You have insufficient funds available!

Has board restricted transfer funds?

You have insufficient funds available!

Mertesacker: Little we know?

It’s only the end of August, and according to many fans, and all of the media, the fat lady is currently clearing her throat ready to sing Arsenal F.C. to the football graveyard. The blame for this untimely end has been laid at the door of manager Arsene Wenger. The main reason given is the lack of transfer activity over the past five years or so, and it seems that everyone is absolutely sure of how much money has been available to spend on new players over those years.

Many of the newspaper articles, television & radio reports and various blogs, are written/presented with absolute certainty that what is contained within them is the truth, and their central argument is based around that belief. The recent team performances have only added fuel to what is already an inferno of negativity surrounding Arsenal’s chances this season.

The truth is that no one, except a select few inside the club, really knows how much money has been available to spend on new players, or who the manager has targeted in this, or previous transfer windows. It’s all been speculation and rumour and whilst some of what is published may be turn out to be accurate, it is usually more by luck than judgement. When it comes to transfers, Arsene Wenger has always played his cards very close to his chest. This summer is no different, and as I write this we appear to be on the verge of signing Per Mertesacker, Chu Young Park and Andre Santos, none of whom have received much, if any, media speculation. This complete lack of knowledge of the club’s transfer targets shows how little we know about what goes on behind the scenes, and I expect it is the same regarding the available funds for transfers.

There have been quite a few articles recently showing the transfer spending of the big clubs since we moved into Ashburton Grove, and they all say the same thing, Arsenal are in net profit on transfer dealings, despite everyone knowing that the club has ‘X’ amount of millions to spend every year. When you compare that to all the other big clubs, they each have a deficit of hundreds of millions of pounds, and most of them have no trophies to show for it. When I look at these known facts I find it difficult to believe that there has been any significant money for player acquisitions over the past six seasons.

Arsene Wenger is an intelligent, successful manager, and it is beyond credibility that he does not know where the problems in the team are. He has always maintained that he will only buy players that are better than what we have, and I suspect that the players he wants are well beyond the means of the available transfer budget. So he constantly shops around the bargain basement trying to unearth a rough diamond, rather that making the £20M+ signing he really wants. As we have seen the problem with rough diamonds is that it sometimes takes quite a while to shape them into a footballing gem, and usually they don’t live up to expectations. In the past the team strength meant that he could give them time to be honed and polished in amongst world class players. Now they have to hit the ground fully formed, and are berated when they fail. Take our two current centre backs. both were relatively unknown when they signed for roughly the same amount of money. One of them, Vermaelen, has established himself as a world class player, and we want to build our defence around him. The other, Koscielny has been far less successful, but many agree that given time he could become a good player. The difference is Vermaelen had Gallas along side him when he joined and had the time to develop. Koscielny was signed to replace Gallas and then lost Vermaelen for the entire season. Even with no time to settle in he was expected to be as good as Vermaelen from the off, without the experienced head along side him.

A secondary line of attack this summer has been the protracted departure of Fabregas and Nasri. The question asked is why did he let the situation develop to a point where your two star players leave the club within days of each other so close to the start of the season, when everyone knew they wanted to leave.

Again I find it impossible to believe that Wenger did not know that these players wanted to leave. Eventually they left for very different reasons, and what he has done is get the maximum amount of money for each player. Fabregas only had one intention and that was understandably to re-join his boyhood club Barcelona. This put Arsenal in a weak bargaining position, and to get a deal that matched the initial valuation of the player was no mean feat. It did however mean waiting until the season had almost begun before the deal was done. Nasri was an altogether different proposition. The accusation was that the contract situation should have been addressed earlier. It now seems that his his head was turned by the money on offer from Man City and others. This led to a bidding war and to get £20m+ for a player in the last year of his contract was another amazing deal. Nasri has since said that the contract offer from Arsenal was not as interesting as others put forward by his agents. Had they both gone on first offer we would be about £25M worse off.

I hope that all the hard bargaining over these players allows Wenger to spend all £60M, and bring in the players he knows we so desperately need. If he doesn't he will take the blame as usual. I doubt we will ever know if the board have blocked the funds for the last few years, but in the case of the Fabregas and Nasri transfers I don’t think Wenger would fight for deals of that size if he knew the money would not be available to him.

Unfortunately, I have no idea what the truth is. What I have done is look at the transfer dealings from the Ashburton Grove years, and in my opinion the board have restricted the transfer funds to a large degree. On a positive note let’s see what deadline day brings, and whatever happens get behind the manager and the team for the rest of the season.

This article is intended to be about the club’s transfer policy and Wenger’s transfer dealings only. Whilst I do not want to discourage any comments, if you want to debate his tactics and coaching ability there are some excellent articles on the Gooner website covering those subjects.

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  1. nugs

    Sep 02, 2011, 3:32 #12393

    Money or lack of is not the issue for me, aw inability to sort out and organise our defence on the training pitch is, we can spend all the money we want and it wont make a difference if he cannot get the team to play as a defensive unit!

  2. Peter Lindstedt

    Sep 01, 2011, 22:24 #12385

    Thank you for saying the obvious. I am tired of negativity about Wenger and the club. Both have my utmost respect. Anybody with half a brain understands that the real problem is money and that some clubs do not need to worry at the moment. These things change, but class is permanent. Love you Arsenal

  3. Highbury Boy

    Sep 01, 2011, 17:16 #12371

    You write about a "transfer policy" as though one exists. It clearly doesn't. You can see the hand of Wenger in the classic purchases of young potential talent earlier this summer especially the £10m Oxlade-Chamberlain but the buys in the last 48 hours are very different. All relatively old players being given relatively long contracts. nothing like the Wenger of the last 15 years. Looks to me like the Board have told him to buy now as we are in danger of falling way behind. I think its Wenger who has been mean over purchases,not theBoard.And Wenger has been paying way over the top wages on long contracts for players in what he regarded as his best ever squad. Players like Denilson,Diaby and Bendtner who you can't sell.

  4. Tim Hughes, Slough Berks. Red member.

    Sep 01, 2011, 10:49 #12306

    This is an interesting article and it actually echos what I have said. It the board refusing to spend not Arsene Wenger, but its AW that is in the firing line and gets the blame. If AW refused to spend admidst calls form SK to do so then surely he would be issued with an ultimatum: spend or clear out your desk!! Now at time of writing this 01.09.2011 10.38am we have concluded our dealings in the transfer market which is now closed. So rough figures: EXPENDITURE: 53m INCOME FROM SALES: 80m obviously these are media gained numbers and not exact. But even after losing Fab Nas & Clichy and the Utd humiliation we have still made a profit!? And im at a loss as to understand why we have'nt bought in some trully world class talent to make up for departures and give our club a huge lift. One theory I have is the board penny pinching will continue to be the case untill the stadium is paid for n full and any interest on the loan is cleared. Then MAYBE!!?? we will be willing to spend more money in the transfer market and increase our wage structure. Whatever the case I will still attend games give AW & Arsenal fc my support. Red till dead!!! Thank You.

  5. Matty S

    Sep 01, 2011, 7:58 #12269

    Deadline day brought Arteta, Benayoun, Mertesacker, Park Chu Youn and Andre Santos. So we have a new left back, a new centre back, a new centre mid, a replacement for Bendtner (who's out on loan) and some experience in Yossi Benayoun. Not Kaka and Gary Cahill, but not bad either

  6. AussieRussianGooner

    Sep 01, 2011, 7:09 #12268

    Given the sums of money in question and the health of club's finances, one would have to seriously doubt the worth of fighting for every penny, during the Nasri and Cesc deals. We would have been better off getting 3-5 mil less, but getting the deals done early, enabling us to bring the new players in the timely manner. The current crises could have and should have been avoided.

  7. ginma

    Aug 31, 2011, 20:46 #12265

    My problem with Wenger is his dishonesty and contempt for us the fans. Why no statement that his hands are tied by the board? He's not exactly hurting financially on a personal basis. He is totally complicit in our sorry state and could not care less a la Fabio Capello and the England team. Gentlemen, we are being treated like the proverbial c***s.

  8. Peter Wain

    Aug 31, 2011, 20:37 #12264

    Total garbage. Wenger has spent money on players who have failed Ashavin Chamak and Rosicky are three that spring to ming. The management of the contract renegotiations ahs also been a digrace. When Flamini left we were told that this would never happen again so Nasri was left with no offer until the last year of his contract. RVP will be in a similar situation next year and we all know how that will end. Our teams "success" was built on a strong midfield and now in this transfer window we have seen two of our best midfield players leave and it is likley that they will not be replaced. I do understand how the management can allow this to happen. Time and time agin we take a player up the aisle only to jilt them when we have to say I will. A decent transfer policy in the last six years would have meant we would have won two premier league titles. Instead we let Shay Given go to man City when buying him would have netted a league title and we could not find abetter centre half than the ones we had! I do not see that a transfer policy which sees us selling two great midfield players in their prime and not replacing them is a great success or anything but weak and irresponsible management. Lets face it after Sunday it would be difficult to find players who have less qualtiy than some of those who disgraced the shirt. Buying only two average players demonstrate yet again that Wenger has lost the ability to buy top players and he should go in November to allow a new manager time to sort out the mess he will inherit. Insatead of worrying whether we can finish fourth top we should be playing that we can finish fourth bottom. On sunday's evidence and the transfer dealing to date that looks problematic.

  9. Humili8tion

    Aug 31, 2011, 20:36 #12263

    as of close tonight this will be 3rd season out of last 6 that arsenal took in more transfer funds than they spent during the close season. so where did the surplus money go ? those of you that think arsenal have done well in this close season on transfers are absolutely nuts. tommorrow lets go through other club's activities and lets compare and lets do a poll where arsenal will finish this season.

  10. Real

    Aug 31, 2011, 20:16 #12262

    Even the best manager needs to spend, if you can't spend you have to groom talents and that takes a longer time, but spending doesn't guarantee the player is worth the money, so it is tough for Arsenal's Arsene, but it is not his fault

  11. Dan h

    Aug 31, 2011, 20:05 #12260

    Well another summer dealings done more was recouped than spent again.The club talked big & delivered small we will no doubt be treated to the management fishing all know the story by now about the signings that got away!No excuses anymore the money from the Cesc & Nasri sales go to the most important sheet at the club the balance sheet shame about the team sheet.

  12. Aj

    Aug 31, 2011, 19:59 #12259

    Logically it seems unlikely that the board would not want the manager to spend all the funds raised by sales plus any extra set aside.The yank is unable to take dividend (ie cash) out of the club as he doesn't own 75% of the shares.Therefore for the value of his investment to go up he needs success on the field,so that Gazidis and co. can raise commercial revenue. If Arsenal slips down the league,or gets hammered by their opponents,Kroenke does his nuts. The reason Arsenal don't spend enough is the manager.It is also his policy of packing the club with hugely well paid youngsters that prevents the club paying their star players over £90,000.£120 million odd a year in wages pays quite a few world class players the going rate,if you cut out all the hangers on.

  13. win AFC

    Aug 31, 2011, 19:57 #12258

    signings like scott parker and cahill would not have broke the bank, two great players. Remember Wenger only signs foreign players maybe he thinks british players have no quality, You can talk about transfer money all day, You mean to say the club cant afford the above two players?

  14. Ryan Abel

    Aug 31, 2011, 19:52 #12257

    Good article. While Wenger has his failings, the whole he's a penny pincher has never really sat with me logic-wise.

  15. Winch72

    Aug 31, 2011, 19:43 #12256

    Time to find another site. I am trying to remain positive at the moment (difficult in itself). But the writings on this site have become so negative I cannot take it anymore!!

  16. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 31, 2011, 19:32 #12255

    So Wenger is without fault and the board failing to release transfer funds for him to spend on new players is to blame? OK, So explain then who exactly is driving a current Champions League club considering a loan deal on an achilles heel damaged Chelsea reject in the form of Yossi Benayoun as a replacement for Fabregas/Nasri.

  17. non-smoking gun!

    Aug 31, 2011, 19:24 #12254

    An excellent, sensible article. Without wanting to be accused of hipocracy, I will be the first to admit that, depending on my mood and the day's news, my opinion has ranged, in recent weeks from full backing for Le boss, to absolute disgust with the whole sordid situation! However in my defense I have always been convinced that Wenger has been under almost impossible, (when viewed in the context of the modern transfer market), financial constraints. Imposed obviously by a profit driven board obsessed with the self sustaining business model. The man is no fool, and anyone who thinks that he has suddenly become one who doesnt care about this club, or anyone who thinks we can do any better than him needs to step back and have another look at our situation! (P.S. If he does go, I want Owen Coyle!!!)

  18. Sam

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:59 #12253

    I always a fans of wenger and i always disagreed that the manager does'nt want to sign players,but you know what you just make a nice paint that the problem of arsenal is the board those people are selfish and stingy and more so they simply want to spoiled the good work that wengerhas done for the club.I JUST hope that they will make their eyes open to know what is going on around football and make arsenal faithful proud again

  19. meaner

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:57 #12252

    TV is who he is today not because of Gallas, in fact Gallas ruined us when he arrived.. Toure should be a better option.

  20. Omar

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:45 #12251

    I put all the blame on the Board. Wenger would never want to work with a weaken team. I think he setup this loss to Man U in such a fashion to teach the Board a lesson. Why the advailibility of money after this loss?

  21. Seven Kings Gunner

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:41 #12250

    I have read all sorts of reasons why we have delayed signings - one is that by buying late we save on 2 months salaries! When for me the truth is that there has been no plan other than buy in cheap and sell high. If you want to argue I will run through the list of players bought and sold for a profit! I don't doubt we have looked at these players we have just signed but the 8-2 hiding is the only reason we have pushed the boat out. The board and management have had a real "wake up call" and buying players is the only measure left to ensure fans turn up at The Em***tes in sufficient quantities to carrying on buying beer at £4.00 plus a pint and beef rolls, sorry baguettes, for £9.00 a hit. The idea that there was ever a plan is utter nonsense.

  22. MarkH

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:40 #12249

    At last,a sane voice speaks. For another read Oliver Holt in todays Mirror. The bile that has been directed at Arsene by the press is understandable,most of them make up stories based on meetings with 'those in the know'. We have even had contributors on this site writing'I know somebody that knows'about a nailed on transfer that never happened. All BULL****. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that the money being talked about has not been available. What is not acceptable is the bile directed at our manager by Arsenal fans.One even brought up his private life. Lets get behind the team, as the travelling supporters did on Sunday.

  23. au revoir wenger

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:28 #12248

    dont know about mertesacker think we need a wenger sacker

  24. Oz

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:22 #12247

    I think it is very strange that throughout all the s**t that has been going down with the club over the last few months, the board have been remarkably quiet - almost keeping their heads down whilst Arsene takes all the flak (and they rake in the money). However, as we all know, Arsene is nothing if not stubborn and always willing to speak his mind if he wants to - he has not spoken out against the board or even hinted at frustration with them. So is it really all the board's fault? Is this last minute buying all part of his 'grand' plan? (He did the same last summer) or was his hand forced by the Man U match? Or by the board? Or a bit of all the above? As mere Gooners we may never find out the truth until Arsene leaves and then speaks out - perhaps. Either way, under his - and the boards' tenure - this has been one of the darkest and most depressing periods in the club's history. The proof of the pudding will be seen in how the team plays this season. Will they gel? One thing for definite - thankfully - it seems that Arsene has finally had to admit that his six year long theory/obsession - which no other Premiership club adheres to - of getting bargain bin inexperienced youngsters has FAILED. It's time to move on with a properly structured and stronger team. Up the Arse!

  25. Willy young

    Aug 31, 2011, 18:01 #12246

    Much of what you say is sensible but someone at the club which has premium ticket prices needs to be responsible or explain why we have only 1 credible midfielder in Jack W whom is currently injured It is negligent! Lansbury has now left too There is 5 hours to go but if they do nothing we are struggling to avoid a bottom table position

  26. truethat

    Aug 31, 2011, 17:50 #12245

    You are correct indeed- look at a what a flop the 15m Arshavin has been while Vermaelen for 10m is world class. I would speculate that they'll use the money from Toure and Ade (40m) plus the other small sales like Clichy to fund transfers and that the Cesc and Nasri money will pay off debt. Mainly based on Gazidis saying they had 'substantial' funds before the sales of Cesc/Samir. Not all his dealing are good though- the deadwood players have virtually all been paid for by him.

  27. SammYNelsonsPants

    Aug 31, 2011, 17:50 #12244

    Dear god. Well argued, but FFS get your facts straight, or you lose all credibility. TV5 was an established international when he signed. Koscielny an unknown late developer who came up from lower league football. No comparison whatsoever.

  28. arsenal4life

    Aug 31, 2011, 17:32 #12243

    absolutely the greatest couple paragraphs i've read in awhile, everything i've said over the last couple days

  29. James

    Aug 31, 2011, 17:12 #12242

    "Arsene Wenger is an intelligent, successful manager, and it is beyond credibility that he does not know where the problems in the team are." Think you should change that to WAS. These new signings look weird to me - some might say desperate. Santos is by all accounts great going forward but a **** defender, seeing as Arsenal's defence is a more pressing problem than attack, he's the wrong type of left back. Mertesacker? Very slow player. May be able to make up for this with his positional sense and timing, but he could be another Senderos - who was great when Arsenal played deep (Champions League), **** in the normal formation. The Korean guy Park is another strange one. Usually plays wide, so who will he replace? Gervinho, Walcott, Arshavin? Arsenal needs a striker who can play that lone striker role - Park can't. If VP gets injured there's still no one to replace him. Again, none of these signings make sense. I honestly think Wenger is lost and panicking.

  30. Mandy Dodd

    Aug 31, 2011, 17:08 #12241

    Worth also considering some of Mr Laws alleged negitiating techniques which may have cost us players this summer, and maybe Nasri extending his contract