh younger mind to take some of the stress (Bould / Bergkamp ) Remember ticket prices up, players sold for large amounts, and turnover at each home game 3 million + and yet these hand wringing ditherers still will not spend OUR money. They are only custodians WE are "the ARSENAL" !!

  13. fozzy's mate

    Aug 29, 2011, 18:00 #12141

    Aws - I did not think we should have sold Nasri or for that matter 9esc or any player half way decent. The simple reason being we will not replace him. Therefore no matter what the fee when you have billionaires trousering dough year on year for anyone but them what is the positive point of selling Nasri. Both the previous supine self serving owners who put nothing in and took a lot out and Kronke say Wenger as the ultimate cash cow making a silk purse from a sows ear. It did not take a crystal ball and I saw this 3 seasons ago. Weng has had his trophy polished so often and became so untouchable that he even attempted to redefine what winning was often saying to pundits "your definition of a trophy is different to mine". What a trophy is cannot be argued! The club is rotten from top to bottom abd its only strategy is trousering dough. When announcing the last half years financials Ivan the terrible ceo said we were weakened (our accounts) by having no significant player sales! I agree we should campaign against the board which may force em to finally reveal if it is them or Wenger that hold the purse strings. But to take all blame from wenger is untenable. No matter how many absentees to field the squad we did yesterday with our bank account stuffed with cash is unacceptable and a disgrace. Yet again we were told it was necessary to up the worlds highest prices to compete. Are we now going to be refunded the uplift as we have decided not to use it? A laughing stock and simply a disgrace for an alleged giamt of the world game!

  14. Gooner1711

    Aug 29, 2011, 17:17 #12138

    If the board are making the "decisions" then why is Wenger protecting them and taking pretty much all the flak? That seems insane and from my angle, Wenger would not do this. If he wants to go spend when Invisible Ivan and Silent Stan say there is money, then go spend. Wenger has been in charge since the move, he has the control/power. That is the issue. True, Ivan and Stan are happy with the profits but the decline over the past 4 years has been accelerated. Champions League football next season is a distant dream at the moment, money will dry up. Swansea gone on general sale, no attractive home fixtures before Xmas.....ground will not fill....do you get the message Stan, Ivan & Arsene? 3 days to fill the "active summer transfer market".....we are waiting.

  15. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 29, 2011, 16:37 #12136

    Like it or not, they are all to blame. Any co-ordinated campaign to replace Kroenke for Usmanov, and Gazidis for Dein would get my full support. As for Wenger, with Dein's support I believe there is a chance he could be made to see the error of his ways and maybe we could go back to the future! If not, then at least Dein would be in place to find a new manager. As we have seen by the Liverpool example, fan-based campaigns can work to rid a club of bottom feeders. How about it, will Gooner push start a campaign? “If you build it, we will come…”

  16. j.

    Aug 29, 2011, 16:35 #12135

    This article is really clutching at straws. Kroenke hasn't been around enough to be fully responsible for this decline. Gazidis hasn't been around that much longer than Kroenke. Meanwhile, there have been a few people who have been making consistent decisions since the beginning of our trophy drought: Wenger and the rest of the board. Does the decision to sell Nasri seem inconsistent with the pre-Kroenke decisions that saw us let go of Adebayor, Flamini, Diarra, and other footballing mercenaries? It seems to me that the same mind was behind each of those decisions and, honestly, I don't regret losing any of them. What I regret is failing to replace them adequately in order to maintain squad depth and strength — a tendency that had its beginnings well before Kroenke or Gazidis. But on top of all that as an American supporter of the Arsenal, this type of xenophobic rhetoric is particularly insulting. The desire you have to point the finger is based on some newspaper citations you rubbished together but couldn't be bothered to provide and some hair triggered anti-American bias. Kroenke is too new to the management of the club to be responsible for the lack of trophies we've had for years, and perhaps more pertinently Ivan Gazidis isn't even American. It was a decent effort at finding a scape goat, but the Arsenal would be better served to recognize that the blame lies with Arsene and the board, not solely "the Americans".

  17. OOKed

    Aug 29, 2011, 16:10 #12133

    I agree with aws .. The american has only been the main decision maker for a few months .. the problems at Arsenal have been there for 6 years .. and that is not just about strengthening the team where needed. There are tactics issues, arrogance and vanity issues, lack of spirit issues, incorrect transfer strategy issues .. and for all those you have to blame the manager and his back room staff .. Who wanted the ineffective Pat Rice to stay on post-retirement ? Who picks the players and the formation? Who motivates the team ? Who decides on their harsh training and dietary regimes ? Who hired the ineffective medical team ? One man WENGER .. and for Kroenke to request that no players are brought in this year unless sales are made is probably a realisation that the players that were brought in before were average, and so we needed to get rid of our average deadwood before we can bring in some more. I am sure he was upset at the inadequacy to have key players run down their contracts, but this is what you get when you give one Man too much power and trust .


    Aug 29, 2011, 15:41 #12131

    I was never a yanks in man in the first place.YANKEE DODDLES OUT.

  19. geoffreid

    Aug 29, 2011, 15:14 #12129

    Some of us wished for the russian to be on board - when he offered a way of spending a 100ml on world class players-but most gooners were derisory and opted for the yank-so serve you all right--by the way our russian has more money than chelseas ruskie--

  20. aws

    Aug 29, 2011, 14:41 #12125

    Kroenke has only owned the club for a few months. Why blame him for our problems? Wenger has been driving the club down for 5 years. You seem to think that it was wrong to sell Nasri - what sort of idiot wants to spend £20 million on a player who does not want to play for you and for only one season?

  21. aj

    Aug 29, 2011, 14:33 #12124

    Let's blame anyone but Arsene.The only suprise to me other than he is still employed by Arsenal is that idiots like you are still defending him.

  22. Den

    Aug 29, 2011, 14:22 #12123

    I have to admit I stopped reading this blog because of the anti stance it was taking. I believe this article is spot on our anger should not be directed at wenger but at kroeke and the board. Wengers hands have always been tied regarding finances but it has gir ridiculous now. Selling our best players and stashing the cash gid knows where is a disaster that was waiting to happen. And happen it did.as supporters we still have our part to play and a major part it is. They the board and kroenje along with Gazides must be made to understand who we hold responsible. If they don't show they back wenger with money for signings and wages to compete at least with man Utd then we can watch games but refuse to give our money fir goods programes etc. I hate to say it but we want our club back - David Dein anyone?

  23. Dave

    Aug 29, 2011, 14:06 #12121

    Hill-Wood is Kroneke's ar*e licker otherwise inactive so he needs to be booted out too.

  24. Charles

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:59 #12118

    Yep, the sooner the silent 1 disappears in to a black hole, the better. You only have to look to Liverpool for how an actual new owner with money should behave, especially in the transfer window. The kind of support KD is getting is already showing. This is a new owner that actually shows intent! Nothing would give me more pleasure to see Stan Kroenke show his real hand (which is greed), and sell up to the Russian & then please bring David Dein back...FANTASTIC!

  25. Dan h

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:58 #12117

    Every transfer this summer has resulted in a cheaper replacement being brang in.Self sustaining is one thing but the deals we have seen so far reek of asset stripping.Cheaper players reduced wage bill no real investment it's sad & worrying times.The moving to a new stadium has resulted in the supporters being used as the cash cow.I feel sorry for our magnificent away support the club should do the decent thing & refund ticket money doubt it though it's all one way with our owners.

  26. Chapman knows

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:56 #12116

    David knows, he found then sold to usmanov when he realised kroenke doesn't want to invest, he told the board exactly what would happen 6 years ago and was booted out for saying it and doing something about it, the irony of fizman (and everyone else) selling to kroenke is bizarre

  27. Gman

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:55 #12115

    Kroenke’s wealth — Forbes estimate his net worth to be $1.8 billion (£1.1 billion) — he is unlikely to disrupt the current Arsenal business model with a sustained burst of spending. And while he perceives that the club has been successful, making money, without winning silverware he won’t be putting his hand in his pocket. Unless we hound him out and get Usmanov and Dein in, I’m afraid that we will just plod along. It will be a very very long time before we get our hands on some silverware. Incidentally Roman Abramovich has been knocked out of his top-three spot on Russia's rich list by Arsenal shareholder Alisher Usmanov.

  28. GD

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:48 #12114

    Yup, all the signs scream Asset stripping. Its a sad state of affairs and I still refuse to believe this is all Wengers doing. I guess the truth will come out when he eventually does leave the club. Yanks out!!!

  29. Pat

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:44 #12113

    Maybe the Russian billionaire would have done better!!!!

  30. Mint

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:34 #12111

    well said John, i agree with you 100%. this sort of thing would never have happened if David Dein was still with us. When DD was chief exec if Arsene wanted a player Arsene got the player, DD didnt muck about haggling over 1 or 2 mil he just bought them as he knew what was best the club.... SACK GAZIDIS AND BRING BACK DEIN ASAP

  31. djskilzs

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:31 #12110

    Spot on. We the supporters and the board are to blame for all this. When David Dean brought in Alisher Usmanov to take over the club we refused and instead wanted the Yank.

  32. ?

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:31 #12109

    Yanks out Russian in. A protest should be put in place and all matches boycott until something is done about the board.

  33. LC14

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:30 #12108

    Absolutely bang on. Silent Stan is an absentee landlord at best, and completely disinterested in the sporting side of Arsenal at worse. Arsenal had approximately £50m to spend prior to selling Clichy, Fabregas and Nasri. That's the profit on player sales over the last few years plus surplus cash flow from operations. So why, oh why, didn't they buy before they sold? Surely, this is mismanagement 101. Everyone in the market can see us coming, as they know we will only buy after we've concluded sales, irrespective of how much cash we're sitting on. Bottom line is: Arsenal fans don't deserve this. We don't deserve it because of our traditions, our loyalty and our willingness to pay more to watch our football team play than any other supporter in world football. You don't go spend £150 to watch Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House and expect to see the Albanian opera company perform. You expect to see the world's very best. And so do we!!!

  34. john

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:20 #12105

    I agree. We can get Dein and Usmanov. A man that will invest in top quality signings and one that will run the club the way it should.

  35. Ziggy

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:20 #12104

    Absolutely! Kronke's silence looks increasingly like he's trying to hide something...

  36. shantos

    Aug 29, 2011, 13:18 #12103

    why would you be so callous as to ruin the lives of millions, just to make a few more million on your portfolio. has nothing about the last 3-4 years sunk in with these top end business man. AFC is a football club first and foremost, so take your useless money, sell up to Usmanov and Dein, take the rest of the board, and **** OFF